
La final apare dragostea
Numai disperarea l-ar fi putut aduce pe Duncan Pennethorne, infamul conte de Sheringford, icircnapoi acas? dup? spectaculosul scandal pe care l-a stacirc;rnit cu cinci ani icircn urm?. C?ci dependent financiar de bunicul s?u, Duncan a primit de la acesta un ultimatum: se icirc;nsoar? icirc;n dou? s?pt?m acircni sau r?m acircne f?r? nici un ban. ?i iat? c? soarta i-o scoate icircn cale pe singura femeie din Londra care are tot at acircta nevoie ca ?i el s?-?i g?seasc? un so?. Pus? icircntr-o situa?ie jenant? din pricina unei minciuni spuse pe negacircndite, Margaret Huxtable se vede nevoit? s? accepte cererea icircn c?s?torie f?cut? de un necunoscut misterios. Dar cacirc nd descoper? cine se ascunde de fapt icircn spatele chipului fermec?tor al pe?itorul ei, este deja prea tacircrziu: tocmai s-a logodit cu cel mai notoriu seduc?tor al Londrei. ?i pe m?sur? ce pasiunea se aprinde icirc;ntre ei, doi oameni care se c?s?toresc din motive gre?ite descoper? c? niciodat? nu este prea tacircrziu s? apar? dragostea...

Focul ascuns
Kate Corsi ?i Patrick Donovan se icircnt acirc lnesc icircnt acircmpl?tor cacircnd nu aveau nici dou?zeci de ani. Din familii total diferite ?i cu un statut social care icirci f?cea incompatibili, cei doi se icirc;ndr?gostesc nebune?te ?i hot?r?sc s? se c?s?toreasc?. Kate este fiica italianului Sam Corsi, proprietarul celei mai importante firme de demol?ri prin implozie, Phoenix Demolition International (PDI). Donovan, pe de alt? parte, ?i-a petrecut copil?ria al?turi de un tat? alcoolic care devenea violent la be?ie ?i a r?mas orfan de tacircn?r.

O aventur? secret?. Seria Huxtable
La v?rst? de nou?sprezece ani, Hannah Reid a devenit ducesa de Dunbarton. Un deceniu mai t?rziu, dup? moartea so?ului ei, mai frumoas? ca niciodat?, este ?n sf?r?it liber? ?i bogat?. Ca s?-?i ?ocheze cunoscu?ii conven?ionali, inten?ioneaz? s? guste din pl?cerile interzise ale vie?ii ?i s?-?i ia un amant. Dar nu orice amant, ci pe ?nsu?i Constantine Huxtable, cel mai periculos, dar ?i cel mai atr?g?tor b?rbat din lumea bun? londonez?. Faptul c? na?terea lui a fost considerat? ilegitim? i-a r?pit lui Constantine titlul de conte. ?i de?i i s-a refuzat astfel pe nedrept intrarea ?n r?ndurile aristocra?iei, Constantine nu-?i refuz? nimic, c?nd vine vorba de deliciile vie?ii. Se zvone?te c? re?edin?a lui de la ?ar? este martora unor nop?i fierbin?i, iar v?duvele sunt ?inta lui cu predilec?ie pentru aventurile care nu ?in mai mult de un sezon. Ducesa de Dunbarton pare s? se potriveasc? perfect rolului, fiind singur?, v?duv?, independent? ?i aparent superficial? ?i vanitoas?. Dar oare a?a s? fie? C?ci odat? ce aceste dou? fiin?e pasionale ?i scandaloase se ?nt?lnesc, descoper? c? nu este deloc u?or s? ?ncerce fl?c?rile dorin?ei... f?r? s? cad? ?n mrejele iubirii.

Noi ?nceputuri ?n Eclipse Bay. Seria Eclipse Bay
Lucrurile au fost dintotdeauna complicate ?ntre membrii familiilor Harte ?i Madison. Conflictul care i-a transformat ?n du?mani dureaz? de genera?ii ?ntregi. De?i se spune c? nunta lui Hannah Harte cu Rafe Madison va ?mbun?t??i situa?ia, la doar c?teva luni dup? fericitul eveniment, sora ei, Lilian, ?i fratele lui, Gabe, nu sunt deloc de aceea?i p?rere. Directorul executiv Gabe Madison a insistat s? devin? clientul agen?iei de matrimoniale a lui Lillian Harte, pentru a-?i g?si sufletul pereche. Dar Lilian ajunge rapid la cap?tul r?bd?rii, dup? ce cinci ?nt?lniri pe care i le aranjeaz? lui Gabe se dovedesc a fi ni?te e?ecuri r?sun?toare. Dac? nu s-ar fi hot?r?t deja s?-?i ?nchid? afacerea ?i s? se mute acas?, ?n Eclipse Bay, pentru a se dedica pasiunii sale de a picta, Gabe ar fi f?cut-o cu siguran?? s? se decid? rapid. C?nd ?ns? Lilian c?nd se treze?te cu el ?n pragul u?ii, cer?ndu-i s?-?i respecte contractul semnat, sc?nteile dintre ei se transform? brusc ?n atrac?ie necontrolat?. ?nc? o dat?, Eclipse Bay va fi martorul unui spectacol fascinant – dintre un Madison ?nc?p???nat ?i o irezistibil? reprezentant? a familiei Harte…

M?na c??tig?toare
SERIA ?FAMILIA MACGREGOR“La dou?zeci ?i patru de ani, Darcy Wallace simte c? via?a nu-i mai poate oferi nimic: i-ar pl?cea o carier? de scriitoare, dar se plafoneaz? ca bibliotecar? ?ntr-un or??el din Kansas; ?i-ar dori o aventur? sentimental? ca-n pove?ti, dar abia reu?e?te s? scape de b?rbatul rigid, f?r? sim?ul umorului, cu care este logodit?; viseaz? la o ma?in? sport, dar are parte de o rabl? care se stric? atunci c?nd se a?teapt? mai pu?in. Dintr-un impuls de moment, hot?r??te s?-?i caute norocul la Vegas... unde, miz?ndu-?i ultimii dolari, are parte de o surpriz? de propor?ii – c??tig? aproape dou? milioane de dolari. Brusc, t?n?ra venit? dintr-un mic or??el devine o celebritate – ?i are nevoie de protec?ie.Dar banii aduc fericirea? Este posibil, ?n cazul lui Darcy, mai ales c? Robert MacGregor Blade, directorul cazinoului, este dornic s-o ?ndrume prin lumea str?lucitoare, dar plin? de pericole a Vegasului. Rela?ia lor, la ?nceput strict profesional?, alunec? ?n scurt timp pe o pant? romantic?. Darcy ?tie ce-?i dore?te: o ?ans? cu Robert. Va reu?i ?ns? de data asta s?-?i gestioneze corect ocazia nesperat??

Spune-mi ca ma iubesti
O reputa?ie nep?tat? sau dragostea adev?rat?? Alegerea nu a fost niciodat? mai dificil?... R?mas? f?r? nici un venit – al?turi de familia sa care este pe cale s?-?i piard? c?minul din pricina datoriilor ?i icircntr-o stare de disperare crunt?, Kelsey Langton icirc?i d? seama c? doar l?sacircndu-se vacircndut? la o licita?ie poate salva viitorul surorii sale. Astfel, nobila macircndr? ?i dezn?d?jduit? intr? renumita Cas? a lui Eros, resemn acircndu-se s? devin? juc?ria favorit? a unui lord icircnst?rit ?i s? fie la dispozi?ia lui cacirc;t timp acesta avea s-o doreasc? iar Lord Derek Malory este b?rbatul care ofer? suma cea mai mare pentru a deveni unicul proprietar al farmecelor lui Kelsey. Un crai chipe? ?i un renumit burlac convins, Derek o atrage icircn curacirc nd pe senzuala ?i inocenta fecioar? icirc;ntr-o lume de pl?ceri neb?nuite ?i de rivalit??i primejdioase. ?i, ca vreunul din ei s?-?i fi propus, gra?ia, inteligen?a ?i frumuse?ea ei icircl ispitesc pe noul st?pacircn s? renun?e la via?a de huzur ?i pierzanie ?i s? parieze tot ce are pe dragostea adev?rat?.

Mirii MacGregor
Cu nepoatele, uneltirile i-au func?ionat de minune, a?a c? acum Daniel MacGregor, venerabilul ?ef al familiei, vrea s?-?i vad? c?s?tori?i ?i cei trei nepo?i chipe?i ?i numai buni de ?nsur?toare, de?i ace?tia ?in cu ?nc?p???nare la via?a de burlac.Pentru artistul Duncan o alege pe Layna Drake, mo?tenitoarea unui lan? de magazine de renume, o femeie de afaceri de?teapt? ?i abil?, obi?nuit? cu singur?tatea ?i hot?r?t? s? ??i vad? de carier?. ?n calea lui Duncan, proprietarul unui vas-cazinou, o scoate pe Cat Farrell, o c?nt?rea?? care ?l va vr?ji din prima clip? cu vocea ei ? ?i nu numai. ?n cazul nepotului s?u Ian, avocat de renume, Daniel este ceva mai subtil c?nd aranjeaz? ca acesta s? se ?nt?lneasc? ? ca din pur? ?nt?mplare ? cu Naomi Brightstone, r??u?ca cea ur?t? a familiei, care a reu?it ?ns? s? se reinventeze ?ntr-un mod spectaculos, devenind leb?da cea frumoas?, dar totu?i lipsit? de experien?? c?nd vine vorba despre rela?ii.?i, dup? cum este de a?teptat, Marele MacGregor va urm?ri plin de sine cum planurile lui sunt puse ?n aplicare ?i cum cei trei nepo?i cad, f?r? ca m?car s?-?i dea seama, ?n plasa pe care b?tr?nul lor bunic a ?ntins-o cu at?ta pricepere.

《梦的心理+一个少女的日记》:西格蒙德·弗洛伊德。 《梦的心理+一个少女的日记》:1900年,弗洛伊德开始运用临床个案,致力于分析病人的各种各样的奇怪的梦。他对梦的解释,深入到人的内心深处的潜在动机。他以“性欲论”解释梦。我们现在出版的这本《梦的心理》,则是他精神分析理论体系形成过程中一个很重要的标志性出版物。德国哲学家弗洛姆曾说弗洛伊德对梦的分析,是“现代科学对梦的分析的**原创性、著名与重要的贡献”。《一个少女的日记》记述了少女丽塔从11岁到14岁半期间成长过程中的青春思绪与豆蔻情怀。书中描述了作者与父母、与家庭中其他成员,如何相处,如何更亲密。同时书中也写了作者与别人产生的友情,是如何形成与破裂的;还有,作者也写了早恋的萌芽心态,以及对初恋对象的朦胧情感;写了神秘的性意识是如何启蒙、占据青春期少女的内心世界的;写了怎样惴惴不安地解开心结,探索爱的真谛;写了蠢蠢欲动的各种年少思想;写了家庭内部不公引发作者的愤怒;写了与老师和同学间关系的处理……文字间透露着简单、明快、犀利、爱憎分明的个性,充盈着对亲情、友情、爱情的体悟和思考,揭示出家庭因素在孩童成长和日后观念形成中产生的巨大作用,对我们理解自我曾经走过的成长之路,也大有帮助。

School Jokes
School Jokes One hundred of hilarious and funny jokes !Have fun and laugh!

htiyalar ok fazlalaan insanlar kendi z kaynaklarn snrlarn zorlamaya itilir ve yollarna kan herhangi bir savunmasz kiiden bile irkilir. ve ücretler, yiyecek ve s, cesaret ve iyi niyet hepsi sahip olamadklar eylerdir. Bu karanlk ierisinde erkek, kadn ve ocuun zayfln ele geirir ve onlar utan verici ilere zorlar. Artk hibir dehet veya korku dlanmaz. mitsizlik, sadece drt duvarn adilii ve basitlii ile snrlanmtr; hepsi ktülük ve sua ynelir... Hepsi sefillemi, bozulmu birer ktü ve pislik gibi gzükür. Fakat o denli alalm kiilerin de daha fazla alalamayaca bir izgi vardr ve bu dnüm noktasnda, d dünya adeta yutar bu zavall, tahilsiz, kimliksiz insanlar... Onlar "Sefiller"dir; toplumdan dlananlar, yeralt kpekleri...

Hayat?n Anlam?
Bir guumln ccedilok zengin bir adam o?lunu yan?na alarak, insanlar?n ne kadar fakir olabilece?ini gouml;stermek iccedilin onu bir koumlye gouml tuumlrduuml. Ccedilok fakir bir ailenin evinde bir guumln bir gece geccedilirdiler. ehre douml nerken baba o?luna sordu: "Yolculu?umuzu nas?l buldun?" "Ccedilok guuml zeldi babac???m" diye cevap verdi o?lu. "?nsanlar?n ne kadar fakir olabilece?ini gouml rduumln de?il mi?" "Evet." "Peki ne ouml ?rendin?" "unu goumlrd uumlm" dedi o?lu: "Bizim evde bir kouml pe?imiz, onlar?n doumlrt kouml pe?i var.

150 Really Useful English Phrases:For Intermediate Students Wishing to Advance.
Do you want to become more fluent in English?Do you want to understand everyday language and not just ‘textbook’ English?I taught English for many years and saw that many students get stuck at the high beginner/intermediate stage. They learn the basics and then can't move forward. This problem used to really frustrate me because I had lots of excellent students who were just stuck and eventually they would give up. I thought for a long time about what was wrong and then decided that it wasn't that the student didn't have ability but that what they were studying and how they were studying was not effective.I saw that even though they had good basic English they would read textbooks full of their native language (not English). I used to think 'why are they reading all this German etc about English and not just reading English instead. I decided to see if I could fix this problem. I started assigning students homework like 'watch this English drama with subtitles and then without' or 'read a? short article every night for a month'. I found the results were amazing. My students started becoming much more fluent and confident. This convinced me that the best way to become fluent was to read or watch real English that was interesting to the students. So I started writing short stories using easy to understand English mixed with idioms and phrasal verbs that native English speakers use all the time.In this book I have added explanations in English so you don't mix up English and German in your mind. I have also included easy to understand examples which I recommend you note down in your notebook so you can remember them easily. In my opinion, learning idioms, phrasal verbs and useful phrases is the best way to move your English forward as you will be using the vocabulary that English speakers use every day. If you would like to become more fluent and understand everyday English phrases then get stated today and press the button on the top right.

Master English in 12 Topics: Over 200 intermediate words and phrases explained
How to master English Lots of intermediate English speakers tend to get trapped using the same vocabulary over and over again. They often only speak about subjects they know the words for and avoid anything outside of their ???comfort zone???. The problem with this is that even though they sound ok, they never really get any better. If you really want to improve, you need to be able to speak about a wide range of topics. For this, you will need to learn the special vocabulary connected to these topics. What are the benefits of using this book? You will learn 235 useful words and phrases. You will be able to speak about 12 new topics with confidence. This will greatly improve your English conversational ability. All new words and phrases are introduced in fun and interesting articles and stories. So you will learn naturally. Everything is explained in easy to understand English, so you can get used to ???thinking in English???. There are 100???s of example sentences to help you understand how these words and phrases are used in everyday language. For each topic I have listed useful television shows and YouTube channels to help you practice your new vocabulary.

Master Business English:90 Words and Phrases to Take You to the Next Level
Want to take your business English to the next level? Most textbooks teach the same things; presentations, speaking on the phone etc. This is great at the beginning, but if you are going to succeed, you’ll need more. You need to be able to walk into any business situation and feel seriously confident. That is why I wrote this book; to help you go from good to great. To really master business English. Learn: 90 essential words and phrases that will give you an edge in the business world. Improve by using examples: We have included many examples, so you can get a real feel for how to use these business words and phrases. Master: the language in the following essential business English topics. General business English. Start-ups. Online business. Finance. This book is the perfect stepping stone from ‘textbook’ business English to the ‘real’ language that will help you excel in the business world. If you are ready to truly advance, press the buy button and get started today.

150 Everyday Uses Of English Prepositions: Elementary to Intermediate
The secret to speaking English perfectly This is book one of the very popular series ‘150 Everyday Uses of English Prepositions’.In this final book we take you from intermediate to advanced usage. Do you sometimes worry if your English sounds broken? If you do then you should definitely? concentrate on improving your use of prepositions. Why? Because prepositions are literally the glue that stick English together. If you are not using them properly then your English will sound broken. This book will:Help you get a higher score in TOEFL and other tests.Help you sound more fluent.Improve your listening skills.Teach you real everyday English.Give you confidence that you are using English correctly. So if you are an elementary or intermediate English learner and want to take your language skills to the next level please get a copy today and never speak ‘broken English’ again.

His First His Second:An Alicia Friend Investigation: An Alicia Friend Investigat
Meet Detective Sergeant Alicia Friend. She’s nice. Too nice to be a police officer, if she’s honest. Now assigned to DI Donald Murphy’s team, the annoyingly-perky detective finds herself in the grip of a northern British winter, investigating the kidnap-murders of two young women - both strikingly similar in appearance. When a third is taken, they have less than a week to chip away the secrets of a high-society family, and uncover the killer’s objective. But Richard - the father of the latest victim - believes the police are not moving quickly enough, so launches a parallel investigation, utilising skills honed in a dark past that is about to catch up with him. As Richard’s secret actions hinder the police, Alicia remains in contact with him, and even starts to fall for his charms, forcing her into choices that will impact the rest of her life. For a chilling serial killer thriller with a quirky main character, pick up His First His Second today! ??? Reviews CrimeFictionLover.com “An intriguing mix of police procedural and serial killer thriller, that will tease, involve and unnerve you. An entertaining and intriguing debut.” Undercover Book Reviews: “Want a book with twists and turns? This is the one. It will not disappoint.” AUTHOR Q&A Q: Alicia Friend is kind of an oddball, isn’t she? A: I’d say she’s unique. She knows who she wants to be and she doesn’t compromise, but most police officers she meets are dour and grumpy, and she sees how that impacts their personal lives. She doesn’t want to be as hard-nosed as many women sleuths in fiction, so radiates the sort of perkiness that sometimes grates on her fellow officers. But it’s who she is. Q: Despite having a quirky woman sleuth as main character, the novel goes to some dark places. A: Yes. I found that at one point I was trying to include ALL my research, and I’m really aiming for a thrill ride as much a straight police procedural. I originally included the sort of forensic details you get with Patricia Cornwell or Kathy Reichs, but it wasn’t right for this book. I keep it as accurate as possible, but it’s about the characters and how they uncover secrets, both externally and within the police. Q: So who is your ideal reader? A: Fans of serial killer books in general. If you like James Patterson, PJ Tracy or Steven James, Mark Billingham or Ian Rankin, Alicia Friend’s series could be worth checking out. Q: What levels of violence and bad language are there? A: Some of the violence is graphic, but the language … that goes as strong as references to one’s posterior and some faecal synonyms, if you get my meaning. No “F” or “C” words, as I don’t think Alicia’s audience appreciates that. Q: And how, exactly, do you come up with a character like Alicia? A: She is based on a real person. But very loosely. The essence is there, although I had to invent certain aspects for dramatic effect. The parts from real life are: a ditzy, perky outer shell, yet possesses a fierce intelligence, true dedication, and being brilliant at her job. Q: So the real Alicia Friend isn’t a serving police officer? A: No, she isn’t. And if she was, I certainly wouldn’t say so here. Alicia Friend Books In Order: His First His Second In Black In White With Courage With Fear A Friend in Spirit To Hide To Seek (novella for summer 2018)

The Dead and the Missing: An Adam Park Thriller
A brutal international underworld. A lost girl. A PI determined to burn it all. Former private investigator Adam Park is living a quiet life of surfing and travel. But when a troubled young woman and her manipulative boyfriend disappear, Adam's former mentor cuts that retirement short. It seems the pair stole something important from the wrong ruthless criminal - evidence that puts his business and reputation under threat. Using cutting-edge technology, Adam must track the through the Parisian underworld and into an international organized crime network that treats human life like a business commodity. To survive ruthless traffickers, confront corrupt law enforcement, and return the girl safely, Adam must burn down his concepts of right and wrong, and draw upon violent facets of his psyche that he has long denied exist. Because Adam is a good person. Isn’t he? The Dead and the Missing is a suspense filled, international mystery crime thriller, a journey that launches a PI from the relative safety of the corporate world to the hard-boiled existence required to get the job done. At any cost to his soul. Review from Readers' Favourite: The Dead and the Missing is loaded with twists and turns and excitement, and had me holding my breath in fear several times, never being one hundred percent sure of how it would end. A.D. Davies is a very talented author. Pick up the first book in the Adam Park detective series today. Adam Park Books in Order: The Dead and the Missing A Desperate Paradise The Shadows of Empty Men Night at the George Washington Diner (novella) Master the Flame Under the Long White Cloud

A haldokló részvényes
Ingyenes tartalom - T?ltsd le Kondor Vilmos Szélhámos Budapest k?tetéhez készült el?novellát. Kondor Vilmos nemzetk?zi siker? B?n?s Budapest regényfolyamát már nem kell bemutatni az olvasónak. A szerz? legújabb regénye a Budapest Noir el?zményt?rténete, amelyb?l fény derül Gordon Zsigmond ifjúkorára, a t?zsdekrachok éveire és kedvenc zsurnalisztánk els? pesti ügyére, amelyet a már ismert kalandok sora k?vet. Kondor e-novellája is a korszak hírhedt vagy éppen pitiáner szélhámosainak, svindlereinek, és persze az átverésekhez elengedhetetlen palimadarainak világába vezeti olvasóit, egy igencsak példaérték? ?kopasztás" leírásával, amib?l az ifjú Gordon Zsigmond is kivette a részét. A k?tet ingyenes, let?ltéséhez válaszd az ek?nyv megvásárlását, majd a fizetés tárcáról opciót a fizetés harmadik lépésekor.

A megoldóember
Las Vegas, 1974. Kaszinók, szerencselovagok és a sivatag. Itt kezd?d?tt minden Jack Delton életében. Az els? kísértés, az els? b?n, az els? nagy kaszálás. A kamasz fiú itt tanulja meg, hogyan kell megfigyelni az embereket, hogyan kell a b?rük alá bújni, hogyan kell senkivé válni – hogy aztán évekkel kés?bb mint profi b?n?z? kamatoztathassa kül?nleges képességét az FBI ügyn?keivel és az alvilággal szemben. Jack Delton ugyanis nem létezik. A szakmában csak úgy ismerik: a Szellem. Nincs bankszámlája, nem használ útlevelet, nincs nyoma egyik nyilvántartásban sem. Nem lehet megfogni… Roger Hobbs huszonnégy évesen megírta els? nemzetk?zi bestsellerét. A Ghostman egy évvel kés?bb minden jelent?s kriminek járó irodalmi díjat bes?p?rt, huszon?t országban vették meg a kiadás jogait, és nagyszabású film készül bel?le. A rajongók kérésére Hobbs megírta Jack Delton el?t?rténetét, amelyben felfedi a Szellem valódi kilétét.

A Mother’s Day Murder:A Mt. Abrams Mystery
Mt. Abrams was the kind of small, quiet town where, as any of its residents would tell you, nothing ever happened. That was why Ellie Rocca loved living there, even if her ex-husband did not.But even small towns had secrets, as Ellie discovered when Lacey Mitchell suddenly disappeared. Ellie caught Lacey’s husband in a lie, and one small discovery led to another until it became apparent that nothing about the Mitchell’s was quite what it seemed.Mother’s Day was just around the corner. With a sexy detective on the case, and Ellie and her friends getting closer to the truth, can Lacey Mitchell be found in time to enjoy the day with her sons? Or was something more deadly going on?This novella is 35K words, the first in the Mt. Abrams Mystery Series

Via?a la ?ar?
n irul romanelor de mai trziu, dar mai cu seam n Viaa la ar […], n care temperamentul lui stilistic ajunge la formele unui clasicism plin de msur i claritate, Duiliu Zamfirescu renun n cea mai mare parte la manierismul trecutului. Analistul naturalist al strilor sufleteti struie, ba chiar se dezvolt n el, fr s mai simt nevoia apelului la nomenclatura i dialectica tiinei. Lirismul capt o pedal grav i simpl, i reflecia general ader parc mai adnc la impresia direct. […] Numeroase sunt pasagiile Vieii la ar n care amnuntul realist, umoristic sau graios, d via i adevr tablourilor.[…] ntocmai ca mai toi scriitorii realiti romni, pn cnd un Alexandru Macedonski cucerete sectoare noi ale artei descriptive, Duiliu Zamfirescu este mai ales un pictor al omului i al peisagiului, mai mult dect al lucrurilor i al interioarelor, care apar totui uneori n paginile lui. Remarcabil este apoi sub pana autorului Vieii la ar sau Tnase Scatiu pictura strilor de mulime, cu atta vreme nainte ca L. Rebreanu s dezvolte larg posibilitile acestui motiv. Vrednic de atenie este i evocarea vieii interioare, cu afundri ntr-o lume de imagini construite dup alte legi dect acele ale ateniei voluntare […]. Caracterul att de modern al procedeului nu poate scpa nimnui i el alctuiete punctul cel mai naintat al artei de analist a lui Duiliu Zamfirescu, atent la enigmele vieii sufleteti.“ – Tudor Vianu