

Garden Natural History (Collins New Naturalist Library, Book 102)
Garden Natural History (Collins New Naturalist Library, Book 102)
Stefan Buczacki
In a much-anticipated addition to the New Naturalist library, Stefan Buczacki takes a broad look at the relatively unexplored world of the garden, and its relevance within the context of natural history overall. Though gardens are often viewed merely as artificial creations rather than easily accessible places to observe and encourage wildlife, ‘Garden Natural History’ rectifies this misconception. By viewing gardens within the wider context of the British ecological landscape, Buczacki follows the garden's development as a habitat within which vertebrates, invertebrates and native and alien plants alike have been introduced and to which they have adapted. ‘Garden Natural History’ offers a fascinating insight into the diversity of organisms and ecological processes that constitute the garden, whilst also highlighting the role of the gardener as conservator and showing how the garden can inspire all naturalists.
Galloway and the Borders (Collins New Naturalist Library, Book 101)
Galloway and the Borders (Collins New Naturalist Library, Book 101)
Derek Ratcliffe
Another volume in the widely-read New Naturalist series, this book is an in-depth study of the natural developments and history of Galloway and surrounding areas. Often overlooked due to the reputation of natural habitat in other parts of the country, the author here conveys the diversity and magnificence of nature in the south of Scotland. Galloway and the borders is an extremely varied region, from saltmarshes and shingle beaches to rocky islands and seabird stations. The wide range of hills, displaying a wealth of rich colours, give the area its dominant character. The varied selection of flora and fauna only add to the diversity.
Architectural Plants
Architectural Plants
Christine Shaw
Christine Shaw is the author of the hugely successful Collins Practical Gardener: Architectural Plants. She studied horticulture at the Isle of Wight Horticultural College while working nights as a croupier. She has worked at Angus White's famous Architectural Plants nursery near Horsham, and set up a new branch at Chichester in 1996, which she continues to run. In addition, Christine has established a successful career for herself as a freelance horticultural journalist, writing articles for The English Garden, Garden Inspirations, RHS The Garden and Exotic Gardening.
Dragonflies (Collins New Naturalist Library, Book 106)
Dragonflies (Collins New Naturalist Library, Book 106)
Philip Corbet,Stephen Brooks
Dragonflies are among the most ancient of living creatures – few insect groups fascinate as much or are more immediately recognisable. In this seminal new work, Philip Corbet and Stephen Brooks examine the behaviour, ecology and distribution of dragonflies in Britain and Ireland, placing emphasis on the insects' habitats and also on measures needed to conserve them. Published in 1960 – with Philip Corbet as contributing author – volume 41 of the New Naturalist series provided the first in-depth study of the biology of British dragonflies, helping to inspire many people to take an interest in these intriguing insects. In this new volume, Corbet has teamed up with Stephen Brooks, offering a fascinating new outlook on the natural history of dragonflies. The authors have combined their knowledge and experience to help illuminate the relevance of British dragonfly species, placing them in the overall context of natural history from a broader, worldwide perspective. Illustrated with beautiful photography throughout, New Naturalist Dragonflies explores all aspects of the biological significance of dragonfly behaviour, thus revealing the beauty and hidden complexity of these powerful, agile, flying predators.
Intro to GDPR: A Plain English Guide to Compliance
Intro to GDPR: A Plain English Guide to Compliance
Punit Bhatia
Intro to GDPR is written by experienced data protection professional Punit Bhatia. Bhatia has served as the Privacy and Protection Officer in an EU-based bank and lecturer at the Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management. He is Certified Information Privacy Professional ? Europe (CIPP-E), Certified Information Privacy Manager (CIPM), and Certified Outsourcing Professional (COP). Bhatia will lead you through the complex journey to the GDPR compliance with the simple language and many practical examples. Whether you are a complete beginner or experienced data protection practitioner this book is the right resource for you. Intro to GDPR is a complete guide to compliance. Bhatia uses the simple language, understandable to everyone in order to lead you from the introduction all the way to getting your organization GDPR compliant. In this book you will learn: 1. Which organisations need to be compliant with the GDPR? 2. Key terms in the GDPR. You will get familiarized with key terms that form the basis of the GDPR. You will learn definitions of terms: “Personal data”, “Special categories of personal data”, “Processing” difference between terms “Controller” and “Processor” and others. 3. Myths about the GDPR like “the GDPR is only applicable in the EU”, “The GDPR is about fines” and others. 4. Transparency through the privacy notice. As written in the book, “transparency is one of the key principles in the EU GDPR” so it is important to understand what is transparency and privacy notice but also what are the key requirements and contents of a privacy notice. 5. Data breaches. “GDPR requirements on data breaches are different for controllers and for processors” – this chapter will make you aware of data breach requirements and key actions that are required once a breach is detected. 6. What is the first thing to do to become compliant and what are the key factors to remain compliant with the GDPR, and much more. Written in plain English, with many practical examples, Intro to GDPR is the only book you need on the subject of GDPR.
In the Home of the Famous Dead
In the Home of the Famous Dead
McDougall, Jo
In the Home of the Famous Dead will appeal to newcomers as well as to avid followers of Jo McDougall's long career and complex work, providing valuable insights to the development of a poet's signature, inimitable style. This collection presents work known for its sparse, compact language; surprising metaphor; humor; irony; idiomatic speech; and a stoic, sadly earned wisdom concerning death and loss. In McDougall's world, folks making do with what they have take the stage to speak of, in the words of one critic, "e;the tangled mysteries of their faltering lives."e; Her work has been described as having "e;excruciating honesty"e; (Gerald Stern), giving voice to the "e;ineffable emotions of plain people"e; (Judith Kitchen). Miller Williams notes that the work has "e;cleanness and clarity . . . in all the funk and smell of humanity."e; This is the poetry of midwestern plains and southern botttomlands, of waitresses and professors, farmers and bankers, the disadvantaged and privileged alike. Often beginning in the personal and expanding to the universal, this poet takes note of the phenomenological world with a mixture of joy, despair, and awe, providing a haunting look at the cosmic irony of our existence. McDougall's style is indescribable, yet wholly accessible. As Kelly Cherry notes, "e;Call it magic, call it art; either way [Jo McDougall's work] is something like a miracle."e;
《武则天》:豆瓣8.2分!隋唐史学者蒙曼代表作!抽丝剥茧,引经据典,还原的一代女皇武则天! 《大隋兴衰四十年》:隋唐史学者蒙曼成名作。写尽大隋令人窒息的38年兴亡权斗史。颠覆性解读隋文帝、隋炀帝!通俗讲隋朝历史绕不开的经典讲本,欲了解隋唐史,这套书不可不读! 《唐玄宗》如果只读一部历史,你应读大唐史。如果只读一位帝王,你要读唐明皇。在位44年,年轻时意气风发、中年时志得意满、年老后沉迷荒唐,毁誉交织的一生,黯然收场。 《太平公主和她的时代》从来没有哪个时期,有如此多的女性同时投身于,激烈复杂的政治角逐!太平公主、上官婉儿、韦皇后、安乐公主,这四个女人,差点儿改写了历史。
解梦师周渔因为一次校园讲座,牵扯进一起有组织有预谋的特大案件当中。 犯罪团伙是一个名为“深渊”的研究心理边缘的科研组织,为了拯救受害人画碟,及其梦中的科研人员们,周渔加入深渊组织科研人员的行列中,并主动申请进入了筑梦场景…… 当你凝视深渊的时候, 深渊也在凝视着你。
薛磊、王芳、王淼 等编著
李时珍是我国明代伟大的医药学家,其宏篇巨著《本草纲目》对我国乃至世界科学技术的发展产生了深刻的影响。为了更大地发挥《本草纲目》的临床实用价值、医药参阅价值和科学普及价值等,满足广大中医药科技工作者的临床、教学和科研的需要和普通百姓生活、学习和收藏馈赠的需求,特组织有关李时珍研究机构、专家、学者对金陵本《本草纲目》行了系统、全面和科学整理。本次整理充分突出实用性、参阅性和普及性,为广大中医药科技工作者的临床、教学及科研和热爱中医药的普通民众学习、养生及求医问药提供一个标准规范的《本草纲目》版本。   《李时珍医药学全集》全面收录了李时珍的医药学研究成果,为深地研究李时珍的学术思想提供了丰富的著作文献,既有世界记忆名录《本草纲目》,又有《濒湖脉学》《脉诀考证》和《奇经八脉考》三部中医学珍品,更有笔者精心辑复的《濒湖集简方》和《濒湖医案》,还有笔者荟萃李时珍炮制论著的《濒湖炮炙论》,对研究我国中医药学具有重大的学术价值。尤以《本草纲目》,已成为祖国传统文化经典著作,该书虽然是一部医药学著作,但就其内容而言远远chao yue 了医药学范畴,几乎涉及到我国古代科学的各个领域,李时珍的杰出成就早已穿越时代、穿越国度,成为人类共同的珍贵遗产。笔者和同仁们一起把李时珍的医药学著作汇集一起,展现了一个更真实的李时珍,一个更全面?的李时珍。
全套小说讲述了燕破岳从一名技能突出,却与集体格格不入的“兵王”,在严酷环境与艰巨任务的捶打之下,逐渐融入群体,与军中工程师艾千雪、女兵王郭笑笑、战友萧云杰等并肩作战共同成长,*终成长为优秀武警特战队员的热血军旅故事。 第三部:燕破岳、萧云杰在与夜鹰突击队的对抗演习中屡出奇招,硬是凭借野路子,战胜了货真价实的特种兵侦查*。自此,经历了无数地狱式训练、一次次绝
☆本书乐谱为原版乐谱,所有音符及指法技巧都与专辑一致。 ☆两把吉他谱合到了一起,识谱更直观。 ☆吉他1为黑色乐谱,吉他2为红色乐谱。 ☆每首乐曲的开始都有使用和弦的按法照片与和弦图,方便演奏和弦。 ☆每首乐曲的都有技巧难点讲解。 ☆本专辑音频以及视频可以在官方网站www.flydi.cc下载,各大音乐网站也可以免费试听,如虾米音乐、QQ音乐等。
Yolk 著;心理专家说团队 著;没脑子的小明 著;当代青年小轩 著/绘;一天到晚气fufu 著
本书中的漫画展现了一个蛋黄王国的世界,在复杂的成人社会里,它像是一个避难所,里面所有的感情都直白而纯粹。将人类世界的情感藏在很小很小的事情里,构成了一种无与伦比的温暖,能轻易地触动每一个阅读的人内心*柔软的地方。漫画画风柔和,内容有趣,迎合80后、90后、00后主力读者对“呆萌系”的喜好,漫画中的对话,把很多人生感悟,用有趣的对话,深入纯文字有时难以把握的生活肌理与内心世界,释放直击心灵的治愈力,唤起人们满满对生活的热爱,为阅读的人带来好心情!漫画内容在平台深受欢迎的基础上集结成书,会方便大家集中阅读,满足粉丝的购买需求,且能扩大作品的受众人群,具有很好的出版价值。作为国内原创漫画垂直领域头部博主,内容具有自己的风格,容易出圈,所以此类内容的图书销量单本上限高,容易出爆款。 本书以漫画形式来科普心理学知识,将内耗、抑郁、焦虑、低自尊、讨好、回避型依恋等22个与生活密切相关的心理问题,通过故事漫画的形式呈现出来,并用专业的心理学知识和自助方法给你指导,帮助你更轻松地生活。 书里创作了“心灵元气社”这样一个心灵的深夜食堂,元气社老板做得一手好菜,煲得一手好“鸡汤”。每一个被生活折腾得疲惫不堪的人来到这里,仿佛进入一个心灵疗愈空间,获得生活的解药。 我们都渴望长大,长大后却发现生活的滋味并没有那么美好,有苦、有辣、有涩。我们快乐的时间少了.烦恼的时候多了,生活在错综复杂的关系中,放松的时刻越来越少了。 人生百般滋味,需要微笑面对,学会给自己的生活加点儿糖,才能收获有滋有味的人生。 在生活里,我们常常渴望一个可以让我们忘却烦恼、放松心灵的角落。而这本书,正是为了满足这样的愿望而诞生。 书中汇集了作者通过日常发现,将摄影作品与绘画相结合,创作出的极具想象力和脑洞的作品。通过幽默的图片和离奇的故事,为你带来发自内心的笑声和欢乐。 在这里,普通的物品都被赋予了可爱的角色,每翻一页都有新奇发现。让我们一同开启这段轻松欢乐的焕然一新的旅程吧! 小时候的兔子先生无忧无虑,长大后的兔子先生总是有很多焦虑和烦恼,兔子先生擅长观察平日里形形色色的人,用画笔记下人们的各种情绪、烦恼及应对方法。 本书聚焦现代人形形色色的烦恼和焦虑,如不被理解、迷茫、太在意他人的看法、不自信等,既有引人思考、给人带去勇气和力量的漫画故事,又有暖心治愈的插画,帮助读者在各种各样的场景中找到适合自己的缓解方法,从而治愈读者的心灵。 本书适合在生活节奏加快的现代社会中有烦恼和负面情绪,感到焦虑、迷茫,在学业、生活和工作方面有压力、需要放松的学生和成年人阅读。 房东小姐嘟嘟,自从搬离了父母,独自在大城市奋斗后,多了好多的心事。好在,她有位很特殊的租客——一只租住在单开门冰箱里的企鹅墩墩,经常陪她聊天。 房东小姐是长大后心态渐渐“变质”、独自奋斗的普通人;企鹅墩墩则是保持童心,看破鸡毛蒜皮和生老病死的“生活哲学家”。 其实我们大多数人都像房东小姐一样,在成长路上难免会有一段孤寂、难捱的时光。 作者从心理学角度创作的这本漫画集 ,包含26篇抚慰心灵的对话,带你从复杂的世界抽离,做回简单、纯真的自己。 愿每个人在成为“大人”的路上,都有自己的“企鹅墩墩”。
《毕大卫传》 本书是大思想家爱德华滋根据自己的好友毕大卫的日记为其编纂的传记,也是爱德华滋编纂的一本传记。毕大卫(1718~1747年)成年后大部分时间都在北美土著印第安人中工作,是跨种族、跨文化交流的先驱和重要纽带。因他短暂的一生经历诸多苦难,他的传记和日志真实记录了他的心路历程,失败之后的反思和蒙恩典之后的感激,朴实而真切,激励了一代又一代的人。此书1749年甫一出版,即广受赞誉,一版再版,经久不衰。毕大卫的生平不仅激励人心,对美国高等教育也影响颇深。因耶鲁大学开除毕大卫并拒绝再次接纳他,此事促成了普林斯顿大学的前身——新泽西学院的成立。后因受毕大卫精神的鼓舞,1748年达特茅斯学院成立,致力于北美土著人士教育。耶鲁大学后来以毕大卫命名了一座教学楼,也是该校园一座以被开除之人命名的建筑。 《约翰·欧文传》 本书记录了约翰·欧文(1616~1683)的一生。欧文是17世纪英国清教徒,不从国教者领袖之一,曾任牛津大学教务长。克伦威尔出任护国公期间,欧文担任长期议会的议员,并为克伦威尔起草了拒绝王位的宣言。王政复辟后,欧文因反对国教而受逼迫。后来国王与不从国教者修复关系时,欧文又一次发挥了重大作用,在他的斡旋下,约翰·班扬等著名清教徒得以出狱。 《麦克谦传》 本书是麦克谦(R.M.M’Cheyne, 1813~1843)的好友安德烈·波纳根据麦克谦的日记以及通信编纂而成,详细记录了麦克谦短暂而辉煌的一生。麦克谦是19世纪前期苏格兰国教牧师。虽然他任职时间并不长,不到三十岁就英年早逝,但对苏格兰国教产生了巨大影响。他去世后不久,国教就分裂,但分裂的各派都高度评价年纪轻轻的麦克谦。麦克谦一生忠于职守,严于律己,宽以待人,热情似火。他高尚的品格影响了许许多多人,包括后来在中国作出有益贡献的宾惠廉、戴德生等人。尤其是他一寸光阴一寸金的工作态度更成为激励年轻人奋发图强的表率。本书自19世纪40年代出版后,在欧美地区产生了广泛影响,多次重印、再版。 《大卫王评传》 古代以色列国在中东地区有着巨大影响,而大卫王就是以色列国影响力的奠基人,至今在当地许多民族中仍流传着大卫王的故事。本书根据历史记载,总结了这位被称为合神心意的君主坎坷而又辉煌的一生,包括他的成功、他的失败以及他人性的软弱等等,将这位三千年前的以色列王活生生地展现在我们面前。本书深度剖析大卫王的一生,祝福每一位读者都能从中拾取属于您的珍珠! 《威廉·考珀传——今有一泉》 他不善于社交,乏知识能力;他外表谦和内心却极度抑郁。一个面临绝望崩溃的人,一个努力尝试各种方式自杀的人,一个饱受灵魂煎熬的人,终得释放并成为他人的祝福。他是《奇异恩典》作者约翰·牛顿的良朋益友,他与牛顿同创的《奥尔尼诗集》千古流芳。考珀创作了《宝血活泉》赞美诗,广为流传。作为一个饱受抑郁症困扰的人,他所蒙的恩典,所做的大工,都在赞美那大能的手。他的经历对每个人,尤其是跟他一样抑郁的人,都是极大的鼓励。 《约翰·牛顿传——真正福乐,永久财宝》 本书是约翰·牛顿的同事理查德·塞西尔根据他的书信编写,是其它牛顿传记的资料来源。前半部分是牛顿的自述,讲述了他前半生的传奇经历;后半部分是作者根据各方资料以及自己对牛顿的了解撰写,讲述了他成为国教牧师之后事业,尤其是他协助废奴运动的事迹。约翰·牛顿是英国历史上著名的浪子回头的表率。他曾是无赖一样的人物,不学无术,放荡形骸,后去非洲闯荡,吃尽了苦头。父亲派人将他找回,但回国的船遇险,跌跌撞撞才返回英国。这趟旅途成了他人生的转折点,他认识到人生的短暂,自己从前是多么地不堪,痛改前非。于是,他努力学习知识,终于达到了英国国教的要求,成为牧师,并且成为杰出的诗人。之后,他努力参与各样社会福利事业,尤其是支持威伯福斯解放黑奴的事业,备受各界尊敬。他创作的颂歌广为流传,其中《奇异恩典》更是成为许多纪念活动的必唱曲目。 《旧日光辉》 莱尔是19世纪著名的传记作者和解经家,他的《圣洁》一书影响了许许多多伟人。《旧日光辉》是他晚年的一部作品,是根据他之前写的一些人物小传和专题作品汇编成的。他之所以要把这些作品汇编出版,是因为看到当时英国国教越来越流于形式,丧失关键的内涵。国教内有的礼仪派,注重各种外在形式,包括点蜡烛、圣餐桌、教士祝圣等等,想靠这些东西营造宗教氛围,对信徒产生属灵效果。对于教会中的福音派,他们却冷嘲热讽,认为都是些食古不化的清教徒。宗教改革之前的信仰就是这样,认为特定的仪式、动作能够产生属灵的效果。但马丁·路德、加尔文等改教家重新高举因信称义的旌旗,进而打碎了这种迷信。现在,面对英国国教中卷土重来的迷信,晚年的莱尔更觉得要放声疾呼了。 《愿将一生献中国:戴德生晚清纪事》 一百五十多年前有一位英国的年轻人——戴德生(1832-1905),心中怀着对中国人民的深深关切和挂念。他训练自己过简朴的生活,以便有朝一日能够来到中国,帮助这里的人们。历经艰难后,他终于踏上了这块土地。在这里他努力工作,以善良的方式来对待周围的人,哪怕是那些敌对他的人;他入乡随俗、筹备并建立中国内地会。他一生在这里劳苦,后死在中国,葬在中国。本书通过二十多个小故事,以生动活泼的语言带你去认识这位将自己一生献给中国的朋友,重温百年前的历史。 《勇敢的补锅匠——约翰·班扬的故事》 英国作家约翰·班扬出身寒微,只接受了很少的教育并且被学校开除,成年后靠做补锅匠谋生,终却通过自身的努力成为了享誉世界的文学大师。本书是根据他的生平改编的故事,展现了他从补锅匠到大作家的历程,包括他的艰辛奋斗,他的敢作敢为,他的悲欢离合,让读者一瞥大师是如何炼成的。 《丁道尔的故事》 威廉·丁道尔是16世纪英国翻译家,他的工作给暮气沉沉的中世纪生活敲响了丧钟,也正因如此,他遭到了旧势力的疯狂迫害,英勇献身。本书以小说的形式讲述了他平凡而又伟大的一生。他本人貌不惊人,过着平淡的生活,但他在逆境之下坚持理想,献身于人民思想解放的事业,毫不妥协,宁死不屈。在危险重重的流亡之中,他从一地逃到另一地,其间始终不忘对人民的忠诚和热爱,笔耕不辍,树立了一道不朽的丰碑。
孙建锋,许倩,鲁伟,侯培培 著
近年来,随着卫星互联网概念的兴起,星间骨干网络对于数据传输容量的需求暴增。传统的微波星间通信技术存在损耗大、载波频率低等问题,同时由于卫星平台的重量和功耗等受限,不能满足应用需求。空间激光通信技术具有抗干扰能力强、安 全性高、通信速率高、无电磁频谱限制等优势,是星间通信的首 选技术。空间相干激光通信技术与非相干探测通信技术相比,可以获得更高的探测灵敏度,具备全天时工作能力。 本书从空间相干激光通信背景出发,系统阐述激光通信系统的体系结构、路预算、光跟瞄等内容。通过阅读本书,读者可以系统地了解空间相干激光通信技术的基本原理和核心关键技术。另外,本书对于激光通信的系统设计具有重要的参考价值,是作者近年来在空间相干激光通信技术领域的研究总结,适合激光通信、激光测量和信号处理等相关领域的科技人员参考使用,也可以作为高等院校相关专业的教学和研究资料。
套装特惠下单19.99元 谷歌工作法系列(套装共5册)
《谷歌工作法系列(套装共5册)》包括《谷歌方法》、《重新定义公司:谷歌是如何运营的》、《重新定义团队:谷歌如何工作》、《这就是OKR:让谷歌、亚马逊实现爆炸性增长的工作法》、《OKR工作法:谷歌、领英等*级公司的高绩效秘籍》共5册。 《谷歌方法》内容简介:继《重新定义公司》《重新定义团队》之后,谷歌重磅作品《谷歌方法》强势来袭。 作为全球*级的科技公司之一,谷歌成功的核心方法在于吸引创意精英、提供平台、打造卓越产品。《谷歌方法》以谷歌地图为切入口,讲述了谷歌如何通过上述方法,用6年时间,将谷歌地图打造成月活用户超过10亿的伟大产品。 在《谷歌方法》中,你将看到: 谷歌招揽英才、提供不设限的平台资源、收购新创公司背后的逻辑; 拉里·佩奇与谢尔盖·布林从大处着想,利用地图产品实现谷歌的战略布局; 谷歌突破技术的限制,相继推出谷歌地图、谷歌地球、谷歌街景,改变了人类游览世界的方式; 谷歌地图如何促成了Airbnb、Uber、无人驾驶汽车等基于地图的新兴企业和科技的发展; 现象级AR游戏《精灵宝可梦GO》,如何引爆全球用户; 创意精英如何跳脱传统的商业原则,实现梦想与开创未来的。 《重新定义公司:谷歌是如何运营的》内容简介:Google前掌门人埃里克·施密特作品 Alphabet CEO拉里·佩奇作序 全 面公开谷歌内部的管理与运营方法 《重新定义公司》重装升级,新增2万字长文《Alphabet是如何运营的》,详解成立Alphabet公司的原因以及改组背后的故事,并补充八大新管理原则。 谷歌前执行董事长埃里克·施密特和前高级副总裁乔纳森·罗森伯格,在《重新定义公司》中分享了谷歌的管理哲学:要想在21世纪的商界获得成功,途径就是持续不断地打造卓越的产品,而要想做到这一点,方法就是吸引创意精英,让他们聚集在一个能够获得成功的环境之中。 《重新定义公司》披露了外界普遍好奇的谷歌文化、战略、人才、决策、沟通以及创新之道。埃里克·施密特和乔纳森·罗森伯格旨在将谷歌的管理秘密转化为人人皆可用的经验,帮助我们应对变化世界中的巨大挑战。 《重新定义团队:谷歌如何工作》内容简介:在谷歌,人始终被当作企业至关重要的财富。谷歌管理层始终将发掘、培养和留住人才作为企业的无上战略,这是谷歌成为幸福企业和成功企业的根本。 在本书中,拉斯洛?博克结合自己近十年领导谷歌人力部门的实战经验,揭秘谷歌人力和团队运营的核心战略,公开详解谷歌文化的三大基石,深度挖掘谷歌在70亿人中寻找人才的多元化招聘体系,全视角解读打造全球幸福公司的独特奥秘。 谷歌的这些战略对任何组织的构成和管理都适用。不管你是苦于找不到合伙人的初创公司领导者,还是面临优秀人才跳槽的企业高管,抑或是面对互联网转型的企业领路人,都能从书中重新发现人才的重要性和团队的价值。 《这就是OKR:让谷歌、亚马逊实现爆炸性增长的工作法》内容简介:这本书是传奇风险投资人约翰·杜尔的作品,揭示了OKR这一目标设定系统如何促使英特尔、谷歌等科技巨头实现爆炸性增长,以及怎样促进所有组织的蓬勃发展。 20世纪70年代,在英特尔担任工程师时,杜尔首次接触到OKR。之后,作为一个风险投资人,杜尔不遗余力地将这一管理智慧,分享给50多家公司和机构,包括谷歌、亚马逊、领英、脸书、比尔及梅琳达·盖茨基金会,甚至摇滚歌手波诺的公益项目。在杜尔的帮助下,任何公司只要顺利践行OKR,都会获得高速的发展。 OKR聚焦于目标和关键结果的设定,通过四大利器——聚焦、协同、追踪和延展的协同作用,揭示了企业运营*重要的方面,使目标自上而下地统一,确保管理者和员工处在正确轨道上,强化企业整体,提高企业业绩、工作满意度和员工保留率。 在《这就是OKR》一书中,杜尔根据自己多年来在不同规模的企业和组织中传播OKR的经验,采用*一人称和精彩的案例研究,以及包括比尔·盖茨、波诺在内的许多人的亲述,来展示在OKR体系的协调下,各种不同的企业都各自实现了令人瞩目、灵活快速和爆炸性的增长。无论是初创企业,还是不同规模的企业,这本书都将有助于它们获取同样的魔力。 《OKR工作法:谷歌、领英等*级公司的高绩效秘籍》内容简介:如何激励不同的团队一起工作,全力以赴去实现一个有挑战性的目标?硅谷的两个年轻人汉娜和杰克,像很多人一样,在萌生了一个创意后,就走上创业之路。但是,很快他们发现好的想法远远不够,必须还有一套有效的管理方法确保梦想能实现。为了让创业团队生存下来,汉娜和杰克遭受了内心的苦苦挣扎和煎熬。他们患上“新奇事物综合症”,什么都想做,导致无法聚焦,同时需要不停地处理沟通问题。本书从这个险象环生的创业故事讲起,围绕一家创业公司的试错、困惑、决断和成长的全过程说明了OKR(ObjectivesandKeyResults,目标与关键成果)方法的基本原理和实施原则。OKR起源于与英特尔,后来谷歌、领英、Zynga(社交游戏巨头)、优步、微信团队、万科使用它实现了持续高速的增长。O表示目标(Objective),KR表示关键结果(KeyResults),目标就是指你想做什么事情(比如上线一款游戏),关键结果就是指如何确认你做到了那件事(比如一天2.5万个下载量,5万美元收入)。本书的第二部分,本书的作者、领英前*席产品经理克里斯蒂娜·沃特克总结了她在领英、Zynga以及许多硅谷大红大紫的公司中学到的管理经验,详细阐述了OKR的基本框架,目标制定方法,从组织层面的落地方法,以及产品团队完成目标的时间规划,执行OKR的过程中的常见错误等。
A Modern Way to Eat
A Modern Way to Eat
Anna Jones,Jamie Oliver
‘A simply brilliant book – modern, clever, beautiful and full of delicious recipes.’ Jamie Oliver A modern vegetarian cookbook packed with quick, healthy and fresh recipes, that fits perfectly with how we want to eat now. How we want to eat is changing. More and more people want to cook without meat a couple of nights a week, or are looking for interesting ideas for dishes for their vegetarian friends (whilst pushing their own vegetarian repertoire beyond a red onion and goat’s cheese tart or a mushroom risotto). At the same time we want to eat food that is a little lighter, a little healthier, a little easier on our pockets, but that won’t have us chopping mountains of veg or slaving over the stove for hours. Anna Jones is a brilliant young cook and food writer, who worked with Jamie Oliver for many years. Her first cookbook is a totally modern take on vegetarian eating – recipes that are healthy, nourishing, truly tasty and satisfying, introducing new dishes that are simple to make. Based on how Anna likes to eat day to day, A Modern Way to Eat covers everything from a blueberry and amaranth porridge to start the day to a quick autumn root panzanella or avocado, butterbean and miso salad for lunch; a tomato and coconut cassoulet, pistachio and squash galette, or mint, ricotta and courgette polpette for dinner. Packed with recipes that explore the full breadth of vegetarian ingredients – different grains, nuts, seeds and seasonal vegetables – and alternative approaches to cooking that avoid too much dairy or heavy carbs and gluten, this is a cookbook for how we want to eat now.
Eat – The Little Book of Fast Food
Eat – The Little Book of Fast Food
Nigel Slater
From the star of BBC One’s ‘Nigel and Adam’s Farm Kitchen’ this beautiful and easy-to-use follow-up to ‘The Kitchen Diaries II’ contains over 600 recipe ideas and is your essential go-to for what to cook every day. Returning to the territory of Nigel’s bestselling ‘Real Fast Food’, ‘Eat’ is bursting with beautifully simple and quick-to-cook recipes, in a stylish and practical flexible format that’s easy to read and use anywhere. Enjoy sizzling chorizo with potatoes and shallots; a sharp and fresh green soup; a Vietnamese-inspired prawn baguette; a one-pan Sunday lunch. Chosen by Amazon as the Best Food & Drink Book of the Year and tipped in the Guardian to be the biggest selling cookery title of 2013, the book covers everything from quick meals to share with friends to comfort food. ‘Eat’ is a new, and highly innovative, classic from Nigel Slater.
The Modern Cook’s Year: Over 250 vibrant vegetable recipes to see you through th
The Modern Cook’s Year: Over 250 vibrant vegetable recipes to see you through th
Anna Jones
Anna Jones is a cook, food writer and stylist. One grey, late-for-the-office day, she decided to quit her day job after reading an article about following your passion. Within weeks, she was signed up on Jamie Oliver’s Fifteen apprentice programme. She went on to be part of Jamie’s food team – styling, writing and working behind the scenes on books, TV shows and food campaigns. She has also worked with other well-known chefs, such as Henry and Tom Herbert (The Fabulous Baker Brothers), Stevie Parle and Antonio Carluccio, and cooked for royalty, politicians and LA school children alike. She lives, writes and cooks in Hackney, East London.
Kitchenella: The secrets of women
Kitchenella: The secrets of women
Rose Prince
Kitchenella: the heroic feminine cook. The continuing story of the rise and fall of good food finds us at the end of a decade of exceptional growth and opportunity, yet once again in crisis. We believe in food icons and celebrity chefs, but their philosophies are no longer convincing, because they cannot possibly understand the predicament of the average family, living through recession and trying to do it right in the kitchen. Where are the cooks with wit, who work out the budget and plan an easy dish that efficiently feeds family and friends? Full of logical, economical and imaginative recipes that solve the modern cook's dilemma, Kitchenella will teach you the skills of those teachers who work without books, the 'mothers' and the cooks who subsequently learned from them, to decisively show you the easy way to cook and shop. Promoting a modest, simple way to cook, Kitchenella shows cooking is not about showing off and extravagance, but generosity and kindness; a subtle and intelligent way to nurture. It is cooking that is economically sustainable and achievable. It has its roots in the learned, spirited cooking of generations, food that can claim to have helped win wars and saved lives; a style of cooking that is still relevant today, by practically addressing the struggles of modern cooks, both men and women. The ambition to cook is a fantasy for many, yet Kitchenella shows how the everyday struggle to put food on the table can be transformed into cooking that is clever and beautiful.