

How to Use Community Health Assessment to Reduce the Burden of HIV and AIDS Worl
How to Use Community Health Assessment to Reduce the Burden of HIV and AIDS Worl
Victor O. I. Nwanguma
How to Use Community Health Assessment to Reduce the Burden of HIV and AIDS Worldwide
Formulas for the E6-B Air Navigation Computer
Formulas for the E6-B Air Navigation Computer
Hitchens, Frank
Formulas for the Air Navigation Computer is written for pilots and air navigators at all levels of experience from the novice to the professional. The book is self-help on how to use the E6-B Air Navigation Computer. An E6-B Air Navigation Computer is a circular slide rule with a wind slide on the reverse side. It is dedicated to performing all calculations related to pre-flight planning and in-flight air navigation. Every pilot has an E6-B Air Navigation Computer, which is supplied with a very brief instructional booklet when the E6-B is purchased. However, the booklet only covers a few basic formulas, and many more formulas are required for passing the pilot navigation exams at various levels and, of course, for all operational flying. Obtaining all these different formulas from various sources is time consuming, as this author has discovered over the years. They are not readily available in one book. This is the reason for writing Formulas for the Air Navigation Computer; it is a unique collection of air navigation computer formulas. The formulas are written as they appear when set up on the E6-B Air Navigation Computer. A full description on how to solve each formula is included, along with a worked example and also the methods for using the wind slide to calculate wind triangle and other navigational problems associated with the wind slide. The book is easy to follow by the novice pilot and a convenient reference source for the more experienced pilot. The book is complete with all the formulas a pilot of any level should need to know. It is laid out in a simple way with over 122 formulas and methods, covering Time, Speed & Distance, Air Speed, Altitude Navigation, VNAV, One-in-Sixty Rule, Wind triangle Calculations, Wind Finding methods, Fuel Calculations, Pressure Pattern Navigation and more.
Santos Campos, Andre
Spinoza is among the most pivotal thinkers in the history of philosophy. He has had a deep and enduring influence on a wide range of philosophical subjects, and his work is encountered by all serious students of Western philosophy. His Ethics is one of the seminal works of metaphysical, moral, religious and political thought; his Theological-Political Treatise inaugurated a novel method of biblical exegesis; and both his political works developed the pre-eminence of democracy above all other regimes. Nevertheless, the significance of Spinoza's philosophy is matched by its complexity. His system presents a considerable challenge for the modern student; his language is frequently opaque, while the esoteric themes explored in his work often require elucidation. Spinoza: Basic Concepts intends to overcome most of such difficulties. Each essay in this collection explores a key concept involved in Spinoza's thinking, relating it to his understanding of philosophy, outlining the arguments and explaining the implications of each concept. Together, the chapters cover the full range of Spinoza's interdisciplinary system of philosophy.
Thought Thinking
Thought Thinking
Haddock, Bruce
The Italian author Giovanni Gentile (1875-1944) occupied a radical position among philosophers of the first half of the twentieth century. He tried in earnest to revolutionize idealist theory, developing a doctrine that retained the idealist conception of the thinking subject as the centre and source of any intelligible reality, while eschewing many of the unwarranted abstractions that had pervaded earlier varieties of idealism and led their adherents astray.Given his great prominence during his lifetime, it is perhaps remarkable that Gentile is so little discussed, and even then so poorly understood, in the English-speaking world. Few of his works have ever been translated into English, and these represent only a fraction of his great corpus and the many topics discussed therein. This neglect is partly explained by his close association with the Partito Nazionale Fascista (National Fascist Party), of which he remained a loyal member and supporter between 1923 and his assassination in 1944.The volume comprises eleven essays. Seven of these are new pieces written especially for Thought Thinking, and are intended both to contribute to ongoing debates about Gentile's philosophy and to indicate just a few of its many aspects that continue to draw the attention of philosophers, political theorists and intellectual historians. These are supplemented by new English translations of four of Gentile's shorter works, selected to offer some direct insight into his ideas and style of writing.
Learning Disability Nursing Practice
Learning Disability Nursing Practice
Jukes, Mark
This text encapsulates not only the origins of nursing in the learning disability field but also contemporary perspectives and areas for specialist nursing practice. The book is divided into four sections: origins, perspectives, practice, and further perspectives. Section one (origins) describes Great Barr Colony and explores the conceptions of practice of actual attendants and nurses who worked there. It gives readers an in-depth focus on aspects of work and practice not accounted for in the literature to date. Section two (perspectives) explores social policy perspectives from the past eras of the workhouse, the colony and the hospital, through to the present age of citizenship. Research in learning disability nursing practice is identifi ed through scoping exercises to identify its current status. The section questions the research and practice developments that have come of age and that constitute a challenge within an evidence-based health and social care world. Section three (practice) identifi es a wide range of specialist areas of nursing practice, including community learning disability nursing, epilepsy, forensics, health facilitation, autism, mental health, challenging behaviour, children s services and working with people with profound and multiple learning disabilities. Section four (further perspectives) addresses areas of contemporary and future concern, namely, educational curricula for nurses and the importance of inter-professional education and practice development.
每满80减40 “洞见未来,掌握科技新趋势”系列套装(套装12册)
[巴西]米格尔·尼科莱利斯 等
《脑机穿越》讲述了“人机融合”的未来,即“脑机口时代”的到来!在未来科技的驱动下,科幻大片的场景已逐渐走现实。人类通过思维控制人造工具,如今听起来无法想象的事情,在未来会成为常态。从海洋深处到超新星禁区,甚至到我们体内细胞间的微小裂缝,人类的触及范围将追上我们探索未知领域的野心。 《脑机穿越》也是“脑机口”的简要发展史。作者尼科莱利从脑机口对传统神经科学的颠覆,到早期的“信息输出”,即机器如何读取大脑信息;再到现在科学家苦心钻研的“信息输”问题,即反馈信号如何作用于大脑……为我们描绘了一幅人类未来新图景! 在未来,随着脑机口技术的不断完善,很多渐冻人患者、严重瘫痪患者也将从中受益。脑机口有望让这些病患重新恢复功能性运动,重新学会行走。同时,脑机口并不只局限在医疗康复领域,作者正在行的“大脑校园”项目将是多学科合作的典范,它将提升人们的教育、健康及生活标准。甚至,我们能祖先的记忆库,下载他的思想,通过他私密的感情和生动的记忆,创造一次你们原本永远都不可能经历的邂逅……对于脑机口将为人类带来怎样的未来生活,这些仅是窥豹一斑。
每满80减40 近代蒙古文献大系见闻卷全五册
李红权 朱宪 主编
《近代蒙古文献大系》是一部将1840—1949年一百余年中,散见于各种期刊杂志、报纸文摘、回忆录及各类政府公报中有关蒙古的中文文献,行分类编辑而成的史料丛书。 本书内容涵盖近代蒙古地区的政治、经济、军事、文化、教育、宗教、历史等诸多方面,全方位地反映了近代以来蒙古地区乃至整个北部中国的历史文化、社会经济变迁与发展态势,具有浓郁的民族和地域特色,信息量大,工具作用性强,可为中国近代史、近现代边疆史、蒙古史等研究提供翔实资料;对建立“亲、诚、惠、容”的周边国家关系,对“一带一路”建设,也可提供基本的文献支持,增背景领略,具有相当的现实意义。 见闻卷,约300千字,内容涉及相应时期蒙古地方的政治、经济、社会、文化等等方方面面的状况,所收录的各篇游记体裁丰富,实地考察与典籍文献相互参证,文笔优美雅洁,真实生动。
每满80减40 中国农村调查 (总第54卷·村庄类第23卷·黄河区域第4卷)
中国农村调查 (总第54卷·村庄类第23卷·黄河区域第4卷)
主编 徐勇;邓大才
每满80减40 头颈部肿瘤放射治疗图谱(第3版)
每满80减40 部级领导干部历史文化讲座(套装共6册)
为帮助广大领导干部丰富历史文化知识,汲取治国理政历史经验,提高文化素养和思想政治素养,提升马克思主义理论水平,我们从“部级领导干部历史文化讲座”中遴选80多堂经典讲座,汇编整理成“‘部级领导干部历史文化讲座’20 周年纪念版丛书”隆重出版。丛书共分6册,分别为《以史为鉴:从家国兴衰看治国之道》《诗书礼乐:传统文化与立德修身》《良法善治:建制史鉴与吏治得失》《酌水知源:文化源流与民族精神》《问道思辨:哲学经典里的思想智慧》《文明激荡:全球视野下的中国与世界》。丛书名家汇集,由楼宇烈、冯其庸、叶嘉莹、金冲及、钱乘旦、王蒙、樊锦诗、金一南等80多位享有盛誉的专家学者担纲主讲,生动分析解读世代治国安民的历史经验,堪称历史文化集大成之作,有思想、有情怀、有深度、有温度,是80多位史学泰斗、文化名家、知名学者献给部级领导干部颇具思想价值的历史文化“公课”。
每满80减40 萌历史:看完大笑不绝,过目不忘(共9册)
每满80减40 法医秦明烧脑小说集(套装共9册)
套装包括: 法医秦明.遗忘者 法医秦明:天谴者 守夜者:罪案终结者的觉醒 守夜者2:黑暗潜能 守夜者.3,生死盲点 守夜者.4,天演 法医秦明:清道夫 法医秦明:第十一根手指 法医秦明:无声的证词
每满80减40 “打造活力组织,掌握领导力密码”系列套装(套装12册)
帕蒂·麦考德;西蒙·斯涅克;黄峰 黄胜山 苏志国 等
●一本对奈飞文化行深解读的力作。2009年,奈飞公发布了一份介绍企业文化的PPT文件,在网上累计下载量超过1500万次,被Facebook的CFO谢丽尔·桑德伯格称为“硅谷重要文件”。本书是奈飞前CHO,PPT的主要创作者之一帕蒂·麦考德对这份PPT文件的深度解读。 ●本书系统介绍奈飞文化准则,全面颠覆20世纪的管人理念。在这本书中,帕蒂·麦考德归纳出8条奈飞文化准则,从多个角度揭示了奈飞为什么要对传统的企业文化理念发起冲,以及它在造自己的企业文化的过程中究竟提出了哪些颠覆性的观。 ●各类企业造自己的“奈飞文化”的行动指南。《奈飞文化手册》通过特别的章节设计,方便企业管理者将之运用到自己的企业,造属于自己的“奈飞文化”。
每满80减40 昆虫分类学(修订版)
蔡邦华 著 蔡晓明、黄复生 修订
每满80减40 徐宜厚皮肤科文集:全2册(下册)
每满80减40 徐宜厚皮肤科文集:全2册(上册)
The Spy Quartet: An Expensive Place to Die, Spy Story, Yesterday’s Spy, Twinkle
The Spy Quartet: An Expensive Place to Die, Spy Story, Yesterday’s Spy, Twinkle
Len Deighton
Four classic spy novels, four unnamed spies - just like Britain’s uber-cool sixties spy, ‘Harry Palmer’ - together in one e-bundle for the first time. When Len Deighton wrote THE IPCRESS FILE, he not only reinvented spy fiction, he created a style icon and literary legend: ‘Harry Palmer’. The nameless, working-class spy of the books found fame in three films starring Michael Caine, and the smart-talking, anti-establishment spy was suddenly cool. Hollywood would create a host of similarly super-slick spies, such as Napoleon Solo and Illya Kuryakin in The Man from Uncle. But ‘ Harry Palmer’ remains the best, and this quartet showcases the international exploits of someone who looks, sounds and acts like Harry. AN EXPENSIVE PLACE TO DIE – Into the twilight world of Parisian decadence and hidden motives come the agents of four world powers. SPY STORY – An attempted murder, the defection of a senior KGB official, and an explosive nuclear submarine chase beneath the Arctic Ocean are the sparks that ignite a brutal East-West power play. YESTERDAY’S SPY – They thought that Steve Champion, flamboyant hero and leader of an anti-Nazi intelligence group was gone. Then rumours surface of Champion’s sinister Arab connections and weapons-smuggling, forcing his old friend to investigate. TWINKLE, TWINKLE, LITTLE SPY – A Soviet space scientist defector, an English spy and an ex-CIA agent leave a blood-soaked killing trail across three continents, while overhead spy satellites watch all, twinkling like stars.
The Partials Sequence Complete Collection
The Partials Sequence Complete Collection
Wells, Dan
For fans of The Hunger Games, Battlestar Galactica, and Blade Runner comes the Partials Sequence, a fast-paced, action-packed, and riveting sci-fi teen series, by acclaimed author Dan Wells. This collection contains all four books in the series.Partials: Humanity is all but extinguished after a war with Partials—engineered organic beings identical to humans—has decimated the population. Reduced to only tens of thousands by a weaponized virus to which only a fraction of humanity is immune, the survivors in North America have huddled together on Long Island. But sixteen-year-old Kira is determined to find a solution. As she tries desperately to save what is left of her race, she discovers that that the survival of both humans and Partials rests in her attempts to answer questions about the war's origin that she never knew to ask.Isolation: This digital novella takes us back to the front lines of this war, a time when mankind's ambition far outstripped its foresight. Heron, a newly trained Partial soldier who specializes in infiltration, is sent on a mission deep behind enemy lines. What she discovers there has far-reaching implications—not only for the Isolation War, but for Partials and humans alike long after this war is over.Fragments: After discovering the cure for RM, Kira Walker sets off on a terrifying journey into the ruins of postapocalyptic America and the darkest desires of her heart in order to uncover the means—and a reason—for humanity's survival.Ruins: Kira, Samm, and Marcus fight to prevent a final war between Partials and humans in the gripping final installment in the Partials Sequence. There is no avoiding it—the war to decide the fate of both humans and Partials is at hand. Both sides hold in their possession a weapon that could destroy the other, and Kira Walker has precious little time to prevent that from happening. She has one chance to save both species and the world with them, but it will only come at great personal cost.
每满80减40 日本制造业内参(套装13册)
每满80减40 内卷累,内耗更累:换个想法,才能换个活法(共7册)
每满80减40 GB50830-2013冶金矿山采矿设计规范(英文版)