?zlemek Sevmekse, ?zlüyorum Seni
B?R DAMLA SEVG?YLE MERHABA ?Dokunan hafif bir esinti, bir damla ya?, bir kü?ük ka?amak bak??tan ve bir tatl? s?zden sonra yüre?in ?eperlerine yap???p kalan a?k?n izleriyle dolu ya?amakt?r belki de istenilen… ??zlemek sevgiyle yüre?e dokunmaksa; bir tatl? s?z, bir gidenin ard?ndan kalan iz, bir hüzün i?indeki umutsuzluklarda bile, umut arayan kalple var olmakt?r kimbilir belki de i?imizde kalan… ??zlemek; a?k?n g?zya?lar?nda, yar?n? olmayan a?klarda ve bir garip a?k?n i?inde bile mutlulu?u, sevginin kanatlar?nda ?zlemle arayarak yazmakt?r belki de sayfalarda saklanan… ?Kim bilir belki de sevgiyi i?inde bularak kanatlanmakt?r, kanats?z hallerinde bile ?zlemle a?ka u?makt?r… ?Her okunan ?iirin i?inde hissedebilmektir belki de; tarifi olmayan, tarifsiz o duyguyu, yüre?indeki bir k?v?lc?m ate?iyle canland?r?p ya?atabilmektir belki de arzulanan... ?Sevgiyle dolu sayfalarda, hissettiklerinizi bulup dolu dolu ya?aman?z dile?iyle… Cengiz ?ET?K 1964 y?l?nda Konya/Karap?nar do?du. ?lkokulu Emirgazi il?esinde okudu. Ortaokulu ve liseyi Karap?nar’da okudu. Endüstri Meslek Lisesi Torna tesviye’den mezun oldu. 1989 y?l?nda Burdur E?itim Yüksek Okulu’ndan S?n?f ??retmeni olarak mezun olduktan sonra 1990 y?l?ndan bu yana zaman zaman idarecilik yapsa da ?u an Uzman S?n?f ??retmeni olarak ?al??makta olup iki k?z babas?d?r. 1986 y?l?nda ilk ?yküsü “sonun Ba?lang?c?” bir sinema dergisinin a?t??? yar??mada birinci gelmi?tir. Finike yerel gazetelerinde 2005 y?l?ndan sonra bir?ok k??e yaz?lar? yay?nland?. 2006 y?l?nda ilk ?iir kitab? “Son S?züm Sana Gülüm” yay?nlad?. ?kinci kitab? “Siyahlarday?m Alev Bak??l?m” 2008 y?l?nda yay?nland?. Ayr?ca güfte halinde “ Siyahlarday?m” 2010 y?l?nda ve “Vazge? G?nlüm” 2016 y?l?nda iki ?iiri bestelenip ?ark? olarak hayat bulmu?tur. 2017 y?l? son ay?nda ilk bilimkurgu roman? “Pokentranl? G?kmen” okurlar?yla tan??t?.
A?ktan ve Hayattan Damlalar: Resimli Denemeler
A?k?n ve Hayat?n ??inden Damlalarla Merhaba ?? ?A?k?n; hafiften yüre?e dokunu?uyla, i?imizdeki tutkular?n dizginlenemez halde damla damla ak???d?r belki s?zcüklerde canlanan… Belki de sonsuz renk dans?n?n büyüsünde kaybolmakt?r bir anda hissedilen. Yeni bir y?l?n geli?iyle bir ba?ka rüzg?r?n ak???nda kendini bulmakt?r belki de hayal edilen… Bir de bakm??s?n hayaller i?inde hayat yolundaki serüvenin i?inde buluvermi?sin kendini… ?ocuklar?m?z ayr? bir yer tutarken, gidenlerin ac?s? da derin bir iz b?rakarak bizlerin ya?am?nda yerini al?r ya?ad?klar?mla birlikte. ?? K?r?lma noktam?z olur bazen hayat?n i?inden yüre?e dü?en ac? damlalar, bazen de sevgiliye d?nü?en bir ???l?k olur son s?zü vasiyet gibi yaz?lan ya da hayat ?etelesinde dola??rken, ayk?r? dü?üncelerle beyninin sol yan?yla sa? yan? ?at???r bulursun hayat yolunda… Bazen de s?yleyecek s?z bulamazs?n ve sessiz bir ???l?k g?nderirsin annene; ?aresizli?inin i?inde ?are arayarak… ? Hayat?n sorgularla, sevgilerle dolu ge?erken, gün gelir d??a kapal? dü?ünce kap?lar?n? k?rmak istersin. Kirlenmi?liklerle, ya?arken ?ürüyenlerle, kapanmayan yaralarla, maddiyatla maneviyat? yok etmeye ?al??anlarla ya?arken i?inden gelen bir sesle a?k?n ve hayat?n i?inden dü?en damlalar?n harf harf dizili?iyle ?rülü bir anlat? serüvenidir sayfalara yans?yan. ??yle bir an gelir ki seslenirsin; elveda son sayfam?n, son tümcesinin, son noktas?…?
Complete Works Of George Eliot
Complete Works Of George Eliot
A tenger munkásai
El?sz?r futni tanítanak meg. Ez mindennek az alapja minden hadseregben szerte a világon. Megtanulsz futni, megtanulod bírni. Hegynek fel-le. Futsz erd?ben, tó- és folyóparton, futsz sportpályán. Együtt a szakasszal, és amikor valaki nem bírja és lemarad, nyomod a fekv?támaszt. Majd ha megérkezett, újra futsz.Ha már tudsz futni, van mire építeni a t?bbit. Megtanítanak, hogy bánj a fegyverrel, hogyan élesítsd a gránátot, vezess harcjárm?vet és telepíts m?szaki akadályt. De arra nem tanítanak meg, hogy amikor évekkel kés?bb a háború után, emlékeidt?l verejtékben úszva egyedül ébredsz jéghideg ágyadban, azt hogyan dolgozd fel. Amikor olyan s?tét az éj hajnali háromkor, hogy még az utcáról besz?r?d? lámpa fénye se hoz világosságot, amikor már rég kialudt az a mécses, amit a halott bajtársaid emlékére gyújtasz minden este. Akkor hiába tanítottak meg futni. Amikor arra ébredsz, hogy skorpiók vannak az ágyadban, és hallod az ellenség suttogását, mintha csak méterekre lennének t?led a l?vészárokban. Amikor minden olyan csendes, hogy már mar ez a hangtalanság. Akkor már nincs hova futnod. ?vek után rád?bbensz, hogy meg kell állnod és szembenézned a múltaddal. Mindennel, amit tettél, vagy nem tettél. ?n, mintha gyóntam volna, megírtam ezt a k?nyvet. Elszámoltam magammal, mert megtanultam egy fontos dolgot: a lelkedért csak te felelsz! Ezt senkinek se tanították meg. Erre nekünk kellett ráj?nnünk.
A v?r?slámpás ház
BORNAI TIBOR ?S BORNAI TIBOR? Talán csak nem ?nmagával fog társalogni a szerz?? Nos, ezúttal másról van szó. A k?nyvet, amit most a kezében tart az olvasó, ketten írták: Bornai Tibor, az édesapa, aki hatvanéves korában, negyven évvel ezel?tt hunyt el, és fia, Bornai Tibor, aki akkor még csak tizenhét éves volt. Az apa 1912-ben született, és 1972-ben halt meg. Fia 1955-ben látta meg a napvilágot, a másik dátum még titok. Kettejük t?rténeteib?l rajzolódik ki ez a nehéz, csodákkal és tragédiákkal telezsúfolt id?szak, amelynek kezdete éppen most, a k?nyv megjelenésekor ér százéves évfordulójához. Err?l a száz évr?l mesélnek ?k ketten: a kályha mellett ülve téli estéken, a Balaton partján heverészve, egy május elsejei felvonuláson, egy Párizs felé robogó kisbuszon, a Népliget mutatványosbódéi el?tti padon vagy egy ?ll?i úti bérház konyhájában. Sírós-nevet?s k?nyv ez, dokumentumregény, minden benne szerepl? tény és adat valóságos. Apa és fia jegyzetfüzetében lapozgathatunk csodálkozva, hogy mennyire rímel egymásra ez a két sors. ?s talán sokan lesznek majd, akik a maguk életében is megtalálják az ugyanilyen rímképlet? verssorokat. ?Oroszlán az Ecseri úton? Hogy kerül egy oroszlán az Ecseri útra, ahol a használt gyerekkocsitól a hibás rádióig, a szakadozott k?nyvekt?l a molyos rókaboáig ócska tárgyakat adnak-vesznek az emberek?” Kiderül majd, ahogy az olvasók az igazi, nagy kérdésekre is választ találnak ebben az emberséggel és humorral átsz?tt k?nyvben.
Complete Works Of Edgar Allan Poe: The New Raven Edition
This volume collects the complete works of Edgar Allan Poe (Wikipedia). It started out as a restructuring and reformatting of the 1903 “Raven Edition” of his works—and then it grew.I have rearranged the texts according to genres in the order of first publications (though still using the later revised versions). I added all the stories, poems, essays, and some miscellanea that were missing in the “Raven Edition”. Thus, you’ll find in this collection: THE TALESMetzengerstein, The Duc de L’Omelette, A Tale of Jerusalem, Loss of Breath, Bon-Bon, Ms. Found in a Bottle, The Assignation, Berenice, Morella, Lionizing, The Unparalleled Adventures of One Hans Pfaal, King Pest, Shadow—A Parable, Four Beasts in One—The Homo-Cameleopard, Mystification, Silence—A Fable, Ligeia, How to Write a Blackwood Article, A Predicament, The Devil in the Belfry, The Man that Was Used Up, The Fall of the House of Usher, William Wilson, The Conversation of Eiros and Charmion, Why the Little Frenchman Wears his Hand in a Sling, The Business Man, The Man of the Crowd, The Murders in the Rue Morgue, A Descent into the Maelstr?m, The Island of the Fay, The Colloquy of Monos and Una, Never Bet the Devil Your Head, Eleonora, Three Sundays in a Week, The Oval Portrait, The Masque of the Red Death, The Landscape Garden, The Mystery of Marie Rogêt, The Pit and the Pendulum, The Tell-Tale Heart, The Gold-Bug, The Black Cat, Diddling, The Spectacles, A Tale of the Ragged Mountains, The Premature Burial, Mesmeric Revelation, The Oblong Box, The Angel of the Odd, Thou Art the Man, The Literary Life of Thingum Bob, Esq, The Purloined Letter, The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade, Some Words with a Mummy, The Power of Words, The Imp of the Perverse, The System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether, The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar, The Sphinx, The Cask of Amontillado, The Domain of Arnheim, Mellonta Tauta, Hop-Frog, Von Kempelen and his Discovery, X-ing a Paragrab, Landor’s Cottage.THE POEMSPoetry, O, Tempora! O, Mores!, Tamerlane, Song, Dreams, Spirits of the Dead, Evening Star, Imitation, Stanzas, A Dream, The Happiest Day, The Lake —— to ——, To Margaret, Alone, Sonnet—to Science, Al Aaraaf, Romance, To ——, To the River——, To M——, Fairy-Land, To Isaac Lea, An Acrostic, Elizabeth, To Helen, Israfel, The City in the Sea, The Sleeper, A P?an, The Valley of Unrest, Enigma, Fanny, The Coliseum, Serenade, To One in Paradise, Hymn, May Queen Ode, Spiritual Song, Latin Hymn, Bridal Ballad, To Zante, The Haunted Palace, Silence, Lines On Joe Locke, The Conqueror Worm, Lenore, A Campaign Song, Dream-Land, Impromptu. To Kate Carol, To F——, Eulalie, Epigram for Wall Street, The Raven, The Divine Right of Kings, To Frances S. Osgood, A Valentine, Beloved Physician, Deep in Earth, To Marie Louise (Shew), Ulalume, Lines on Ale, To Marie Louise (Shew), An Enigma, To Helen, A Dream within a Dream, Eldorado, For Annie, To My Mother, Annabel Lee, The Bells.THE NOVELSNarrative of A. Gordon Pym, The Journal of Julius Rodman.THE ESSAYSPal?stine, Maelzel’s Chess-Player, Letter to B——, American Novel-Writing, The Capitol at Washington, Instinct vs Reason—A Black Cat, The Philosophy of Furniture, Morning on the Wissahiccon, Some Account of Stonehenge, The Giant’s Dance, A Druidical Ruin in England, A Few Words on Secret Writing, Exordium, Harper’s Ferry, The Balloon-Hoax, Byron and Miss Chaworth, Pay of American Authors, Some Secrets of the Magazine Prison-House, Anastatic Printing, Street-Paving, American Poetry, The Philosophy of Composition, A Few Words on Etiquette, Eureka: A Prose Poem, The Rationale of Verse, The Poetic Principle.THE MISCELLANEAAutography, Pinakidia, Literary Small Talk, Intemperance, A Chapter on Science and Art, Cabs, Omniana, Prospectus of The Penn Magazine, Autobiographical Note, A Chapter on Autography, Prospectus of The Stylus, Souvenirs of Youth, The Head of St. John The Baptist, Doings of Gotham, A Moving Chapter, Desultory Notes on Cats, A Chapter of Suggestions, Marginalia, The Literati, Mr. Poe’s Reply to Mr. English and Others, Fifty Suggestions, Preface to “Tamerlane And Minor Poems,” Prologue to “The Folio Club”, Prefaces and Introduction to “The Conchologist’s First Book,” Preface to “Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque,” Preface to “The Raven and Other Poems.”THE PLAYPolitian.THE CRITICISMThe Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe, vols. 8-13, ed. by James A. Harrison, Thomas Y. Crowell & Company 1902.THE LETTERSThe Letters of Edgar Allan Poe, 2nd edition, 2 vols., ed. by J. W. Ostrom, The Gordian Press 1966.
The Secret Garden
The Divine Comedy describes Dante's journey through Hell (Inferno), Purgatory (Purgatorio), and Paradise (Paradiso), guided first by the Roman poet Virgil and then by Beatrice, the subject of his love and of another of his works, La Vita Nuova. While the vision of Hell, the Inferno, is vivid for modern readers, the theological niceties presented in the other books require a certain amount of patience and knowledge to appreciate. Purgatorio, the most lyrical and human of the three, also has the most poets in it; Paradiso, the most heavily theological, has the most beautiful and ecstatic mystic passages in which Dante tries to describe what he confesses he is unable to convey (e.g., when Dante looks into the face of God: "all'alta fantasia qui mancò possa" — "at this high moment, ability failed my capacity to describe," Paradiso, XXXIII, 142). His glory, by whose might all things are mov'd,Pierces the universe, and in one partSheds more resplendence, elsewhere less. In heav'n,That largeliest of his light partakes, was I,Witness of things, which to relate againSurpasseth power of him who comes from thence;For that, so near approaching its desireOur intellect is to such depth absorb'd,That memory cannot follow. Nathless all,That in my thoughts I of that sacred realmCould store, shall now be matter of my song. Benign Apollo! this last labour aid,And make me such a vessel of thy worth,As thy own laurel claims of me belov'd.Thus far hath one of steep Parnassus' browsSuffic'd me; henceforth there is need of bothFor my remaining enterprise Do thouEnter into my bosom, and there breatheSo, as when Marsyas by thy hand was dragg'dForth from his limbs unsheath'd. O power divine!If thou to me of shine impart so much,That of that happy realm the shadow'd formTrac'd in my thoughts I may set forth to view,Thou shalt behold me of thy favour'd treeCome to the foot, and crown myself with leaves;For to that honour thou, and my high themeWill fit me. If but seldom, mighty Sire!To grace his triumph gathers thence a wreathCaesar or bard (more shame for human willsDeprav'd) joy to the Delphic god must springFrom the Pierian foliage, when one breastIs with such thirst inspir'd. From a small sparkGreat flame hath risen: after me perchanceOthers with better voice may pray, and gainFrom the Cirrhaean city answer kind. About Dante: Durante degli Alighieri, simply referred to as Dante (1265–1321), was a major Italian poet of the Middle Ages. His Divine Comedy, originally called La Comedia and later called Divina by Boccaccio, is widely considered the greatest literary work composed in the Italian language and a masterpiece of world literature. In Italy he is known as il Sommo Poeta ("the Supreme Poet") or just il Poeta. He, Petrarch and Boccaccio are also known as "the three fountains" or "the three crowns". Dante is also called the "Father of the Italian language".
Ahogy tetszik
Bipoláris érzelmi zavar – hangzik a kórházi pszichiáter diagnózisa… Gyógyíthatatlan mentális betegség. Péceli Rita megrémül: ezek szerint élete végéig ?bolond” marad? Rita kezdetben megpróbálja ott folytatni, ahol a diagnózis el?tt abbahagyta. ?m széls?séges érzelmi hullámzásai alatt rossz d?ntéseket hoz, rossz kapcsolatokat k?t, elveszíti szerelmét, és biztos állása, megélhetése is veszélybe kerül. Egy éven belül háromszor kell befeküdnie a pszichiátriára. Rita a sok szenvedés hatására végül úgy d?nt, felveszi a keszty?t, és szembenéz a betegséggel. Vajon siker koronázza-e az er?feszítéseit, és képes lesz-e együtt élni a betegséggel, ha megfogadja segít?i tanácsait? ?lhet-e majd ezután is teljes érték? életet? S ami talán a legfontosabb: megtalálja-e a boldogságot? A regény igaz t?rténet alapján íródott. ?– Talán én nem tettem meg mindent – vallottam be halkan. – ?s félek, nem is fogok tudni megtenni. Pedig nem akarok újra kórházba kerülni. – Látja, most megfogalmazta a célját – mosolygott a szem?ld?két felhúzva Kamilla. – Higgye el, sikerülni fog. Kételkedve sóhajtottam fel, de akkor és ott megmozdult bennem valami. Elt?kéltem: mindent meg fogok tenni, nehogy megint a pszichiátrián k?ssek ki. – Az els? lépés, hogy elfogadják magukat – folytatta a pszichológus. – ?gy, ahogy vannak. A betegségüket. Ne vádolják magukat érte, ne érezzék szégyenbélyegnek, ne tagadják el saját maguk el?l, ha baj van. Maguk ugyanolyan értékes emberek, mint bárki más.”
Szentivánéji álom
Ha nem lennének angol kosztüm?s filmek és szürkéskék szemek, a világ is sokkal biztonságosabb hely volna. Legalábbis így vélekedik Mész?ly Dóra, a LEI magazin újságírója, amikor elhatározza, hogy interjút kér a híres angol színészt?l, Edward Yorke-tól. A feladat egyszer?nek t?nik, hiszen a férfi éppen Budapesten forgatja legújabb filmjét, ám a kezdeti biztató jelek után az ügy egyre bonyolultabbá válik… A lány váratlan akadályok sorával találja magát szemk?zt, ám az egyébként is makacs természet? Dóra nem ismer lehetetlent. Minden találékonyságát latba vetve üld?zi tovább a színészt, mik?zben kalandjai hol filmgyári díszletek k?zé, hol egy magánnyomozó irodájába, hol az éjszakai Budapest kocsmáiba, hol egy londoni szállodába sodorják. De vajon sikerül-e rátalálnia Edwardra? M?RK LEON?RA az Elle magazin f?szerkeszt?-helyettese, el?tte évekig a N?k Lapja munkatársaként dolgozott. H?sn?jével, Mész?ly Dórával szemben nem az interjú a kedvenc m?faja, de ha valaki igazán felkelti az érdekl?dését, ? sem adja fel k?nnyen… ?Vágyni, csodára várni, álmodozni: jó. Tudom, mit érezhetett a k?nyv szerz?je, amikor megszületett benne a vágy. Ismerem az érzést, ami a csoda k?zelében meglep, és az álmodozás sem áll távol t?lem. M?rk Leonóra nagyon pontosan és végtelenül ?nironikusan mutatja be a fázisokat. Egyszer én is évekig üld?ztem egy német punkénekest. Aztán, amikor elkaptam, a fülembe csengtek egy kedves versnek a sorai: ?Nem akarok elérni semmit. Nem akarom, hogy ne legyen mire vágynom.? Hogy a k?nyv újságíró f?szerepl?je mit érez a kalandok során, nem árulom el. Járjuk vele végig az utat. K?nnyen magával húz, élvezet k?vetni. A vége meg: maradjon csattanó.” Karafiáth Orsolya
Téli rege
Egy vicces, olykor megható szerelmes k?nyvet tart a kezében az olvasó. A t?rténetekb?l megtudhatjuk, hányféleképpen lehet n?ként csalódni úgy, hogy annak még a távoli Amerikában, a Szex és New York-sorozat hazájában is híre menjen. S miért a sok koppanás? Mert az ember lánya gyakran minden szerencse és f?leg ?nismeret híján halászgat a zavarosban. Ilyenkor bizony el?fordul, hogy a kiszemelt férfi nem éppen álmaink hercege, csak mi képzeltük róla, hogy ? a nagy ?. Ismer?s a szituáció? Fel a fejjel, azaz talpra, és indulás tovább! A végállomás csakis a boldogság lehet. ?…az el?szoba fel?l kulcsz?rgés hallatszott, majd nevetés harsant, amire vékonyka hang felelt. Egy n? és egy gyerek léphetett be a lakásba. Zoltán egész testében lemerevedett, majd odasúgta Helgának: – Ez Rozi a fiammal. Egy nappal el?bb hazahozta. A francba! Bújj el gyorsan, nehogy meglásson, kül?nben kikaparja a szemedet. Menj ki az erkélyre, én majd behúzom a s?tétít? függ?nyt. – Neked barátn?d van? – tátotta el a száját Helga. – Exbarátn?m, de nem hagy békét. Minden n?t elüld?z mell?lem. Na, menj már ki! Helgának azonban esze ágában sem volt az erkélyen kuksolni, amíg az ismeretlen n? el nem hagyja a terepet. Nekid?lt a konyhapultnak, karjait keresztbe fonta. – T?lem aztán megláthat – mondta kimérten. – ?n nem félek senkit?l, és senki el?l nem fogok bujkálni. – Ha neked esik, magadra vess – vetette oda a férfi idegesen. – ?n el?re szóltam.”
Tom Sawyer kalandjai
C?t?lin-Mihai ?tefan a reu?it s? scrie o carte tulbur?toare despre avatarurile unei identit??i ?n curs de revelare. Poemele sale, imagini fulgurante ale memoriei, sunt ofrande aduse unui timp deja tr?it, mici lumi disp?rute care ??i cer dumicatul de p?ine ?i linguri?a de vin. Ce am fi f?r? amintiri, ce ar fi amintirile f?r? noi cei de acum... Puzzle-ul acestor ?istorii“ personale prinde contur abia dup? ce lucrurile nespuse ?ncep s? se acumuleze ?i s? fie la fel de prezente ca ?i acelea rostite cu ap?sare. Dup? un debut onorabil Muza avatarului (2005), C?t?lin-Mihai ?tefan revine ?n poezie cu un volum c?t se poate de conving?tor, al?tur?ndu-se astfel, celor mai buni poe?i ai celui de-al doilea val dou?miist. (?erban Axinte)Apaosuri este volumul de poeme care te contamineaz? cu mult? candoare, cu un limbaj care te oblig? s? te copil?re?ti p?n? acolo, ?nc?t s? con?tientizezi c? de fapt fiecare etap? a vie?ii nu are s? ?nsemne dec?t ?nc? un pas de ?otron. Poetul divulg?, ?ntr-o manier? inedit?, aromele ?i energiile copil?riei postsocialiste. Altfel spus, Apaosuri este volumul unor holograme lirice pe care poetul, inspirat, ni le aduce ?n acest postmodernism natural-robotizat. Cred c? prin acest volum autorul ??i c??tig?, la propriu, locul binemeritat ?n peisajul poeziei 2000+. (Paul Gorban)
A Midsummer Night's Dream
The Divine Comedy describes Dante's journey through Hell (Inferno), Purgatory (Purgatorio), and Paradise (Paradiso), guided first by the Roman poet Virgil and then by Beatrice, the subject of his love and of another of his works, La Vita Nuova. While the vision of Hell, the Inferno, is vivid for modern readers, the theological niceties presented in the other books require a certain amount of patience and knowledge to appreciate. Purgatorio, the most lyrical and human of the three, also has the most poets in it; Paradiso, the most heavily theological, has the most beautiful and ecstatic mystic passages in which Dante tries to describe what he confesses he is unable to convey (e.g., when Dante looks into the face of God: "all'alta fantasia qui mancò possa" — "at this high moment, ability failed my capacity to describe," Paradiso, XXXIII, 142). "IN the midway of this our mortal life, I found me in a gloomy wood, astray Gone from the path direct: and e'en to tell It were no easy task, how savage wild That forest, how robust and rough its growth, Which to remember only, my dismay Renews, in bitterness not far from death.." (Dante) IN the midway of this our mortal life,I found me in a gloomy wood, astrayGone from the path direct: and e'en to tellIt were no easy task, how savage wildThat forest, how robust and rough its growth,Which to remember only, my dismayRenews, in bitterness not far from death.Yet to discourse of what there good befell,All else will I relate discover'd there.How first I enter'd it I scarce can say,Such sleepy dullness in that instant weigh'dMy senses down, when the true path I left,But when a mountain's foot I reach'd, where clos'dThe valley, that had pierc'd my heart with dread,I look'd aloft, and saw his shoulders broadAlready vested with that planet's beam,Who leads all wanderers safe through every way. Then was a little respite to the fear,That in my heart's recesses deep had lain,All of that night, so pitifully pass'd:And as a man, with difficult short breath,Forespent with toiling, 'scap'd from sea to shore,Turns to the perilous wide waste, and standsAt gaze; e'en so my spirit, that yet fail'dStruggling with terror, turn'd to view the straits,That none hath pass'd and liv'd. My weary frameAfter short pause recomforted, againI journey'd on over that lonely steep,The hinder foot still firmer. Scarce the ascentBegan, when, lo! a panther, nimble, light,And cover'd with a speckled skin, appear'd,Nor, when it saw me, vanish'd, rather stroveTo check my onward going; that ofttimesWith purpose to retrace my steps I turn'd. ? ?About Dante: ? Durante degli Alighieri, simply referred to as Dante (1265–1321), was a major Italian poet of the Middle Ages. His Divine Comedy, originally called La Comedia and later called Divina by Boccaccio, is widely considered the greatest literary work composed in the Italian language and a masterpiece of world literature. In Italy he is known as il Sommo Poeta ("the Supreme Poet") or just il Poeta. He, Petrarch and Boccaccio are also known as "the three fountains" or "the three crowns". Dante is also called the "Father of the Italian language".
Robinson Crusoe
Azt mondják, egy zuhanó gépen nincs ateista. Azt hiszem, k?rül?ttem is mindenki a maga istenét szólongatta. Már a bal szárnyból is sivító hang hallatszott. Lehet, hogy ezek életem utolsó percei? A bosnyák asszony megragadta a karomat. – Nem akarok meghalni – suttogta. – Még én sem – mondtam neki, és mosolyt er?ltettem az arcomra. – ?gy terveztem, hogy nyolcvannyolc évig élek. Hátrad?ltem az ülésen, és nagy leveg?t vettem. Az élettel nem voltam valami nagy virtuóz, nézzük, mit tudok kezdeni a halállal! Figyeltem a saját félelmemet, ahogy j?tt és ment, ha beszívtam és kifújtam a leveg?t, úgy, ahogy a guru tanította. Talán abnormálisan hangzik, de kezdtem magam jól érezni. Mindig kíváncsi voltam, milyen lesz, hát tessék. Most megtudom. Pedig eszemben sem volt Indiába menni, eszemben sem volt megint a megfoghatatlannal kerget?zni, nem kerestem misztikus kalandot. Az utóbbi id?ben folyton úton voltam – pihenni akartam kicsit. A városnév csak egy cím volt a naptáramban, nem készültem bel?le. Arepül?útra tartogattam az útik?nyvet, de elaludtam. Halvány fogalmam sem volt, hogy ahová tartok, a világ egyik leghíresebb spirituális helye, ahová a f?ldgolyó minden pontjáról zarándokolnak emberek, és sokan haza sem mennek t?bbé. Fogva tartja ?ket egy ismeretlen er?, amelyszétdúl mindent, mint a rossz gyerek a homokvárat, ?sszet?r és porrá morzsol, hogy aztán a masszából gyúrjon valami újat, ami sokkal er?sebb lesz, mint amilyen el?tte volt.
Ramseyer's Ghost
2050. The global village has disintegrated. The Third World War, ending in a stalemate, has left the planet split between two hostile powers, each with a captive sphere of influence. The Atlantic Ocean has become an American sea. West Africa is a desert of failed states and anarchy, dotted with mines and oil rigs, stockaded and armed by U. S. corporations. From their island outpost of St. Thomas, the Americans dispatch expeditions of geologists and mining engineers into the dangerous interior of the Dark Continent to search for untapped mineral resources. One such expedition has gone missing. Ekem “Crash” Ferguson, born in the U.S. in 2008 of African parents and abandoned to the care of foster parents, is a Captain in the Marine Corps. His career blocked and his marriage failing, he accepts an offer to proceed to Ghana on a one-man mission to find the missing experts. Unknown to his handlers, he has another mission. His arrival in Africa is inauspicious: in a shack amongst the coconut palms he comes across two human skeletons. This is only the first incident in what turns out to be a journey of discovery and self-discovery. “Magnificently crafted political fiction.” Andre Vltchek, author of Aurora and Exposing the Lies of the Empire.
With the power to end the world, would you protect humanity when it broke you or would you take revenge? Meet Ariel: a quiet, unnoticeable girl with an incredible gift… Ariel never had an easy or pleasant life, but the arrival of three gorgeous strangers meant her measured life is turned upside down, as she discovers that angels exist.Now against her will, she’s drawn into an ancient celestial conflict, where her powers will decide the fate of humanity. Deceived, threatened, hunted and now on the run, who can she trust? It's fantastically written using highly descriptive languagethroughout allowing me to feel like I was transported into the story - I couldalmost smell and feel what the characters are experiencing. (Melanie from "Frasier's Fun House"/Book blogger) From the first chapter I found this book scarily addicting.I just wanted more. I was consumed and intrigued. I didn't know where it wasgoing or what was going to happen and was pleasantly surprised. (Emma from "Emma's Chapter"/Book blogger)Once I'm started, I just can't stop myself from reading itand almost constantly think about it while awake, torturing me. Stranger tothis genre, I wasn't aware this book would make my heart race so much and thatmy little imagination wheels in my brain would be on fire! (Kristina from "Books and Dachshunds"/Book blogger)Holy, that was great...I'm speechless by how amazing the story is. (Deekay from "Life of Deekay"/Book blogger)Heavenward by Olga Gibbs was an interesting read. I thoughtthe idea was brilliant. I have not read that many books dealing with angels butI find that I enjoy them. Gibbs took the story of the angels and definitely puther own spin on it. The scenery that she describes in the second half of thebook is just amazing. (Stephanie from "Books in the Skye"/Book blogger)Fantastic page turner! 150 pages were gone in a flash and Ijust wanted more! (Amazon reviewer)Addictive book with a fantastic and vivid world-building! Iwould definitely continue with this series. I need to know what happens next!Well written, well planned out. Reminded me a little of Hush, Hush, so if youlike things like that then you should definitely check this out. (Book blogger)Olga Gibbs has a talent for world-building. From the schoolyard to the heavenly architecture and natural surroundings, her settings andimagery are so vivid and cater to all five senses; it would be hard to tire fromher rich descriptions. (Kelsey from "There's something about KM"/Book blogger)
President Michelle, or Ten Days that Shook the World: A Subversive Political Fan
The 2012 presidential election campaign is well under way when Barack Obama succumbs to a sudden heart attack. Vice-president Biden is sworn in as President and the Democratic Party recalls its convention. Jesse Jackson makes a powerful speech proposing that the party adopt Michelle Obama as its candidate. What happens next?
Pancho Finds A Home
Pancho Finds A Home is about a little dog who wanders into a small Mexican village that is preparing for a feast. He befriends a burro, hen and goat and prepares a special surprise for them.
Rebel Without a Clue: Planet Hyman
Mex is looking forward to a well-earned retirement for saving planet Hy Man from men. Instead she has been sent on a mission that will ruin her career with a robot who rubs her up the wrong way... Beryl is the leader of planet Hy Man and fighting to remain so. She is the reason that Mex is where she is trying to understand the Scottish accent, the Scottish weather and why everything they eat is covered in batter. Beryl is desperate, the planet’s energy is on its last legs and chapping at her heels to take over is the ruthless Hilda. A woman with a personality as bad her haircut and will do anything to get her way...
Faerie Fruit
When the centuries-barren orchards of Berrie-on-the-Wyn suddenly bear fruit, it is clear that something strange is afoot — and something fey, for this is no ordinary harvest. To partake of the fruits of Faerie is to be changed for good, but not necessarily for the better. From whence come the golden apples, the moonlit silver pears? Who is the motley piper who walks the streets of Berrie, drawing forth magic and mayhem with his music? And how can half of the town vanish into thin air? There may be chaos aplenty in Berrie, but all that's needed to set things straight is a touch of the right light — and maybe just the right pair of Boots...
Ami csak a tiéd: D.A.C. special edition
Ami csak a tiéd: D.A.C. special edition
A Kis Herceg
La ora la care scriu aceste r?nduri, revista Contemporanul se apropie de aniversarea a 130 de ani de la fondare, si ne ?ntreb?m, cu to?ii, iar??i ?i iar??i, ce schimb?ri s-au produs ?n peisajul cultural, literar, social ?n ultimii 20 de ani? Ce viitor vor avea cultura, literatura rom?n? vie ?n contextul acestor schimb?ri? Cum ??i va reveni din criza actuala, mai grav?, mai dramatic? dec?t criza economic? propriu-zisa fiind, f?r? ?ndoiala, profunda criz? moral? de care este cuprins? societatea rom?neasc?? R?spunsurile formulate de participan?ii la anchet? – precum ?i celelalte articole, eseuri, reportaje etc. – cuprinse ?n acest supliment aniversar vizeaz? ?i aceste aspecte, greu de neglijat, din v?rtejul evenimentelor istorice, din acest dramatic prezent, rezist?nd, spre gloria na?iunii rom?ne, Excelen?a Sa, cultura, literatur? rom?n? vie. (Aura Christi)