Please, Daddy, No: A Boy Betrayed
Stuart just wanted his father to love him, but he was made to believe he was too naughty to be loved. Finally David Howarth was sent to prison for abusing Stuart's young sisters. Nobody knew the truth about Stuart's abuse until one fateful day when his father tried it again and Stuart fought back in the only way he knew how. Stuart Howarth spent the first thirty years of his life in mental and physical hell. After years of emotional torment and despair, at the age of 32 Stuart felt an overwhelming urge to see his father (who he now knows was actually his stepfather), then living in Wales. Seeking reconciliation, Stuart was only to be met by the same old abusive man. The rage, pain and confusion boiled over in Stuart and he fought back, killing his stepfather. When Stuart's story came to light in the courtroom, it was so terrible that he received the minimum possible sentence for his crime and only served thirteen months in Strangeways prison in Manchester. But while in prison, the cruel system compounded the crimes of his evil abuser, and he suffered at the hands of the prison guards. What happened to him during those months led to him suing the Home Office and Strangeways on his release and winning his case. This is the story of a sweet-natured boy who grew into a brave young man and refused to allow himself to be a victim any longer.
Catching the Sun
Just how badly do you want to find paradise? When Tom Finn is almost jailed for confronting two burglars in his own home, this taxi driver takes his young family to live on the tropical island of Phuket, Thailand. Phuket is all the Finn family dreamed of – a tropical paradise where the children swim with elephants, the gibbons sing love songs in the jungle, the Andaman Sea is like turquoise glass and this young family is free to grow. But both man-made disaster and the unleashed forces of nature shatter this tropical idyll for Tom Finn's family. CATCHING THE SUN is a gripping, moving story of a family who go in search of Paradise – and end up discovering themselves.
Fic?iuni secunde
Vremurile s-au schimbat, ?i la fel ?i ideea despre ce ?nseamn? s? fii mam?. Costurile vie?ii ?i presiunile acesteia nu mai fac posibil modul de odinioar? de a fi mam?. Femeile de azi trebuie s? aib? mai multe ocupa?ii ?n acela?i timp ?i s? fie ?i mame bune. Cartea de fa?? ??i arat? cum s? procedezi. ?ncepe cu sarcina ?i cum s? fi?i am?ndoi s?n?to?i. Apoi ??i ofer? sfaturi despre via?a ?n familie, cum s? ??i p?strezi bebelu?ul fericit, s? te ?ntorci la munc?, s? ?i modelezi comportamentul, s? ?i alegi ?coala potrivit?, s? ai un adolescent fericit ?i s? mearg? totul bine.
Contele de Monte-Cristo. Vol. II
Aceasta este o carte despre p?rin?ii care sunt exagerat de implica?i ?n via?a copiilor lor. Vorbe?te despre dragostea ?i teama din spatele implic?rii prea mari. Vorbe?te despre r?ul pe care ?l facem atunci c?nd facem prea mult. ?i vorbe?te despre cum am putea realiza obiective pe termen lung mai bune – ?i despre cum i-am putea ajuta pe copiii no?tri s? ob?in? succese ?i mai mari, cresc?ndu-i altfel. ?mi iubesc copiii la fel de aprig ca orice alt p?rinte ?i ?tiu c? dragostea este temelia a tot ceea ce facem ca p?rin?i. Dar, ?n cursul anilor ?n care am f?cut cercet?ri pentru aceast? carte, am constatat c? multe dintre comportamentele noastre izvor?sc ?i din temeri; poate cea mai important? dintre acestea este teama c? ei ar putea s? nu aib? succes ?n lumea real?. Bine?n?eles, e firesc s? dorim s? reu?easc?, dar, pe baza cercet?rilor, a interviurilor cu peste o sut? de oameni ?i a experien?elor personale, am ajuns la concluzia c? d?m o defini?ie prea ?ngust? succesului. ?i, ceea ce este ?i mai grav, aceast? defini?ie ?ngust?, superficial? ne-a adus ?n situa?ia de a face r?u unei genera?ii de tineri adul?i – copiii no?tri.
Magamon kívül
Nem hagyományos a családod? Persze, hogy nem! Például olyan n? vagy, aki egyedül neveli a gyerekét? Akkor 680 000 f?s tábor-ba tartozol itthon. Vagy új partnered egyúttal új gyerekeket is je-lent? Sok százezer családdal osztoztok a nehéz helyzeten. Egy valami viszont biztosan ?sszek?t titeket: azt akarjátok, hogy a gyerekeknek a legjobb legyen. Nigel Latta kiváló családpszichológus mindig csak a lényeget mondja, ennyire egyszer? világsikerének titka. Válás? Gyerekelhelyezés? Nehezen kezelhet? exek? Alakuló új családformák? Ez a k?nyv azokon a nevelési gondjaidon segít, amelyekre eddig nem találtál megoldást. Két szül?, három gyerek, negyven év házasság? Hol van már a régi családmodell? A tények szerint az emberek t?bbsége ma nem így él se külf?ld?n, se Magyarországon. Végre egy tudósi megalapozottsággal írt, praktikus és álszentsé-gekt?l mentes nevelési tanácsadó a modern szül?k számára.
The Rules for Marriage
Time-tested secrets that will make your marriage work and keep him keen forever. From the bestselling authors of The Rules. The Rules helped single women find their man. Now you’ve found the perfect partner Rules advice will ensure you manage your man and stay happy, together. Following the phenomenal success of The Rules comes The Rules For Marriage – long term relationship advice that really works. 'Happy ever after' does exist, you just have to work a little to make it happen. This practical, no nonsense guide reveals the new Rules for the no-longer single woman. Advice on every aspect of marriage helps readers get from white wedding to golden anniversary. Say what you mean, but don't say it mean ? Don't find fault with things you knew about when you married him. ? Keep your own interests – have a life! ? Don’t ask single friends for marital advice.
Epopeea dragostei
Volumul este c??tig?torul Concursului de Debut ?Adenium START“, sec?iunea Eseu, organizat de Editura Adenium ?n anul 2014 ?i con?ine eseuri despre art? ?i literatur? ce constituie un periplu literar ?i vizual ghidat de o evolu?ie tematic? realizat? pe antiteze: fl?c?rile spiritualizate ale lui El Greco ?i cele negre, demonice ale lui Goya sau eliberarea sugerat? de Rodin prin ner?bdarea formelor create ?i deplina lor rev?rsare ?n extaz senzual la Gauguin. Eseurile presupun atenta observare a unei perechi pictor (sculptor) – scriitor (poet), motiv pentru care fiecare dintre formele de exprimare vizual? este pus? ?n coresponden?? cu cel pu?in un text literar care o reflect?.
Scott Pilgrim vs The World: Volume 2 (Scott Pilgrim, Book 2)
The second Scott Pilgrim volume!
Seduction Force Multiplier 4: Power of Routines - Situational Scripts, Lines and
Seduction Force Multiplier 4: Power of Routines - Situational Scripts, Lines and Routines
Seduction Force Multiplier 2: Power of Routines - Over 700 Scripts, Lines and Ro
Seduction Force Multiplier 2: Power of Routines - Over 700 Scripts, Lines and Routines
Larisa Renar scrie ?ntr-un mod u?or ?i natural ?ntr-o lume, unde for?ele ?i undele energetice nu joac? un rol mai pu?in important dec?t cursul valutar, unde rela?iile nu se formeaz? pur ?i simplu, ci se construiesc cu iscusin??, conform unor legi psihologice, ?i unde legendele cap?t? un sens real.Practicile energetice ale femeilor sunt pentru prima dat? prezentate ?ntr-un mod at?t de fascinant ?i ?ntr-un sistem deosebit de eficient. Afrodita ??i recap?t? puterea ?n secolul XXI, iar cartea Larisei Renar Tainele seduc?iei este dovada cea mai gr?itoare a acestui lucru.
Cine sunt asasinii idolilor?
Zece este o cifr aleas – cum s-a constat, frecvent –, pentru impactul elocvenei ei. Iar calificativul exemplari" trebuie luat ca un indicator al valorii de ansamblu. Selecia procustiana poate fi, n concret, amendabil. M gndesc repede la absena unui prozator ca G. Ibrileanu, prin unicul su roman, Adela. Unul i foarte bun! Prin comparaie cu acest caz, situaia autorilor prezeni aici este mult mai problematic. Nu toat proza lor este marcat de exemplaritate. Sau s lum n seam i exemplaritatea negativ, i aceast reprezenta, uneori n mostre monstruoase (Mitrea Cocor, de M. Sadoveanu), la unii dintre marii" notri prozatori interbelici n absolut, altfel, n-am avea prozatori exemplari. Dar nici prozatorii cunoscui n mod universal nu sunt lipsii de inegalitatea cu ei nii. (Nu se zice c i Homer mai adoarme, uneori) Ar trebui discutate limitele acestei diferene. E poate imposibil s gseti ntre universali“ echivalentul unui autor care semneaz cu aceeai mn, s spunem, Creanga de aur i, reiau exemplul, Mitrea Cocor. (M. V. Buciu)
Dating Tips for Ladies
Dating Tips for Ladies
The Forever Whale
A family secret waiting to be discovered… from bestselling author of A Dog Called Homeless. A shared story can last forever. Hannah’s grandad loves telling stories from his past, but there’s one that he can’t remember… one that Hannah knows is important. When a whale appears off the coast, clues to Grandad’s secret begin to surface. Hannah is determined to solve the mystery but, as she gets closer to the truth, Grandad’s story is more extraordinary than she imagined. Includes beautiful inside artwork from hugely talented illustrator, Gary Blythe.
Seduction Force Multiplier 6: Power of Routines - The Right PUA Inner game , Min
Seduction Force Multiplier 6: Power of Routines - The Right PUA Inner game , Mindsets and Attitudes!
Recovering The Self:A Journal of Hope and Healing (Vol. VI, No. 1 )
Recovering the Self: A Journal of Hope and Healing (Vol. VI, No. 1) April 2017 Recovering The Self is a quarterly journal which explores the themes of recovery and healing through the lenses of poetry, memoir, opinion, essays, fiction, humor, art, media reviews and psycho-education. Contributors to RTS Journal come from around the globe to deliver unique perspectives you won't find anywhere else! The theme of Volume VI, Number 1 is "Focus on Grief & Loss." This issue includes a special tribute to author Jewel Kats. Inside, we explore physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental aspects of this and several other areas of concern including: ·Pet loss and animal companionship ·Eldercare ·Loving yourself ·Soul mates ·Art Therapy ·Happiness ·Living alone with confidence ·Partnership ·Narcissism ·...and more! This issue's contributors include: Ernest Dempsey, Brittany Michelson, Gerry Ellen Avery, Dave Roberts, Craig Kyzar, Natalie Jeanne Champagne, Erin Ergenbright, Martha M. Carey, Kyle Torke, Mrrinali Punj, Janet Grace Riehl, Marjorie L. Faes, Claire Luna-Pinsker, Diane Wing, Candy Czernicki, Allison Ballard, Valerie Benko, Diana Raab, Maureen Andrade Montague, by Sam Vaknin, Sarah Conteh, Katrina Wood, Bernie Siegel, Max Skinwood, Nora Trujillo, Sherry Lynn Jones, Janet Grace Riehl, Steve Sonntag, Patrick Gere Frank, Peter MacQuarrie, Christy Lowry and others. "I highly recommend a subscription to this journal, Recovering the Self, for professionals who are in the counseling profession or who deal with crisis situations. Readers involved with the healing process will also really enjoy this journal and feel inspired to continue on. The topics covered in the first journal alone, will motivate you to continue reading books on the subject matter presented. Guaranteed." --Paige Lovitt for Reader Views Visit us online at Published by Loving Healing Press
The Reality of a Married Life
The Reality of a Married Life
Fix Your Sexless Marriage: How To Fix A Sexless Marriage And Bring Back The Spar
Fix Your Sexless Marriage: How To Fix A Sexless Marriage And Bring Back The Spark In Your Bedroom
En amour comme à la guerre: Livre 1 : Je n’ai jamais été doué pour faire ce qu’o
En amour comme à la guerre: Livre 1 : Je n’ai jamais été doué pour faire ce qu’on me disait
God Modelled Parenting
God Modelled Parenting
Understanding Autistic Behaviors: Improving Health, Independence, and Well-Being
Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder usually receive a diagnosis when certain behaviors negatively impact their health, independence, and quality of life. These behaviors are evident across the lifespan: a two-year-old melts down if his red cars are mixed in with his orange cars; a middle-aged woman exhibits staring spells when faced with relationship conflict; an aging gentleman hoards clocks and papers but does not eat nutritious foods or take showers. A correct diagnosis of ASD is an essential first step in navigating this journey, but the next question is “What now?” To provide much-needed answers, Dr. Theresa Regan, author of Understanding Autism in Adults and Aging Adults, suggests general techniques to improve functioning in the areas of emotional regulation, communication, and independent behaviors. In Understanding Autistic Behaviors: Improving Health, Independence, and Well-Being, she offers practical exercises to help caregivers and family members implement effective strategies that are specific to the ASD individual in their lives to achieve successful outcomes for everyone.?