

Prin? ?i spadasin. Vol. II
Prin? ?i spadasin. Vol. II
Popescu Petru Demetru
Romanul Prin? ?i spadasin (Volumul I) face parte din ciclul de romane istorice denumit de autor Romanul secolului XIII rom?nesc. Prin? ?i spadasin ?l poart? pe cititor ?n lumea fascinanta ?i cutez?toare a unuia din cei mai ?nsemna?i domni din dinastia Basarabilor, Petru Cercel, domn al ??rii Rom?ne?ti (1583-1585), fiu al lui P?tra?cu cel Bun ?i frate mai mare al lui Mihai Viteazul. Domn de o aleas? cultur?, spirit renascentist, prin reformele realizate ?n timpul scurtei domnii, a contribuit la progresul ??rii sale ?i, prin vastul orizont al g?ndirii ?i crea?iei, a contribuit, al?turi de Nicolae Olahul, Dimitrie Cantemir ?i domnul martir Constantin Br?ncoveanu, ori, mai t?rziu Nicolae Iorga, la sporirea prestigiului rom?nesc peste hotare.
Master of the Game
Master of the Game
Sheldon, Sidney
Kate Blackwell is the symbol of success—a beautiful woman who has parlayed her inheritance into an international conglomerate. Now, celebrating her 90th birthday, Kate surveys the family she has manipulated, dominated, and loved: the fair and the grotesque, the mad and the mild, the good and the evil—her winnings in life.
Creating a Beautiful Home
Creating a Beautiful Home
Stoddard, Alexandra
Alexandra Stoddard has brought beauty and grace to the lives of millions all over the world through her many books, including the phenomenal betseller, Living a Beautiful Life. In Creating a Beautiful Home, Alexandra Stoddard generously shares her professional secrets as an interior designer as well as her personal experiences in renovating and decorating her own 1775 home in Connecticut. Once again, her original and imaginative ideas for every room in the house will inform and inspire you on your own exciting journey of discovery as you transform your living space into a warm and welcoming oasis of harmony, beauty, and joy.
It’s Me or the Dog: How to have the Perfect Pet
It’s Me or the Dog: How to have the Perfect Pet
Victoria Stilwell
Victoria Stilwell is an actress-turned-dog-trainer who has founded training schools in New York, New Jersey, and Britain. She stars in the U.K.’s Channel 4 television series It’s Me or the Dog. Since 1999, Victoria has lived in the United States, and is now based in New York.
Matt Cardle: My Story: The Official X Factor Winner's Book
Matt Cardle: My Story: The Official X Factor Winner's Book
Matt Cardle
In those weeks following the audition I'd started to think that maybe I could do well in the competition, and even to see beyond bootcamp and what doing well could mean. I knew I never wanted to go back to painting, whatever happened.' Matt's dream has come true, and this is his story. Painter-decorator, bricklayer, milkman, even Santa, Matt's always been in bands, always putting off starting a career because he knew that what he really wanted to do was sing. Charismatic but down to earth, loved by the judges, the other contestants and, of course, the public for his cheeky smile and warm heart, Matt is a true star in the making. Packed full of unseen photographs shot especially for the book, backstage footage, behind-the-scenes gossip and the full and remarkable story of the winner from X Factor hopeful to popstar sensation, this book is a must-have for all X Factor fans.
Talking, Listening, & Writing for Success: The Not-so-Secret Keys
Talking, Listening, & Writing for Success: The Not-so-Secret Keys
Sharon Massen, Phd
Talking, Listening, & Writing for Success: The Not-so-Secret Keys
Ma?triser l'Art de la Lettre de Motivation: ...et décrocher plus d'entretiens d'
Ma?triser l'Art de la Lettre de Motivation: ...et décrocher plus d'entretiens d'
Matthieu Braun
Ma?triser l'Art de la Lettre de Motivation: ...et décrocher plus d'entretiens d'embauche
Coasta lui Apollo. Jurnal de scriitor
Coasta lui Apollo. Jurnal de scriitor
Christi Aura
Frica de boal? este resim?it? acut de 15% dintre rom?ni ?i doar teama de ?omaj o dep??e?te ?ntrun top autohton al ?ngrijor?rilor, arat? o anchet? sociologic? din 2014. O dovad? ?n plus a relevan?ei grijii pentru s?n?tate o constituie preocuparea actual? pentru alimenta?ia ?eco" ?i diete, dar ?i cultul corpului s?n?tos ?i zvelt. Totu?i, c?nd grija fireasc? pentru s?n?tate ajunge s? ne domine g?ndurile, tulbur?ndune cursul normal al vie?ii, e semn c? am putea suferi de o ?tulburare hipocondriac?". Mersul frecvent de la un doctor la altul (dublat de ne?ncrederea fa?? de diagnosticul primit), izolarea social?, interpretarea gre?it? semnelor corpului, igiena compulsiv? ?i suspiciunea fa?? de toxicitatea alimentelor afecteaz? considerabil via?a ipohondrului, dar ?i a rudelor sale. Cartea de fa?? arat? cum ia na?tere frica patologic? de boal?, ce consecin?e are ?i cum poate fi dep??it? prin autoanaliz?, sugestii pozitive, tehnici de relaxare, vizualizare ?i gestionare a stresului, ?i, mai ales, prin restructurarea g?ndirii ira?ionale ?i ?magice".
Japanska Teroristkinja
Japanska Teroristkinja
David Ewing Jr, Tomoko Koga
Teroristkinja!“ Teroristkinja!“ Svi su vikali kad sam ula unutra. Osvrnula sam se po prostoriji i videla mnogo pritvorenih ljudi. Jedan runi ovek zastraujueg izgleda mi se uneo u lice i rekao: Terorista je dobar samo kad je mrtav!“ Te rei su me toliko prestravile da sam se sruila na pod. Ovo je pria o gospoici Minami Jamagui, japanskoj teroristkinji.
Paradigma puterii ?n secolul al XIX-lea
Paradigma puterii ?n secolul al XIX-lea
Buleu Constantina Raveca
Educa?ia poate fi relaxant? ?i distractiv? at?t pentru copil c?t ?i pentru p?rinte, odat? ce de?inem bagajul minim necesar de cuno?tin?e despre etapele dezvolt?rii copilului ?i un set de metode simple ?i eficiente pentru a ie?i din ?ncurc?turi precum crizele de furie ?ntr-un magazin aglomerat sau manifest?rile de gelozie ?ntre fra?i.Interactiv?, clar? ?i instructiv?, aceast? carte ne arat? cum putem stimula imagina?ia, creativitatea, vorbirea sau abilit??ile practice ale copiilor ?ntr-un mod juc?u?, cum ?i de ce s? select?m din noianul de juc?rii de pe pia?? ?i, pe scurt, la ce s? ne a?tept?m ?i cum s? interac?ion?m cu copilul ?n func?ie de v?rsta ?i de pragul s?u de dezvoltare.
Ecaterina cea Mare & Potemkin: O poveste de dragoste imperial?
Ecaterina cea Mare & Potemkin: O poveste de dragoste imperial?
Simon Sebag Montefiore
Actorii ne druiesc generos gnduri despre viaa pe care i ei o triesc ca orice oameni, cu necazuri i bucurii. Alexandru Arinel – fiind definit n timp de Marele Public drept o valoare artistic naional – se destinuie acum, cu privire la drumul parcurs din satul de batin Dolhasca pn pe Calea Victoriei. Citind amintirile sale sincere, vei cunoate un om, nu numai un artist, care evoc trei epoci istorice prin care a trecut, fiind prin argumentele invocate mai convingtor dect orice carte de istorie banal. i pune pe tav sufletul prin relatarea unei biografii netiute de nimeni. n aceste destinuiri, Alexandru Arinel ne propune discret s gndim atent la calea profesiei alese, de actor sau de orice fel, i s nu uitm nicio clip de cei din preajma noastr, de familie.“ – Ileana Lucaciu
Hipnoza ?n psihoterapie
Hipnoza ?n psihoterapie
Irina Holdevici, Barbara Crăciun
Cartea Anului 2016 Chicago Writers Association?Fabulos… o bijuterie de carte." - NPR?Seay este un scriitor cu o inteligen?? artistic? ie?it? din comun." - The Guardian?n martie 2003, ?nainte de invadarea Irakului, un fost infanterist ?n Marina SUA ajunge ?n Las Vegas ?n c?utarea unui tic?los ?mp?timit de jocuri de noroc, disp?rut ?n condi?ii suspecte.??n februarie 1958, un escroc ajunge ?n cartierul Venice din Los Angeles – unul dintre locurile unde ia amploare mi?carea beatnicilor – ?n c?utarea unui poet pu?in cunoscut de care e obsedat.??n mai 1592, un alchimist-spion e prins ?n plasa uneltirilor vene?iene ?n timp ce pl?nuie?te s? fure secretul fabric?rii oglinzilor ?n numele unei obscure puteri str?ine.?Romanul de debut al lui Martin Seay ?mplete?te aceste trei fire narative ?ntr un thriller literar de excep?ie: o poveste uimitoare, captivant? ?i emo?ionant? despre felul ?n care suntem b?ntui?i de propriile reflexii.?"O oper? splendid?, o construc?ie cu valoare universal?." -?Publishers Weekly"Fie c? se afl? ?n c?utarea chipului lui Dumnezeu sau a celui mai mare escroc, toate personajele din?Ho?ul de oglinzi?se lupt? s? vad? dincolo de aparen?e, ?ntr-un plan mai profund ?n care vor g?si r?spunsul la propriile ?ntreb?ri." -?The Chicago Tribune?"Ho?ul de oglinzi?e un colos care se metamorfozeaz?: roman poli?ist, origami intelectual, o aventur? istoric? ?i o medita?ie asupra identit??ii, iluziei ?i mimesisului." -?The Los Angeles Review of Books?"Un debut extraordinar, o poveste pe trei planuri, ?ntins? pe mai multe secole, despre bani ?i misticism. Martin Seay ??i creeaz? propria magie, un thriller sofisticat, care-?i provoac? g?ndirea ?i imagina?ia ?i pe care nu-l po?i l?sa din m?n?." -?The Wall Street Journal
Lawrence ?n Arabia. R?zboi, mistificare, nes?buin?? imperial? ?i crearea Orientu
Lawrence ?n Arabia. R?zboi, mistificare, nes?buin?? imperial? ?i crearea Orientu
Scott Anderson
Alina se afl? ?n al treilea an al terapiei personale. Ea ??i autoexamineaz? istoria rela?iilor de iubire: iubirile ei de copil, de adolescent?, iubirile de t?n?r? adult?. Este o istorie pe care o are ?nscris? ?n psihic ?i ?n corp. Analizanda se uit? la aceast? istorie ?i ?ncearc? s? o accepte a?a cum este ea; ?i, pentru c? se dovede?te greu de acceptat, de ?ndurat cu traumele ?i ne?mplinirile ei, aceast? istorie se cere rescris?. Din subiectul pasiv al propriilor scenarii de via??, al influen?elor puternice venite dinspre proprii p?rin?i, ea ?ncearc? ?i reu?e?te, ?n mare m?sur?, s? ??i rescrie istoria emo?ional?, s? ?i caute ?i s? ?i g?seasc? un sens personal, autentic. Din obiect al propriului trecut ?i al priva?iunilor impuse de el, Alina devine, ?ncet-?ncet, subiectul acestora.Procesul terapeutic prin care trece Alina, protagonista c?r?ii, ?n ?nt?lnirea cu psihoterapeutul — Pavel — este un proces fictiv, ?ns? povestea lui nu este mai pu?in realist?. A?a cum, ?n teatru, via?a este prezentat? p?n? la cap?t, ?i aici, dar ?ntr-o form? concentrat?, este prezentat? via?a unei rela?ii terapeutice de lung? durat? cu atmosfera, ritmul, nuan?ele ?i tensiunile ei.?
Trecutul la judecata istoriei
Trecutul la judecata istoriei
Gh. Buzatu
Boris Johnson exploreaz?, ?n paginile acestui volum, din ce anume este constituit ?factorul Churchill“ – acea inteligen?? unic? a unuia dintre cei mai importan?i lideri ai secolului XX. Demont?nd miturile ?i prejudec??ile care au d?inuit al?turi de realitate, Johnson realizeaz? – cu inteligen?a ?i pasiunea caracteristice – portretul unui om al contradic?iilor, al curajului contagios, ?nzestrat cu o elocin?? uimitoare ?i cu o putere inegalabil? de a croi strategii. Curajos pe c?mpul de lupt?, Churchill a trebuit s? primeasc? ordin de la rege pentru a sta departe de focul b?t?liei ?n Ziua Z; a fost de acord cu bombardamentele strategice la scar? extins?, cu toate c? ura distrugerile produse de r?zboi ?i ?i dispre?uia pe politicienii care nu ?i tr?iser? ororile. A fost un jurnalist apreciat, un mare orator ?i a c??tigat Premiul Nobel pentru Literatur?. A fost faimos pentru capacitatea de a combina serile de dineuri oficiale cu nop?ile ?n care lua decizii cruciale pentru soarta r?zboiului. Viziunea sa progresist? asupra lumii l-a f?cut un pionier ?n dezvoltarea sistemului public de s?n?tate, de educa?ie ?i de asisten?? social?, de?i a r?mas un adept incorigibil al incorectitudinii politice. Factorul Churchill nu este o carte doar pe gustul pasiona?ilor de istorie. Este o lectur? esen?ial? pentru to?i cei care doresc s? afle din ce material anume e f?cut un mare lider.
Japanska Teroristkinja - Bosanski
Japanska Teroristkinja - Bosanski
David Ewing Jr, Tomoko Koga
Teroristkinja!“ Teroristkinja!“ Svi su vikali kad sam ula unutra. Osvrnula sam se po prostoriji i videla mnogo pritvorenih ljudi. Jedan runi ovek zastraujueg izgleda mi se uneo u lice i rekao: Terorista je dobar samo kad je mrtav!“ Te rei su me toliko prestravile da sam se sruila na pod. Ovo je pria o gospoici Minami Jamagui, japanskoj teroristkinji.
Din istoria rela?iilor anglo-romane 1936-1939
Din istoria rela?iilor anglo-romane 1936-1939
Marusia Cirstea
Trei armate intr? ?n Noul Prentisstown, fiecare hot?r?t? s? le distrug? pe celelalte.?Todd ?i Viola sunt prin?i la mijloc, f?r? nicio ?ans? de sc?pare.?B?t?lia ?ncepe, dar cum ar putea ei s?-i pun? cap?t? Cum s? spere c? va fi pace c?nd au at?t de pu?ine resurse? Iar dac? r?zboiul scoate la iveal? mon?trii din oameni, ce viitor sumbru se arat??Dar apoi o a treia voce intr? ?n lupt?, preg??tit? s? se r?zbune…??ncheierea electrizant? a mult premiatei Trilogii Pe t?r?mul haosului, Mon?trii din oameni e un roman ?nduio??tor despre putere, supravie?uire ?i urm?rile devasta?toare ale r?zboiului."Captivant, palpitant, cu un ritm ame?itor… Deznod?m?ntul perfect al unei trilogii impresionante." - The Independent on Sunday?"?ntrece toate a?tept?rile!" - Daily Express"Profund uman ?i cu totul magnific." - The Guardian"Una dintre cele mai mari reu?ite literare ale secolului." - The Irish Times
Japanska Teroristkinja - Hrvatski
Japanska Teroristkinja - Hrvatski
David Ewing Jr, Tomoko Koga
Teroristkinja!“ Teroristkinja!“ Svi su vikali kad sam ula unutra. Osvrnula sam se po prostoriji i videla mnogo pritvorenih ljudi. Jedan runi ovek zastraujueg izgleda mi se uneo u lice i rekao: Terorista je dobar samo kad je mrtav!“ Te rei su me toliko prestravile da sam se sruila na pod. Ovo je pria o gospoici Minami Jamagui, japanskoj teroristkinji.
Abbott, Charles
A portrait of Fred Fay follows an outwardly successful but selfish man's descent into alcoholism and failure and his slow, difficult recovery into a wholly new and meaningful life.
Chef Paul Prudhomme's Fork in the Road
Chef Paul Prudhomme's Fork in the Road
Prudhomme, Paul
Chef Paul Prudhomme, America's most innovative chef, invites you to take a Fork in the Road, a journey toward a different way of cooking. If your goal is to produce great-tasting, flavorful dishes that everyone will enjoy, yet are still good for you, then this is the cookbook for you!Chef Paul's new book offers not only recipes but a model for anyone who wants to modify his or her cooking to minimize the use of less healthful ingredients, yet retain the rich taste and texture that make them so delicious.For instance, he uses puréed dried beans and reduced fruit juices to create viscosity and enhance flavors. Both add an enormous amount of richness with virtually no fat. Chef Paul provides you with specific recipes to show you how these ingredients work, and encourages you to try them with all your favorite dishes.To make rich, flavorful sauces and gravies for great-tasting meat, poultry, or fish—without a drop of oil, butter, shortening, or other fat—he has developed recipes in which dry flour is browned before adding it to the dish. And he always tells you to start with a hot pan, so you can "bronze," or "caramelize," an ingredient without any added fat. These techniques will make all your food taste better—new recipes as well as your favorite standbys.Perhaps the most exciting portion of this book is the chapter on Magic Brightening Broths. These delicious broths are based upon defatted stocks, and get extra goodness from carefully balanced seasonings that enhance but don't overwhelm the flavors of foods cooked in them. Chef Paul envisions that once you've discovered howeasy and enjoyable Magic Brightening is, you and your friends and family will want to cook this way several times a month.From breads and breakfasts, through main and side dishes, to desserts and snacks, Chef Paul has streamlined his favorite recipes. He's taken out as much fat as possible, leaving the texture, the richness, and the taste for which he's famous. This is not a diet book, but one dedicated to healthful ways to cook.Some text and images that appeared in the print edition of this book are unavailable in the electronic edition due to rights reasons.
Maids Under The Mistletoe Collection (Mills & Boon e-Book Collections) (Maids Un
Maids Under The Mistletoe Collection (Mills & Boon e-Book Collections) (Maids Un
Christy McKellen,Kandy Shepherd
Who did you find under the mistletoe this festive period? A Countess For Christmas by Christy McKellen The Earl’s secret bride… Emma Carmichael is shocked when she sees who she’s waitressing for at a lavish party—Jack Westwood, the new Earl of Redminster. Her new life comes crashing down when Jack announces to the world that they’re married! Jack has never forgotten his first love, despite the tragedy that tore them apart. When the paparazzi cameras intrude he proposes they live as man and wife until the fuss dies down. Emma feels like Cinderella, masquerading as his Countess…only behind closed doors their marriage feels tantalisingly real… Greek Tycoon’s Mistletoe Proposal by Kandy Shepherd A proposal of convenience! When guarded billionaire Lukas Christophedes finds maid Ashleigh Murphy living in his mansion, he strikes a deal with his gorgeous gate-crasher. If Ashleigh acts as Lukas’s girlfriend to help him close a crucial business deal, she can stay until the New Year. For newly single Ashleigh, agreeing to keep hearts off the table sounds easy…until the line between what’s real and what’s for show starts to blur! And as Christmas approaches all Ashleigh is wishing for from Lukas is a different, much more heartfelt romantic, proposal… Christmas In The Boss’s Castle by Scarlet Wilson The maid who saved Christmas Chambermaid Grace Ellis loves Christmas, but after losing her beloved grandmother, she’ll be spending this festive season working. So when her boss, Finlay ‘Scrooge’ Armstrong offers her a magical Christmas in Scotland, it’s a welcome distraction from her grief. Widower Finlay is haunted by the ghosts of Christmas past, but snowbound together in his Scottish castle, Grace starts to melt the ice around his heart. He never thought he’d find love again, but maybe finding Grace is his very own Christmas miracle…! Her New Year Baby Secret by Jessica Gilmore The Italian millionaire's secret heir! Waitress Sophie Bradshaw is normally ignored at glamorous parties, but Marco Santoro offers her his jacket in the snow…leading to a magical Christmas evening together. And when one night isn’t enough, the millionaire invites Sophie to his Venetian palazzo—not knowing Sophie is bringing a tiny surprise with her!
The Martin Beck Series: Books 1–4
The Martin Beck Series: Books 1–4
Maj Sjowall
The first book in the classic Martin Beck detective series from the 1960s - the novels that shaped the future of Scandinavian crime writing. Hugely acclaimed, the Martin Beck series were the original Scandinavian crime novels and have inspired the writings of Stieg Larsson, Henning Mankell and Jo Nesbo. Written in the 1960s, 10 books completed in 10 years, they are the work of Maj Sjowall and Per Wahloo - a husband and wife team from Sweden. They follow the fortunes of the detective Martin Beck, whose enigmatic, taciturn character has inspired countless other policemen in crime fiction; without his creation Ian Rankin's John Rebus or Henning Mankell's Kurt Wallander may never have been conceived. The novels can be read separately, but are best read in chronological order, so the reader can follow the characters' development and get drawn into the series as a whole. 'Roseanna' begins on a July afternoon, the body of a young woman is dredged from Sweden's beautiful Lake Vattern. Three months later, all that Police Inspector Martin Beck knows is that her name is Roseanna, that she came from Lincoln, Nebraska, and that she could have been strangled by any one of eighty-five people. With its authentically rendered settings and vividly realized characters, and its command over the intricately woven details of police detection, 'Roseanna' is a masterpiece of suspense and sadness.