

马歇尔·卢森堡 (作者), 艾克·拉萨特 (作者), 朱莉·斯泰尔斯 (作者), 希尔薇亚·哈茨威兹 (作者) 
当我们褪去隐蔽的精神暴力,爱将自然流露。 愤怒是不良情绪的观无效又伤人,非暴力沟通可以把愤怒转化成礼物,帮助我们去实现那些未曾满足的需要。 这是马歇尔·卢森堡带给非暴力沟通世界的又一份厚礼——用非暴力沟通管理情绪!
时辰,心屋仁之助,斯蒂芬・E· 科恩,古宫昇等
刘星,茅盾,周作人,梁实秋,陈平原 编,(日)石川鸿斋,王新禧 译,张国风
《惊奇与怪异:域外世界怪物志》是一本好奇心之书,是在寻找世间奇伟、瑰怪、非常之观的过程中,偶有所得,编撰而成。也是一本志怪之书,收集了人们在了解未知事物的途中,以想象力凝结而成的误解,并对这些误解进行深入浅出的挖掘,试图找出其背后的故事。同时也是一本镜像之书,希望对照这本书,能够发现一些东西方共同存在的观念、思维,试图减少一点对东西方认知差异上的迷思。 《神神鬼鬼》一书节录了现当代文学史上名家如鲁迅、茅盾、陈独秀、胡适、老舍等在鬼神观念上的看法和观点,在理论上介绍了鬼诗、鬼画、鬼戏的艺术特色,并对若干以鬼为表现对象的文艺作品进行了介绍分析,是一代文人对鬼神及"鬼神文艺"潜在而浓厚的兴趣所在。 《夜窗鬼谈》是日本著名的汉文短篇志异小说集,《东齐谐》是其姊妹作。两者有日本《聊斋志异》与《子不语》之美誉。作者石川鸿斋以儒学家和汉学大家的身份纵谈玄幻,在儒家裨益世风的框架下自行怀抱,熔炼阐释,闯出了一条别具一格的文路。《夜窗鬼谈》是他以收集的前人著作和民间掌故为胚胎,剪裁、润色、编改、加工,二次发挥而成的,颇能“追踪晋宋,不在唐人后乘”。而《东齐谐》则是他原创的神鬼故事,也有些是利用既成的传统怪谈,改编为诙谑笑话,博人一悦。 《山海百灵:<山海经>里的神人鸟兽鱼》一书收录了日本江户时期彩绘本《怪奇鸟兽图卷》和清代彩绘本《山海经图鉴》里共100幅在国内首次公开出版的国宝级原版彩绘图鉴,同时辅以图中所绘神怪异兽的处地、外形、习性等注释文字以及相对应的《山海经》篇目原文。 《聊斋志异》是一部堪称“前无古人,后无来者”的文言短篇小说集,蒲松龄以他超凡的想象力和深刻的洞察力构筑起一个亦真亦幻、亦人亦鬼的幽冥世界。本书收录了著名古典文学学者张国风教授的四十多篇关于《聊斋》的精彩评说,通过品味聊斋人物和故事,揭秘文本掩藏下的真实世界,体会蒲松龄的天才构思。全书结构简单明了,文字深入浅出,妙论纷纭,思想内容既不深奥,亦不复杂;在语言上也是力求通俗易懂。是极为少见的、外行人也能轻松读懂的品鉴《聊斋》的佳作。
套装共3册,分别为《爱是一切的答案》《叫醒一个装睡的爱人》《情感忽视:如何克服母亲情感缺席的影响》。 如果你害怕受到伤害,害怕疼痛,所以自我掩饰、自我保护,习惯性逃避爱情,请阅读这本书。 《爱是一切的答案》:一本关系艺术的实用指南,亚马逊长销超过20年的情感宝典!教你认识爱,接纳爱! 《叫醒一个装睡的爱人》:解析13种典型亲密关系困境!爱情不是不吵架,重要的是学会和好! 《情感忽视:如何克服母亲情感缺席的影响》:献给所有缺失母爱的小孩。认清母亲的局限,重新养自己一遍,获得你想要的情感滋养,成为更完整的大人! 勇敢地去爱别人,坦荡地爱自己。
此书汇聚了田振国教授多年的研究成果,集临床、科研、教学经验为一体, 既是我们对田振国教授学术经验的阶段性总结,也适用于医务人员学习参考,钻坚研微。
福格行为模型 在这本书中,福格博士亲自拆解了他提出的福格行为模型,揭示了驱动人类所有行为的3个关键要素,解析了每一个要素在驱动人类行为中的重要作用,提供了激发每一个要素以更好地推动行为改变的有效方法。此外,福格博士还给出了让福格行为模型更好地发挥作用的两个方法,通过设计情绪来设计行为,通过打造高频率小成功让小改变自然生长。 本书不仅能够帮助人们毫不费力地养成好习惯,也能够指导人们成功对抗坏习惯;不仅能够帮助个人实现改变,也能够帮助群体直面挑战。只要掌握福格行为模型的精髓并加以灵活运用,每个人都能够轻松改变自己的工作与生活,成为自己想要成为的那个人。 本书给出了福格行为设计工具箱,包含15种人生情景与挑战、300个微习惯配方、100种庆祝方式,手把手地教你减重、减压、改善睡眠质量、摆脱坏习惯、提升效率…… 人生十二法则2 现象级畅销书《人生十二法则》作者全新力作!《人生十二法则》给现代人提供了应对混乱生活的一剂良药,《人生十二法则2》则以全新的视角提出,只有勇敢超越秩序的边界才能积蓄起抵御悲观、焦虑与痛苦的内在能量,获得自由且丰盛的人生。 知名心理学家乔丹·彼得森教授根据现代读者都很关心的问题,比如如何经营亲密关系、如何突破事业瓶颈、如何化解内心的伤痛,提炼出了破解人生困局的12条基本法则,为你每一次的迷茫、犹豫和困苦指明方向。 人生十二法则 我对任何事都提不起兴趣怎么办?我处于人生的至暗时刻怎么办?上班让我不快乐怎么办?面对人生中的混乱迷茫,我们真正需要的,不是虚伪的励志、空洞的安慰,而是严父近乎残酷的苛责教诲。 在引爆全球的现象级畅销书《人生十二法则》中,著名心理学家乔丹·彼得森将人类数千年来的哲学思考、神话故事中的精神财富与心理学、生物学、神经科学等学科的前沿研究相结合,用12条zui基本的人生法则,为我们找到摆脱人生困境的方法。科学作家万维钢老师说:“彼得森这些建议我完全赞同,我希望我儿子长大以后读读彼得森这本书。” 千面英雄 约瑟夫·坎贝尔历尽多年搜寻阅读了全球各地的神话与宗教故事,将这些故事中的共通的奥秘汇集在几百页的《千面英雄》中,将神话之源轻松显现在世人面前。 坎贝尔告诉我们,英雄的旅程主要包括以下几个主要阶段。启程:放弃当前的处境,进入历险的领域;启蒙:获得某种以象征性方式表达出来的领悟;考验:陷入险境,与命运搏斗;归来:zui后再度回到正常生活的场域。这是每一位英雄的必经之路。 穿越古今,打通全世界神话中的经脉,帮助现代人重拾解读神话的本能,让希腊、北欧、印度、埃及、中国神话再度与我们对话。引领我们发现内心的奥秘,接触终极的真实。鼓励我们开启生命的旅程,彰显生命的深层意义,为个人和社会寻找恩赐。 英雄就是能够战胜个人和当地的历史局限性的人,他们能够了解、接受并迎接命运的挑战。我们每个人都是人生旅程中接受考验的潜在英雄,只有接受生活的召唤,踏上考验的旅程,生命才能达到丰富多彩的境界。 鹿智者的法则 在本书中,知名个人成长导师丹·米尔曼,将他多年探索心智的至理心得熔炼成12个简明的心灵法则,并用寓言的形式和优美的文字将其呈现出来,在林中鹿智者的带领下,读者将开启一次启迪生活智慧、释放内在力量的旅程。鹿智者所讲述的每一个法则都与生命的价值和生活的质量息息相关,能为生命带来美好的改变,能让你学会如何改善自己的人际关系、职业发展、生活状态与身体健康。 深夜加油站遇见苏格拉底 《深夜加油站遇见苏格拉底》根据作者丹?米尔曼传奇般的生活经历改编而成。正如作者在文中所说,这是一本改变生命的书。 考上知名学府、获得世界冠军荣誉的丹在短暂的欢乐过后,深深陷入无可名状的空虚和恐慌。无法入眠的他在一家24小时加油站遇见一位被他称作苏格拉底的老人,后来又认识了精灵般难以捉摸的女孩乔伊。苏格拉底带他体验或浪漫、或惊险、或恐怖、或温馨的旅程,帮助他从车祸的打击中恢复健康,以捉弄、嘲讽、关爱、抚慰、激励等令人匪夷所思但恍然大悟的种种方式指导他修炼,zui终指引他打开和平勇士之道的大门,挣脱了肉体的束缚,获得了心灵的自由。 “活在当下”指南 国际当红学者萨姆·哈里斯一针见血地指出,趋乐避苦是人类的本能,而快乐本质上稍纵即逝,所以人们天生受困于循环往复的追求,不少人甚至终其一生都在这无形的牢笼中度过。要打破与生俱来的困境,成为自己人生的主人,就一定要升级心智模式,摆脱原始状态。如何做到这一点?身为哲学神经学双料博士的哈里斯独辟蹊径。书中,他将经典的哲学理论、前沿的科学发现、丰富的切身体验巧妙结合,理性睿智、亦庄亦谐地引导读者探寻关乎个体存在之根本的三大问题——意识是什么,自我究竟为何物,以及人生应该以什么为重要追求,从而一步步瓦解顽固的“常识性”认知,实现心智的提升,收获自在的高层级人生。 在这本书中,读者不仅能感受到人文与科学的精彩交融,更能获得关于人生真谛的启迪,以及持续锻炼自己心智、长久改善生活状态的工具。 稀缺 在长期研究穷人和扶贫的过程中,塞德希尔·穆来纳森发现他和穷人的焦虑竟然类似:穷人缺钱,他缺时间。在这一现象基础上,他与普林斯顿大学心理学教授埃尔德·沙菲尔进行了大量的实验室研究和现实调查,却发现了一个存在于世人中间的惊人真相:穷困之人会永远缺钱,而忙碌之人会永远缺时间。 但是,进一步的研究证实:这些都是表面现象。因为即便是给穷人一笔钱,给拖延症患者一些时间,他们也无法变得富足和gaoxiao。实际上,在长期性的资源(钱、时间)稀缺中,人们已经形成了“管窥”之见,只能看到“管子”之中的事物,虽然这有可能为我们带来“专注红利”(短期的富裕或效率),但是从长远来看,这种“专心致志”反而会让我们产生“权衡式思维”,不断增加我们的带宽负担——当1元钱的价值在穷人与富人之间产生了巨大差异时,当印度金奈的街头小贩们陷入了无止境的借贷压力时,当每个人都处在多任务处理的“杂耍”状态中时……zui理性的经济模型和行为方式都会变得不再符合自身的内在逻辑。zui终,稀缺会俘获我们的大脑,渐渐让我们失去认知能力和执行控制力,变得更加愚笨和冲动。 《稀缺》是《思考,快与慢》作者丹尼尔·卡尼曼zui推崇的行为经济学新作,它旨在揭示稀缺心态的各种复杂成因,并提出以“余闲”牵制稀缺的应对之法。所以,只有对“带宽”进行合理的规划和管理,我们才有可能从稀缺走向富足。 认识自己,接纳自己 积极心理学之父马丁·塞利格曼的重磅之作,这本书告诉我们如何正确认识困扰你的问题,以及如何做出有效的改变。这是一本助力你达成自我完善的心理指南,更是实现幸福人生的一个起点。 一直被焦虑、抑郁、不安全感困扰怎么办?想减肥却一直不成功怎么办?想戒烟却一直戒不掉怎么办?童年创伤对人的影响有多大?……通过这本书,你会得到很多颠覆性的观点,也会清楚地认识到自己的哪些方面是可以改变的,哪些方面是无法改变而必须接受的。塞利格曼从改变的可能性和生物局限性出发,告诉我们:对于那些可以改变的行为,用积极的态度去改变; 对于那些有着一定生理限制的行为和人格特质,坦然接受,然后学习一些方法来应对,不让它们影响自己的生活和工作。只有这样,才是明智的自我提升方式。 好奇心 为何要拥抱不确定性?如何在职业和人生道路上实现突破?如何激发对生活和事业更大的幸福感?怎样留住爱情,走向成功?难道你就不好奇吗?《好奇心》融合了知名心理学家饱含变革性的积极心理学理论和激励人心的故事,将改变你对待新机遇的方式。当你犹豫不决,无法鼓足勇气继续探索人生时,就翻开这本书来读一读吧! 本书建立在广泛的调查、研究基础之上,从当今社会人们普遍面临的焦虑和“躺平心态”出发,揭示了决定人们事业和人生幸福的原动力——好奇心的起源和真相。全书结合大量实例分析,告诉你如何通过激发和利用好奇心来有效投资时间与精力、为事业创造持久的兴趣与激情、改善社会关系,进而获得成长,走向有意义的人生。
[美]罗德尼·哈比卜; 卡伦·肖·贝克尔
《爱犬长寿密码》内容简介:"狗狗是人类* 好的朋友,但是,数据显示,狗狗的平均寿命在不断缩短,很多狗狗饱受癌症的折磨,这究竟是为什么呢?科学家经过数年研究得出结论,癌症有10%取决于基因,基因看似无从改变,但其实食物对基因有着重要的影响。例如,如果你的基因里累积了好几代人的恶性肿瘤基因,你可以通过摄入健康的功能性食物来阻止这些基因的伤害,但如果你摄入了不健康的食物,就会激活这些基因,导致疾病。 《纽约时报》畅销书《永远的爱犬》作者罗德尼·哈比卜和卡伦·肖·贝克尔博士再次联手合作新书《爱犬长寿密码》,用一系列研究案例和数据向我们揭示出,狗狗的长寿始于恰当的营养。 本书可以称为《永远的爱犬》实践篇,详细介绍了科学养育长寿狗(猫)的方法。书中有120多种营养配比均衡的食谱,包括零食、配菜和均衡营养全餐,同时还有自制家居清洁用品和身体护理用品的配方,用于取代那些有害的化学产品。书中的健康常识不仅适用于宠物,也适用于人类,看了这本书,能够更具象化地了解我们生活的世界,为延长毛孩子的生命、提升生存质量做出一些力所能及的改变。" 《永远的爱犬》内容简介:2013年,本书作者之一罗德尼的爱犬萨姆被诊断出患有癌症,于是,罗德尼开始了一场拯救萨姆的行动。当时萨姆5岁,被诊断只能再活6个月。萨姆的困境激励罗德尼开始不懈地寻找新方法来阻止疾病的发展。在拯救萨姆的过程中,罗德尼遇到了世界知 名的兽医贝克尔——一位具有20多年经验的积极的宠物健康倡导者。两人很快意识到他们有着相同的目标——提高世界各地的狗狗的生存质量。 在过去的3年里,他们环游世界,收集关于狗狗的健康、疾病和寿命的新信息。他们拜访了遗传学家、微生物学家和研究人员,还采访了一些长寿犬的家长,这些狗狗已经活到了20多岁,甚至30多岁。他们发现的事实有可能改变宠物世界,就像它改变了罗德尼爱犬的命运一样。萨姆现在11岁,仍然活蹦乱跳,是罗德尼生活中非常重要的一部分。 罗德尼和贝克尔在全球拥有近500万的追随者,他们决定写作这本书,启动一场“养育永生狗”的运动,宗旨是让养狗人改变照顾宠物的方式,以改善宠物的健康状况,让它们充满活力,活得更快乐,延长寿命,陪伴我们更久一些。
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Macfarlane, David
A sensuous, heartbreaking novel about art, beauty, and the choices we make that define us for lifeIn 1968 a young man travels to Paris, where a series of unlikely events take him to a tiny village in Italy—and to the one great love of his life. A marble merchant meets a couple on their honeymoon, introducing them to the sensual beauty of Carrara. An Italian woman arrives in Canada to find the father she never knew. A terrible accident in a marble quarry changes the course of a young boy's life and, ultimately, sets in motion each of these stories, which David Macfarlane masterfully shapes into a magnificent whole.Oliver Hughson falls in love with wild, bohe-mian Anna over the course of one glorious summer in Italy. Bound by a sense of responsibility to his adoptive parents back home in Canada, however, he leaves her, an act he will regret for the rest of his life. Narrated by the daughter he never knew he had, The Figures of Beauty is a love story of mythic proportions. Through luck, fate, and great good fortune, Oliver found the one place and the one woman he should never have left. This is the story of his trying to find his way back.
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Inventing George Washington
Lengel, Edward G.
An entertaining and erudite history that offers a fresh look at America's first founding father, the creation of his legend, and what it means for our nation and ourselves George Washington's death on December 14, 1799, dealt a dreadful blow to public morale. For three decades, Americans had depended on his leadership to guide them through every trial. At the cusp of a new century, the fledgling nation, caught in another war (this time with its former ally France), desperately needed to believe that Washington was and would continue to be there for them.Thus began the extraordinary immortalization of this towering historical figure. In Inventing George Washington, historian Edward G. Lengel shows how the late president and war hero continued to serve his nation on two distinct levels. The public Washington evolved into an eternal symbol as Father of His Country, while the private man remained at the periphery of the national vision always just out of reach for successive generations yearning to know him as never before. Both images, public and private, were vital to perceptions Americans had of their nation and themselves. Yet over time, as Lengel shows, the contrasting and simultaneous urges to deify Washington and to understand him as a man have produced tensions that have played out in every generation. As some exalted him, others sought to bring him down to earth, creating a series of competing mythologies that depicted Washington as every sort of human being imaginable. Inventing George Washington explores these representations, shedding new light on this national emblem, our nation itself, and who we are.
Rosen, Charley
The history of the Irish in baseball is much richer than anyone realizes. From early discrimination to later domination, from Mike Kelly, a society star in the 1880s, to the managerial fame of Connie Mack (né McGillicuddy), early Irish players and managers helped shape the game of baseball in every way. From the first curveball to the first players' unions, Irishmen took America's national pastime and made it their own, turning it into the glorious game we know today, as more recent players have kept alive the Irish tradition of setting records. A wild, fun, fact-filled celebration of the Irish in baseball, The Emerald Diamond intersperses interviews with current players with tales of such players as Dan Brouthers, who at 6'2" and well over 200 pounds, was the game's home-run king until Babe Ruth came along; and includes lively anecdotes about such colorfully nicknamed ballplayers as Tony "the Count" Mullane, Mike "King" Kelly, James "Pud" Galvin, Hugh "One-Arm" Daily, Frank "Silk" O'Loughlin, and "Iron Man" Joe McGinnity. Just a few of the great Irish athletes featured as well are Mickey Cochrane (for whom Mickey Mantle was named); Charles Comiskey; Ed Walsh, the last pitcher to win 40 games in a single season; and Ed Delahanty, whose prodigious life and mysterious death continue to be a source of intrigue. With decade-by-decade profiles of exciting Irish figures on the field and off, The Emerald Diamond also offers important discussion on cultural and political themes relevant to their times.
Dear Photograph
Dear Photograph
Jones, Taylor
We all have moments we wish we could relive. We'd give anything to skid down the toboggan hills of our youth, to breathe in the smell of our children as babies, or to spend just one more minute with someone we've lost. Dear Photograph provides a way to link these memories from the past to the present, overlapping them to see how the daydreams of our memories collide with our current realities.The idea is simple: hold up a photograph from the past in front of the place where it was originally taken, take a second photograph, and add a sentence of dedication about what the photograph means to you. The results, however, are astounding, which is why millions have flocked to dearphotograph.com and thousands have submitted their own Dear Photographs.This stunning visual compilation includes more than 140 never-before-seen Dear Photographs, as well as a space for you to attach your own cherished photo. By turns nostalgic, charming, and poignant, Dear Photograph evokes childhood memories, laments difficult losses, and, above all, celebrates the universal nature of love.
The Long Way Back
The Long Way Back
Alexander, Chris
Afghanistan is far from stable: Wounds left by thirty years of war are still raw. Terrorism is a daily menace. Roads are littered with Taliban bombs. Targeted killings and international impatience are fueling Afghan anxieties. Regional warlords, drug barons, and corrupt government officials all flout the conceit of a functional and unified nation. Pakistan's aggressive influence is a real and constant presence. Yet Chris Alexander, former deputy head of the UN Assistance Mission to Afghanistan and former Canadian ambassador to Afghanistan, sees something different: a peace that is not only theoretically possible but practically achievable given the right conditions.The Long Way Back tells the story of the historic accomplishments and bitter disappointments encountered on the road to political stability. But the book is much more than a firsthand account of recent events: it is a clear-eyed take on what has been achieved, the triumphs and failings of Afghans and foreigners alike, and why the country is still mired in conflict. With his direct access to and experience with the country's leaders, the international players, and ordinary Afghan citizens, Chris Alexander reveals a portrait of Afghanistan like none other and makes an insightful and bold argument for what it will take to attain a lasting peace.
HarperCollins e-books
HarperCollins e-books
Oliver, Neil
Stories of heroism, exploration and sacrifice that will inspire boys to be courageous, honorable and open to adventure Tales of brave and selfless deeds used to be part of every boy's education. We grew up sharing stories with our fathers, uncles and grandfathers of how great men had lived their lives, met their challenges, reached their goals and faced their deaths. Becoming a man was about comradeship and standing by your friends whatever the circumstances. And it meant that sometimes it was more important to die a hero than live a coward's life.Amazing Tales for Making Men Out of Boys is packed with classic stories of courage and heroism from around the world, including: D-Day and Omaha Beach; the Charge of the Light Brigade; the Battle of Dien Bien Phu; the Siege of the Alamo; the Moonwalkers and Apollo 13; the Flight of the Nez Perces; Josiah Harlan and the Trouble with Afghanistan; the Demons of Camerone; the Battle of Isandlwana; the Yangtze Incident; the Battle of Trafalgar; Shackleton's Boat Journey; Scott of the Antarctic; Thermopylae; the Revolutionary War Naval Battle of John Paul Jones and the Bonhomme Richard.
The Boiling Season
The Boiling Season
Hebert, Christopher
An ambitious young man struggles to define himself and his future in a Caribbean nation plunged into violent revolution.Having spent his childhood trapped in the slums of a politically volatile Caribbean island, Alexandre dreams of escape. Within only a few years, he rises from being a valet for an important politician to becoming a caretaker for a derelict estate purchased by a wealthy foreign businesswoman. While the rest of the country copes with the rise of a brutal dictator, Alexandre flees to his new home in the remote mountains outside the capital. There he oversees the restoration of a manor house and gardens that evoke for him an innocent, unspoiled past.When his new employer sees a chance to turn the estate into something more—a decadent, jet-setting resort—Alexandre views the undertaking as the culmination of his dreams. Eager to lose himself in the creation of this opulent Eden, Alexandre severs the last links to his unhappy past, including his family and friends. But as the outside world starts to crumble around him, Alexandre must face the limits of the utopia he has created. Soon he is trapped in the middle of a war he has tried to ignore, and discovers he will have to choose between preserving the estate he loves and protecting the people he has spent his life trying to escape.
The Shipbroker's Working Knowledge: Dry Cargo Chartering in Practice
The Shipbroker's Working Knowledge: Dry Cargo Chartering in Practice
George N. Tsoudis
The Shipbroker’s working knowledge is a book for employees involved in the shipping industry and particularly those dealing or about to deal with the chartering of dry cargo ships. It provides personal knowledge that the author gained during the performance of his duties in the various departments of shipping agencies. It contains a brief overview of the dry cargo sector, it analyzes the methods for fixing a dry cargo ship, and provides recommendations when the brokers working the charter party terms. Contents Overview of the dry cargo sector Fixing on voyage charter How to make an offer for voyage charter Fixing on time charter How to make an offer for time charter Charter part additional (or rider) clauses for time charter About the Author George Tsoudis received his early education at public schools in a northern suburb of Athens. After graduating from high school, he decided to follow his island’s tradition and get involved with the sea. He enrolled in the most famous Greek school for maritime studies, where he studied shipping. Upon graduation, he received also the State Degree for Specialization in the Shipping Sector, and then moved to London in order to complete his studies in shipping at the London School of Foreign Trade. He started out as a competitive broker in late 1983 and has since been employed in shipping agencies (ship-owners and charterers), while he has also been involved in operations and claim departments for all type/size of dry cargo ships. Seeing that the?young?brokers may need his knowledge in starting their careers, as well as to also to assist his colleagues in certain specific areas, he decided to publish his first book containing all the experience gained during the performance of his duties in the various departments of shipping agencies.
在《健康脑》中,亚蒙博士告诉我们,减肥、健身经常失败的原因在于,我们往往在寻找一种通用的有效方法,但实际上,不同的大脑类型决定了不同的体重问题。因此,我们都需要在自身脑的类型和需要的基础上制定个性化处方。拥有更好的身体——更优美,更富有精力,更年轻的钥匙就是,拥有一个更健康的大脑。 “亚蒙博士脑健康5部曲”倡导,在现代社会的快餐饮食文化与高强度工作生活压力之下,我们正面临着一场健康保卫战。想要身心健康,必须先大脑健康。在医学研究的基础上,亚蒙博士根据30余年的临床实践,提供了14种可行易用的解决方法,40个营养补充剂方案,让大脑与身体联动起来,激发你的力量,帮你改善大脑,获得并保持一个称心如意的身体。
Imran Khan: The Cricketer, The Celebrity, The Politician
Imran Khan: The Cricketer, The Celebrity, The Politician
Christopher Sandford
The definitive biography of Imran Khan, the former Pakistan cricket captain and all-rounder – the Oxbridge graduate and vociferous campaigner; the devout Muslim whose kaleidoscopic social life flooded the gossip columns; the man who raised $60 million for cancer research and who is now one of the most important political figures in Pakistan. On one thing, Imran Khan’s friends and enemies agree: it all began with the leopard print satin trousers. In November 1974, the Cricketer International published an article about the new elite group of young talented players, ‘into concepts like fashion and pop music’, and bent on challenging cricket’s eternal stereotypes. Of the five featured stars on the cover, a superbly hirsute 21-year-old wearing a tight black shirt and gaudy trousers, with a facial expression of supreme self-confidence, stood out. Imran Khan has always been a controversial figure, a man who gives rise to hot debate on account of his strong conviction and hard line views. From his achievements on the cricket field as the Pakistan captain who captured the World Cup and the game’s best all-rounder in history, through to his racy social life – the practising Muslim boogieing on the dancefloor of Annabel’s, ‘an astonishing lovemaker’, according to one overnight partner, praised by Diana Princess of Wales, close friend to his then wife Jemima Goldsmith, as a ‘devoted husband’ – the Imran story is full of colour and contradictions. Acclaimed biographer Christopher Sandford has approached a richly varied cast list of Imran associates past and present – from Geoff Boycott, Javed Miandad, Mike Brearley, David Gower and John Major through to Nelson Mandela and close acquaintances male and female such as Eric Clapton, Mick Jagger, John Major, Keith Richards, sources close to the late Princess of Wales and Pakistan’s General Musharraf. Imran Khan himself has agreed to be interviewed for the book and given Sandford exclusive access to his inner sanctum.
The Supercar Book for Boys
The Supercar Book for Boys
Martin Roach
Fully illustrated throughout, The Supercar Book for Boys is a sumptuously designed guide full of everything you could ever want to know about the best supercars on the planet. From number-one bestselling author Martin Roach, The Supercar Book for Boys is a must-have for all boys and their dads (plus petrol-head girls and mums!) interested in fast cars. With an introduction from F1 racing legend David Coulthard, as well as contributions from the biggest names in the field, this tour de force starts with the iconic 1954 Mercedes Gullwing and races through each respective decade of supercar history, showcasing the very best and most important vehicles in this scintillating species. Featuring the landmark 10 game-changers that have defined the genre and highlighting dozens and dozens of supreme supercars from the likes of Ferrari, Lamborghini, Bugatti, Pagani, McLaren and Porsche, get ready to be blown away by the beauty and power of these incredible vehicles. With a pre-history of the genre plus an excursion into American muscle cars, this comprehensive book takes us underneath the bonnets and peels back the bodywork of these mind-blowing machines, as well as exploring how supercar technology has affected everyday cars. The Supercar Book for Boys is a tour de force of the fastest, the most powerful and the most drop-dead gorgeous vehicles in supercar history. Jam-packed with almost 200 full-colour photographs, awe-inspiring statistics and exclusive interviews with supercar experts, and featuring every landmark star of the genre, this book is the ultimate guide for every supercar fanatic.