Hear No Evil
Miami attorney Jack Swyteck is involved in the most explosive criminal trial of his career -- a case that starts with a murder on a military base and concludes with a shocking surprise that will change Jack's life forever. A beautiful woman comes to see Jack and begs him to represent her. She says she's about to be arrested for the murder of her husband, an officer stationed at Guantanamo Bay. Having no expertise in military law and sensing that the woman isn't telling him the entire truth, Jack turns her down. Then she drops a bombshell: She claims she's the adoptive mother of Jack's biological son -- a child he's never met. Either Jack must represent her or he'll never see the boy. So Jack agrees, but with great foreboding. He has an unreliable client -- a blackmailer who just might be a murderer -- and he has to travel to Gitmo and on to Havana to tussle with people who clearly have a lot to hide. This is a case with as many twists and turns as it has unanswered questions, and the personal toll on Jack won't end until he's forced to confront the ultimate surprise witness in a trial that rocks the city of Miami. In signature Grippando style, Hear No Evil is an intricate, fast-paced, and captivating thriller that will keep you guessing until the very end.

Got the Look
From bestselling author James Grippando comes the newest Jack Swyteck thriller, in a series that critics have called "riveting," "a winner," and "lapel grabbing." In Got the Look, Swyteck is up against a killer who's so fiendishly clever and diabolical that even Jack may have at last met his match. FBI agent Andie Henning is tracking a ruthless kidnapper plaguing south Florida, one who's out to prove that all human life can be valued in dollars and cents. But at every turn, he has slipped through her net. This time he's taken the wife of one of the state's richest horse breeders and is asking a ransom of $1 million. The stakes go up when Andie finds the woman -- dead. Enter Jack Swyteck. He has a new girlfriend, Mia, and life is good -- until she goes missing. Then Jack gets a one-two punch: he discovers that his lover is married, and her rich husband receives a ransom demand that pegs Mia as the kidnapper's latest victim. Worst of all, her husband knows all about the affair with Jack, and he decides to pay the kidnapper exactly what his cheating wife is worth: nothing. Feeling deceived, Jack at first resists getting involved. But as secrets unfold about Mia's strange marriage and mysterious past, Jack is in for a twisty ride that may bring him face-to-face with a madman.

The Hot Kid
Carlos Webster was fifteen in the fall of 1921 the first time he came face-to-face with a nationally known criminal. A few weeks later, he killed his first man—a cattle thief who was rustling his dad's stock. Now Carlos, called Carl, is the hot kid of the U.S. Marshals Service, one of the elite manhunters currently chasing the likes of Dillinger, Baby Face Nelson, and Pretty Boy Floyd across America's Depression-ravaged heartland. Carl wants to be the country's most famous lawman. Jack Belmont, the bent son of an oil millionaire, wants to be public enemy number one. Tony Antonelli of True Detective magazine wants to write about this world of cops and robbers, molls and speakeasies from perilously close up. Then there are the hot dames—Louly and Elodie—hooking their schemes and dreams onto dangerous men. And before the gunsmoke clears, everybody just might end up getting exactly what he or she wished for.

L.A. Times
After turning a film student's directorial debut into a hit movie, New York mobster and movie fanatic Vinnie Callabrese takes off for the bright lights of Hollywood, where he begins a new life as Michael Vincent, Producer. A natural born wheeler-dealer, he lands not only a major studio deal, but also a gorgeous actress girlfriend.It isn't long before Michael Vincent is one of the most successful producers in town, given his knack for bringing in films under budget -- not too difficult when you're willing to lie, seduce, intimidate, and even kill to get what you want. But some of the people from his past have long memories and a far reach, and now it's Michael's turn to watch his back. Because even in the land of make-believe certain enemies -- and their bullets -- are very real.

No Way Back
Wendy Gould is an attractive, happy suburban mom, and an experienced ex-cop. A chance meeting with a stranger in a hotel ends when the man is murdered and she's the only witness, forcing her to run from rogue federal agents determined to keep her silent, even if it means killing her. Things only get worse when the authorities—the wrong ones—find their way to her door, giving her no recourse but to flee from her only safe haven.Lauritzia Velez, meanwhile, is a devoted nanny. She's also a woman with a deadly secret that has driven her into hiding until she can prove her innocence.Scared and alone, these two women will eventually join forces against a nefarious web of treachery, lies, and corruption involving drug lords, arms dealers, and shadowy ?figures in the highest echelons of government.No Way Back is a breathtaking tale full of twists and thrill-ing surprises from the bestselling author who is, "coming up on the rails behind Harlan Coben and Lee Child" (Evening Standard, UK).

Blood Money
New York Times bestselling author James Grippando delivers a powerful, nonstop thrill ride ripped from the headlines. Miami criminal defense attorney Jack Swyteck is back in his most frightening case yet, and this time the price of victory is measured in blood.It is the most sensational murder trial since O. J. Simpson's. The nation is obsessed with Sydney Bennett, a sexy nightclub waitress and good-time girl accused of murdering her two-year-old daughter for cramping her party life. When he had agreed to defend Sydney, Jack Swyteck knew he'd be taking on the toughest and most controversial case of his career.Millions of "TV jurors" have convicted Sydney in the court of public opinion.When the shocking verdict of not guilty is announced, citizens across the country are outraged, and Jack is bombarded by the fallout: angry, profanity-laced phone calls and even outright threats. Media-fed rumors of "blood money"—purported seven-figure book and movie deals—ratchet up the hysteria, putting Jack's client and everyone around her at risk.On the night of Sydney's release, an angry mob outside the jail has gathered to serve its own justice. In the frenzy, an innocent young woman bearing a striking resemblance to the reviled Sydney Bennett ends up in a coma. While the media blame Jack and his defense team, the victim's parents reach out to him, requesting his help. They don't believe the attack was the tragic result of random mob violence.Searching for the truth about what happened that night, Jack makes a frightening discovery. Larger and much more powerful forces are working in the shadows, and what happened outside the jail is a symptom of an evil that infected the show-stopping trial and media-spun phenomenon of Sydney Bennett.

Clad in a doeskin, alone and unafraid, she stood straight and proud before the onrushing forces of America's destiny: Sacajawea, child of a Shoshoni chief, lone woman on Lewis and Clark's historic trek -- beautiful spear of a dying nation.She knew many men, walked many miles. From the whispering prairies, across the Great Divide to the crystal capped Rockies and on to the emerald promise of the Pacific Northwest, her story over flows with emotion and action ripped from the bursting fabric of a raw new land.Ten years in the writing, SACAJAWEA unfolds an immense canvas of people and events, and captures the eternal longings of a woman who always yearned for one great passion -- and always it lay beyond the next mountain.

A Drink Before the War
As richly complex and brutal as the terrain it depicts, here is the mesmerizing, darkly original novel that heralded the arrival of Dennis Lehane, the master of the new noir -- and introduced Patrick Kenzie and Angela Gennaro, his smart and tough private investigators weaned on the blue-collar streets of Dorchester.A cabal of powerful Boston politicians is willing to pay Kenzie and Gennaro big money for a seemingly small job: to find the missing cleaning woman who stole some secret documents. As Kenzie and Gennaro learn, however, this crime is no ordinary theft. It's about justice. About right and wrong. But in Boston, finding the truth isn't just a dirty business ... it's deadly.

Trader of Secrets
Defense attorney Paul Madriani is embroiled in a case as perilous as any he has ever faced: one that involves an angry killer who will stop at nothing short of vengeance, and two missing NASA scientists who are holding secrets that a hostile government desperately wants to purchase—in blood if they must.Madriani's daughter, Sarah, has evaded the man known as Liquida, who has stalked her all the way across the country. For her own safety, she is being kept under armed guard on a farm in Ohio. But one morning, itching for a predawn run to shake off the tension that has grown in the hours she's spent waiting for word from her father, Sarah slips from her ring of protection. What she doesn't know is that at the same moment her assailant is outside, waiting patiently in the dark.Meanwhile in California, two men in a parked car argue over millions in cash that could be slipping through their fingers and a scheme involving government technology for sale that could rock the world.Paul Madriani, his companion Joselyn Cole, and his longtime law partner, Harry Hinds, track Liquida, not knowing that their quest will carry them deep into the vortex of international terror.It is a journey that will lead them toward a bizarre and cruel twist of nature—and the ultimate weapon of mass destruction. From the nation's capital to California, from Bangkok to Paris and the jungles of Mexico, Madriani and his party race against time to find Liquida and the scientist who is the "trader of secrets" before he can unleash the weapon that could set the world ablaze.

The acclaimed author of Chimera and The Hydra Protocol delivers his spectacular breakout novel—an entertaining, page-turning zombie epic that is sure to become a classicAnyone can be positive . . .Years after a plague killed 99 percent of the population, turning them into infectious zombies, Finnegan and his family live in a barricaded New York City, safe from danger. But Finn's sheltered life fractures when his unsuspecting mother falls sick with the zombie disease—latent inside her since before her son's birth. Finn, too, can be infected. At any time, the zombie virus could explode in his body, turning him from a rational human into a ravenous monster. If he remains healthy for the last two years of the potential incubation period, he'll be cleared. Until then, he must be moved to a special facility for positives, segregated to keep the healthy population safe.Tattooed with a plus sign on his hand that marks him as a positive, Finn is exiled from the city. But when marauders kill the escort sent to transport him, Finn must learn how to survive alone in an eerie, disintegrated landscape. To make it to safety, he must embark on a perilous cross-country journey across an America transformed—a dark and deadly land populated with unlikely heroes, depraved villains, murderous madmen, and hordes of ravenous zombies. And though the zombies are everywhere, Finn discovers that the real danger is his fellow humans. A compelling coming-of-age story and riveting tale of suspense filled with unforgettable characters and explosive action, Positive is an electrifying thriller that raises thoughtful questions about our own humanity.

A pokol angyala: Egy beépített ügyn?k megrázó t?rténete a Hells Angels motorosba
Володар Пул?тцер?всько? прем??! З дитинства натренований бачити в темряв? тунел?в, Чон До — син начальника табору для сир?т, здатен ? в житт?, що його оточу?, роздивитися б?льше за ?нших. Темрява для нього — це несвобода, це кра?на, де голод ма? смак кв?т?в, де швидка смерть ста? проявом найб?льшо? любов? до р?дних — заради порятунку ?х в?д жаху табор?в, — де держава зам?сть прав для вс?х дару? певн? прив?ле? обраним, називаючи себе найпрогресивн?шою демократ??ю у св?т?. Але й у суц?льному мороц? ? м?сце коханню ? самопожертв?, дружб? ? чест?. Темн?ше за все — перед св?танком... Volodar Pul?tcer?vs'ko? prem??! Z ditinstva natrenovanij bachiti v temrjav? tunel?v, Chon Do — sin nachal'nika taboru dlja sir?t, zdaten ? v zhitt?, shho jogo otochu?, rozdivitisja b?l'she za ?nshih. Temrjava dlja n'ogo — ce nesvoboda, ce kra?na, de golod ma? smak kv?t?v, de shvidka smert' sta? projavom najb?l'sho? ljubov? do r?dnih — zaradi porjatunku ?h v?d zhahu tabor?v, — de derzhava zam?st' prav dlja vs?h daru? pevn? priv?le? obranim, nazivajuchi sebe najprogresivn?shoju demokrat??ju u sv?t?. Ale j u suc?l'nomu moroc? ? m?sce kohannju ? samopozhertv?, druzhb? ? chest?. Temn?she za vse — pered sv?tankom...

Vallomás a csodáról: Csinszka naplója
Ki ne várná repesve, hogy beteljesíthesse gyermekkori vágyát?Hogy kiszakadva a hétk?znapok egyhangúságából végre nekivághasson egy kalandos világ k?rüli útnak?Lili Green izgatottan készül a régóta szervezett utazásra. ?sszekészített csomagokkal és új élmények reményével vág bele az indulás el?tti utolsó munkanapjába. ?m egy pillanat alatt minden a feje tetejére áll, amikor Lili egy b?ncselekmény szemtanújává válik, és ezáltal egy bérgyilkos céltáblájának k?zepére kerül. A teljesen félresiklott utazás pedig immár nem a szép emlékek gy?jtésér?l, hanem az életben maradásról szól.Carrie Cooper kalanddal, érzelemmel, humorral és váratlan fordulatokkal teli t?rténete során végigizgulhatjuk, hogy egy teljesen hétk?znapi lány mit tesz olyan cseppet sem mindennapi helyzetek sodrásában, amelyek végérvényesen megváltoztatják az életét.

Siajul mor?ii. Ultima c?l?torie a navei Lusitania
i-a dorit o aventur. Dar nu i-a imaginat c va ajunge att de departe. Totul ncepe cu un reality-show. Doisprezece concureni sunt trimii n pdure pentru a fi supui unor provocri extrem de dure. n rstimp, lumea e devastat de o catastrof, despre care, izolai de societate, concurenii nu tiu nimic. Cnd d ntmpltor peste anumite indicii, tnra Zoo, una dintre participante, i imagineaz c totul face parte din joc. Singur i dezorientat, ea refuz totui s se dea btut. Ptrunznd tot mai adnc ntr-un teritoriu necunoscut, Zoo i testeaz toate abilitile de supravieuire. Dar, pe msur ce puterile i scad, ea ncepe s neleag c lumea real s-a schimbat n mod neateptat i c viaa ei depinde acum de capacitatea de a dezlega aceast enigm. Sofisticat i provocator, Supravieuitoarea pune n discuie rolul jucat de mass-media n mecanismul prin care desprim realitatea de nchipuire: ct de pripit emitem judeci de valoare i ct de uor ne lsm manipulai. n Supravieuitoarea, dou dintre obsesiile noastre contemporane – ameninarea unei catastrofe globale i drama reality-show-urilor – se contopesc ntr-o poveste plin de imaginaie despre psihicul uman afectat de stres. Un debut lipsit de compromisuri i provocator.” Justin Cronin Romanul Alexandrei Oliva este, la fel ca Jocurile foamei, plin de suspans i profund tulburtor.” Rosamund Lupton

Fra?ii Burgess
nc de mici, Sarah i Emily Grimes se deosebesc foarte mult ntre ele. Emily o admir pe sora ei mai mare, mai neleapt i mai statornic, i i invidiaz relaia cu tatl lor absent, iar, mai trziu, cstoria aparent perfect. Calea pe care Emily o alege n via este mai puin sigur i convenional, iar aventurile ei amoroase nu o satisfac cu adevrat. Dei legtura dintre cele dou surori rezist de-a lungul timpului, treptat, distana dintre ele crete, pn cnd un eveniment tragic le aduce pentru ultima dat mpreun, ntr-o ncercare de apropiere. Cu stilul su viguros i emoionant, Yates ptrunde cu uurin pn n profunzimea vieii personajelor sale... O poveste spus sobru i tulburtor.” The New York Times Book Review Unul dintre cei mai strlucii romancieri postbelici din Statele Unite. Opera lui continu s-i delecteze pe cititorii care au norocul s-o descopere.” Independent Richard Yates este autorul romanului Revolutionary Road, nominalizat la National Book Award.

Proasp?t absolvent de liceu, Karl Ove se mut? ?ntr-un sat de pescari din nordul ?ndep?rtat al Norvegiei pentru a lucra ca profesor. Nu se dovede?te ?ns? interesat de slujba ?n sine – sau de orice alt? slujb?. Singurul lui scop este s? economiseasc? bani ?i s? ?nceap? s? scrie. Totul merge bine, dar, pe m?sur? ce nop?ile devin mai lungi, via?a lui ia o ?ntors?tur? mai ?ntunecat?. Consumul de alcool ?i provoac? episoade de amnezie complet?, tentativele repetate de a-?i pierde virginitatea se sf?r?esc umilitor ?i, spre marea lui nefericire, ajunge s? se ?ndr?gosteasc? de una dintre elevele sale de treisprezece ani. Iar ?n tot acest timp, umbra tat?lui planeaz? tot mai amenin??tor asupra sa... Dans?nd ?n ?ntuneric este cea de-a patra carte a senza?ionalei serii Lupta mea, care a fost numit? de revista Guardian ?poate cea mai semnificativ? crea?ie literar? a vremurilor noastre”. ?... extrem de sincer, Knausg?rd... vrea s? ne introduc? ?n cotidianul vie?ii, care este uneori vizionar, alteori banal, alteori profund semnificativ, dar, prin for?a lucrurilor, absolut obi?nuit, pentru c? ni se ?nt?mpl? pe tot parcursul vie?ii ?i tuturor...” The New Yorker ? ?O reu?it? rar?. Nici un scriitor din genera?ia sa nu egaleaz? combina?ia lui Karl Ove Knausg?rd de talent, stil, spirit de observa?ie ?i originalitate...” Dagens N?ringsliv

Iepura?ul care voia s? adoarm?. O metod? revolu?ionar? de a-i face pe copii s? a
O incursiune ?n lumea ?ntunecat? a societ??ilor secrete Condamnat c?ndva pe nedrept, Fergus O’Breane a pierdut totul: p?rin?i, logodnic? ?i prieteni. O ?ntors?tur? fericit? a sor?ii ?l ajut? s? se ?ntoarc? ?n Anglia bogat, puternic, admirat ?i cu alia?i lipsi?i de scrupule. Comploturi, r?piri, t?lh?rii, asasinate – fostul pu?c?ria? devenit marchiz pare ?n stare de orice pentru a se r?zbuna. Povestindu-?i copil?ria petrecut? ?n izolare ?i lipsit? de iubire, Susannah ?i dezv?luie totodat? lui Brian de Lancester planurile de ?mbog??ire ale tat?lui ei, care aveau s?-l duc? la sp?nzur?toare. Brian ?ntrez?re?te ?n relatarea sa firele unui complot ce pare s? aib? leg?tur? cu familia unui conte ?i chiar cu un acolit al lui Rio-Santo. Dar ce leg?tur? ar putea fi ?ntre marchiz ?i omul condamnat pentru falsificare?

Urmrii de amintirea accidentului bizar n care tatl lor a fost ucis pe cnd erau copii, Jim i Bob Burgess pleac din oraul natal, Shirley Falls, pentru a se stabili la New York. Jim, avocat de succes, i-a desconsiderat toat viaa fratele, iar Bob, avocat din oficiu, care l idolatrizeaz pe Jim, a acceptat ntotdeauna situaia. ns raporturile dintre ei sunt rsturnate atunci cnd sora lor, Susan, i cheam de urgen acas. Fiul ei adolescent, Zach, are necazuri dup ce a fcut un gest ofensator la adresa comunitii musulmane din ora, iar Susan are nevoie disperat de ajutor. Fraii Burgess se ntorc aadar n locurile copilriei lor, unde tensiunile de mult nbuite care au modelat relaia dintre ei ncep s ias la suprafa n mod neateptat, schimbndu-le destinul. Cu adevrat excepional n cazul lui Strout este echilibrul pe care l atinge ntre virtuozitatea narativ i profunzimea emoional.“ Chicago Tribune "

Fragile Minds
Trust no one - not even yourself . 'I think I might have done something bad. Last Friday.' When a bomb explodes outside the Royal Academy of Ballet in the heart of London, the police initially suspect a terrorist group. But the pieces don't fit and DCI Silver is struggling to find any suspects. Still recovering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder after a terrible tragedy, Claudie fears that her recent black-outs are a sign that her symptoms are returning. When her friend Tessa dies in the explosion, Claudie is gripped by the inexplicable certainty that she is involved in some way – if only she could remember. Meanwhile, Silver is shocked to find that one of the dancers from the academy – now missing in the aftermath of the explosion – is linked to his past, and the lines between his personal and professional life are starting to blur. Can Claudie and Silver get to the heart of what is real and what isn't before something terrifying happens again? A compelling read for fans of Nicci French and Sophie Hannah.

Where Have All the Boys Gone?
Where have all the men gone? Faced with 25, 000 more women than men in London, and gleeful media reports that it's statistically more likely for single women to be murdered than get married, Katie is reached an all-time low. But all is not lost … Another hilarious high-concept romantic comedy from Jenny Colgan. While Katie's glad it's not a man's world any more, she'd be quite pleased if there were more men in it – or at least single ones, anyway. More likely to get murdered than married, according to gleeful media reports, Katie resigns herself to the fact there's no sex in the city and heads for the hills – or the Scottish highlands, to be precise. Despite the fact she's never been a girl for wellies – and Fairlish is in the middle of nowhere – the tiny town does have one major draw: men. Lots of them. But while Katie relishes the chance to do battle with armies of admirers, she's not reckoned on going head to head with her grumpy new boss, Harry, shadowy developers intent on destroying the beautiful countryside and Mrs McClockerty, the least suitable hotelier since Norman Bates. At least there's the local eye-candy to distract her, including gorgeous newshound Iain. But he is at loggerheads with Harry, and Harry despises her. Life in the country might not be one big roll in the hay but can Katie ever turn her back on the delights of Fairlish and return to city life?

Daughter of Mine
A heartrending and heartwarming saga of the Birmingham blitz, from the author of DANNY BOY. Lizzie is finding that life in the Birmingham blitz is hard. Her husband is away fighting in the Second World War and she has regretfully sent her two young children away to her parents in Galway, knowing that they will be safe there. She's grateful for her job in munitions but not so happy when that means getting home in the blackout, dodging the bomb damage. Then Lizzie is attacked on one such journey. She comes around battered and bruised, unable to remember the full extent of the attack – but she fears the worst, and is right to. Turning to her family in desperation, she is told she has brought them nothing but disgrace. Yet help is at hand, from the most unlikely place…

A WAG Abroad
You can take the WAG out of Luton but you can't take Luton out of the WAG…. Tracie Martin is back! But this time everyone's favourite Wag is in LA, City of Angels - and her idol Victoria Beckham… But it's not all California dreaming. Whilst husband Dean swaps life on the subs bench for coaching the LA Raiders and daughter Paskia-Rose is busy settling into her new school, Tracie is left twiddling her manicured fingers. It seems LA's not ready for WAGS - the women are naturally golden rather than fake bake orange, there's no boozing and everyone is thinner than her - surely that's not possible when she last ate a proper meal in 1997? But at least there's plenty of cosmetic surgery… Enter Jamie, a knight in shining Lycra. He'll show Tracie the sights of LA A's sights - including the Beckhams. But is he all that he seems? Before long, Tracie is sampling all the city has to offer - including South Central street gangs and cheerleading lessons. But then her long-lost father turns up - at the same time as she discovers someone has stolen her identity. Can Tracie leave LA with her pride, bank balance and marriage - not to mention her fake tan - intact? Find out in the funniest read this summer - guaranteed beach material.