

Tragedie ?n trei acte
Tragedie ?n trei acte
Agatha Christie
Sfâr?it de veac are un ritm bine marcat de scene în care conflictul e psihologic. Sunt scene de lupt?, de duplicitate ?i de strategie, conduse cu mân? sigur?, în care personajele î?i confrunt? interesele, dar ?i fi rea ascuns?. Maestrul de ceremonii este, fire?te, Urmatecu, plin de vitalitate, neobosit, viclean, calculat, altruist ?i crud totodat?, pe care doar lucrurile neclare, ciud??eniile, capriciile femeilor, nebunia ?i moartea îl tulbur?, sco?ându-l din apele în care se scald? de obicei. Chefurile uria?e pe care le trage dup? înmormânt?ri vin din nevoia de a se reechilibra psihic. Dac? boierul Barbu e un Tuzluc, iar Jurubi?a, o Kera Duduca, Urmatecu e un Dinu P?turic? infinit mai complicat ?i mai subtil, realizat la alte dimensiuni fizice ?i morale. Nu exist?, cum exist? de obicei în romanul de acest tip, personaje pozitive ori negative. Nici aplecarea spre caricatur? de la romancierii postbelici. Am putea spune chiar c? pân? ?i cei mai netrebnici sunt privi?i cu anume compasiune. Un element important este acela biografic, care atenueaz? eventualul spirit critic.
Asasinarea lui Roger Ackroyd
Asasinarea lui Roger Ackroyd
Agatha Christie
Alegorie moral? ?i autobiografie spiritual?, Micul prin?, cea mai tradus? carte din literatura francez?, înf??i?eaz? cu un farmec nepieritor povestea unui b?ie?el care î?i abandoneaz? micu?a planet? pentru a c?l?tori prin univers. Odiseea sa, în care descoper? ciud??eniile adul?ilor printr-o serie de întâlniri extraordinare, culmineaz? cu aventurile pe planeta P?mânt.
Tronul reginei Jinga
Tronul reginei Jinga
Alberto Mussa
Holmes and Watson are faced with their most terrifying case yet. The legend of the devil-beast that haunts the moors around the Baskerville families home warns the descendants of that ancient clan never to venture out in those dark hours when the power of evil is exalted. Now, the most recent Baskerville, Sir Charles, is dead and the footprints of a giant hound have been found near his body. Will the new heir meet the same fate?
La hotelul Bertram
La hotelul Bertram
Agatha Christie
Cavalerii Pardaillan - Vol. 5. Intrigi, comploturi, pove?ti pline de suspans ?i r?sturn?ri spectaculoase de situa?ie. În 1588, Fran?a este marea scen? pe care regele Henric al III-lea ?i mama sa, Caterina de Medici, lupt? cu ducele de Guise ?i cu Liga Sfânt? pentru tron ?i putere. Cavalerul de Pardaillan e nevoit s? fac? fa?? numeroaselor capcane pe care cumplita Fausta i le întinde în încercarea de a elimina un adversar considerat periculos pentru planurile sale de cucerire a Fran?ei ?i a Italiei, dar ?i pentru inima ei. În aceast? înfruntare dintre curaj ?i viclenie, loialitate ?i tr?dare, onoare ?i infamie, cavalerul va ie?i din nou înving?tor. Dar va reu?i el s? doboare o dat? pentru totdeauna for?a r?ului din spiritul Faustei?
Trestii in vant
Trestii in vant
Grazia Deledda
Cavalerii Pardaillan - Vol. 8. Intrigi, comploturi, pove?ti pline de suspans ?i r?sturn?ri spectaculoase de situa?ie. Cavalerul Pardaillan întâlne?te un tân?r punga? care îi treze?te simpatia, Jehan cel Brav, de fapt, nimeni altul decât fiul lui ?i al Faustei. Jehan se îndr?goste?te de Bertille de Saugis, fiica natural? a lui Henric al IV-lea, ?i pentru a-?i ap?ra iubita ?i pe tat?l ei, intr? în conflict cu to?i cei care îi doresc moartea regelui. Cavalerul Pardaillan lupt? de partea fiului s?u, atât pentru a-l observa, cât ?i pentru a-l proteja pe rege. Îns? Fausta a ascuns cândva, în Montmartre, o comoar? fabuloas? la care râvne?te toat? lumea – iezui?ii, familia Concini, chiar ?i ministrul regelui, Sully. Bertille este singura care cunoa?te secretul acestei ascunz?tori...
Corporate paradoxes
Corporate paradoxes
Cristian Cojocaru
"---this fantasy of a night-black, dead planet, with the remains of the human race concentrated in a stupendously vast metal pyramid & besieged by monstrous, hybrid & altogether unknown forces of darkness, is something that no reader can ever forger" (H. P. Lovecraft)."One of the most potent pieces of macabre imagination ever written" -?H.P.Lovecraft. Lovecraft wasn't wrong: this is, perhaps, the greatest single work of fantastic fiction in the English language. The sun has died, as have the stars. Not a solitary light shines in the heavens. The days of light are nothing by a legend?-?they are a story told to soothe children. The last millions of humans still live in their Last Redoubt -?but the end of their days is at hand.
The Best Smoothie Recipe Book Anywhere
The Best Smoothie Recipe Book Anywhere
Mirabelle Milan
Vigyázat! Cselekményleírást tartalmaz. Szerelmek és félreértések klasszikus meséje a XVIII. századvégi Angliából. Az ?t Bennet n?vér élete a férjkeresés jegyében zajlik: anyjuk megszállottan próbálja biztosítani számukra a megnyugtató j?v?t valami pénzes – és lehet?leg rangos – férfiú mellett. Csakhogy a jó esz? és éles nyelv? Elizabeth szélesebb perspektívákban gondolkozik, és ebben apja is támogatja ?t. Amikor Mr. Bingley, a módos agglegény bek?lt?zik az egyik szomszédos birtokra, felbolydul a Bennet-ház élete. A férfi el?kel? londoni barátai és a vidékre vezényelt nyalka, ifjú katonatisztek k?zt bizonyára számos udvarlója akad majd a lányoknak. A legid?sebb lány, a der?s és gy?ny?r? Jane úgy t?nik, meghódítja Mr. Bingley szívét. Ami Lizzie-t illeti, ? megismerkedik a jókép?, és látszólag igencsak d?lyf?s Mr. Darcyval, és máris kezd?dik a nemek ádáz csatája. A helyzetet tovább bonyolítja, hogy Elizabeth nem várt házassági ajánlatot kap a Bennet-vagyont ?r?kl? unokatestvért?l, és amikor Mr. Bingely váratlanul Londonba távozik, magára hagyva a kétségbeesett Jane-t, Lizzie Mr. Darcyt teszi felel?ssé a szakításért. ?m egy Lydiával kapcsolatos családi válsághelyzet hamarosan ráébreszti h?sn?nket arra, hogy mindvégig balul ítélte meg ezt a büszke férfit… Eredeti hangú, máig modern, magával ragadó t?rténet, melyben magunkra ismerhetünk.
The Man Without a Country: (Illustrated)
The Man Without a Country: (Illustrated)
Edward E. Hale
"The Man Without a Country" first appeared in the Atlantic Monthlyfor December, 1863. It was the author's wish that it be published anonymously, in the hope that it might be ascribed to some officer of the Navy; but unfortunately, the man who compiled the year's index for the magazine, which was mailed with the December number, recognized Dr. Hale's handwriting, and gave him credit for it in the index. The story was written during the darkest period of the Civil War, and this war is perhaps the gloomiest period in the history of our great republic in the history of our great Republic; it was written at a time when one-half of the people in the United States were burning with patriotism, and were ready to lay down their lives to preserve the Union, while the other half were striving to disrupt what to them was merely a confederation of States, in no wise binding, and were damning the United States, even as did Philip Nolan; at at time when the President was bending low under the weight of sorrow for the loss of thousands of noble men who were falling in battle, and was enduring in pitiful silence the villification that was heaped upon him by the "copper-head" opposition; at a time when patriotism was preached in the pulpit, sung by our poets, and exhaled with every breath. The story launched in such an atmosphere, met with immediate favor. It was reprinted everywhere without regard for copyright, and was translated into several foreign languages. It was accepted by many as a narrative of actual facts, and provoked many discussions as to whether Philip Nolan was a real person; some even went so far as to identify him.
Henry IV, Part 1
Henry IV, Part 1
William Shakespeare
Henry IV, Part 1 is a history play by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written no later than 1597. It is the second of Shakespeare's tetralogy that deals with the successive reigns of Richard II, Henry IV (2 plays), and Henry V. Henry IV, Part 1 depicts a span of history that begins with Hotspur's battle at Homildon against the Douglas late in 1402 and ends with the defeat of the rebels at Shrewsbury in the middle of 1403. From the start it has been an extremely popular play both with the public and the critics.
The Merry Wives of Windsor
The Merry Wives of Windsor
William Shakespeare
The Merry Wives of Windsor is a comedy by William Shakespeare, first published in 1602, though believed to have been written prior to 1597. It features the fat knight Sir John Falstaff, and is Shakespeare's only play to deal exclusively with contemporary Elizabethan era English middle class life. It has been adapted for the opera on occasions.
Through Russia: [Illustrated Edition]
Through Russia: [Illustrated Edition]
Maxim Gorky
This Book, is a collection of short stories about Russia. Book contains many collections of short stories by the popular and influential Russian author, a founder of the socialist realism literary method and arguably the greatest Russian literary figure of the 20th century. Maxim Gorky also wrote about stories, plays, memoirs and novels which touched the imagination of the Russian people, and was the first Russian author to write sympathetically of such characters as tramps and thieves, emphasizing their daily struggles against overwhelming odds..Some Other Books Maxim Gorky: Mother (1907) Creatures That Once Were Men (1918) Twenty-six and One and Other Stories (1902) The Man Who Was Afraid (1901)
The Sign of the Four
The Sign of the Four
Arthur Conan Doyle
First published in 1890, The Sign of Four is Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's second book starring legendary detective Sherlock Holmes. The story is complex, involving a secret between four ex-cons from India and a hidden treasure. More complex than the first Holmes novel, The Sign of Four also introduces the detective's drug habit and leaves breadcrumbs for the reader that lead toward the final resolution.
Bok B?ce?i: "Andersen'den"
Bok B?ce?i: "Andersen'den"
Yalçın Ceylanoğlu
Güne, onun üzerinde parlyor ve ok güzel ldyordu. Bok bcei, “Dünya, henüz o kadar akln karmam.”, dedi ve unu syledi: “Sadece ona katlanmann yolunu yordamn bilmeniz gerekiyor.” Dünya güzeldi: mparatorun süvari atna, nallar verilmiti ünkü binicisi, “Bok Bcei” olacakt. Bok bcei unu syledi: “imdi ineceim ve dier bok bceklerine, uruma ne kadar fazla ey yapldn anlatacam. Dardaki yolculuumda tiryakisi olduum tüm zevklerden bahsedeceim ve artk at, nallarn eskitene kadar yuvamda kalacam syleyeceim!” Yazar Hakknda: “1972 ylnda Adana'da dodu. lk, orta ve lise eitimini Adana'da tamamlad. ukurova niversitesi Biyoloji Blümü'nden 1994 ylnda mezun oldu. eviri iiyle urat. 2004 ylndan bu yana, zel bir irkette muhasebe eleman olarak alyor. Hobi olarak, blog yazarl, editrlük (Adana Blog Yazarlar Facebook sayfas) ve eviri yapyor. Yabanc dil olarak, ngilizce biliyor. Mitoloji ve simgecilik konularyla ilgileniyor."
Az Ecseri úti oroszlán
Az Ecseri úti oroszlán
Bornai Tibor
Amúgy is knnyen ragadtatom magam e knyv kapcsán a mindig gyanús szuperlatívuszokra: mesterm. A regény nyelve és tárgya hibátlanul találkozott, csndes ragyogása van a szvegnek. Pontos és drámai korrajz, lélekrajz, emberrajz. Mit jelent a nincsben lenni, mit jelent a nincs agresszivitásában élni Mit jelent, amikor minden totális, kint is, bent is, a kiszolgáltatottság, a szorongás, az állam, az apa, minden totális. Mit jelent éhezni Mit jelent, amikor semminek sem lehet lenni, jónak se Amikor szeretni sem szabad. De azért mégis szeretünk. Elegáns és nyomasztó knyv. Bátor knyv, amely ismeri a félelmet. Mint a jó irodalom mindig, rólunk szól, éljünk bárhol is a világon.“ (Esterházy Péter)
Teme ?i varia?iuni
Teme ?i varia?iuni
Boldea Iulian
Vanitos, crud, nehot?r?t ?i incompetent, regele Ioan al II-lea cel Bun, din dinastia Valois, st?p?ne?te, comi??nd gre?eal? dup? gre?eal?, o ?ar? aflat? ?n grav? criz?. Sub domnia sa tumultuoas?, R?zboiul de 100 de Ani se ?nte?e?te, fac?iunile nobililor se lupt? ?ntre ele, foametea amenin?? poporul, impozitele sunt zdrobitoare, iar ciuma face ravagii. O epopee nefericit? ?i s?ngeroas?, la cap?tul c?reia are loc dezastrul de la Poitiers, b?t?lia ?n care regele Fran?ei este luat prizonier de c?tre englezi.
Portrete vorbite si scrise
Portrete vorbite si scrise
Doina Ioanid
Iat?o pe fiica regelui troian Priam, vestita profet? Casandra, sosind ?n fa?a por?ilor cet??ii Micene ?n carul cu prizonieri al eroului grec Agamemnon. ?tie c? va fi ucis? ?nainte de asfin?itul soarelui ?i ??i rememoreaz? via?a, o existen?? excep?ional? pentru o femeie a acelor vremuri, ce culmineaz? ?n momente de o intensitate ?i un dramatism emo?ionant. Christa Wolf imagineaz? biografia fascinant? a unei figuri feminine at?t de controversate din mitologia antic?, reu?ind s? ne fac? s? o sim?im ca pe o contemporan? a noastr?.?
O sear? la club
O sear? la club
Gailly Christian
„Iat? o carte pe care s? o cite?ti încet ?i cu inima strâns?, o carte pe care s? o sim?i a?a cum sim?i ploaia b?tând darabana pe geamurile unui azil situat chiar aici ?i, în acela?i timp, la hotarele visului: acest t?râm atât de îndep?rtat ?i, în acela?i timp, atât de al nostru.  O zei?? stranie pare s? domine universul acestei opere singulare: boala, în multiplele ei variante, fizice ?i mentale, f?r? a uita c? fiecare boal? are o ie?ire, uneori spre lumina cea mai nea?teptat?, alteori spre cea mai nea?teptat? umbr?. Ne afl?m în fa?a unei c?r?i pline de delicate?e ?i de modera?ie, care??i trage vitalitatea din realism, din umanitate ?i, în acela?i timp, din delir, ?i care s?ar putea citi ca un roman polifonic, în?esat de voci care vorbesc în noapte.“ Jesús Ferrero (în Prefa??)
Bucuria. Fericirea care vine din interior
Bucuria. Fericirea care vine din interior
Când o feti?? este g?sit? moart?, înecat?, dup? ce s-a l?udat c? a v?zut o crim?, faimoasa scriitoare de romane poli?iste Ariadne Oliver îl cheam? pe vechiul s?u prieten Hercule Poirot pentru a-l descoperi pe uciga?. Cine ?i de ce ar fi avut motiv s? omoare un copil nevinovat? Poate c? povestea spus? de Joyce nu era, pân? la urm?, una dintre obi?nuitele ei minciuni, menite a-i impresiona pe ceilal?i? Poirot va trebui s? fac? apel la toat? ingeniozitatea sa pentru a descâlci misterul unor decese ?i al unei dispari?ii suspecte, dar mai ales pentru a împiedica s?vâr?irea altor crime.
Boldea Iulian
O serie de infrac?iuni minore comise într-un c?min de studen?i nu par, în mod normal, genul de caz de care se ocup? Hercule Poirot. Un pantof, un inel cu diamant, o pereche de pantaloni vechi, un stetoscop ?i alte m?run?i?uri furate, o e?arf? ?i un rucsac t?iate în buc??i – delicte prea neînsemnate pentru a fi anun?at? poli?ia ?i chiar mai pu?in demne de geniul lui Poirot. Totu?i, lista acestor lucruri este atât de bizar?, încât îi treze?te interesul celebrului detectiv. Din nou intui?ia lui se dovede?te corect?, c?ci un simplu caz de cleptomanie paveaz? drumul c?tre crim?...
Sf?r?itul pove?tii
Sf?r?itul pove?tii
Davis Lydia
O singur? alegere – ?l salveaz? de trecutul s?u O singur? alegere – ?i marcheaz? viitorul O singur? alegere – Scoate la iveal? primejdiile O singur? alegere – ?l schimb? pentru totdeauna O singur? alegere – ?l va elibera Aceast? edi?ie include: Transferatul ? Novicele ? Fiul ? Tr?d?torul ?i trei scene inedite din Divergent. Cu doi ani ?nainte ca Tris Prior s? fac? alegerea care avea s?-i schimbe via?a, fiul de ?aisprezece ani al liderului Abnega?iei a trecut prin acela?i lucru. Transferul lui Tobias c?tre Ne?nfricare repre-zint? ?ansa de a o lua de la cap?t. Aici, el nu va fi strigat pe numele dat de p?rin?i. Aici, el nu va permite ca teama s? ?l transforme ?ntr-un copil ?nsp?im?ntat. Proasp?t botezat ?Four“, el afl? ?n timpul ini?ierii c? va izb?ndi ?n Ne?nfricare. ?ns? ini?ierea este doar ?ncepu-tul, iar Four trebuie s?-?i revendice locul ?n ierarhia Ne?nfrica?ilor. Deciziile lui ?i vor afecta pe viitorii novici ?i vor scoate la iveal? secrete care ar putea s?-i pun? ?n primejdie propriul viitor – ?i viitorul ?ntregului sistem de fac?iuni. Doi ani mai t?rziu, Four este preg?tit s? ac?ioneze, dar cursul lucrurilor este ?nc? neclar. Totu?i, prima novice care sare ?n plas? ar putea schimba totul. Al?turi de ea, calea de a salva lumea ar putea deveni limpede. Al?turi de ea, el ar putea fi din nou Tobias. Veronica Roth completeaz? seria DIVERGENT cu un volum adiacent palpitant, relatat din perspectiva ?ndr?gitului ?i celebrului personaj Tobias. Cele patru povestiri incluse ?n aceast? edi?ie – TRANSFERATUL, NOVICELE, FIUL ?i TR?D?TORUL –, al?turi de trei scene inedite, ofer? cititorilor o privire electri-zant? asupra trecutului ?i sentimentelor lui Tobias, preg?tind totodat? terenul c?tre saga trilogiei DIVERGENT.
Kerékgyártó István
Egy teljesen átlagosnak induló napon egy gy?ny?r?, fiatal n? lép be Sam Capra San Franciscó-i bárjába, és kétségbeesetten arra kéri, hogy mentse meg üld?z?it?l. A volt CIA-ügyn?k egyetlen vágya, hogy nyugodt és békés otthont teremtsen a családjának, ám a t?kéletes életr?l sz?tt álma abban a pillanatban szertefoszlik, amint Diana Keene felt?nik a színen. Mire Sam feleszmél, máris egy kegyetlen játszma kell?s k?zepén találja magát. A lányt ugyanis egy dúsgazdag és befolyásos személyekb?l álló titkos társaság akarja elkapni. Ezekkel a mindenre elszánt b?n?z?kkel rúgja ?ssze a port Sam Capra, amikor megmenti a fiatal lányt üld?z?it?l. A bosszú pedig nem maradhat el. Sam egyetlen reménye, hogy túléli az ellene indított támadást. Ahhoz azonban, hogy visszakapja régi életét, el kell pusztítania a mindent – és mindenkit – behálózó szervezet teljhatalmú vezet?jét, a rejtélyes és kegyetlen Beliast… A Sam Capra-sorozat legújabb részében JEFF ABBOTT ismét lélegzetelállító tempót diktál. A volt CIA-ügyn?k személyében Jason Bourne igazi kihívóra talált. Thrillerfanatikusoknak k?telez? darab.