Math Magic
Don't live in fear of math any longer. Math Magic makes math what you may never have imagined it to be: easy and fun!Scott Flansburg -- the Human Calculator who believes that there are no mathematical illiterates, just people who have not learned how to make math work for them -- demonstrates how everyone can put their phobia to rest and deal with essential every-day mathematical calculations with confidence. This is the book for millions of otherwise successful adults who are afraid to balance their checkbooks and don't know how to figure interest on savings or credit, and for the millions of students who dread their math classes and live in fear of the SAT math section.In Math Magic, Scott Flansburg shows the reader how to:Master the basics, including the real way addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division work Simplify calculations through estimation Quick-check answers Convert metric measures to more familiar ones Figure tips, taxes, and percentages -- never get short-changed again! Master algebra using the nine easy steps to algebra Math Magic is for all of us who need and want to improve our understanding of math. With the help of Flansburg, the Guinness World Record holder as the Fastest Human Calculator, you can do math just like magic.

Why Do Pirates Love Parrots?
Are you the type of person who stays up nights wondering how they get the paper tag into Hershey's KissesOr why portholes are roundEven if you don't lose sleep over such matters, you have to admit that such questions are, well, worthy of consideration. Here, from David Feldman, creator of the Imponderables series, are the latest questions on the minds of his devoted readers and fans. No question from his readers is too small or obscure for Feldman to tackle. From the return of red Ms (they are back, if you've missed it) to new-car smell, the answers to life's little mysteries are dissected in these pages. Although it's all done in great fun, there is also an educational edge to the answers, as Feldman ferrets out top experts in diverse fields to come up with his entertaining answers. And their answers may surprise you from the detailed physics involved in why cans of Diet Coke float but regular Coke doesn't, all the way to why they put crinkly paper into pairs of men's socks (but only one sock, not both).Complete with drawings by longtime Imponderables illustrator Kassie Schwan, and a special section updating answers to questions in previous books in the series, this eleventh book of Imponderables is sure to entertain the thousands of Feldman fans who have purchased over 2 million copies to date. Prepare to be delighted!

When Do Fish Sleep?
Ponder, if you will ...Why are tennis balls fuzzyHow come birds don't tip over when they sleep on telephone wiresWhat makes yawning contagiousWhy, oh why, do roosters have to crow so early in the morningPop-culture guru David Feldman demystifies these topics and so much more in When Do Fish Sleep-- the unchallenged source of answers to civilization's most baffling questions. Part of the Imponderables series and charmingly illustrated by Kassie Schwan, When Do Fish Sleeparms readers with the knowledge about everyday life that encyclopedias, dictionaries, and almanacs just don't have. And think about it, where else are you going to get to the bottom of why Mickey Mouse has only four fingers?

Do Elephants Jump?
Ponder, if you will ... Where do you find fascinating explanationsfor a multitude of mysteriesWhy do pianos have 88 keys?How does the hole get in the needle of a syringeWhy is peanut butter sticky?Pop culture guru David Feldman demystifies these questions and much more in Do Elephants JumpOne of the Imponderables series -- the unchallenged source of answers to civilization's everyday mysteries -- and charmingly illustrated by Kassie Schwan, this book provides you with small mysteries that puzzle and amaze us.

Why Do Clocks Run Clockwise?
Ponder, if you will ...What is the difference between a kit and a caboodleWhy don't people get goose bumps on their facesWhere do houseflies go in the winterWhat causes that ringing sound in your earsPop-culture guru David Feldman demystifies these topics and so much more in Why Do Clocks Run Clockwise-- the unchallenged source of answers to civilization's most nagging questions. Part of the Imponderables series and charmingly illustrated by Kassie Schwan, Why Do Clocks Run Clockwisechallenges readers with the knowledge about everyday life that encyclopedias, dictionaries, and almanacs just don't have. And think about it, where else are you going to get to the bottom of why hot dogs come ten to a package while hot dog buns come in eights?

The Rural Ranger
The Rural Ranger

HMS Ganges Days
When Peter Broadbent entered HMS Ganges, the toughest training establishment for young recruits to the Royal Navy, he was a naive 15-year-old Yorkshire schoolboy, entranced with the idea of seeing the world, proud of his drainpipe trousers and DA hairstyle, and eager to meet girls. In other words, he was a 'Nozzer' - a raw and unsuspecting recruit. When he emerged 386 days later it was as a prospective 'Dabtoe', not quite a fully trained Seaman, but well on the way. This funny and vivid memoir accurately captures what it was like to climb the mast, have your kit trashed, learn to swear, develop a taste for Kye and Stickies, double around the parade-ground at dead of night in your pyjamas, endlessly run up and down Laundry Hill ... and to do it all and much more while being continually barracked by a demanding Petty Officer Instructor. Along the way, Peter relished learning the Navy lingo and how to sail. He consumed platefuls of Cheese Ush, won a boxing certificate, discovered a secret stash of Playboy magazines, smoked thousands of cigarettes, and convinced girls back home that his shorn hair was in fact the very latest fashion 'down south'.

Passion for the Park
Passion for the Park is a celebration of the ordinary lover of the beautiful game, the dedicated lads who turn out week after week in the hope of beating another works or pub team. In Park Football the kit is never washed, there is no spare ball, studs are never inspected, there are holes in the goal-netting, the referee is always looking the wrong way, and the only spectators are an old man and his dog. This funny and irreverent memoir charts the author's own undistinguished football career, playing for two Sunday League teams and idolising Don Revie's Leeds United, and his attempts to inspire steelworks apprentices with a love for English literature.

Dear Miss Landau
Every morning James Christie puts on a blue rugby shirt and jeans. His wardrobe is full of identical outfits. Every day he eats the same meal and drinks from the same mug. These are not ingrained habits, but survival strategies. For James, coping with new experiences feels like smashing his head through a plate glass window. The only relief comes from belting the heavy bag at the boxing club or watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer. He's an autistic man lost in a neuro-typical world. Differently wired. Alien.Despite a high IQ, it seems he'll spend the next 20 years cleaning toilets. But then his life takes an amazing turn - from a Glasgow tenement to a rendezvous with a Hollywood star on Sunset Boulevard.On that road trip across America, the man who feels he lacks a soul will find it. Eight time zones and 5,000 miles away, he has a date with the actress who played Drusilla, the kooky vampire who changed his life when he saw her in a Buffy episode. Drusilla has no soul either. And maybe that's the attraction. But Drusilla is fictional. The lady he'll see on Sunset is Juliet Landau. She's real, and that's a very different proposition...

Smile on the Face of the Pig
1950s Britain - when life was great if you had the guts to live it.Murder, lurid courtroom dramas, gypsy horse fairs, eccentric admirals, child brides, and falling in love - it's all in a day's work for cub reporter John Bull.Meet a cast of characters - from the parish clerk who dresses like a French resistance fighter, complete with rifle over her shoulder, to the medium whose spirit guide (her soldier boyfriend killed in World War II) gets in touch by pinging her suspender belt.The Smile on the Face of the Pig is a cheeky expose of life in the 1950s: crazy nights at the theatre with the old-time music-hall stars, skinny-dipping by starlight, drinking with the freebooting river-folk, and riding through the freezing night on a BSA motorbike chasing the Big Scoop that will carry him to Fleet Street, fame and fortune.

Going Loco
Picking up from where A Seaside Practice left off, in Going Loco Dr Tom takes time out from the surgery for stints as a medical researcher and reporter, describing his travels from Rio to Miami, Vienna to Buenos Aires. Part memoir, part travelogue, Going Loco takes us on a journey around the medical world, from the challenge of malaria and sleeping sickness in up-country Kenya to the stress of smuggling beagle dogs into Amsterdam. We meet impossible patients, brave souls, a few mad doctors, and even the odd international criminal and spy on the way, yet still enjoy the peace and tranquillity of the Scottish Islands and Highlands as we do so.

Fluent in 3 Months
Meet the man who makes the mission of learning any language possible! The all-you-need guide to learning a language. Language hacker Benny Lewis shows how anyone anywhere can learn any language without leaving their home, using a simple toolkit and by harnessing the power of the Internet. Benny definitely wasn’t born with the ‘language gene’. After graduating in electronic engineering in his native Ireland he spent six months in Spain struggling to learn Spanish. This frustrating experience fuelled his determination to take a different approach to learning foreign languages. Today he speaks over ten languages including Mandarin Chinese, Arabic, French, German, Portuguese, and Hungarian. He has also learnt Japanese in Spain. This typifies one of his ‘3-month challenges’ where he targets a new language and proceeds to become fluent in it within just three months. He charts his progress on his blog, proving that his techniques allow anyone to learn a language from anywhere. Benny’s blog, also called Fluent in 3 Months, is the largest language learning blog in the world. The key principles of Benny’s method: ? Speak from day one: find mother-tongue speaking partners online. Don’t be self-conscious – keep the flow going! ? Change your mindset: ditch the excuses, you can do it! ? Stay focused and determined: even if you don’t have much time, never forget the goal you’ve set yourself and work at it. ? Learning a language doesn’t need to be expensive: there is a wealth of free resources out there, if you know where to find them ? Reap the rewards! Learning a new language is not an end in itself, but a means to meeting new people and discovering new cultures. Curiosity will fuel your determination.

More How Do They Do That?
Have you ever wondered:- How do they know how much an aircraft carrier weighs?- How do they get music onto a CD?- How does an electric eel generate electricity?- How do they know how long a second is?- How do penguins stay warm in Antarctica?- How do they teach guide dogs to cross at a green light?The answers to these and many other everyday wonders are explained.Here, in simple and easy-to-understand terms, are solutions to the riddles of everyday life. How exactly does a thief break into your car and drive off with it in less than a minuteAnd how do they get Hostess Twinkies to stay fresh for so longMore How Do They Do Thatalso reveals aspects of modern science and the natural world that are often taken for granted. How do they measure the heat of distant starsHow do they measure the ozone layerAnd how do they know there's going to be another ice age in two thousand yearsThe answers await within. . .

How Do They Do That?
HOW DO THEY DO THATHow do they make mirrorsHow do sword swallowers swallow swordsHow does a Polaroid picture develop in broad daylightHow do camels go without waterHow do they splice genesHow do they create spectacular fireworksHow indeed?Ever found yourself wide-eyed at the wonders of scienceAwestruck by the artsMystified by the miracles of nature or the marvels of technology?Relief is at hand. Within these pages answers abound. How Do They Do Thatclarifies what used to mystify. It explains the inexplicable and makes known the unknown.Here is a book for both the mildly curious and the grand inquisitor. Take a few hours or take a few minutes to browse through this repository of riddles revealed. You'll discover that it's not hocus-pocus that put the whole pear in the bottle of pear brandy or sorcery that suspends a suspension bridge. But if not by magic, how do they do that?The answer awaits within. A questioner's cure, an anodyne of answers, How Do They Do Thatis a puzzler's paradise.Caroline Sutton, a graduate of Wesleyan University, fives in New York City, where she writes and edits for the Hilltown Press.

The Pocket Guide to the Popes
This pocket edition of Richard McBrien's acclaimed Lives of the Popes is a practical quick reference tool for scholars, students, and anyone needing just a few concise facts about all the popes, from St. Peter to Benedict XVI.

Mog and Me and Other Stories
Judith Kerr was born in Berlin, but left Germany with her family in 1933 to escape the Nazis. They arrived in England in 1936, having spent the intervening years in Switzerland and France. She met her husband Nigel Kneale at the BBC and they had two children together; Judith wrote ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’ for them, which has gone on to become a much-loved classic, in print for over forty years. She was awarded an OBE in 2012 for services to children’s literature and holocaust education, and celebrated her 90th birthday in 2013. She continues to write and illustrate children’s books at her home in London.

Copilul m?rii. Aventura transform?rii l?untrice ?i a descoperirii de sine
Exerci?ii de Traducere gramatical? ?i Teste pentru examenele de admitere ?i orele de englez?, cu rezolvare.

Guía espa?ol-rumana para una comunicación eficaz
Aceast? lucrare, rezultat al unei colabor?ri de peste cinci ani ?ntre studen?ii spanioli interesa?i de studiul limbii rom?ne ?i profesoara Dana Oprica, este un instrument care vine s? completeze cu ?i mai multe aspecte de limb? ?i de cultur? cuno?tin?ele celor care studiaz? limba rom?n? sau c?l?toresc ?n Rom?nia. Fiecare tem? e precedat? de c?teva date de interes cultural care prezint? c?teva orient?ri legate de formulele de salut, de realizarea unei vizite, de obiceiurile rom?nilor de s?rb?tori, de normele de circula?ie s.a. Ca noutate am introdus glosare de expresii ?i exclama?ii, interjec?ii ?i onomatopee, al?turi de un vocabular tabu, care nu dep??e?te limitele decen?ei ?i care ajut? la cunoa?terea unor formule familiare. Reiter?m ideea c? aceast? lucrare a fost inspirat? de necesit??ile vorbitorilor de limb? spaniol?, precum studen?ii no?tri, care au c?l?torit ?i c?l?toresc frecvent ?n Rom?nia ?i care ne-au prezentat diverse situa?ii reale pe care le-am explicat prin intermediul acestui ghid. ?ntr-una dintre vizitele f?cute ?ntr-un sat din Bistri?a, un spaniol ne-a povestit c? a fost salutat cu s?rut m?na de un grup de copii care treceau pe uli??. Am inclus aceast? situa?ie sociolingvistic? la capitolul corespunz?tor. Farmecul limbii rom?ne const? ?i ?n varietatea lexical? adecvat? diferitelor contexte sau registre de limbaj. Este trabajo, resultado de una colaboración desde hace más de cinco a?os entre los estudiantes espa?oles interesados en el estudio de la lengua rumana y la profesora Dana Oprica, es un instrumento que viene a completar con más aspectos de lengua y cultura los conocimientos de los que estudian la lengua rumana o viajan a Rumanía. Cada tema está precedida por algunos datos de interés cultural que presentan unas orientaciones relacionadas con las fórmulas de saludo, con la realización de una visita, con las costumbres de los rumanos en fiestas, con las normas de circulación, etc. Como novedad hemos introducido glosarios de expresiones y exclamaciones, interjecciones y onomatopeyas, junto a un vocabulario tabú, que no sobrepasa las límites de la decencia y que ayuda a conocer algunas fórmulas familiares. Recalcamos la idea que este trabajo fue inspirado de las necesidades de los hablantes de lengua espa?ola, como nuestros estudiantes, que han viajado y viajan frecuentemente a Rumanía y que nos han presentado varias situaciones reales que explicamos a través de esta guía. Para poner un ejemplo, durante una de sus visitas en un pueblo recóndito de Bistri?a, un espa?ol nos contó que fue saludado con s?rut m?na (le beso la mano) por un grupo de ni?os, que pasaban por la calle. Incluimos esta situación sociolingüística en el capitulo correspondiente. El encanto de la lengua rumana consta también en la variedad lexical adecuada a los diferentes contextos y registros lingüísticos.

Ghid rom?n-spaniol pentru o comunicare eficient?
Aceast? lucrare este rezultatul unei colabor?ri de peste cinci ani ?ntre studen?ii spanioli interesa?i de studiul limbii rom?ne ?i profesoara Dana Oprica, care a hot?r?t s? adune ?ntr-o carte tot materialul prezentat de nativi referitor la limba ?i cultura spaniol?. Astfel apare acest ghid ca un instrument u?or, modern ?i rapid de comunicare ?n limba spaniol?, cu aspecte culturale menite s? eviden?ieze tradi?iile spaniole. Fiecare tem? e precedat? de c?teva date de interes cultural, astfel apar titluri precum: Organizarea teritorial?, Forma de guvern?m?nt, Partide politice, Structura organelor de justi?ie, ?nv???m?ntul, Meniuri, S?rb?tori etc. Ca noutate am introdus glosare de expresii ?i exclama?ii, interjec?ii ?i onomatopee, al?turi de un vocabular tabu, care, f?r? a dep??i limitele decen?ei, ajut? la realizarea de conversa?ii informale. Reiter?m ideea c? aceast? lucrare a fost inspirat? de necesit??ile unui vorbitor de limb? rom?n? prezent ?n Spania pentru un sejur temporar sau de lung? durat?. Lucrarea se adreseaz? oric?rei persoane interesate de limba ?i cultura spaniol?. Registrele de cuvinte utile, grupate la finalul fiec?rei teme, diverse expresii uzuale pot fi de folos at?t traduc?torilor de literatur?, c?t ?i participan?ilor la comunicarea oral? sau scris?. Ne-am bucura s? v? fim de ajutor! Presentación: Este trabajo es fruto de una colaboración desde hace más de cinco a?os entre los estudiantes espa?oles interesados en el estudio de la lengua rumana y la profesora Dana Oprica, quien ha decidido agrupar en un libro todo el material presentado por nativos acerca de la lengua y cultura espa?olas. Así se presenta esta guía como un instrumento fácil, moderno y rápido de comunicación en espa?ol, con matices culturales para poner de manifiesto las costumbres espa?olas. Cada tema está precedida por datos de interés cultural, así figuran capítulos como: Organización territorial, Sistema de gobierno, Partidos políticos, Sistema judicial, La ense?anza, Menús, Fiestas, etc. Como novedad hemos introducidos glosarios de expresiones y exclamaciones, interjecciones y onomatopeyas, junto a un vocabulario tabú, que, sin sobrepasar los límites de la decencias, ayuda a realizar conversaciones informales. Recalcamos la idea que este trabajo fue inspirado de las necesidades de un hablante de lengua rumana que se encuentra en Espa?a para estancias temporales o de larga duración. El trabajo se dirige a cualquier persona interesada en lengua y cultura espa?ola. Los registros de palabras útiles, agrupadas al final de cada tema, varias expresiones usuales pueden servir tanto a los traductores de literatura como a los implicados en la comunicación oral o escrita. ?Nos encantaría poderles servir de ayuda!

GAA Quiz Book 2: Another 2,000 Gaelic Football and Hurling Questions
Another 2,000 Gaelic football and hurling questions to test your knowledge of Ireland's best-loved sports. Think you know everything there is to know about Gaelic football and hurling? Think again! The GAA Quiz Book 2 is packed with a further 2000 of the most brain-teasing Gaelic football and hurling questions ever. With 200 ready-to-ask quizzes ranging from the very easy to the very hard, there's something to challenge every Irish sports fan. All aspects of both games will be covered including who won and lost, what records have been set, historic moments, players, teams, awards, significant rulings, competition changes and much more. Prepare for pub quiz success or impress your friends time and time again with your in-depth sports knowledge with the most up-to-date, comprehensive, fascinating on Gaelic sports quiz book around.

Ismay Line
The Ismay Line charts the rise and fall of one of the most eminent British shipping companies - and tells the story of the family behind it. The founder of the White Star Line, T H Ismay, pioneered a revolutionary design of iron steamships, built for him by Harland & Wolff of Belfast. By the time of his death in 1899 he had become the most successful steamship owner in the world. He was succeeded by his son, Bruce Ismay, who in April 1912 was aboard his latest ship, Titanic, when it collided with an iceberg on its maiden voyage. Ismay survived by boarding the last lifeboat to leave the starboard side of the sinking liner: and thus began one of the greatest witch-hunts of modern times. The Ismay Line draws on many previously unpublished family diaries and correspondence and offers a robust defence of Bruce Ismay's conduct. Originally published in 1961, the book has been out of print for many years and is now a sought-after collector's item.