历史小说应该有趣味,易于受,引起读者反应,共鸣,印象深刻鲜明,情节也合情合理,不与史情相悖……——高阳 《慈禧全传》是高阳以小说形式全景式描绘晚清社会的一部巨著,共十册,包括《慈禧前传》《玉座珠帘》(上、下)、《清宫外史》(上、下)、《母子君臣》《胭脂井》(上、下)、《瀛台落日》(上、下)。全书以主要人物慈禧的活动为主线,从咸丰皇帝驾崩热河,慈禧联合恭王,自肃顺为首的顾命大臣手中夺取大权,垂帘听政,写到慈禧去世,溥仪继位,前后跨越四十多年。高阳熟知清朝历史掌故,凡笔记、野史、杂著、诗文及民间传说都烂熟于心,信手拈来,很自然地融到小说的情境当中。作为小说家,高阳又是个讲故事的高手,他将头绪纷繁、变幻莫测的一段晚清历史,写得跌宕起伏,生动还原了一个有血有肉的“东方的维多利亚女王”——慈禧。有人说,读完《慈禧全传》,你会沦为“高阳脑残粉”,患上“穿越分裂症”,成为“格局分析狂”,它会嵌你的精神世界,成为你生命的一部分。
电气工程师手册 第4版
在世界科技高速发展的时代,本手册紧紧围绕着国家建设现代化产业体系这一宏伟目标,坚持创新思维,立足于电气工程科学技术发展前沿,使现代电气先理论与工程应用相结合,着眼于未来科学与高新技术的发展方向,吸收国内国际科学技术发展的新成果。 本手册内容在第3版的基础上行了全面修订,涉及的电气工程科技知识更新颖、更先、更实用。本手册主要内容包括:通用数据资料和数学公式,电气工程理论基础,电工电子功能材料和光电线缆与绝缘元件,电子元器件和电子电路,电力电子技术,电气工程信息化基础,可靠性技术、环境技术和电磁兼容,电气测量和仪器仪表,电机,变压器、电抗器和电容器,关保护设备,自动控制,电气传动,通信,火力发电,水力发电,核能发电,太阳能和风力发电,其他新能源发电及储能,电力系统与智能电网,脉冲功率与等离子体技术,建筑电气与智能化,电加工、电加热、电焊和静电技术应用,智能家居和智能车辆,能源互联网,项目工程经济分析。 本手册可供广大从事电气工程技术工作的科技人员阅读使用,也可供各院校电气相关专业的师生参考。
本套书是由百万畅销书作家度阴山和知名编剧董哲创作的八位中国古代传奇人物的传记,这些人物或是战场无敌的军事家,或是宰执天下的政治家,或是名垂千古的思想家,无一例外,他们都是改变中国历史、影响一个时代的伟大人物。从他们的身上,我们能学习到古人永不过时的大智慧。 我们能从秦始皇一统天下、创造千年帝制的过程中,学习到破常规的创造力; 我们能从曹操即使惨败,也要用笑容鼓舞手下的经历中,学习到乐观的精神; 我们能从成吉思汗面对绝境,也要死战不退中,学习到强大的意志力; 我们能从刘伯温为大明百年基业设定的蓝图中,学习到战略性的眼光; 我们能从王阳明饱受磨难、建功立业的一生中,学习到知行合一的心学智慧; 我们能从曾国藩“结硬寨,呆仗”中,学习到不走捷径、以拙胜巧的大智慧; 我们能从张居正不顾万人唾骂,也要改革变法中,学习到领导者的大魄力。 我们能从李世民在发动玄武门之变前的退让、示弱中,学习到出手前必须的隐忍。 翻历史风云人物的传奇生平,领略中国人的千年智慧。
Dartmoor (Collins New Naturalist Library, Book 111)
New Naturalist Dartmoor explores the complex and fascinating history of one of southern England's greatest National Parks, an area of enormous interest to naturalists and tourists alike. Dartmoor is said to be the loneliest wilderness in England. This has been said more often of Dartmoor than any other part of our country. Traditionally in the world of fiction as well as that of fact, Dartmoor has been renowned as a vast and empty moorland area, the property of nature rather than of man. It has always been the public's idea of a lonely place. Not many generations ago it was regarded with a certain amount of awe and nowadays it is one of our most important centres of recreation, an island in upland England of abundant interest to the naturalist. In 1951 it became a National Park, one of the first of several places that have been so designated in Great Britain, helping to conserve and promote both its beauty and cultural heritage. Spanning miles of open moorland, whilst also hiding small secluded river valleys, rare plants and endangered birds, Dartmoor is a place of variety, and has evolved in the public's mind from a forbidding place to that of romance and mystery. In the latest addition to the long-running New Naturalist series, Ian Mercer sets out to explore every aspect of this important area of southern Devon. Focusing not only on its extensive history and physical landscape, but also its cultural place within Great Britain, this is both a comprehensive and engaging look at the wild and rugged landscape that has inspired so many poets, painters and musicians over countless centuries.
Hilary Mantel Collection: Six of Her Best Novels
Our greatest living writer. Six of her best novels. Hilary Mantel is the first British writer to win two Man Booker Prizes. This set brings together six of her greatest novels – the first two books in her Thomas Cromwell trilogy, the record-setting Man Booker prize-winners ‘Wolf Hall’ and ‘Bring Up the Bodies’.’ A Place of Greater Safety’ is an epic of Revolutionary France. The darkly comic ‘Beyond Black’ is a lively tale of a psychic and the impish spirits she summons. ‘The Giant, O’Brien’ tells the story of the legendary Charles Byrne and the surgeon who wanted his bones. And a family seeks refuge after an unfortunate African sojourn in ‘A Change of Climate’. For fans of the best literature eager to discover one of our greatest writers, this collection is essential reading.
第三帝国三部曲(理想国译丛 038-040)
第三帝国三部曲(理想国译丛 038-040)包括 《理想国译丛038 第三帝国的到来》纳粹德国的前传,魏玛共和国的崩溃史。完整剖析纳粹崛起的缘由,生动还原希特勒攫取权力的过程。 《理想国译丛039 当权的第三帝国》重现和平时期的纳粹党,如何以残暴血腥的独裁手段,一步步清洗、动员、武装德意志民族,将德国改造成一架全力冲刺的战争机器。 《理想国译丛040 战时的第三帝国》透过宏观的战争描绘与普通人的战时经历,细致讲述纳粹的军事征服与的种族灭绝。再现德国如何点燃战火,彻底改变20世纪的世界局势与历史发展。
伊广谦、李占永主编的《明清十八家名医医案( 精)》共收明清两代十八位*名医家的二十一部医案。其中明代名医四人,即汪机(石山)、孙一奎(文垣) 、喻昌(嘉言)、李中梓(士材);清代名医十四人,即高斗魁(鼓峰)、尤怡(在泾)、徐大椿(灵胎)、薛雪( 生白)、吴瑭(鞠通)、王士雄(孟英)、程文囿(杏轩) 、蒋宝素(问斋)、谢星焕(映庐)、费伯雄(晋卿)、王泰林(旭高)、陈莲舫(秉钧)、张聿青(乃修)、余景和 (听鸿)。这二十一部医案即是他们医疗实践的真实记录。医案中保存下来的*其丰富的宝贵临床经验,至今仍有很高的实用价值。本次出版,选取*佳底本,精心校,以满足广大中医临床工作者及中医药爱好者的需要。
The Lorien Legacies: Books 2-5 Collection
Four thrilling bestselling novels are included in this collection:The Power of Six: I've seen him on the news. Followed the stories about what happened in Ohio. John Smith, out there, on the run. To the world, he's a mystery. But to me . . . he's one of us.There are six of us left. We're hiding, blending in, avoiding contact with one another . . . but our Legacies are developing, and soon we'll be equipped to fight. Is John Number Four, and is his appearance the sign I've been waiting forAnd what about Number Five and SixI am Number Seven. One of six still alive.And I'm ready to fight.The Rise of Nine: The stakes are higher than ever as John, Six, and Seven try desperately to find the rest of the Garde before it's too late. During the dangerous mission at the Mogadorian base in West Virginia, John found and rescued Nine. But even with their combined powers, special abilities known as Legacies, the pair barely escaped with their lives—and they lost Sam in the process. In order to save our world and their own, John and Nine must join forces with Six and Seven who have been battling the Mogadorians in Spain, and who are now trying to locate Number Eight in India.The Fall of Five: To defeat their enemy, the Garde must master their Legacies and learn to work together as a team. When the Garde receive a sign from Number Five—a crop circle in the shape of a Lorien symbol—they know they are close to being reunited. But could it be a trapTime is running out, and the only thing they know for certain is that they have to get to Five before it's too late.The Revenge of Seven: The fifth book in the New York Times bestselling I Am Number Four series! The Garde have suffered an unbearable loss. Number Five has betrayed them. Eight is gone forever. Ella has been kidnapped. The others are now scattered. The Garde are broken and divided once again, but they will not be defeated. As long as one still stands, the battle for Earth's survival is not lost.
Shatter Me Complete Collection
The Shatter Me series is perfect for fans who crave action-packed young adult novels with tantalizing romance like Divergent by Veronica Roth, The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, and Legend by Marie Lu. Tahereh Mafi has created a captivating and original story that combines the best of dystopian and paranormal and was praised by Publishers Weekly as "a gripping read from an author who's not afraid to take risks." This collection includes the three novels and two novellas in the series.Shatter Me: No one knows why Juliette's touch is fatal, but The Reestablishment has plans for her. Plans to use her as a weapon. But Juliette has plans of her own. After a lifetime without freedom, she's finally discovering a strength to fight back for the very first time—and to find a future with the one boy she thought she'd lost forever.Destroy Me: Set after Tahereh Mafi's Shatter Me and before Unravel Me, the spellbinding sequel, Destroy Me is a novella told from the perspective of Warner, the ruthless leader of Sector 45.Unravel Me: Juliette is still haunted by her deadly touch. But now that she has teamed up with other rebels with powers of their own, she'll be able to fight back against The Reestablishment to save her broken world. With the help of these new allies, she'll also finally learn the secret behind Adam's—and Warner's—immunity to her killer skin.Fracture Me: In this electrifying sixty-page companion novella to the New York Times bestselling Shatter Me series, discover the fate of the Omega Point rebels as they go up against The Reestablishment. Set during and soon after the final moments of Unravel Me, Fracture Me is told from Adam's perspective.Ignite Me: With Omega Point destroyed, Juliette doesn't know if the rebels, her friends, or even Adam are alive. But that won't keep her from trying to take down The Reestablishment once and for all. Now she must rely on Warner, the handsome commander of Sector 45. The one person she never thought she could trust. The same person who saved her life. He promises to help Juliette master her powers and save their dying world . . . but that's not all he wants with her.
Roscoe Riley Rules Complete Collection
Short, funny, true-to-life stories from Katherine Applegate, the author of the Newbery Medal winning The One and Only Ivan, the Roscoe Riley books are perfect for kids new to reading chapter books. They're filled with appealing art, and they star good-hearted first grader Roscoe Riley.This collection includes all seven books in the series: Never Glue Your Friends to ChairsNever Swipe a Bully's BearDon't Swap Your Sweater for a DogNever Swim in ApplesauceDon't Tap-Dance on Your TeacherNever Walk in Shoes That TalkNever Race a Runaway Pumpkin
The Saxon Tales Collection: Books #1-4
The Saxon Tales Collection: Books #1-4 by Bernard Cornwell has de*ive copy which is not yet available from the Publisher.
A Series of Unfortunate Events Collection: Books 10-13
A Warning from the Publisher:If you have come this far, it is likely too late. Readers who have experienced the first nine volumes in A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket are usually so weakened by their dreadful knowledge of the Baudelaire orphans' story that they spend most of their time moaning and weeping, and have no strength to read The Slippery Slope, The Grim Grotto, The Penultimate Peril, or The End.If, by chance, your moaning and weeping is more or less under control, there is no need to further risk your physical, emotional, and literary health by reading the four remaining volumes in the series. It would be better to regain your strength by spending your time indulging in less alarming activities, such as whistling or making cupcakes for the elderly. After all, this collection contains all of the calamities in the last four volumes of A Series of Unfortunate Events, including abandoned condiments, cigarette smoking, a shocking revelation, a ridiculous laugh, a fearsome storm, a herd of wild sheep, a truly haunting secret about the Baudelaire parents, another shocking revelation, and Phil. There is no need to exposure yourself to such atrocities, not after all you've been through already.
The Sharpe Collection: Books #16-18
The Sharpe Collection: Books #16-18 by Bernard Cornwell has de*ive copy which is not yet available from the Publisher.
The Sidney Sheldon & Tilly Bagshawe Collection
From New York Times bestselling author Tilly Bagshawe, who upholds the late beloved author Sidney Sheldon's legacy, comes four blistering stories of revenge, passion, and betrayal that are a tribute to one of America's most popular and bestselling authors. Get four quintessential Sheldon novels in one e-book, including: Sidney Sheldon's After the Darkness, Sidney Sheldon's Angel of the Dark, Sidney Sheldon's Mistress of the Game, and Sidney Sheldon's The Tides of Memory.
Under the Never Sky: The Complete Series Collection
Perfect for fans of the Hunger Games and Divergent series, Veronica Rossi's trilogy has been called "inspired, offbeat, and mesmerizing" (Kirkus Reviews, starred review) and "incredibly original" (Seventeen.com). This collection includes all three novels and two novellas in the series.Under the Never Sky: Exiled from her home, the enclosed city of Reverie, Aria knows her chances of surviving in the outer wasteland—known as The Death Shop—are slim. Then Aria meets an Outsider named Perry. He's wild—a savage—and her only hope of staying alive. A hunter for his tribe in a merciless landscape, Perry views Aria as sheltered and fragile—everything he would expect from a Dweller. But he needs Aria's help too; she alone holds the key to his redemption.Roar and Liv: Before Perry and Aria, there was Roar and Liv. Set in the harsh but often beautiful world of Veronica Rossi's "unforgettable" Under the Never Sky (Examiner.com), this captivating prequel novella stands on its own for new readers and offers series fans a fascinating look into the character of Roar. Poignant and powerful, Roar and Liv is a love story that will "capture your imagination and your heart" (Justine on Under the Never Sky).Through the Ever Night: It's been months since Aria last saw Perry. Months since Perry was named Blood Lord of the Tides, and Aria was charged with an impossible mission. Now, finally, they are about to be reunited. But their reunion is far from perfect. The Tides don't take kindly to Aria, a former Dweller. And with the worsening Aether storms threatening the tribe's precarious existence, Aria begins to fear that leaving Perry behind might be the only way to save them both.Brooke: Following the stunning climax in Through the Ever Night, the Tides have been forced to seek shelter from the Aether storms in a dismal, secluded cave. But Brooke's memories of the cave go back much further, to when she and Perry used to come here together. Set just before the events of Into the Still Blue, this breathtaking novella is a satisfying stand-alone for new readers as well as an exciting glimpse at favorite characters from the trilogy.Into the Still Blue: The earth-shattering conclusion to Veronica Rossi's epic Under the Never Sky trilogy. Their love and their leadership have been tested. Now it's time for Perry and Aria to unite the Dwellers and the Outsiders in one last desperate attempt to bring balance to their world.
Tim Dorsey Collection #2
Tim Dorsey Collection #2 by Tim Dorsey has de*ive copy which is not yet available from the Publisher.
二月河帝王系列,包括《康熙大帝》(4卷),雍正皇帝(3卷),《乾隆皇帝》(6卷)。三卷皇帝,合起来看,是一幅气势恢宏、大气磅礴、百科全书式的清朝盛世之历史长卷图。 小说立足清庭,放眼古今。既写了三代盛世皇帝的文治武功,帝王心术,又写了名臣才子的权谋与沉浮,也写了市井百态,风土人情。究天人之际,通兴衰之变,成一家之言。堪称史书、权书、谋书、人情书。 《康熙大帝》(4卷),*卷从康熙八岁即位写起,写他清君侧、诛鳌拜;第二卷写他平三藩,扫叛逆;第三卷写他励精图治,创大统;第四卷写他晚年弊政丛生,选立皇储,定下了留名清史的雍正继承大统。从中可以窥见康熙大帝的隐忍、铁血,预见力,以及该忍就忍、当断则断的谋略智慧。 《雍正皇帝》(3卷),*卷写九王夺嫡之争,雍正险中取胜。第二卷写雍正一面应对八爷党的不死夺位之心,一面选贤任能,推行新政。第三卷写一面写乾清宫内的风起云涌,一面写雍正王朝的世相百态。谋篇布局更加出神化,气象万千。从中可见窥见雍正皇帝“少说废话,多干要事”,杀出权力重围,抓住机会,依靠实力,巧妙运作的权力博弈之术。 《乾隆皇帝》(6卷),乾隆皇帝继位后立志要创清朝的盛世,以宽为政,微服私访,踌躇满志,锐意取。他整顿吏治、整饬军队,平定叛乱,七下江南,至他晚年朝庭风起云涌,边境危机四伏,皇子勾心斗角,一个盛世的王朝日显衰疲。从此书可见乾隆为上驶下,分权制衡的为政法则。