

The Favourite Game
The Favourite Game
Leonard Cohen
This warm and lyrical semi-autobiographical first novel by singer-songwriter Leonard Cohen charts the coming of age of Lawrence Breavman, the only son of a Jewish Montreal family. ‘Children show scars like medals. Lovers use them as secrets to reveal. A scar is what happens when the world is made flesh.’ Lawrence Breavman seeks two things: love and beauty. Beginning with the innocent games of delicious misadventure with first love Lisa and the absorbing wanders through Montreal with best friend Krantz, Breavman's tale is a distant echo of ‘Catcher in the Rye’ and ‘Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man’ – injected with 1960s aesthetics and Cohen’s unique poetry. As Breavman grows into a young man, the emerging writer continues his quest for beauty and love, finding himself in the arms of Shell and a burgeoning realisation of his own talent for appreciating majesty in the grotesque. Semi-autobiographical, the angst and beauty of Cohen’s voice deftly channel the painful confusion of the journey into adulthood, and the friendships, wars and lovers that are our guides.
The Strain
The Strain
Guillermo del Toro,Chuck Hogan
High-concept thriller with a supernatural edge from world-famous director, whose films include Pan’s Labyrinth and Hellboy. Now a popular Amazon TV show. A plane lands at JFK and mysteriously ‘goes dark’, stopping in the middle of the runway for no apparent reason, all lights off, all doors sealed. The pilots cannot be raised. When the hatch above the wing finally clicks open, it soon becomes clear that everyone on board is dead – although there is no sign of any trauma or struggle. Ephraim Goodweather and his team from the Center for Disease Control must work quickly to establish the cause of this strange occurrence before panic spreads. The first thing they discover is that four of the victims are actually still alive. But that’s the only good news. And when all two hundred corpses disappear from various morgues around the city on the same night, things very rapidly get worse. Soon Eph and a small band of helpers will find themselves battling to protect not only their own loved ones, but the whole city, against an ancient threat to humanity.
Beverly Barton
The spine-tingling thriller about a depraved female serial killer from the Sunday Times and New York Times bestselling author. Jordan Price doesn't look like your typical serial killer… Young and beautiful, she exudes innocence and vulnerability. But after her latest husband dies in mysterious circumstances, Rick Carson is forced to consider her capable of cold-blooded murder. The deeper he delves into the string of deaths which stalk Jordan, the more dangerous the game of cat-and-mouse becomes. The targets are changing and suddenly no one is safe. If Jordan is as innocent as she claims, Rick may have placed in a brutal killer's crosshairs. But if she's guilty, Rick will pay in blood…
The Art of Friendship
The Art of Friendship
Erin Kaye
It is New Year's Eve. Downstairs, the party is in full swing, but hostess Janice is locked in her bathroom, drinking champagne with her best friends, making resolutions for the coming year. Patsy has been stashing a bit away from her art gallery's profits. She intends to take her husband on African safari. But she hasn't reckoned on the recession. Clare vows to take up painting again and make a career of it. She's done the Mummy thing and is tired of her husband's neglect. Young widow Kirsty knows it's time to get herself a new man. Her in-laws are wonderful but every act of kindness is like a nail in the coffin of her independence. Janice actually dislikes resolutions. Since her unmarried pregnancy, she knows you can't control fate you just have to ride the wave of life, deal with it, cope. When the women exit the bathroom, in a spate of girlish giggling, they little suspect the coming year will bring disasters that will try their relationships severely. Can their friendship survive when put to such a test? Can they?
One Hundred Shades of White
One Hundred Shades of White
Preethi Nair
A magical mixture of East meets West, mothers in conflict with daughters, and the healing power of food. ‘I cannot easily put into words why I told my children their father had died. What was I supposed to tell them? The truth? ‘’Monu, Mol, your father has had enough of responsibility, he has another family, he’s gone, left us.’’ Maybe there are one hundred shades for explaining truth, a spectrum from light to dark, depending on the vulnerability of those who have to hear it. Things are not always clear cut, they are not either black or white, life just isn’t like that.’ Nalini and her two young children are transplanted from luxury in India to the bewildering confusion of London, only to be abandoned by her negligent husband. At first survival is a struggle, but Nalini turns to what she does best: cooking. Her mouthwatering pickles bring financial stability and domestic happiness, as well as affecting everyone who tastes them. Everyone, that is, except for her daughter, Maya. Maya loves fish fingers, burgers and chips. She’s not interested in her history; that died with her father. Resisting the pull of her family, she follows her own chaotic journey which will take her back to India before she can face the truth about her parents, forgive them and herself – and admit that lime pickle is delicious, after all.
Only a Mother Knows
Only a Mother Knows
Annie Groves
A compelling novel about four young women in wartime London, from the best-selling author of London Belles and My Sweet Valentine. In Article Row, in London’s Holborn – four young women, Tilly, Sally, Dulcie and Agnes – have already been witnesses to the heartache and pain that Hitler’s bombs have inflicted on ordinary Londoners. Tilly is desperate to wed her beau, Drew. Terrified that something will happen to prevent them from being together, her fears seem to be coming true when he is called back home to America. For her mother, Olive, this only adds to her worries for Tilly. But she has her own hands full when her friend and neighbour, Sergeant Dawson, gets some terrible news. When Olive lends a hand, she finds herself at the sharp end of some unwelcome gossip. For Dulcie, the war has brought an old flame, David, back into her life. But his terrible injuries have changed his life forever. Can something more develop out of their friendship? And for Agnes, she is about to find out something that will change her life, too. In this seemingly endless war, the girls will learn about love, loss and heartache. But they, like thousands of other Londoners, are determined to win the battle on the home front – no matter what it takes.
Carol Shields
Orange Prize and Pulitzer Prize-winning Carol Shields’ tender, funny and wonderfully insightful portrait of two sisters struggling to rediscover themselves amidst the perplexing swirl of family life. Judith is a biographer whose life is subsumed by others: her eccentric husband, her secretive children and the Victorian novelist who is her subject. Her sister Charleen is a single mother and lapsed poet. While Judith analyses the minutiae of lives past and present, Charleen battles her own past ghosts and wonders desperately what her life has been about. As their mother’s wedding approaches, both sisters must come to terms with the paths they have chosen. Originally published as two companion novels: Small Ceremonies and The Box Garden.
To Be the Best
To Be the Best
Barbara Taylor Bradford
Enthralling sequel to Barbara Taylor Bradford's universally loved novels, A Woman of Substance and Hold The Dream. Set in Yorkshire, Hong Kong and America, this remarkable contemporary novel continues the story of an unorthodox and endlessly fascinating family. As the spirit of Emma Harte lives on in her granddaughter, Paula O'Neill, an engrossing drama is played out in the glamorous arena of the wealthy and privileged, underscored by a cut-throat world of jealousy and treachery. Paula must act with daring and courage to preserve her formidable grandmother's glittering empire from unscrupulous enemies -- so that Emma's precious dream lives on for the next generation!
A drog árnyékában
A drog árnyékában
Edward Follis,Douglas Century
Укотре збираючись на традиц?йне сп?льне полювання, четверо друз?в нав?ть ? не здогадувались, що для декого з них воно буде останн?м у житт?. Бо тепер здобиччю стали вони: на них полю? ?нопланетна сутн?сть, як?й потр?бн? люди-нос??, щоб захопити ще одну планету. ?диним шансом на порятунок стають незвичайн? зд?бност?. Багато рок?в тому друз?в над?лив ними хлопчик, якого вони врятували. Але чи вистачить цього, щоб перемогти ?нопланетного супротивника? Ukotre zbirajuchis' na tradic?jne sp?l'ne poljuvannja, chetvero druz?v nav?t' ? ne zdogaduvalis', shho dlja dekogo z nih vono bude ostann?m u zhitt?. Bo teper zdobichchju stali voni: na nih polju? ?noplanetna sutn?st', jak?j potr?bn? ljudi-nos??, shhob zahopiti shhe odnu planetu. ?dinim shansom na porjatunok stajut' nezvichajn? zd?bnost?. Bagato rok?v tomu druz?v nad?liv nimi hlopchik, jakogo voni vrjatuvali. Ale chi vistachit' c'ogo, shhob peremogti ?noplanetnogo suprotivnika?
Who Was Emma Schaffi?
Who Was Emma Schaffi?
Kelly, Paul
MARK FORSYTH, a Probation Officer in the East End of London andJULIA ROGANO a young , but well experienced barrister, were married inthe winter of 1992, only five and a half months after Mark's releasefrom prison where he had been held on remand, charged with theabduction of a minor . . . a young boy, for the purpose of procuringhim for immoral purposes.The boy, DAVID HOLT, had been unable to speak due to a nervousdisorder caused by the traumatic upbringing of his 'step-parent' andher partner .EMMA SCHAFFI, (Who is she you may well ask . . .) andUNCLE JACK, (A relative of the boy who has turned his back on hisaristocratic family and is living with Emma Schaffi.) Emma is ofgypsy origin and owns several caravans which she uses to recruit andtrain children, mostly boys for child prostitution and where sheadministers hard drugs when the children become restless, in order toallow them to relax and perform more easily.The drug administration is particularly cruel in the writings and thesuffering in this way, makes the ultimate rape seem mild in comparison. . .
Heather Never Blooms in Israel
Heather Never Blooms in Israel
Kelly, Paul
This fantastic new eBook from well-known author Paul Kelly will make an excellent addition to any fiction-lover's digital shelf. Featuring strong characters and plots which draws you into Kelly's worlds, reviewers have been recommending his titles for years. This latest addition to his catalogue of successes is sure to be another winner.
Vom Regen in die Traufe
Vom Regen in die Traufe
Hardman, Catherine
Mai 1920, die Regierung der Republik in Berlin erklaert die deutschen Freikorps, die im Baltikum noch immer kaempfen, fuer aufgeloest. Geruechte ueber Intrigen und Verschwoerungen beherrschen die Presse. Nationalisten beginnen unter den Augen der Alliierten eine neue deutsche Armee zu schaffen. Alles, was Brock bisher vom Leben gesehen hat, sind der Krieg und das Heer. Der alten Volksweisheit vertrauend, dass, wer wirklich arbeiten will, auch Arbeit findet, macht er sich auf den Weg nach Berlin und wird schnell er eines Besseren belehrt. Betrogen und ausgeraubt endet er ohne einen Pfennig auf der Strasse. Nur Glueck und Mut retten ihn. Widerstrebend wird er in die Machenschaften der militaerischen Geheimbuende und ihrer Verbuendeten in Politik und Wirtschaft involviert. Er betritt die verschiedenen Welten von Gerichtshof und Polizei, Presse und krimineller Unterwelt, Schwarzer Reichswehr und altem Adel. Schliesslich muss er, gerade im Begriff, ein erfolgreicher Reporter zu werden, einen gefaehrlichen Moerder stellen und verliert beinahe sein eigenes Leben. Die spannende Geschichte entwirft ein Bild der Zwanziger Jahre, ohne ein Geschichtsbuch zu sein.
Character-Centred Leadership
Character-Centred Leadership
Amukobole, Micah
This book promotes excellence in the practice of leadership to inspire leaders, emerging leaders, and students of leadership to become active participants in shaping their own future and the future of others.
Time After Time
Time After Time
Kelly, Paul
Sarah, or Sadie as she is called in the story, suffers an accident when she is fourteen, having been knocked down in the road and is immediately paralysed from the waist down, remaining that way until she died at the age of thirty-two.
Love is my Destiny
Love is my Destiny
Kelly, Paul
This fantastic new eBook from well-known author Paul Kelly will make an excellent addition to any fiction-lover's digital shelf. Featuring strong characters and plots which draws you into Kelly's worlds, reviewers have been recommending his titles for years. This latest addition to his catalogue of successes is sure to be another winner.
Exquisite Mind
Exquisite Mind
Rubenstein, Terry
Is it possible to rid yourself of chronic stress, anxiety and depression? Is it possible to experience true peace of mind? Is it possible to discover a new way of living life, beyond what you imagined? In this inspirational true story, Terry Rubenstein explains why this IS absolutely possible. The answers lie within the Three Principles of Innate Health - a ground-breaking new paradigm that replaces the countless misconceptions that cause many of us to lose our way. At the age of 29, Terry was an overwhelmed mother of 5 young sons suffering from acute depression and anxiety. A few years later, having arrived at a simple but revolutionary understanding that explained all her past suffering, her life changed dramatically. She discovered the secret that lets you escape from being a helpless victim; that allows you to be resilient and secure in the face of life's inevitable ups and downs. Terry's moving account reveals the gift of an Exquisite Mind overflowing with infinite potential - and the unexpected discovery of the innate health that resides within us all. Thought is the divide that creates the chasm, but it is also the bridge that builds the connection.
Sherlock Holmes and The Jeweller of Florence
Sherlock Holmes and The Jeweller of Florence
James, Christopher
It is summer 1895 and a lost play by William Shakespeare is discovered. While being authenticated by scholars in Oxford there is a break-in at a college and the three hundred year old quarto is stolen. Holmes is engaged in the most unusual of circumstances and together with the faithful Dr Watson, they are soon on a trail which takes them from the Epsom Derby to Epping Forest and the great city of Florence itself.But this is not the only case brought to 221b Baker Street during this eventful year. Any number of singular problems demand Holmes' attention including the terrifying schemes of an injured army captain, a spate of strychnine poisonings and a dancing bear suspected of murder in the East End. What bearing do these seemingly unrelated adventures have on the search for the lost play? Who is the woman haunting Dr Watson and what is the mysterious Society of Lucius?With stilt walking chases, a swimming race across the River Thames and an explosion at the former site of Shakespeare's Globe, this is set to become Holmes' most dangerous and memorable adventure yet.
Ruffle, David
In 1936 an elderly Doctor Watson sits at his desk with a dictation machine, over a two week period, recounting the significant moments in his life. The expected publication of his autobiography never materialised. But in 2017 the wax cylinders containing Watson's words appeared and have at last been made available to the general public. This, then is the life of Doctor John H Watson.
Raft of Lies
Raft of Lies
Kennett, D. B.
In the mid-Atlantic the Clerkenwell family yacht goes to the aid of a drifting life raft. Minutes later, Steve Clerkenwell lies dead in his wife's arms, and their son, Adam has killed his father's murderer with a boathook. In the raft is a bound-and-gagged woman. Back in Falmouth the woman disappears and Adam is seemingly thwarted by the police, prompting him and his father's best friend, Tom, to start their own investigation. They find themselves drawn into a web of deceit and corruption in high places at home and abroad, and Adam soon loses his youthful innocence as he and Tom battle for justice and retribution.
Sherlock Holmes and The Shadows of St Petersburg
Sherlock Holmes and The Shadows of St Petersburg
Victor, Daniel D
"e;A psychological account of a crime"e; - that's how Fyodor Dostoyevsky described his novel Crime and Punishment, which tells of two horrific axe murders in St. Petersburg. It becomes much more than a mere "e;account,"e; however, when a pair of dead bodies turn up in London's East End, their heads split open by an axe-blade. To Scotland Yard, the crimes are murders to solve. To Sherlock Holmes, they present an intriguing puzzle. But to the literary man, Dr. John H. Watson, they seem a deliberate re-staging of the brutal murders depicted in Dostoyevsky's narrative. If Watson is right, what can be the purpose behind an actual recreation of the fictional killings? Blocking the answer to that question is a mysterious assortment of English and Russian eccentrics, and one can only wonder if the startling revelation at the end will be dramatic enough to set matters straight.
Invisible Birthmarks
Invisible Birthmarks
Anka, Mike
Meet Tiffany Juliana Conrad, a down-to-earth pretty progeny child with an attitude. Over the years she will develop at frightening speed gifts and skills she is not initially aware of. It turns out that she is a fresh chip from the old block, her father, who in his earlier years, covered the planet from coast-to-coast-to-coast and reached beyond the solar system boundaries in his secret missions. Tiffany's new kind of energy and refined visionary mind becomes a major challenge for the parents until her father recognizes the higher wisdom his daughter is also connecting to. A brilliant student, a fierce and passionate fighter for the underprivileged, she will travel far in dangerous places where she saves lives, heal others and herself, and learns new skills which will help her accomplish her daring undertaking here on planet Earth - A fearless inter-galactic chic, which is turning into a beautiful young woman now, working relentlessly in fulfilling her demanding destiny. As teenage blood unleashes in her veins, the longing and passions of a long distance romance starts to flourish, accelerating her already fast endeavors. Despite all obstacles, Tiffany is trying to provide a frail window of hope that magic and passionate endeavors could make our battered planet a better place.