

消失的证人 一辆再正常不过的火车,一群再正常不过的乘客,随着火车的鸣笛声,一声巨响,终结了多条人命…… 一个正常的乡村荒废的工厂,用电量却异常高,惊现中国式的“尸体农场”,令人不寒而栗……  无声的证言 一场大火过后,现场唯有失去皮肤的少女尸体,没有任何的线索,只有无数少女的灵魂,游弋在冰冷的黑夜…… 一个神秘的盒子,一对干瘪的眼球,一朵枯黄的雏菊,牵引出一件尘封了十三年的凶杀悬案……  后一个名字 阳光迷人的心理医生暗恋内向高冷的女法医,两人之间却似乎又有着许多说不出的生死纠葛…… 女警王亚楠的死,隐藏着怎样的秘密? 死亡名单上后一个人的名字到底是谁? 女法医章桐如何得知凶手就是身边的“他”?
帮派暴动、无间暗斗、狱中恋情,越狱风云,狱中大佬为你真实再现监狱往事。惊险刺激,步步难料,反转连连,翻开本书,揭秘你绝不知道的监狱秘闻。 秦寒18岁因一场意外被关入看守所,又辗转来到监狱,十一年的狱中生活,让他看尽了一切残酷无情。秦寒为了改善自己的生存境遇,不断努力学习、不断拼搏斗争!然而,一场狱内斗争改变了他的命运……服刑这些年,秦寒也曾受尽磨难遭人排挤,也曾春风得意呼风唤雨。经历过大悲大喜,他能否*终醒悟?又能否与真爱之人一起踏入新的生活?
《伦勃朗的眼睛》是一部融合了历史、艺术与人物传记的宏大作品。 西蒙·沙玛以16至17世纪尼德兰波澜壮阔的历史为背景,通过解读荷兰艺术巨匠伦勃朗各阶段的重要作品,向我们呈现了这位绘画大师的天赋之才与起伏生涯:他如何从一个青涩却有着惊人天赋的模仿者,迅速成长为以无语伦比的独创性傲视群英、备受上流社会追捧的博学画师?又如何因特立独行、画风粗野而遭到冷落,以致晚年落寂?他在艺术风格上的持续探索、对自身境遇的淡然,揭示了怎样的艺术理念与追求?他令人唏嘘的人生结局,又折射出怎样的人性弱与社会势态? 作为历史学家,西蒙·沙玛以大量史料为基础,用重要的历史节勾勒出16至17世纪尼德兰乃至欧洲的社会变迁,并填充生动的风俗起居细节,铺陈出一幅熙熙攘攘、随时代沉浮的市民生活图景。 作为艺术史家,沙玛将视角对准活跃于那个时代的众多艺术家,他们之间的交集与擦肩而过、传承与超越、惺惺相惜与相轻相竞,一展尼德兰艺术界百花齐放的盛况。 作为一名有人文精神的艺术鉴赏家,沙玛冷静而富有同理心,不仅全方位解读绘画作品的意蕴内涵,也由画及人,带领我们探知一代大师的内心世界与复杂人格。 本书文史并,历史部分鲜活好看,如小说般跌宕起伏;画作解读娓娓道来,从创作背景、艺术技法到哲思内涵,无不精彩。
本书中绝大多数配图均来自于老字号元懋翔的藏品,外出考察的部分也是我带着元懋翔的摄影团队前去摄制的,前后投了近5年时间,过十万张照片的筛选,上万公里的奔波,大量的人力、财力、精力不计成本的投,终成此书,弥补了行业内几十年的空白。 对金丝楠的研究和知识的积累都不是金钱和精力能够衡量的,这是一种严谨求学的态度,更是一种传承中华经典的信念。对此,我对于元懋翔的支持和努力表示衷心的感谢。 此书的意义非常重大,此前,金丝楠的概念模糊,市场价值混乱,各行各业众说纷纭,褒贬不一。金丝楠面临巨大的危机,不仅是商业价值起伏不定,而且就连无可争议的历史价值也被一些“专家”否掉,让人非常痛心。 广大藏友对金丝楠的疏于了解,主要原因也许就是行业内没有一本立得住的专著,去剖析、说明、论证一些学术问题,掰了、揉碎了去解释一些看不懂的专业论文。说白了,就是缺一本地气、又靠得住的金丝楠方面的书。业内需要一本书去系统地研究一些专业话题。此前一些读物和书籍,对于外行看看热闹还行,对于内行来看,或多或少不够深,缺乏史学的论据的支撑,而且缺乏跨行业的相互分析和关联,例如林业学、木材学、植物学、文博学、市场价值学、史学,等等。博物馆的专家可能不会研究金丝楠这种木材的特性,林科院的专家可能不会去探讨古建的历史意义,民间市场的文玩专家可能更不会去研究中国境内那些古迹内历史遗存的金丝楠,诸如此类的问题有很多。那么我就来当这个串联的人物吧,本来就年轻,低得下头,谦虚学习,广纳良言。 我在撰写此书的时候也遇到了很多的困难,也对业内很多前辈的帮助和指导表示衷心的感谢。很多历史没有得到大家的关注,毕竟金丝楠是非常非常小众的,自古也是中华民族文化的瑰宝,我希望用我微薄之力,得以宣传金丝楠、让更多人了解它、爱它、呵护她。
姜乙译梦:黑塞小说三部(悉达多+德米安+荒原狼 3本套装)
姜乙译梦:黑塞小说三部(悉达多+德米安+荒原狼 3本套装)
《悉达多》是黑塞出版于1922年的中篇小说。青年悉达多厌倦了婆罗门生活,与好友乔文达一道跟随沙门修行。在舍卫城他们聆听了佛陀乔达摩的教义,侨文达选择追随乔达摩,悉达多则继续修行之路。他在城市中结识名妓迦摩罗,并开始追逐*的情欲和名利,直至对一切产生厌倦。他再次抛下世俗,决心结束自己的生命。在河边,在绝望的瞬间,他听到河水的声音…… 《德米安》是出版于1919年的长篇小说。读者将伴随少年埃米尔·辛克莱的成长,经历复杂世界的诱惑,品尝孤独、胆怯、彷徨、叛逆,渴望爱情与友谊,陷入对自我与外部世界的怀疑,直到遇见同龄人德米安,在他的影响下,一步步寻得答案,走向成熟。 《荒原狼》是出版于1927年的长篇小说,带有强烈的自传色彩。它是黑塞以对主人公哈里·哈勒的考察,力求揭示和解决其本人与大众文化、工业社会和权力阶级的冲突以及深层心理危机的文学表达。小说在创造性的多重视角间切换,匿名出版人、一本名为《论荒原狼》的手册、哈里本人,为读者展现了一幅生动的市民社会图景,以及游离期间的边缘人荒原狼。
《《飞轮效应》内容简介:在《从优秀到卓越》中,吉姆?柯林斯就已经描绘过企业的永续经营赖于公司飞轮的持续转动。 吉姆·柯林斯所说的飞轮是怎样的飞轮?公司的飞轮如何建立?飞轮应该包含哪些要素和环节?在本书中都得到了充分的说明和阐释。 飞轮对于企业究竟意味着什么?是盈利模式,是企业持续盈利的关键的动作,是企业长期坚持的战略举措。 掌握了本书所讲的飞轮效应的基本原理和设计方法,每家公司都能够通过借鉴成功企业的飞轮,挖掘出自身的经营优势,建立自己公司的飞轮,并通过长期持续的坚持,产生“飞轮效应”,帮助企业持续增长。 吉姆?柯林斯的所有研究都是探索公司持续增长和永续经营的根本原因和成功路径,《飞轮效应》更是这样一本书。 《从优秀到卓越(珍藏版)》内容简介:本书是超级畅销书《基业长青》的作者柯林斯的又一力作,它描绘了优秀公司实现向卓越公司跨越的宏伟蓝图。《基业长青》揭示了公司保持卓越的秘诀,但书中提到的公司自始至终都出类拔萃。对于那些业绩平平的公司,如何才能实现从优秀到卓越的跨越呢?是不是卓越的企业都有所谓的特殊“卓越气质”?发展的瓶颈是不是真的难以突破?   针对这一问题,柯林斯和他的研究小组历时5年,阅读并系统整理了6000篇文章,记录了2000多页的专访内容,创建了3.84亿字节的电脑数据,收集了28家公司过去50年,甚至更早的所有文章,进行了大范围的定性和定量分析,得出了如何使公司从优秀到卓越的令人惊异而振奋的答案。   柯林斯发现,公司从优秀到卓越,跟从事的行业是否在潮流之中没有关系,事实上,即使是一个从事传统行业的企业,即使它**初默默无闻,它也可能卓越。柯林斯提出了一整套观点,“只要采纳并认真贯彻,几乎所有的公司都能**大改善自己的经营状况,甚至可能成为卓越公司”。 《选择卓越(中信管理经典)》内容简介:如何在一个不可预测的、动荡不安的、瞬息万变的时代打造一家真正卓越的企业?这是《选择卓越》这本书的主题。《选择卓越》不同于柯林斯先前的著作,这是因为它的关注重点不仅仅在业绩表现上,还在时下领导者所面临的不稳定的环境类型上。作者在全美国2万多家公司中进行了11层筛选,找出7家安然度过产业逆境与动荡的企业。基于超过20人的研究团队,柯林斯和汉森对那些在充满巨大力量和急剧变革——这都是领导者所无法预测或控制的——的环境中取得卓越成就的公司进行了研究。研究结果颇具争议性,亦让人感到吃惊。比如,*秀的领导者并不比对比组公司的领导者更具冒险精神、更具远见或更具创造性;他们更恪守纪律,更注重实证验证,更为焦虑。 在一个混乱的、充满不确定性的世界里,创新本身并不是一张王牌,更重要的是适度创新的能力和将创造性与纪律相结合的能力。 通过引人深思的、黏性的和极其有力的实践概念,作者对传统智慧发起了挑战。这些概念包括:10倍速领导者;20英里征程;先发射子弹,后发射炮弹;超越生死线;先将镜头拉远,后将镜头拉近;以及SMaC方法。 柯林斯和汉森在《选择卓越》的*后一章向读者呈现了他们*争议和*为新颖的分析:对运气角色的定义、量化和研究。卓越公司及其领导者并不比对比组公司及其领导者更有运气,但却获得了更高的运气回报率。本书是典型的柯林斯式著作:反传统、数据驱动、振奋人心。他和汉森以令人信服的证据表明,即便是在一个混乱的、充满不确定性的世界里,卓越也可以通过选择而非运气来实现。 《再造卓越》内容简介:为什么贝尔斯登 、雷曼兄弟公司、房利美这些业内翘楚纷纷陨落? 为什么那么多卓越的公司难以基业长青?企业帝国是如何陨落的?我们又该如何尽早预测并避免这种局面出现?一个企业在坠入万劫不复的深渊之前颓势会延续多久?一个陷入衰退的企业又该如何自救?   吉姆·柯林斯和他的研究小组直面这些难题,认真分析了11家在历史上走过从辉煌到衰落历程的企业,并对这些企业的历史进行了深入剖析。历时4年多的研究项目向我们揭示了企业衰落的五个阶段:狂妄自大、盲目扩张、漠视危机、寻找救命稻草和遭人遗忘或濒临灭亡。   但即使企业已经陷入了衰退,它们仍然可以扭转乾坤。如果对于上述五个阶段能做到了然于胸,那么领导者就能**大地降低企业坠入谷底的机率。强者恒强并非世间法则。但衰落是可以避免的,衰落是可以察觉的,衰落是可以逆转的。 《基业长青(珍藏版)》内容简介:《基业长青(珍藏版)》打破了旧有神话,提供了新颖的见解,并为那些有志于建立经得起时间考验的伟大公司的企业家提供了实际指导。如何建立一个伟大并长胜不衰的公司?有思想的人们早已经厌倦了“年度流行语“般稍纵即逝的管理概念,他们渴求获得能经受时间考验的管理思想。 柯林斯和波勒斯在斯坦福大学为期6年的研究项目中,选取了18家卓越非凡、长盛不衰的公司作了深入研究,这些公司包括通用电气、3M、默克、沃尔玛、惠普、迪士尼等,它们平均拥有近百年的历史。是什么使这些公司不同于它们的竞争对手呢?它们拥有什么别的公司所不具有的法宝呢? 《基业长青(珍藏版)》作者超越了连篇累牍的专业术语,拒绝追逐时尚,发现了使杰出公司出类拔萃的永恒品质。全书有数百个具体的例子,并提供了实用的策略,能够适用于各个层次的经理人与创业者。《基业长青》为在21世纪建立长期繁荣的组织提供了一个宏伟蓝图。
阿城作品典藏(棋王+闲话闲说+常识与通识+威尼斯日记 二十周年纪念版)
阿城作品典藏(棋王+闲话闲说+常识与通识+威尼斯日记 二十周年纪念版)
沈鱼藻“民国旧梦三部曲”。三段民国旧梦:一段生离,一段死别,一段成全。【民国言情+BE美学+双向奔赴】千金小姐VS深情军官,商业大佬VS天真名媛,清醒女侓师VS爱国电影人。 《旧梦1913》 民国三年等不到一场雨,这一生等不到一句我爱你。我们在乱世中走散,匆匆一别重逢无期。 知府千金傅兰君因受情伤,赌气嫁给军官顾灵毓。起初二人剑拔弩张、针锋相对,在吵吵闹闹中逐渐感情升温。傅兰君初恋南嘉木归来,并卷入革命党的“叛乱”,顾灵毓奉命处决南嘉木,顾、傅二人感情陷入危机。随着政局的风雨飘摇,兰君父亲被害,证据指向的却是顾灵毓,两人的感情渐行渐远,*终分道扬镳,傅兰君携子远赴英国。多年后,傅兰君终于得知当年真相和顾灵毓的真实身份,但顾灵毓已经不知所踪、生死不明…… 《旧梦1937》 都说民国爱情十有九悲,能得一分圆满已是不易。 景家三小姐景明琛被家里安排参加宴会,结识了商界大佬蒋固北。景明琛忧心时局,对宴会心不在焉,谁知蒋固北突然向景家提亲求娶景明琛。原来蒋固北年少时曾得到过景明琛帮助,如今凭借镯子认出了景明琛。景明琛拒绝了求婚,但在一起转移烈士遗孤的过程中两人同生共死、感情加深。时局艰难、日军轰炸、特务环伺、家族追杀……他们被迫踏上了颠沛流离的逃亡之路。 《旧梦·望春归》 你有没有爱过一个无法白头偕老的人?故事始于金风玉露般的相逢,终于霜雪满头仍不绝的怀念。爱令人死,更令人生,那段携手度过的热烈时光,照亮了她漫长孤寂的余生。 女律师孟聆笙为女明星打离婚官司,与电影大亨云观澜发生冲突。事后,孟聆笙发现误会对方,两人成为朋友,惺惺相惜。云观澜遭遇炸弹袭击,孟聆笙勇敢解救;孟聆笙接到杀夫案,云观澜替其造势。神秘男人郑无忌的出现揭开了孟聆笙的血色过往,更令孟聆笙输掉杀夫案,当事人也自杀。孟聆笙备受打击,出国留学。几年后,孟聆笙与云观澜历经波折、终成眷属。此时,日本大举侵略上海,两人的命运再次被卷入时代的洪流中……
陈磊(混子哥)领衔的半小时漫画团队通过诙谐的语言和手绘漫画的形式,轻轻松松地就把中国三十四个省级行政区的地理知识讲得清清楚楚、明明白白。如果我们把全中国看成一个“班级”,那这事儿就好理解了! 西藏是美术课代表:穿藏袍、骑牦牛、会画画。 四川是外柔内刚的同学:平时看起来懒懒的很好挼,但关键时候出地、出力、出技术。 湖南是上进坚毅的同学:把丘陵山包改造成“鱼米之乡”“娱乐之都”。 江苏是学习委员:生来就资质过人,后天还努力勤奋,经济、文化、教育样样精通。 上海是副班长:不仅自身成绩优异,还团结同学,带着全班高速发展。 浙江是数学课代表:虽然家底不厚,但用不懈努力,书写商业传奇。 翻开本书,在笑出腹肌的同时轻松通晓地理知识!
Do Your Om Thing
Do Your Om Thing
Pacheco, Rebecca
Yoga, Meet Life.Sometimes an hour-long yoga class is the only chance we get to connect meaningfully with our bodies and our minds during a week otherwise full of work, family, and the daily grind. Have you ever wondered how would it feel to bring that experience of awareness and calm out of the yoga studio and into your everyday lifeAfter all, we know that practicing yoga can give us a leaner body and more sculpted limbs, but isn't its most important benefit the way it makes us feelIn Do Your Om Thing, master yoga teacher and creator of the popular blog OmGal.com Rebecca Pacheco shows us that the true practice of yoga is about much more than achieving the perfect headstand or withstanding an hour-long class in a room heated to 100 degrees. "Yoga is not about performance," she tells us, "it's about practice, on your mat and in your life. If you want to get better at anything what should you doPractice. Confidence, compassion, awareness, joy—if you want more of these—and who doesn't?—yoga offers the skills to practice them."In her warm, personal, and often hilarious prose, Rebecca translates yogic philosophy for its twenty-first-century devotees, making ancient principles and philosophy feel accessible, relatable, and genuinely rooted in the world in which we live today. And by illuminating how the guiding principles of yoga apply to our modern lives, Rebecca shows us that the true power of a yoga practice is not physical transformation, but mental and spiritual liberation.
The Appetite Solution
The Appetite Solution
Colella, Joe, M.D.
Dr. Joe Colella knows the science of weight loss. He has been helping thousands of patients lose weight—and keep it off—for over twenty years. And here's one of his secrets: any diet that leaves you feeling constantly hungry is almost certainly destined to fail.In fact, hunger should be your first clue that your diet isn't working. Sound crazyIt's not. There is science behind it, and in The Appetite Solution, Dr. Colella reveals what is holding you back from the weight loss you desire and provides a six-week, three-phase plan to help you start to shed those pounds in a sustainable way.His revolutionary "Appetite Scale" is a measurement that shows which foods lead to weight gain and cravings, no matter how much you've cut back on calories. Often, much of our weight gain comes from failing to recognize how many simple sugars we consume. Once aware of those secret saboteurs of weight loss, you'll begin the six-week plan. In phase one, you start to incorporate more protein into your diet. Phase two involves a progressive reduction of the simple sugars that lead to weight gain. And in phase three, you gradually begin to incorporate moderate exercise. This step-by-step process allows your body to adjust to the changes without going into survival mode and a decreased metabolism. This means you are increasing your metabolism for the long run, allowing you to slim down and maintain your ideal weight forever.After following the program in The Appetite Solution, you will have the metabolism of a teenager and no longer feel like you pack on pounds despite the yo-yo diet lifestyle you've experienced. Whether you have twenty pounds to lose or two hundred, Dr. Colella provides a practical and realistic way to control your appetite, lose weight, and stay healthy for the rest of your life.
Slim by Design
Slim by Design
Wansink, Brian
The Future Is Slim by Design!In this paradigm-shattering book, leading behavioral economist and food psychologist Brian Wansink—dubbed the "Sherlock Holmes of food" and the "wizard of why"—offers a radical new philosophy for weight loss. The answer isn't to tell people what to do; it's to set up their living environments so that they will naturally lose weight. Using cutting-edge, never-before-seen research from his acclaimed Food and Brand Lab at Cornell University, Wansink reveals how innovative and inexpensive design changes—from home kitchens to restaurants, from grocery stores to schools and workplaces—can make it mindlessly easy for people to eat healthier and make it more profitable for the companies who sell the food).In Slim by Design, Wansink argues that the easiest, quickest, and most natural way to reverse weight gain is to work with human nature, not against it. He demonstrates how schools can nudge kids to take an apple instead of a cookie, how restaurants can increase profits by selling half-size portions, how supermarkets can double the amount of fruits and vegetables they sell, and how anyone can cut plate refills at home by more than a third. Interweaving drawings, charts, floor plans, and scorecards with new scientific studies and compelling insights that will make you view your surroundings in an entirely fresh way, this entertaining, eye-opening book offers practical solutions for changing your everyday environment to make you, your family, and even your community slim by design.
Pressure Perfect
Pressure Perfect
Sass, Lorna J.
Under pressure to get a tasty, nutritious dinner on the table in a flashLike the idea of preparing fork-tender beef stew in thirty minutes and pot roast in under an hourAll this and more is made possible by the pressure cooker, a magical appliance that produces soul-satisfying, homemade food in one-third (or less) the standard cooking time.In Pressure Perfect, Lorna Sass, the country's leading authority on pressure cooking, distills her two decades of experience into one comprehensive volume. First learn everything you need to know about buying and using today's 100% safe cookers. Then enjoy?more than?200 recipes for preparing soups, meats, poultry, grains, beans, vegetables, and desserts in record time. How about whipping up a savory risotto in 4 minutes, chicken cacciatore in 12 minutes, or a delectable chocolate cheesecake in 25 minutes?Because the pressure cooker tenderizes tough cuts of meat quickly, you can prepare fall-off-the-bone beef short ribs or lamb shanks on weekday nights instead of waiting for a special occasion. The pressure cooker also allows you to make delectable one-pot meals in minutes. Among the many innovative recipes and techniques, you'll learn to cook meatloaf and potatoes simultaneously in 10 minutes, and meatballs, pasta, and sauce at the same time in only 5 minutes. Many recipes also suggest Cook-Along ideas for preparing vegetables and grains along with the entrée.To further?help?those cooking under pressure (and who isn't nowadays?), each chapter contains timing charts for quick reference. Tips and Pressure Points in every recipe ensure optimum results.This ultimate guide to pressure cooking is a must for all busy cooks, boaters, brides, college students, and anyone looking for a great way to make irresistible, healthy, home-made food fast.
Jewish Holidays
Jewish Holidays
Strassfeld, Michael
The coeditor of the enormously popular Jewish Catalog "help[s] readers understand more fully the meaning of our holidays and thereby to observe these festivals . . . with a greater devotion and joy."--Rabbi Alexander M. Schindler
Alone Together
Alone Together
Gaston, Theodora Getty
It was 1935. Flame-haired Teddy Lynch finished singing "Alone Together" at the swanky nightclub the New Yorker and left the stage to find a charming stranger at her friends' table. It was Jean Paul Getty, enigmatic oil tycoon and America's first billionaire. In her passionate, unflinchingly honest memoir of two outsize lives entwined, Theodora "Teddy" Getty Gaston—now one hundred years old—reveals the glamorous yet painful story of her marriage to Getty. As formidable as he was, Teddy was equally strong-minded and flamboyant, and their clutches and clashes threw off sparks. She knew the vulnerable side of Getty—he underwent painful plastic surgery and suffered terrible phobias—that few, if any, saw. A vivid love story, Alone Together is also a fascinating glimpse into the twentieth century from the vantage point of one of its most remarkable couples. This is how the other half lived—dinner dances, satin gowns, beach houses, hotel suites, first-class cabins on the Queen Mary. Teddy's extra-ordinary life story moves from the glittering nightclubs of 1930s New York City to Mussolini's Italy, where she was imprisoned by the fascist regime, to California in the golden postwar years, where Paul and Teddy socialized with movie stars and the elite. But life with one of the world's richest men wasn't all glitz and glamour. Though terrifically charismatic in person, Getty grew more miserly as his wealth increased. Worse, he often left Teddy and their son, Timothy, behind for years at a time while he built planes for the war effort in the 1940s or brokered oil deals—he was the first American to lease mineral rights in Saudi Arabia, which made him, at his death, the richest man in the world. Even when Timothy was diagnosed with a brain tumor, Getty complained about medical bills and failed to return to the United States to support his wife and son. When Timothy died at age twelve, the marriage was already falling apart. Teddy's unrelenting spirit, her valiant friendship, and her winning lack of vanity transform what could have been a sob story into a nuanced portrait of a brilliant but stubbornly difficult man and the family he loved but left behind, as well as an enchanting view into a bygone era. This was a life lived from the heart.
Snow, Shane
Serial entrepreneur and journalist Shane Snow delves into the reasons why some people and some organizations are able to achieve incredible things in implausibly short time frames, showing how each of us can use these "smartcuts" to rethink convention and accelerate success.Why do some companies attract millions of customers in mere months while others flopHow did Alexander the Great, YouTube phenom Michelle Phan, and Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon dash to the top in less time than it takes most of us to get a midlevel promotionHow do high-growth businesses, world-class heart surgeons, and underdog marketers beat the norm?Like computer hackers, a handful of innovators in every era use lateral thinking to find better routes to stunning accomplishments. Throughout history, the world's biggest successes have been achieved by those who refuse to follow the expected course and buck the norm.Smartcuts is about bucking the norm. In it, Snow shatters common wisdom about success, revealing how conventions like "paying dues" prevent progress, why kids shouldn't learn multiplication tables, and how, paradoxically, it's easier to build a huge business than a small one.Smartcuts tells the stories of innovators who dared to work differently and lays out practical takeaways for the rest of us. It's about applying entrepreneurial and technological concepts to success, and how, by emulation, we too can leapfrog competitors, grow businesses, and fix society's problems faster than we think.
Over Here!
Over Here!
Diehl, Lorraine B.
A wonderfully nostalgic and inspiring look at the center of the home front during World War II New York City More than any other place, New York was the center of action on the home front during World War II. As Hitler came to power in Germany, American Nazis goose-stepped in Yorkville on the Upper East Side, while recently arrived Jewish émigrés found refuge on the Upper West Side. When America joined the fight, enlisted men heading for battle in Europe or the Pacific streamed through Grand Central Terminal and Pennsylvania Station. The Brooklyn Navy Yard refitted ships, and Times Square overflowed with soldiers and sailors enjoying some much-needed R & R. German U-boats attacked convoys leaving New York Harbor. Silhouetted against the gleaming skyline, ships were easy prey debris and even bodies washed up on Long Island beaches until the city rallied under a stringently imposed dim-out.From Rockefeller Center's Victory Gardens and Manhattan's swanky nightclubs to metal-scrap drives and carless streets, Over Here! captures the excitement, trepidation, and bustle of this legendary city during wartime. Filled with the reminiscences of ordinary and famous New Yorkers, including Walter Cronkite, Barbara Walters, and Angela Lansbury, and rich in surprising detail from Macy's blackout boutique to Mickey Mouse gas masks for kids this engaging look back is an illuminating tour of New York on the front lines of the home front.
The Lost Diary of M:A Novel
The Lost Diary of M:A Novel
Wolfe, Paul
An engrossing debut novel that cannily reimagines the extraordinary life and mysterious death of bohemian Georgetown socialite Mary Pinchot Meyer— secret lover of JFK, ex-wife of a CIA chief, sexual adventurer, LSD explorer and early feminist living by her own rules.She was a longtime lover of JFK.She was the ex-wife of a CIA chief. She was the sister-in-law of the Washington Post’s Ben Bradlee.She believed in mind expansion and took LSD with Timothy Leary. She was a painter, a socialite and a Bohemian in Georgetown during the Cold War.And she ended up dead in an unsolved murder a year after JFK’s assassination.The diary she kept was never found.Until now. . . .
Harvest the Vote:How Democrats Can Win Again in Rural America
Harvest the Vote:How Democrats Can Win Again in Rural America
Kleeb, Jane
From Democratic Party rising star Jane Kleeb, an urgent and stirring road map showing how the Democratic Party can, and should, engage rural AmericaThe Democratic Party has lost an entire generation of rural voters. By focusing the majority of their message and resources on urban and coastal voters, Democrats have sacrificed entire regions of the country where there is more common ground and shared values than what appears on the surface.In Harvest the Vote, Jane Kleeb, chair of Nebraska’s Democratic Party and founder of Bold Nebraska, brings us a lively and sweeping argument for why the Democrats shouldn’t turn away from rural America. As a party leader and longtime activist, Kleeb speaks from experience. She’s been fighting the national party for more resources and building a grassroots movement to flex the power of a voting bloc that has long been ignored and forgotten.Kleeb persuasively argues that the hottest issues of the day can be solved hand in hand with rural people. On climate change, Kleeb shows that the vast spaces of rural America can be used to enact clean energy innovations. And issues of eminent domain and corporate overreach will galvanize unlikely alliances of family farmers, ranchers, small business owners, progressives, and tribal leaders, much as they did when she helped fight the Keystone XL pipeline. The hot-button issues of guns and abortion that the Republican Party uses to wedge voters against one another can be bridged by putting a megaphone next to issues critical to rural communities.Written with a fiery voice and commonsense solutions, Harvest the Vote is both a call to action and a much-needed balm for a highly divided nation.
Critical Decisions
Critical Decisions
Ubel, Peter A.
We've all been there, sittinguncomfortably in a paper gownas a doctor impassively describesour prognosis. Sometimes it's simple andtreatable. Other times we get news wecan't fathom and then are faced withdecisions that are literally life and death.In this revolutionary book, physician,behavioral scientist, and bioethicist PeterUbel, M.D., reveals how hidden dynamicsin the doctor/patient relationship keepus and our loved ones from making thebest medical choices. From doctors whostruggle to explain, to patients who failto properly listen, countless factors alterthe course of our care, causing things togo seriously awry.With riveting stories of Ubel's own experiencein the field, his groundbreakingresearch, and his personal journey walkingloved ones through difficult treatmentchoices, Critical Decisions will foreverchange the way we communicate insidehospitals and medical offices, wherethoughtful decision making matters themost. Dr. Ubel has been on both endsof the stethoscope, and in this book,he shows how patients and doctorscan learn to become partners and worktogether to make the right choices. Fromchoosing to get surgery, to discussingthe side effects of a blood pressure medication,we can finally discover the toolsto improve communication, understandthe issues, and make confident decisionsfor our future health and happiness.
Savage, Carolyn
A medical mistake during an IVF procedure. An unthinkable situation . . . you're pregnant with the wrong baby. You can terminate, but you can't keep him. What choice would you make?Carolyn and Sean Savage had been trying to expand their family for years. When they underwent an IVF transfer in February 2009, they knew it would be their last chance. If they became pregnant, they would celebrate the baby as an answer to their prayers. If not, they would be grateful for the family they had and leave their fertility struggles behind forever.They never imagined a third option. The pregnancy test was positive, but the clinic had transferred the wrong embryos. Carolyn was pregnant with someone elses baby.The Savages faced a series of heartbreaking decisions: terminate the pregnancy, sue for custody, or hand over the infant to his genetic parents upon delivery. Knowing that Carolyn was carrying another couple's hope for a baby, the Savages wanted to do what they prayed the other family would do for them if the situation was reversed. Sean and Carolyn Savage decided to give the ultimate gift, the gift of life, to a family they didn't know, no strings attached.Inconceivable provides an inside look at how modern medicine, which creates miracles daily, could allow such a tragic mistake, and the many legal ramifications that ensued with both the genetic family and the clinic. Chronicling their tumultuous pregnancy and its aftermath, which tested the Savage's faith, their relationship to their church, and their marriage, Inconceivable is ultimately a testament to love. Carolyn and Sean loved this baby, making it impossible for them to imagine how they could give him life and then give him away.In the end, Inconceivable is a story of what it is to be a parent, someone who nurtures a life, protects a soul, only to release that child into the world long before you're ready to let him go.