TV Cream Toys Lite
Do you remember tearing down the stairs at five in the morning, in wide-eyed anticipation of the mountain of wrapped boxes under a Woolies' fireproof silver tinsel tree? Do you remember the sense of disappointment when what you'd asked for wasn't among them? Or – worse – when you found a cheap, knock-off version of a toy you really wanted? Lavishly illustrated and with over 300 colour photographs, TV Cream Toys celebrates the presents that we hoped, wished and prayed would turn up in the Christmas stockings of yesteryear. From Big Trak to Buckaroo!, Mastermind to Merlin, Sorry! to Strawberry Shortcake, each peerless plaything from the '60s through to the '90s is examined and catalogued (in the Argos, rather than the scientific, sense). Culled from award-winning retro website TV Cream, this book lists a wealth of fondly remembered toys, games, and novelties, and unearths quite a few of the oft-forgotten classics that, even to this day, remain treasured in the hearts of our inner children. LET THE BLIZZARD OF MR MEN WRAPPING PAPER COMMENCE…
hétk?znapi szócsépl?: unalomtól megment? rímeket rittyent?
hétk?znapi szócsépl?: unalomtól megment? rímeket rittyent?
Укра?нська легко! (Ukra?ns'ka legko!)
Н?л Фер?юсон зауважу?: ?Ще на початку XV стол?ття сама лише думка про те, що наступн? п’ять стол?ть Зах?д буде дом?нувати над рештою св?ту, здалася б дуже дивною. А вт?м, це сталося?. ? нин? могутн?сть Заходу вража? нав?ть найбагатшу уяву... То чому ж так трапилося? Чому ?вропа, що на 1500-й р?к поступалася Сходу за багатьма показниками — економ?чними, технолог?чними, демограф?чними, — зум?ла р?зко рвонути уперед ? досягти безперечного св?тового панування? Як? складов? усп?ху зах?дно? цив?л?зац??? Саме ц? дражлив? питання украй см?ливо, часом нав?ть зухвало, а проте надзвичайно захопливо висв?тлю? Н?л Фер?юсон.
Москва 2042 (Moskva 2042)
Книжку присвячено дол? радянсько? символ?чно? спадщини п?сля розпаду СРСР. На приклад? Центрально? Укра?ни. Олександра Гайдай показу?, як сп?в?снували ? конкурували р?зн? погляди на радянську ?стор?ю; як проявлялася на м?сцях м?нлива ?сторична пол?тика; як давали соб? раду з радянським минулим кра?ни Центрально-Сх?дно? ?вропи; як помирали пам’ятники Лен?ну — ?жив?шому за вс?х живих?.
Энда. Земля легенд (Jenda. Zemlja legend)
Брошура в стисл?й та популярн?й форм? розпов?да? про под?? Укра?нсько? революц?? 1917–1921 рок?в – процеси державного буд?вництва, творення укра?нсько? пол?тично? нац??, в?дродження укра?нсько? науки, осв?ти, культури та духовност?. Багато уваги прид?ля?ться л?дерам Укра?нсько? революц?? – Михайлу Грушевському, Володимиру Винниченку, Симону Петлюр?, Павлу Скоропадському, ?вгену Петрушевичу, Номану Челеб?дж?хану та ?н., як? розробляли ?? ?деолог?ю, формували порядок денний, вели за собою народ. Розкрива?ться ?нституц?йне буд?вництво, творення законодавчо?, виконавчо?, судово? г?лок влади, розбудова в?йська, дипломат??, ф?нансово? системи тощо. Фотокартки ? св?дчення сучасник?в в?дтворюють атмосферу того часу, проливають св?тло на життя ? побут звичайно? людини в умовах революц?йних потряс?нь.??Брошура п?дготовлена на основ? матер?ал?в ?нформац?йно-просв?тницько? кампан??, яку Укра?нський ?нститут нац?онально? пам’ят? проводить до 100-р?ччя Укра?нсько? революц?? 1917-1921 рок?в, в ход? яко? п?дготовлено низку фотодокументальних виставок, комплект?в лист?вок та ?нформац?йних матер?ал?в, дитячу наст?льну гру, спец?ал?зовану веб-стор?нку, присвячену под?ям Укра?нсько? революц?? 1917–1921 рок?в (
Приют. Похитители костей (Prijut. Pohititeli kostej)
Йшов четвертий р?к св?тово? в?йни. Втомлений под?ями генерал-лейтенант рос?йсько? ?мператорсько? арм?? Павло Петрович Скоропадський, нащадок старовинно? старшинсько? фам?л??, ще не знав, що стане гетьманом незалежно? Укра?нсько? Держави.??Епоха зм?н, яку самовбивчо наближали революц?онери вс?х мастей, перетворилася на апокал?псис, в?йну вс?х проти вс?х, але Скоропадському стало духу взяти на себе невдячну ношу державного буд?вництва. Спроба зак?нчилася ц?лковитим ? оч?куваним провалом, але окрем? починання гетьмана дотривали до наших дн?в: саме йому Укра?на завдячу?, наприклад, Академ??ю наук.
Le piante percepiscono il suono e amano suonare.Lo dimostrano studi e sperimentazioni condotte in ambito accademico e, ancora di più, le esperienze di numerosi ricercatori e musicisti che insegnano alle piante a usare apparecchiature musicali elettroniche e suonano e cantano insieme a loro.Le ricerche sull’intelligenza vegetale, sulla sensibilità delle piante e sulla loro disponibilità a dialogare con noi aprono la nostra mente verso una più profonda visione della natura e il nostro cuore a nuove occasioni di scambio con tutto ciò che è vivo intorno a noi.
Дол? та фур??
Knjiga Me?uodnosi umjetni?kih svjetova dio je doktorske disertacije, a govori o simultanoj i sukcesivnoj umjetnosti kroz ilustracije Bhagavad Gite, u 18 poglavlja od kojih svako ima dvije verzije. Su?tina autori?inog interesa je prijenos misli i osje?aja iz drevnog indijskog epa, kroz likovne elemente, odnosno vizualizacija vremenske umjetnosti; poku?ala je interpretirati kroz kompoziciju, boju, liniju, kontrast, tre?u dimenziju, strukturu, teksturu, proporciju, ritam i dinamiku, filozofiju Bhagavad Gite, koja je posebna utoliko ?to je u Indiji filozofija jednako religija, i obrnuto. Spomenuta je i analogija izme?u vremenskih i prostornih umjetnosti, kao ?to je boja (valer), glazba (akord), te upravo kroz sinergiju zna?enja i zra?enja na ilustracijama mo?emo do?ivjeti da "?itamo sliku". ? Tatjana Burzanovi? je autorica, umjetnica, grafi?ka dizajnerica i dizajnerica interijera, profesor na Fakultetu za kulturu i turizam na predmetu Indijska kultura, te na Fakultetu za dizajn i multimediju na Univerzitetu Donja Gorica u Podgorici, Crna Gora. Diplomirala je na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Sarajevu, a doktorat obranila na Fakultetu primenjenih umjetnosti u Beogradu. Svoje je radove izlagala na brojnim samostalnim i grupnim izlo?bama, te sudjelovala u umjetni?kim i pedago?kim kolonijama. Dobila je nekoliko nagrada za dizajn knjiga. Knjiga Me?uovisnost umjetni?kih svjetova?nagra?ena je na 11. sajmu knjiga u Podgorici za najbolje opremljeno umjetni?ko izdanje. Knjiga je u elektroni?kom izdanju dostupna i u engleskom prijevodu.
У л?с?-л?с? темному
The Interrelation Between Art Worlds is a part of PhD thesis and it deals with the simultaneous and successive art using the illustrations of Bhagavad Gita, in 18 chapters, where each chapter has two versions. The substance of the author's interest is a transfer of thoughts and feelings from the ancient Indian epic, through visual elements, that is, the visualization of temporal arts. She tried to explain the philosophy of Bhagavad Gita?through composition, color, contrast, third dimension, structure, texture, proportion, rhythm and dynamics, which is particular because in India philosophy equals religion, and vice versa. Described is also the analogy between temporal and spatial arts, such as color (valeur), music (chord). Through the synergy of meaning and radiation on the illustrations, we can achieve experience of "reading the image". ? Tatjana Burzanovi? is a writer, artist, graphics designer, and interior designer, professor at the Faculty of Culture and Tourism, where she teaches Indian culture, and Faculty of Design and Multimedia, at the University of Donja Gorica in Podgorica, Montenegro. She graduated from Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo, and acquired her PhD at Faculty of Art and Design at the University of Belgrade. She presented her works in numerous solo and group exhibitions, and took part in several artistic and pedagogical colonies. She received several awards for her book designs. The book The Interrelation Between Art Worlds?was awarded at 11th Book Fair in Podgorica for the best designed art book.
Dvadeset godina nakon epohalne promjene 1989., koja je na postjugoslavenski prostor djelovala na posve druk?iji na?in nego na druge prija?nje realsocijalisti?ke europske zemlje, ova studija predstavlja poku?aj analiti?kog osvrta na dva desetlje?a razvoja civilnog dru?tva na zapadnom Balkanu. Njen autor Sr?an Dvornik iz Hrvatske, u to je dobro upu?en. Nije slu?ajno ?to se kroz cijeli sadr?aj i u strukturi ove knjige ispreple?u teorija i praksa te odnosi unutar i izvan “civilnodru?tvenog” razvoja. (...) Ova je studija va?an doprinos, dosad nedostatnim, razmatranjima o mogu?nostima i ograni?enjima akter? civilnog dru?tva u (post)autoritarnim dru?tvima. Istovremeno ona donosi i pouku da instrumenti zapadne politike demokratizacije imaju pred sobom jo? dug put razvoja do to?ke na kojoj ?e posve iscrpsti svoje dosada?nje organizacijske i politi?ke potencijale, da bi potom na nove me?unarodne izazove, koje nam novi svjetski (ne)red postavlja posljednja dva desetlje?a, mogli primjerenije reagirati. dr. Azra D?aji?-Weber
Delphi Complete Works of James Joyce (Illustrated)
This is the definitive digital edition of James Joyce’s complete works. At last the great modernist writer joins the scholarly range of Delphi Classics. (Version 6) * CONCISE introductions to the novels and other texts * every novel, poetry collection and play has its own contents table to allow easy navigation – you won’t get lost! * the rare unfinished novel STEPHEN HERO * COUNTLESS images related to Joyce and his works * special images of the original first editions, giving your eReader a flavour of the original texts * ALL of the short stories and poems * scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order * ‘Ulysses’ has special introductions to all eighteen episodes of the epic novel. Finally you can finish and understand the novel! * includes the rare children’s short story THE CAT AND THE DEVIL * introductory chapters for each part of FINNEGANS WAKE, aiding your understanding of this abstruse text * includes the rare prose poem GIACOMO JOYCE, first time in digital print * boasts a special non-fiction section with essays, letters and newspaper articles The eBook also includes a front no-nonsense table of contents to allow easy navigation around Joyce’s oeuvre. Welcome to hours upon hours upon hours of reading one of literature’s most experimental writers! CONTENTS The Novels A PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST AS A YOUNG MAN ULYSSES FINNEGANS WAKE STEPHEN HERO The Short Stories DUBLINERS THE CAT AND THE DEVIL Other Prose Works EPIPHANIES GIACOMO JOYCE The Play EXILES The Poetry Collections EARLY POETRY CHAMBER MUSIC POMES PENYEACH LATER POETRY The Poetry LIST OF POEMS IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER LIST OF POEMS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER The Non-Fiction LIST OF ESSAYS, LETTERS AND ARTICLES
Delphi Works of G. K. Chesterton (Illustrated)
One of the greatest writers of his time, G. K. Chesterton’s short stories, novels, poetry and essays demonstrate his unparalleled versatility in literature. This comprehensive eBook offers readers the most complete works possible in the US, as well as the usual Delphi bonus texts. Features: * concise introductions to the novels and other works * Father Brown stories, with special index * the original Father Brown illustrations * five novels, with contents tables * images of how the novels first appeared, giving your eReader a taste of the Edwardian texts * short story and poetry collections, with contents tables * special chronological and alphabetical contents tables for the poetry – find that special poem quickly and easily! * features 25 non-fiction books, each with contents tables * unique uncollected essays section, with rare articles by the great essayist * boasts a special criticism section, with four works examining Chesterton’s contribution to literature, including Patrick Braybrooke’s seminal work GILBERT KEITH CHESTERTON * many images relating to Chesterton’s life, works, places and film adaptations * scholarly ordering of texts in chronological order and literary genres, allowing easy navigation around Chesterton’s immense oeuvre Please note: due to US copyright restrictions many of Chesterton’s later works are not available. As soon as more texts become available, they will be added as free updates for customers who have already purchased this eBook. To browse our range of other titles, please visit CONTENTS: Father Brown Stories THE INNOCENCE OF FATHER BROWN THE WISDOM OF FATHER BROWN UNCOLLECTED FATHER BROWN STORIES Index of Father Brown Stories The Novels THE NAPOLEON OF NOTTING HILL THE MAN WHO WAS THURSDAY THE BALL AND THE CROSS MANALIVE THE FLYING INN Short Story Collections THE CLUB OF QUEER TRADES THE MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH AND OTHER STORIES UNCOLLECTED SHORT STORIES The Short Stories LIST OF SHORT STORIES IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER LIST OF SHORT STORIES IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER The Plays MAGIC THE TURKEY AND THE TURK The Poetry Collections GREYBEARDS AT PLAY THE WILD KNIGHT AND OTHER POEMS THE BALLAD OF THE WHITE HORSE The Poems LIST OF POEMS IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER LIST OF POEMS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER The Non-Fiction THE DEFENDANT ROBERT BROWNING TWELVE TYPES HERETICS VARIED TYPES CHARLES DICKENS ALL THINGS CONSIDERED TREMENDOUS TRIFLES ORTHODOXY WHAT’S WRONG WITH THE WORLD GEORGE BERNARD SHAW APPRECIATIONS AND CRITICISMS OF THE WORKS OF CHARLES DICKENS ALARMS AND DISCURSIONS A MISCELLANY OF MEN THE VICTORIAN AGE IN LITERATURE THE APPETITE OF TYRANNY THE CRIMES OF ENGLAND LORD KITCHENER UTOPIA OF USURERS AND OTHER ESSAYS A SHORT HISTORY OF ENGLAND IRISH IMPRESSIONS THE SUPERSTITION OF DIVORCE THE NEW JERUSALEM WHAT I SAW IN AMERICA EUGENICS AND OTHER EVILS UNCOLLECTED ESSAYS The Criticism MR. G.K. CHESTERTON AND MR. HILAIRE BELLOC by Robert Lynd G. K. CHESTERTON, A CRITICAL STUDY by Julius West MR. G.K. CHESTERTON’S POINT OF VIEW by John Kelman GILBERT KEITH CHESTERTON by Patrick Braybrooke
Delphi Complete Works of J. M. Synge (Illustrated)
The playwright J. M. Synge was a key figure in the Irish Literary Revival and was one of the co-founders of the Abbey Theatre. Today he is best known for his controversial play ‘The Playboy of the Western World’, which caused riots in Dublin during its opening run. Synge's writings are chiefly concerned with the world of the Roman Catholic peasants of rural Ireland and with what he saw as the essential paganism of their world view. He was a poetic dramatist of great power, whose modern plays are celebrated for their sophisticated craftsmanship. For the first time in digital publishing, this eBook presents Synge’s complete works, with numerous illustrations, rare texts, informative introductions and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 1) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Synge’s life and works* Concise introductions to the plays* All 6 plays, with individual contents tables* Images of how the books were first published, giving your eReader a taste of the original texts* Excellent formatting of the texts* Rare poetry available in no other collection* Includes Synge’s prose, featuring many essays and reviews– available in no other collection* Features two biographies, including Yeats’ seminal work ‘Synge and the Ireland of His Time’ – discover Synge’s literary life* Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres Please visit to browse through our range of exciting titles CONTENTS: The PlaysIn the Shadow of the GlenRiders to the SeaThe Well of the SaintsThe Playboy of the Western WorldThe Tinker’s WeddingDeirdre of the Sorrows The Poetry CollectionsCollected Poems The ProseThe Aran IslandsIn Wicklow and West KerryMiscellaneous Essays and Reviews The BiographiesSynge and the Ireland of His Time by W. B. YeatsBrief Biography of John Millington Synge by William Kirkpatrick Magee Please visit to browse through our range of exciting titles or to purchase this eBook as a Parts Edition of individual eBooks
Delphi Complete Works of Lewis Carroll (Illustrated)
Lewis Carroll was a prominent figure of the Victorian age, having not only written the Alice novels, but also varied works such as mathematical treatises, poetry and short stories. This eBook gives readers the unique opportunity of exploring Carroll’s work in a manner never before possible. This is the complete and fully illustrated literary works of Lewis Carroll, with a selection of mathematical works too. (Version 3) * illustrated with hundreds of images relating to Carroll’s life and works * annotated with concise introductions to the novels and other works * ALL the novels have their original Victorian illustrations – spend hours exploring the original Alice images and rarer images available nowhere else * the original version of ALICE’S ADVENTURES UNDER GROUND, with Carroll’s unique illustrations * includes Sir John Tenniel’s original illustrations for ALICE’S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND * includes rare poetry collections available in no other eBook * special alphabetical list of poems – find that special poem quickly and easily! * images of how the novels first appeared, giving your EReader a taste of the Victorian texts * includes a selection of Carroll’s mathematical works * SPECIAL BONUS section of three biographies on Carroll – explore his fascinating life in detail! * scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres, allowing easy navigation around Carroll’s diverse oeuvre Please visit to browse through our range of exciting titles CONTENTS: The Novels ALICE’S ADVENTURES UNDER GROUND ALICE’S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND THROUGH THE LOOKING-GLASS SYLVIE AND BRUNO SYLVIE AND BRUNO CONCLUDED The Short Stories A TANGLED TALE BRUNO’S REVENGE AND OTHER STORIES WHAT THE TORTOISE SAID TO ACHILLES The Poetry Collections EARLY VERSE PROLOGUES TO PLAYS COLLEGE RHYMES AND NOTES PHANTASMAGORIA AND OTHER POEMS THE HUNTING OF THE SNARK THREE SUNSETS AND OTHER POEMS PUZZLES FROM WONDERLAND ACROSTICS, INSCRIPTIONS AND OTHER VERSES The Poems LIST OF POEMS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER Selected Mathematical Works SYMBOLIC LOGIC THE GAME OF LOGIC THE ALPHABET CIPHER FEEDING THE MIND The Biographies LIFE AND LETTERS OF L.CARROLL BY S.D.COLLINGWOOD LEWIS CARROLL IN WONDERLAND BY BELLE MOSES THE STORY OF LEWIS CARROLL BY ISA BOWMAN Please visit to browse through our range of exciting titles
This is an erotic short story about loving hot wives that clocks in at 2982 words. This story, Veronica, is very naughty and potentially shocking. We can't say too much. But, here is a sentence or two to sample: At the exit of the church, my best friend, Lucia Fernandez, gave me a comforting hug. My dark glasses hid my eyes red and full of tears. The damp handkerchief in my hands was a witness to the pain that still lived inside me.
The Curious Lives of Shakespeare & Cervantes
It is the 400th anniversary of the deaths of two of the world’s most famous authors: William Shakespeare and Miguel de Cervantes. This comic romp charts the influences of these literary giants on the modern world and contrasts the vastly different fortunes of two contemporaries whose countries – England and Spain – went from alliance to enmity in a short space of time.
Meet William Shakespeare: A superbly entertaining one-person play starring The B
Much has been explored about Shakespeare and his life, but little is known about how this small-town boy with a grammar-school education came to pen masterworks like Hamlet and King Lear. In Meet William Shakespeare, playwright J. Ajlouny creates authentic and plausible explanations that answer centuries-old questions about the man and his work. The result is an educational and fun portrait of Shakespeare, as told by The Bard himself.
No Mistakes Grammar for Kids, Volume V: No Mistakes Grammar for Kids, Volume V
I know you've witnessed your child use their or there when they meant they're. Or the other way around. The same goes for to, too and two. I've even see adults mix it up. Heck, I've even seen it in published books. But that's understandable because they are some of the most misused words in the English language. Don't let your child suffer those mistakes. Let Queen Shinobi teach your child how to use those words properly. ?
The Value of Nothing
Welcome! Come on in! Take part in the project launch of ArtWorks, the new back to work initiative created and run by your friend and ours, the one, the only, the most fantastic… Vince Fine! And so begins the project launch from hell… Exploring issues of how society views those living on benefits, the ‘creative industries’ and what we should value in life, this dark comedy (running in real time) charts the fall from grace of the central comedic hero, Vince Fine, as he watches everything he’s ever dreamed of slip from his fingers. Includes some audience participation and interaction.
Delphi Complete Works of Plautus (Illustrated)
The Roman playwright Plautus wrote comedies that are the earliest Latin literary texts to have survived in their entirety. Loosely adapted from lost Greek plays, the works of Plautus helped establish a truly Roman drama in the Latin language for the first time. Delphi’s Ancient Classics series provides eReaders with the wisdom of the Classical world, with both English translations and the original Latin texts. This comprehensive eBook presents Plautus’ complete extant works, with relevant illustrations, informative introductions and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 1) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Plautus’ life and works* Features the complete extant works of Plautus, in both English translation and the original Latin* All 20 extant plays* Concise introductions to the plays* Features translations by Henry Thomas Riley * Excellent formatting of the texts* Easily locate the acts you want to read with individual contents tables* Includes Plautus’ rare plays, first time in digital print* Features a bonus biography – discover Plautus’ ancient world* Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres Please visit to explore our range of Ancient Classics titles or buy the entire series as a Super Set CONTENTS: The TranslationsAMPHITRYONASINARIAAULULARIABACCHIDESCAPTIVICASINACISTELLARIACURCULIOEPIDICUSMENAECHMIMERCATORMILES GLORIOSUSMOSTELLARIAPERSAPOENULUSPSEUDOLUSRUDENSSTICHUSTRINUMMUSTRUCULENTUS The Latin TextsLIST OF LATIN TEXTS The BiographyINTRODUCTION TO PLAUTUS by Paul Nixon Please visit to browse through our range of exciting titles