

Human Condition
Human Condition
Arendt, Hannah
A work of striking originality bursting with unexpected insights, The Human Condition is in many respects more relevant now than when it first appeared in 1958. In her study of the state of modern humanity, Hannah Arendt considers humankind from the perspective of the actions of which it is capable. The problems Arendt identified then-diminishing human agency and political freedom, the paradox that as human powers increase through technological and humanistic inquiry, we are less equipped to control the consequences of our actions-continue to confront us today. This new edition, published to coincide with the fortieth anniversary of its original publication, contains an improved and expanded index and a new introduction by noted Arendt scholar Margaret Canovan which incisively analyzes the book's argument and examines its present relevance. A classic in political and social theory, The Human Condition is a work that has proved both timeless and perpetually timely.Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) was one of the leading social theorists in the United States. Her Lectures on Kant's Political Philosophy and Love and Saint Augustine are also published by the University of Chicago Press.
HarperCollins e-books
HarperCollins e-books
Salzer, Alicia
Back to Life is a feel-good approach to overcoming that lets you try on the skills of the heroes you most admire. From icons of survival like Rosa Parks and Nelson Mandela to contemporary heroes like Michael J. Fox and Elizabeth Edwards, this book allows you to see what resilient survivors actually do when they feel lousy.This is a revolutionary approach to feeling better, rooted in the science of positive psychology and resilience theory, and would help anyone get a dose of soul food into their emotional diet; but these techniques are specially tailored to those trying to overcome traumas big and small from Big-T Traumas, such as combat, abuse, and bereavement, to challenges one might think of as little-t traumas, like breakups, betrayals, job loss, health problems, and financial hardships. After years of working in the trenches of psychiatry, it became clear to Dr. Alicia Salzer that we needed some new methods to help people overcome, since the old methods often proved too painful for many to bear. It's all about being in the present and focusing on the future no retelling and revisiting the past, no opening Pandora's box, no picking at old scabs. Back to Life is a creative and empowering way to learn the habits of resilient survivors while getting to know what you stand for, what makes you happy, and what emotions you need in your diet in order to thrive. In this book you will create a "holistic pillbox" of ten stones each symbolizing a healthy new way of coping that you can utilize when your past rears its head.The truth is, there have always been people in our midst who remain positive and passionate despite enormous challenges while others just get stuck. This is the secret playbook of those people, and it's full of accessible and fun exercises to help you try on the rose-colored glasses of those survivors we so admire.
HarperCollins e-books
HarperCollins e-books
Seeley, Ken
World-renowned interventionist Ken Seeley, one of the hosts of A&E's hit television series Intervention, has spent the past twenty years helping people and their families deal with and overcome life-threatening addictions. His clients have ranged from the homeless to multimillionaires, each needing professional help with every problem imaginable, including alcoholism, drug dependency, excessive gambling, sexual addiction, abusive behavior, and mental disorders. A few years into his career, Ken realized that the one common characteristic with each of his clients was denial. He has since built his success on a proven program for pinpointing and dealing with this core issue. Whether coping with a severe or a soft addiction, a life-threatening situation, or just an impediment to true happiness, we're all in denial about something. It might be small and seemingly innocent, such as the fact that you're not trying to excel in your job as much as you could or should be. Or it could be much larger and even potentially lethal, such as a full-blown addiction that at this very moment is destroying your life. The truth is, no matter who you are, no matter how small or large your problems may seem, denial is holding you back from living your life to the fullest. Denial is the number one symptom of addiction. It's the mask that lets addicts ignore and avoid the consequences of their actions. But what most people don't know is that denial is also the fuel that creates an addiction in the first place as well as nearly every other disorder, behavior, and habit that can negatively affect your life. In Face It and Fix It, Seeley leads readers through a three-step process to remove life-damaging denial in order to live balanced and healthy lives. He helps readers first to identify life-damaging behaviors; next he gives the tools necessary to break down the walls that denial builds up over time; and finally he shows how to maintain balanced lives and relationships.Whether you're looking for help for someone you love or struggling with an addiction of your own, Face It and Fix It will leave you with a greater sense of self-awareness and the skills you need to both improve your relationships and to live the life you deserve.
HarperCollins e-books
HarperCollins e-books
Buckingham, Jane
From the author of the bestselling The Modern Girl's Guide to Life comes a must-have book for the young mom, including best-kept secrets, practical advice, and multiple solutions for problems from birth to age four Just when you thought you could cook (hey, one meal counts), clean (if the queen was coming), and seduce a man (well, long enough to get married), life throws you a curveball that makes all of your previous ineptitudes in life pale in comparison. With the appearance of one little extra line on a pregnancy test, you're thrown into a world of covering up leaks on shirts and taking a pacifier away from a two-year-old who has the grip of a pit bull.In this funny, smart, and honest book, Jane Buckingham cuts through the clutter to give you simple information and practical advice for navigating the different stages of motherhood. From how to get your child to sleep and how to wean, to how to get him off the pacifier and how to stop his tantrums, this book will help moms feel in the know and in control! Some of Buckingham's favorite tips: If your baby has a hard time feeding because of a stuffy nose, turn on the shower to steam up the bathroom and feed her there. Put your children's paints in an empty egg carton -- it's the perfect size, and there's no mess to clean up when you're done. Use an old raincoat with the arms cut off as a smock. You should buy a new car seat, rather than borrowing a friend's old car seat, as there are constant safety upgrades. Also, be sure you are the person registered to that car seat (send in that registration card!) so that you'll be notified in case of a recall. Keep the three-day rule in mind: Almost any bad habit can be broken in three days. Granted, they may be tough, torturous days, but you can do it! The Modern Girl's Guide to Motherhood helps modern moms do it all with love, style, and flair!
HarperCollins e-books
HarperCollins e-books
Fischgrund, Tom
Drawing on the first study of 1600 scorers conducted with the full cooperation of the College Board, here are the 7 secrets to success on the SAT -- and in life.Every year roughly 2.3 million high school students take the SAT; of those, however, only 650 students on average achieve a perfect score of 1600. Such a statistic raises obvious questions: Who are these kidsWhat are they likeAnd how do they do it?In a new landmark study, educator and executive recruiter Tom Fischgrund became the first researcher ever granted comprehensive access to these high academic achievers by the College Board, the body that administers the SAT. Weaving together in-depth interviews with perfect-score students, insights from their parents, and exclusive College Board data, in 1600 Perfect Score he reveals the 7 secrets that separate the cream from the crop.Among the Revelations Attending small private schools (or any school with classes) doesn't always make a big difference ... but having strong family support does Paying for expensive classes or tutors doesn'talways make a big difference ... but takinglots of practice tests at home does Having a strongly motivating teacher doesn't always make a big difference ... but having an independent passion for learning definitely does Packed with intriguing case studies and practical advice -- and tips from the 1600 scorers themselves -- this essential book brings hard data and a new, more human perspective to one of the greatest challenges parents everywhere face: how to make sure their children have the best chance to thrive in high school, college, and beyond.
The Portable Pediatrician, Second Edition
The Portable Pediatrician, Second Edition
Nathanson, Laura W.
Dr. Laura Nathanson wrote The Portable Pediatrician to help parents find the joy in parenting and gain the confidence to quickly and easily assess their child's development, medical symptoms, and behavioral problems. Parents can't always visit their pediatrician every time they have a question, but fortunately with this book they have the next best thing.The Portable Pediatrician, one of the few child-care books written by a practicing pediatrician, offers authoritative and practical advice on: Keeping up with, or even one step ahead of, your child's rapidly changing needs Setting limits before the one year birthday Planning the arrival of the next baby in the family Coping with your own as well as with your child's separation anxiety Dealing with the four I's: illnesses, injuries, immunizations, and insurance coverage Getting prompt medical attention for serious crises -- and what to do in the meantime Preventing childhood obesity and eating disorders later Confronting complex behavior and medical problems, including ADD, autism, asthma, oppositional behavior (including potty resistance)
Hogyan készíts eredményes Facebook hirdetéseket?
Hogyan készíts eredményes Facebook hirdetéseket?
Lévai Richárd
Fent van a ce?ged a Facebookon, de nem jo?nnek az eredme?nyek? Hirdetsz, de nem vagy ele?g sikeres? Szeretne?d felpo?rgetni?a Facebook-hirdete?seid hate?konysa?ga?t? A Facebook egy nagyon o?sszetett hirdete?si rendszer. To?bb, mint 500 fe?le hirdete?sce?lza?si bea?lli?ta?s, valamint 15 hirdete?sle?trehoza?si leheto?se?g a?ll rendelkeze?su?nkre. Nem ko?nnyu? eldo?nteni melyiket haszna?ljuk, hiszen gyakran csak apro? ku?lo?nbse?gek va?lasztja?k el o?ket egyma?sto?l.?Ra?ada?sul sokszor a siker nem is a technikai tuda?son mu?lik, hanem azon,?hogyan e?pu?l be a marketing folyamatok ko?ze? ez az eszko?z. Erro?l szo?l ez a ko?nyv.A segi?tse?ge?vel nem csak a hirdete?si rendszer tru?kkjeit ismered meg, hanem azokat a mo?dszereket, strate?gia?kat, amik tu?lmutatnak a Facebookon, e?s amik ta?mogatnak abban, hogy me?g eredme?nyesebbe? tedd az online marketingedet. "Atto?l tartok a Ricsi tu?l?sok informa?cio?t?i?rt bele a ko?nyvbe, eze?rt az emberek nem fognak jelentkezni a ke?pze?seire. Aki elolvassa, le?trehozhatja?vagy jelento?sen javi?thatja a saja?t social marketing strate?gia?ja?t. E?n ma?r megtettem!” Damjanovich Nebojsa, senpai.hu ?Ma ma?r egyre nehe- zebb sze?les ko?rnek organikusan eljuttatni egy-egy posztot, eze?rt hirdete?sekre van szu?kse?g. Me?gpedig jo?l megtervezett Facebook-hirdete?sekre. Ezt ja?rja ko?ru?l Richa?rd alapossa?ggal e?s folyamatszemle?lettel, ugyanakkor ko?nnyed sti?lusban. Ko?nyve a Budapesti Metropolitan Egyetem digita?lis marketing executive MBA ke?pze?se?n is fontos alapirodalom lesz.”Dr. Papp-Va?ry A?rpa?d, a Budapesti Metropolitan Egyetem a?ltala?nos rektorhelyettese, a ?ma?rkadoktor” ?Le?vai Ricsi megmutatja, hogyan kell meg fogni e?s nem ereszteni a vevo?idet, aka?r itthoni, aka?r ku?lfo?ldi piacra ce?lzol. E?s Ricsi bo?kezu? az informa?cio?val, hiszen Magyarorsza?gon o? publika?l a legto?bbet Facebook-marketingro?l. E?s ha annyi mindent megoszt ingyen, ke?pzeld, milyen titkokat tartogat Neked a ko?nyve?ben! Szo?val, u?j vevo?k, nagy te?telben, diszkont a?ron – e?rdekel?”Wolf Ga?bor, Marketing Commando U?gy e?rzed, itt az ideje, hogy a Facebook-hirdete?seid igaza?n eredme?nyesek legyenek?Ez a ko?nyv ebben segi?t. Fordi?tsd a saja?t ce?ged java?ra a benne rejlo? informa?cio?kat!
A Documentary History of Arkansas
A Documentary History of Arkansas
C. Fred Williams,S. Charles Bolton,Carl H. Moneyhon,LeRoy T. Williams
A Documentary History of Arkansas provides a comprehensive look at Arkansas history from the state's earliest events to the present. Here are newspaper articles, government bulletins, legislative acts, broadsides, letters, and speeches that, taken collectively, give a firsthand glimpse at how the twenty-fifth state's history was made. Enhanced by additional documents and brought up to date since its original publication in 1984, this new edition is the standard source for essential primary documents illustrating the state's political, social, economic, educational, and environmental history.
Harrell, Keith
It doesn't take long to understand why The Wall Street Journal calls Keith Harrell "a star with attitude." Keith Harrell, a.k.a. Dr. Attitude, helps you along on your path to success. Keith is a bestselling author, performance coach, and nationally acclaimed motivational speaker recognized for his innovative and enlightening presentations to Fortune 500 companies like Coca-Cola, IBM, Microsoft, and Southwest Airlines. His bestselling book, Attitude is Everything, helped readers improve their attitudes to impact the bottom line.In Attitude is Everything, Keith taught readers to gain control of their careers and their lives by turning positive attitudes into successful actions. But attitude is only half the equation. Once you have super motivated employees, you need them to CONNECT to the company's goals and its mission to achieve maximum success. Success is built on connections we make with people and ideas. Whether it's connecting with customers to improve their service experience, or connecting with the strategic business plan and objectives for the coming year, the foundation for success starts with CONNECT. Here in Connect, Keith Harrell and Hattie Hill reveal the seven core competencies needed to connect individuals and organizations in order to heighten productivity and to maximize personal and professional success.Commit to win Open up to opportunities Notice what's needed and do what's necessary Navigate by your purposeExecute ethicallyChallenge your challenges Transcend beyond your best
HarperCollins e-books
HarperCollins e-books
Hirsch, Stephanie
Where did Beyonc get her groove?Where did Lance Armstrong get his drive?Where did Steven Spielberg get his creative vision?Every success story begins with . . . Mom When Stephanie Hirsch gave birth to her son, she began to think about the kind of person she'd like him to be: generous, family oriented, loving, courageous, and professionally accomplished maybe he'd turn out like Steven Spielberg! But what, she wondered, had Spielberg's mother done so well?What started out as one conversation with Steven Spielberg's mom became a quest to interview the mothers of some of the most talented artists, brilliant journalists, and dedicated athletes of our time.Mother Nurture is an inspiring collection of fifty-two stories filled with commonsense advice and memorable personal tales from caring mothers whose children have reached the apex of their fields, from sports, politics, and music to literature, entertainment, and business.If you're expecting, or a parent, or you just want to thank the woman who raised you, Mother Nurture is both the perfect antidote to piles of contradictory parenting advice and a celebration of the gift of motherhood.
HarperCollins e-books
HarperCollins e-books
Smith, Ashley
In April 2005, Ashley Smith made headlines around the globe when she miraculously talked her way out of the hands of alleged courthouse killer Brian Nichols after he took her hostage for seven hours in her suburban Atlanta apartment. In this moving, inspirational memoir, the 26-year-old widowed mother of a six-year-old girl shares for the first time the little-known details of her traumatic ordeal, and expands on how her faith and the bestselling book The Purpose-Driven? Life helped her survive and bring the killer's murderous rampage to a peaceful end.Just as she told her 6'1", 210-pound captor that his ultimate "purpose" in life was to end up spending the rest of his life in prison, preaching the teachings of Jesus Christ to his fellow inmates, Smith believes her own purpose is to spread that message of love to the rest of us. Juxtaposing the minute-by-minute tale of her experience with the never-before-told tragedies and triumphs of her own life, Unlikely Angel is a gripping tale of downfall and redemption, involving addiction, violence, death, loss, faith, and love. It is a story that will leave no reader untouched.
HarperCollins e-books
HarperCollins e-books
Kerner, Ian
Are you a victim of a crime of the heart?Is your relationship an unsolved mystery?It's time to analyze the Dating DNA.In this hilarious and helpful handbook, best-selling author Ian Kerner introduces us to the DSI team, a top-secret unit within the FBI (that's the Federal Bureau of Intimacy) whose sole mission is to investigate dating dilemmas and equip you with the skills you need so you're never again a dating victim.Through humorous and engaging case studies, you'll read about boyfriends who might be gay, gamers who won't step up to the plate, and wimps who won't go down for the count. You'll meet Dating DUPEs (Desperately Under Pressure to Evaluate) and their antagonistic ARSEs (Anti-Relationship Suspect Examinees). You'll gain unprecedented access to previously classified relationship rap sheets: detailed reports that reveal interpersonal infractions, mating misdemeanors, and flirtatious felonies. You'll boldly go where no civilian has gone before as we apply the latest forensic tools to decipher complex dating data: From testing for SPARK (Sexual Potential and Romantic Kinship), to consulting with undercover agents in the MBU (Missing Boyfriends Unit), Kerner ventures above the law and beneath the covers.Because in the end . . . the love life you save may be your own.
Hibiscus: Discover Fresh Flavours from West Africa with the Observer Rising Star
Hibiscus: Discover Fresh Flavours from West Africa with the Observer Rising Star
Lopè Ariyo
Lopè Ariyo recently graduated from Loughborough University, where she read Mathematics. In her spare time, she wrote and filmed recipes for her food blog, focusing primarily on contemporary African food. This lead her to enter, and win, the HarperCollins and Red Magazine African cookery competition. Lopè currently lives in Croydon, south London, and divides her time between consulting for African food brands and writing content for her blog, www.lopeariyo.com.
Mean Mothers
Mean Mothers
Streep, Peg
An exploration of the darker side of maternal behavior drawn from scientific research, psychology, and the real-life experiences of adult daughters, Mean Mothers sheds light on one of the last cultural taboos: what happens when a woman doesn't or can't love her daughter.Mean Mothers reveals the multigenerational thread that often runs through these stories many unloving mothers are the daughters of unloving or hypercritical women and explores what happens to a daughter's sense of self and to her relationships when her mother is emotionally absent or even cruel. But Mean Mothers is also a narrative of hope, recounting how daughters can get past the legacy of hurt to become whole within and to become loving mothers to the next generation of daughters. The personal stories of unloved daughters and sons and those of the author herself, are both unflinching and moving, and bring this most difficult of subjects to life.Mean Mothers isn't just a book for daughters who've had difficult or impossible relationships with their mothers. By exposing the myths of motherhood that prevent us from talking about the women for whom mothering a daughter is fraught with ambivalence, tension, or even jealousy, Mean Mothers also casts a different light on the extraordinary influence mothers have over their female children as well as the psychological complexity and emotional depth of the mother-daughter relationship.
Beyond Words
Beyond Words
Buechner, Frederick
Beyond Words n (1.) Terms or names that point to the realm of mystery and depth that lies beyond our ordinary experience. (2.) The reality that is beyond even the power of beyond words to convey, and that can be known only by experiencing it for yourself."A word a day to keep the demons at bay." This is how Frederick Buechner likes to describe this witty and incisive dictionary. A daily devotional from one of today's greatest spiritual writers, Beyond Words offers 366 entries from Buechner's three alphabet books, Wishful Thinking, Peculiar Treasures, and Whistling in the Dark, including a new Introduction and nineteen new entries.Providing definitions of both sacred and ordinary words, as well as biblical characters, Buechner unabashedly brings his fresh perspective to words, concepts, and characters we thought we understood. This is a great introduction to Buechner's work as well as a library staple for those already well versed in his writing. It is Buechner at his best. Whether readers find themselves tearful from a deeply moving insight or laughing out loud at an unexpected turn of phrase, they will always feel uplifted, illuminated, and enchanted by the wisdom of Frederick Buechner.
William Morrow
William Morrow
Notkin, Melanie
Savvy Auntie is the first go-to source for taking delight in the Savvy Auntie lifestyle, based on the popular website and written by America's foremost expert on modern Aunthood, Melanie Notkin. Whether she's an Auntie by Relation or Auntie by Choice, a Long-Distance Auntie or a Gay Auntie, America's fastest growing segment of women, the PANK (Professional Aunt No Kids), needs guidance and advice when it comes to the kids she adores. Why should their parents know all the secretsSavvy Auntie empowers sophisticated, educated, and independent aunts to connect with their inner-Savvy Auntie by sharing everything she needs to know from the minute she discovers her sister or friend is expecting, to confidently lending a hand with a newborn niece or nephew, to keeping up with the walking, talking growing-oh-so-fast bundles of energy, while coping with the occasional meltdown including her own. Notkin provides a wealth of essential information and insight on child development, health and well-being, and spending 'QualAuntie' time with nieces and nephews. Plus she shares tips for baby showers, baby booty, birthdays and big kids. Notkin also addresses the ultimate concern for the modern aunt: to have children or not, and if so, howShe offers savvy advice on living life to the fullest no matter the choice or circumstance. Chock full of sidebars, fun facts, and helpful anecdotes from every day Savvy Aunties, Savvy Auntie is the indispensable handbook for Aunties of all ages, and for every single, married or partnered woman navigating the ultimate celebration of life: children.
You Can Play Guitar in Few Weeks
You Can Play Guitar in Few Weeks
Larysa Lunika
As a lot of people we studied music at schools. Did someone catch enough to play? We can’t say yes on this question.? Afterwards we learn to play using different books and manuals. These papers promised many good things but that was sort of suffering to learn to play. By trial and error we have figured out quite enough information which can eliminate this suffering. So we decided to write a book if we could read one we would not get through difficulties for many years long.In this book we tried to explain the origin and fundamental properties of music. We named this as anatomy of music because we tried to dive in the depth of it. We just used notes to explain how to play without notes and tablatures. Nevertheless we delivered music theory quite completely trying to eliminate confusive moments.
A Year with C. S. Lewis 与C.S.路易斯相伴365日
A Year with C. S. Lewis 与C.S.路易斯相伴365日
Lewis, C. S.
Beloved author C. S. Lewis is our trusted guide in this intimate day-by-day companion offering his distinctive and celebrated wisdom. Amidst the bustle of our daily experience, A Year with C. S. Lewis provides the necessary respite and inspiration to meet the many challenges we face in our lives. Ruminating on such themes as the nature of love, the existence of miracles, overcoming a devastating loss, and discovering a profound faith, Lewis offers unflinchingly honest insight for each day of the year. These daily meditations have been culled from Lewis's celebrated Signature Classics: Mere Christianity , The Screwtape Letters , The Great Divorce , The Problem of Pain , Miracles , and A Grief Observed , as well as from the distinguished works The Weight of Glory and The Abolition of Man. Throughout this elegant daybook the reader will find poignant biographical com-mentary about C. S. Lewis's life that offers a remarkable portrait of Lewis in the context of his work. As each day unfolds, we embark on a path of discovery with a friend by your side. A Year with C. S. Lewis is the perfect com-panion for everyone who cherishes Lewis's timeless words.
The One Thing Holding You Back
The One Thing Holding You Back
Cushnir, Raphael
"By the time you finish this book, there will be nothing holding you back." from the Introduction Most people have a vision for their lives that they're not pursuing, half-heartedly pursuing, or pursuing with all their might yet somehow falling short. This vision can be modest or grand. It may involve breaking free of a destructive habit or finding a truly healthy relationship. It might have to do with making a real difference in the world or helping to lead a company to extraordinary success. In The One Thing Holding You Back, Raphael Cushnir, a leading voice in the world of personal and professional development, reveals that whenever people aren't living their dreams it's because they're not yet willing and able to feel specific emotions related to those dreams. Once we access and understand these emotions, our dreams can and will come true.Cushnir asserts that mere emotional awareness, commonly referred to as emotional intelligence, is not enough. For maximum benefit we must directly and consistently connect with our emotions. In particular, we need to connect with the emotions we routinely avoid, resist, or attempt to dismiss. It's these emotions that possess the key to our greatest goals. And learning to connect with them is another rarely taught but essential skill.The One Thing Holding You Back provides real solutions that can be implemented immediately and without external support and includes true stories of people who have put Cushnir's process to work and transformed their lives. Delivering a step-by-step program in accessible language, this landmark book will turn the obstacles in front of us into tremendous opportunities for achieving the life we always wanted.
The Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls
The Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls
VanderKam, James
The Dead Sea Scrolls, found in caves near the Dead Sea fifteen miles east of Jerusalem from 1947 to 1956, include the oldest existing biblical manu*s and the remarkable texts of the purist Jewish community at Qumran. The discovery of the scrolls has added dramatically to our understanding of the varieties of Judaism at the time of Jesus and the rise of Christianity, but has also prompted heated debate about the nature of these religions. As the monumental task of transcribing and translating the Dead Sea Scrolls is finally completed, people around the world are taking stock of the significance of these ancient documents. In this book, two of the world's leading experts on the scrolls reveal the complete and fascinating story in all its detail: the amazing discovery, the intense controversies, and the significant revelations. Drawing together all the evidence, this timely book explores: The discovery and dating of the scrolls Their relationship to the Hebrew Bible, Apocrypha, and New Testament Their messianic and apocalyptic messages The identity, nature, and theology of the Qumran community The nonbiblical scrolls Controversies surrounding the scrolls This comprehensive, up-to-date guide is the definitive introduction to all aspects of the scrolls, including their teachings, the community that created them, the world of Judaism, the origins of Christianity, our understanding of Jesus and the New Testament. Featuring photos of the original texts, the sites, and the scholars who deciphered them, and including illustrative passages from the scrolls, The Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls presents the most complete and accurate scholarship on the Dead Sea Scrolls available today.
Balancing Heaven and Earth
Balancing Heaven and Earth
Johnson, Robert A.
One of this century's most popular psychology scholars, Robert A.Johnson was among the first to present Carl Jung's rich but complex theories with simple elegance and grace,opening them to an entirely new and hungry audience. His masterful works--including the best selling He, She, Inner Work, and Owning Your Own Shadow-are known and loved as much for their beautiful retellings of timeless myths and folktales as for their deep wisdom and profound insight. Balancing Heaven and Earth reveals, for the first time, Johnson's own fascinating and mystical life-from his near-death experience at the age of eleven to the lifelong soul journey that has informed his writing and taught him how to live a spiritual life in the endlessly challenging modern world. Full of compelling, humorous, and surprising stories of encounters with an assortment of "sages, saints, and sinners," it lays bare Johnson's own inner world and its dazzeling landscape of powerful dreams, mystical visions, and synchronistic events. Beginnning with a vivid retelling of the childhood accident that claimed the lower part of his right leg, Johnson describes the life-defining moment when he was transported by a mystical vision to a realm that exists just beyond ordinary consciousness-a realm he calls the "Golden World." With this experience, described as "both my curse and my blessing," Johnson is launched on a spiritual quest that leads him in search of Eastern wisdom, to encounters with such wise men as J. Krishnamurti and D.T. Suzuki, and finally to Carl Jung, who shows him his destiny revealed in a dream. Johnson's experiences lead him to a unique understanding and acceptance of the slender connecting threads at work in all our lives, guiding us and shaping who we are-"call it fate, destiny, or the hand of God." As much a personal guide as a memoir, Balancing Heaven and Earth teaches us to follow , as Johnson has, the subtle influences of dreams, visions, and even our deepest sufferings in order to live attuned to our spiritual selves. A pure delight for Johnson's many fans and a splendid example of his trademark blend of illustrative myth and psychological insight, this is a work of incomparable beauty and inspiration showcasing the wisdom of a lifetime.
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