

Cry Myself to Sleep: He had to escape. They would never hurt him again.
Cry Myself to Sleep: He had to escape. They would never hurt him again.
Joe Peters
The next book from the number one bestselling author of Cry Silent Tears. Joe was only five years old when he lost his voice. Only five years old when he was first beaten by his mother and raped by her boyfriend. And only nine years old when his mother sold him to a paedophile ring. At sixteen, Joe finally found the courage to escape and headed for Charing Cross station with no money in his pocket, no friends and nowhere to turn to. But the nightmare was far from over. Haunted by his harrowing past, Joe's life spiralled out of control. Living on the lonely streets of London, Joe turned down a dark path of crime and self-destruction and it seemed that he was bound for prison. Until the love of a good woman set him free… This is the ultimate story of triumph over evil, of survival and redemption. Heartbreaking, but unbelievably inspiring, it is a testament to the unbreakable resilience of a little boy who grew up into a remarkable man. Now that he has found his voice again, Joe speaks out against child abuse and helps support and protect other children whose lives have been blighted by it.
Tell Me Why, Mummy
Tell Me Why, Mummy
David Thomas
The inspirational true story of one man overcoming enormous odds – including sexual abuse from his alcoholic mother – to choose his own path in life and become a truly exceptional human being. From the age of four David Thomas was sexually abused by his alcoholic mother and subsequently physically abused by his aged stepfather. By the age of 16 he had committed multiple burglaries, assaulted a police officer with an iron bar, attempted suicide, received a criminal conviction from a juvenile court, and been expelled from school. He left home as soon as he could and joined the fire service at 20. At the age of 27 he bought a book on memory. Within 8 months he had come fourth in the World Memory Championships and went on to develop one of the most powerful memories in history, even breaking an 18-year-old Guinness Book of Records memory record by reciting the mathematical formula Pi (3.1459) to 22,500 digits from memory. In 1999 he was reunited with his mother after 4 years apart but tragically, a year later he found her dead at home after she had died of an alcohol induced heart attack. David's shocking and moving story is one of abuse, alcoholism, courage, determination, forgiveness, love and how everyone can choose their own path through life irrespective of their upbringing, background or perceptions about what they think is possible. David is an incredible example of how this can happen.
The Mighty Franks: A Memoir
The Mighty Franks: A Memoir
Michael Frank
A TELEGRAPH BOOK OF THE YEAR A NEW STATESMAN BOOK OF THE YEAR A story at once extremely strange and entirely familiar – about families, innocence, art and love. This hugely enjoyable, totally unforgettable memoir is a classic in the making. ‘My aunt called our two families the Mighty Franks. But, she said, you and I, Lovey, are a thing apart. The two of us have pulled our wagons up to a secret campsite. We know how lucky we are. We’re the most fortunate people in the world to have found each other, isn’t it so?’ Michael Frank’s upbringing was unusual to say the least. His aunt was his father’s sister and his uncle his mother’s brother. The two couples lived blocks apart in the hills of LA, with both grandmothers in an apartment together nearby. Most unusual of all was his aunt, ‘Hankie’: a beauty with violet eyelids and leaves fastened in her hair, a woman who thought that conformity was death, a Hollywood screenwriter spinning seductive fantasies. With no children of her own, Hankie took a particular shine to Michael, taking him on Antiquing excursions, telling him about ‘the very last drop of her innermost self’, holding him in her orbit in unpredictable ways. This love complicated the delicate balance of the wider family and changed Michael’s life forever.
The Prince Who Would Be King: The Life and Death of Henry Stuart
The Prince Who Would Be King: The Life and Death of Henry Stuart
Sarah Fraser
Henry Stuart’s life is the last great forgotten Jacobean tale. Shadowed by the gravity of the Thirty Years’ War and the huge changes taking place across Europe in seventeenth-century society, economy, politics and empire, his life was visually and verbally gorgeous. NOW THE SUBJECT OF BBC2 DOCUMENTARY The Best King We Never Had Henry Stuart, Prince of Wales was once the hope of Britain. Eldest son to James VI of Scotland, James I of England, Henry was the epitome of heroic Renaissance princely virtue, his life set against a period about as rich and momentous as any. Educated to rule, Henry was interested in everything. His court was awash with leading artists, musicians, writers and composers such as Ben Jonson and Inigo Jones. He founded a royal art collection of European breadth, amassed a vast collection of priceless books, led grand renovations of royal palaces and mounted operatic, highly politicised masques. But his ambitions were even greater. He embraced cutting-edge science, funded telescopes and automata, was patron of the North West Passage Company and wanted to sail through the barriers of the known world to explore new continents. He reviewed and modernised Britain’s naval and military capacity and in his advocacy for the colonisation of North America he helped to transform the world. At his death aged only eighteen, and considering himself to be as much a European as British, he was preparing to stake his claim to be the next leader of Protestant Christendom in the struggle to resist a resurgent militant Catholicism. In this rich and lively book, Sarah Fraser seeks to restore Henry to his place in history. Set against the bloody traumas of the Thirty Years’ War, the writing of the King James Bible, the Gunpowder Plot and the dark tragedies pouring from Shakespeare’s quill, Henry’s life is the last great forgotten Jacobean tale: the story of a man who, had he lived, might have saved Britain from King Charles I, his spaniels and the Civil War with its appalling loss of life his misrule engendered.
Joining the Dots: A Woman In Her Time
Joining the Dots: A Woman In Her Time
Juliet Gardiner
From Britain’s leading social historian, a lyrical look at the changes to women’s lives since 1940, told with examples from her own life. The book provides an intimate, brilliant account of feminism over the last 6 decades. “A young woman wearing a navy-blue duffle coat stood shivering in the vaulted Victorian booking hall of Temple Meads station in Bristol looking uncertainly around her. It was 1st January 1960 and the woman was me. I was sixteen years old, and I had run away from home.” Over the next ten years, the world changed around young Juliet Gardiner – as it did for most women in Britain. It was the start of a decade that was to be momentous for Britain’s history – politically, economically, socially and culturally. As one of Britain’s best-known social historians, Juliet Gardiner writes here about the span of women’s lives from her birth during the Second World War to the election of Margaret Thatcher as prime minister. Using episodes from her own life as starting points to illuminate the broader history in society at large, she explores changing ideas towards birth and adoption, the importance of education for girls, the opportunities offered by university, to expectations of work and motherhood, not to mention her generation’s yearning for freedom. Everyone has his or her history and at the same time is part of history as this book so perceptively and beautifully demonstrates. As a work of living history, both lyrical and personal, Joining the Dots is an accessible and empowering story of how one mid-twentieth-century woman grew into a world so different from the one into which she was born. It is a story of bed-sits, sexual choice, motherhood and marriage, feminism, family planning and professional ambition.
Power and Glory: Jacobean England and the Making of the King James Bible (Text o
Power and Glory: Jacobean England and the Making of the King James Bible (Text o
Adam Nicolson
A fascinating, lively account of the making of the King James Bible. James VI of Scotland – now James I of England – came into his new kingdom in 1603. Trained almost from birth to manage rival political factions, he was determined not only to hold his throne, but to avoid the strife caused by religious groups that was bedevilling most European countries. He would hold his God-appointed position and unify his kingdom. Out of these circumstances, and involving the very people who were engaged in the bitterest controversies, a book of extraordinary grace and lasting literary appeal was created: the King James Bible. 47 scholars from Cambridge, Oxford and London translated the Bible, drawing from many previous versions, and created what many believe to be the greatest prose work ever written in English – the product of a culture in a peculiarly conflicted era. This was the England of Shakespeare, Marlowe, Jonson and Bacon; but also of extremist Puritans, the Gunpowder plot, the Plague, of slum dwellings and crushing religious confines. Quite how this astonishing translation emerges is the central question of this book. Far more than Shakespeare, this Bible helped to create and shape the language. It is the origin of many of our most familiar phrases, and the foundations of the English-speaking world. It was a generous and deliberate decision to make the Bible available to the common man: not an immediate commercial success, but which later became a bestseller, and has remained one ever since. Adam Nicolson gives a fascinating and dramatic account of the early years of the first Stewart ruler, and the scholars who laboured for seven years to create the world's greatest book; immersing us in a world of ingratiating bishops, a fascinating monarch and London at a time unlike any other.
Dieta de 17 zile. Rezultate rapide cu un plan medical special conceput
Dieta de 17 zile. Rezultate rapide cu un plan medical special conceput
Moreno Mike Dr.
Poemele lui Marius Aldea sunt inteligent-fanteziste i dau o senzaie de prospeime, dei refolosete, frecvent, i mijloace de seducie inventate de Nichita Stnescu, Emil Brumaru, Mircea Dinescu. Marius Aldea are o plcere de a scrie care face ca tot ce mprumut s devin al lui.“ – Alex tefnescu Marius tefan Aldea face parte din plutonul tinerilor poei crora li se flfie de generaia imediat anterioar, ns nu li se deloc de generaiile vechi. Vd i prevd o promoie de poei lucizi i cultivai printre care compozitorul Simfoniei frnei va strluci. Pentru c are umor, deci i permite s fie cinic, i pentru c izbutete nite metafore trsnite, dar fluente, nu rscutate. Apoi ochiul su este flmnd i precis, nu hoinrete pe firmament pn se ntoarce cu albul n sus. Viteza, claritatea i subtilitatea artei lui monteaz un spectacol inteligent – un deliciu pentru durii ca el, care, de fapt, ascund un suflet sensibil n spatele rictusului sceptic. Un romantic de factur excelent este Marius, adic dintre aceia cu witz, care muc tot, iar apoi se muc pe ei nii. Irezistibil poezia asta ca un roman scris la col de strad de un designer care tie exact ce vrea de la manechinele lui.“ – Felix Nicolau Marius tefan Aldea are atta energie poetic, nct exist riscul s supratensioneze Sistemul Naional de Distribuie a Literaturii. Dar cum SNDL nu exist dect n imaginaia noastr, nu v rmne, dragi cititori, dect s v conectai singuri la aceast surs de energie. E simplu: deschidei cartea lui Marius i citii puin. Dac nu suntei purttori de mnui izolante i cizme de cauciuc, ar trebui ca n secunda a doua s fii scuturai zdravn, iar minile s vi se ncleteze pe carte. E doar unul dintre efectele pe care l are poezia bun asupra omului.“ – Robert erban
Cele cinci trepte ale s?n?t??ii
Cele cinci trepte ale s?n?t??ii
Walker Ross
Poeziile lui Giorgio Baffo (1694-1768), mentor al lui Casanova, sunt de o sinceritate dezarmant?. Un limbaj poetic picant, cu un efect direct asupra cititorului. Erotismul abund? ?n rostogoliri de imagini fierbin?i, iar sonetele autorului italian par o petrecere ?n rime, care iau peste picior bunele moravuri ale epocii.?F?r? Baffo, n?am avea idee de decaden?a voluptuoas? a Serenissimei Republici. Prin el, cunoa?tem via?a sexual? a Vene?iei, cu serb?ri, cu osterii, cu cazinouri, cu jocuri de noroc, cu dansatoare ?i cu c?lug?ri?e liber?tine“ – Guillaume Apollinaire
Puterea chakrelor. Deblocheaz?-?i cei ?apte centri energetici ai vindec?rii
Puterea chakrelor. Deblocheaz?-?i cei ?apte centri energetici ai vindec?rii
Susan Shumsky
Volumul lui Cornel Mihai Ungureanu cuprinde interesante interviuri cu mari personalit??i ale culturii rom?ne?ti, din sfere multiple. Printre al?ii, Ana Blandiana, Gabriel Andreescu, Liviu Antonesei, Gellu Dorian, Bogdan Suceav?, Lucian Dan Teodorovici sau Daniel Cristea?Enache. Cititorul va g?si ?n paginile c?r?ii comentarii provocatoare privind operele ?i biografiile intervieva?ilor, precum ?i pagini din istoria tulbure din perioada comunist? ?i din cea contemporan?.
Supravie?uitorii. Cartea a IV-a - Un drum primejdios
Supravie?uitorii. Cartea a IV-a - Un drum primejdios
Erin Hunter
Cartea reprezint? o minimonografie spectaculoas? despre proza, publicistica ?i poezia unuia dintre cei mai mari poe?i interbelici, Tudor Arghezi. M.V. Buciu are un instrumentar critic adus la zi, ca ?i bibliografia de altfel, aten?ia exegetului fiind focalizat? asupra operei acestui mare scriitor, contestat vehement ?n perioada post-decembrist?. ?n esen??, monografia lui M.V. Buciu, constituie o temeinic? tentativ? de rea?ezare a lui Tudor Arghezi ?n actualitatea literar?, readuc?nd ?n discu?ie, dar nu mai pu?in ?n actualitate, complexitatea personalit??ii argheziene, un urma? al poetului na?ional, Mihai Eminescu.
Cryptocurrency Investment 2018: How To Invest In Cryptocurrencies Like Bitcoin A
Cryptocurrency Investment 2018: How To Invest In Cryptocurrencies Like Bitcoin A
Patt Tomas
Cryptocurrency Investment 2018: How To Invest In Cryptocurrencies Like Bitcoin And Ethereum
How To Mine Bitcoin:: Learn How To Mine Cryptocurrency
How To Mine Bitcoin:: Learn How To Mine Cryptocurrency
Patt Tomas
How To Mine Bitcoin:: Learn How To Mine Cryptocurrency
A gyermekek keresztes háborúja
A gyermekek keresztes háborúja
Tullio Avoledo
A gyermekek keresztes háborúja
Pisicile r?zboinice. Cartea a V-a - O cale primejdioas?
Pisicile r?zboinice. Cartea a V-a - O cale primejdioas?
Erin Hunter
Selecia prozatorilor din comunism se cere ceva mai struitor argumentat dect cea a prozatorilor interbelici (termen uzual, dar neacoperitor, pentru c includem n aceast perioad i vremurile de rzboi). Exemplaritatea, aici, e motivat de valoarea, originalitatea, insolitul, atipicitatea (stranietatea, cu termenul lui Harold Bloom) epicii. Urmresc – o spun riscnd simplificarea – fondul autohton i forma universal. Dau prioritate experimentului, dac nnoirea este substanial, se integreaz n – i face sau ncearc diferena de – epica occidental. Fac o concesie cu M. Preda, prozatorul emblematic al unei epoci istorice ntunecate (cu toate nuanele de ntuneric i rarele ei strfulgerri de lumin). Previn uor reproul de a ocoli n selecie prozatori care abia dac debutau sau publicau primele cri pn n 1989.“ – Marian Victor Buciu
American Justice
American Justice
Paul Brakke, Gini Graham Scott, PhD
American Justice
Vindecarea oboselii. Cum s? ?nvingi epuizarea ?i s? te sim?i excelent
Vindecarea oboselii. Cum s? ?nvingi epuizarea ?i s? te sim?i excelent
Sohere Roked
Un limbaj poetic direct, cu mesaje clare, ne?nv?luite ?n v?lurile dense ale figurilor de stil. Totul ?ns? aureolat de o feminitate sensibil?.?Nicoleta Popa scrie pentru c? nu poate altfel. ?i o face ?n regimul urgen?ei, f?r? brizbrizuri, f?r? menajamente, f?r? s?-i pese prea mult de ce zic cei din jur, fiindc? are ceva de m?rturisit. E detectabil chiar un sadism al adev?rului ?n versuri, necesar asemeni oxigenului ca s? r?m?n? un om ?ntreg. ??i analizeaz? condi?ia de femeie, vitupereaz?, se t?nguie, este fireasc?, nu plictise?te. Volumul de fa?? e mai cuminte dec?t anteriorul, sulfurosul Fragmente din inima mea. S? fie o etap? intermediar?, o trecere spre un alt palier al spunerii poetice? Nu m? ?ncumet la un r?spuns. Aceast? pite?teanc? e de re?inut ?n r?ndul poetelor care conteaz? ?n literatura rom?n?.“ (Alexandru Petria)?O seduc?toare feminitate sclipe?te prin versurile din spatele acestei coperte. Nu trebuie dec?t s? deschizi oriunde ?i o s? te sim?i sigur mi?cat. Dar nu trebuie s? deschizi dac? nu te sim?i preg?tit s? te la?i ?mbog??it de efluviile sensibilit??ii… de spiritul acestei poete. Aferim.“ (Stoian G. Bogdan).
Experimente privind via?a de dup? moarte
Experimente privind via?a de dup? moarte
Schwartz Gary E., Simon William L.
Homo brucans e o carte interdisciplinar?, multifa?etat?, de ?inut? preponderent hermeneutic?, axat? pe teme legate de interpretarea Vechiului ?i Noului Testament (eseuri pe Decalog, pe personalitatea Sf. Pavel sau pe semnifica?ia mitic? ?i religioas? a cenu?ei), pe R?zboiul Rece, Revolu?ia Rus? ?i Contracultura anilor ‘60 (eseuri despre decantarea mediatic? ?n Rom?nia a revoltelor studen?e?ti din anul 1968, futuri?ti, violen?a lui Lenin sau despre The White Negro al lui Norman Mailer), pe aspecte structurale ale literaturii rom?ne din perioada de dup? Revolu?ia din decembrie 1989 (teme de genul: impactul lui Silviu Brucan asupra mentalit??ii postrevolu?ionare, identitarul rom?nesc difuz pe Internet, dinamica genera?ional? a literaturii rom?ne, rolul dinamizator al lui Marin Mincu ?i Adrian Marino), pe psihoistorie (cu un portret al lui Loyd deMause ?i o radiografie a concep?iilor sale). ?n final, cartea se ?ncheie cu decantarea eseistic? a unei c?l?torii ?n India, prilej de evocare a personalit??ii lui Mircea Eliade.
Paradoxul obezit??ii. Kilogramele ?n plus. Avantaje ?i dezavantaje
Paradoxul obezit??ii. Kilogramele ?n plus. Avantaje ?i dezavantaje
Carl Lavie, Kristin Loberg
Am adunat n aceast carte momente din viaa public, ncercnd s refac, din ceea ce a selectat memoria, traseul profesional care m-a adus de la catedra de fizic la ipostaza de candidat pentru preedinie. Am inclus n ea i lucruri personale, dar nu am fcut-o neaprat pentru a rspunde curiozitii celorlali. Am recuperat acele ntmplri, ntlniri sau detalii care au spus ceva despre felul n care m-am format, despre valorile pe care le-am preuit. Identitatea mea personal a umplut, prin intermediul faptelor, dar i prin aceste principii n care am crezut, rolul de persoan public pe care l-am ocupat mai bine de paisprezece ani. Momentele n care am descoperit un adevr, intervalele n care am nvat lucruri importante, despre mine sau despre oamenii din jurul meu, i-au adus de fiecare dat ceva i profilului meu public. Tot ceea ce am dobndit i tot ceea ce am neles de-a lungul unei viei cu destul de multe mpliniri a lucrat n sprijinul profesionistului care am vrut s ajung. Viaa mea privat a fost, pentru cei mai muli, invizibil. De fapt, ca orice om, mi-am folosit n public tot ceea ce am descoperit ca fiind valoros n viaa simpl, de zi cu zi: calmul, discreia, nelegerea. Au fost bunuri preioase, pe care am vrut s le protejez ca s le pot cultiva n continuare. Nu cred c, dezvluindu-le sursa, le pun n pericol.“ Klaus Iohannis
O carte pe s?pt?m?n?
O carte pe s?pt?m?n?
Borbély Ștefan
Volumul trateaz? tema exilului ?n literaturile europene (cu predilec?ie cea rom?na, francez?, german? ?i rus?), constituind un manual indirect de literatur? axat, ?n special, pe tema exilului artistic. Scriitori ca, de pild?, Rainer Maria Rilke, Marina ?vetaieva, Nichita St?nescu, Nicolae Breban, Gabriela Melinescu s.a. fac parte – ?n percep?ia autoarei – din confreria ale?ilor meni?i s? reprezinte ?ara tinere?ii lor departe de grani?ele acesteia. Cartea se adreseaz? elevilor, studen?ilor, precum ?i publicului larg de cititori.
Supravietui?orii. Cartea a III-a - C?derea ?ntunericului
Supravietui?orii. Cartea a III-a - C?derea ?ntunericului
Erin Hunter
n aceast carte, ncerc, de fapt, s-mi schimb instrumentele i felul de a scrie critic literar. Pentru c nsi condiia criticii literare s-a schimbat. Dintr-un gen diurn, care atingea o maxim strlucire – vezi explozia ei, din deceniile ’60 – ’80, cnd devenise genul dominant al literaturii –, critica a devenit o disciplin aproape subversiv, practicat pe ascuns (n Universitate) sau n locuri dosnice (revistele literare, care au – toate – tiraje confideniale). Critica s-a transformat, aadar, fr sa vrea, ntr-un gen nocturn, practicat de lunatici“ i accesibil numai acestora. Tinerii scriitori i refuz diagnosticul, cei mai vrstnici se supr dac nu sunt ludai peste msur, iar presa i d cu tifla, subliniind n orice mprejurare superioritatea (i avantajele) publicitii, n raport cu desueta judecat de valoare. i aceasta, deoarece acea splendid explozie a metodelor de lectur, a formelor i modalitilor critice, din deceniile anterioare, a sectuit de fapt disciplina. i a multiplicat la nesfrit posibilitile interpretrii, pn cnd nelesul textului literar a devenit cu totul obscur i, n fond, chiar facultativ. Totul este pus sub semnul ntrebrii, iar sacrosancta valoare estetic, pe care jura critica modernist, a fost de mult relegat din discursul critic. Care discurs ncepe s semene, astfel, cu o noapte adnc, n care mai plpie, ici-colo, asemenea unor stele palide, rmiele unor certitudini. (Rzvan Voncu)
Planning for Learning through ICT
Planning for Learning through ICT
Sparks Linfield, Rachel
Planning for Learning through ICT aims to introduce young children to what ICT is, and provides over six weeks worth of activities that explore a range of technologies suitable for children 3-5. The book provides ideas for helping children learn about the different purposes of ICT and explores how to use ICT to create, to find information, to play, to shop. The book focuses in particular on how to use ICT creatively as well as outdoors. Whatever your daily learning, this book aims to show how ICT can be easily and appropriately included in your everyday play and learning.