

Zur Genealogie der Moral
Zur Genealogie der Moral
Friedrich Nietzsche
Das Werk, das aus einer Vorrede und drei ?Abhandlungen“ besteht, geh?rt zu den einflussreichsten Schriften Nietzsches. Er legte hier keine Aphorismen vor wie in den meisten anderen seiner Werke, sondern l?ngere, systematische Texte mit durchaus wissenschaftlichem Anspruch: Er stellt darin soziologische, historische und psychologische Thesen auf. Nietzsche wollte anders als klassische Moralphilosophen keine Moral herleiten oder begründen, sondern die geschichtliche Entwicklung und die psychischen Voraussetzungen bestimmter moralischer Wertvorstellungen nachvollziehen. Er fragt also nicht, wie die Menschen handeln sollten, sondern warum Menschen (Einzelne oder Gruppen) glauben, sie sollten auf bestimmte Weise handeln, oder andere dazu bringen wollen, so oder so zu handeln.
Also sprach Zarathustra
Also sprach Zarathustra
Friedrich Nietzsche
Das Buch besteht aus vier Teilen. Der erste Teil erschien 1883, der zweite und dritte 1884, der vierte 1885 als Privatdruck. 1886 ver?ffentlichte Nietzsche die drei ersten Teile als ?Also sprach Zarathustra. Ein Buch für Alle und Keinen. In drei Teilen.“ Im Gegensatz zu den frühen Werken Nietzsches handelt es sich beim Zarathustra nicht um ein Sachbuch. In hymnischer Prosa berichtet ein personaler Erz?hler vom Wirken eines fiktiven Denkers, der den Namen des Persischen Religionsstifters Zarathustra tr?gt. Nietzsche selbst nennt den Stil, in dem Also sprach Zarathustra geschrieben ist, halkyonisch und wünscht sich Leser, die eines ?gleichen Pathos f?hig und würdig sind“: ?Man muss vor Allem den Ton, der aus diesem Munde kommt, diesen halkyonischen Ton richtig h?ren, um dem Sinn seiner Weisheit nicht erbarmungswürdig Unrecht zu tun“. Dass Nietzsche diese Leserschaft in seiner Gegenwart nicht gesehen hat, legt der Untertitel des Werkes nahe: ?Ein Buch für Alle und Keinen“.
(法)彭加勒 著,李醒民 译
[英]伯特兰·罗素 著
本书经历了几年时间的逐渐写作,并在担任一系列学术职务的过程中得以完成。1938年,在牛津大学所作的《语言与事实》的系列讲座中,我探讨了这个主题的一部分。这些讲座形成了1938~1939年在芝加哥大学以及1939 1940年在加州大学洛杉矶分校所设的研究班课程的基础。在这两次研究班上的讨论大大拓宽了我对所涉及的这些问题的理解,并且减少了我原先对于这个主题的语言学方面的强调。我必须表达一种欠情,即欠那此教授和学生们的集体人情;他们通过细致而又友好的批评使我避免了一些差错和谬误(我希望如此)。更特别的是,在芝加哥时,卡尔纳普和莫里斯教授时常参加研究班,而且一些研究生表现出了很强的哲学研究能力,从而使这些讨论成为富有成果的争论性合作的典范。诺曼·道尔凯先生参加了两个研究班,后来阅读了全书的手稿,我非常感激他谨慎而又令人兴奋的批评。后,在1940年夏季,我部分地从积累起来的材料中,部分地从对这个整个主题的重新思考中,准备了这些威廉.詹姆士讲座。
 《圣庙祀典图考》为清人顾沅编撰、孔继尧绘图,共五卷,收录孔子及由汉至清历代配祀孔庙者144人之画像,包括孔子弟子及历代名儒,并均附有人物小传。本书版刻画像生动,传文记人物生平及历代配祀孔庙情况,兼具观赏价值及史料价值,亦可视为历代名儒之图文列传。   顾氏此书,因前人诸书之互异缺略,广蒐博采,并参阅《白水碑》、《孔子家语》等文献,正其讹谬,订其异同,以清代所颁定从祀位次为准,补入多篇传记。并访求汉唐以来诸先贤画像绘入,若无旧像可循,则付之阙如。书前有康熙、乾隆御制赞文,书后附《崇圣祠考》一篇记孔子父祖及诸从祀者事迹,并附古本《圣迹图》一卷。   本次出版,以道光六年(1826)吴门赐砚堂顾氏刻本为底本,据相关史料文献校正部分文字,校记以小字随文括注。收录原书主体图传部分,将《崇圣祠考》作为附录,《圣迹图》已有多种版本单行,故本书不再收录。影印原书人物绘像,小传文字简体横排并加以标点,以便读者阅读使用。?
礼记(大字读本 简繁参照)
礼记(大字读本 简繁参照)
蒙养之学  传世经典《龙文鞭影》原名《蒙养故事》,是古代非常有名的汉族儿童启蒙读物。作者的寓意是,看了这本《龙文鞭影》,青少年就有可能成为“千里马”。《龙文鞭影》主要是介绍中国历史上的人物典故和逸事传说。它问世后,成为*受欢迎的童蒙读物之一。
A kalózkirály
A kalózkirály
Jókai Mór
Euthyphro (Ancient Greek: Euthuphron) is one of Plato's early dialogues, dated to after 399 BC. Taking place during the weeks leading up to Socrates' trial, the dialogue features Socrates and Euthyphro, a religious expert also mentioned at Cratylus 396a and 396d, attempting to define piety or holiness. Background The dialogue is set near the king-archon's court, where the two men encounter each other. They are both there for preliminary hearings before possible trials (2a).Euthyphro has come to lay manslaughter charges against his father, as his father had allowed one of his workers to die exposed to the elements without proper care and attention (3e–4d). This worker had killed a slave belonging to the family estate on the island of Naxos; while Euthyphro's father waited to hear from the expounders of religious law (exegetes cf. Laws 759d) about how to proceed, the worker died bound and gagged in a ditch. Socrates expresses his astonishment at the confidence of a man able to take his own father to court on such a serious charge, even when Athenian Law allows only relatives of the deceased to sue for murder. Euthyphro misses the astonishment, and merely confirms his overconfidence in his own judgment of religious/ethical matters. In an example of "Socratic irony," Socrates states that Euthyphro obviously has a clear understanding of what is pious and impious. Since Socrates himself is facing a charge of impiety, he expresses the hope to learn from Euthyphro, all the better to defend himself in his own trial. Euthyphro claims that what lies behind the charge brought against Socrates by Meletus and the other accusers is Socrates' claim that he is subjected to a daimon or divine sign which warns him of various courses of action (3b). Even more suspicious from the viewpoint of many Athenians, Socrates expresses skeptical views on the main stories about the Greek gods, which the two men briefly discuss before plunging into the main argument. Socrates expresses reservations about such accounts which show up the gods' cruelty and inconsistency. He mentions the castration of the early sky god, Uranus, by his son Cronus, saying he finds such stories very difficult to accept (6a–6c). Euthyphro, after claiming to be able to tell even more amazing such stories, spends little time or effort defending the conventional view of the gods. Instead, he is led straight to the real task at hand, as Socrates forces him to confront his ignorance, ever pressing him for a definition of 'piety'. Yet, with every definition Euthyphro proposes, Socrates very quickly finds a fatal flaw (6d ff.). At the end of the dialogue, Euthyphro is forced to admit that each definition has been a failure, but rather than correct it, he makes the excuse that it is time for him to go, and Socrates ends the dialogue with a classic example of Socratic irony: since Euthyphro has been unable to come up with a definition that will stand on its own two feet, Euthyphro has failed to teach Socrates anything at all about piety, and so he has received no aid for his own defense at his own trial (15c ff.).
A fekete vér
A fekete vér
Jókai Mór
The present publication is intended to supply a recognised deficiency in our literature—a library edition of the Essays of Montaigne. This great French writer deserves to be regarded as a classic, not only in the land of his birth, but in all countries and in all literatures. His Essays, which are at once the most celebrated and the most permanent of his productions, form a magazine out of which such minds as those of Bacon and Shakespeare did not disdain to help themselves; and, indeed, as Hallam observes, the Frenchman's literary importance largely results from the share which his mind had in influencing other minds, coeval and subsequent. But, at the same time, estimating the value and rank of the essayist, we are not to leave out of the account the drawbacks and the circumstances of the period: the imperfect state of education, the comparative scarcity of books, and the limited opportunities of intellectual intercourse. Montaigne freely borrowed of others, and he has found men willing to borrow of him as freely. We need not wonder at the reputation which he with seeming facility achieved. He was, without being aware of it, the leader of a new school in letters and morals. His book was different from all others which were at that date in the world. It diverted the ancient currents of thought into new channels. It told its readers, with unexampled frankness, what its writer's opinion was about men and things, and threw what must have been a strange kind of new light on many matters but darkly understood. Above all, the essayist uncased himself, and made his intellectual and physical organism public property. He took the world into his confidence on all subjects. His essays were a sort of literary anatomy, where we get a diagnosis of the writer's mind, made by himself at different levels and under a large variety of operating influences. Of all egotists, Montaigne, if not the greatest, was the most fascinating, because, perhaps, he was the least affected and most truthful. What he did, and what he had professed to do, was to dissect his mind, and show us, as best he could, how it was made, and what relation it bore to external objects. He investigated his mental structure as a schoolboy pulls his watch to pieces, to examine the mechanism of the works; and the result, accompanied by illustrations abounding with originality and force, he delivered to his fellow-men in a book. W. C. H. KENSINGTON, November 1877. THE LIFE OF MONTAIGNE The author of the Essays was born, as he informs us himself, between eleven and twelve o'clock in the day, the last of February 1533, at the chateau of St. Michel de Montaigne. His father, Pierre Eyquem, esquire, was successively first Jurat of the town of Bordeaux (1530), Under-Mayor 1536, Jurat for the second time in 1540, Procureur in 1546, and at length Mayor from 1553 to 1556. He was a man of austere probity, who had "a particular regard for honour and for propriety in his person and attire . . . a mighty good faith in his speech, and a conscience and a religious feeling inclining to superstition, rather than to the other extreme. Between 1556 and 1563 an important incident occurred in the life of Montaigne, in the commencement of his romantic friendship with Etienne de la Boetie, whom he had met, as he tells us, by pure chance at some festive celebration in the town. From their very first interview the two found themselves drawn irresistibly close to one another, and during six years this alliance was foremost in the heart of Montaigne, as it was afterwards in his memory, when death had severed it.
房龙从人文主义的立场出发,站在全人类的高度重新审视人类由史前时代、古希腊、古罗马时代、中世纪、文艺复兴时代到现代的几千年文明的变迁,期间善与恶,黑暗与光明,步与反动的不断搏杀,勾勒出一幅波澜壮阔的人类思想解放史。房龙将一部欧洲“思想解放史”,改写成一部宽容与专横的斗争历史,他行走于人类自身的宽容与偏执、美德与现实的对立交锋之间,深度剖析人类精神上“不宽容”的原因,讲述人类奋斗与自我救赎的跌宕传奇。房龙认为宽容就是“自己活,也让别人活”,他提倡 以理性和宽容代替无知与偏执,并指出人类只有消除了自身的恐惧,才能从根本上消除不宽容。这是一部描写人类思想发展史、畅销近百年的通俗历史读本,是关于宽容和自由思想的人文主义经典之作。
Getting Used to Weird: A very different sort of Love Story
Getting Used to Weird: A very different sort of Love Story
Lorelle Taylor
Are you awakening spiritually and feeling weird?You’re not alone. Truly, you are not alone. You have many spiritual helpers, and just like Angela, you can learn to communicate with them and enlist their support. Lorelle Taylor’s extraordinary book traces Angela’s journey from normal to weird. Join her as she confronts challenges and undertakes deeply spiritual lessons while exploring the biggest questions. Learn about life and death from angels, spirit guides, Jesus and God. Discover how to overcome obstacles in your own path as you too discover the secrets for a fulfilled and happy life. Start reading?Getting Used to Weird: A very different sort of Love Story?today and you’ll discover that on this journey, you’re also getting used to love. You’ll come away with the knowledge that “Love is the answer to all questions.”