

Boissons naturelles pour votre santé
Boissons naturelles pour votre santé
Cristina Rebiere, Olivier Rebiere
Un petit jus frais ou une tisane pour la santé? Vous aimez la nature, les animaux ou les végétaux? Vous aimeriez savoir comment utiliser fruits et légumes pour faire des jus frais, des tisanes, et améliorer votre santé? La vie est aussi faite de plaisirs simples qui peuvent se transformer en pur bonheur facilement Notre collection de livrets?pratiques ??eGuide Nature?? va vous le prouver! Découvrez des petits livres faciles et pas chers qui vont vous?aider à faire entrer la Nature dans votre quotidien! Nous avons plus d’une décennie d’expérience?dans l’élevage de petits animaux et leur présentation aux enfants dans le cadre d’un mini-zoo et aimons transmettre l’expérience de nos a?nés. Nous adorons aussi cuisiner naturellement et préparer toute sorte de jus ou de tisanes Nous souhaitons partager avec vous nos connaissances utiles et nos astuces pour???apprivoiser?? simplement cette Nature dont?quelques fois la vie moderne nous éloigne… Vous allez découvrir des petits livres pratiques utiles, toujours à portée de main dans votre smartphone N°0 – Boissons naturelles pour votre santé Dans ce numéro ??zéro?? de la collection ??eGuide Nature?? nous allons voir comment préparer des boissons naturelles, des jus frais ou des tisanes pour rester simplement et naturellement?en?bonne santé! Qu’allez vous trouver dans cet ??eGuide Nature??? nos conseils pour bien?préparer vos jus de fruits nos astuces pour concocter des tisanes 20?recettes?santé Alors, êtes vous prêt(e) à faire entrer la Nature dans votre quotidien?! Oui?On y va! Amicalement, Cristina Olivier Rebiere
Liquid Cool (The Cyberpunk Detective Series):The Cyberpunk Detective Series
Liquid Cool (The Cyberpunk Detective Series):The Cyberpunk Detective Series
Austin Dragon
Liquid Cool is the action-packed and funny,?debut cyberpunk detective series!? It’s cyberpunk reimagined—science fiction meets the detective thriller in an ever-rainy world of colossal skyscrapers. Hovercars fly above in the dark, bustling skies and gray people walk below on the grimy, flashy streets of this “neon jungle.” Metropolis isn’t a bad place, but it isn’t a good one either. Uber-governments and megacorporations fight for control of the super-city, but so does crime. We were introduced to Liquid Cool, in the prequel short, These Mean Streets, Darkly. We met an average woman, Carol—hardworking and decent in every way—only to have her daughter kidnapped by the psycho cyborg Red Rabbit. Can Police Central find the girl in time—alive? And is it really another senseless act of random violence in the fifty-million-plus supercity?? This story continues…and there are so many more. For the first time, we meet Cruz, our private eye (and unlikely hero), in a supercity with a million victims and perpetrators. Welcome to the high-tech, low-life world of Liquid Cool.? But watch out for tech-tricksters, analog hustlers, and digital gangsters—psychos, samurais, and cyborgs aplenty—they may want your money, or your life, more than you do. Get Your Copy of LIQUID COOL?Right Now and Prepare to be Thrilled with Mystery, Action, and Laughs!?And don’t get shot by a laser-pistol-packing cyber-punk on your way to the digital store. FIVE STAR REVIEWS “Lots of shooting, lots of crazy maniacs, lots of action and fun!” “I loved this book. It takes place in the future, and what a weird future.” “A funny, intelligent (and sometimes crazy) main character…playing detective” “Cool and Smooth.” “I had a hard time putting this book down to do things like sleeping and eating.” Enjoy!
21 Prayers of Thanksgiving: Transform Your Prayer Life by Giving Thanks
21 Prayers of Thanksgiving: Transform Your Prayer Life by Giving Thanks
Rachel Larkin
Thanksgiving prayers are powerful! This book will transform your prayer life through using the everyday spiritual tool of thanksgiving.? Using the 21 prayers will open your eyes to the unseen, draw you into God's presence, unlock conversations with God, keep you hopeful, banish fear and doubt, bring your clarity and help you to experience miracles. Each prayer focuses on a different area of your life or an aspect of God's character- family, teenagers, work, health, time, weaknesses, future, God's joy, God's provision, God's love, just to name a few. Use this book to unlock the incredible power of thanksgiving in your life.
Alligator Jokes
Alligator Jokes
Jeo King
Best?Alligator Jokes?The ten funniest jokes ever according to?science
Adam ?i Eva
Adam ?i Eva
Rebreanu Liviu
Adam ?i Eva este un roman scris de Liviu Rebreanu ?n anul 1925. Este un roman de dragoste mai aparte. Romanul are drept tem? principal? credin?a ?n re?ncarnare, metempsihoza. Cuplul arhetipal ?i androginic se caut? ?i se re?ntrege?te ?n ?apte perioade istorice foarte diferite. Personajul principal, Toma Novac, trece prin mai multe vie?i, este pe r?nd p?stor ?n India, guvernator ?n Egipt, scrib ?n Babilon, cavaler roman ?n Roma ?n epoca domniei ?mp?ratului Tiberiu, c?lug?r ?n Germania medieval?, medic ?n Fran?a revolu?iei franceze, ?i ?n fine profesor universitar la Bucure?ti. El se ?ndr?goste?te pe r?nd de 7 personaje feminine diferite: de Navamalika, Isit, Hamma, Servilla, Maria, Yvonne, ?i de Ileana.
Ketogenic Diet Food
Ketogenic Diet Food
Michael Rowe
Are you tired of trying fad diets that never seem to work? Do you want a sure a certain way to lose weight, that is healthy and simple to achieve? The answer to your search could be with The Ketogenic Diet Food Cookbook, a book which will teach you all the essentials you will need to lose weight, boost energy and heal your body at the same time.? Inside these pages you will discover not only a range of great recipes for any time of the day, but also:? Chapter 1 – Introduction to Ketogenic Diet? Chapter 2 - A little history of Diet Ketosis? Chapter 3 - The Difference Between Ketogenic, Low Carb, Atkins Paleo Diets? Chapter 4 - Are Alcohol and Beer Allowed while following the Ketogenic Diet?? Chapter 5 – The Relation between Carbohydrate-based Diets Hunger? Chapter 6 - Various types of Ketogenic Diets? Chapter 7 - A quick Definition of The Body Nutrients? Chapter 8 - Benefits of Ketogenic Diet? Chapter 9: Demolishing myths about the keto diet? Chapter 10 - Normally used Utensils For Ketogenic Diet? The recipes that have been provided in this book are ketogenic diet friendly. These recipes are not only easy to cook but taste wonderful too. All that you will need to do is get the necessary ingredients and keep them on hand. If you plan ahead and pre-decide your meals, following the keto diet won’t be difficult. It would be quite simple. You will need to stay strong and resist temptation. Be patient and you will definitely notice positive results in no time. Also, this diet helps you in losing fat from the abdominal region. Inside we collected only best of the best Ketogenic recipes for: Breakfast Main dishes Side dishes Desserts Snacks and appetizers Download your copy right away!
Dash Diet
Dash Diet
Robin Anders
Dash Diet Nowadays, the average person's diet is filled with foods that are not suitable for human consumption, but we have become so accustomed to them that we disregard health issues and continue to eat them. The DASH diet takes account of modern day living and allows you freedom of choice to a certain degree, rather than restriction. A person who starts the DASH diet will also be able to reduce the risk of procuring high blood pressure. Excess weight and high blood pressure are the cause of many terrifying illnesses. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Download this book, learn about the Dash Diet, follow its guidelines, and enjoy the delicious recipes. This book is all you need to get started on the Dash Diet and become healthy and fit once and for all. The diet is relatively easy, provided you are ready for a lifestyle change. Should you decide to get started with it, this book will guide you through every step of the way and provide you with information that is sure to help you make a smooth transition. You'll get delicious dash diet recipes in this book. Scroll to the top and select the "BUY" button for instant download
Moara cu noroc
Moara cu noroc
Slavici Ioan
Moara cu noroc este o nuvel? scris? de Ioan Slavici, trat?nd consecin?ele pe care dorin?a de ?mbog??ire le are asupra destinului uman. Majoritatea criticilor o consider? crea?ia cea mai important? a autorului, al?turi de P?dureanca ?i romanul Mara.
Velocidad luz
Velocidad luz
Ernesto Murguía
Velocidad luz nos inicia en el inframundo del crack y los alucinantes personajes que lo integran. Su humor ácido retrata el nihilismo de una juventud desencantada por los simulacros de vida que heredó de sus padres. La extensión de cada viaje es directamente proporcional al fracaso de sus realidades. ?Una novela llena de energía. Audaz e irreverente?. Milenio ?Retrata de forma magistral el trasfondo de la adicción?La Jornada
New York State of Mind 1.0
New York State of Mind 1.0
Harris Rosen
A fascinating genuine narrative formed in the crucible of Golden Age Hip-Hop mindfulness. New York State of Mind 1.0, the 7th book in the series, provides you with a real flavour of the personalities, in all their raw forms, who breathed life into the streets of the city, taking the music to new heights and in radically new direc-tions.? Tragedy Khadafi is as real as it gets. Through impressive MC skills and a for-midable street reputation, he lived the life of an original hoodlum, surviving gun-shot wounds, stabbings and broken bones. The compelling lyrical message of Brand Nubian reflects on the group's identity as Five-Percenters and the philoso-phy of the Nation of Gods and Earth, while Pete Rock & C.L. Smooth arrived on the scene in the midst of a Hip-Hop impasse of sorts.? New York State of Mind 1.0 is a candid look deep inside the psyche of each and an examination of what makes them tick. Take a ride alongside them and learn how they made their mark in a generation.
P?durea sp?nzura?ilor
P?durea sp?nzura?ilor
Liviu Rebreanu
P?durea sp?nzura?ilor este un roman din categoria prozei de analiz? psihologic?, scris de Liviu Rebreanu. Inspirat de un eveniment real, condamnarea la moarte ?i apoi execu?ia prin sp?nzurare a fratelui lui Liviu Rebreanu, Emil, ofi?er ?n armata austro-ungar?, care a ?ncercat s? dezerteze ?i s? ajung? ?n liniile rom?ne?ti. P?durea sp?nzura?ilor configureaz? un univers dominat de r?zboi, ?i p?ndit de perspectiva mor?ii prin sp?nzurare, prezentat? chiar din primele scene ale romanului. Personajul principal, Apostol Bologa, este un intelectual confruntat cu mai multe drame de con?tiin??. Identitatea na?ional? a sa este pus? ?n cump?n? pe fondul ascensiunii na?ionalismului ?n jurul ?i chiar ?n interiorul Imperiului Austro-Ungar. Un personaj simbolic e locotenentul ceh Svoboda (cu nume programatic, provenit din cuv?ntul slav svobod?, ?slobod“, ?liber“), de la care Apostol Bologa ?nva?? re?eta libert??ii. Formula narativ? se schimb?, naratorul investigheaz? impactul evenimentelor ?n con?tiin?a personajului.
30 Green Smoothies Recipes Supercharge Your Day
30 Green Smoothies Recipes Supercharge Your Day
Pearl Robinson
Green smoothies are blended drinks that contain fresh leafy green vegetables in them, such as Kale, Collard greens, Swiss chard, Spinach, Mint or Parsley, in addition to fresh or frozen fruit, ice, yogurt or milk. Other herbal or nutritional supplements can also be added. These beverages are blended into a smooth, thick, milkshake-like consistency. They are extremely easy to make, taste great and provide great nutrition.
Slavici Ioan
Roman scris de Ioan Slavici, publicat ?n anul 1894, ?n revista Vatra, iar ?n volum a ap?rut abia ?n 1906.Titlul este reprezentat de numele personajului principal ?n jurul c?reia se desf??oar? ac?iunea. Semnifica?ia titlului este sugestiva, deoarece aceast? crea?ie este mai ?nt?i romanul, al c?rei destin constituie axa fundamental? a epicii. Tema romanului o constituie fresca social? a lumii ardelene?ti, cu moravurile ei specifice, a?ezat? la interferen?a satului cu ora?ul, ?ntr-un t?rg ardelenesc. Ac?iunea este plasat? la sf?r?itul secolului al XIX-lea ?i ?nceputul secolului al XX-lea.
Paths to Wholeness: Selections
Paths to Wholeness: Selections
David J. Bookbinder
Most of us try to be fully present to this amazing existence we were born into, and often we can be. But sometimes, we look for help.In these selections from Paths to Wholeness: Fifty-Two Flower Mandalas, psychotherapist, photographer, and near-death survivor David J. Bookbinder brings his capacity for inspiring personal transformation to his readers. In this stunning collection of Flower Mandala images and their accompanying meditative essays and inspirational quotes, Bookbinder shows us how to find balance, build resilience, overcome fear, grant forgiveness, and love more fully. Described by one reader as "the best self-help book I've ever read" and by another as "like having a therapist in a book," Paths to Wholeness serves as a guide for successfully traversing the hills and valleys of our existence.Keep it by your bedside, thumb through it as you drift off to sleep, knowing you are not alone on your journey.TIP: For a more vivid experience of the images, try setting the background to Black.
Venüs Gezegeninde ?syan
Venüs Gezegeninde ?syan
Halit Fuat Beşik
Kitap ??in ?ns?z ??lg?nca ya?ad???m gen?li?imin pek renkli ge?mi? olmas? ve sonra da Kur-an’la tan???nca, bana zengin bir malzeme kayna?? olu?turdu. Anlad?m ki, mutlaka Kur-an’?n insanl??a a?t??? ufuklar? yeniden ke?fetmek laz?m… Art?k bu ?lemde, benim anlatmam gereken baz? ?eylerin zaman? geldi. Ben ki, en derine g?mülmü?, sesi solu?u kesilmi? bir yazar iken, atm?? ya??mdan sonra benli?im, Kur-an’la yava? yava? uyand? ve onun a??lad??? bir cesaretle yazmaya ba?lad?m… ???lg?nca ya?ad???m gen?li?imin, pek renkli ge?mi? olmas?, Kur-an’la tan???nca, bana zengin bir malzeme kayna?? olu?turdu. Biz de bu malzemeyi sanatk?rca kullanmaya ?al??t?k. ANLADIM K?, Mutlaka Kur-an’?n insanl??a a?t??? yeni ufuklar? yeniden ke?fetmek laz?m. Art?k ?nümüzdeki yüzy?llar Kur-an ?a?? olmal?d?r ve dünya kurtulu?u de?i?ik sapk?n y?ntemlerde aramamal?! Yeryüzünde h?kim olan dinsizli?i ?ürütmek, Kur-an ahlak?n?n tüm dünyada a??k?a g?rülmesini sa?lamak ve insanl??? hi?bir zaman olmad??? kadar mutlu edecektir. Ger?ekten buradan yola ??karak Kur-an’daki i? huzura, bar??a, mutlulu?a insanlar? mutlaka tan??t?rmak laz?md?r. Ger?ekten de dünyadaki sapk?nl?klara, dertlere, belalara asla Kur-an’dan ba?ka kimse ??züm bulamaz…
Vegan Diet Vegan Diet Cookbook
Vegan Diet Vegan Diet Cookbook
Jason Clint
Vegan Diet has always been something superb. Whatever your reasons are for integrating vegan food to your life, Love Vegan will inspire you to cook beautiful authentic and traditional Mexican meals for all occasions, every night of the week. All recipes are designed to take no longer than 30 minutes preparation time No ‘artificial vegan meat’ or hard to find ingredients. All recipes are made up of ingredients that you would commonly have in your pantry or can easily find at your local supermarket. Authentic and traditional dishes which have been carefully refined to not include animal products yet still retain the taste, texture and flavor of your favorites.
Kü?ük Elisa [Zaman Yolcusu]
Kü?ük Elisa [Zaman Yolcusu]
Murat Ukray
“..Hayatta hep eksik bir ?eyler kal?r. Ya yap?lmam?? bir i? veya kavu?ulmam?? bir insan. Belki, de en son kalan par?a hayat?m?z?n da tüm anlam?n? i?erir ve o yüzden hep sakl?d?r” dedi Elisa, konu?mas?na ba?lamadan ?nce. ?yle ki, baz? an gelir, hayat?m?z?n geri kalan?n? o eksik elmas par?ay? aramakla ge?irmek zorunda kal?r?z. ?ünkü, o son par?a olmadan, hi?bir ?ey anlam?n? tamamlamaz.. ??te, aynen bunun gibi, Alice’in de –Elisa– olmadan ?nceki hayat?n?n ger?ek anlam? ve kay?p par?as? neydi? Bunu mutlaka ??renmeliydi. Ama bunun i?in ?ok uzun bir yolculuktan ge?mesi gerekiyordu.” Gezgin Seyyah: Elisa ile tan??mam?zdan ?nce Müslümanlar?n kitab?nda ??yle bir ?ey okumu?tum: “Dünya ya?am?, bir nevi bir elence ve bir oyundan ibarettir.” Bu nas?l mümkün olabilirdi ki? Veya hayat?n esas (ger?ek) anlam? bu mu? diye kendi kendime ilk ba?larda bunu okudu?umdan beridir soruyordum. Bir hayali dünya ile bir de ger?ek dünya m? var? Fakat Elisa ile tan??t?ktan sonra, bu alternatif (hayali) dünyalar? g?rdükten sonra, ger?ekten de bir e?lenceler dünyas?nda oldu?uma kanaat getirmeye ba?lad?m. Her ?eyin asl?nda sanal (kurgulanm??) bir oyun oldu?unu bu kitapta g?rebiliyordum art?k. Eminim, Elisa ile olan bu ilgin? seyahatlerimi ve onun i?inden ??kt??? bu sihirli kitab? okuduk?a siz de buna kat?lacaks?n?z ve “ger?ek” üzerinde yeniden dü?ünmeye ba?layacaks?n?z.. Unutmay?n! Bu evrendeki her ?eyin bir hayali bir de ger?ek g?rüntüsü vard?r.? ??????
Kelebe?in ?ilesi ?iir
Kelebe?in ?ilesi ?iir
Veysel Topaloglu
Herkes, beni s?rf " yazar?m"San?yor!Yan?l?yor!Oysa ki: Ben hem yazar?m;Hem de "silerim".T?pk?: Silgili bir kalem gibiyim:Bir yan?m: Yazar,Di?er yan?m da siler.Kendi defterimin "kar" beyaz sayfalar?nda:Do?ru ve güzel olan? yazmaya çabalarken;Di?erlerinin defterlerindeki yanl??lar?,Görmemezlikten gelemem!Nerede bir yanl?? görsem;Düzeltmeden de duramam!Ya yanl??? silerim! Ya da sayfay?   KELEBE??N Ç?LES?Ey!Sadekul Veysel;Biliyorsun ki!Marifet: Do?rular? bilmekte,De?il;Do?rular? söyleyebilmektedir.?imdi!Söyle, sen de do?rular?;Anlat, herkese k?ssay?.Arif olan; mutlaka al?r hisseyi.Bu, öyle bir k?ssa ki!Tam bir: "Yeti?kin Masal?".Kahramanlar? ise:Eli asal?Uzun sakall?,Ya?l?-ba?l?:H?rpani bir dervi?le,Ye?ilimt?rak bir kurtçuk (t?rt?l).Dervi?;Küflü, karanl?k ve bo?ukKüçük, yal?n ve de so?uk!Tek oda, çilehanesinde:Günlerdir:Yar? açYar? tok,Uykusuz ve yorgun.Ama!Ruhen, oldukça dingin!Çilesini çekmekte...Dervi?;Ba?da? kurmu?!Yere, öyle oturmu?.Alt?nda: ?iltesi yok!Oturdu?u yer kuru.Sofras?nda: az??? yok!Çanakta, ekme?i kuru.Ama!Rahlesi: kitap,Testisi: su,Kalbi ise imanDolu!?lahi a?k?n etkisiyleBirazc?k daDeli!?di.Çile günlerinde:Kafas?ndaki, zaman kavram?n? yitirmi?;Gündüz ile gecenin fark?n? bitirmi?,Bir halde!Zihninde: sürekli "pirinin sözlerini "tekrarlamakta.Ço?u kez,O sözler; odan?n içinde de yank?lanmakta!?di.Her f?rsatta piri:"-Evlatlar?m!Nefis!Nefes gibidir:Yoklu?u ölüm,Çoklu?u zulüm;Getirir."Diyordu!Ve sürdürüyordu...."?nsano?lu;Fiziki çelimsizli?ine ra?men,Yaradan?n kendisine bah?etti?i:Metafizik güçlerin sayesinde;Yeryüzündeki: yarat?lm??lar?n hepEn üstünü! ?di.Ama!?imdiki gibi: Egemeni de?ildi;Ne yeralt?n?n, ne de üstünün!O zamanlar;Her canl?n?n dilinden anlar idi.Di?erleri gibi: Kendisinin deHem av hem de avc? oldu?unu,Ya?am çark?n?n: Böyle döndü?ünü;?yi bilirdi."..."Bu durum:Ad?na: Kibir denilen!Yedi ba?l? canavar?n!?nsan?, teslim almas?na kadar sürdü.Sonras?nda;Canavar, insandan; insanl??? sürdü.""Kibirdir: ?nsanl??? hasta eden alamet.Günlerden, bir gün:Dervi?in gözü, duvar?n yukar?s?na tak?ld?.Uzun uzun, kö?edeki bu noktaya bak?nd?.Kar??s?ndaki köhne duvarda:Bir " ipek böce?i t?rt?l?" vard?.?leri geri sal?narak; kozas?n? örüyordu.A??n?n aras?ndan, o da dervi?i görüyordu.Ama!Epeycedir; hiç ilgilenmez görünüyordu.Kozan?n kapanmas?na, çok az kalm??t?.T?rt?l, son bir kez; ba??n? d??ar? ç?kartt?.Birden!Dervi?le, göz göze geldi.Dervi?i ise ani bir merak ald?.-Senin ne i?in var?
Sous Vide Cookbook Remarkable Sous-Vide Recipes for Cooking at Home (Cooking in
Sous Vide Cookbook Remarkable Sous-Vide Recipes for Cooking at Home (Cooking in
Harry Stewart
Are you still choosing between healthy and tasty food?Here is solution for youYou shouldn’t have to go out to expensive restaurants just to eat perfectly cooked food. Whether you’re a sous vide enthusiast seeking to add new recipes to your repertoire, or just getting into the technique, this book will show you how easy it is to make restaurant quality food in your very own home.Sous Vide attracts people all over the world. This method can cook the wide variety of the meals; especially this thing makes the technology in-demand nowadays. The restaurant method of cooking attracts not only chefs but a housewife and just food lovers.
Let’s Eat: Elly Pear’s Home Fridge Deli
Let’s Eat: Elly Pear’s Home Fridge Deli
Elly Curshen
Sunday Times bestselling author Elly Pear shares over 90 of her new pescatarian recipes all centring around vegetables, grains, pulses and dairy.Her approach to food and cooking perfectly suits the modern-day cook and is packed with innovative fresh flavours, interesting textures and a strong garnish game to boot. Crucially, Elly believes that food should be simple and special, whatever the occasion – the two go hand-in-hand.Let’s Eat contains everything you need to know to enjoy incredible meat-free dishes in a straight forward, cost-effective way. You don’t need a stand mixer, a huge processor or oodles of obscure ingredients. These are the cookery building blocks which will help you try new things, mix it up and feel confident in the kitchen. Elly covers:? Batch cooking, where you’ll learn how a little advance preparation can make for effortless dinners, whatever day of the week.? Freezeable dishes, where Elly provides 4 innovative ways to use your defrosted portions. Repetitive leftovers are a thing of the past.? Quick and easy menus containing curated sets of recipes perfectly suited to a whole host of occasions, whether it’s a romantic dinner for two, a brunch party or weeknight family teatime.Elly appreciates the challenges of being a modern cook. Hers is simple, tasty food – that sort that you can cook day-in, day-out, with ease. It’s nutritious but not spotless, and always brings joy.
The Forgotten Soldier (Part 1 of 3)
The Forgotten Soldier (Part 1 of 3)
Charlie Connelly
Bestselling author Charlie Connelly returns with a First World War memoir of his great uncle, Edward Connelly, who was an ordinary boy sent to fight in a war the likes of which the world had never seen. But this is not just his story; it is the story of all the young forgotten soldiers who fought and bravely died for their country The Forgotten Soldier tells the story of Private Edward Connelly, aged 19, killed in the First World War a week before the Armistice and immediately forgotten, even, it seems, by his own family. Edward died on exactly the same day, and as part of the same military offensive, as Wilfred Owen. They died only a few miles apart and yet there cannot be a bigger contrast between their legacies. Edward had been born into poverty in west London on the eve of the twentieth century, had a job washing railway carriages, was con*ed into the army at the age of eighteen and sent to the Western Front from where he would never return. He lies buried miles from home in a small military cemetery on the outskirts of an obscure town close to the French border in western Belgium. No-one has ever visited him. Like thousands of other young boys, Edward’s life and death were forgotten. By delving into and uncovering letters, poems and war diaries to reconstruct his great uncle’s brief life and needless death; Charlie fills in the blanks of Edward’s life with the experiences of similar young men giving a voice to the voiceless. Edward Connelly’s tragic story comes to represent all the young men who went off to the Great War and never came home. This is a book about the unsung heroes, the ordinary men who did their duty with utmost courage, and who deserve to be remembered.