

Elmore Leonard Raylan Givens 3-Book Collection
Elmore Leonard Raylan Givens 3-Book Collection
Leonard, Elmore
New York Times bestselling author Elmore Leonard's U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens is the mesmerizing hero of numerous books and the hit FX series Justified. Now the first three Raylan books—Pronto, Riding the Rap, and Fire in the Hole—are together in one ebook, along with an excerpt from Raylan, the brand new novel in the series.
每满80减40 当代经典文学鬼才:巴恩斯五部曲
《柠檬桌子》:当我老了,走过了跋山涉水的一生,我的灵魂终于变得广阔而平静。 巴恩斯打磨八年的经典之作,一本关于衰老和死亡的短篇小说集。11个短篇淋漓尽致地展现了变老的每一种可能:有六十岁的大文豪屠格涅夫以生命燃烧后的爱情,有时刻监督音乐会上不当行为的老年听众,有活着只为了比别人活更久的投资人……翻开《柠檬桌子》,看到人生暮年的真相! 《亚瑟与乔治》:永远不要怀疑自己,毕竟只有相信自己的人实现了理想。 布克奖决选作品,票选远超诺贝尔奖得主库切、石黑一雄!改编自真实历史事件,记录了《福尔摩斯》作者柯南·道尔一生一次亲自办案的全过程。这一年,柯南·道尔正经历着人生理想的破灭:创作瓶颈、爱妻重病、信仰危机……为了走出怀疑自己的怪圈,他决定亲自破解现实中的案件,像福尔摩斯那样披挂上阵……《亚瑟与乔治》被誉为怀疑自己时的人生自救指南,它会让怀疑自己的你,找回直面人生的勇气! 《尚待商榷的爱情》:每一段爱情都是普通的,每一段爱情又都是独特的。 法国两大至高文学奖之一费米娜外国小说奖获奖作品。《尚待商榷的爱情》讨论了爱情的不确定性,人类情感的复杂性与记忆的不可靠性。记忆在此处发展为一种虚构的艺术,通过三个主人公的轮流叙述,引发读者思考爱情“真相”。 《爱,以及其他》:我们终会知道,除了爱情,我们还需要什么。 世界上的人分为两类,一类认为爱即一切,除此之外的人生仅仅只是“其他”;另一类认为人生精彩之处恰恰在于“其他”。《爱,以及其他》是《尚待商榷的爱情》十年后的续作,我们终会知道,除了爱情,我们还需要什么。 《她过去的爱情》:你不属于我的每一段过去,都让我嫉妒成狂。 本书描绘了爱情的另一面,它如此危险,却可能正在你我身边重演。书中关于心理学、观念、爱的若干种形式的描摹,精准而有智慧。你不属于我的每一段过去,都让我嫉妒成狂。
Birds of South America:Passerines (Collins Field Guide)
Birds of South America:Passerines (Collins Field Guide)
Ber Van Perlo
Recommended for viewing on a colour tablet. South America has long been known for its bountiful flora and fauna. The richness in bird life has attracted visitors from all over the world and has helped to make South America an increasingly popular wildlife tourist spot. This major new field guide to the birds of South America covers all the passerines (perching birds), with all plumages for each species illustrated, including males, females and juveniles. The text gives information on key identification features, habitat, and songs and calls. Beautiful artwork featured across 195 colour plates appears opposite the relevant text for quick and easy reference. Distribution maps are included, showing where each species can be found and how common it is, to further aid identification.
每满80减40 实用中医风湿免疫病学
本书为《实用中医临床医学丛书》之一种。 将中医临床医学行系统梳理,理清其发展脉络,总结其卓有成效的治病方法,理清其固有的治疗思路,将零散的经验纳到中医临床医学理论体系中,这就是《实用中医临床医学丛书》编写的思路。 《实用中医临床医学丛书》是一套真正反映中医辨证论治思维,汇集古今中医临证经验,既有系统理论,又含具体治病方法的实用的中医临床医学学术著作,理论系统、内涵丰富、临床实用为本书的特。 本丛书是中医书,不是中西医结合书,更不是西医书,所以要根据中医临床实际,妥善处理现代医学介的问题。 本丛书不是为初学者编写,读者定位于主治医师及以上职称。
每满80减40 实用中医消化病学
每满80减40 精编有毒壮药
Divergent Series Ultimate Four-Book Collection 分歧者系列(套装共4册)
Divergent Series Ultimate Four-Book Collection 分歧者系列(套装共4册)
Roth, Veronica
Available together for the first time—all three books in the #1?New York Times?bestselling Divergent trilogy, plus the companion volume told from the perspective of the immensely popular character Tobias. Perfect for established fans who want to own the full Divergent library or readers new to the series, this ebook bundle includes?Divergent,?Insurgent,?Allegiant, and?Four: A Divergent Collection.Divergent: One choice can transform you. Veronica Roth's #1?New York Times?bestselling debut is a gripping dystopian tale of electrifying choices, powerful consequences, unexpected romance, and a deeply flawed "perfect society."Insurgent: One choice can destroy you. Veronica Roth's second #1?New York Times?bestseller continues the dystopian thrill ride. As war surges in the factions all around her, Tris attempts to save those she loves—and herself—while grappling with haunting questions of grief and forgiveness, identity and loyalty, politics and love.Allegiant: The explosive conclusion to Veronica Roth's #1?New York Times?bestselling Divergent trilogy reveals the secrets of the dystopian world that has captivated millions of readers.Four: A Divergent Collection: A companion volume to the worldwide bestselling Divergent series, told from the perspective of Tobias. The four pieces included—"The Transfer," "The Initiate," "The Son," and "The Traitor"—plus three additional exclusive scenes, give readers a fascinating glimpse into the history and heart of Tobias, and set the stage for the epic saga of the Divergent trilogy.
A STUDY OF THE HISTORY OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE WESTERN & EASTERN HAN, WEI, JIN, SOUTHERN & NORTHERN DYNASTIES AND THE WESTERN REGIONS是同作者《两汉魏晋南北朝与西域关系史研究》一书的英文版,为作者研究两汉时期中西交通史的经典专著。 本书分为上下两篇,上篇重新讨论了魏晋南北朝各代同西域关系的研究,将经过检验的成果组织成一个比较完整的体系。下篇就若干重要而又必须一步推敲的专题,如张骞西使、甘英西使、通西域路线戊己校尉、李柏文书,以及吐鲁番文书有关年号等,行了研究;也都是从前人的研究成果出发,得出与前人不同的结论。
每满80减40 腹部肿瘤学
Insurgent Democracy
Insurgent Democracy
Lansing, Michael J.
In 1915, western farmers mounted one of the most significant challenges to party politics America has seen: the Nonpartisan League, which sought to empower citizens and restrain corporate influence. Before its collapse in the 1920s, the League counted over 250,000 paying members, spread to thirteen states and two Canadian provinces, controlled North Dakota's state government, and birthed new farmer-labor alliances. Yet today it is all but forgotten, neglected even by scholars.Michael J. Lansing aims to change that. Insurgent Democracy offers a new look at the Nonpartisan League and a new way to understand its rise and fall in the United States and Canada. Lansing argues that, rather than a spasm of populist rage that inevitably burned itself out, the story of the League is in fact an instructive example of how popular movements can create lasting change. Depicting the League as a transnational response to economic inequity, Lansing not only resurrects its story of citizen activism, but also allows us to see its potential to inform contemporary movements.
Planters, Merchants, and Slaves
Planters, Merchants, and Slaves
Burnard, Trevor
As with any enterprise involving violence and lots of money, running a plantation in early British America was a serious and brutal enterprise. Beyond resources and weapons, a plantation required a significant force of cruel and rapacious men-men who, as Trevor Burnard sees it, lacked any better options for making money. In the contentious Planters, Merchants, and Slaves, Burnard argues that white men did not choose to develop and maintain the plantation system out of virulent racism or sadism, but rather out of economic logic because-to speak bluntly-it worked.These economically successful and ethically monstrous plantations required racial divisions to exist, but their successes were always measured in gold, rather than skin or blood. Burnard argues that the best example of plantations functioning as intended is not those found in the fractious and poor North American colonies, but those in their booming and integrated commercial hub, Jamaica. Sure to be controversial, this book is a major intervention in the scholarship on slavery, economic development, and political power in early British America, mounting a powerful and original argument that boldly challenges historical orthodoxy.
Physics Envy
Physics Envy
Middleton, Peter
At the close of the Second World War, modernist poets found themselves in an increasingly scientific world, where natural and social sciences claimed exclusive rights to knowledge of both matter and mind. Following the overthrow of the Newtonian worldview and the recent, shocking displays of the power of the atom, physics led the way, with other disciplines often turning to the methods and discoveries of physics for inspiration.?In Physics Envy, Peter Middleton examines the influence of science, particularly physics, on American poetry since World War II. He focuses on such diverse poets as Charles Olson, Muriel Rukeyser, Amiri Baraka, and Rae Armantrout, among others, revealing how the methods and language of contemporary natural and social sciences-and even the discourse of the leading popular science magazine Scientific American-shaped their work. The relationship, at times, extended in the other direction as well: leading physicists such as Robert Oppenheimer, Werner Heisenberg, and Erwin Schrdinger were interested in whether poetry might help them explain the strangeness of the new, quantum world. Physics Envy is a history of science and poetry that shows how ultimately each serves to illuminate the other in its quest for the true nature of things.
Joyce's Ghosts
Joyce's Ghosts
Gibbons, Luke
For decades, James Joyce's modernism has overshadowed his Irishness, as his self-imposed exile and association with the high modernism of Europe's urban centers has led critics to see him almost exclusively as a cosmopolitan figure.In Joyce's Ghosts, Luke Gibbons mounts a powerful argument that this view is mistaken: Joyce's Irishness is intrinsic to his modernism, informing his most distinctive literary experiments. Ireland, Gibbons shows, is not just a source of subject matter or content for Joyce, but of form itself. Joyce's stylistic innovations can be traced at least as much to the tragedies of Irish history as to the shock of European modernity, as he explores the incomplete project of inner life under colonialism. Joyce's language, Gibbons reveals, is haunted by ghosts, less concerned with the stream of consciousness than with a vernacular interior dialogue, the "e;shout in the street,"e; that gives room to outside voices and shadowy presences, the disruptions of a late colonial?culture in crisis.Showing us how memory under modernism breaks free of the nightmare of history, and how in doing so it gives birth to new forms, Gibbons forces us to think anew about Joyce's achievement and its foundations.
Power to Die
Power to Die
Snyder, Terri L.
The history of slavery in early America is a history of suicide. On ships crossing the Atlantic, enslaved men and women refused to eat or leaped into the ocean. They strangled or hanged themselves. They tore open their own throats. In America, they jumped into rivers or out of windows, or even ran into burning buildings. Faced with the reality of enslavement, countless Africans chose death instead.In The Power to Die, Terri L. Snyder excavates the history of slave suicide, returning it to its central place in early American history. How did people-traders, plantation owners, and, most importantly, enslaved men and women themselves-view and understand these deaths, and how did they affect understandings of the institution of slavery then and nowSnyder draws on ships' logs, surgeons' journals, judicial and legislative records, newspaper accounts, abolitionist propaganda and slave narratives, and many other sources to build a grim picture of slavery's toll and detail the ways in which suicide exposed the contradictions of slavery, serving as a powerful indictment that resonated throughout the Anglo-Atlantic world and continues to speak to historians today.
Ramachandran, Ayesha
In this beautifully conceived book, Ayesha Ramachandran reconstructs the imaginative struggles of early modern artists, philosophers, and writers to make sense of something that we take for granted: the world, imagined as a whole. Once a new, exciting, and frightening concept, "e;the world"e; was transformed in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. But how could one envision something that no one had ever seen in its totalityThe Worldmakers moves beyond histories of globalization to explore how "e;the world"e; itself-variously understood as an object of inquiry, a comprehensive category, and a system of order-was self-consciously shaped by human agents. Gathering an international cast of characters, from Dutch cartographers and French philosophers to Portuguese and English poets, Ramachandran describes a history of firsts: the first world atlas, the first global epic, the first modern attempt to develop a systematic natural philosophy-all part of an effort by early modern thinkers to capture "e;the world"e; on the page.
Patterns in Nature
Patterns in Nature
Sanderson, James G.
What species occur where, and why, and why some places harbor more species than others are basic questions for ecologists. Some species simply live in different places: fish live underwater; birds do not. Adaptations follow: most fish have gills; birds have lungs. But as Patterns in Nature reveals, not all patterns are so trivial.Travel from island to island and the species change. Travel along any gradient-up a mountain, from forest into desert, from low tide to high tide on a shoreline -and again the species change, sometimes abruptly. What explains the patterns of these distributionsSome patterns might be as random as a coin toss. But as with a coin toss, can ecologists differentiate associations caused by a multiplicity of complex, idiosyncratic factors from those structured by some unidentified but simple mechanismsCan simple mechanisms that structure communities be inferred from observations of which species associations naturally occurFor decades, community ecologists have debated about whether the patterns are random or show the geographically pervasive effect of competition between species. Bringing this vigorous debate up to date, this book undertakes the identification and interpretation of nature's large-scale patterns of species co-occurrence to offer insight into how nature truly works.Patterns in Nature explains the computing and conceptual advances that allow us to explore these issues. It forces us to reexamine assumptions about species distribution patterns and will be of vital importance to ecologists and conservationists alike.
Making the Mission
Making the Mission
Howell, Ocean
In the aftermath of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, residents of the city's iconic Mission District bucked the city-wide development plan, defiantly announcing that in their neighborhood, they would be calling the shots. Ever since, the Mission has become known as a city within a city, and a place where residents have, over the last century, organized and reorganized themselves to make the neighborhood in their own image.In Making the Mission, Ocean Howell tells the story of how residents of the Mission District organized to claim the right to plan their own neighborhood and how they mobilized a politics of place and ethnicity to create a strong, often racialized identity-a pattern that would repeat itself again and again throughout the twentieth century. Surveying the perspectives of formal and informal groups, city officials and district residents, local and federal agencies, Howell articulates how these actors worked with and against one another to establish the very ideas of the public and the public interest, as well as to negotiate and renegotiate what the neighborhood wanted. In the process, he shows that national narratives about how cities grow and change are fundamentally insufficient; everything is always shaped by local actors and concerns.
From Boom to Bubble
From Boom to Bubble
Weber, Rachel
During the Great Recession, the housing bubble took much of the blame for bringing the American economy to its knees, but commercial real estate also experienced its own boom-and-bust in the same time period. In Chicago, for example, law firms and corporate headquarters abandoned their historic downtown office buildings for the millions of brand-new square feet that were built elsewhere in the central business district. What causes construction booms like this, and why do they so often leave a glut of vacant space and economic distress in their wake?In From Boom to Bubble, Rachel Weber debunks the idea that booms occur only when cities are growing and innovating. Instead, she argues, even in cities experiencing employment and population decline, developers rush to erect new office towers and apartment buildings when they have financial incentives to do so. Focusing on the main causes of overbuilding during the early 2000s, Weber documents the case of Chicago's "e;Millennial Boom,"e; showing that the Loop's expansion was a response to global and local pressures to produce new assets. An influx of cheap cash, made available through the use of complex financial instruments, helped transform what started as a boom grounded in modest occupant demand into a speculative bubble, where pricing and supply had only tenuous connections to the market. Innovative and compelling, From Boom to Bubble is an unprecedented historical, sociological, and geographic look at how property markets change and fail-and how that affects cities.
Great Transformations in Vertebrate Evolution
Great Transformations in Vertebrate Evolution
Kenneth P. Dial and Neil Shubin
How did flying birds evolve from running dinosaurs, terrestrial trotting tetrapods evolve from swimming fish, and whales return to swim in the seaThese are some of the great transformations in the 500-million-year history of vertebrate life. And with the aid of new techniques and approaches across a range of fields-work spanning multiple levels of biological organization from DNA sequences to organs and the physiology and ecology of whole organisms-we are now beginning to unravel the confounding evolutionary mysteries contained in the structure, genes, and fossil record of every living species.This book gathers a diverse team of renowned scientists to capture the excitement of these new discoveries in a collection that is both accessible to students and an important contribution to the future of its field. Marshaling a range of disciplines-from paleobiology to phylogenetics, developmental biology, ecology, and evolutionary biology-the contributors attack particular transformations in the head and neck, trunk, appendages such as fins and limbs, and the whole body, as well as offer synthetic perspectives. Illustrated throughout, Great Transformations in Vertebrate Evolution not only reveals the true origins of whales with legs, fish with elbows, wrists, and necks, and feathered dinosaurs, but also the relevance to our lives today of these extraordinary narratives of change.
Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises
Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises
Annalisa Berta
The eighty-nine cetacean species that swim our seas and rivers are as diverse as they are intelligent and elusive, from the hundred-foot-long, two-hundred-ton blue whale to the lesser-known tucuxi, ginkgo-toothed beaked whale, and diminutive, critically endangered vaquita. The huge distances these highly migratory creatures cover and the depths they dive mean we catch only the merest glimpses of their lives as they break the surface of the water. But thanks to the marriage of science and technology, we are now beginning to understand their anatomy, complex social structures, extraordinary communication abilities, and behavioral patterns. In this beautifully illustrated guide, renowned marine mammalogist Annalisa Berta draws on the contributions of a pod of fellow whale biologists to present the most comprehensive, authoritative overview ever published of these remarkable aquatic mammals.Opening with an accessible rundown of cetacean biology-including the most recent science on feeding, mating, and communication-Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises then presents species-specific natural history on a range of topics, from anatomy and diet to distribution and conservation status. Each entry also includes original drawings of the species and its key identifiers, such as fin shape and color, tooth shape, and characteristic markings as they would appear both above and below water-a feature unique to this book.Figures of myth and-as the debate over hunting rages on-figures of conflict since long before the days of Moby-Dick, whales, dolphins, and porpoises are also ecologically important and, in many cases, threatened. Written for general enthusiasts, emergent cetacean fans, and biologists alike, this stunning, urgently needed book will serve as the definitive guide for years to come.