
Psychology and Crime: Is There a Criminal Type?
Sincerely do I hope that the issue of this little book may prove useful in drawing the attention of the public to the mental and physical condition of the unfortunates who form such a large proportion of our prison population.??To our authorities the sad plight of this mass of smitten humanity is well known. Year after year our Prison Commissioners, in presenting their reports, have not failed to impress upon the State the great part physical and mental afflictions play in the production of crime.??So far, the information given by the Prison Commissioners has produced little or no effect; neither have their representations led to any alteration in the treatment of unfortunate individuals whose infirmities are in reality the root cause of their delinquency.??To the official information I add the result of my own prolonged experience. This experience has imbued me with the conviction that the present methods of dealing with suffering humanity are neither wise, just, nor efficacious. I have seen the helplessness of so many that are called criminals that, in writing these pages, I am animated with a keen desire to hasten the day of sensible reform. Surely the day cannot be far distant when the State will take mental and physical infirmities into consideration when it has to deal with its erring children.??Thomas Holmes.?Howard Association,? Devonshire Chambers, Bishopsgate.? ?IS THERE A CRIMINAL TYPE? ??After years of close observation, during which I have formed many friendships with criminals, I can only answer this question in the words that I have answered it before, and say that, physically, I have not found any evidence to show that a criminal type exists. In saying this I know that I shall run counter to the teaching of a good many people, and probably run counter to public opinion. For the criminal class and the criminal type have been written about so largely, and talked about so frequently, that the majority of people have come to the conclusion that our criminals come from a particular order of society, and that the poorest; or that there exists a type of people whose physical appearance gives outward and visible signs that proclaim the inward criminal mind.??I believe both these ideas to be entirely wrong. I was confirmed in my opinion last year when I visited many of the largest prisons in the United States; for I found there, as I have found in England, a complete absence among the prisoners of those physical and facial peculiarities that we are taught to believe differentiate criminals from ordinary citizens.??Speaking on this subject to the American Congress at Washington on October 4, 1910, Sir Evelyn Ruggles-Brise, K.C.B., the esteemed chairman of our Prison Commissioners, made the following statement—??“There is no criminal type. Nothing in the past has so retarded progress as the conviction, deeply rooted and widespread, that the criminal is a class by himself, different from all others, with a tendency to crime, of which certain peculiarities of body are the outward and visible signs.??“This superstition, for such I think it must be called, was, you know, strengthened and encouraged by the findings of the Italian school.

Robinson Crusoe's Money
David Ames Wells (1828-1898), a prominent American financial economist, political activist and apostle of laissez faire, was a staunch advocate of free trade and the abolition of the tariff. "Wells wrote a large number of books, pamphlets, and articles ...His chief interests were the tariff, the theory of money and the currency question, and taxation. His discussion of all of these took character from his inspection of American economic life, which was marked in his period by progressive lowering of costs of production through the application of science.He, more than others, was the expositor of the nature and consequences of the 'machine age' ... Some of his most effective writing was in opposition to fiat money or depreciated monetary standards.An excellent example of his work in this field is his "ROBINSON CRUSOE'S MONEY", issued first in 1876 when resumption was in doubt, and again in 1896 when the 'free silver' advocacy was in full swing. Wells was among the earliest to appreciate the importance of what has since been known as 'technological unemployment,' the displacing of men by machines ...His writing and speaking was marked by simplicity, candor, and extraordinary facility in the popular adaptation of statistics. His aptness in illustration was as charming as it was effective ..."

Шпигунськ? та?мниц?. Як захистити сво? життя
Jedan od najboljih psihoterapeuta i pisaca Jorge Bucay u knjizi 20 koraka prema naprijed iznova pokazuje da su velike mudrosti jednostavne, ali i da ih moramo prije svega otkriti u samima sebi. O ?injenicama koje nas ?ine boljima, otvorenijima i sretnijima Bucay pi?e tako da ?itatelj shvati da ih mora prona?i u sebi i za sebe. U svakom koraku nalazi se i poneka pri?a koja plasti?no ocrtava ?to taj korak za nas kao pojedinca zna?i. Bucay ne pi?e naputke za samopomo?, on ne daje recept za sre?u i uspjeh, nego kao vrhunski ge?talter tra?i od ?itatelja da se aktivno uklju?i, da sam bude taj koji ?e pred sobom otvoriti vrata, prije?i put ?ivota i odlu?iti kako ?e taj put izgledati. 20 koraka prema naprijed po?etak je putovanja prema boljem, sigurnijem i sretnijem ja, prema shva?anju svojih potreba i ?elja. U 20 koraka prema naprijed Jorge Bucay postavlja smjerokaze, a svoj put svatko treba prona?i sam.

Clocotul s?ngelui
In Sa invingem autismul autorul prezinta principiile revolutionare aflate la baza programului care i-a ajutat pe el si pe cateva mii de familii cu nevoi speciale. Dupa cum arata Raun Kaufman, adesea, autismul este gresit inteles ca o tulburare comportamentala cand, de fapt, este o tulburare social-relationala. El explica, din proprie experienta, ce inseamna sa fii autist si in ce fel Programul Son-Rise da rezultate. Un ghid detaliat cu strategii clare si practice, pe care cititorii le pot aplica imediat – in unele cazuri, parintii observa schimbari la copiii lor in numai o zi – Sa invingem autismul da o sansa acestor copii sa sfideze prognozele initiale pesimiste. Citind aceasta carte, parintii si educatorii invata sa le faciliteze copiilor crearea unor relatii pline de semnificatie si afectiune, sa-i ajute sa-si extinda aria de comunicare si sa participe cu succes la cele ce se intampla in lume. O lucrare importanta in care se impletesc stiinta, progresul si speranta, Sa invingem autismul prezinta ideile valoroase si aplicatiile practice care au schimbat deja vietile a mii de familii din lumea intreaga.? ?Taria cu care autorul crede in Programul Son-Rise, caldura cu care vorbeste si metodele eficiente ii vor incuraja pe cititori sa-i urmeze sfaturile.“ - Publishers Weekly ?Cartea aceasta trebuie citita de toti parintii de copii cu autism. Am asistat nemijlocit la inceputul transformarii miraculoase a lui Raun K. Kaufman prin intermediul programului Son-Rise. Fiica mea, care prezenta toate semnele unei faze incipiente de autism, duce acum o viata normala pentru ca am stiut exact ce sa fac: sa ignor toate predictiile sumbre si s-o angrenez in tehnicile descrise in aceasta carte, care transforma principiul iubirii neconditionate intr-un plan practic si usor de aplicat.“ - Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, autorul cartii Puterea intentiei si a altor 30 de titluri

The Whisper of Dreams
Hundreds are dead at the hands of The Four. Three months after the events of Leithar Grove, Tamir is a kingdom in fear. The people no longer trust Prince Remelas; his military ambitions are now public knowledge. So the Sons of Tamir, a nationalistic faction created within this atmosphere of betrayal, march on the capital to seek Remelas’ abdication. And still the rumours persist of a young girl who walked away, unharmed, from Leithar Grove that night. Crazed seers and prophets continue to preach of the Queen of the World. Sarene, accompanied by the huge woodsman Kanderil, journeys ever onwards in hope of finding shelter from the coming winter. Her family left behind, her brother dead, she finds herself increasingly isolated from a world becoming steadily more perilous. Sarene refuses to believe what these nameless strangers say about her. Yet she must come face to face with the truth of what she is. What she represents . ? And that truth will come at the highest cost.

Empath Highly Sensitive People's Guide
Empath Highly Sensitive People's Guide Understand Your Gift: Empath Highly Sensitive People's Guide? ?Understand Your Gift: ?Are you a highly sensitive individual? ?Than this guide is for you and will give you an in depth understanding of how to function as an Empath navigating yourself in this turbulent world. Master your emotions in 5 simple steps! Do you ever feel overwhelmed by your emotions? This guide will empower you and assist you into having full control of your dynamic emotions in just 5 ?easy to use steps. What you'll Learn? Understanding Empaths & Empathy ?Challenges & Solutions Techniques & Emotional Management ?Theories ?Traits Of An Empath How To Control & Learn Empaths' Abilities ? Living Life Like An Empath Mastering Your Emotions In 5 Simple Steps! ?BONUS Chapters ?And, much,much more!? ?Take this opportunity to have empowering information at your finger tips that will benefit your personal life. Over 120+ pages of valuable content! ? What are you waiting for? Change your life forever! ?Grab your copy now!?

Queen of the World
In the legends, the Four saved the world from war and poverty. These incredible men walked the lands, seeking an audience with the ruler of each nation. They demanded that mankind focus its efforts on education, trade and culture. No longer would the people face starvation and terror. This commandment was enforced with displays of miraculous power. After all, it is difficult to argue with the Gods. Once finished, the Four left with a promise: If ever your people fall back into darkness, then we shall return. Now, over five centuries later, Sarene grows tired of her village life. Suffocated by the confines of her surroundings and the overbearing protection of her family, she yearns to have an adventure of her own. But the world outside is not as tranquil as it seems. And Sarene is already in danger...

C?nd eram muritor
Dragostea ?i via?a sunt eterne?Cartea de fa?? prezint? dovezi care ar putea zgudui din temelii bazele ?nv???turilor ?tiin?ifice. Dr. Gary E. Schwartz ?i partenera sa de cercetare, dr. Linda G. Russek, au avut curajul s?-?i ri?te reputa?ia interna?ional? ?i le-au cerut unora dintre cele mai cunoscute mediumuri din America, printre care John Edward, Suzane Northrop ?i George Anderson, s? participe la o serie de experimente extraordinare pentru a confirma sau infirma existen?a vie?ii de dup? moarte.Cititorul este pus ?n fa?a unor dovezi ?tiin?ifice uluitoare, care atest? contactul cu lumea de dincolo ?n condi?ii controlate de laborator. ?n cadrul unor experimente monitorizate cu cea mai mare stricte?e, mediumurile au ?ncercat s? contacteze prietenii ?i rudele subiec?ilor care nu ?i-au dezv?luit identitatea ?i au p?strat t?cerea pe parcursul experimentelor. Mesajele transmise i-au surprins at?t pe subiec?i, c?t ?i pe cercet?tori. Datele pozitive cov?r?itoare l-au convins pe autor s? renun?e la pozi?ia lui de sceptic ?i s? ??i prezinte concluziile ?n aceast? carte captivant?.

Naked and Transparent
Do you feel broken or lost? Are you trapped by fear, loneliness, and heartache, but unable to see a way out? Are you unhappy in your relationships, and without a solution to make things right? If you are searching for answers to all of your struggles, Vladimire Calixte’s Naked and Transparent: Six Vital Tools for Knowing Yourself and Attracting Healthy Relationships can help you reclaim your life and help you attract more love, success, peace, and joy than you’ve ever imagined! Filled with personal experiences about love, loss, and abandonment, Naked goes beyond a traditional self-help book. It is a refreshing, honest, and stimulating experience that will help you open your heart and soul, and discover a brand-new you! Part workbook and part memoir, Naked is an enjoyable yet informative must-read for women, men, and teens who suffer from low self-esteem, unworthiness, anxiety, shame, guilt, feelings of failure, and toxic relationships.

Dic?iunea ideilor
Nu exist?, probabil, om ?n aceast? lume, care s? nu fi ra?ionat m?car o dat? la ve?nicele ?ntreb?ri de func?ionare a lumii. Dualitatea lumii, aceast? ve?nic? lupt? dintre Bine ?i R?u, Adev?rul care se risipe?te, triumfarea mitic? a Drept??ii... De c?te ori, fiecare dintre noi, a zis cu voce tare sau ?n g?nd fraze sacramentale, ca de exemplu: ?La ce bun ?mi trebuie mie asta?“, ?E nedrept!“. De c?te ori am auzit ?nt?mpl?ri teribile, am fost martori ai unor adev?rate tragedii ?i am ?n?eles lesne c? pedepsele cere?ti nu pogoar? asupra oamenilor chiar pe nemeritate. Cu ce a gre?it un copil de cinci ani, care sufer? de leucemie sau un t?n?r care a c?lcat pe o min?? Cu ce au gre?it cei trei sute de pasageri ai avionului care s-a izbit de st?ncile unui munte? Cum se explic? miile de mor?i absurde survenite dintr-odat? ?i f?r? niciun motiv? Am auzit doar ?i am considerat dintotdeauna c? pentru toate se pl?te?te ?nsutit, c? mai devreme sau mai t?rziu binele va triumfa asupra r?ului ?i c? lumea, prin natura sa, este armonioas?. A?a s? fie oare?

Povestea unei iubiri zbuciumate
O via?? lung? ?i s?n?toas? pentru copilul t?u, dup? modelul japonezPotrivit unei analize recente publicate de prestigioasa revist? The Lancet, copiii din Japonia sunt cei mai s?n?to?i din lume. Naomi Moriyama s-a hot?r?t s? descopere secretele acestui succes. C?l?torind ?mpreun? cu b?iatul ei mic, Naomi a intervievat oameni de ?tiin?? din Japonia ?i SUA ?i a cules informa?ii de la m?micile japoneze.A rezultat un ghid revolu?ionar ?i cu o mare valoare practic?, sfaturile oferite ajut?nd la adoptarea unor obi?nuin?e alimentare ?i a unui stil de via?? care ?i vor ajuta pe p?rin?i s? ob?in? rezultatele dorite ?n cre?terea copiilor. ?Recomand?rile sunt logice, u?or de pus ?n practic? ?i bazate pe ?tiin??, intui?ie ?i tradi?ie. Sunt ?n concordan?? cu convingerea mea c? este nevoie s? ne ?ntoarcem la legile fundamentale ale s?n?t??ii, care ne ?ndeamn? s? dormim bine, s? m?nc?m ce ?i c?t trebuie, s? facem mi?care ?i s? evit?m toxinele." - Prof. Mark Tremblay, Spitalul pentru copii din Ontario, Canada?Rodul unei document?ri meticuloase, aceast? carte fascinant? ??i merit? locul ?n biblioteca oric?rui p?rinte." - Dr Lucy Cooke, cercet?tor principal ?n cadrul Facult??ii de Epidemiologie ?i S?n?tate Public?, University College, Londra

Ghidul de fertilitate ?i concep?ie al Clinicii Mayo este o surs? de informa?ii esen?ial? ?i de ?ncredere pentru cuplurile care doresc s? devin? p?rin?i. ?n interiorul c?r?ii vei g?si:Sfaturi despre regimul alimentar, activitatea fizic? ?i greutate care stimuleaz? fertilitatea;R?spunsuri la ?ntreb?ri despre v?rst?, stres, cofein? ?i alcool;Mijloace utile pentru detectarea momentului maxim de fertilitate;Sugestii despre c?nd ?i c?t de des s? faci sex;O analiz? a celor mai frecvente afec?iuni care influen?eaz? fertilitatea;Informa?ii despre momentul ?n care ar trebui s? consul?i un specialist;Cele mai recente informa?ii despre diverse tratamente care te-ar putea ajuta s? r?m?i ?ns?rcinat?;Strategii despre cum s? faci fa?? unor situa?ii aparte.

Breaking the Silence: Victims No More
The silence must be broken… ? Each year, thousands of men, women, and children suffer domestic violence. For many, it’s far too long to live in this kind of silence. How much devastation must we see in individuals, families, and communities before we realize that someone… anyone… everyone must take a stand? Featuring stories & accounts from domestic violence survivors & family members. Also included is information regarding types of abuse, why victims stay, awareness months, & a personalized safety plan. Domestic violence has the potential to destroy everything it touches, but there is a solution. Stand up, speak up, and break the silence!

The ?ik?ā-guru: Implementing Tradition Within ISKCON
ВПЕРШЕ УКРА?НСЬКОЮ! Ця книжка – скарбниця ?стор?й, як? захоп?люють та надають сил творити добро. На ?? стор?нках звичайн? люди в?дкривають сво? серця та д?ляться уроками про те, як вони зм?нили життя, зробили неможливе можливим. Вони розкажуть вам, як бачити дива, що в?дбуваються щодня, та самому стати дивом. Книжка допоможе зрозум?ти та прийняти себе ? водночас спонука? стати кращим! VPERShE UKRA?NS''KOJu! Cja knizhka – skarbnicja ?stor?j, jak? zahop?ljujut' ta nadajut' sil tvoriti dobro. Na ?? stor?nkah zvichajn? ljudi v?dkrivajut' svo? sercja ta d?ljat'sja urokami pro te, jak voni zm?nili zhittja, zrobili nemozhlive mozhlivim. Voni rozkazhut' vam, jak bachiti diva, shho v?dbuvajut'sja shhodnja, ta samomu stati divom. Knizhka dopomozhe zrozum?ti ta prijnjati sebe ? vodnochas sponuka? stati krashhim!

O Porquê da Vida
Cea mai bun carte despre experienele n pragul morii din ultimii ani. Conine informaiile necesare pentru nelegerea acestui fenomen.“ – Bruce Greyson, M.D. Professor de psihiatrie i tiine neurocomportamentale, Universitatea VirginiaCu mult mai veche dect orice form organizat de religie, credina n viaa dincolo de moarte este fundamental pentru experiena uman i merge departe n trecutul omenirii, cel puin pn la omul de Neanderthal. Totui, la jumtatea secolului al XIX-lea, n efervescena generat de progresul tiinei, muli au nceput s pun la ndoial existena vieii dincolo de moarte, atrai de doctrina materialist. Acum, narmat cu suficiente dovezi tiinifice, Chris Carter pune sub semnul ntrebrii argumentele materialiste care contest supravieuirea contiinei dincolo de moartea fizic i ne demonstreaz cum experienele n pragul morii (EPM) pot, ntr-adevr, s ne ofere o prim modalitate de nelegere a vieii ce ne ateapt dincolo de lumea noastr.Apelnd la dovezi furnizate de studii tiinifice, mecanica cuantic i cercetri consacrate contiinei, autorul ne arat de ce contiina nu depinde de existena creierului i poate supravieui morii corpului nostru fizic.

Nu tr?da?i, v? rog!
n ce fel s supravieuieti n condiii extreme, care sunt primele msuri care trebuie luate obligatoriu atunci cnd te pomeneti ntr-o situaie-limit, abc-ul celor care sunt la un pas de o catastrof, scris ntr-un limbaj accesibil, antrenant, cu sufletul la gur de un scriitor stpn pe lumea lui, dar i pe cei care au gustul riscului n snge.

Timp ?n deriv?
Interven?ii de natur? extraterestr? ?n armat?, guvernare ?i tehnologiePrezen?a extraterestr? pe P?m?nt este tot mai extins? ?i, pe m?sur? ce intr?m ?n Era V?rs?torului, va fi recunoscut? oficial, produc?nd ?oc ?i o nevoie stringent? de a ?n?elege schimb?rile sociale ?i tehnologice cauzate de ?fra?ii“ no?tri din spa?iu. O carte de c?p?t?i ?n ceea ce prive?te progresele uimitoare pe care le va ?nregistra omenirea pe plan ?tiin?ific ?i spiritual ?n anii urm?tori, acest compendiu exploreaz? influen?a extratere?trilor asupra istoriei noastre trecute ?i prezente.Cartea relateaz? pove?ti despre r?piri ?i ?nt?lniri cu extratere?trii, ridic? problema tehnologiilor inexplicabile, de origine extrap?m?ntean?, folosite ?n domeniul public ?i militar, precum ?i a dispozitivelor antigravita?ie, analizeaz? exopolitica (influen?a prezen?ei extraterestre asupra politicii), Stargate-ul din Irak, Proiectul Hibrid de ?ncruci?are rasial?, leg?turile nazi?tilor cu OZN-urile ?i baza lor subteran? secret? din Antarctica, t?inuirea de c?tre guvernul american a ac?iunilor extraterestre, printre care cazul Roswell, ?i transformarea declan?at? de cometa Hale-Bopp. Volumul cuprinde interviuri cu speciali?ti afla?i ?n prima linie a mi?c?rii New Science derivat? din ?tiin?a extraterestr?.

Túlélni állati erény
n voltam a legautentikusabb rock and roll fej a nyolcvanas években” – állítja magáról Dénes József, ismertebb nevén Dnci, a pesti underground fenegyereke. Dolgozott nyomdai segédmunkásként, ltzrként és knyvárusként is, de elssorban mégiscsak gitáros volt. Számára a zene jelentette az életet. m amikor érezte, hogy kzeledik az utolsó dal, lecsavarta az ersítt, és befelé kezdett fülelni. s írt egy knyvet. A hetvenes-nyolcvanas évek jassznyelvén, prédikátori éleslátással az igazán lényeges dolgokról. A gyógyszerezs korszakról, a Kassák klubos bandákról és a Hit Gyülekezetében eltlttt éveirl. A Sváb- és a Szabadság-hegyrl, Amszterdamról, Nagy-Britanniáról, és arról, milyen jó volt mégis mindig visszatérni a golyóluggatta, málló ferencvárosi falak kzé. Arról, milyen érzés volt bekerülni a pasarétiek” zenekarába, és miképp ismerkedett meg a szakállas szürkeállománnyal”. Arról, mi trténik, ha egy férfi úgy istenigazából beleszeret egy nbe, és micsoda, ha a n már nem szereti tbbé. Legfképpen pedig arról, képes-e beilleszkedni egy rk kívülálló bármilyen kzsségbe, vagy kilkdik, mint a br alá fúródó szálka Lehetünk-e egy életen át szkésben Hogy mennyire ismerjük fel a kztünk él zsenit, dntse el a hálás utókor. Víg Mihály Dnci, a zeneszerz, a gitárvirtuóz. Az echte ferencvárosi pestisrác. Az érz, intellektuális hajlamú keres, a mosókonyhai levegj munkássorról. Dnci, az egyetlen, aki kzülünk akkor igazán zenélni tudott, akitl magam is tanulgattam. Dnci, a barát. Az intézeti múlt mély sebei miatt néha másokon is sebeket ejtett, mégse lehetett rá hosszan haragudni. Végül tán ez a kihordhatatlan fájdalom rántotta vissza t ugyanabba a spirálba, amibl a ’80-as években már egyszer kiszabadult. Dnci, akinek a fél-háromnegyed árvaság szántotta át lelkét. Az éhez-szomjazó, aki meglep értelmi képességeivel kitrni készült hátterébl. Dnci, akit a rácsok újra maguk mgé zártak. Megtudtam, hogy végül mégse menthetetlenül. Az utolsó pillanatban szíve még kifért a résen, hogy befogadja Magyarország fltt az ég. Mert megvan írva: Aki az r nevét segítségül hívja, az megmenekül.” Pajor Tamás Dnci a barátom volt. Minden mondatából kihallom tudásszomjas, érzékeny, megszállott, esend, karcos hangját. Mint amikor Bachot játszott konokul a gitárján, a Mester u. 46-ban, a gangra nyíló konyhában az intézetbl frissen szabadult fiú. Pontos, tiszta, szép, szinte, kíméletlen. Egy korszak lenyomata. Forgách András

Az els? aradi vértanú: Tények és dokumentumok Ormai Norbert életér?l
Annyit már most nyugodtan elmondhatok, hogy akárcsak A n? cím? k?nyvnél - amely alapjában véve nem csupán a n?r?l szólt -, menet k?zben már itt is tudtam, láttam, hogy ez a k?nyv sem tisztán csak a férfiról fog szólni. Szerettem volna sok mindent beletenni a férfiasság kérdésér?l, a b?ntudat megoldásának az elkezdésér?l, a gyászról, halálról, búcsúról, elengedésr?l, virágokról, ?nmagamról. Tényleg sok mindent. Válaszokat egy sor kérdésre. Felvetéseket a pasikkal kapcsolatosan. Hogy például "miért élt a párom nyolc hónapig egy másik csajjal párhuzamos életet mellettem, mik?zben azt bizonygatta, hogy mennyire szerelmes belém?" A minap kaptam egy ilyen e-mailt! ?pp karácsonykor robbant szét a dolog... Amikor ez a k?nyv készült, k?rbetelefonáltam egy csomó pasit, akit ismerek. A tinédzserekt?l kezdve az ?tvenesekig valamennyiüknek ugyanazt a kérdést tettem fel: mit?l érzik magukat férfinak. A kérdésre, hogy mit?l érzik magukat férfinak, a pasik egy jelent?s része azt felelte, hogy ezen ?k még soha nem gondolkodtak, és ez a kérdés eléggé meglepetésszer?en érte ?ket... Holott a n?k esetében az utóbbi ?t-tíz év másról sem szólt, mint hogy definiálják, mi az, hogy n?... ?gy t?nik, ezek olyan dolgok, amelyekr?l a pasik általában nem beszélnek. Vagy csak nagyon felületesen. Magáról a férfilétr?l... Azért nem, mert "ez teljesen magától értet?d?", hogy az illet? férfi. Fel sem merül, hogy ezt bármi megkérd?jelezhetné..."

Your Mind and How to Use It: "A Manual of Practical Psychology"
PSYCHOLOGY is generally considered to be the science of mind, although more properly it is the science of mental states—thoughts, feelings, and acts of volition. It was formerly the custom of writers on the subject of psychology to begin by an attempt to define and describe the nature of mind, before proceeding to a consideration of the subject of the various mental spates and activities. But more recent authorities have rebelled against this demand, and have claimed that it is no more reasonable to hold that psychology should be held to an explanation of the ultimate nature of mind than it is that physical science be held to an explanation of the ultimate nature of matter. ??The attempt to explain the ultimate nature of either is futile—no actual necessity exists for explanation in either case. Physics may explain the phenomena of matter, and psychology the phenomena of mind, without regard to the ultimate nature of the substance of either.??The science of physics has progressed steadily during the past century, notwithstanding the fact that the theories regarding the ultimate nature of matter have been revolutionized during that period. The facts of the phenomena of matter remain, notwithstanding the change of theory regarding the nature of matter itself. ??Science demands and holds fast to facts, regarding theories as but working hypotheses at the best. Some one has said that "theories are but the bubbles with which the grown-up children of science amuse themselves." ??Science holds several well-supported, though opposing, theories regarding the nature of electricity, but the facts of the phenomena of electricity, and the application thereof, are agreed upon by the disputing theorists. And so it is with psychology; the facts regarding mental states are agreed up-on, and methods of developing mental powers are effectively em-ployed, without regard to whether mind is a product of the brain, or the brain merely an organ of the mind. ??The fact that the brain and nervous system are employed in the phenomena of thought is conceded by all, and that is all that is necessary for a basis for the science of psychology.

A Beginner's Psychology: Psychology: What it Is and What it Does?
It is an acknowledged fact that we perceive errors in the work of others more readily than in our own.?—Leonardo da Vinci??In this Beginner's Psychology I have tried to write, as nearly as might be, the kind of book that I should have found useful when I was beginning my own study of psychology. That was nearly thirty years ago; and I read Bain, and the Mills, and Spencer, and Rabier, and as much of Wundt as a struggling acquaintance with German would allow. Curiously enough, it was a paragraph in James Mill, most unpsychological of psychologists, that set me on the introspective track,—though many years had to pass before I properly understood what had put him off it. ??A book like this would have saved me a great deal of labour and vexation of spirit. Nowadays, of course, there are many introductions to psychology, and the beginner has a whole library of text-books to choose from. Still, they are of varying merit; and, what is perhaps more important, their temperamental appeal is diverse.?I do not find it easy to relate this new book to the older Primer,—which will not be further revised. There is change all through; every paragraph has been rewritten. ??The greatest change is, however, a shift of attitude; I now lay less stress than I did upon knowledge and more upon point of view. The beginner in any science is oppressed and sometimes disheartened by the amount he has to learn; so many men have written, and so many are writing; the books say such different things, and the magazine articles are so upsetting!