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每满80减40 英国《金融时报》原文阅读精选集 1-9
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每满80减40 牛津艺术史系列(第一辑 全十册)
牛津艺术史系列(第一辑 全十册)
  牛津艺术史(辑)   丛书中文版主编:易英   易英、王春辰、郭红梅等 译   牛津艺术史——西方当代权威的艺术史丛书,由英语世界权威学者撰著,采用开放式的出版理念,已出版三十余种。每种配有百幅以上的全彩精美图版,用前沿观点与新颖材料阐述艺术史核心问题,被誉为“通向21世纪艺术史的大门”。   1.中国艺术 Art in China      [英]柯律格Craig Clunas 著   中国美术史权威学者柯律格的进店著作,以前沿观念全面盘整解析中国艺术脉络,被中国美术学院艺术人文学院院长曹意强看作是“对传统艺术史的巨大挑战,文辞优美,充满智慧。”   2.古风与古典时期的希腊艺术 Classical Art: From Greece to Rome   [英]罗宾·奥斯本Robin Osborne 著   回归古典,近距离观看古希腊城邦的艺术生活,全面深入探索西方艺术传统之源头。   3.文艺复兴时期的意大利艺术:1350-1500 Art inRenaissance Italy : 1350-1500   [英]伊芙琳·韦尔奇Evelyn Welch 著   打破传统艺术史研究视角,从社会与经济发展与物质材料变革入手,全方位还原文艺复兴辉煌背后的人性真相。   4.欧洲艺术:1700-1830 Art in Europe1700-1830   [英]马修·克拉斯克Matthew Craske 著   抛开陈词滥调的属于,回归历史观看的远点,再现城市经济空前增长时代的欧洲艺术全景。   5.现代艺术:1851—1929 Modern Art1851-1929 [美]理查德·布雷特尔Richard Brettell 著    深入探讨资本主义扩张时期下的艺术巨变,脉络清晰,鞭辟入里,全面剖析莫奈、毕加索等现代艺术大师的诞生之路,充分展示了艺术在社会中所扮演的各种功能和责任。   6.风景与西方艺术 Landscape andWestern Art [英]马尔科姆·安德鲁斯Malcolm Andrews 著     诗意的崇高与风景中所蕴涵的哲学思想在西方艺术风景画中完美结合,山之巅的孤独,海浪的咆哮,瞬息万变的消逝及永恒,领略特纳、库尔贝、斯特林堡、莫奈、塞尚等绘画大师的艺术哲思。   7.照片的历史 The Photograph [英]格雷汉姆·克拉克Graham Clarke 著   柔和不同创建,从作品、人物理解摄影题材的发展变化,探索摄影与绘画之间的关系,以崭新的视角重新审视摄影自诞生以来生动、极具情感的进化历程。   8.20世纪的设计 Twentieth-CenturyDesign [英]乔纳森·M. 伍德姆Jonathan M. Woodham 著   世界设计师协会主席权威制作,充分展现了设计作为一种新的、独立的艺术方式,进入人类商业社会发展视野的全过程,以及设计与20世纪以来不断发展的民族意识、实用主义之间密不可分的联系,中国未来设计之路的借鉴明灯,每一位想进入设计历史丰碑的设计师的之书。   9.西方当代雕塑 Sculpturesince 1945 [英]安德鲁·考西Andrew Causey 著   全景观呈现“二战”以后,西方雕塑的发展历程,记录艺术与现实的交锋碰撞。   10.艺术史的艺术:批评读本 The Art ofArt History:A Critical Anthology   [美]唐纳德·普雷齐奥西Donald Preziosi 编   艺术史研究源于何处?艺术史与艺术是何种关系?艺术史研究读本,包括温克尔曼、康德、黑格尔、沃尔夫林、李格尔、贡布里希等人迄今具有开创性和影响力的35篇文章,以手资料梳理艺术史的发展脉络。
每满80减40 贵阳市白云区志. 2001-2015
贵阳市白云区志. 2001-2015
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每满80减40 中信全网热销新书 - 经管十书(第二辑)
中信全网热销新书 - 经管十书(第二辑)
《像巴菲特一样投资:半小时漫画价值投资》内容简介:零基础价值投资入门。用轻松的方式,手把手教你选股、赚股。 本书以漫画的形式,将晦涩难懂的价值投资“翻译”成图形语言,以备受认可的巴菲特和芒格派价值投资为基础,遵循“是什么?怎么做?怎么避坑?怎么进阶?”的逻辑框架,以久经市场考验的经典投资语录,结合成功案例,辅以10亿级私募基金经理的解读点评,手把手教个人投资者从零开始选股,成功实践价值投资。 本书结构暗合投资者进入股市的心路历程,读一遍就仿佛经历一遍,再读又会有新的感悟。 《资本主义:竞争、冲突与危机》内容简介:正统经济学立足于完全竞争假设,从理想化的视角研究资本主义的运行,假设具有完全信息的;完 美的“代表性行为人”会做出理性的;* 优化的选择。大多数非主流经济学则采取相反的策略,强调的是这一制度的低效率;不平等和不平衡,认为支配着现代世界的是不完全竞争。事实上,两者都以完全竞争作为基本参照,并试图加入各种各样的“不完全”,以弥补理论与现实的差距。 在《资本主义》一书中,安瓦尔·谢克没有拘囿于上述任何一种观点,而是立足于一个全新的研究起点和视角——真实竞争。在他看来,“真实竞争是资本主义的核心调节机制,它与所谓的完全竞争之间的差异,就像战争和芭蕾之间的差异一样巨大”。他证明了,即使不借助超理性;* 优化;完全竞争;完全信息;代表性行为人或所谓的理性预期等理想化假设,也能够推导出被实践和理论证实的经济学结论。这一视角使得他可以用几乎崭新的眼光看待经济学分析的所有要素:供求规律;工资和利润率的决定;技术变革;相对价格;利率;贸易条件及平衡;增长;失业;通货膨胀,以及以周期性复现的普遍性危机收尾的长期繁荣。 谢克试图构建一个“现代经济学替代性框架”,并将每一个理论都与新古典主义;凯恩斯主义和后凯恩斯主义的对应观点进行对比,通过大量的模型;图表进行经验检验,还成功预测到2008年国际金融危机的到来。谢克分析的对象是资本主义经济,并用扩展的视角探究这一主题。这正是古典经济学以及凯恩斯和卡莱茨基处理这一问题时采用的方法。任何对资本主义和一般经济学感兴趣的人都能从这部独创性著作中获得丰富的知识。 《人心红利:存量博弈下的企业增长方法论》内容简介:传承40余年的国产老品牌,如何突破消费者心中的“还行”印象,强势归来?只在小资人群中流行的新兴品牌,如何破界获客?业界排名靠后的品牌,如何逆转市场“老大”的优势?…… 从2019年开始,人口红利逐渐结束,流量成本持续上升,“天花板效应”凸显。 产能过剩、存量博弈,在消费者主权时代,可以预见,一场品牌大决战即将开始。而其种种问题背后,更多的是品牌问题、人心问题。所谓“得人心者得天下”,这也正是江南春写就本书的原因所在。 在“红利见顶、品牌决战”的消费者主权时代,以及后疫情时代品牌博弈的大背景下,江南春将其17载总结出的品牌引爆之法倾囊相授,在书中你可以学到一个国产老品牌在存量市场中“搏杀”胜出的方法、一个原本不可能全国大卖的产品超越国际巨头的秘诀、一个后来者赶超行业开创者的撒手锏……书中更包含其近几年内所思所想的底层逻辑。 相信本书会给读者带来启发,在充满机遇的中国市场找到行业破局之路,制胜下一个 《房地产与中国经济》内容简介:该书主要阐述房地产业与中国经济的相互关系,探讨我国房地产业发展的规律特征、现阶段存在的主要问题、对其他产业及宏观经济的影响,以及未来如何实现与经济的协调发展及长效调控机制的构建。全书包括实证检验和理论研究两个方面。在实证检验方面,重视统计方法的应用,做到用数据说话;在理论研究方面,深入分析我国房地产市场的特征、存在的问题,同时借鉴了发达国家房地产市场发展的规律和经验,提出了具有我国国情特色的房地产业发展方向。 作者在房地产业对经济的贡献、住宅的属性、房地产调控思路、高房价的应对措施及长效调控机制构建等方面都做了大量的创新研究,尝试用发展的理念解决房地产行业发展中不断出现的新问题。本书可作为决策部门制定政策的借鉴参考,也可作为相关研究人员和关心房地产业的读者的参考书。 《未来已来——全球领 袖论天下》内容简介:本书是全球政治、经济、金融、企业等方面的领 袖人物在清华大学五道口金融学院和国家金融研究院主办的“未来已来——全球领 袖论天下”系列讲座的演讲和现场对话专集。演讲者包括桥水基金创始人瑞·达利欧,黑石集团董事长苏世民,美国前财政部长劳伦斯·萨默斯,红十字国际委员会主席兼首 席外交官彼得·毛雷尔,摩根大通董事局主席雅各布·弗兰克尔,标准普尔公司全球总裁兼首 席执行官道格拉斯·彼得森,国际货币基金组织首 席经济学家吉塔·戈皮纳特,欧洲复兴开发银行原行长苏马·查克拉巴蒂,高盛前总裁兼联席首 席运营官哈维·施瓦茨,小米科技创始人、董事长兼首 席执行官雷军,资生堂全球总裁兼首 席执行官鱼谷雅彦,微软全球资深副总裁洪小文,奇绩创坛创始人兼首 席执行官陆奇和哈佛大学肯尼迪政治学院首任院长格雷厄姆·艾利森。 演讲者都是各自领域的改革者、推动者、创造者、思想者和实践者,他们站在世界制高点观看全球,又从身边发生的真实故事引出细节,从不同角度、不同层面阐述对未来的理解,展望世界发展的前沿趋势。本书旨在帮助读者拓展全球视野、掌握全球宏观经济金融的新动态、进行多元跨界学习。 本书内容包括以下三个方面:一是在世界政治经济领域具有巨大影响力的意见领 袖从宏观的角度,对影响未来世界格局的因素进行深度剖析,给出解决未来国际政治关键议题的中肯建议。二是国际金融集团的掌舵者回顾历史,勾勒出全球金融体系的新格局,预测影响未来全球金融体系发展的重大问题。三是跨国集团领 袖或新技术领跑者讲述如何以超 凡的创新思维领导机构变革,或用创新视角引领行业发展,这些创新者以使命驱动前行,用创新书写未来。 《权力》内容简介:深度解析权力是什么 如何正确认识权力 如何正确行使权力 二十多年来,斯坦福大学商学院教授、心理学家德博拉·格林菲尔德教授一直致力于权力领域的深入研究,并且开设了斯坦福大学的知名课程“权力课”(Acting with Power)。 在这本新书中,格林菲尔德博士以其独特的视角,颠覆了我们对权力本质的局限认知——她探索了权力的概念,分析了权力的本质以及当权者的特质。在作者看来,权力存在于每一种关系中,并且通过我们在生活中扮演的角色进行体现。权力不是地位或等级制度的作用结果,相反,权力体现的是个体被需要的程度,及其履行社会责任的程度。权力不是自我提升的工具,也不是个人消费的资源,权力正是我们在现实中扮演的角色。当权者应将责任置于权力之前,将发展置于事实之前,以集体利益为重,并重视自己所处的环境,这样才能更好地利用权力。通过学习如何正确使用权力,我们就能更好地预防权力滥用,阻止因权力滥用而危害世人。 正如作者在书中所说:“慷慨地使用权力,以他人利益为重,打下信任的基础,并且使得他人也愿意按照这样的方式为人处世,这就是权力的意义。” 《王东京经济学讲义:写给领导干部与企业管理者的经济学》内容简介:《王东京经济学讲义》是写给领导干部和企业管理者的阅读教材。根据这一 定位,作者运用中国案例对经济学基本原理作破案式讲解;并直面读者困惑,对怎样用经济学逻辑破解现实难题作了大量示范。深入浅出,通俗易懂,妙趣横生。 按照“三个假设、三个原理、三个方法”,作者构建了一个新的经济学体系。全书共20章,前10章讲微观经济学原理,后10章则用微观经济学原理分析宏观经济。这样从微观推导宏观,从国内推导国际,使宏观分析具有坚实的微观基础,为读者系统掌握经济学提供了简明的理论框架。 本书对西方主流经济学理论提出了诸多质疑与修正,同时也融入了作者多年来的研究成果;对改革开放以来,特别是党的十八大以来党中央提出的重大战略部署作了学理解释,有助于读者全*准确地领会党中央的大政方针和决策意图。 《产品三观》内容简介:今天,无论是实体产品还是互联网产品,打动用户都变得越来越难。 作为洛可可创新设计集团、洛客设计平台创始人,贾伟曾打造出55度杯、海底捞自热火锅、喜马拉雅小雅音箱、北汽人工智能电动汽车LITE多款引爆市场的产品,并开创性地提出,如同人有三观,一款好产品同样具有三观:用户观、价值观、世界观。用户观决定一款产品可不可以做,价值观决定是否能做成,世界观决定是否能做大做强。 本书是贾伟多年从业经验的系统总结,倾囊相授如何真正理解用户,实现从“我”到“我们”的思维蜕变。 《被遗忘的萧条:经济危机与应对之策》内容简介:2020年年初,美股两周内四度触动熔断机制。第二次熔断发生后,美联储紧急降息;但隔日道琼斯工业指数跌幅接近13%,超越1929年华尔街股灾期间突破单日跌幅纪录,这表示政府介入并没有消除市场焦虑。 本书专注于我们应如何应对经济危机。詹姆斯?格兰特在2007—2008 年就很有先见之明,他告诫债务泡沫*后会以经济危机而告终。他在本书中以1920—1921年美国为期十八个月的经济衰退为例,说明当时在任的威尔逊总统与继任的哈定总统,皆未试图以预算赤字或美元贬值的手段来提振经济。格兰特主张在经济衰退时,应重视市场“看不见的手”的修复作用。格兰特的历史解说与观点可以为当下提供借鉴。 《债:5000年债务史》内容简介:这是一本由人类学家回应2008年以来金融危机和债务危机的著作。在书中,作者通过“债”这个切入点,以人类学、历史学、社会学的视角揭示5000年来(从文明的初始到全球负债时代)人类的行动规律,债、货币、工作、信用、增长和经济概念本身都是我们开始重新想象的基石。 传统经济学认为,人类从以物易物开始,继而出现货币,货币让人类生活变得更加方便,然后发展出信用体系。大卫·格雷伯对此发起了挑战,分别从货币产生的原因、顺序、目的进行了反常识的思考:货币并不是以“易物”替代者的形式出现的,而是埃及或苏美尔的神职人员为更有效地收税或计算财富而创造出来的。他认为,人类在5000年前已经使用复杂的信用体系而不仅是物物交换来进行商品交易。是金钱让责任和义务变成债务,价格概念和冷漠的市场吞噬了人类彼此关爱的本性。 格雷伯推翻了很多债务领域的经典预设,将5000年的债务史划分出五个阶段:早期的农业帝国(公元前3500—公元前800年)、轴心时代(公元前800—600年)、中世纪(600—1450年)、资本主义帝国时期(1450—1971年)和当今的金融世界(1971年—)。在这些不同的时期,格雷伯认为虚拟货币重复着“出现、消失、再出现、再消失”的状态。 格雷伯认为,一旦我们从道德层面理解了债务的社会起源,就会从多角度处理债务问题,如抵押贷款、信 用 卡债务、学生贷款,还有国家的债务。作者提出了批判性的解决方案:免除所有国际间的和消费者的债务,并提醒人们还债并非道德核心。富人之间或者国家之间的债务常常会通过重新谈判解决,这几乎贯穿整个世界史。
Image and Myth
Image and Myth
Giuliani, Luca
On museum visits, we pass by beautiful, well-preserved vases from ancient Greece-but how often do we understand what the images on them depictIn Image and Myth, Luca Giuliani tells the stories behind the pictures, exploring how artists of antiquity had to determine which motifs or historical and mythic events to use to tell an underlying story while also keeping in mind the tastes and expectations of paying clients.?Covering the range of Greek style and its growth between the early Archaic and Hellenistic periods, Giuliani describes the intellectual, social, and artistic contexts in which the images were created. He reveals that developments in Greek vase painting were driven as much by the times as they were by tradition-the better-known the story, the less leeway the artists had in interpreting it. As literary culture transformed from an oral tradition, in which stories were always in flux, to the stability of written texts, the images produced by artists eventually became nothing more than illustrations of canonical works. At once a work of cultural and art history, Image and Myth builds a new way of understanding the visual culture of ancient Greece.
Making Modern Japanese-Style Painting
Making Modern Japanese-Style Painting
Foxwell, Chelsea
The Western discovery of Japanese paintings at nineteenth-century world's fairs and export shops catapulted Japanese art to new levels of international popularity. With that popularity, however, came criticism, as Western writers began to lament a perceived end to pure Japanese art and a rise in westernized cultural hybrids. The Japanese response: nihonga, a traditional style of painting that reframed existing techniques to distinguish them from Western artistic conventions.?Making Modern Japanese-Style Painting?explores the visual characteristics and social functions of nihonga and traces its relationship to the past, its viewers, and emerging notions of the modern Japanese state.Chelsea Foxwell sheds light on interlinked trends in Japanese nationalist discourse, government art policy, American and European commentary on Japanese art, and the demands of export. The seminal artist Kano Hogai (1828-88) is one telling example: originally a painter for the shogun, his art eventually evolved into novel, eerie images meant to satisfy both Japanese and Western audiences. Rather than simply absorbing Western approaches, nihonga as practiced by Hogai and others broke with pre-Meiji painting even as it worked to neutralize the rupture.By arguing that fundamental changes to audience expectations led to the emergence of nihonga-a traditional interpretation of Japanese art for a contemporary, international market-Making Modern Japanese-Style Painting?offers a fresh look at an important aspect of Japan's development into a modern nation.
Women and Weasels
Women and Weasels
Bettini, Maurizio
If you told a woman her sex had a shared, long-lived history with weasels, she might deck you. But those familiar with mythology know better: that the connection between women and weasels is an ancient and favorable one, based in the Greek myth of a midwife who tricked the gods to ease Heracles's birth-and was turned into a weasel by Hera as punishment. Following this story as it is retold over centuries in literature and art,?Women and Weasels?takes us on a journey through mythology and ancient belief, revising our understanding of myth, heroism, and the status of women and animals in Western culture. ?Maurizio Bettini recounts and analyzes a variety of key literary and visual moments that highlight the weasel's many attributes. We learn of its legendary sexual and childbearing habits and symbolic association with witchcraft and midwifery, its role as a domestic pet favored by women, and its ability to slip in and out of tight spaces. The weasel, Bettini reveals, is present at many unexpected moments in human history, assisting women in labor and thwarting enemies who might plot their ruin. With a parade of symbolic associations between weasels and women-witches, prostitutes, midwives, sisters-in-law, brides, mothers, and heroes-Bettini brings to life one of the most venerable and enduring myths of Western culture.
American Capitals
American Capitals
Montes, Christian
State capitals are an indelible part of the American psyche, spatial representations of state power and national identity. Learning them by heart is a rite of passage in grade school, a pedagogical exercise that emphasizes the importance of committing place-names to memory. But geographers have yet to analyze state capitals in any depth. In American Capitals, Christian Montes takes us on a well-researched journey across America-from Augusta to Sacramento, Albany to Baton Rouge-shedding light along the way on the historical circumstances that led to their appointment, their success or failure, and their evolution over time.?While all state capitals have a number of characteristics in common-as symbols of the state, as embodiments of political power and decision making, as public spaces with private interests-Monts does not interpret them through a single lens, in large part because of the differences in their spatial and historical evolutionary patterns. Some have remained small, while others have evolved into bustling metropolises, and Monts explores the dynamics of change and growth. All but eleven state capitals were established in the nineteenth century, thirty-five before 1861, but, rather astonishingly, only eight of the fifty states have maintained their original capitals. Despite their revered status as the most monumental and historical cities in America, capitals come from surprisingly humble beginnings, often plagued by instability, conflict, hostility, and corruption. Monts reminds us of the period in which they came about, "e;an era of pioneer and idealized territorial vision,"e; coupled with a still-evolving American citizenry and democracy.
Serengeti IV
Serengeti IV
Anthony R. E. Sinclair and Kristine L. Metzger
The vast savannas and great migrations of the Serengeti conjure impressions of a harmonious and balanced ecosystem. But in reality, the history of the Serengeti is rife with battles between human and non-human nature. In the 1890s and several times since, the cattle virus rinderpest-at last vanquished in 2008-devastated both domesticated and wild ungulate populations, as well as the lives of humans and other animals who depended on them. In the 1920s, tourists armed with the world's most expensive hunting gear filled the grasslands. And in recent years, violence in Tanzania has threatened one of the most successful long-term ecological research centers in history.Serengeti IV, the latest installment in a long-standing series on the region's ecology and biodiversity, explores the role of our species as a source of both discord and balance in Serengeti ecosystem dynamics. Through chapters charting the complexities of infectious disease transmission across populations, agricultural expansion, and the many challenges of managing this ecosystem today, this book shows how the people and landscapes surrounding crucial protected areas like Serengeti National Park can and must contribute to Serengeti conservation. In order to succeed, conservation efforts must also focus on the welfare of indigenous peoples, allowing them both to sustain their agricultural practices and to benefit from the natural resources provided by protected areas-an undertaking that will require the strengthening of government and education systems and, as such, will present one of the greatest conservation challenges of the next century.
每满80减40 DL/T5161.1-2002电气装置安装工程质量检验及评定规程第1部分:通则(英文版)
Sciences of the Soul
Sciences of the Soul
Vidal, Fernando
The Sciences of the Soul is the first attempt to explain the development of the disciplinary conception of psychology from its appearance in the late sixteenth century to its redefinition at the end of the seventeenth and its emergence as an institutionalized field in the eighteenth. Fernando Vidal traces this development through university courses and textbooks, encyclopedias, and nonacademic books, as well as through various histories of psychology.?Vidal reveals that psychology existed before the eighteenth century essentially as a "e;physics of the soul,"e; and it belonged as much to natural philosophy as to Christian anthropology. It remained so until the eighteenth century, when the "e;science of the soul"e; became the "e;science of the mind."e; Vidal demonstrates that this Enlightenment refashioning took place within a Christian framework, and he explores how the preservation of the Christian idea of the soul was essential to the development of the science. Not only were most psychologists convinced that an empirical science of the soul was compatible with Christian faith; their perception that psychology preserved the soul also helped to elevate its rank as an empirical science. Broad-ranging and impeccably researched, this book will be of wide importance in the history and philosophy of psychology, the history of the human sciences more generally, and in the social and intellectual history of eighteenth-century Europe.
Visible Empire
Visible Empire
Bleichmar, Daniela
Between 1777 and 1816, botanical expeditions crisscrossed the vast Spanish empire in an ambitious project to survey the flora of much of the Americas, the Caribbean, and the Philippines. While these voyages produced written texts and compiled collections of specimens, they dedicated an overwhelming proportion of their resources and energy to the creation of visual materials. European and American naturalists and artists collaborated to manufacture a staggering total of more than 12,000 botanical illustrations. Yet these images have remained largely overlooked-until now.In this lavishly illustrated volume, Daniela Bleichmar gives this archive its due, finding in these botanical images a window into the worlds of Enlightenment science, visual culture, and empire. Through innovative interdisciplinary scholarship that bridges the histories of science, visual culture, and the Hispanic world, Bleichmar uses these images to trace two related histories: the little-known history of scientific expeditions in the Hispanic Enlightenment and the history of visual evidence in both science and administration in the early modern Spanish empire. As Bleichmar shows, in the Spanish empire visual epistemology operated not only in scientific contexts but also as part of an imperial apparatus that had a long-established tradition of deploying visual evidence for administrative purposes.
Studies on the Abuse and Decline of Reason
Studies on the Abuse and Decline of Reason
Hayek, F. A.
Studies on the Abuse and Decline of Reason is a series of fascinating essays on the study of social phenomena. How to best and most accurately study social interactions has long been debated intensely, and there are two main approaches: the positivists, who ignore intent and belief and draw on methods based in the sciences; and the nonpositivists, who argue that opinions and ideas drive action and are central to understanding social behavior. F. A. Hayek's opposition to the positivists and their claims to scientific rigor and certainty in the study of human behavior is a running theme of this important book.Hayek argues that the vast number of elements whose interactions create social structures and institutions make it unlikely that social science can predict precise outcomes. Instead, he contends, we should strive to simply understand the principles by which phenomena are produced. For Hayek this modesty of aspirations went hand in hand with his concern over widespread enthusiasm for economic planning. As a result, these essays are relevant to ongoing debates within the social sciences and to discussion about the role government can and should play in the economy.
Erotic Attunement
Erotic Attunement
Traina, Cristina L. H.
Heightened awareness of the problem of sexual abuse has led to deep anxiety over adults touching children-in nearly any context. Though our society has moved toward increasingly strict enforcement of this taboo, studies have shown that young children need regular human contact, and the benefits of breastfeeding have been widely extolled. Exploring the complicated history of love, desire, gender, sexuality, parenthood, and inequality, Erotic Attunement probes the disquieting issue of how we can draw a clear line between natural affection toward children and perverse exploitation of them.Cristina L. H. Traina demonstrates that we cannot determine what is wrong about sexual abuse without first understanding what is good about appropriate sensual affection. Pondering topics such as the importance of touch in nurturing children, the psychology of abuse and victimhood, and recent ideologies of motherhood, she argues that we must expand our philosophical and theological language of physical love and make a distinction between sexual love and erotic love. Taking on theological and ethical arguments over the question of sexuality between unequals, she arrives at the provocative conclusion that it can be destructive to completely bar eroticism from these relationships.
Newton Wars and the Beginning of the French Enlightenment
Newton Wars and the Beginning of the French Enlightenment
Shank, J. B.
Nothing is considered more natural than the connection between Isaac Newton's science and the modernity that came into being during the eighteenth-century Enlightenment. Terms like "e;Newtonianism"e; are routinely taken as synonyms for "e;Enlightenment"e; and "e;modern"e; thought, yet the particular conjunction of these terms has a history full of accidents and contingencies. Modern physics, for example, was not the determined result of the rational unfolding of Newton's scientific work in the eighteenth century, nor was the Enlightenment the natural and inevitable consequence of Newton's eighteenth-century reception. Each of these outcomes, in fact, was a contingent event produced by the particular historical developments of the early eighteenth century.A comprehensive study of public culture, The Newton Wars and the Beginning of the French Enlightenment digsbelow the surface of the commonplace narratives that link Newton with Enlightenment thought to examine the actual historical changes that brought them together in eighteenth-century time and space. Drawing on the full range of early modern scientific sources, from studied scientific treatises and academic papers to book reviews, commentaries, and private correspondence, J. B. Shank challenges the widely accepted claim that Isaac Newton's solitary genius is the reason for his iconic status as the father of modern physics and the philosophemovement.
American Orchestras in the Nineteenth Century
American Orchestras in the Nineteenth Century
John Spitzer
Studies of concert life in nineteenth-century America have generally been limited to large orchestras and the programs we are familiar with today. But as this book reveals, audiences of that era enjoyed far more diverse musical experiences than this focus would suggest. To hear an orchestra, people were more likely to head to a beer garden, restaurant, or summer resort than to a concert hall. And what they heard weren't just symphonic works-programs also included opera excerpts and arrangements, instrumental showpieces, comic numbers, and medleys of patriotic tunes.This book brings together musicologists and historians to investigate the many orchestras and programs that developed in nineteenth-century America. In addition to reflecting on the music that orchestras played and the socioeconomic aspects of building and maintaining orchestras, the book considers a wide range of topics, including audiences, entrepreneurs, concert arrangements, tours, and musicians' unions. The authors also show that the period saw a massive influx of immigrant performers, the increasing ability of orchestras to travel across the nation, and the rising influence of women as listeners, patrons, and players. Painting a rich and detailed picture of nineteenth-century concert life, this collection will greatly broaden our understanding of America's musical history.
每满80减40 亚里士多德全集(典藏本)
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每满80减40 中信出版2022年热度新书—应对变化的世界(套装共10册)(电子书不进包月)
致富不是靠运气,幸福也不是从天而降的。积累财富和幸福生活是我们可以学习的技能。 这本书收集整理了硅谷投资人纳瓦尔在过去十年里通过推特、播客和采访等方式分享的人生智慧,向读者分享了纳瓦尔关于财富积累和幸福人生的原则与方法。纳瓦尔不仅告诉读者怎样致富,他还告诉读者怎样看待人生,怎样获得幸福,他对财富、人生的思考将帮助你走自己独特的道路,过上更富有、更幸福的生活。