

Positive Thinking Is the Key to Mental Health
Positive Thinking Is the Key to Mental Health
Kitty Corner
Positive Thinking Is the Key to Mental Health
The Memory Management and Development Bible : Memory Aids For Fixing And Enhanci
The Memory Management and Development Bible : Memory Aids For Fixing And Enhanci
Robin Snclair
The Memory Management and Development Bible : Memory Aids For Fixing And Enhancing Memory!
The Sex Worship and Symbolism of Primitive Races
The Sex Worship and Symbolism of Primitive Races
Sanger Brown II
The Sex Worship and Symbolism of Primitive Races
Simplify: 25 Ways to Simplify Your Daily Life
Simplify: 25 Ways to Simplify Your Daily Life
Ris Jackson
Simplify: 25 Ways to Simplify Your Daily Life
Running for My Life
Running for My Life
Jennifer Faris
Running for My Life
Cervical Cancer
Cervical Cancer
My Ebook Publishing House
Cervical Cancer
EQ Genius: Mastering Emotional Intelligence
EQ Genius: Mastering Emotional Intelligence
Gloria Moses
EQ Genius: Mastering Emotional Intelligence
Develop Powerful Self-Discipline and Self-Motivation
Develop Powerful Self-Discipline and Self-Motivation
Jack N. Raven
Develop Powerful Self-Discipline and Self-Motivation
The Truth About Alcohol: Things You Must Know If You Are Consuming Alcohol
The Truth About Alcohol: Things You Must Know If You Are Consuming Alcohol
My Ebook Publishing House
The Truth About Alcohol: Things You Must Know If You Are Consuming Alcohol
Best Ab Exercises: How to Look and Feel Your Best
Best Ab Exercises: How to Look and Feel Your Best
Sheila Leigh
Best Ab Exercises: How to Look and Feel Your Best
Pushing The Happiness Button: Using Psychology To Be Happy Even When You're Not
Pushing The Happiness Button: Using Psychology To Be Happy Even When You're Not
Michael Widmore
Pushing The Happiness Button: Using Psychology To Be Happy Even When You're Not
Self Mastery Through Conscious Autosuggestion
Self Mastery Through Conscious Autosuggestion
Emile Coue
Self Mastery Through Conscious Autosuggestion
Raw Food for Beginners
Raw Food for Beginners
Jennifer Faris
Raw Food for Beginners
Powerful Business Thinking
Powerful Business Thinking
Aiden Sisko
Powerful Business Thinking
Using the Laws Of Attraction in Sex, Love, Dating & Relationships: Exploit LOA t
Using the Laws Of Attraction in Sex, Love, Dating & Relationships: Exploit LOA t
Tyler Monroe
Using the Laws Of Attraction in Sex, Love, Dating & Relationships: Exploit LOA to get what you want!
Yoga:Fasting And Eating For Health
Yoga:Fasting And Eating For Health
Denzil Darel
Discover Fasting for Health & Factors That Increase Blood Sugar Level, Own Practice of the Therapeutic Effect of Fasting Today only, get this Kindle book for just $2.99. Regularly priced?at $4.99. Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device.?What is really going on in our body during prolonged full fasting, when the body does not receive any food: no protein, no fat, no carbohydrates, only water in unlimited quantities. Thanks to Paul Bragg, now we talk about fasting in no other way as about a "miracle". "Both weight loss and cleansing and in addition health improvement of body and soul – all this can be given to you by fasting, an ancient method of self-healing of the body granted to us by nature," it follows from the flow of health improving literature on this subject. However, those who have already tried fasting for themselves, note the very ambiguous results from the use of this "miraculous" remedy. After a trustworthy weight loss, the weight very quickly returns not only to the initial value, but almost always increases, which will be discussed in details later. But the saddest syndrome the fasting persons can face at the stage of so-called ketoacidosis. When with the general blue-green color of face, a disgusting smell of acetone comes from the mouth, the head breaks of the pain, urine resembles the slop, and the other unpleasant symptoms occur that in books on fasting are seen exclusively as testimony of beginning of the process of "cleansing". "All this dirt" – the authors of books on therapeutic fasting repeat insistently – "is the residues and toxins that have accumulated in your body, bones and fat, and just "wait" when you start an "integrated" cleansing by means of starvation and other methods of healing the body". In other words, they try to convince us that these mythical endless "toxins" hid somewhere in "back streets" of our "intoxicated" body PRIOR the start of the cleansing fasting.?Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn... ·On the Sources of Energy During Fasting ·Factors That Increase Blood Sugar Level ·How the Nerve Cells Can Receive Energy on the Second or Third Day of Fasting? ·Some "Anti-Miracles" of Fasting ·Diet is a Direct Way to Cellulite ·Diet or What Should Be Done to Prevent Fat Accumulation ·Much, much more! Would You Like To Know More? This book is Delivered Instantly to Your Kindle or Other Reading Device Just Scroll To The Top Of The Page And Select The "Buy" Button! Download your copy today!?? 2015 All Rights Reserved !?Tags: fasting, fasting and eating for health, nutrition education, how to eat healthy, diets, teaching yoga, how to be healthy, yoga, fasting for health, yoga for beginners, weight loss, lose weight, blood sugar
Traumatic Incident Reduction and Primary Resolution of the Post-Traumatic Stress
Traumatic Incident Reduction and Primary Resolution of the Post-Traumatic Stress
Robert H. Moore
"Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR) and Primary Resolution of the Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder" provides a brief discussion illuminating the concept of PTSD: how it arises, what maintains it, how it progresses to increasingly constrain a person's life. PTSD also involves faulty thinking, but focus on such present-time reactions is ineffective without addressing the original trauma. PTSD is the consequence of attempts to avoid re-experiencing. Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR) is a technique for overcoming this tendency, allowing the sufferer to experience the traumatic incident in a special, safe way. In the case of multiple traumas, this can be complex, needing to deal with each. It is necessary to find the original trauma, which invariably has led to more recent ones, and fully resolve it in one sitting. This provides complete relief from the burden of the past trauma. An individual session, designed to handles a single incident, may take between 20 minutes and 3 hours (average 1.5 hours). The primary incident may be obvious to the sufferer, or hidden. People with anxiety problems but no flashbacks may find forgotten traumas, the resolution of which through "Thematic TIR" can eliminate current symptoms. Currently occurring emotional and somatic symptoms are traced back in time until a root incident is found. Emotion and thinking are intertwined: correcting one will correct the other. TIR focuses on the emotion. Once the trauma is fully processed, the person is able to think rationally about it. Dr. Moore is a licensed marriage and family therapist, school psychologist and mental health counselor with graduate degrees in counseling psychology from Lehigh (1965) and Walden (1977) Universities. He is a Fellow and Diplomate of the American Board of Medical Psychotherapists; a Diplomate of the International Academy of Behavioral Medicine, Counseling and Psychotherapy. With over thirty years of practice, seventeen as Director of the Institute for Rational Living in Florida, he has co-edited or contributed to six popular books by Albert Ellis; authored chapters on various applications of Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Traumatic Incident Reduction for professional texts by Windy Dryden, Larry Hill and Janet Wolfe; hosted his own nationally syndicated daily talk radio program; and produced over three hundred psychologically-topical news and public service segments for radio and television. "Dr Moore's monograph will guide you in deciding whether you will benefit from TIR, and may inspire you to train to become a 'facilitator' who can help others with this powerful family of techniques." --Bob Rich, PhD, www.anxiety-and-depressionhelp.com For more information about TIR and PTSD, please visit www.TIR.org
A Comparison of Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR) and Prolonged Exposure (PE) T
A Comparison of Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR) and Prolonged Exposure (PE) T
Nancy L. Day
Program developer Edna B. Foa, Ph.D. summarizes Prolonged Exposure (PE) therapy as a cognitive-behavioral treatment program for individuals suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The program consists of a course of individual therapy designed to help clients process traumatic events and thus reduce trauma-induced psychological disturbance. The standard treatment program consists of nine to twelve 90-minute sessions. (SAMHSA, 2003) Frank A. Gerbode, M.D., psychiatrist, and one of the principal developers of Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR) summarizes TIR as a procedure that involves tracing back sequences of traumatic incidents to their roots while completing the incomplete receptive cycles that have accumulated in the sequences. What must be assimilated and accommodated from a traumatic incident are one's reactions to the incident--including one's thoughts, sensations, feelings, and perceptions. (Gerbode, 1995) Although there are some remarkable similarities between PE and TIR, there are also some very distinct differences. In this paper, I'll both compare and contrast Prolonged Exposure with Traumatic Incident Reduction. For more information on TIR, please visit www.TIR.org From the Metapsychology Mongraphs series at Loving Healing Press www.LovingHealing.com
Autism Spectrum Disorder and Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR):An Introduction
Autism Spectrum Disorder and Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR):An Introduction
Cathy Dodge Smith
Let's consider why Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR) would be expected to be different with an autistic client. One of the hallmarks of autism is a lack of connection with the real world, so the world view of an autistic individual is limited and often very inaccurate. A second hallmark of autism is difficulty with intrapersonal and interpersonal relationships so that insight into how to make relationships better, or work at all, would be expected to be limited. So, within a TIR session where we expect our clients to come up with their own insights, that's really a tall order. Then the meltdowns I've talked about; as a Davis facilitator I understand these as prolonged and severe disorientations, analogous to a PTSD episode, in which the emotional reaction is really out of sync with true facts and conditions in the current situation. Added to all this are the phobias and the extreme aversions that many autistic individuals experience, which can limit full participation in life. One of the things that makes working with autistic clients challenging is that often we simply have to wait until they give us that little window of time when they are able and willing to proceed. If I were to use the guidelines in my TIR Workshop manual, I would have to conclude that there was not enough ego strength or resiliency in these individuals for them to be able to engage for a successful TIR session. You know what they say about fools who rush in where angels fear to tread... A less foolish person than I am, and especially someone new to TIR, would likely never have tried to use TIR with autistic clients. However, based on the wonderful results I have seen using TIR with many of my other clients who do not have autism, and some of the really significant problems that some of my autistic clients were presenting, I decided to try TIR with a few of them. In the remainder of this lecture, we'll consider two specific case studies. Veronica, a sixteen-year old who basically lived as a recluse in her mother's basement, and , a young boy obsessed with drum kits who was given to periods of extremely oppositional behavior. Cathy Dodge Smith uses Davis Methods in her practice (Davis Dyslexia Correction Program, Davis Autism Approach, and Davis Attention Mastery ). She is also a Certified TIR Facilitator. This article is from her presentation at the 2014 Symposium. Originally appeared in AMI/TIRA Newsletter, Volume XII, Number 1 (March 2015).
Yogi Ramacharaka
Pranayama is a Sanskrit word meaning breath or life force. The Indian tradition of Hatha Yoga makes use of various pranayama techniques. Many of these practices are known for their overall health benefits especially for those practicing various forms of Yoga. Pranayama is often described as expansion of individual energy into cosmic energy. This book offers a complete manual of these breathing techniques with many practical exercises and understanding of philosophical, psychic, and spiritual aspects of pranayama practice.
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Yogi Swatmarama
Hatha Yoga Pradipika is among the most influential surviving texts on hatha yoga. The text describes asanas, purifying practices, shatkarma, mudras, finger and hand positions, bandhas, locks, and pranayama, breath exercises. The book explains the purpose of Hatha Yoga, the awakening of subtle energy kundalini, advancement to Raja Yoga, and the experience of deep meditative absorption known as samadhi.