

每满100减50 国际标准化英文版中医教材:中医美容学(第2版)
每满100减50 京极夏彦·百鬼夜行系列大全集(套装21册)
  京极夏彦的作品特色,首推将妖怪与推理的结合。或许也可以这么说,他是在写作妖怪小说时,采用了推理小说的形式,而这正表现在百鬼夜行系列上。百鬼夜行系列的核心在于“驱除附身妖怪”,原文为“凭物落し”。所谓的“凭物”,指的是附身在人身上的灵。在民俗社会中,人的异常行为与现象,常会被认为是恶灵凭附在人身上的关系。因为有恶灵的附身,才使人们变得异常,而要使其恢复正常,就必须由祈祷师来驱除恶灵。   百鬼夜行系列的概念类似于此。每个人都有着不同的心灵与想法,有些人的心中可能因为自己的出身或见闻而存在着恶意。扭曲人心的恶意凭附在人类身上,导致他们犯下罪行或是招致怪异举止,真相也从而隐藏在不可思议的表象中。京极夏彦让凭附的恶灵以妖怪的形象具体化,结果正如同妖怪的出现使得事件变得不可思议。阴阳师中禅寺秋彦借由丰富的知识与无碍的辩才,解开事件的谜团,让真相水落石出。由于不可思议的怪事可以合理解释,也就形同异常状态已经回复正常。既然如此,那么造成怪异现象的妖怪,自然也就在真相解明的同时被阴阳师驱除。   这样的过程,正符合推理小说中“谜与解谜”的形式。京极夏彦曾在访谈中提及,推理小说被称为“秩序回复”的故事,而他想写的也是这种秩序回复的故事。在这样的概念下,妖怪与推理,这两项看似没有任何关联的类型,在京极夏彦的笔下精彩地结合,成为他的特色。   而京极堂以丰富的知识驱除妖怪及解释真相,也让京极夏彦的小说里总是满载着大量的信息。《姑获鸟之夏》中,京极堂所言“这世上没有不有趣的书,不管什么书都有趣”,事实上也正是京极夏彦本人的想法。对于书的爱好,让他的阅读量相当可观,因而得以累积丰富的知识,也随处表现在故事之中。   另一个特点,则在于人物的形塑。身兼旧书店“京极堂”的店主、神社武藏晴明社的神主以及阴阳师这三重身份的中禅寺秋彦,担负起驱除妖怪与解释谜团的重任。玫瑰十字侦探社的侦探榎木津礼二郎,可以看见别人的记忆。此外包括刑警木场修太郎,小说家关口巽,《稀谭月报》的记者同时也是京极堂妹妹的中禅寺敦子等,小说中的人物各有独特的个性,不但获得读者的支持,更成为许多人阅读故事时的关注对象。   介绍过百鬼夜行系列的特色之后,以下对各部作品做简单的叙述。   一、《姑获鸟之夏》女子怀孕了二十个月却尚未生产,她的丈夫更消失在密室之中。同时,久远寺医院也传出婴儿连续失踪的传闻。   二、《魍魉之匣》因被电车撞击而身受重伤的少女,被送往医学研究所后,在众人环视之下从病床上消失。此外,武藏野也发生了连续分尸杀人事件。   三、《狂骨之梦》女子的前夫在数年前死亡,如今居然活着出现在她的面前,虽然惊恐的她终杀死了对方,却没想到前夫竟然再次死而复生,于是她又再度杀害复活的死者。   四、《铁鼠之槛》在箱根的老旅馆仙石楼的庭院里,凭空出现一具僧侣的尸体。之后,在箱根山的明慧寺中,发生了僧侣连续遭到杀害的事件。   五、《络新妇之理》惊动社会的溃眼魔,已经连续杀害四个人,每个被害者的眼睛都被凿子捣烂。而在女子学院的校园内,也发生了绞杀魔连续杀人的事件。   六、《涂佛之宴》分为“宴之支度”与“宴之始末”两册。“宴之支度”中收录了六个中篇,“宴之始末”解明隐藏于其中的终谜团。关口听说伊豆山中村庄消失的怪事,前往当地取材。数日后,有名女子遭到杀害,关口竟被视为嫌疑犯而遭到逮捕。   七、《阴摩罗鬼之瑕》由良伯爵过去的四次婚礼,新娘都在初夜遭到杀害,凶手至今仍未落网。如今,伯爵即将举行第五次的婚礼,历史是否会重演?   八、《邪魅之雫》描述在大矶与平冢发生的连续毒杀事件。   百鬼夜行系列除了长篇之外,还包括了三部短篇集,都是在杂志上刊载后集结成册,有时也会在成书时加入未曾发表过的新作。这三本短篇集各有不同的主题,皆以妖怪为篇名。   一、《百鬼夜行——阴》收录了十篇妖怪故事,每篇故事的主角皆为系列长篇中的配角。借由这十部怪异谭,读者可以看见在系列长篇中未曾描述的另一个世界。   二、《百器徒然袋——雨》《百器徒然袋——风》各收录三篇,主角是侦探榎木津礼
每满100减50 高端住区景观营造Ⅱ
每满100减50 和自己内心的冲突面对面(套装共18册)
每满100减50 新豪宅典范——解密豪宅大堂与公共空间
每满100减50 张中行全集
该书为全集,全集收迄今为止发现的张中行全部文学作品,共分14卷。除对已出版的原本和选本行集结整理外,全集还收了篇幅相当可观的此前从未编订成册的文章,包括在报刊上设的专栏文章、自创刊文章、散见于各类报刊上的文章等,分为上下两册收*后两卷,并承袭先生生前亲编散集《散简集存》之名,取名为《散简续存》。 全集收录了张中行先生的所有作品,编排的顺序为“成名作”、人生哲学、学术著作,包括佛学、语言、语文,再次为诗词,自然合自作诗集、自传,后面是杂文。全集主要包括先生*有影响力的负暄系列作品,即《负暄琐话》《负暄续话》《负暄三话》,人生哲学《顺生论》,佛学著作《禅外说禅》《佛教与中国文学》,古文专著《文言和白话》《文言津逮》《闲话八股文》,语文专著《作文杂谈》《词组和句子》《省略句》《紧缩句》,诗词著作《诗词读写丛话》及其习作《说梦草》,自传《流年碎影》,杂文《散简集存》《望道杂纂》《民贵文辑》《说梦楼谈屑》等;以达到“全集”之“全”的概念。这些作品或记旧人旧事,或谈学论理,或探究人生......钩玄提要,百炼工纯,以其见识之深邃,文笔之独特,受到海内外广泛关注。
每满100减50 小团队高效管理手册(套装共14册)
团队(Team)是由基层和管理层人员组成的一个共同体,它合理利用每一个成员的知识和技能协同工作,解决问题,达到共同的目标。任何规模的企业都会有面临管理小团队的压力,作为团队管理者,如何将“小团队力”发挥到*?是时候整理和迭代自己的管理思路了。 本套书内容涵盖了小团队从科学起步、快速成长到长期发展三个阶段,围绕5P目标、人、定位、权限、计划构成要素,挑选热门且广受大众好评的书籍。本套装包含《发条原则》、《重来3:跳出疯狂的忙碌》、《把增长做到*:中小微企业如何科学地野蛮生长》、《赋能工作法》、《反常识管理》、《华为灰度管理》、《张一鸣管理日志》、《企业财税通》、《资本游戏:企业生存与成长的资本运作之道》、《如何打造一流创业团队》、《创业就是构建美好关系》、《营销心理战》、《成交:如何*转化潜在客户》、《重建绩效管理》共14册。
每满100减50 波澜壮阔的世界文明史(套装共8册)
Large Carnivore Conservation
Large Carnivore Conservation
Susan G. Clark and Murray B. Rutherford
Drawing on six case studies of wolf, grizzly bear, and mountain lion conservation in habitats stretching from the Yukon to Arizona, Large Carnivore Conservation argues that conserving and coexisting with large carnivores is as much a problem of people and governance-of reconciling diverse and sometimes conflicting values, perspectives, and organizations, and of effective decision making in the public sphere-as it is a problem of animal ecology and behavior. By adopting an integrative approach, editors Susan G. Clark and Murray B. Rutherford seek to examine and understand the interrelated development of conservation science, law, and policy, as well as how these forces play out in courts, other public institutions, and the field.In combining real-world examples with discussions of conservation and policy theory, Large Carnivore Conservation not only explains how traditional management approaches have failed to meet the needs of all parties, but also highlights examples of innovative, successful strategies and provides practical recommendations for improving future conservation efforts.
The Vampire Diaries: Stefan's Diaries Collection
The Vampire Diaries: Stefan's Diaries Collection
Smith, L. J.
Set during the Civil War against a backdrop of grand estates, unimaginable riches, and deadly secrets, the Stefan's Diaries books follow three teenagers in Mystic Falls, Virginia, as they enter a torrid love triangle that will span eternity. Based on the popular CW TV show inspired by the bestselling novels, Stefan's Diaries reveals the truth about what really happened between Stefan, Damon, and Katherine—and how the Vampire Diaries love triangle began.Includes the six books in the series:The Vampire Diaries: Stefan's Diaries #1: OriginsThe Vampire Diaries: Stefan's Diaries #2: BloodlustThe Vampire Diaries: Stefan's Diaries #3: The CravingThe Vampire Diaries: Stefan's Diaries #4: The RipperThe Vampire Diaries: Stefan's Diaries #5: The AsylumThe Vampire Diaries: Stefan's Diaries #6: The Compelled
每满100减50 食罪者(1-10)
心理医生丁潜,拥有一项超级能力——共情术。这是一种自我催眠方法,可以让他体验到患者的感受,就像短时间与对方灵魂重合,从而发现隐藏的真相! 受省厅警察局长之邀,丁潜开始协助调查那些比较“特殊”的案件。啃食受害者的凶手?封住嘴巴的神秘女子?被堆成积木的人体碎块...... 骇人听闻的谋杀,匪夷所思的真相!走进那些可怕罪犯的心灵深处,一朵朵恶之花正在盛开。
每满100减50 万卷楼国学经典(全38册)【珍藏版+升级版】
李白,司马光,王国维,吕不韦,苏轼,司马迁 等
《山海经》是一部包含神话传说的上古地理著作。全书内容除保存有大量的神话资料之外,还涉及诸如宗教学、哲学、历史学等学术领域的各个方面。全书分《山经》和《海经》两部分,书中所描述的山、水、国、民族、动植物、矿物、药物等,大多都带有浓重的传奇色彩,也有一部分是后世常见的。书中记载的古代神话为后世的文学提供了大量可资借鉴的创作素材和写作方法,可称为“中国文学的宝矿”。 本书为了便于读者阅读,通过翔实准确的白话译文,百余幅精美插图,用现代语言、今人的视角和标准为读者重新解读国学经典。
每满100减50 新元史(全十册)
(清) 柯劭忞;张京华;黄曙辉总校
每满100减50 人间喜剧(全10册|读客三个圈经典文库)
套装特惠下单9.99元 重生复仇爽文:这一世,逆我者杀(共6册)
每满100减50 中国智能交通行业发展年鉴(2017)
Not without Madness
Not without Madness
Della Seta, Fabrizio
Opera often seems to arouse either irrational enthusiasm or visceral dislike. Such madness, as Goethe wrote, is indispensable in all theater, and yet in practice, sentiment and passion must be balanced by sense and reason. Exploring this tension between madness and reason, Not without Madness presents new analytical approaches to thinking about eighteenth- and nineteenth-century opera through the lenses of its historical and cultural contexts.?In these twelve essays, Fabrizio Della Seta explores the concept of opera as a dramatic event and an essential moment in the history of theater. Examining the meaning of opera and the devices that produce and transmit this meaning, he looks at the complex verbal, musical, and scenic mechanisms in parts of La sonnambula, Ernani, Aida, Le nozze di Figaro, Macbeth, and Il trovatore. He argues that approaches to the study of opera must address performance, interpretation, composition, reception, and cultural ramifications. Purely musical analysis does not make sense unless we take into account music's dramatic function. Containing many essays available for the first time in English, Not without Madness bridges recent divisions in opera studies and will attract musicologists, musicians, and opera lovers alike.
Population Fluctuations in Rodents
Population Fluctuations in Rodents
Krebs, Charles J.
How did rodent outbreaks in Germany help to end World War IWhat caused the destructive outbreak of rodents in Oregon and California in the late 1950s, the large population outbreak of lemmings in Scandinavia in 2010, and the great abundance of field mice in Scotland in the spring of 2011Population fluctuations, or outbreaks, of rodents constitute one of the classic problems of animal ecology, and in Population Fluctuations in Rodents, Charles J. Krebs sifts through the last eighty years of research to draw out exactly what we know about rodent outbreaks and what should be the agenda for future research.?Krebs has synthesized the research in this area, focusing mainly on the voles and lemmings of the Northern Hemisphere-his primary area of expertise-but also referring to the literature on rats and mice. He covers the patterns of changes in reproduction and mortality and the mechanisms that cause these changes-including predation, disease, food shortage, and social behavior-and discusses how landscapes can affect population changes, methodically presenting the hypotheses related to each topic before determining whether or not the data supports them. He ends on an expansive note, by turning his gaze outward and discussing how the research on rodent populations can apply to other terrestrial mammals. Geared toward advanced undergraduate students, graduate students, and practicing ecologists interested in rodent population studies, this book will also appeal to researchers seeking to manage rodent populations and to understand outbreaks in both natural and urban settings-or, conversely, to protect endangered species.
Regimens of the Mind
Regimens of the Mind
Corneanu, Sorana
In Regimens of the Mind, Sorana Corneanu proposes a new approach to the epistemological and methodological doctrines of the leading experimental philosophers of seventeenth-century England, an approach that considers their often overlooked moral, psychological, and theological elements. Corneanu focuses on the views about the pursuit of knowledge in the writings of Robert Boyle and John Locke, as well as in those of several of their influences, including Francis Bacon and the early Royal Society virtuosi. She argues that their experimental programs of inquiry fulfill the role of regimens for curing, ordering, and educating the mind toward an ethical purpose, an idea she tracks back to the ancient tradition of cultura animi. Corneanu traces this idea through its early modern revival and illustrates how it organizes the experimental philosophers' reflections on the discipline of judgment, the study of nature, and the study of Scripture. It is through this lens, the author suggests, that the core features of the early modern English experimental philosophy-including its defense of experience, its epistemic modesty, its communal nature, and its pursuit of "e;objectivity"e;-are best understood.
Steam-Powered Knowledge
Steam-Powered Knowledge
Fyfe, Aileen
With the overwhelming amount of new information that bombards us each day, it is perhaps difficult to imagine a time when the widespread availability of the printed word was a novelty. In early nineteenth-century Britain, print was not novel-Gutenberg's printing press had been around for nearly four centuries-but printed matter was still a rare and relatively expensive luxury. All this changed, however, as publishers began employing new technologies to astounding effect, mass-producing instructive and educational books and magazines and revolutionizing how knowledge was disseminated to the general public.In Steam-Powered Knowledge, Aileen Fyfe explores the activities of William Chambers and the W. & R. Chambers publishing firm during its formative years, documenting for the first time how new technologies were integrated into existing business systems. Chambers was one of the first publishers to abandon traditional skills associated with hand printing, instead favoring the latest innovations in printing processes and machinery: machine-made paper, stereotyping, and, especially, printing machines driven by steam power. The mid-nineteenth century also witnessed dramatic advances in transportation, and Chambers used proliferating railway networks and steamship routes to speed up communication and distribution. As a result, his high-tech publishing firm became an exemplar of commercial success by 1850 and outlived all of its rivals in the business of cheap instructive print. Fyfe follows Chambers's journey from small-time bookseller and self-trained hand-press printer to wealthy and successful publisher of popular educational books on both sides of the Atlantic, demonstrating along the way the profound effects of his and his fellow publishers' willingness, or unwillingness, to incorporate these technological innovations into their businesses.
Institutional Foundations of Impersonal Exchange
Institutional Foundations of Impersonal Exchange
Arrunada, Benito
Governments and development agencies spend considerable resources building property and company registries to protect property rights. When these efforts succeed, owners feel secure enough to invest in their property and banks are able use it as collateral for credit. Similarly, firms prosper when entrepreneurs can transform their firms into legal entities and thus contract more safely. Unfortunately, developing registries is harder than it may seem to observers, especially in developed countries, where registries are often taken for granted. As a result, policies in this area usually disappoint. ?Benito Arruada aims to avoid such failures by deepening our understanding of both the value of registries and the organizational requirements for constructing them. Presenting a theory of how registries strengthen property rights and reduce transaction costs, he analyzes the major trade-offs and proposes principles for successfully building registries in countries at different stages of development. Arruada focuses on land and company registries, explaining the difficulties they face, including current challenges like the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States and the dubious efforts made in developing countries toward universal land titling. Broadening the account, he extends his analytical framework to other registries, including intellectual property and organized exchanges of financial derivatives. With its nuanced presentation of the theoretical and practical implications, Institutional Foundations of Impersonal Exchange significantly expands our understanding of how public registries facilitate economic growth.