

War, Peace, and Prosperity in the Name of God
War, Peace, and Prosperity in the Name of God
Iyigun, Murat
Differences among religious communities have motivated-and continue to motivate-many of the deadliest conflicts in human history. But how did political power and organized religion become so thoroughly intertwinedAnd how have religion and religiously motivated conflicts affected the evolution of societies throughout history, from demographic and sociopolitical change to economic growth?War, Peace, and Prosperity in the Name of God turns the focus on the "e;big three monotheisms"e;-Judaism, Islam, and Christianity-to consider these questions. Chronicling the relatively rapid spread of the Abrahamic religions among the Old World, Murat Iyigun shows that societies that adhered to a monotheistic belief in that era lasted longer, suggesting that monotheism brought some sociopolitical advantages. While the inherent belief in one true god meant that these religious communities had sooner or later to contend with one another, Iyigun shows that differences among them were typically strong enough to trump disagreements within. The book concludes by documenting the long-term repercussions of these dynamics for the organization of societies and their politics in Europe and the Middle East.
Reading Clocks, Alla Turca
Reading Clocks, Alla Turca
Wishnitzer, Avner
Up until the end of the eighteenth century, the way Ottomans used their clocks conformed to the inner logic of their own temporal culture. However, this began to change rather dramatically during the nineteenth century, as the Ottoman Empire was increasingly assimilated into the European-dominated global economy and the project of modern state building began to gather momentum.In Reading Clocks, Alla Turca, Avner Wishnitzer unravels the complexity of Ottoman temporal culture and for the first time tells the story of its transformation. He explains that in their attempt to attain better surveillance capabilities and higher levels of regularity and efficiency, various organs of the reforming Ottoman state developed elaborate temporal constructs in which clocks played an increasingly important role. As the reform movement spread beyond the government apparatus, emerging groups of officers, bureaucrats, and urban professionals incorporated novel time-related ideas, values, and behaviors into their self-consciously "e;modern"e; outlook and lifestyle. Acculturated in the highly regimented environment of schools and barracks, they came to identify efficiency and temporal regularity with progress and the former temporal patterns with the old political order.Drawing on a wealth of archival and literary sources, Wishnitzer's original and highly important work presents the shifting culture of time as an arena in which Ottoman social groups competed for legitimacy and a medium through which the very concept of modernity was defined. Reading Clocks, Alla Turca breaks new ground in the study of the Middle East and presents us with a new understanding of the relationship between time and modernity.
Golden Rules
Golden Rules
Kanazawa, Mark
Fresh water has become scarce and will become even more so in the coming years, as continued population growth places ever greater demands on the supply of fresh water. At the same time, options for increasing that supply look to be ever more limited. No longer can we rely on technological solutions to meet growing demand. What we need is better management of the available water supply to ensure it goes further toward meeting basic human needs. But better management requires that we both understand the history underlying our current water regulation regime and think seriously about what changes to the law could be beneficial.For Golden Rules, Mark Kanazawa draws on previously untapped historical sources to trace the emergence of the current framework for resolving water-rights issues to California in the 1850s, when Gold Rush miners flooded the newly formed state. The need to circumscribe water use on private property in support of broader societal objectives brought to light a number of fundamental issues about how water rights ought to be defined and enforced through a system of laws. Many of these issues reverberate in today's contentious debates about the relative merits of government and market regulation. By understanding how these laws developed across California's mining camps and common-law courts, we can also gain a better sense of the challenges associated with adopting new property-rights regimes in the twenty-first century.
Idea of Hegel's &quote;Science of Logic&quote;
Idea of Hegel's &quote;Science of Logic&quote;
Rosen, Stanley
Although Hegel considered?Science of Logic?essential to his philosophy, it has received scant commentary compared with the other three books he published in his lifetime. Here philosopher Stanley Rosen rescues the?Science of Logic?from obscurity, arguing that its neglect is responsible for contemporary philosophy's fracture into many different and opposed schools of thought. Through deep and careful analysis, Rosen sheds new light on the precise problems that animate Hegel's overlooked book and their tremendous significance to philosophical conceptions of logic and reason.Rosen's overarching question is how, if at all, rationalism can overcome the split between monism and dualism. Monism-which claims a singular essence for all things-ultimately leads to nihilism, while dualism, which claims multiple, irreducible essences, leads to what Rosen calls "e;the endless chatter of the history of philosophy."e; The?Science of Logic, he argues, is the fundamental text to offer a new conception of rationalism that might overcome this philosophical split. Leading readers through Hegel's book from beginning to end, Rosen's argument culminates in a masterful chapter on the Idea in Hegel. By fully appreciating theScience of Logic?and situating it properly within Hegel's oeuvre, Rosen in turn provides new tools for wrangling with the conceptual puzzles that have brought so many other philosophers to disaster.
Hardship and Happiness
Hardship and Happiness
Seneca, Lucius Annaeus
Lucius Annaeus Seneca (4 BCE-65 CE) was a Roman Stoic philosopher, dramatist, statesman, and advisor to the emperor Nero, all during the Silver Age of Latin literature. The Complete Works of Lucius Annaeus Seneca is a fresh and compelling series of new English-language translations of his works in eight accessible volumes. Edited by Elizabeth Asmis, Shadi Bartsch, and Martha C. Nussbaum, this engaging collection helps restore Seneca-whose works have been highly praised by modern authors from Desiderius Erasmus to Ralph Waldo Emerson-to his rightful place among the classical writers most widely studied in the humanities.Hardship and Happiness?collects a range of essays intended to instruct, from consolations-works that offer comfort to someone who has suffered a personal loss-to pieces on how to achieve happiness or tranquility in the face of a difficult world. Expertly translated, the essays will be read and used by undergraduate philosophy students and experienced scholars alike.
Headpots of Northeast Arkansas and Southern Pemiscot County, Missouri
Headpots of Northeast Arkansas and Southern Pemiscot County, Missouri
James F. Cherry
In 1981, James F. Cherry embarked on what evolved into a passionate, personal quest to identify and document all the known headpots of Mississippian Indian culture from northeast Arkansas and the bootheel region of southeast Missouri. Produced by two groups the Spanish called the Casqui and Pacaha and dating circa AD 1400-1700, headpots occur, with few exceptions, only in a small region of Arkansas and Missouri. Relatively little is known about these headpots: did they portray kinsmen or enemies, the living or the dead or were they used in ceremonies, in everyday life, or exclusively for the sepulcherCherry's decades of research have culminated in the lavishly illustrated The Headpots of Northeast Arkansas and Southern Pemiscot County, Missouri, a fascinating, comprehensive catalog of 138 identified classical style headpots and an invaluable resource for understanding the meaning of these remarkable ceramic vessels.
满1件7折 2件6折 SH3012-2011石油化工金属管道布置设计规范(英文版)
满1件7折 2件6折 GB50629-2010板带轧钢工艺设计规范(英文版)
满1件7折 2件6折 海外中国研究丛书合集——古代篇.二(十一卷本)
【《古代中国的动物与灵异》内容简介】 本书对战国两汉文献做了细致解读,考察古代中国关于动物的文化观念,分析动物观与人类自我认识的联系,探讨动物世界在圣贤概念和社会政治权力概念中所扮演的角色。作者指出古代中国对人在诸多物种乃至天地间地位的认识深受动物观的影响,并就这种影响展开具体阐述。作者认为,古代中国的世界观并未执意为动物、人类和鬼神等其他生灵勾画清晰的类别界线或本体界线,而是把动物界安放在有机整体和诸多物种的相互关系中。整体中的生灵万类,既有自然的一面,又有文化的一面;彼此关系的特点,在于互相影响,互相依赖,浑然一体。 【《危险的边疆:游牧帝国与中国》内容简介】 本书是在中国边疆史研究领域内由“重新发现”拉铁摩尔到新的“边疆范式”形成的过渡时期的代表性作品。本书通过对两千多年历史时段之内游牧帝国与中原政权之间历史关系的人类学考察,提出了一个解释包括蒙古帝国在内的游牧大帝国兴盛和衰亡的政治和经济组织分析模式,并对中原政权与这些帝国的关系作了贯通性的研究。 《危险的边疆(游牧帝国与中国)》是一本在中国边疆史研究领域内由“重新发现”拉铁摩尔到新的“边疆范 式”形成的过渡时期的代表性作品。本书通过对两千多年历史时段之内游牧帝国与中原政权之间历史关系的人类学考察,提出了一个解释包括蒙古帝国在内的游牧大 帝国兴盛和衰亡的政治和经济组织分析模式,并对中原政权与这些帝国的关系作了贯通性的研究。作者提出了边疆游牧力量在与中原政权接触时所交替采取的“外部 边界战略”和“内部边界战略”问题,指出外族王朝对中原北部地区统治的周期律在某种程度上表现为一种基于集权化与分权化之上的机制性更替过程。《危险的边 疆(游牧帝国与中国)》为中国边疆史研究贡献了一种不同于专业史学家的新思路。 【《罗马与中国:比较视野下的古代世界帝国》内容简介】 本书是一本关于早期中国与古罗马帝国比较研究的论集,收录了七位不同作者撰写的专论,其中的五篇为提交给斯坦福大学2005年名为“帝国研究:比较视野下的古代中国与地中海文明史”国际会议的论文。各论内容涉及政治、法律、社会经济和思想文化等多个向度,提供了重新观察、审视和反思中西方中古历史的新视角与新方法。" 【《缀珍录》内容简介】 有关中国妇女史的研究,在中国境外各地让刚刚起步,山中国女性的作品汇聚而成的宝库也还在等待着各国学者的开掘。本书仅仅粗浅地叙述了在一段短暂的历史时期中,这些女性的感受、信仰,以及实际所做的一切。作者利用的重要的史料均来自于女性作家的作品,主要是诗作。作者也使用了一些习见的、出自男性之手的史料:纪传碑铭、地方史志和官方文献。这些涉及到妇女及社会性别关系的文字既出现在男性的经世致用文章——官员们为管理地方事务拟就的一些有关政策的建议——之中,也见于男性以礼仪、艺术和文学为对象撰成的学术文章之中。将这些习见的、由男性书写的史料与妇女自身的作品相参照,便推开了一扇通向中国女性世界的崭新的窗口。 在这些形形色色的史料中,以传记表文为丰富。有关中国女性的传记,已经被刊刻的就不下数千种。我们可以在地方志中、在学者刊刻的文集中所收录的碑传铭殊、或是短篇打述中发现它们——文集的作者总会写到他热爱和钦佩的女性。在这些作品中备受推崇的女性大多数是作者本人的或者亲朋好友的祖母、母亲、诸姨姑婶和继母,还包括那些在西方或可以称之为圣徒的有德之人(女道土或女尼),还有一些以勇敢著称的女英雄(为父申冤、虎口救母等等)。到了帝国晚期,亦即…以宽泛地定义为明(1368—1644年)清(1644—1911年)两朝的这个时期,所谓的列女传,事实上记述的已经全都是(因力拒强暴而死或自杀以拒辱的)烈女或拒不再婚守节终生的寡妇的事迹。 【《千年末世之乱:1813年八卦教起义》内容简介】 1813年的八卦教起义是由信奉千年末世思想的白莲教不断发动的起义中的一次。《千年末世之乱:1813年八卦教起义》详细探讨了白莲教的信仰、其内部组织和教派活动。作者描绘了这些通常只是关注日常宗教事务的孤立小教派是如何转变为一场宣称千年王国到来的反叛运动的,以及他们如何竭力挑战现存的政府,宣布一个“无穷富贵”时代的降临,而*终归于失败。   韩书瑞之所以能对这次起义一幕幕地再现,靠的是她利用了四百多被俘反叛者的供词。这些材料以难得的详尽揭示了具体人的个性、宗教信仰以及清朝时期的日常生活。此外,靠这些材料才能首次从参加者的视角描绘出一次中国的反叛。作者使用了新的材料以及精湛的叙事技巧给了我们一个社会史的优秀成果,还d一次全面研究了尚有影响的中国传统的千年末世思想。   在这*本以明清时期欲文化为研究重点的学术书中,作者认为只有全面探索那个时期有关欲望的种种新观念的情况下,才能就明清小说作为一个特殊叙事文体作出深入地探讨。《千年末世之乱:1813年八卦教起义》将这一重要文体的成熟和发展与那一时期有关欲望日益复杂的话语紧密联系在一起加以研究。书的前三章是有关欲望这一社会文化现象的背景性历史和理论的勾略。后七章则是一系列明清小说具体作品的细读,试图描绘出“欲”到“情”这在明清小说中极其复杂的发展轨迹。 【《山东叛乱:1774年王伦起义》内容简介】 1774年秋,山东西南地区数千名男女跟着一个名叫王伦的宗教首领,发动了一场起义。依仗着据说可以护身、躲避枪炮的咒语,这些白莲教叛乱者杀了三个县的地方官员,并占领了大运河畔具有战略意义的城市――临清,后,起义者被清政府彻底镇压。 《山东叛乱:1774年王伦起义》作者韩书瑞运用了目击者的叙述、叛乱者的口供及官方奏报来探究王伦组织的背景和叛乱的过程,精辟分析了白莲教在清代社会中的作用,并说明了其分支教派――清水教是如何为住在各处的信徒提供成就感和群体感的。在研究了那个时代的社会、经济、政治和军事状况之后,作者提出,起义的原因更多地是源自教派组织和千禧年信仰的动力,而不是社会本身的危机。 《山东叛乱:1774年王伦起义》这部引人注目的、可读性很强的著作,对中国历史研究中的几个重要领域作了新的阐释:白莲教信仰、组织和活动的特性,清代与精英阶层相对的民众社会史以及宗教运动与农民起义之间的关系。因此,它极大地促进了我们对那个复杂的社会和时代的理解。 【《十八世纪中国社会》内容简介】 中国近三百年的历史,18世纪相对来说不太受重视,学者们更关注的是19世纪的变革和20世纪的革命。另外学者们对18世纪中国社会的总体评价也不高,认为这是个腐败奢靡、文化停滞的时期。而这本由两位美国女学者撰写的著作对此有不同的看法,她们认为“18世纪在中国近代早期是*有活力的一个时期”。《十八世纪中国社会》的核心观点强调,18世纪中国社会的活力体现在向边远地区大量移民,对外贸易成为经济发展中的重要因素,“商品化、城市化以及社会和物质流动的加强有助于松动原来固定的社会地位,并使社会分层更加多元化”。另外这一时期学术上的成就为中国近代的各门学术奠定了基础,商人的往来活动以及他们扶植培育的城市文化也有助于清帝国的统一和整合。 《十八世纪中国社会》是部概览性的史学著作,作者以史学的分析论说为主要著述方法,同时吸纳了社会学重视结构变化和人类学关注文明片段的研究手段,使得《十八世纪中国社会》读来既有得知历史事实的畅然,又有洞悉深层奥秘的明快。《十八世纪中国社会》作者在研究方法上又深受法国年鉴学派的影响,接受了年鉴派学者“长时段”的概念,故而对18世纪中国社会的研究扩展到1680—1820年间,向前追溯至清朝的建立,往后延伸到18世纪对后一世纪的影响,以此见出历史发展的渐进延续。 【《修仙:古代中国的修行与社会记忆》内容简介】 求神问仙是中国中古时期宗教表达的重要形式,也为道教的产生奠定了基础。一直以来,中古时期的仙和修仙者都被描绘成一群神秘、隐匿的人。而康儒博在这项开创性研究中的看法则大异其趣。康氏认为,仙并未脱离社会,仙仅仅是诸多社会角色中的一个宗教角色,且在这种映照之下得以成立。修仙者不是绝世的,他们要在社会环境中寻求治病救人、预测未来、述异志怪的能力。该书融合了多元的理论方法和坚实的中国古代文献,在此基础上细致入微地分析了修仙者的社会角色和社会互动。它对修仙作为一种社会氛围的描摹非常新颖,它所提出的研究范式对理解其他社会中的圣人角色也具有创造性。 【《工开万物:17世纪中国的知识与技术》内容简介】 本书以宋应星的《天工开物》等著作为切入点,通过发掘和探究这些文本内容的知识脉络,重新审视中国科学思想的发展史,揭示文人以书面文字记录工艺技术的目的所在,这一做法在中国知识传统中的角色及其影响。作者条分缕析地展开了宋应星私人生活和文化生活的不同层面,逐一勾勒了那些促其将实践知识转化为书面知识的诸多因素。作者也考察了宋应星如何获取、评估以及终如何表述这些知识,同时阐发十七世纪中国学者们在探究自然和文化时求理、求真、求信的方式和方法。作者还对宋应星的成果与其他中国哲人、文人著作进行纵向与横向比较,并从中得出结论:宋应星对知识与技术的探究方式虽游离于当时知识界的话语主流,却并非中国知识生成传统中的特例,而是与其他学者的著作有一脉相承的思想渊源。这些著作以一种特有的、不同于西方的知识认知方式,让工艺技术知识登临学术与哲学的大雅之堂,成为学术探索中一个获得认可的领域。全书提供了中国千年学术历史的概观,阐释了技术和工艺在中国文化中担当的角色。在作者看来,技术与工艺知识是中国古老文明史中一个组成部分,它曾经为工业革命时代欧洲的技术发展输送了不可小觑的影响。 【《唐人如何吟诗:带你走进汉语音韵学》内容简介】 在日本,喜欢唐诗的人不少,那么在诗歌*鼎盛的唐朝,人们是如何吟咏李白杜甫等的诗歌的呢?本书以复原长安诗人杜牧《江南春》的发音过程为例,通过介绍汉语音韵中的四声、反切、韵书、韵图等基本知识以及高本汉、马伯乐等对汉语古音的研究成果,对如何复原当时的发音进行了详细说明。书的后还附上了试用当时发音吟诵杜甫《春望》、李白《秋浦歌》、孟浩然《春晓》等10首名诗的音韵图。 【《行善的艺术:晚明中国的慈善事业》内容简介】 本书以一种前所未有的拯救生灵的热情在晚明社会中传播开来,这给超越家族、等级界线的慈善机构的兴起带来了契机。本书通过巧妙的组织和动人的叙述,把有关道德的领导力和对道德的信仰方面的讨论变成了对粥厂、药局等的日常运作的详细考察。此外,作者通过对地方社会的考察,归纳出了资源的合理使用以及社会网络在慈善赠予事业当中所起的作用。
满1件7折 2件6折 GB50607-2010高炉喷吹煤粉工程设计规范(英文版)
本规范适用于新建、改建和扩建的高炉喷吹煤粉工程设计。   本规范共分8章,主要技术内容包括总则,术语,工艺和设备,富氧鼓风及氧气输送管线,建筑物、构筑物,电气和仪表控制,能源介质,防火、安全、环保等。
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满1件7折 2件6折 现代中式:传承、融合与创新
《现代中式:传承、融合与创新》列举当下*的传承、融合、创新风格设计案例,展示现代中式风格的三种不同的发展趋势。首先阐述现代中式风格的总体特点——“古典中的创新”,再分别介绍传承、融合、创新风格设计的特点,后再通过精彩的案例来详细展示三种风格具体的设计思路,以供读者学习和研究,实现对现代中式风格的创新与突破。   传承:所谓“合乎自然,传承佛、道、儒家之文化精髓”,常常以佛像、枯枝、考究的中式家具、精美的瓷器与茶具为媒介,营造充满静、空、禅等中式意蕴的精神交流空间。   融合:无论东形西韵还是东韵西形,都追求二者的有机融合,多运用软装与配饰,并将其予以巧妙的结合,使“物与物”的搭配升华为“文化与文化”的融合,营造多元、包容的新体验。   创新:以浓郁的东方文化为基础,运用现代营造手法,在材质、色彩、形状、线条、尺度等方面进行提炼、改进,提倡简约、时尚的泛东方生活方式。
满1件7折 2件6折 国内罪案小说大全·第三辑(全17册)
Shock of the Ancient
Shock of the Ancient
Norman, Larry F.
The cultural battle known as the Quarrel of the Ancients and Moderns served as a sly cover for more deeply opposed views about the value of literature and the arts. One of the most public controversies of early modern Europe, the Quarrel has most often been depicted as pitting antiquarian conservatives against the insurgent critics of established authority. The Shock of the Ancient turns the canonical vision of those events on its head by demonstrating how the defenders of Greek literature-rather than clinging to an outmoded tradition-celebrated the radically different practices of the ancient world.At a time when the constraints of decorum and the politics of French absolutism quashed the expression of cultural differences, the ancient world presented a disturbing face of otherness. Larry F. Norman explores how the authoritative status of ancient Greek texts allowed them to justify literary depictions of the scandalous. The Shock of the Ancient surveys the diverse array of aesthetic models presented in these ancient works and considers how they both helped to undermine the rigid codes of neoclassicism and paved the way for the innovative philosophies of the Enlightenment. Broadly appealing to students of European literature, art history, and philosophy, this book is an important contribution to early modern literary and cultural debates.
Lucretian Renaissance
Lucretian Renaissance
Passannante, Gerard
With The Lucretian Renaissance, Gerard Passannante offers a radical rethinking of a familiar narrative: the rise of materialism in early modern Europe. Passannante begins by taking up the ancient philosophical notion that the world is composed of two fundamental opposites: atoms, as the philosopher Epicurus theorized, intrinsically unchangeable and moving about the void; and the void itself, or nothingness. Passannante considers the fact that this strain of ancient Greek philosophy survived and was transmitted to the Renaissance primarily by means of a poem that had seemingly been lost-a poem insisting that the letters of the alphabet are like the atoms that make up the universe.?By tracing this elemental analogy through the fortunes of Lucretius's On the Nature of Things, Passannante argues that, long before it took on its familiar shape during the Scientific Revolution, the philosophy of atoms and the void reemerged in the Renaissance as a story about reading and letters-a story that materialized in texts, in their physical recomposition, and in their scattering.?From the works of Virgil and Macrobius to those of Petrarch, Poliziano, Lambin, Montaigne, Bacon, Spenser, Gassendi, Henry More, and Newton, The Lucretian Renaissance recovers a forgotten history of materialism in humanist thought and scholarly practice and asks us to reconsider one of the most enduring questions of the period: what does it mean for a text, a poem, and philosophy to be "e;reborn"e;?
Image and Reality
Image and Reality
Rocke, Alan J.
Nineteenth-century chemists were faced with a particular problem: how to depict the atoms and molecules that are beyond the direct reach of our bodily senses. In visualizing this microworld, these scientists were the first to move beyond high-level philosophical speculations regarding the unseen. In Image and Reality, Alan Rocke focuses on the community of organic chemists in Germany to provide the basis for a fuller understanding of the nature of scientific creativity.?Arguing that visual mental images regularly assisted many of these scientists in thinking through old problems and new possibilities, Rocke uses a variety of sources, including private correspondence, diagrams and illustrations, scientific papers, and public statements, to investigate their ability to not only imagine the invisibly tiny atoms and molecules upon which they operated daily, but to build detailed and empirically based pictures of how all of the atoms in complicated molecules were interconnected. These portrayals of "e;chemical structures,"e; both as mental images and as paper tools, gradually became an accepted part of science during these years and are now regarded as one of the central defining features of chemistry.In telling this fascinating story in a manner accessible to the lay reader, Rocke also suggests that imagistic thinking is often at the heart of creative thinking in all fields.Image and Reality is the first book in the Synthesis series, a series in the history of chemistry, broadly construed, edited by Angela N. H. Creager, John E. Lesch, Stuart W. Leslie, Lawrence M. Principe, Alan Rocke, E.C. Spary, and Audra J. Wolfe, in partnership with the Chemical Heritage Foundation.
Unrepentant Renaissance
Unrepentant Renaissance
Strier, Richard
Who during the Renaissance could have dissented from the values of reason and restraint, patience and humility, rejection of the worldly and the physicalThese widely articulated values were part of the inherited Christian tradition and were reinforced by key elements in the Renaissance, especially the revival of Stoicism and Platonism. This book is devoted to those who did dissent from them.?Richard Strier reveals that many long-recognized major texts did question the most traditional values and uncovers a Renaissance far more bumptious and affirmative than much recent scholarship has allowed.The Unrepentant Renaissance counters the prevalent view of the period as dominated by the regulation of bodies and passions, aiming to reclaim the Renaissance as an era happily churning with surprising, worldly, and self-assertive energies. Reviving the perspective of Jacob Burckhardt and Nietzsche, Strier provides fresh and uninhibited readings of texts by Petrarch, More, Shakespeare, Ignatius Loyola, Montaigne, Descartes, and Milton. Strier's lively argument will stir debate throughout the field of Renaissance studies.
Southern Stalemate
Southern Stalemate
Bonastia, Christopher
In 1959, Virginia's Prince Edward County closed its public schools rather than obey a court order to desegregate. For five years, black children were left to fend for themselves while the courts decided if the county could continue to deny its citizens public education. Investigating this remarkable and nearly forgotten story of local, state, and federal political confrontation, Christopher Bonastia recounts the test of wills that pitted resolute African Americans against equally steadfast white segregationists in a battle over the future of public education in America.?Beginning in 1951 when black high school students protested unequal facilities and continuing through the return of whites to public schools in the 1970s and 1980s, Bonastia describes the struggle over education during the civil rights era and the human suffering that came with it, as well as the inspiring determination of black residents to see justice served. Artfully exploring the lessons of the Prince Edward saga, Southern Stalemate unearths new insights about the evolution of modern conservatism and the politics of race in America.
Living Liberalism
Living Liberalism
Hadley, Elaine
In the mid-Victorian era, liberalism was a practical politics: it had a party, it informed legislation, and it had adherents who identified with and expressed it as opinion. It was also the first British political movement to depend more on people than property, and on opinion rather than interest. But how would these subjects of liberal politics actually live liberalism?To answer this question, Elaine Hadley focuses on the key concept of individuation-how it is embodied in politics and daily life and how it is expressed through opinion, discussion and sincerity.These are concerns that have been absent from commentary on the liberal subject. Living Liberalism argues that the properties of liberalism-citizenship, the vote, the candidate, and reform, among others-were developed in response to a chaotic and antagonistic world. In exploring how political liberalism imagined its impact on Victorian society, Hadley reveals an entirely new and unexpected prehistory of our modern liberal politics. A major revisionist account that alters our sense of the trajectory of liberalism, Living Liberalism revises our understanding of the presumption of the liberal subject.