Demarchy Manifesto
Demarchy exploits the possibilities of modern communications to give new role to public discussion. It takes the initiative in formulating policy on each specific problem out of the hands of political parties and into the hands of those most strongly affected by that particular problem. John Burnheim explains why this needs to be done and how it can be done by voluntary initiative without constitutional change.

How Universities Can Help Create a Wiser World
In order to make progress towards a better world we need to learn how to do it. And for that we need institutions of learning rationally designed and devoted to helping us solve our global problems, make progress towards a better world. It is just this that we lack at present. Our universities pursue knowledge. They are neither designed nor devoted to helping humanity learn how to tackle global problems - problems of living - in more intelligent, humane and effective ways. That, this book argues, is the key disaster of our times, the crisis behind all the others: our failure to have developed our institutions of learning so that they are rationally organized to help us solve our problems of living - above all, our global problems. Having universities devoted almost exclusively to the pursuit of knowledge is a recipe for disaster. Scientific knowledge and technological know-how have unquestionably brought great benefits to humanity. But they have also made possible - even caused - our current global crises, above all the impending crisis of global warming. In this lucid and provocative book, Nicholas Maxwell argues convincingly that we need urgently to bring about a revolution in universities round the world so that their basic aim becomes wisdom, and not just knowledge.

Get Over Yourself
Many books have sought to introduce the writings of the infamous and influential philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche, but Get Over Yourself puts matters the other way round. Rather than simply explaining his thought, it instead asks: what would Nietzsche make of us? What would he think of our 21st-century, digital age? In our time of identity politics, therapy culture, 'safe spaces', religious fundamentalism, virtue-signalling, Twitterstorms, public emoting, 'dumbing-down', digital addiction and the politics of envy, the book introduces Nietzsche by putting the man in our shoes. Get Over Yourself both uses Nietzsche's philosophy to understand our society, and takes our society to explain his philosophy.

Questions of Taste
Interest in and consumption of wine have grown exponentially in recent years and there has been a corresponding increase in consumers' knowledge of wine, which in turn has generated discussions about the meaning and value of wine in our lives and how renowned wine critics influence our subjective assessment of quality and shape public tastes.Wine first played a part in Western philosophy at the symposium of the early Greek philosophers where it enlivened and encouraged discussion. During the Enlightenment David Hume recommended drinking wine with friends as a cure for philosophical melancholy, while Immanuel Kant thought wine softened the harsher sides of men's characters and made their company more convivial.In Questions of Taste, the first book in any language on the subject, philosophers such as Roger Scruton and wine professionals like Andrew Jefford, author of the award-winning book The New France, turn their attention to wine as an object of perception, assessment and appreciation. They and their fellow contributors examine the relationship between a wine's qualities and our knowledge of them; the links between the scientifically describable properties of wine and the conscious experience of the wine taster; what we base our judgements of quality on and whether they are subjective or objective; the distinction between the cognitive and sensory aspects of taste; whether wine appreciation is an aesthetic experience; the role language plays in describing and evaluating wines; the significance of their intoxicating effect on us; the meaning and value of drinking wine with others; whether disagreement leads to relativism about judgements of taste; and whether we can really share the pleasures of drinking.Questions of Taste will be of interest to all those fascinated by the production and consumption of wine and how it affects our minds in ways we might not hitherto have suspected.

Official Birmingham City Quiz Book
Are you a loyal Blues supporter? Never missed a match and think you know all there is to know about your favourite team? If so, have a go at tackling the 1,000 brain teasing questions in this quiz book, each one cleverly thought out to test your memory of the people and places that have shaped the history of Birmingham City Football Club. With sections on all aspects of the game including players, managers, scores, transfer fees, opponents, competitions, wins, draws and losses, you just won't be able to put this book down. Whether you want to impress your family with some little known facts or challenge your mates, The Official Birmingham City Quiz Book is a must have for football fans of all ages and is certain to provide hours of fun. This fitting tribute to the Blues is both educational and entertaining. So dip inside the cover and check up on all those important details about the team you didn't realise you had forgotten.

Planning for Learning through Shapes
Plan for six weeks of learning covering all six areas of learning and development of the EYFS through the topic of shapes. The Planning for Learning series is a series of topic books written around the Early Years Foundation Stage designed to make planning easy. This book takes you through six weeks of activities on the theme of shapes. Each activity is linked to a specific Early Learning Goal, and the book contains a skills overview so that practitioners can keep track of which areas of learning and development they are promoting. The weekly themes in this book include: shapes and sizes, patterns, holes, tubes and boxes.

Planning for Learning through Summer
Plan for six weeks of learning covering all six areas of learning and development of the EYFS through the topic of summer. The Planning for Learning series is a series of topic books written around the Early Years Foundation Stage designed to make planning easy. This book takes you through six weeks of activities on the theme of summer. Each activity is linked to a specific Early Learning Goal, and the book contains a skills overview so that practitioners can keep track of which areas of learning and development they are promoting. This book also includes a photocopiable page to give to parents with ideas for them to get involved with their children's topic, as well as ideas for bringing the six weeks of learning together. The weekly themes in this book include: detecting summer, summer fruits, summer flowers, sunny week, summer holidays and sports day.

The Knitting Circle
Come on in and join the knitting circle – it might just save your life… Spinning yarns, weaving tales, mending lives… Every Wednesday a group of women gathers at Alice's Sit and Knit. Little do they know that they will learn so much more than patterns… Grieving Mary needs to fill the empty days after the death of her only child. Glamorous Scarlet is the life and soul of any party. But beneath her trademark red hair and beaming smile lurks heartache. Sculptor Lulu seems too cool to live in the suburbs. Why has she fled New York's bright lights? Model housewife Beth never has a hair out of place. But her perfect world is about to fall apart…. Irish-born Ellen wears the weight of the world on her shoulders but not her heart on her sleeve. What is she hiding? As the weeks go by, under mysterious Alice's watchful eye, an unlikely friendship forms. Secrets are revealed and pacts made. Then tragedy strikes, and each woman must learn to face her own past in order to move on…

?breszd fel a benned rejl? géniuszt
Ebben a k?nyvben semmi sem az, aminek látszik.Louise, a fiatal titkárn? talán élete férfijával találkozik egy bárban, de a csók korainak bizonyul, kül?n?sen, miután hétf?n a munkahelyén megpillantja új f?n?két, Davidet – aki persze nem más, mint a férfi a bárból. ?s naná, hogy felesége van. Ami ezután t?rténik, az minden, csak nem megjósolható. Hiába kombinál az olvasó, el?bb-utóbb leesik neki, hogy ebben a szokványosnak látszó szerelmi háromsz?gben igazából semmi sem szokványos. ?s felesleges lenne arra intenünk, hogy inkább ne kedveljen meg egyetlen szerepl?t sem – úgyis képtelen lesz ellenállni. Mígnem egy ponton, amikor a legjobban aggódik majd az illet? sorsa miatt, ráébred: nem is ?t kellett volna féltenie!Sarah Pinborough regénye nem egy szerelmes t?rténet, egy krimi és egy thriller szimpla keveréke. Sokkal félelmetesebb annál. Mert Pinborough regénye elkísér. ?s nem hagy nyugodni. Ne higgy ennek a k?nyvnek!Ne higgy a szerepl?knek!Ne higgy saját magadnak se!?s t?rténjen bármi, senkinek se áruld el a végét! Sarah Pinborough az Egyesült Királyság egyik méltán népszer?, sokszoros díjnyertes romantikust?rténet- és krimiírója, akinek neve az egész világon ismert. Ne higgy a szemének! cím? regényét 19 nyelvre fordítják le, s a magyar kiadást már hetekkel az angliai bemutató után kezükbe vehetik az olvasók.Sarah Pinborough - er? és kecsesség. Egy irodalmi kaméleon! ― Neil GaimanPinborough írása élénk és érzelmileg vibráló. Nem tudtam letenni. ― Stephen KingT?kéletesen kidolgozott karakterek, páratlan írói munka, és egy cselekmény, ami teljes bizonytalanságban tart. A vége pedig úgy fejbe vág, mint mikor a mesében rázuhan egy zongora a nyúl fejére. Engem nem k?nny? leny?g?zni, de ez a k?nyv megtette. ― Joanne HarrisA Ne higgy a szemének! egy s?tét, hátborzongató hangulatú, letehetetlen k?nyv, brilliáns befejezéssel. Hamarosan rajongani fogsz Sarah Pinboroughért! ― Harlan CobenCsavaros pszichológiai thriller. A m?faj sokat látott olvasói is csak találgatnak - az utolsó oldalig. ― Publishers Weekly

Ez van
Эти дети пережили то, что выдержит не каждый взрослый. Смерть матери стала для маленького Джима сокрушительным ударом. Испуганный беззащитный мальчик испытал все ужасы работного дома, попал в рабство. Jeti deti perezhili to, chto vyderzhit ne kazhdyj vzroslyj. Smert' materi stala dlja malen'kogo Dzhima sokrushitel'nym udarom. Ispugannyj bezzashhitnyj mal'chik ispytal vse uzhasy rabotnogo doma, popal v rabstvo.

Egészség, betegség, diskurzus: Kvalitatív elemzési módszerek az egészségügyi kut
A feln?ttekkel k?z?s f?z?cske, a konyhai fortélyok ellesése minden gyerek számára nagy móka és kihívás egyszerre. Legújabb sorozatunk els? k?tete azoknak a gyerekeknek szól, akik szívesen megismerkednének a székely konyha rejtelmeivel, és szívesen elkészítenének más, egyszer? recepteket is. A receptek leírása gyerekek számára is k?nnyen érthet?, a sütemények nagy részét akár egyedül is el tudják készíteni, ezzel is meglepve a családot a vasárnapi k?z?s ebéd után. A receptek mellett található alapanyag-rajzok k?zül a gyerekek kiválaszthatják és kiszínezhetik az adott süteményhez tartozó hozzávalókat, ezzel is vidámabbá téve a konyhai elfoglaltságot.

End Game (Dale Brown’s Dreamland, Book 8)
The eighth in the series of high-tech thrillers centred on Dreamland – a top-secret USAF weapons research centre – from the acclaimed author of ‘Act of War’ and ‘Plan of Attack.’ While the Dreamland team is perfecting their latest weapon, code-named ‘End game’, an electromagnetic bomb that can knock out any electric device for miles, an Islamic terrorist cell is conducting covert attacks in the Arabian Sea. Targeting Indian ships and oil facilities, the terrorists seem to be escaping into thin air. India suspects that their long-time enemy Pakistan is behind the attacks and tensions between the two nuclear powers reaches breaking point. Meanwhile China is patrolling the sea, eager to flex the muscle of its new fleet of warships, and is drawn into the mix when one of its ships is mysteriously attacked. All-out war between the three countries appears imminent unless the Dreamland team can find out who is really behind the attacks. And their new End Game weapon may be the only hope of avoiding catastrophe.

Angyalboksz: Nehézfiúk a b?rt?néletr?l
Gondoltál már rá, melyik Disney-hercegnek felelnek meg a volt pasijaid? Ki lenne Hamupip?ke párja, aki ?r?mmel táncolt a?lánnyal? Persze a?kulimunkára már az egyik alkalmazottját küldte, hogy keresse meg a?cip? tulajdonosát. Kire osztanád a?meg nem értett m?vészlelket a?Szépség és a?sz?rnyetegb?l? ?s ki játszaná a?munkamániás Robin Hoodot? Darby Quinn olyan lány, aki régóta nem hisz a tündérmesékben. Kudarcos kapcsolatai után úgy d?nt, le kell vonnia a?megfelel? k?vetkeztetéseket: Tilos randizni olyannal, aki teljesen rá van szervülve az autójára. Ha valaki túl jónak t?nik, hogy igaz legyen, az így is van. Képtelenség megváltoztatni a?férfiakat. Van néhány nem lehetetlen eset. De ?k nem számítanak, mert a?Sors annyira mocskos d?g. ?m egy napon Darby megismerkedik az észbontóan szexi Jake-kel. Els?re a férfi tényleg kedvesnek, megbízhatónak és teljesen normálisnak látszik. Vajon már róla is rajzolják az új hercegfigurát a Disney-stúdióban? Vagy ? lesz Darby életében az üdít? kivétel, aki er?síti a szabályt? Ha tudni szeretnéd, hogyan NE csókolj meg t?bb békát, neked való ez a USA Today bestseller. Hangosan r?h?g?s, pimaszul ?szinte és fergetegesen szórakoztató n?i regény.

Proliregény: Emlékezni szabad, ugye?
Lecter Hannibal óta nem volt ennyire zseniális sorozatgyilkos. Dr. Hamish Wolfe intelligens, karizmatikus és nagyon meggy?z? orvos. Ek?zben olyan sorozatgyilkos, akit három n? kegyetlen meggyilkolásáért ítéltek el életfogytig tartó b?rt?nbüntetésre. Maggie Rose briliáns elméj?, elfoglalt ügyvédn?. Jogi praxisa mellett bestseller krimiket ír, specialitása a megt?rtént eseteken alapuló b?nügyi t?rténetek. Rejtélyes, visszahúzódó természet. Hamish szerint csakis Maggie szabadíthatja ki ?t a b?rt?nb?l. Letartóztatása óta ártatlannak vallja magát, és alig várja, hogy Maggie segítségével felülvizsgálják az ügyét. Maggie habozik. Pedig az orvos azt is megengedné, hogy k?nyvet írjon az esetr?l. De mi van, ha valaki titokban már rég elkezdte írni a kettejük t?rténetét? ?A rémület a csontodig hatol." - Paula Hawkins, A lány vonaton szerz?je. ?Sokkolóan okos thriller." - USA Today. ?Bravúros utazás az ?rült elmék bels? világába." - The Independent. ?A thriller m?faj új királyn?je." - Huffington Post. ?Leveg?t sem kapsz az végs? fordulatig." - Woman and Home. ?Mesterien megszerkesztett t?rténet." - The Sunday Express.

Affair-Proof Your Marriage
This singular guide presents the straightforward facts on affairs, as well as advice to affairees and spouses on how to cope with them.Since 60% of marriages are affected by affairs, you should know the facts: Women under 30 are as likely as men to have an affair. Love affairs are different from sex affairs. Most affairs last between and three years, but the consequences can last a lifetime. Fewer than 10% of affairees divorce their spouses then marry their lover. Over 75% of those who do divorce and marry their lover divorce again. Nearly 80% of those who divorce during an affair are sorry later. Most marriages survive affairs. If you want to stay married, you can. Prevention works. You can -- and should -- affair-proof your marriage right now.

Deadly Departure
The in-flight explosion of TWA Flight 800 on July 17, 1996, was one of the deadliest disasters in American history, spurring the most expensive airline investigation ever undertaken by the U.S. government. To this day the crash remains clouded in doubt and shadowed by suspicion of a government conspiracy.If there was any conspiracy to hide the truth about what really happened to Flight 800, it began long before the crash. Past crashes tell the story: What happened on Flight 800 has happened before and will again, unless drastic changes are made. Now veteran journalist Christine Negroni reveals what the commercial aviation industry has known for more than thirty-five years that during flight confined vapors in the fuel tanks can create a bomb like environment. It takes only a small energy source to ignite it.TWA Flight 800 was the fourteenth fuel tank explosion on a commercial airliner in thirty-five years. Yet each and every time, the airline industry persuaded regulators to deal with the symptoms of the problem and ignore the cause. When investigators could not immediately determine what happened, they were finally forced to look at the bigger picture. And, for the first time, this book exposes the hubris of aircraft manufacturers who knew all along, but dismissed as acceptable, the risk of fuel tank explosions.Deadly Departure shines a spotlight on the chaos behind the most massive crash investigation ever conducted, how the White House had to intervene between feuding investigators, and the surprising stories behind the missile theory conspiracies. It also tells the stories of the passengers and their families, the people of TWA and Boeing, the rescue and crisis workers, and the investigators and scientists involved illustrating the devastating effects on human lives. An impeccably researched, eye-opening examination of one of the great disasters of our time, Deadly Departure is a stunning exposé of how industry pressure continues to undermine regulatory policy, placing air travelers' lives at risk.

S is for Space
One of Ray Bradbury’s classic short story collections, available in ebook for the first time. S IS FOR SPACE is a spine-tingling short story collection from one of the genre’s master storytellers. Science fiction, fantasy, small town life, and small town people are the materials from which Ray Bradbury weaves his unique and magical stories of the natural and supernatural, the past, the present , and the future. This book contains sixteen of Bradbury's most popular science fiction stories.

Death is a Lonely Business
Ray Bradbury, the undisputed Dean of American storytelling, dips his accomplished pen into the cryptic inkwell of noir and creates a stylish and slightly fantastical tale of mayhem and murder set among the shadows and the murky canals of Venice, California, in the early 1950s. Toiling away amid the looming palm trees and decaying bungalows, a struggling young writer (who bears a resemblance to the author) spins fantastic stories from his fertile imagination upon his clacking typewriter. Trying not to miss his girlfriend (away studying in Mexico), the nameless writer steadily crafts his literary effort--until strange things begin happening around him. Starting with a series of peculiar phone calls, the writer then finds clumps of seaweed on his doorstep. But as the incidents escalate, his friends fall victim to a series of mysterious "accidents"--some of them fatal. Aided by Elmo Crumley, a savvy, street-smart detective, and a reclusive actress of yesteryear with an intense hunger for life, the wordsmith sets out to find the connection between the bizarre events, and in doing so, uncovers the truth about his own creative abilities.

Quicker than the Eye
A book of science fiction stories in which Bradbury's vision is shown to be as dark and romantic as ever. It is the author's first collection for a decade and contains some stories never before published.

I Sing the Body Electric
One of Ray Bradbury’s classic short story collections, available in ebook for the first time. Science fiction, fantasy, small town life, and small town people are the materials from which Ray Bradbury weaves his unique and magical stories of the natural and supernatural, the past, the present , and the future. This book contains eighteen short stories from one of the genre's master storytellers.

Golden Apples of the Sun
One of Bradbury's best-known collections of science fiction and fantasy stories. The captain who takes a rocket to the sun to bring back a cup of sunlight, and the loveless girl who travels at night into bodies not her own, are just two of the characters to be encountered in this selection.