

太平广记(精)--传世经典 文白对照(全12册)
太平广记(精)--传世经典 文白对照(全12册)
[宋]李昉 等编 高光,王小克主编
《太平广记》是我国古代一部文言小说总集,全书五百卷,系宋太宗太平兴国年间,李昉等人奉诏取各种野史、传记、故事、小说等编集而成,与《太平御览》《文苑英华》《册府元龟》合称“宋四大书”。 《太平广记》是按照小说题材的性质分类编纂的,全书共分为九十二个大类,部分类别下再分细目,凡一百五十余细目。各类别卷数不一,少者一卷,多者数十卷。其中卷数较多的依次为神仙五十五卷、鬼四十卷、报应三十三卷、神二十五卷、定数十六卷、女仙十五卷、畜兽十三卷、异僧十二卷、再生十二卷、草木十二卷、征应十一卷、妖怪九卷、狐九卷、水族九卷、杂传记(收唐人单篇传奇)九卷、诙谐八卷、龙八卷、虎八卷、杂录八卷等。由此大略可见《太平广记》内容多为神仙鬼怪之故事。 《太平广记》保存了大量宋以前的文言小说,被《四库全书总目》称为“小说家之渊海也”,如唐传奇名篇《李娃传》《霍小玉传》《莺莺传》《长恨歌传》《柳毅传》《虬髯客传》等均收录其中,宋以后的戏曲小说创作也往往受其影响,如后世名剧《西厢记》《长生殿》即取材于前述的《莺莺传》《长恨传》,《聊斋志异》等小说也深受其影响,故历来受到古代小说研究者和爱好者的重视。由于《太平广记》所征引的古书多已亡佚,其所据又均为宋以前的古本,故在文献辑佚、校勘、辨伪等方面也具有重要价值。此外,《太平广记》在研究社会生活、民情风俗、文化思想方面也有一定的史料价值。 此次出版的《传世经典 文白对照:太平广记》,全十二册,原文以中华书局出版的简体横排本《太平广记》为底本,重加校订;译文由高光、王小克主编《文白对照全译:太平广记》的译文部分精心修订而成,是目前市面上仅见的全本文白对照本《太平广记》,将为广大读者读懂《太平广记》提供便利。
Mastering the Niger
Mastering the Niger
Lambert, David
In Mastering the Niger, David Lambert recalls Scotsman James MacQueen (1778-1870) and his publication of A New Map of Africa in 1841 to show that Atlantic slavery-as a practice of subjugation, a source of wealth, and a focus of political struggle-was entangled with the production, circulation, and reception of geographical knowledge. The British empire banned the slave trade in 1807 and abolished slavery itself in 1833, creating a need for a new British imperial economy. Without ever setting foot on the continent, MacQueen took on the task of solving the "e;Niger problem,"e; that is, to successfully map the course of the river and its tributaries, and thus breathe life into his scheme for the exploration, colonization, and commercial exploitation of West Africa.?Lambert illustrates how MacQueen's geographical research began, four decades before the publication of the New Map, when he was managing a sugar estate on the West Indian colony of Grenada. There MacQueen encountered slaves with firsthand knowledge of West Africa, whose accounts would form the basis of his geographical claims. Lambert examines the inspirations and foundations for MacQueen's geographical theory as well as its reception, arguing that Atlantic slavery and ideas for alternatives to it helped produce geographical knowledge, while geographical discourse informed the struggle over slavery.
Freedom's Ballot
Freedom's Ballot
Garb, Margaret
In the spring of 1915, Chicagoans elected the city's first black alderman, Oscar De Priest. In a city where African Americans made up less than five percent of the voting population, and in a nation that dismissed and denied black political participation, De Priest's victory was astonishing. It did not, however, surprise the unruly group of black activists who had been working for several decades to win representation on the city council.Freedom's Ballot?is the history of three generations of African American activists-the ministers, professionals, labor leaders, clubwomen, and entrepreneurs-who transformed twentieth-century urban politics. This is a complex and important story of how black political power was institutionalized in Chicago in the half-century following the Civil War. Margaret Garb explores the social and political fabric of Chicago, revealing how the physical makeup of the city was shaped by both political corruption and racial empowerment-in ways that can still be seen and felt today.
Treasuring the Gaze
Treasuring the Gaze
Grootenboer, Hanneke
The end of the eighteenth century saw the start of a new craze in Europe: tiny portraits of single eyes that were exchanged by lovers or family members. Worn as brooches or pendants, these minuscule eyes served the same emotional need as more conventional mementoes, such as lockets containing a coil of a loved one's hair. The fashion lasted only a few decades, and by the early 1800s eye miniatures had faded into oblivion. Unearthing these portraits in Treasuring the Gaze, Hanneke Grootenboer proposes that the rage for eye miniatures-and their abrupt disappearance-reveals a knot in the unfolding of the history of vision.?Drawing on Alois Riegl, Jean-Luc Nancy, Marcia Pointon, Melanie Klein, and others, Grootenboer unravels this knot, discovering previously unseen patterns of looking and strategies for showing. She shows that eye miniatures portray the subject's gaze rather than his or her eye, making the recipient of the keepsake an exclusive beholder who is perpetually watched. These treasured portraits always return the looks they receive and, as such, they create a reciprocal mode of viewing that Grootenboer calls intimate vision. Recounting stories about eye miniatures-including the role one played in the scandalous affair of Mrs. Fitzherbert and the Prince of Wales, a portrait of the mesmerizing eye of Lord Byron, and the loss and longing incorporated in crying eye miniatures-Grootenboer shows that intimate vision brings the gaze of another deep into the heart of private experience.?With a host of fascinating imagery from this eccentric and mostly forgotten yet deeply private keepsake, Treasuring the Gaze provides new insights into the art of miniature painting and the genre of portraiture.
Emergence of Tropical Medicine in France
Emergence of Tropical Medicine in France
Osborne, Michael A.
The Emergence of Tropical Medicine in France examines the turbulent history of the ideas, people, and institutions of French colonial and tropical medicine from their early modern origins through World War I. Until the 1890s colonial medicine was in essence naval medicine, taught almost exclusively in a system of provincial medical schools built by the navy in the port cities of Brest, Rochefort-sur-Mer, Toulon, and Bordeaux. Michael A. Osborne draws out this separate species of French medicine by examining the histories of these schools and other institutions in the regional and municipal contexts of port life. Each site was imbued with its own distinct sensibilities regarding diet, hygiene, ethnicity, and race, all of which shaped medical knowledge and practice in complex and heretofore unrecognized ways.?Osborne argues that physicians formulated localized concepts of diseases according to specific climatic and meteorological conditions, and assessed, diagnosed, and treated patients according to their ethnic and cultural origins. He also demonstrates that regions, more so than a coherent nation, built the empire and specific medical concepts and practices. Thus, by considering tropical medicine's distinctive history, Osborne brings to light a more comprehensive and nuanced view of French medicine, medical geography, and race theory, all the while acknowledging the navy's crucial role in combating illness and investigating the racial dimensions of health.
Rome Measured and Imagined
Rome Measured and Imagined
Maier, Jessica
At the turn of the fifteenth century, Rome was in the midst of a dramatic transformation from what the fourteenth-century poet Petrarch had termed a "e;crumbling city"e; populated by "e;broken ruins"e; into a prosperous Christian capital. Scholars, artists, architects, and engineers fascinated by Rome were spurred to develop new graphic modes for depicting the city-and the genre known as the city portrait exploded.In Rome Measured and Imagined, Jessica Maier explores the history of this genre-which merged the accuracy of scientific endeavor with the imaginative aspects of art-during the rise of Renaissance print culture. Through an exploration of works dating from the fifteenth to the eighteenth centuries, her book interweaves the story of the city portrait with that of Rome itself.Highly interdisciplinary and beautifully illustrated with nearly one hundred city portraits, Rome Measured and Imagined advances the scholarship on Renaissance Rome and print culture in fascinating ways.
Bartsch, Shadi
The Roman poet and satirist Persius (34-62 CE) was unique among his peers for lampooning literary and social conventions from a distinctly Stoic point of view. A curious amalgam of mocking wit and philosophy, his Satires are rife with violent metaphors and unpleasant imagery and show little concern for the reader's enjoyment or understanding.In Persius, Shadi Bartsch explores this Stoic framework and argues that Persius sets his own bizarre metaphors of food, digestion, and sexuality against more appealing imagery to show that the latter-and the poetry containing ?it-harms rather than helps its audience. Ultimately, he encourages us to abandon metaphor altogether in favor of the non-emotive abstract truths of Stoic philosophy, to live in a world where neither alluring poetry, nor rich food, nor sexual charm play a role in philosophical teaching.
Wolves on the Hunt
Wolves on the Hunt
Mech, L. David
The interactions between apex predators and their prey are some of the most awesome and meaningful in nature-displays of strength, endurance, and a deep coevolutionary history. And there is perhaps no apex predator more impressive and important in its hunting-or more infamous, more misjudged-than the wolf. Because of wolves' habitat, speed, and general success at evading humans, researchers have faced great obstacles in studying their natural hunting behaviors. The first book to focus explicitly on wolf hunting of wild prey, Wolves on the Hunt seeks to fill these gaps in our knowledge and understanding.Combining behavioral data, thousands of hours of original field observations, research in the literature, a wealth of illustrations, and-in the e-book edition and online-video segments from cinematographer Robert K. Landis, the authors create a compelling and complex picture of these hunters. The wolf is indeed an adept killer, able to take down prey much larger than itself. While adapted to hunt primarily hoofed animals, a wolf-or especially a pack of wolves-can kill individuals of just about any species. But even as wolves help drive the underlying rhythms of the ecosystems they inhabit, their evolutionary prowess comes at a cost: wolves spend one-third of their time hunting-the most time consuming of all wolf activities-and success at the hunt only comes through traveling long distances, persisting in the face of regular failure, detecting and taking advantage of deficiencies in the physical condition of individual prey, and through ceaseless trial and error, all while risking injury or death.By describing and analyzing the behaviors wolves use to hunt and kill various wild prey-including deer, moose, caribou, elk, Dall sheep, mountain goats, bison, musk oxen, arctic hares, beavers, and others-Wolves on the Hunt provides a revelatory portrait of one of nature's greatest hunters.
Romantic Absolute
Romantic Absolute
Nassar, Dalia
The absolute was one of the most significant philosophical concepts in the early nineteenth century, particularly for the German romantics. Its exact meaning and its role within philosophical romanticism remain, however, a highly contested topic among contemporary scholars.In?The Romantic Absolute, Dalia Nassar offers an illuminating new assessment of the romantics and their understanding of the absolute. In doing so, she fills an important gap in the history of philosophy, especially with respect to the crucial period between Kant and Hegel.Scholars today interpret philosophical romanticism along two competing lines: one emphasizes the romantics' concern with epistemology, the other their concern with metaphysics. Through careful textual analysis and systematic reconstruction of the work of three major romantics-Novalis, Friedrich Schlegel, and Friedrich Schelling-Nassar shows that neither interpretation is fully satisfying. Rather, she argues, one needs to approach the absolute from both perspectives. Rescuing these philosophers from frequent misunderstanding, and even dismissal, she articulates not only a new angle on the philosophical foundations of romanticism but on the meaning and significance of the notion of the absolute itself.
Capitalism and Cartography in the Dutch Golden Age
Capitalism and Cartography in the Dutch Golden Age
Sutton, Elizabeth A.
In?Capitalism and Cartography in the Dutch Golden Age, Elizabeth A. Sutton explores the fascinating but previously neglected history of corporate cartography during the Dutch Golden Age, from ca. 1600 to 1650. She examines how maps were used as propaganda tools for the Dutch West India Company in order to encourage the commodification of land and an overall capitalist agenda.Building her exploration around the central figure of Claes Jansz Vischer, an Amsterdam-based publisher closely tied to the Dutch West India Company, Sutton shows how printed maps of Dutch Atlantic territories helped rationalize the Dutch Republic's global expansion. Maps of land reclamation projects in the Netherlands, as well as the Dutch territories of New Netherland (now New York) and New Holland (Dutch Brazil), reveal how print media were used both to increase investment and to project a common narrative of national unity. Maps of this era showed those boundaries, commodities, and topographical details that publishers and the Dutch West India Company merchants and governing Dutch elite deemed significant to their agenda. In the process, Sutton argues, they perpetuated and promoted modern state capitalism.
Magic Ballerina 7-12 (Magic Ballerina)
Magic Ballerina 7-12 (Magic Ballerina)
Darcey Bussell
Return to the magical world of Enchantia in the captivating second series of Magic Ballerina by Darcey Bussell! Rosa knows that her new red ballet shoes are special, but she soon discovers that they are magical when she is whirled into Enchantia! On her very first adventure, can Rosa free the swan princess from King Rat's curse?
Perspectives on Food-Safety Issues of Animal-Derived Foods
Perspectives on Food-Safety Issues of Animal-Derived Foods
Steven C. Ricke,Frank T. Jones
As recent stories in the news have shown, maintaining the integrity of the food supply is of critical importance to the consumer. Thousands of Americans die each year from food-borne illnesses, and millions more get sick. Tremendous strides have been made to reduce the incidence of food-borne diseases originating from animal-derived foods, but food safety and food-borne pathogens continue to remain problematic throughout the world. Food-safety scientists from around the nation continue to conduct groundbreaking research not only to understand causative factors in food-borne pathogen prevalence but to develop novel intervention strategies for limiting contamination in all phases of food animal production. The twenty-four essays in this book highlight research efforts of researchers from the tristate Food Safety Consortium established in 1988 by Congress as a research alliance of food-safety scientists at the University of Arkansas, Iowa State University, and Kansas State University. Members of the consortium conduct research through an annual grant approved by Congress and administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Its mission is to conduct extensive investigation into all areas of poultry, beef, and pork meat production, from the farm to the consumer's table. In addition to the consortium researchers, collaborative university researchers, government officials, and industry personnel provide timely reviews of their latest findings with regard to five significant subject areas: preharvest food-borne pathogen ecology and intervention strategies, postharvest food-borne pathogen ecology, rapid methods and detection strategies for food-borne pathogens, antibiotics and antimicrobials in food safety, and emerging issues in food safety. Progress in these research areas provides opportunities to further enhance protection of animal-derived foods from farm to fork.
  《清明上河图密码》系列分别以士、农、工、商、兵五大行业为背景,深度描写了北宋末期不同社会阶层的风貌,揭了埋藏在《清明上河图》中的帝国秘密。系列1-5部每部一个主题,主角各不相同,故事相对独立,又彼此关联。汴京五绝:“讼绝”赵不尤、“牙绝”冯赛、“斗绝”梁兴、“作绝”张用、“相绝”陆青依次登场破局。   在第6部大结局中,京城汴京又现怪象,五个紫衣妖人相继出现,以五行妖法杀人,并分别以木遁穿门、火遁升空、金遁撞钟、水遁沉河、土遁隐地妖法当众消失。汴京五绝沿着各自所遇清明谜案留下的线索,不断破解离奇命案,并各自遭遇一妖。*后,“五绝”聚首,共揭终极秘密。
马克斯·韦伯诞辰160周年 重磅纪念套装(共8种9册) 《新教伦理与资本主义精神》 韦伯语言平易、激情奔放的代表作,揭示现代资本主义得以兴起的重要条件。 《经济与社会(*卷)》《经济与社会(第二卷,上下册)》 20世纪ZUI伟大的社会学专著,理解现代世界的由来和可能的发展方向。 《罗雪尔与克尼斯:历史经济学的逻辑问题》 原创性方法论要著,在学科危机中反思社会科学,分析社会科学的地位与基础。 《批判施塔姆勒》 诊断社会科学的“疾病”,确立社会文化生活的主题。 《学术与政治》 反思毕生两大事业,以冷峻、审慎与深邃,直面我们时代*深刻的命运。 《社会科学方法论文集》 通往韦伯方法论之堂奥的完整阶梯,引领社会科学与文化研究领域的核心议题。 《韦伯政治著作选》 贯穿韦伯学术的政治关切,超越民族与时代的思想张力,点明政治经济学之使命。 “除非你不懈追求世间的不可能之事,否则连可能之事也会不复可能。”
A Lawyer’s Guide to Wellbeing and Managing Stress
A Lawyer’s Guide to Wellbeing and Managing Stress
Angus Lyon
Stress is an inevitable part of being lawyer and it can even be a positive force – it can help you push through long hours or meet tough targets. However, when stress becomes excessive, it can be damaging to individuals and to firms, leading to mental and physical sickness, lack of morale or a desire to take on additional responsibility, and worse. The problem is widespread. According to a Law Society survey, 95% of lawyers have some negative stress in their jobs, and 17% say that this is extreme. Lawyers feel overloaded with work, unappreciated, isolated, and unsupported; many complain of unattainable targets, poor pay, and long hours. And while many firms say they have programmes in place that are geared towards improving the wellbeing of staff, 66% of lawyers say they would be concerned about reporting feelings of stress to their employer because of the stigma involved. Nobody wishes to be seen as a weak link in the chain of a professional practice. A solution won’t be found overnight. This book is designed to encourage lawyers and firms to think more about the question of stress, how to recognise it in others and themselves, and how to take action before it becomes excessive. It is written for lawyers everywhere – regardless of location or career level.
读懂圣人曾国藩,胜过读千百册平庸之作。 曾氏遗墨数千万言,卷帙浩繁,内容驳杂。要从何处入手,才能效其为师为将为相,学其立功立德立言?曾国藩研究专家唐浩明耗多年心血,写作出版了“唐浩明评点曾国藩”系列六册,精选曾国藩家书、书信、奏折、语录、诗文、日记并加以评点,带领读者认识一个可感、可叹、可学的曾国藩。
作者经过充分论证,首次提出“士夫画”为黄宾虹核心绘画理念,而非一般人所认为的“内美”“浑厚华滋”。首次归纳出黄宾虹士夫画之艺术理路:人—书法—笔墨—气韵—士夫画;提出其浑厚华滋画风的形成并非是由于西方印象派的影响,而是来自师古人和师造化;首次创造性阐发黄宾虹士夫画之缺憾及其内在原因;提出对黄宾虹绘画分期的新观点等,在黄宾虹绘画研究上有一定突破。 本书精选50首中国经典古诗文词赋,经整理、汇编成吟谱合集,其内容丰富,形式新颖,在保留原词、原谱的基础上添加吟唱题解,便于读者理解及吟唱。书中勒口处印有二维码,扫描即可收听吟诵乐曲,这样既保存了几近失传的中国古诗吟唱方式,又让读者能得到文学与音乐的双重滋养,在旋律与韵味中体味中国文化、理解中国文化。 1814年,威廉·亚历山大精选了50幅画作,辅以精彩的文字说明,在伦敦出版。作为海外中国服饰的开山扛鼎之作,本书较为真实、完整的还原了乾隆时代中国的世态风情,现以中、英文对照精装套书推出,精选50幅珍贵画作,这些精美的彩色版画描绘了皇帝、官员、士兵、仕女、书商、伶人、小贩……向我们展示了欧洲人眼中那个久远而又多姿多彩的乾隆盛世。
1. 暮色将尽 《暮色将尽》是戴安娜?阿西尔的代表作,获得了科斯塔传记奖、美国国家图书评论奖等众多奖项,是她临近90岁高龄时写下的一本老年生活随笔。 2. 每一句话语都坐着别的眼睛 《每一句话语都坐着别的眼睛》是一部散文集,汇集了赫塔?米勒的九篇文章,主题各不相同。 3. 我的一生略小于美国现代史 从媒体人的角度几乎重现了美国近代史;从私人的角度,又给历史补充鲜活的细节和动人的情感。 4. 女性如何书写历史 19世纪末20世纪初,有一批女性宣告主动追求精神厚度与智识发展,史称妇女运动的*波浪潮。 5. 我桌旁的天使:珍妮特?弗雷姆自传三部曲 作者通过一种浑然天成的叙述语调,叙述了其成长及创作的全部生活,包括遭误诊为精神分裂症的经历。无论书写伤痛、屈辱还是成功,都能泰然处之、波澜不惊。 6. 实验室女孩 《物种起源》译者苗德岁先生作序,地球生物学家霍普?洁伦与植物一同向光生长的心路笔记,收获独特人生。 7. 让火箭起飞的女孩 美国亚马逊年度图书,火星探测任务、太空竞赛,即是科技领域女性的生命史,也是人类太空探索史。 8. 走过一座海 王柳云正式自传,亲述底层女性的自我实现之旅。 9. 向上一步 她曾两次谢绝乔布斯的加盟邀请,并坚信自己做出了正确的选择。硅谷创投女王寄言职场女性:应以自我强大为要务,这就像攻读MBA一样重要。