

Masters Quiz Book
Masters Quiz Book
Wheelwright, Wayne
Tee off with this quiz book on golf's biggest individual tournament. From questions on the magical course with it's beautiful surroundings to the players that have broken records. From its early days before it was even known as the Masters all the way through to how The Masters became the major golfing tournament that every player wants to win. Questions range in difficulty from the tap in to the bunker shot. So take the drive down Magnolia Lane and see how many of the 100 questions inside you can answer.
10 Things Girls Need Most: To grow up strong and free
10 Things Girls Need Most: To grow up strong and free
Steve Biddulph
Steve Biddulph is one of the world’s best known psychologists. He has campaigned for better lives for parents and kids for over 30 years. His books, Raising Girls, Raising Boys, Secrets of Happy Children and Manhood, give parents a sense of purpose and humour as well as confidence in their own good judgement.
Transform Your Life: 10 Steps to Real Results
Transform Your Life: 10 Steps to Real Results
Carole Gaskell
Carole Gaskell is a full-time lifecoach and Managing Director of one of the UK’s leading professional coaching businesses, The Lifecoaching Company.TLC was founded in 1998 with the mission of inspiring and empowering people and buinesses to reach theri full potential. Carole and all her coaches trained with the world’s leading coaching orgainisation, Coach University in the USA. She is one of only six British people to have graduated from Coachu. “A creative communicator with a great interest in people, I have a focussed, results-orinetated approach. I believe in getting to the core of a person, or business issue, whilst maintaining purpose and truth.” (Carole Gaskell)
Successful Potty Training (NCT)
Successful Potty Training (NCT)
Heather Welford
Heather Welford contributes widely to pregnancy and childcare magazines and worked on the advice pages of Parents magazine for 17 years. She is the author of many publications for the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and 17 books on parenting.
Horse Sense for People
Horse Sense for People
Monty Roberts
Monty Roberts has been working with horses for more than fifty years. He lives on the central coast of California where he owns a major horse farm.
You Want to Do What?: Instant answers to your parenting dilemmas
You Want to Do What?: Instant answers to your parenting dilemmas
Karen Sullivan
Karen Sullivan is an author, journalist and childcare expert with regular columns in SecEd and Early Years Educator. She sits on the expert panel of several national newspapers and magazines, lectures on childcare and child-related issues, and appears regularly on radio and television. Books include: ‘How to Say No and Mean it’, ‘Commonsense Healthcare for Children’, ‘Kids Under Pressure’, ‘How to Help Your Overweight Child’, and ‘Bullying: How to Spot it, How to Stop it’, all of which have been widely translated. Her childcare practices (a violence-free system based on rewards for good behaviour and reasoned discussion), were the subject of a BBC1 documentary 'A Good Smack?' She lives in London with her three children, and part-time step-children.
Optimised practices for waking, working, learning, eating, training, playing, sl
Optimised practices for waking, working, learning, eating, training, playing, sl
Aubrey Marcus
Aubrey Marcus is an experimentalist, unconventional fitness junkie, and human optimizer. He is the CEO of Onnit, an optimal human performance company that he has built into one of the fastest growing companies in America. Aubrey’s personal and professional mission rests on a single question: How can humans get the most out of our bodies, minds, and systems as a whole on a daily basis? His ability to answer that question has drawn dozens of elite performers, hundreds of thousands of customers, and millions of fans to Onnit. Aubrey lives in Austin, Texas.
Get It Done: My Plan, Your Goal: 60 Recipes and Workout Sessions for a Fit, Lean
Get It Done: My Plan, Your Goal: 60 Recipes and Workout Sessions for a Fit, Lean
Bradley Simmonds
Bradley’s life as a personal trainer began when his career as a professional footballer came to a dramatic end. He experienced back to back injuries including a grade three anterior cruciate tear. However, despite spending most of his time in the treatment room and gym, he grasped the opportunity to learn from the most qualified trainers and experts in both the fitness and nutrition world. Now his client base consists of top sportsman and A-list celebrities.
Wicca: A comprehensive guide to the Old Religion in the modern world
Wicca: A comprehensive guide to the Old Religion in the modern world
Vivianne Crowley
Vivianne Crowley, Ph.D., is an international teacher of Wicca and the Western magickal tradition. She is a psychologist and was formerly Lecturer in Psychology of Religion at King’s College, University of London. She is now a professor in the Faculty of Pastoral Counselling, Cherry Hill Seminary, South Carolina. She is the author of many books including Wicca, A Woman’s Guide to the Earth Traditions, A Woman’s Kabbalah and Jung: Principles of Jungian Spirituality.
Understanding Dreams: What they are and how to interpret them
Understanding Dreams: What they are and how to interpret them
Nerys Dee
Nerys Dee, who died recently, was also author of Your Dreams and What They Mean and Discover Dreams. She was a seasoned journalist, writing for many papers including The Sunday Times, and a popular radio and television presenter.
The Art of Breathing
The Art of Breathing
Dr Danny Penman
Dr Danny Penman is a qualified meditation teacher and an award winning writer and journalist. He is co-author of the international bestseller Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Finding Peace in a Frantic World. He has received journalism awards from the RSPCA and the Humane Society of the United States. In 2014, he won the British Medical Association’s Best Book (Popular Medicine) Award for Mindfulness for Health: A Practical Guide to Relieving Pain, Reducing Stress and Restoring Wellbeing (co-written with Vidyamala Burch). His books have been translated into 30 languages. His journalism has appeared in the Daily Mail, New Scientist, The Independent, The Guardian, and The Daily Telegraph. He trained to teach mindfulness with the acclaimed Breathworks.
Postnatal Depression (The National Childbirth Trust)
Postnatal Depression (The National Childbirth Trust)
Heather Welford
Heather Welford contributes widely to pregnancy and childcare magazines and worked on the advice pages of Parents for 17 years. She is the author of many publications for the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and 17 books on parenting
Inside the Supernatural
Inside the Supernatural
Jean Ritchie
Tell anyone that you are researching a book about the paranormal and they will tell you an anecdote from their own life or one from the experiences of their family and friends. It may be something fairly insignificant: a dream that came true; a strange feeling of a ghostly presence; a clock that, in the words of the song ‘stopped, dead, never to go again, when the old man died’. Or it may be a full-scale haunting with clanking chains, footsteps and headless nuns; a disruptive poltergeist that hurled objects around; a vision of a dying relative many miles away.
The Little Book of Flirting
The Little Book of Flirting
Peta Heskell
Peta Heskell is a Master NLP practitioner and has led workshops for more than ten years. She is a dynamic presenter, and is based in the UK, although she also leads workshops in Denmark, Holland and California.
The Complete Dash Diet CookBook For Beginners
The Complete Dash Diet CookBook For Beginners
Amy Williams
The Complete Dash Diet CookBook For Beginners
The Diet Trap Solution
The Diet Trap Solution
Beck, Judith S., PhD
The techniques developed by New York Times bestselling author and expert in cognitive behavior therapy Dr. Judith Beck and her daughter, Deborah Beck Busis, have helped hundreds of thousands of dieters lose weight. The Diet Trap Solution is the first book of its kind to isolate the most common ways we fail on our diets and offer concrete and practical solutions to avoid these pitfalls for good, even when it seems impossible. No equipment, membership fees, special meals, or specific diet plan required. Instead, dieters need only use that most powerful of all resources—their minds. This accessible and highly practical guide enables us to stay on the healthy diet of our choice and not only lose weight, but keep it off once and for all.Diet programs all profess to have the magic formula for weight loss: simply eat a certain way and drop ten pounds in a week. But what do you do when your plans fall apartYour mother-in-law bakes you a surprise birthday cake. Stress at work leads to binge-eating peanut butter and chocolate. A painful breakup causes your diet to go out the window. The truth is, losing and keeping weight off can be extremely difficult, especially when unexpected challenges arise. But learning how to solve these very problems is the surprising solution to lasting weight loss. By identifying the most common traps—stress and emotional eating; friends and family pressure; holidays and travel; and feeling deprived, unmotivated, or discouraged—and then developing actionable escape plans that address each potential diet disaster, anyone can lose weight and keep it off.
Aging Backwards
Aging Backwards
Esmonde-White, Miranda
"Every day, we have a very clear choice: We can grow older or we can grow younger."In recent years the field of aging research has exploded with new clinical findings. Many widely accepted ideas about aging—including those about the inevitability of our declining metabolism, our dying brain cells, and our deteriorating muscles and bones—have been debunked. Today we know that the physical signs of aging are far more a product of lifestyle choices than of calendar years. Aging Backwards offers an exciting and comprehensive plan for actively slowing down and even reversing the aging process through gentle exercise that develops strong, flexible muscles.Why focus on strengthening musclesBecause as Miranda Esmonde-White, PBS fitness personality and creator of the Essentrics technique, explains, our muscle cells are the keys to our longevity. The powerhouses of our cells, the mitochondria, keep us looking and feeling young—and muscle cells contain more mitochondria than any other part of our body. If we can keep our mitochondrian fires burning, our muscles—not to mention our bones, hearts, lungs, and skin—can all experience the vitality of youth. And the best news of all is that it takes just thirty minutes a day of gentle exercise to keep muscles strong. With eight basic age-reversing workouts that build core strength, lengthen and tone muscle, increase flexibility, and speed weight loss, Aging Backwards offers the information and tools to live longer, healthier, and happier lives.
What Every BODY is Saying
What Every BODY is Saying
Navarro, Joe
He says that's his best offer. Is itShe says she agrees. Does sheThe interview went great or did itHe said he'd never do it again. But he did. Read this book and send your nonverbal intelligence soaring. Joe Navarro, a former FBI counterintelligence officer and a recognized expert on nonverbal behavior, explains how to "speed-read" people: decode sentiments and behaviors, avoid hidden pitfalls, and look for deceptive behaviors. You'll also learn how your body language can influence what your boss, family, friends, and strangers think of you. You will discover: The ancient survival instincts that drive body language Why the face is the least likely place to gauge a person's true feelings What thumbs, feet, and eyelids reveal about moods and motives The most powerful behaviors that reveal our confidence and true sentiments Simple nonverbals that instantly establish trust Simple nonverbals that instantly communicate authority Filled with examples from Navarro's professional experience, this definitive book offers a powerful new way to navigate your world.
The One Hundred
The One Hundred
Garcia, Nina
"Simply put, these items make me feel classic . And there is no substitute for feeling this way. Ever." In the wildly popular The Little Black Book of Style , fashion authority Nina Garcia showed women how to think about personal style in an entirely new way. Encouraging readers to creatively assert their style identities, Nina showed women of all ages how to hone and self-edit a distinct fashion voice. With her style philosophy firmly out in the world, Nina decided to address the most popular question readers consistently ask her: Exactly what are fashion's timeless piecesThe One Hundred answers this question and provides women with a tangible style map to follow when planning a shopping trip and stocking one's closet. With illustrations from world-renowned fashion illustrator Ruben Toledo, The One Hundred contains the 100 items that Nina believes will never go out of style, and that have become absolutely indispensible for any woman reaching for her own eternal fashion look.
Mars and Venus on a Date
Mars and Venus on a Date
Gray, John
Will I Ever Find My Soul MateWhether you are recently separated, divorced, or you have been in the singles scene for longer than you want, this insightful guide will help you navigate the dating maze and find that special person you've been waiting for. By discussing the differences between men and women, Mars and Venus on a Date provides singles with: A thorough understanding of the five stages of dating -- attraction, uncertainty, exclusivity, intimacy, and engagement How to know what kind of person is right for you Answers to burning questions such as why don't men call, or why do some women stay singleThe best places to meet your soul mate And advice on creating a loving and mutually fulfilling relationship Filled with practical guidelines, inventive techniques, and witty insight, Mars and Venus on a Date will help single men and women explore the world of dating, understand how to make good choices, and discover the secret to finding a soul mate.
Code to Joy
Code to Joy
Pratt, George
We are meant to be happy. Instinctively, we all know this, somewhere deep inside. We all know what it's like to feel a burst of delight. Every one of us has at some point in our lives experienced a sense of ecstatic joy, of euphoria at the sheer sensation of being alive. Have you ever wondered why that experience has to be so rare and fleetingThe answer is, It doesn't. from Code to Joy All the positive thinking, affirmations, talk therapy, and pharmaceuticals in the world will never be enough to make us as happy as we were designed to be, according to acclaimed clinical psychologists George Pratt, Ph.D., and Peter Lambrou, Ph.D. That's because those approaches fail to address a third aspect of the human organism, one that bridges the gap between mind and body: the biofield . Combining six decades of clinical experience with cutting-edge research, Drs. Pratt and Lambrou have developed a revolutionary program for rediscovering (and then never again letting go of) your innate happiness in four simple, proven steps. Pratt and Lambrou's program has already transformed the lives of more than 45,000 clients, including professional athletes, top executives, and celebrities. Code to Joy can transform yours, too, with all the science-based tools and guidance you need to complete the process of becoming a more focused, more powerful, and more deeply joyful you .