Shakespeare and the Law
William Shakespeare is inextricably linked with the law. Legal documents make up most of the records we have of his life, and trials, lawsuits, and legal terms permeate his plays. Gathering an extraordinary team of literary and legal scholars, philosophers, and even sitting judges,?Shakespeare and the Law demonstrates that Shakespeare's thinking about legal concepts and legal practice points to a deep and sometimes vexed engagement with the law's technical workings, its underlying premises, and its social effects.The book's opening essays offer perspectives on law and literature that emphasize both the continuities and contrasts between the two fields. The second section considers Shakespeare's awareness of common law thinking and common law practice, while the third inquires into Shakespeare's general attitudes toward legal systems. The fourth part of the book looks at how law enters into conversation with issues of politics and community, whether in the plays, in Shakespeare's world, or in our own world. Finally, a colloquy among Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, Judge Richard Posner, Martha C. Nussbaum, and Richard Strier covers everything from the ghost in?Hamlet?to the nature of judicial discretion.

Although Francesco Petrarca (1304-74) is best known today for cementing the sonnet's place in literary history, he was also a philosopher, historian, orator, and one of the foremost classical scholars of his age. Petrarch: A Critical Guide to the Complete Works is the only comprehensive, single-volume source to which anyone-scholar, student, or general reader-can turn for information on each of Petrarch's works, its place in the poet's oeuvre, and a critical exposition of its defining features.A sophisticated but accessible handbook that illuminates Petrarch's love ofclassical culture, his devout Christianity, his public celebrity, and his struggle for inner peace, this encyclopedic volume covers both Petrarch's Italian and Latin writings and the various genres in which he excelled: poem, tract, dialogue, oration, and letter. A biographical introduction and chronology anchor the book, making Petrarch an invaluable resource for specialists in Italian, comparative literature, history, classics, religious studies, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance.

Romanticism and the Question of the Stranger
In our post-9/11 world, the figure of the stranger-the foreigner, the enemy, the unknown visitor-carries a particular urgency, and the force of language used to describe those who are "e;different"e; has become particularly strong. But arguments about the stranger are not unique to our time. In Romanticism and the Question of the Stranger, David Simpson locates the figure of the stranger and the rhetoric of strangeness in romanticism and places them in a tradition that extends from antiquity to today.?Simpson shows that debates about strangers loomed large in the French Republic of the 1790s, resulting in heated discourse that weighed who was to be welcomed and who was to be proscribed as dangerous. Placing this debate in the context of classical, biblical, and other later writings, he identifies a persistent difficulty in controlling the play between the despised and the desired. He examines the stranger as found in the works of Coleridge, Austen, Scott, and Southey, as well as in depictions of the betrayals of hospitality in the literature of slavery and exploration-as in Mungo Park's Travels and Stedman's Narrative-and portrayals of strange women in de Stal, Rousseau, and Burney. Contributing to a rich strain of thinking about the stranger that includes interventions by Ricoeur and Derrida, Romanticism and the Question of the Stranger reveals the complex history of encounters with alien figures and our continued struggles with romantic concerns about the unknown.

Today few would think of astronomy and astrology as fields related to theology. Fewer still would know that physically absorbing planetary rays was once considered to have medical and psychological effects. But this was the understanding of light radiation held by certain natural philosophers of early modern Europe, and that, argues Mary Quinlan-McGrath, was why educated people of the Renaissance commissioned artworks centered on astrological themes and practices.?Influences is the first book to reveal how important Renaissance artworks were designed to be not only beautiful but also-perhaps even primarily-functional. From the fresco cycles at Caprarola, to the Vatican's Sala dei Pontefici, to the Villa Farnesina, these great works were commissioned to selectively capture and then transmit celestial radiation, influencing the bodies and minds of their audiences. Quinlan-McGrath examines the sophisticated logic behind these theories and practices and, along the way, sheds light on early creation theory; the relationship between astrology and natural theology; and the protochemistry, physics, and mathematics of rays.?An original and intellectually stimulating study, Influences adds a new dimension to the understanding of aesthetics among Renaissance patrons and a new meaning to the seductive powers of art. ?

On Borrowed Time
Life is short. This indisputable fact of existence has driven human ingenuity since antiquity, whether through efforts to lengthen our lives with medicine or shorten the amount of time we spend on work using technology. Alongside this struggle to manage the pressure of life's ultimate deadline, human perception of the passage and effects of time has also changed. In On Borrowed Time, Harald Weinrich examines an extraordinary range of materials-from Hippocrates to Run Lola Run-to put forth a new conception of time and its limits that, unlike older models, is firmly grounded in human experience. Weinrich's analysis of the roots of the word time connects it to the temples of the skull, demonstrating that humans first experienced time in the beating of their pulses. Tracing this corporeal perception of time across literary, religious, and philosophical works, Weinrich concludes that time functions as a kind of sixth sense-the crucial sense that enables the other five. Written with Weinrich's customary narrative elegance, On Borrowed Time is an absorbing-and, fittingly, succinct-meditation on life's inexorable brevity.

Sleep of Reason
Sex is beyond reason, and yet we constantly reason about it. So, too, did the peoples of ancient Greece and Rome. But until recently there has been little discussion of their views on erotic experience and sexual ethics.The Sleep of Reason brings together an international group of philosophers, philologists, literary critics, and historians to consider two questions normally kept separate: how is erotic experience understood in classical texts of various kinds, and what ethical judgments and philosophical arguments are made about sexFrom same-sex desire to conjugal love, and from Plato and Aristotle to the Roman Stoic Musonius Rufus, the contributors demonstrate the complexity and diversity of classical sexuality. They also show that the ethics of eros, in both Greece and Rome, shared a number of commonalities: a focus not only on self-mastery, but also on reciprocity; a concern among men not just for penetration and display of their power, but also for being gentle and kind, and for being loved for themselves; and that women and even younger men felt not only gratitude and acceptance, but also joy and sexual desire.Contributors:* Eva Cantarella* Kenneth Dover* Chris Faraone* Simon Goldhill* Stephen Halliwell* David M. Halperin* J. Samuel Houser* Maarit Kaimio* David Konstan* David Leitao* Martha C. Nussbaum* A. W. Price* Juha Sihvola

Learning to Love Form 1040
No one likes paying taxes, much less the process of filing tax returns. For years, would-be reformers have advocated replacing the return-based mass income tax with a flat tax, federal sales tax, or some combination thereof. Congress itself has commissioned studies on the feasibility of a system of exact withholding. But might the much-maligned return-based taxation method serve an important yet overlooked civic purpose?In Learning to Love Form 1040, Lawrence Zelenak argues that filing taxes can strengthen fiscal citizenship by prompting taxpayers to reflect on the contract they have with their government and the value-or perceived lack of value-they receive in exchange for their money. Zelenak traces the mass income tax to its origins as a means for raising revenue during World War II. Even then, debates raged over the merits of consumption-based versus income taxation, as well as whether taxes should be withheld from payroll or paid at the time of filing. The result is the income tax system we have today-a system whose maddening complexity, intended to accommodate citizens in widely different circumstances, threatens to outweigh any civic benefits.If sitcoms and political cartoons are any indication, public understanding of the income tax is badly in need of a corrective. Zelenak clears up some of the most common misconceptions and closes with suggestions for how the current system could be substantially simplified to better serve its civic purpose.

Cruelty and Laughter
Eighteenth-century British culture is often seen as polite and sentimental-the creation of an emerging middle class. Simon Dickie?disputes these assumptions in Cruelty and Laughter, a wildly enjoyable but shocking plunge into the forgotten comic literature of the age. Beneath the surface of Enlightenment civility, Dickie uncovers a rich vein of?cruel humor?that?forces us to recognize just how slowly?ordinary human sufferings became worthy of sympathy.Delving into an enormous archive of comic novels, jestbooks, farces, variety shows, and cartoons,?Dickie finds?a vast repository of jokes about cripples, blind men, rape, and wife-beating. Epigrams about syphilis and scurvy sit alongside one-act comedies about hunchbacks in love. He shows us that everyone-rich and poor, women as well as men-laughed along. In the process,?Dickie also expands our understanding of many of the century's major authors, including Samuel Richardson, Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, Tobias Smollett, Frances Burney, and Jane Austen. He devotes particular attention to Henry Fielding's Joseph Andrews, a novel that reflects repeatedly on the limits of compassion and the ethical problems of laughter. Cruelty and Laughter is an engaging, far-reaching study of the other side of culture in eighteenth-century Britain.

本书独特之处在于结合数智时代的新技术发展和商业逻辑演变,提炼流程管理理论背后的思维模 式,并辅以大量的实践案例。 通过系统理论+实践指南的方式,帮助企业管理者和未来管理者打造岗位胜任的基本素养和能 力。严谨的思维导图,快速梳理知识逻辑;丰富的企业案例,深入实际场景分析;清晰的方法指 导,结合理论学以致用。 全书共3个部分,第壹部分介绍什么是流程思维;第贰部分借助流程思维认知企业商业逻辑; 第三部分运用流程思维构建问题解决能力。帮助组织加强客户导向服务意识、提升系统协同效率 和风险控制能力;帮助个人实现“有序、高/效”,提升成就感、拓展视野;帮助商科学生培养 新的思维理念和思维方式。

套装包括:《中国共产党纪律处分条例十讲 图解版》《推进作风革命加强机关效能建设工作法》《自我革命 时刻保持解决大党独有难题的清醒和坚定》《党内法规必修课(图解导读版)》《读懂党章》《纪律和规矩的底线:党员干部负面言行提醒手册(修订版)》《纪律和规矩的红线:党员干部负面言行再提醒》《吏治公开课:中国历史上的廉政与反腐》《共产党员要勇于自我革命》

本书是苏东坡作品的汇编,全套共八册,包括作品十五种,其中*、二册为苏东坡的《诗集》《词集》;第三至六册为《文集》;第七册为《苏氏易传》《东坡书传》《论语说》(辑本);第八册为《东坡志林》《仇池笔记》《东坡手泽》及作为附编的《苏沈良方》《艾子杂说》《杂纂二续》《渔樵闲话录》《调谑编》《问答录》。其中诗词文不必多说,《苏氏易传》《东坡书传》《论语说》是苏东坡的学术著作,《东坡志林》《仇池笔记》《东坡手泽》是东坡的笔记类作品,《苏沈良方》收录了苏东坡和沈括关于药方和养生方面的文章,《艾子杂说》据说是东坡的寓言作品,《杂纂二续》等多是托名苏东坡的作品,大体反映了苏东坡幽默风趣的文化形象。 书前有长篇《导言》,详细评述了苏东坡的文艺及思想成就;并编有《苏东坡年表》,帮助读者了解苏东坡的生平经历;书末附有《篇名音序索引》,方便读者查找有关篇目。 本书是市面上收录苏东坡作品*为全面丰富的《苏东坡全集》,全景展现了苏东坡多姿多彩的人生历程和精神世界,是普通读者阅读了解苏东坡的上佳之选。

本书是一本游戏美术特辑,一本就业自学教程。书中共37个经典案例,8个视频教程,29个绘画行业关键问题解答,有50位画师参与其中,22位编写教程,8位录制视频教程,20位编辑问答。 这是一本由浅入深的绘画教程,共6 章,循序渐进地展开学习。学习内容包括基础教学、材质表现、概念设计、卡牌设计、商业插画的制作和游戏UI设计。学习难度由低到高,从入门到精通,有很强的实用性。本书有许多重量级人物参与编绘,其中包括黄光剑、钟风华、杜震、阿努比斯和阿花等画师。一些主流培训机构也参与了教程的编写,包括XRCG、艺数CG绘、原(幕游)、图端CG和NAC等。 本书附赠8个在线绘画课程的演示视频,以及书中案例使用到的笔刷素材,都非常实用,可以扫描封底“资源下载”二维码获得下载方法,帮助读者提高学习效率。本书适合插画师、游戏原画师和所有对游戏原画感兴趣的读者学习参考。


Best of Nora Roberts Books 1-6: The Art of Deception / Lessons Learned / Mind Ov
6 full-length novels from the Queen of Romance: Nora Roberts. The perfect collection to curl up with! THE ART OF DECEPTION LESSONS LEARNED MIND OVER MATTER RISKY BUSINESS SECOND NATURE UNFINISHED BUSINESS Nora Roberts is a publishing phenomenon; this New York Times bestselling author of over 200 novels has more than 450 million of her books in print worldwide. Praise for Nora Roberts 'The most successful novelist on Planet Earth' - Washington Post ‘A storyteller of immeasurable diversity and talent’ -Publisher’s Weekly

The Chronicles of Ixia (Books 1-6): Poison Study / Magic Study / Fire Study / St
Let fantasy star Maria V. Snyder steal you away to a darkly enchanting world of powerful magic and dangerous deeds in these six incredible stories from The Chronicles of Ixia series, following young magicians Yelena Zaltana and Opal Cowan on a dark and deadly journey. ‘A compelling new fantasy series.' –Rhianna Pratchett, SFX

William Dietrich's Ethan Gage Collection #1
From master storyteller William Dietrich come books 1-3 in his bestselling Ethan Gage adventure series: Napoleon's Pyramids, The Rosetta Key, and The Dakota Cipher.


看半小时漫画,通五千年历史,用漫画解读历史,开启读史新潮流。 仅仅通过手绘和段子,陈磊(笔名:混子哥)就清晰地捋出了从中国人的起源到明清时期的历史脉络:没想到我们的祖先可能来自非洲;大禹治水的神话传说;夏朝就是一本人肉错题集;西周分封制其实就是在玩斗地主;春秋战国像个班级;大秦过把瘾就死;楚汉之争八卦多;三国就三大战役;大唐盛世开门红;两宋繁荣特有钱;元朝皇帝换得快;大明皇大多逃不开斗外敌;斗奸臣;平内乱三件事;清朝皇帝非常努力,但挡不住世界改革的浪潮…… 翻开本书,在笑出腹肌的同时,不知不觉通晓历史!

A Lawyer’s Guide to Wellbeing and Managing Stress
Stress is an inevitable part of being lawyer and it can even be a positive force – it can help you push through long hours or meet tough targets. However, when stress becomes excessive, it can be damaging to individuals and to firms, leading to mental and physical sickness, lack of morale or a desire to take on additional responsibility, and worse. The problem is widespread. According to a Law Society survey, 95% of lawyers have some negative stress in their jobs, and 17% say that this is extreme. Lawyers feel overloaded with work, unappreciated, isolated, and unsupported; many complain of unattainable targets, poor pay, and long hours. And while many firms say they have programmes in place that are geared towards improving the wellbeing of staff, 66% of lawyers say they would be concerned about reporting feelings of stress to their employer because of the stigma involved. Nobody wishes to be seen as a weak link in the chain of a professional practice. A solution won’t be found overnight. This book is designed to encourage lawyers and firms to think more about the question of stress, how to recognise it in others and themselves, and how to take action before it becomes excessive. It is written for lawyers everywhere – regardless of location or career level.

●在以超大模型为基石的人工智能如ChatGPT的出现的今天,各类知识不仅唾手可得、且其专 业性可与一般专家比肩。在人类历史上,恐怕从没有像今天这样,如此急迫地需要重新定义学习。 ●《精准学习》打破了神经生物学、计算机科学和认知心理学的边界,为我们揭示了人脑的自然 学习法则,阐释了人脑的学习能力相较现行人工智能的优势,提出了高xiao学习的4大核心支 柱。迪昂用丰富且富有创新性的实验及示例,将深奥难懂的认知与脑科学知识,以大众看得懂的 方式娓娓道来。为人工智能、教育、医学领域带来关键应用指导,提供了一个再次激发人类潜力 的学习方式。 ●如果你是教育工作者和家长,这本书让你直达顺应孩子学习天性的本源,掌握指导孩子学习的 根本法则;如果你是终身学习者,这本书能让你明白学习的底层逻辑,重新认识学习,从而更好 地学习、提高学习效率;如果你是认知神经科学领域工作者或人工智能行业从业者,那更要赶快 拿起这本书,跟随迪昂,踏上探索人类学习奥秘的旅程,去发现人脑学习原理与人工智能的共性 和差异。
