

每满80减40 文景·海外中国学(套装共7册)
[美]彭慕兰 何瞻 司徒琳 罗友枝 任思梅 刘子健 [瑞典]安特生
每满80减40 王安石全集
王安石是北宋乃至中国历史上著名的政治家、文学家、思想家。他深研经学,诗词风格独特,名列“唐宋八大家”。其主导的“王安石变法”更是古代罕有的一次规模宏大的时代变革,影响了整个中国历史。 本全集收录了王安石撰著和编纂的全部文字,按经、史、子、集四部分类法,采用简体横排的方式整理出版。 所用底本一般采用刻印时间较早、校刻精良的善本,并以不同系统的版本作为参校本。善本校辑来源包括四库本《周官新义》、嘉靖本《临川先生文集》、宋刻本《唐百家诗选》,另搜集一些相关资料作为附录,使得读者可以从不同的角度审视这位历史大人物。
每满80减40 石墨烯化学与组装技术
每满80减40 心理学改变生活(套装共10册)
每满80减40 石墨烯粉体材料:从基础研究到工业应用
本书从石墨烯粉体材料的制备与表征手,结合不同领域的应用行了系列的综述。全书共13章。1章对石墨烯的历史及现状行了总体介绍。第2章和第3章分别介绍了石墨烯粉体材料的制备方法及工艺、表征技术和标准。第4章就功能化石墨烯粉体、浆料生产技术和三维石墨烯制备技术行了描述。第5~7章集中介绍了石墨烯粉体材料在锂离子电池、超级电容器、燃料电池中的应用。第8~13章主要介绍了石墨烯粉体材料在生物传感器及医药、环境保护、涂料、高分子复合材料、热管理材料、导电油墨领域的应用。 本书适用于从事石墨烯粉体材料领域研究工作的工程技术人员,以及科研院所和大中专高校相关专业的学生和科研人员。 
每满80减40 告别精神内耗 活出充盈轻松(套装全8册)
告别精神内耗 活出充盈轻松(套装全8册)
加藤谛三 著;于德志 著;范俊娟 著;吴冰 著;曹露祥 张路斯 著;松浦弥太郎 著
妨碍个体成为真正的自己、走向幸福的*大障碍,便是自恋,这样的人没有属于自己的精神支柱,无法靠自己产生能量,只会把自己的安全感、价值感建立在他人的反馈之上。 很多在童年时期没有安全感、缺爱的人,即便已经长大,内心还会残留着想要无条件被爱的欲望。他们表面看似优秀要强,内心却只是敏感脆弱的孩子,恐惧而孤独。 这是一本帮助你与世界和解的手册。作者提出,要想过上简单的生活,方法只有一个,就是放松紧绷的神经,成为一个从容、有松弛感的人,怀着包容与接纳的心态,学会关注“对方的感受”,不必过度在意“对方的评价”,哪怕自己的人生没有观众,也一定要去做自己真正热爱的事情。 我们活在无意识中,也因此可能苦恼无边 觉察你的大脑故事,做个快乐的人 如何才能离苦得乐,不再抑郁焦虑?如何才能理解生命的运作机制?如何才能构建面对挑战时的心理灵活性?生命是一场觉醒的旅途。每个人都可以终结精神内耗,活出充盈着轻松、喜悦的全新生活。 而事实上,很多人都活在无意识的生命状态中,自我伤害而不自知。比如,在生活中,我们可能会持续地自我贬低;我们可能会在遭遇心理痛苦时反复思考、分析、抉择,认为做出选择就能走出困境;又或者,我们会为了改善自己的状态,而努力要求他人、环境做出改变……其实,这些行为对走出我们的心理困境毫无意义。不仅没有意义,在盲目的行动中,我们与自我、他人及世界的冲突只会愈演愈烈,而生命也仿佛失去了控制,变得越来越身不由己。 内在觉醒,就是要清晰发现并理解生命的不自知现象。在清晰的自知中,我们将拥有行动的智慧,比如想法只是想法,它不是事实!缺乏这种智慧,我们很容易被想法拖入痛苦情绪的恶性循环,进入无益而有害的自我消耗状态而不自知。 本书就是要通过大量的心理学实验及真实案例,揭示这些蕴含在我们生命体验中的逻辑,让我们觉察到自己是如何感受、行动、认知、学习、记忆、决策的……清晰地理解这些,将会为我们带来巨大的生命能量,让我们活得更快乐、热情,自在而有活力! 是的,我们可以避免焦虑重重、死气沉沉。让我们一起洞察生命逻辑,慢慢觉知、醒来……终结内耗,活出全新的生命状态! 你是否在工作压力下无所适从? 你是否感觉被生活折磨地身心俱疲? 你是否渴望放松点,可根本停不下来? 你是否一有点风吹草动,就寝食难安? 你是否很难允许自己放松享受片刻? 当今的人们普遍处在紧绷的状态下,活得越来越内卷,越来越不安,就像一个个紧绷的皮筋,不敢放松也不会放松。久而久之,身心问题就都出现了。 想要生活得更舒服,就要提升松驰感。拥有松驰感的人,才能生活得游刃有余。 本书作者范俊娟结合多年的咨询经验和心理学知识储备,教我们停下来思考自己过度内耗和焦虑的身心状态,并分析出现这种习惯性身心模式的原因,通过具体的认知和行动方案教会我们由内而外养出松驰感,提升内在力量,告别负面情绪,以更健康积极的心态来抵御世界的浮躁多变。 为什么你总是感到疲惫?为什么你在做决定时左右为难,既无法竭尽全力也无法断然放弃?为什么你努力了却总是无法实现目标?这一切源于你在内心发起了一场战争。 人们会因为各种原因产生内在冲突,这既可能是由于原生家庭的不幸,也可能是由于成长过程中的创伤,还可能是由于现实带来的压力,等等。内在冲突带来了精神内耗,使我们无法做自己,总是患得患失、忧心忡忡。本书涵盖了八种类型的内在冲突,并结合心理测试和案例,深度剖析了每种冲突的根源、内在动机、愿望和需要、价值和观念、主导情绪。此外,针对每一种冲突类型,作者还设置了自助策略模块,为读者更有针对性地解决问题提供了资源。 本书适合所有被精神内耗困扰的人阅读,能够帮助读者放松内心,提升自我觉察及自我疗愈能力,从而拥有一种更为自洽的心理状态。 比起通过外在的环境、事件或人获得安全感,自我的内在安全感才更有效,更能解决问题,也更能使我们有能力挖掘内心深处的需求,从而开启真正的成长。 本书探讨了压力、韧性、倦怠等问题,作者凭借 25 年作为生理学专家、心理学专家及睡眠专家的工作经验,通过树木疗法,结合 25 个简单、*的练习,指导那些精疲力竭、备感压力、常常失眠甚至处于精神崩溃边缘的人寻找和判断内在安全感的来源,重塑乐观心态。 本书适合所有渴望梳理内在情绪、化解内心焦虑、应对精神内耗、克服各种倦怠的读者阅读。 我们现在总是被很多的目标、很多的榜样、很多的鼓励围绕着,逼迫自己不断前进。当我们被一次次的失败打击时,我们为什么不能选择勇敢地放过自己?为什么我们不能发挥自己的优势和潜力,而只能听命于外部的声音? 本书作者通过研究发现,放过自己需要的是长期的勇气,而不是瞬时的驱动力。我们需要坚毅、勇敢:敢于思考、诉说、行动、发明、表现独特的自我,勇敢地跨过阻碍我们前进的障碍。 在本书中,作者为“放过自己”赋予了新的含义:放过自己不是任性,而是为生命创造更多积极的意义。本书帮助我们认清内部和外部的障碍,看到妨碍我们前进的阻力,这些障碍可能连我们自己都没有意识到。以敢于探索的心态融入社会,找回天性中的积极、热情、好奇与创造力,方能让生命更有意义。 来自工作、生活的种种干扰和冲击,让我们的内在积累了越来越多的压力、焦虑甚至恐惧,使身体越来越沉重,效率也越来越低。通过冥想,我们可以及时地清除这些内在的淤堵,让身心重新轻盈起来。 本书首先介绍了什么是冥想,以及做冥想的基本方法;之后,分别介绍了如何通过冥想来释放压力、缓解焦虑、缓解不明原因的疼痛、化解内耗、消解恐惧,以及如果通过冥想来疗愈悲伤、疗愈情感创伤等。读者可以根据自己面临的问题和需求,有选择地去练习和应用。书中不仅提供了相关心理问题的根源分析和案例,还提供了完整的冥想引导语,使读者可以从根源上寻求自己内在问题的解决方案。 本书适合正处于压力和焦虑状态下,或者刚经历过情感创伤的读者阅读和练习。 内心戏超多的你,一定要翻烂这本书!停止精神内耗!! 读松浦弥太郎的书,真的会上瘾。他说:“所谓人生困境,不过是你胡思乱想,自我设置的枷锁。”当你因胡思乱想而疲劳或焦虑时,你需要的是“停止消耗自己”,你需要的是“内心的平静”,你需要获得“安心感”,你需要松浦弥太郎给你的灵魂按个摩。他总能发现生活中普普通通的感悟,写下充满松弛感的文字,读来总是让人感动。每次感到心烦的时候,随便翻开一页都会觉得心静下来许多。 在这本书中,他通过自己的亲身经历和感悟,教你如何用65个不内耗的习惯,塑造让自己安心的生活方式,让你能够在每一天中发现快乐、不自我消耗、对任何事情都心存感激。这些习惯包括允许一切发生、主动问候、整理自己、不要期待回报,等等。作者用他的人生经历无比真诚地告诉你:慢慢来,别着急,不必跟自己较劲。如果你想要停止消耗自己,享受生活,那么赶紧翻开这本书。
每满80减40 大脑和人工智能的未来畅想(套装11册)
杰夫·霍金斯;马修·鲍尔 等
千脑智能 近些年,当人们谈论人工智能时,总热衷于讨论算法的优化、模型的迭代、算力的多少。人们不断地在追求模型的深度、数据的规模和芯片的算力。海量参数的复杂网络仿佛就是人工智能的发展方向。然而,这就是真的智能吗? 科技界的一代传奇人物、计算机科学家与神经科学家杰夫·霍金斯在《千脑智能》中揭示了一种关于大脑和智能的理论——千脑智能理论,这将彻 底改变我们对大脑和人工智能的未来的理解。 就像人类蕞终不是通过模仿鸟类,而是通过理解空气动力学而发明了飞行一样,在我们改进机器和深度学习的同时,我们需要首先了解大脑是如何工作的。 杰夫·霍金斯和他的团队发现,大脑使用类似地图的结构来建立一个世界的模型——不仅仅是一个模型,而是成千上万个我们所知道的一切的模型,也就是千脑智能理论。这一发现为创造机器智能提供了清晰的路线图。 元宇宙改变一切 2021年被誉为“元宇宙”元年。毫无疑问,元宇宙已经在世界范围内掀起了巨大热潮,国际互联网巨头公司纷纷布局元宇宙,其中就有苹果、Facebook、微软、英伟达、百度、腾讯、网易等,Facebook更是一举将名字改为Meta Platforms,彰显其进军元宇宙的决心。这些席卷而来的热潮正在说明一个事实,那就是:我们正在从大数据时代真正迈入元宇宙时代,元宇宙已经在颠覆我们的生活、工作与思维方式。谁蕞先进入元宇宙,谁就将蕞先赢得未来。 未来呼啸而来 作者彼得·戴曼迪斯和史蒂芬·科特勒*展示了商业创业风口上的9大指数型技术——量子计算、人工智能、网络、机器人、虚拟现实与增强现实、3D打印、区块链、材料科学与纳米技术、生物技术,并洞察这9大指数型技术的互相融合会带来巨大的变革力量,将会完全重塑我们的生活方式与商业模式。两位作者结合9大指数型技术的融合,充分预测和描述了零售业、广告业、娱乐业、教育、医疗保健、长寿、商业、食品业等8大行业指数型变革的未来。 生命3.0 在人工智能崛起的当下,你希望看到一个什么样的未来?当超越人类智慧的人工智能出现时,人类将何去何从?你是否希望我们创造出能自我设计的生命3.0,并把它散播到宇宙各处?人工智能时代,生而为人的意义究竟是什么?在《生命3.0》中,麻省理工学院物理系终身教授、未来生命研究所创始人迈克斯·泰格马克将带领我们参与这个时代*重要的对话。 AI3.0 人工智能现在正深刻地影响着我们的生产与生活,甚至关系到人类未来的前途命运,但究竟什么是人工智能?人工智能背后的原理是什么?从问世到演化至今,人工智能经历了怎样的历史变迁?当下人工智能的能力边界在哪里?人工智能与人类智能的差异是什么?未来人工智能又将面对什么样的挑战和机遇?关于这些疑问,《AI 3.0》将为你一一揭晓答案。 虚拟人 人类躯体死亡,思维是否有可能继续存在,从而实现思维不朽?思维克隆人、网络人等虚拟人将如何颠覆人类对“我”的定义? 利用思维克隆技术,我们能否重新构建所爱之人的记忆、行为方式以及人格特征?思维克隆人和其生物学原型有着怎样的区别?未来,我们该如何界定思维克隆人的社会地位和法律地位? 毫无疑问,思维克隆人的出现将会对传统人类社会产生深刻的哲学影响、社会影响、法律影响以及伦理影响,人类传统社会将被彻底颠覆。那么,作为人类的我们该如何应对这些问题?如何“给思维克隆人一个说法”? 元宇宙概念大爆发,虚拟人成为*受入局者关注的切入点,玛蒂娜·罗斯布拉特《虚拟人》一书将帮助你*了解虚拟人,了解人类未来与自己的虚拟人分身共生的未来! 脑机穿越 《脑机穿越》讲述了“人机融合”的未来,即“脑机接口时代”的到来!在未来科技的驱动下,科幻大片的场景已逐渐走入现实。人类通过思维控制人造工具,如今听起来无法想象的事情,在未来会成为常态。从海洋深处到超新星禁区,甚至到我们体内细胞间的微小裂缝,人类的触及范围将追上我们探索未知领域的野心。 人工智能的未来 《人工智能的未来》作者库兹韦尔认为,2045年,人工智能将超越人类智能,储存在云端的“仿生大脑新皮质”与人类的大脑新皮质将实现“对接”,世界将开启一个新的文明时代,“奇点”到来!那个时候,我们是谁?我们是什么?人还能称之为人吗? 库兹韦尔把“奇点”当作一个绝佳的“隐喻”:当智能机器的能力跨越这一临界点之后,人类的知识单元、链接数目、思考能力,将旋即步入令人眩晕的加速喷发状态——一切传统的和习以为常的认识、理念、常识,将统统不复存在,所欲的智能装置、新的人机复合体将进入“苏醒”状态。 如何创造可信的AI 福当下的AI存在哪些风险?真的有可信的AI吗? 理想的AI与现实的AI之间究竟存在哪些差距? 如何构建人类和AI之间的信任? 关于人工智能的炒作总是甚嚣尘上,但要得到真正可信的AI,却远比想象的要复杂得多,超级智能的时代还远没有到来。创造真正可信的AI需要赋予机器常识和深度理解,而不是简单地统计分析数据。本书勾勒了未来人工智能发展的*佳路线图,对当前人工智能的现状进行了清晰且客观的评估。 人人都该懂的人工智能 《人人都该懂的人工智能》属于湛庐文化重磅推出的“新核心素养”系列图书之一。本系列图书致力于推广通识阅读,扩展读者的阅读面,培养批判性思考的能力,涵盖了哲学、心理学、法律、艺术、物理学、生物科技等诸多人文科学和自然科学的知识,其中《人人都该懂的人工智能》介绍了人工智能领域的核心思想,让你一本书了解人工智能的核心智慧。。 脑机简史 《脑机简史》便是向读者介绍脑机接口这一新兴技术的科普著作。从对大脑的重新认识,到神经科学颠覆传统的发现,再到脑机接口领域正在发生的前瞻探索和令人振奋的突破,作者对这项技术自诞生至今的演进历程以及它对未来的影响进行了生动的展示,让人在感叹“脑机融合”创造的惊人变化的同时,更为脑科学的飞速发展以及人类大脑浩如烟海的未解之谜而神往。
Neural Network Programming with TensorFlow
Neural Network Programming with TensorFlow
Manpreet Singh Ghotra, Rajdeep Dua
Neural Networks and their implementation decoded with TensorFlow About This Book Develop a strong background in neural network programming from scratch, using the popular Tensorflow library. Use Tensorflow to implement different kinds of neural networks – from simple feedforward neural networks to multilayered perceptrons, CNNs, RNNs and more. A highly practical guide including real-world datasets and use-cases to simplify your understanding of neural networks and their implementation. Who This Book Is For This book is meant for developers with a statistical background who want to work with neural networks. Though we will be using TensorFlow as the underlying library for neural networks, book can be used as a generic resource to bridge the gap between the math and the implementation of deep learning. If you have some understanding of Tensorflow and Python and want to learn what happens at a level lower than the plain API syntax, this book is for you. What You Will Learn Learn Linear Algebra and mathematics behind neural network. Dive deep into Neural networks from the basic to advanced concepts like CNN, RNN Deep Belief Networks, Deep Feedforward Networks. Explore Optimization techniques for solving problems like Local minima, Global minima, Saddle points Learn through real world examples like Sentiment Analysis. Train different types of generative models and explore autoencoders. Explore TensorFlow as an example of deep learning implementation. In Detail If you're aware of the buzz surrounding the terms such as "machine learning," "artificial intelligence," or "deep learning," you might know what neural networks are. Ever wondered how they help in solving complex computational problem efficiently, or how to train efficient neural networks? This book will teach you just that. You will start by getting a quick overview of the popular TensorFlow library and how it is used to train different neural networks. You will get a thorough understanding of the fundamentals and basic math for neural networks and why TensorFlow is a popular choice Then, you will proceed to implement a simple feed forward neural network. Next you will master optimization techniques and algorithms for neural networks using TensorFlow. Further, you will learn to implement some more complex types of neural networks such as convolutional neural networks, recurrent neural networks, and Deep Belief Networks. In the course of the book, you will be working on real-world datasets to get a hands-on understanding of neural network programming. You will also get to train generative models and will learn the applications of autoencoders. By the end of this book, you will have a fair understanding of how you can leverage the power of TensorFlow to train neural networks of varying complexities, without any hassle. While you are learning about various neural network implementations you will learn the underlying mathematics and linear algebra and how they map to the appropriate TensorFlow constructs. Style and Approach This book is designed to give you just the right number of concepts to back up the examples. With real-world use cases and problems solved, this book is a handy guide for you. Each concept is backed by a generic and real-world problem, followed by a variation, making you independent and able to solve any problem with neural networks. All of the content is demystified by a simple and straightforward approach.
scikit-learn Cookbook - Second Edition
scikit-learn Cookbook - Second Edition
Julian Avila, Trent Hauck
Learn to use scikit-learn operations and functions for Machine Learning and deep learning applications. About This Book Handle a variety of machine learning tasks effortlessly by leveraging the power of scikit-learn Perform supervised and unsupervised learning with ease, and evaluate the performance of your model Practical, easy to understand recipes aimed at helping you choose the right machine learning algorithm Who This Book Is For Data Analysts already familiar with Python but not so much with scikit-learn, who want quick solutions to the common machine learning problems will find this book to be very useful. If you are a Python programmer who wants to take a dive into the world of machine learning in a practical manner, this book will help you too. What You Will Learn Build predictive models in minutes by using scikit-learn Understand the differences and relationships between Classification and Regression, two types of Supervised Learning. Use distance metrics to predict in Clustering, a type of Unsupervised Learning Find points with similar characteristics with Nearest Neighbors. Use automation and cross-validation to find a best model and focus on it for a data product Choose among the best algorithm of many or use them together in an ensemble. Create your own estimator with the simple syntax of sklearn Explore the feed-forward neural networks available in scikit-learn In Detail Python is quickly becoming the go-to language for analysts and data scientists due to its simplicity and flexibility, and within the Python data space, scikit-learn is the unequivocal choice for machine learning. This book includes walk throughs and solutions to the common as well as the not-so-common problems in machine learning, and how scikit-learn can be leveraged to perform various machine learning tasks effectively. The second edition begins with taking you through recipes on evaluating the statistical properties of data and generates synthetic data for machine learning modelling. As you progress through the chapters, you will comes across recipes that will teach you to implement techniques like data pre-processing, linear regression, logistic regression, K-NN, Naive Bayes, classification, decision trees, Ensembles and much more. Furthermore, you'll learn to optimize your models with multi-class classification, cross validation, model evaluation and dive deeper in to implementing deep learning with scikit-learn. Along with covering the enhanced features on model section, API and new features like classifiers, regressors and estimators the book also contains recipes on evaluating and fine-tuning the performance of your model. By the end of this book, you will have explored plethora of features offered by scikit-learn for Python to solve any machine learning problem you come across. Style and Approach This book consists of practical recipes on scikit-learn that target novices as well as intermediate users. It goes deep into the technical issues, covers additional protocols, and many more real-live examples so that you are able to implement it in your daily life scenarios.
Modular Programming with Python
Modular Programming with Python
Erik Westra
Introducing modular techniques for building sophisticated programs using PythonAbout This Book·The book would help you develop succinct, expressive programs using modular deign·The book would explain best practices and common idioms through carefully explained and structured examples·It will have broad appeal as far as target audience is concerned and there would be take away for all beginners to PythonWho This Book Is ForThis book is intended for beginner to intermediate level Python programmers who wish to learn how to use modules and packages within their programs. While readers must understand the basics of Python programming, no knowledge of modular programming techniques is required.What You Will Learn·Learn how to use modules and packages to organize your Python code·Understand how to use the import statement to load modules and packages into your program·Use common module patterns such as abstraction and encapsulation to write better programs·Discover how to create self-testing Python packages·Create reusable modules that other programmers can use·Learn how to use GitHub and the Python Package Index to share your code with other people·Make use of modules and packages that others have written·Use modular techniques to build robust systems that can handle complexity and changing requirements over timeIn DetailPython has evolved over the years and has become the primary choice of developers in various fields. The purpose of this book is to help readers develop readable, reliable, and maintainable programs in Python.Starting with an introduction to the concept of modules and packages, this book shows how you can use these building blocks to organize a complex program into logical parts and make sure those parts are working correctly together.Using clearly written, real-world examples, this book demonstrates how you can use modular techniques to build better programs. A number of common modular programming patterns are covered, including divide-and-conquer, abstraction, encapsulation, wrappers and extensibility. You will also learn how to test your modules and packages, how to prepare your code for sharing with other people, and how to publish your modules and packages on GitHub and the Python Package Index so that other people can use them. Finally, you will learn how to use modular design techniques to be a more effective programmer.Style and approachThis book will be simple and straightforward, focusing on imparting learning through a wide array of examples that the readers can put into use as they read through the book. They should not only be able to understand the way modules help in improving development, but they should also be able to improvise on their techniques of writing concise and effective code.
Deployment with Docker
Deployment with Docker
Srdjan Grubor
A practical guide to rapidly and efficiently mastering Docker containers, along with tips and tricks learned in the field.About This Book·Use Docker containers, horizontal node scaling, modern orchestration tools (Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, and Mesos) and Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery to manage your infrastructure.·Increase service density by turning often-idle machines into hosts for numerous Docker services.·Learn what it takes to build a true container infrastructure that is scalable, reliable, and resilient in the face of increased complexities from using container infrastructures.·Find out how to identify, debug, and mitigate most real-world, undocumented issues when deploying your own Docker infrastructure.·Learn tips and tricks of the trade from existing Docker infrastructures running in production environments.Who This Book Is ForThis book is aimed at system administrators, developers, DevOps engineers, and software engineers who want to get concrete, hands-on experience deploying multi-tier web applications and containerized microservices using Docker. This book is also for anyone who has worked on deploying services in some fashion and wants to take their small-scale setups to the next level (or simply to learn more about the process).What You Will Learn·Set up a working development environment and create a simple web service to demonstrate the basics·Learn how to make your service more usable by adding a database and an app server to process logic·Add resilience to your services by learning how to horizontally scale with a few containers on a single node·Master layering isolation and messaging to simplify and harden the connectivity between containers·Learn about numerous issues encountered at scale and their workarounds, from the kernel up to code versioning·Automate the most important parts of your infrastructure with continuous integrationIn DetailDeploying Docker into production is considered to be one of the major pain points in developing large-scale infrastructures, and the documentation available online leaves a lot to be desired. With this book, you will learn everything you wanted to know to effectively scale your deployments globally and build a resilient, scalable, and containerized cloud platform for your own use.The book starts by introducing you to the containerization ecosystem with some concrete and easy-to-digest examples; after that, you will delve into examples of launching multiple instances of the same container. From there, you will cover orchestration, multi-node setups, volumes, and almost every relevant component of this new approach to deploying services. Using intertwined approaches, the book will cover battle-tested tooling, or issues likely to be encountered in real-world scenarios, in detail. You will also learn about the other supporting components required for a true PaaS deployment and discover common options to tie the whole infrastructure together.At the end of the book, you learn to build a small, but functional, PaaS (to appreciate the power of the containerized service approach) and continue to explore real-world approaches to implementing even larger global-scale services.Style and approachThis in-depth learning guide shows you how to deploy your applications in production using Docker (from the basic steps to advanced concepts) and how to overcome challenges in Docker-based infrastructures. The book also covers practical use-cases in real-world examples, and provides tips and tricks on the various topics.
Statistics for Data Science
Statistics for Data Science
James D. Miller
Get your statistics basics right before diving into the world of data science About This Book No need to take a degree in statistics, read this book and get a strong statistics base for data science and real-world programs; Implement statistics in data science tasks such as data cleaning, mining, and analysis Learn all about probability, statistics, numerical computations, and more with the help of R programs Who This Book Is For This book is intended for those developers who are willing to enter the field of data science and are looking for concise information of statistics with the help of insightful programs and simple explanation. Some basic hands on R will be useful. What You Will Learn Analyze the transition from a data developer to a data scientist mindset Get acquainted with the R programs and the logic used for statistical computations Understand mathematical concepts such as variance, standard deviation, probability, matrix calculations, and more Learn to implement statistics in data science tasks such as data cleaning, mining, and analysis Learn the statistical techniques required to perform tasks such as linear regression, regularization, model assessment, boosting, SVMs, and working with neural networks Get comfortable with performing various statistical computations for data science programmatically In Detail Data science is an ever-evolving field, which is growing in popularity at an exponential rate. Data science includes techniques and theories extracted from the fields of statistics; computer science, and, most importantly, machine learning, databases, data visualization, and so on. This book takes you through an entire journey of statistics, from knowing very little to becoming comfortable in using various statistical methods for data science tasks. It starts off with simple statistics and then move on to statistical methods that are used in data science algorithms. The R programs for statistical computation are clearly explained along with logic. You will come across various mathematical concepts, such as variance, standard deviation, probability, matrix calculations, and more. You will learn only what is required to implement statistics in data science tasks such as data cleaning, mining, and analysis. You will learn the statistical techniques required to perform tasks such as linear regression, regularization, model assessment, boosting, SVMs, and working with neural networks. By the end of the book, you will be comfortable with performing various statistical computations for data science programmatically. Style and approach Step by step comprehensive guide with real world examples
OpenStack Bootcamp: Build and operate a private cloud environment effectively
OpenStack Bootcamp: Build and operate a private cloud environment effectively
Vinoth Kumar Selvaraj
A focused and systematic introduction to OpenStack, the largest open source cloud platform, using practical examples and hands-on problems. About This Book Explore all the new features of OpenStack's Mikata, Ocata, and Newton releases and get up to speed with OpenStack in no time Learn something new each day to successfully build a private cloud platform A fast-paced guide filled with best practices that will help you manage your virtual private cloud efficiently Who This Book Is For This book is for those who are already familiar with OpenStack's supporting technologies. It's ideal for cloud system engineers, system administrators, and technical architects who are moving from a virtualized environment to a cloud environment. Prior knowledge of cloud computing platforms and virtualization would be beneficial. If you are a system or cloud engineer, this is your go-to book! What You Will Learn Understand the functions and features of each core component of OpenStack and a real-world comparison Develop an understanding of the components of IaaS and PaaS clouds built with OpenStack Get a high-level understanding of architectural design in OpenStack Discover how you can use OpenStack Horizon with all of the OpenStack core components Understand network traffic flow with Neutron Build an OpenStack private cloud from scratch Get hands-on training with the OpenStack command line, administration, and deployment In Detail OpenStack is developed by a thriving community of individual developers around the globe and is backed by most of the leading players in the cloud space today. OpenStack is a free and open source software platform for cloud computing, mostly deployed as an infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS). This book begins with the design principles of OpenStack and the available OpenStack distributions. You'll start by getting a fundamental understanding of the core concepts and then move on to a comparison of OpenStack components with real-life examples. Then, we'll show you the typical architecture of OpenStack clouds, how to configure each OpenStack component, and debugging techniques. Later, we focus on the latest releases of OpenStack: Mikata, Newton, and Ocata. You'll be introduced to identity, image, networking, and the compute service. You'll also get a complete understanding of how to install, configure, and administrate your entire virtual private cloud. You will also be provided with hands-on exercises to unleash the power of each component in OpenStack. Finally, you'll see an overview of all the optional projects available under the Openstack umbrella. Style and approach This fast-paced book delivers comprehensive hands-on training, so you can jump straight into the practical exercises along with in-depth coverage of OpenStack technologies. It also provides hands-on exercises, analysis of real-world cloud use cases and operation scenarios, covering design, customization and optimization.
Hands-On Android UI Development
Hands-On Android UI Development
Jason Morris
Master the art of creating impressive and reactive UIs for mobile applications on the latest version of Android Oreo. About This Book A comprehensive guide to designing and developing highly interactive user interfaces for your app. Design responsive and agile applications targeting multiple Android devices (up to Android Oreo) using Android Studio 3.0 Write reactive user interfaces with minimal effort by leveraging the latest Android technologies, such as Architecture components and the Lifecycle API Avoid common design problems and pitfalls with the help of shared UI design patterns and best practices. Who This Book Is For This book is for novice Android and Java developers who have a basic knowledge of Android development and want to start developing stunning user interfaces. What You Will Learn Create effective and efficient user interfaces that allow users to carry out tasks smoothly Understand the fundamentals of Android UI design, and take a look at the basic layouts, Inputs, and controls Learn about various UI components provided by Android, which include structured layout objects and UI controls that allow you to build the graphical user interface for your app Explore various styles and themes that allow you to customize the look and feel of your app Leverage the animation and graphics APIs to improve user experience and draw custom 2D graphics In Detail A great user interface (UI) can spell the difference between success and failure for any new application. This book will show you not just how to code great UIs, but how to design them as well. It will take novice Android developers on a journey, showing them how to leverage the Android platform to produce stunning Android applications. Begin with the basics of creating Android applications and then move on to topics such as screen and layout design. Next, learn about techniques that will help improve performance for your application. Also, explore how to create reactive applications that are fast, animated, and guide the user toward their goals with minimal distraction. Understand Android architecture components and learn how to build your application to automatically respond to changes made by the user. Great platforms are not always enough, so this book also focuses on creating custom components, layout managers, and 2D graphics. Also, explore many tips and best practices to ease your UI development process. By the end, you'll be able to design and build not only amazing UIs, but also systems that provide the best possible user experience. Style and approach This book takes an easy tutorial approach to help you learn how to create consistent and efficient user interfaces for your apps. The book first takes you through the basics of user interfaces such as basic layouts, inputs, and controls, and also covers animations and graphics. By the end of the book, you will have learned best practices and will be able to develop inspired interfaces that look good and also work subtly in the background.
Practical Network Automation: Leverage the power of Python and Ansible to optimi
Practical Network Automation: Leverage the power of Python and Ansible to optimi
Abhishek Ratan
Get More from your Network with Automation tools to increase its effectiveness. About This Book Get started with network automation (and different automation tasks) with relevant use cases Apply software design principles such as Continuous Integration and DevOps to your network toolkit Guides you through some best practices in automation Who This Book Is For If you are a network engineer looking for an extensive guide to help you automate and manage your network efficiently, then this book is for you. What You Will Learn Get the detailed analysis of Network automation Trigger automations through available data factors Improve data center robustness and security through specific access and data digging Get an Access to APIs from Excel for dynamic reporting Set up a communication with SSH-based devices using netmiko Make full use of practical use cases and best practices to get accustomed with the various aspects of network automation In Detail Network automation is the use of IT controls to supervise and carry out every-day network management functions. It plays a key role in network virtualization technologies and network functions. The book starts by providing an introduction to network automation, SDN, and its applications, which include integrating DevOps tools to automate the network efficiently. It then guides you through different network automation tasks and covers various data digging and reporting methodologies such as IPv6 migration, DC relocations, and interface parsing, all the while retaining security and improving data center robustness. The book then moves on to the use of Python and the management of SSH keys for machine-to-machine (M2M) communication, all followed by practical use cases. The book also covers the importance of Ansible for network automation including best practices in automation, ways to test automated networks using different tools, and other important techniques. By the end of the book, you will be well acquainted with the various aspects of network automation. Style and approach A clear, concise, and straightforward book that will enable you to automate networks and improve performance.
Learning Angular 2
Learning Angular 2
Pablo Deeleman
Your quick, no-nonsense guide to building real-world apps with Angular 2About This Book·The first and best overview of Angular 2 on the market—this guide gathers together everything there is to know about Angular 2 and groups it into intuitive sections.·This book is your detailed map of every feature and its use cases.·The author has done all the hard work of fitting everything Angular 2 means for developers together for you, making this book the quickest way to learn Angular 2 from scratch.Who This Book Is ForThis book is targeted at web developers who want to build the next generation of state-of-the-art mobile and desktop web applications with Angular 2. This book does not require you to have prior exposure to either Angular 1.x or 2, although comprehensive knowledge of JavaScript is assumed. It's great for newcomers to Angular who learn best through clear explanations and definitions of concepts.What You Will Learn·Set up your working environment in order to have all the tools you need to start building Angular 2 components with minimum effort·Get up to speed with TypeScript, a powerful typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript·Take full control of how your data is rendered and updated upon data changes·Build powerful web applications based on structured component hierarchies that emit and listen to events and data changes throughout the elements tree·Explore how to consume external APIs and data services and allow data editing by harnessing the power of web forms made with Angular 2·Deliver seamless web navigation experiences with application routing and state handling common features with ease·Discover how to bulletproof your applications by introducing smart unit testing techniques and debugging toolsIn DetailAngular 2 was conceived as a complete rewrite in order to fulfill the expectations of modern developers who demand blazing fast performance and responsiveness from their web applications.This book will help you learn the basics of how to design and build Angular 2 components right from the beginning, providing full coverage of the TypeScript syntax required to follow the examples included. From that point on, we will build upon our first components, interconnect them, and give shape to larger web applications. We will then move to implementing routing in Angular 2, analyzing how to handle application states, and navigating from one component to another in depth. After this, the book features full coverage of web forms and user input validation, later leveraging all of this information to go through the basics of implementing user authentication in Angular 2 and providing a bird's eye view of the different strategies at hand to secure pages and areas of your website. Animating components and DOM elements with Angular 2 is also covered in this book. The final part of this book provides broad insights into how to unit test components and other modules such as services, directives, routes or pipes.Style and approachThis book covers everything there is to know about getting well-acquainted with Angular without bogging you down. Everything is neatly laid out under clear headings for quick consultation, offering you the information required to understand a concept immediately, with short relevant examples of each feature.
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[加] 保罗·布卢姆 等
为什么那么多人热衷于登山、跑马拉松、吃辣、看恐怖电影?为什么那么多人念念不忘于自己吃苦、受冻、流泪的经历?为什么那么多人的关键性成长都发生在重创之后? 多伦多大学心理学教授保罗·布卢姆基于心理学、脑科学、认知神经科学等领域的众多新发现,为我们带来了关于苦难与幸福的全新阐释。他在书中探讨了三个主要观:一,疼痛、恐惧和悲伤等某些类型的自愿受苦能成为快乐之源;二,良好的生活不仅指快乐的生活,还包括对道德良善和意义的追求;三,有些类型的痛苦,比如抗争和克服困难导致的痛苦,是实现更高目标、度过完满人生所必xu经历的。他还在书中驳斥了流传已久的关于“人类天生就是享乐主义者,只追求快乐”的人性观,揭示人类倾向于追求更深刻、更具超越性事物的本性,从而为我们指明了通往真zheng幸福而有意义人生的方向。 作为广受欢迎的科普作家,布卢姆的写作沿袭了其畅销书《摆脱共情》《善恶之源》通俗、幽默的文风,又兼具科学性、故事性与哲学意味,对任何领域的读者来说都是一场科学与智识的饕餮盛宴。
著名美术史家、艺评家、策展人巫鸿教授,深度参与中国当代艺术的重要事件,与国内外美术馆和艺术家合作举办具有重大影响的展览,并撰写大量文章探讨中国当代艺术的发展过程、潮流走向,以及重要艺术家的创作历程。这些文章对于理解和研究自20世纪70年代始的中国当代艺术及其与国际当代艺术的关系具有重要意义。经过5年的亲自选编、磨,首次汇集呈现。 50年光阴,世界大变。不变的是,中国当代艺术以世界性的语言,以常人难以料及的胆识,暴露自身的纠结和尴尬,敢于直面真实的生活。文集以“潮流”“艺术家”“展览”为主题,从中国当代艺术的宏观面貌到微观肌理,透过变化的角度从不同层面立体呈现中国当代艺术的丰富性和实验性,以及艺术家有血有肉的探索经验。 以窥面,《关键在于实验》创造“重访”当代中国与世界的方法,我们“过去”的共同记忆得以凝视,我们共同的“现在”和“未来”得以审视和想象。
该书由宇文鲜卑资料辑录和段部鲜卑资料辑录两部分组成。 二者均包含纪传体、编年体、典志体史书以及大型类书、地理总志中的有关资料。前者断限上起宇文部见诸史载,下迄东晋康帝建元二年;后者断限上起段部鲜卑见诸史载,下迄东晋穆帝升平元年。