
当前,全球经济金融体系正在经历又一轮大规模的剧烈变化,一方面,中国在越来越深入地融入到全球金融体系中;另一方面,全球金融体系与中国市场的互动也日益频繁。在这个过程中,香港作为国际金融中心,在“连接中国与世界”方面,将继续发挥独特的枢纽作用,“沪港通”、“深港通”和“*通”的成功运行,更是强化了这一定位。 近年来香港交易所基于新的战略定位,推出了一系列多领域的产品创新。为了让境内外市场更好地了解香港的人民币离岸产品创新,香港交易所对近年来在互联互通、人民币产品方面的新进展进行了系统梳理,由此形成了《打造人民币离岸产品中心:香港交易所的创新产品巡礼》一书。 本书由香港交易所首席经济学家巴曙松教授主编。通过本书,读者可由点及面了解香港交易所近年来的主要产品创新,了解当年香港金融市场上正在进行的金融创新新进程。



《风起陇西》内容简介:“蜀国有间谍”。 蜀国反间谍专家荀诩,本对此类消息司空见惯,但这次却发现情报部门内部出现了内鬼。 蜀后主建兴六年,诸葛亮收到情报,命蜀军北伐,结果在街亭全军覆没。荀诩临危受命,潜入魏 国调查给出情报的蜀谍陈恭,是否叛变。 陈恭自证后,荀诩知晓了兵败情报纰漏的原因,即代号“烛龙”的魏谍卧底蜀国,偷换了情报。 两人联手诱出“烛龙”的过程中,竟发现计中计,谍中谍,而他们正在计划着一个足以灭蜀的计 划…… 三国鼎立之际,刀剑短暂,谍战诡谲。 《白帝城之夜》内容简介:诸葛亮比我们看到的还要忠诚。 白帝城一直无回复,刘禅属下杨洪被派去一探究竟。探得刘备病危去世后,蜀汉权力到了易主之际。皇嗣继承人之间的利益纠葛,使各方势力伺机而动,螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后。 消失的刘璋竟又出现? 默默无闻的简雍才是机关算尽? 刘禅其实还有一个哥哥,只因战乱,一直流落在外? 而真正长子的出现,也成了刘禅继位的* 大变数。 “白帝城托孤”的背后,实则还在上演着一出惊心动魄的夺嫡之争…… 股肱之力,忠贞之节,除异,辅之。 《官渡杀人事件》内容简介:“有时候,整个历史就取决于一个人在短短一瞬间的举动……” 建安六年,官渡之战主公曹操大败袁绍后,“我”被叫到曹公营帐,任命追溯徐他行刺的真相,找出曹公身边那个心存杀机的人。 首先是许褚,当场诛杀刺客,有功在先,但也有事隐瞒,还事关汉献帝;张绣害曹操长子被杀,可袁绍战败后,只能二投曹营,其不仅有异心,还被人看中;而谋士贾诩设局刺杀曹操,却没有安排伏兵在逃亡路上。 曹操生逃,只死曹昂,神秘却又荒唐的刺杀实情,“我”完成了调查,而曹操该如何选择?

6G网络架构将是具有“人-机-物-灵”融合特性的双世界网络架构,6G网络通过智能协同方式实现对用户所处信息融合空间的感知、反应、决策、优化乃至改造。相应地,6G网络将通过分布式学习以及群体智能式协同算法部署,使6G网络实现智能内生,并通过去中心化的无线网架构来提升网络服务的可拓展性和鲁棒性,从而构建新的生态和以用户为中心的业务体验。其中,边缘智能技术通过融合边缘网络计算、存储、应用等核心能力,使智能更贴近用户,因此成为实现网络智能内生的重要手段,也是未来网络发展的重要方向之一。 本书在分析各代移动通信理论与技术升级内在动力的基础之上,阐述“人-机-物-灵”融合的6G网络形态,而从容量分析、系统演、网络自治等方面探讨6G组网理论及其关键技术,并对6G网络多域资源协同及边缘智能技术行系统介绍。 本书适合希望了解6G需求及潜在技术的人士阅读,不仅可作为移动通信行业从业人员和垂直行业相关人员的技术参考书,也可作为高等院校相关专业高年级本科生、硕士生和博士生的专业课教材。

貫古通今 融東會西:扎根史學五十年
香港中文大歷史系成立於1963年,至2013年已經歷了五十年。在這五十年的歲月中,歷史系的前賢和師輩奠下了嚴肅的學術風氣與扎實的研究根基。莘莘學子,遂得以承傳錢穆、牟潤孫、全漢昇、嚴耕望、王德昭、孫國棟等眾多史學名宿的治學精神。 為了慶祝歷史系踏入金禧之年,我們邀請校友撰文論述前輩老師的個人風骨、學術成就、治史理念、研究心得及教學旨趣等,編成此書以總結五十年來歷史系前賢的開創、耕耘之功及治史業績,好讓後輩繼往開來,延續並發展創系以來的理念和精神。

UI动效大爆炸——After Effects移动UI动效制作学习手册
这是一本关于互联网动效设计的实战教程图书,介绍了移动互联网时代体验动效设计行业的发展趋势。 本书分为7 章,通过文字和视频两种教学形式相结合,让大家对UI 前期的行业、技能以及部门工作协同等知识有所了解,同时对动效软件的操作和动效案例的制作有较全面的掌握。本书除了文字介绍外,还有近20 个视频教学案例,由浅深地教会读者使用After Effects 制作动效,且在学习之余,为读者分享了一些关于思维导图、分镜头绘制、前端发等相关知识,以及工作过程中可能会遇到的一些困难解决方案和风险规避方法等。 本书适于传统UI 设计师、在校相关专业学生或者希望系统学习UI 动效设计的人学习使用。

Oracle 11g R1/R2 Real Application Clusters Essentials
This book documents how to administer a complex Oracle 11g RAC environment. It covers new RAC components such as ASM’s new features, performance tuning, and troubleshooting. It contains real world examples, expert tips, and troubleshooting advice. This book focuses on Oracle RAC 11g R1 with additional 11g R2 information included. If you are an Oracle DBA who wants to administer Real Application Clusters, then this book is for you. Basic understanding of Oracle DBA is required. No experience of Oracle RAC is required.

Oracle E-Business Suite 12 Financials Cookbook
There are many ways of configuring and using Oracle EBS R12 Financials. This cookbook demonstrates how to use EBS R12 Financials in a way that will enable you to understand the core functionalities of the main financials modules. Each recipe is presented as part of a scenario-based chapter that details typical business scenarios. This book is for EBS Financials specialists who want a broader understanding of particular areas of the financials modules. Businesses can use this book to identify key functionalities of the financial modules, and very quickly demonstrate a pilot to obtain the core requirements. If you are a Business Analyst, Functional Consultant, Technical Consultant, Project Sponsor, Project Manager, Project Team Member, System Accountant or Solution Designer, Testing Team Member, Training Team Member or Support Team Member, then this book is for you. This book assumes that you have basic navigation skills and you understand the key Oracle EBS terminology, novice EBS professionals will also gain from the expert content of this book.

Oracle Siebel CRM 8 Developer's Handbook
This book uses a real-life case study to provide easy-to-follow examples that are radically practical and can be easily adapted to similar situations in Siebel CRM implementation projects. The book ensures that you know what you are doing and why you are doing it by providing useful insight along with detailed practical instructions. It contains a multitude of explanatory tables, screenshots, and precise diagrams to illustrate the topics. When you have finished the book you will feel prepared to participate in Siebel CRM implementation projects. In addition you will be able to teach the "old dogs" some new tricks. This book is written for developers who want to develop their Siebel Tools skill set. While the book is intended for beginners, even experienced developers will benefit from the topics presented in this book. Preliminary exposure to or training on technical Siebel topics would be beneficial but is not mandatory before you start reading this book.

IBM Sametime 8.5.2 Administration Guide
The IBM Lotus Sametime 8.5.2 Administration Guide uses a practical, no-nonsense approach to give you the essential information you need. Using realistic scenarios, you learn how to configure and maintain your environment to meet your needs and take advantage of the flexibility offered in Sametime 8.5.2. If you are responsible for installing and administering Sametime 8.5.2, then this book is for you. If you’re completely new to Sametime administration, this book will serve as your roadmap. If you’re making the jump from a prior version of Sametime, then you’ll see how Sametime 8.5.2 differs and how you work with the new configuration. Even if you already have Sametime 8.5.2 up and running, this guide will answer those questions you may still have of why and how the various server components work.

Design Principles for Process-driven Architectures Using Oracle BPM and SOA Suit
This book is intended for BPM and SOA architects, analysts, developers, and project managers who are responsible for, or involved in, business process development, modelling, monitoring, or the implementation of composite, process-oriented applications. The principles are relevant for the design of on-premise and cloud solutions.

Business Process Execution Language for Web Services Second Edition
This book is aimed at architects and developers in the design, implementation, and integration phases of advanced information systems and e-business solutions, developing business processes and dealing with the issues of composition, orchestration, transactions, coordination, and security. The book presumes knowledge of XML and web services, web services development (either on J2EE or .NET), and multi-tier architecture

Oracle Siebel CRM 8 Installation and Management
This book provides a practical, hands-on experience. Chapter by chapter, a Siebel CRM self-study environment is created which can be used to follow the examples described in the book to explore the Siebel functionality. The book ensures that you understand what you are doing and why you are doing it. It contains clear step-by-step instructions, explanatory tables, screenshots, and precise diagrams. This book is for administrators who want to develop and strengthen their Siebel CRM skills in the areas of installation and system management. Whether you are a novice or a more experienced user, this book will teach you something new in many ways and by the end of the book, you will be ready to install and manage Siebel CRM in a real-world environment.

Arduino: Building LED and Espionage Projects
Find out how to transform your Arduino device into an awesome secret agent gadget with this course, taking in everything from robotics to remote control cameras About This Book ?This course won’t just teach you. It will help you apply your knowledge so you can get creative – quickly! ?Find out how to make a computer interact with the real-world – you’ll be learning the basics of IoT without realizing it. ?Robots. A sound controlled Christmas tree. This course proves anything is possible with an Arduino! Who This Book Is For Seeking inspirationThis course will help you get creative with your Arduino quickly. What You Will Learn ?Find out how to explore the full potential of your tiny Arduino ?Find out how to bridge the gap between the real world and software, as you gather and visualize data from the environment ?Create simple servers to allow communication to occur ?Transform your Arduino into a GPS tracker ?Use the Arduino to monitor top secret data ?Build a complete spy robot! In Detail An Arduino might be a tiny computer but it can be used as the foundation for a huge range of projects. In this course, we’ll show you how just some of the projects that are possible with an Arduino. From robotics to secret agent gadgets, we’re pretty confident that this course will get you thinking creatively – and inspire you to create your very own new projects using the Arduino hacking skills you learn. This course, combines both text and video content – it’s made up of three modules to help organize your learning. In the first module we’ll show you how to build three different Arduino projects. All of these will not only get you up and running with something practical, they’ll also help you better understand how the Arduino works. Find out how to develop a home automation system and even build a robot! In the second module we’ll go one step further to help you get creative as you learn how to program LEDs with your Arduino. You’ll find out how to build a mood lamp and a remote-controlled TV backlight, before going on to make a sound controlled LED Christmas tree that makes use of sound visualization. Finally, the third module takes you from stylish design into espionage, as you learn how to create neat secret agent gadgets with your Arduino. Find out how to build an alarm system, a fingerprint sensor, even open a lock with a text message. And that’s not all – but to find out more you’ll have to dive in! This Learning Path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer in one complete, curated package. It includes content from the following Packt products: ● Arduino By Example by Adith Jagadish Boloor ● Arduino BLINK Blueprints by Samarth Shah, Utsav Shah ● Arduino for Secret Agents by Marco Shwartz Style and approach Combining both video and text and built from some of Packt’s very best Arduino content, this course comprises of three modules covering a range of projects. It’s completely focused on helping the user get creative as quickly as possible so they can explore what’s possible with Arduino themselves.

SAP NetWeaver MDM 7-1 Administrators Guide
This book is written in an easy-to-read style, with a strong emphasis on real-world, practical examples with step-by-step explanations. This book will appeal to administrators who are responsible for implementing and managing SAP NetWeaver MDM in their systems. Basic knowledge of MDM is desirable, but not knowledge of SAP NetWeaver MDM. If you are already familiar with NetWeaver it will be easy for you to follow the book.

Oracle Goldengate 11g Complete Cookbook
Oracle Goldengate 11g Complete Cookbook follows the Cookbook style. Each recipe provides step by step instructions with various examples and *s. This book provides the necessary information to successfully complete most of the possible administration tasks.Oracle Goldengate 11g Complete Cookbook is aimed at Database Administrators, Architects, and Middleware Administrators who are keen to know more about Oracle Goldengate. Whether you are handling Goldengate environments on a day-to-day basis, or using it just for migration, this book provides the necessary information required to successfully complete your administration tasks. The reader is expected to have some knowledge of Oracle databases.

深度学习通常被视为数学博士和大型科技公司的专属领域。但是正如本书所呈现的那样,熟悉Python的程序员可以通过少量的数学背景、少量的数据和少的代码在深度学习中取得令人震惊的成果。fastai是个为常用的深度学习应用程序提供一致口的库。本书的两位作者用口语化且简单明了的方式描述了各种抽象的理论概念,希望通过本书能让尽可能多的人了解深度学习。这本书深浅出地介绍了深度学习的概念,并为读者提供了掌握深度学习的详细指导。 本书的目标读者是对深度学习感兴趣的广大程序员,只要你有一些编程基础,即可通过这本书轻松上手深度学习。

本书立足于当前主流互联网企业对Java发人员的技术要求,分析并总结面试中常见的面试考以提升Java发人员的技术实力。通过结合作者和行业内多位阅历丰富的Java发人员、面试官和猎头的工作经验,总结出高效的面试技巧,助力Java发人员早日走出面试困惑期,收获满意的工作机会和丰厚的薪资。本书第1章讲解Java语言发环境的搭建过程。第2章和第3章讲解Java发人员面试中常见的数据结构和算法考。第4章讲解Java发人员面试中常见的Java基础相关的考。第5章和第6章讲解Java发人员面试中常见的并发编程考。第7章和第8章讲解Java发人员可能会面临的面试形式和应对面试所需的技巧。 本书内容翔实,贴近面试实践,考讲解详尽,适用于所有Java语言面试候选人、分布式系统发爱好者以及计算机相关专业的学生阅读,也可供具有一到三年Java发经验的读者夯实基础,提升发技术。

科学是什么?科学从哪里来,到哪里去? 这本书全面介绍了科学的历史、现在和未来。阅读这本书,你将获得以下三方面的知识和智慧,这些或许可以颠覆你的科学思维。 全面了解科学技术的发展过程,包括近代科学形成之前的时期、经典力学时期、现代科学时期、科学高潮时期和科学的未来。 穿越时间与空间的科学历程,深了解科学的诞生与演变,找到真知的钥匙,认识真正的科学世界。 站在东西方科学的交汇,见证文明的碰撞与共生。 这本书还是一次全新的科学探索之旅。与过去大多数科学史著作只关注西方科学史不同,两位作者将人类文明作为一个整体系统来考虑,并采用系统思维模式和元科学的分析方法重新梳理人类的科学技术发展过程,弥补了东方科学被忽视的缺陷。 这本书不仅梳理了科学发展的历史脉络,更重要的是揭示了不同理论之间的内在关联,展现了科学发展的连贯性和整体性。书中以图文并茂、通俗易懂的方式揭示了科学的奥秘和价值,会让读者对科学有更深的认识和理解。

图数据库是NoSQL类数据库的又一大典型代表,在国内图数据库属于新兴事物,其优异的复杂关系解决方案引起了国内众多大型互联网公司及IT发者的关注,而Neo4j是目前图形化数据库中为出色、为成熟的产品。本书的版书名是《Neo4j**指南》,发行量超过13000册,本书在版的基础上补充完善了Neo4j的新特性、新功能。 本书基于Neo4j 4.4版本编写,共分10章,涵盖基本概念、基础门、查询语言、程序发技术、管理运维、集群技术、应用案例、高级应用、配置设置、内建过程、GDS、Fabric等内容。 本书内容涉及Neo4j的大部分知识,既可以作为Neo4j初学者的门教材,也可以作为相关行业Neo4j技术专家的参考手册。

《西尔斯橙色亲子课》是威廉·西尔斯、玛莎·西尔斯著的夫妇根据自己养育第四个孩子海登的经历写成的,海登是典型的高需求宝宝,她易哭闹,爱挑剔,需要父母一刻不离的照顾,所以也需要高度亲密抚育,西尔斯夫妇的核心育儿观——“亲密育儿法”也是从海登这样的孩子身上学来的。高需求孩子虽然让人恼火,但也能带给我们很多惊喜:一个非常善于生气、喜欢争论的孩子,也非常善于爱;一个情感充沛、内心敏感的孩子,更容易与他人建立情感联系,也会给自己带来更多的自信和安全感。在某种程度上,所有的孩子都是高需求的,都需要我们更加亲密的抚养。 《西尔斯健康育儿百科》想象一下,凌晨三,你焦急地守着生病的孩子。如果这时候,手头有专家的建议能帮你度过这个夜晚,那该多好啊! 《西尔斯健康育儿百科》是一本关于儿童健康的综合指南。对于每一种儿童疾病和紧急情况,从普通感冒、耳朵痛、长牙到学习障碍、种疫苗,从新生儿到青春期的所有发育过程,你都能从中找到对应的处理方案,包括什么时候你该担心、什么时候该去看医生、什么时候只需在家治疗。 西尔斯医生还为我们提供手把手的指导,告诉我们常规检查时应该注意哪些方面、如何促孩子的健康成长、如何设计全家的健康计划、如何更有效率地与儿科医生合作。 《西尔斯健康育儿百科》以全面、可信、易于理解、可操作性强而著称,本书内容丰富翔实,每一个希望孩子健康快乐成长的家庭都应。 《西尔斯亲密育儿练习手册》 亲密育儿法在很多方面操作起来都不容易,但在每一方面,它都是*肯定生命、*贴近人心的方法,所以受到了越来越多妈妈们的肯定和拥护,西尔斯夫妇也成为全球*受欢迎的育儿专家,其代表作《西尔斯亲密育儿百科》长期占踞美国各大书店育儿类畅销书排行榜榜首。 西尔斯夫妇认为,相比缺少亲密关系的小孩,拥有亲密关系的小孩更能适应未来生活的变化,更容易取得成功,尤其是在*关键的人际关系、价值观和情感沟通方面取得成功。因为拥有亲密关系的孩子显然更具同情心和同理心,自信又有安全感,更具备与这个世界建立亲密联结的能力。 作为“亲密育儿法”的教育实践版,《西尔斯亲密育儿练习手册》将带领读者了解,从孩子的出生到青春期的各个阶段中,亲密的亲子关系是如何发展的,以及亲密关系是如何影响孩子成功的。 本书的*部分首先检查父母与孩子在建立亲密关系上是否顺利,因为这决定了孩子在情感和智力方面的发展。第二部分则指导父母如何把良好的亲子关系转化为更具体的成功技能——沟通力、同理心、自信心和安全感,等等。