

Пока не взошла луна (Poka ne vzoshla luna)
Пока не взошла луна (Poka ne vzoshla luna)
Nadja Hashimi
Щороку ми д?зна?мося дедал? б?льше нових сл?в у галуз? економ?ки, комп’ютерних технолог?й ? маркетингу, натом?сть невпинно убож?? наш лексикон у сфер? етики й морал?. Дев?д Брукс б’? на сполох: очевидно, що сучасне сусп?льство у гонитв? за новац?ями нехту? усталеними етичними принципами, втрача? моральн? стимули й ?деали, руйну? св?й духовний стрижень. ?ДНК особистост?? про те, як переглянути власн? пр?оритети ? зосередитися на внутр?шн?х чеснотах. Вона покаже, як деяким людям вдалося проторувати шлях до сильного характеру ? стати г?дною особист?стю. ?хн? ?стор?? стануть для читача певними ор??нтирами у пошуках власно? стратег?? гартування характеру, допоможуть п?знати себе, в?днайти душевну гармон?ю ? щастя.
Вазочки, конфетницы, корзинки.
Вазочки, конфетницы, корзинки.
Kadnikova Olga
Капталзм свобода — класика полтико-економчно лтератури ХХ столття — як нколи актуальна для Украни. Нобелвський лауреат Млтон Фрдман розгляда зв’язок мж економчною та полтичною свободою. Вн опису, чому варто обмежити вплив держави в економку, децентралзувати владу, забезпечити гнучкий валютний курс, роздержавити сфери освти соцального забезпечення.
The Critique of Pure Reason
The Critique of Pure Reason
Immanuel Kant
Piping down the valleys wild,?Piping songs of pleasant glee,?On a cloud I saw a child,?And he laughing said to me:??"Pipe a song about a Lamb!"?So I piped with merry cheer.?"Piper, pipe that song again;"?So I piped: he wept to hear.??"Drop thy pipe, thy happy pipe;?Sing thy songs of happy cheer!"?So I sang the same again,?While he wept with joy to hear.??"Piper, sit thee down and write?In a book, that all may read."?So he vanish'd from my sight;?And I pluck'd a hollow reed,??And I made a rural pen,?And I stain'd the water clear,?And I wrote my happy songs?Every child may joy to hear. ?
Тринадцята казка (Trinadcjata kazka)
Тринадцята казка (Trinadcjata kazka)
Dіana Setterfіld
Одного дня життя дев’ятир?чного хлопчика повн?стю зм?нилося. Дитяча ц?кав?сть обернулася страшною пожежею, внасл?док яко? хлопчик отримав оп?ки майже усього т?ла. Пробувши у л?карн? п’ять м?сяц?в, в?н пережив ампутац?ю пальц?в та бол?сну реаб?л?тац?ю. Але якщо рубц? на т?л? можна прикрити одягом, то що робити ?з душевними шрамами? Чи можна п?сля цього мр?яти про повноц?нне щасливе життя? ?У полум’?? — це книга-спов?дь про незламн?сть, пошук себе ? велику роботу на шляху до усп?ху. Вона написана на основ? реальних под?й, як? зм?нили життя багатьох людей.
Торты нашего детства. Мамочкина вкуснятина!
Торты нашего детства. Мамочкина вкуснятина!
Kuz'mina Larisa
Книга объединяет два главных прижизненных издания основателя и ярчайшего представителя поэзии абсурда. Эдвард Лир (1812-1888) – прославленный английский поэт и художник, отец литературного лимерика, жанра, оказавшего заметное влияние на литературу конца XIX и всего XX века. Лимерики (216 забавных пятистиший) приведены на языке оригинала с параллельными переводами, выполненными лучшим российским интерпретатором поэзии нонсенса Борисом Архипцевым, и сопровождаются авторскими иллюстрациями. Переводчик посвятил работе более 20 лет жизни, добившись уникального результата, невиданной прежде полноты раскрытия авторского замысла в сочетании с красотой и естественностью звучания русского стиха. ?…Архипцев переводит Эдварда Лира, как благочестивый толковник – Писание: он передает и смысл, и звук. Точен – часто до мельчайших деталей. Звучен – до самой лихой эквилибристики…??Н. Горбаневская. Книга погружает читателя в атмосферу тонкого английского юмора, превосходно переданного переводчиком, в мир абсурда, делая его близким и понятным человеку любого возраста – от младшего школьного до старшего пенсионного. Издательство Animedia Company желает вам приятного чтения.
Titian: "Masterpieces in Colour" Book-I
Titian: "Masterpieces in Colour" Book-I
Samuel Levy Bensusan
Stella Fregelius was written in the year 1904 by Henry Rider Haggard. This book is one of the most popular novels of Henry Rider Haggard, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.
A Treatise on Painting: "Translated from the Original Italian"
A Treatise on Painting: "Translated from the Original Italian"
Leonardo Da Vinci
Tickets, Please!' was written in the year 1919 by David Herbert Lawrence. This book is one of the most popular novels of David Herbert Lawrence, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.
Чому нац?? занепадають
Чому нац?? занепадають
Daron Acemoğlu, James A. Robinson
Filozofski, psiholo?ki, istorijski i prakti?ni aspekti meditacije, i duhovnosti uop?te, prikazani u ?etiri poglavlja, od kojih svako sadr?i desetak ili vi?e eseja. Principi duhovnosti danas, kao i hiljadama godina unazac, na Istoku i na Zapadu, ostali su isti, samo je jezik promenjen. Isti su feti?i, strahovi, demoni, a isti su i lekovi, vizije i nadanja. Knjiga Osmehivanje je poput prakti?nog priru?nika o meditaciji, aktivnosti koja izvla?i um iz dnevne rutine, osloba?aju?i ga ranijeg iskustva, ?ime nastupaju?e iskustvo izrasta u sve?, originalni do?ivljaj. Knjiga je objavljena na srpskom jeziku, a razumeju je oni kojima je maternji hrvatski, bosanski ili crnogorski.
Королева пустел?: Одна ж?нка здатна зм?нити х?д ?стор??
Королева пустел?: Одна ж?нка здатна зм?нити х?д ?стор??
Georgina Howell
Un incredibile tornado si abbatte sul Kansas travolgendo la fattoria della piccola Dorothy e trasportandola, insieme con il suo cagnolino Toto, in un paese lontano e sconosciuto. Qui, dopo aver schiacciato la malvagia Strega dell'est, la bambina è accolta come un'eroina dal popolo che la megera teneva in ostaggio. Ma per tornare a casa Dorothy dovrà affrontare mille avventure accompagnata da uno Spaventapasseri, un Taglialegna di Latta e un Leone Vigliacco. Insieme sperano di incontrare il potente Mago di Oz nella splendida città di Smeraldo, l'unico che si dice sarà in grado di aiutarli.
Devil Stories: An Anthology
Devil Stories: An Anthology
Maximilian J. Rudwin
Monkey Nuts was written in the year 1922 by David Herbert Lawrence. This book is one of the most popular novels of David Herbert Lawrence, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.
Павло Скоропадський
Dvadeset godina nakon epohalne promjene 1989., koja je na postjugoslavenski prostor djelovala na posve druk?iji na?in nego na druge prija?nje realsocijalisti?ke europske zemlje, ova studija predstavlja poku?aj analiti?kog osvrta na dva desetlje?a razvoja civilnog dru?tva na zapadnom Balkanu. Njen autor Sr?an Dvornik iz Hrvatske, u to je dobro upu?en. Nije slu?ajno ?to se kroz cijeli sadr?aj i u strukturi ove knjige ispreple?u teorija i praksa te odnosi unutar i izvan “civilnodru?tvenog” razvoja. (...) Ova je studija va?an doprinos, dosad nedostatnim, razmatranjima o mogu?nostima i ograni?enjima akter? civilnog dru?tva u (post)autoritarnim dru?tvima. Istovremeno ona donosi i pouku da instrumenti zapadne politike demokratizacije imaju pred sobom jo? dug put razvoja do to?ke na kojoj ?e posve iscrpsti svoje dosada?nje organizacijske i politi?ke potencijale, da bi potom na nove me?unarodne izazove, koje nam novi svjetski (ne)red postavlja posljednja dva desetlje?a, mogli primjerenije reagirati. dr. Azra D?aji?-Weber
The Book of Dragons
The Book of Dragons
Edith Nesbit
Creep, Shadow! was written in the year 1934 by Abraham Merritt. This book is one of the most popular novels of Abraham Merritt, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.
Great Astronomers (Galileo Galilei): Illustrated
Great Astronomers (Galileo Galilei): Illustrated
Robert Stawell Ball
The Virgin and the Gipsy was written in the year 1930 by David Herbert Lawrence. This book is one of the most popular novels of David Herbert Lawrence, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.
Great Astronomers (Nicolaus Copernicus): Illustrated
Great Astronomers (Nicolaus Copernicus): Illustrated
Robert Stawell Ball
Skye a világon mindennél jobban szereti az ikertesóját, Summert. Mindig mindent együtt csinálnak, ám a Skye újabban kezdi azt érezni, teljesen elt?nik testvére árnyékában, mellette mindig csak a második legjobb lehet. Emiatt is érinti annyira fájdalmasan, mikor kiderül, Alfie is csak azért barátkozik vele, hogy meghódíthassa Summer szívét. Skye szeretne ?nmaga lenni, megmutatni saját stílusát és egyéniségét. De nem k?nny? elszánnia magát, hiszen egy t?kéletes, men? és népszer? ikertestvér mellett miért lenne bárki pont rá kíváncsi? ?t lány, ?t néz?pont, ?t k?nyv. Cherry után a Mályvacukor égboltból megismerjük Skye t?rténetét. Egy k?nyvsorozat, melyben minden testvérnek megvan a maga t?rténete Neked melyik lány lesz a kedvenced? Talán a Mályvacukor égbolt f?h?se, Skye? ? az a lány, akinek sz?ke, hullámos a haja, kék a szeme, egy kissé talán kül?nc, de mindig vidám, kedves és barátságos. Igazi egyéniség. A szerz?r?l: Cathy Cassidy nyolc-kilencéves korában írta meg els? képesk?nyvét kis?ccsének, és azóta ontja magából a t?rténeteket. Magyarul els?ként a Csajok és csokik-sorozata jelent meg (a Cseresznyés ábrándot most a második k?tet, a Mályvacukor égbolt k?veti), melynek a vagány Tanberry-n?vérek a f?h?sei. De mellettük felt?nik néhány szupermen? srác is, valamint Cathy egyik legnagyobb szerelme, a csokoládé is fontos szerepet kap. Cathy Skóciában él a családjával. Az ?sszes munka k?zül, amivel valaha megpróbálkozott, az írást szereti a legjobban hiszen amikor ír, mást sem kell csinálnia, mint ébren álmodozni egész álló nap.
Duan?n ?nemi: “S?navlar ??in Dua Kitab?“
Duan?n ?nemi: “S?navlar ??in Dua Kitab?“
Murat Ukray
Te mit tennél kockára azért, hogy teljesüljenek a vágyaid?A testi épségedet?A lelkedet?Rona ?r?mlányként dolgozik, de minden vágya, hogy írón? válhasson bel?le. Ahhoz, hogy be tudja fejezni élete els? regényét, bele kell merülnie a BDSM számára eddig ismeretlen világába. Ahogy egyre mélyebbre hatol a k?telek, bilincsek és ostorcsapások k?z?tt, úgy ébred rá, hogy ez az egész nem csupán a szexr?l szól, annál sokkal t?bbr?l.Régóta dédelgetett gyerekkori sérelmek szabadulnak fel a pálcacsapások nyomán, és kalandjai során egészen új emberré válik.Vajon a szex k?zben elszenvedett fájdalom gyógyír lehet mindenre?Mit szól majd a k?rnyezete, a szerelme? Képesek lesznek elfogadni új énjét? Milyen áldozatok árán válhat valóra élete nagy álma?Rona Fire valós élményeken alapuló, szenvedéllyel és romantikával teli igaz t?rténete olyan világba repíti el az olvasót, ahova csak kevesen merészkednek.
Mr. C
世界各地之有味笑話如恆河沙數,素來是廣受大眾歡迎的流行讀本。本書作者Mr. C特別編撰「小小笑話」系列,精選妙絕抵死的笑話匯集成篇,以輕巧且價錢相宜的迷你版本出版,為你帶來經濟實惠的閱讀樂趣和享受。除了豐富精選的笑話,書首更有得意有趣的遊戲,供大家互動玩耍一下,順便先來個大腦熱熱身,然後再放開懷抱笑個痛快。 《癲癲WORKING》及《公主病駕到》分別取材為Office笑話及男女關係笑話,詼諧抵死,適合成人閱讀。 《囧囧CLUB》及《女王捉字室》則取材為校園笑話(classroom jokes),幽默搞笑,適合學生閱讀。
Learning Continuous Integration with Jenkins - Second Edition
Learning Continuous Integration with Jenkins - Second Edition
Nikhil Pathania
Speed up the software delivery process and software productivity using the latest features of Jenkins About This Book ? Take advantage of a Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery solution to speed up productivity and achieve faster software delivery ? See all the new features introduced in Jenkins 2.x, such as Pipeline as code, Multibranch pipeline, Docker Plugin, and more ? Learn to implement Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery by orchestrating multiple DevOps tools using Jenkins Who This Book Is For The book is for those with little or no previous experience with Agile or CI and CD. It’s a good starting point for anyone new to this field who wants to leverage the benefits of CI and CD to increase productivity and reduce delivery time. It’s ideal for Build and Release engineers, DevOps engineers, SCM (Software Configuration Management) engineers, developers, testers, and project managers. If you’re already using Jenkins for CI, you can take your project to the next level—CD. What You Will Learn ? Get to know some of the most popular ways to set up Jenkins ? See all the new features introduced in the latest Jenkins, such as pipeline as code, Multibranch pipeline, and more ? Manage users, projects, and permissions in Jenkins to ensure better security ? Leverage the power of plugins in Jenkins ? Learn how to create a CI pipeline using Jenkins Blue Ocean ? Create a distributed build farm using Docker and use it with Jenkins ? Implement CI and CD using Jenkins ? See the difference between CD and Continuous Deployment ? Understand the concepts of CI In Detail In past few years, agile software development has seen tremendous growth. There is a huge demand for software delivery solutions that are fast yet flexible to numerous amendments. As a result, Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) methodologies are gaining popularity. This book starts off by explaining the concepts of CI and its significance in the Agile. Next, you'll learn how to configure and set up Jenkins in many different ways. The book exploits the concept of "pipeline as code" and various other features introduced in the Jenkins 2.x release to their full potential. We also talk in detail about the new Jenkins Blue Ocean interface and the features that help to quickly and easily create a CI pipeline. Then we dive into the various features offered by Jenkins one by one, exploiting them for CI and CD. Jenkins' core functionality and flexibility allows it to fit in a variety of environments and can help streamline the development process for all stakeholders. Next, you'll be introduced to CD and will learn how to achieve it using Jenkins. Through this book's wealth of best practices and real-world tips, you'll discover how easy it is to implement CI and CD using Jenkins. Style and approach The book uses a simple Maven project to demonstrate the implementation of CI and CD using Jenkins. This step-by-step guide shows you how to implement CI/CD and can be used as a template to perform CI/CD in your projects.
Stuck (Read aloud by Terence Stamp)
Stuck (Read aloud by Terence Stamp)
Oliver Jeffers
Oliver Jeffers graduated from The University of Ulster in 2001 with First Class honours. His outstanding talent has been recognised by several high-profile awards, including the Nestlé Children’s Book Prize Gold Award. ‘Lost and Found’ animation was broadcast on Channel 4. Oliver lives and works in Brookyln, New York.
Tim, Ted and the Pirates (Read Aloud)
Tim, Ted and the Pirates (Read Aloud)
Ian Whybrow
Ian Whybrow is best known for his original humour and he always writes with adult readers as well as children in mind. He lives in Harrow-on-the-Hill and teaches at the John Lyon School. His wife Ann is also a teacher and they have two daughters, one of whom is Lucy Whybrow, the actress.
That Naughty Meerkat!
That Naughty Meerkat!
Ian Whybrow
A laugh-out-loud new picture book from the author of Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs series and the illustrator of the Dinosaur that Pooped series. Uncle Fearless is sure he can look after the baby meerkats all by himself. But taking charge is not as easy as it seems – especially with Trouble about: that naughty meerkat! So, whatever will he do when the meerkats suddenly find themselves in danger?