V?na?ii. Cartea a doua din seria Spirite-Animale
André Stern annak az új létezési formának az el?futára, amelyben újra kell értelmeznünk a gyermekekhez való hozzáállásunkat, elképzeléseinket a nevelésr?l, a tanulásról, az egymással való viselkedési formákról.
Pas cu pas
Marian Godin? merge la Poli?ie aproape ?n fiecare zi. Nu pentru c? s-ar afla sub control judiciar, ci fiindc? este poli?ist, ?ncep?nd cu luna decembrie a anului 2006, dup? ce a absolvit ?coala de Agen?i de Poli?ie ?Vasile Lasc?r“ din C?mpina. Pe l?ng? amenzi rutiere, Marian scrie ?i texte care abund? de umor ?i care reu?esc de fiecare dat? s? schimbe ?n bine dispozi?ia cititorului, duc?ndu-l p?n? ?ntr-acolo ?nc?t ?tergerea lacrimilor din ochi devine obligatorie pentru continuarea lecturii. Drept dovad? stau cei peste 140 000 de oameni care au ajuns s?-i urm?reasc? post?rile pe Facebook ?n mai pu?in de jum?tate de an de la apari?ia primului text, precum ?i miile de comentarii ?i de acces?ri. Flash-uri din sens opus reprezint? volumul s?u de debut.
Emotional Manipulation Tactics: 35 Covert Tactics Manipulators Use To Control Re
Emotional Manipulation Tactics: 35 Covert Tactics Manipulators Use To Control Relationships
It's In The Stars: I had a feeling we both knew
It's In The Stars: I had a feeling we both knew
365 For Singles
365 For Singles
Acting and Comedy Techniques for Seducers and PUAs :Professionalize Your Perform
Acting and Comedy Techniques for Seducers and PUAs :Professionalize Your Performance On Sets!
The Ultimate Cold Reading Manual
The Ultimate Cold Reading Manual
Power Down & Parent Up!
Electronic Media Can Endanger As Well As Empower Your Kids In this decade, our digital world has grown exponentially as has the degree of time both adults and children are spending on their screens. Not surprisingly, researchers are discovering a myriad of unhealthy behaviors associated with excessive screen time. ?In “Power Down & Parent Up”, Kenley expands on her groundbreaking book Cyber Bullying No More, giving parents/guardians effective strategies to integrate into their lives and their children’s. ?How can we navigate a tech-driven world and raise tech-healthy children? ·Tackle cyber bullying head-on by implementing a concise “Parent Up” approach with proven strategies for Protection, Intervention, and Prevention. ·"Power Down" on screen dependence and become fully informed about its growing health concerns and consequences. ·Learn Seven Proactive Practices such as goal setting and creating a family plan to reduce screen time. ·Discover Four Healthy Guidelines to add to our parenting toolboxsuch as learning how to communicate about the false nature of cyber worth and cultivate our children’s real worth. "Rather imply that families can return to some idealistic less complicated time without Facebook, sexting, social networks, and Twitter, and whatever else comes along, Kenley's booklet will help parents mitigate possible harm to their children as they integrate this technology hopefully into healthy lives and relationships." --Ronald Mah, M.A. LMFT, author of Difficult Behavior in Early Childhood and The One Minute Temper Tantrum Solution "Holli addresses children's readiness for technology as well as rules, contracts and education for parents to consider for their children as they introduce or allow entry of new technology into their lives. Cyber bullying and victimization are concerns addressed as well as internet resources for parents, with tools for protection, interventions and prevention--a must for parents in our technological world." --Lani Stoner, Marriage and Family Therapist Learn more at?www.HolliKenley.com ?
How to Get Rid Of Bad Breath in Children
How to Get Rid Of Bad Breath in Children
Keywords In Relationship
Keywords In Relationship
Quick Guide To Better Office Romance: Enjoy Office Romance And Still Keep Your C
Quick Guide To Better Office Romance: Enjoy Office Romance And Still Keep Your Career
Understanding Autism in Adults and Aging Adults: Improving Diagnosis and Quality
Autism is a childhood condition ... right? Not right. Children with autism grow into adults with autism. The great strides we have made in understanding childhood autistic behaviors and interventions have lagged dramatically behind the needs of aging autistics. What of the young adult trying to build relationships? What of the middle aged autistic adult who has been misdiagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and lacks an effective treatment plan? What of the aging adult who is showing increasingly rigid autistic behaviors and is misdiagnosed as having frontotemporal dementia??Understanding Autism in Adults and Aging Adults is a one-of-a-kind resource designed to improve the correct diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder in adults. Filled with clinical stories that bring to life the concepts discussed, the book provides strategy-based interventions to address issues of personal and household management, medical care, communication, sensory processing symptoms, and emotional and behavioral regulation.
Despre idei
Testele propuse ?n aceast? culegere respect? num?rul, structura, con?inutul ?i gradul de dificultate ale testelor date la Drept, ?ncep?nd cu anul 2001, ?i realizate de c?tre aceea?i echip? de profesori. Ele reprezint?, a?adar, o oglind? fidel? a subiectelor din ultimul deceniu ?i, ?n acela?i timp, o verificare relevant? a cuno?tin?elor cerute la acest examen de admitere. Rezolv?rile propuse de c?tre noi sunt f?cute dup? concep?ia autorilor subiectelor de la Drept, pentru a se evita orice ambiguitate de interpretare. De asemenea, am respectat obiceiul autorilor, devenit regul? ?n formularea subiectelor, de a numerota propozi?iile ?n ordinea ?n care se succed? predicatele lor (exprimate sau sub?n?elese). Rezolvarea subiectelor vine, suntem convin?i, ?n continuarea cunoa?terii subiectelor date deja la admitere ?n anii anteriori. Ele pot reprezenta pentru candida?i un prilej de verificare, care s? le arate stadiul cuno?tin?elor la un moment dat, s? le arate unde trebuie s? revad? materia ?i s? le acorde ?ncredere ?n capacitatea lor de a reu?i.
Scott Pilgrim’s Precious Little Life: Volume 1 (Scott Pilgrim, Book 1)
Scott Pilgrim’s life is totally sweet.
Smell the Blue Sky: Young, pregnant, and widowed
Smell the Blue Sky: Young, pregnant, and widowed
Teach your Baby to Sleep Independently Through the Night
Teach your Baby to Sleep Independently Through the Night
Kis karácsony, nagy karácsony
Sosem értetted a szakk?nyveket az autizmusról? Itt az alkalom, hogy olvasmányos és humoros formában megismerd a legfontosabb tudnivalókat a gyanújelekt?l a diagnózison át, a terápiáig. K?zérthet?, szakkifejezés mentes k?nyv szül?knek, nagyszül?knek és laikusoknak. Mit nevezünk autizmusnak és mi okozza? Mi az a BNO szám? Milyen terápiák vannak és melyik jó a gyerekemnek? Kérdések a diagnózis után? Családom nem fogadja el az autista gyerekemet, mit tehetek? Milyen támogatásokat kérhetek, és hol intézzem? Mi lesz vele ha én már nem leszek? ?s még számtalan más kérdés...
Korszimfónia: Harmincegy beszélgetés életünkr?l és világunkról
Bels? irányt?nk ahhoz az élethez vezet el, amelyr?l mindig is álmodtunk. Célunk felé tartva ráismerünk azokra a pontokra, ahol irányt kell változtatnunk, hogy kihasználhassuk teljes bels? potenciálunkat. Ez az inspiráló utazás minden életterületen átvezet: segít, hogy felismerjük életfeladatunkat, hogy meghozzuk a helyes d?ntéseket, hogy megvalósítsuk legrejtettebb vágyainkat. A híres életmódtanár ezúttal gyakorlati útmutatót ad ahhoz, miként menedzselhetjük sikeresen a saját életünket. "Már maga az a felismerés, hogy minden élethelyzetben igent mondhatok az életre, hihetetlenül gazdaggá tette a hétk?znapjaimat. ?jra meg újra próbára tettem, hogyan tudom az éveken át gy?jt?tt élettapasztalatokat és az új látásmódot alkalmazni, és az eredmények mindig azt igazolták, hogy minden egyes esetben lehetséges változást elérni. ?ppen csak meg kell teremteni a változás el?feltételeit." (a Szerz?) A K?nyvjelz? magazin 2015. májusi számában megjelent cikk: Okosabban kéne élni
A végzetes bestseller
Folyamatosan áll a bál otthon? Gyermekünket reggelente képtelenség kiimádkozni az ágyból, majd id?ben útnak indítani az iskola felé? Este kizárólag hosszas fenyeget?zéssel és alkudozással vehet? rá, hogy nekilásson a leckének, mik?zben szinte lehetetlen elvonszolni a számítógép el?l? Ha valami nem úgy van, ahogy szeretné, r?gt?n dacolni kezd, nyafog, hisztizik, mire persze bennünk is felmegy a pumpa? Volt egyáltalán egy nyugodt napunk mostanában? Itt az ideje, hogy legyen! Susan Stiffelman, a neves pszichoterapeuta állítja: a kényszer csak ellenállást és konfliktusokat szül. A Gyereknevelés hatalmi harcok nélkül arra buzdít, hogy álljunk át gyermekünk oldalára. Hiszen végtére is egy csapat vagyunk! Legyünk higgadt, magabiztos hajóskapitányok k?z?s életünk tengerén, szélcsendben és viharban egyaránt! Ha er?s támaszként állunk csemeténk mellett a legválságosabb pillanatokban is, ha értékeljük egyedi tulajdonságait, ha képesek vagyunk a jelenben élni és ?rülni az együtt átélt pillanatoknak, hamarosan úgy fogjuk érezni: gyermekünket kicserélték. Csempésszük vissza a békét mindennapjainkba! Susan Stiffelman a kaliforniai Malibuban él? család-, házasság- és okleveles pszichoterapeuta, a The Huffington Post nagyra becsült szül?i életvezetési tanácsadója. ?tmutatásai a világ minden táján emberek életét változtatják meg.
Arta de a fi
S? fii un tat? minunat pare o sarcin? de-a dreptul imposibil? uneori. Se a?teapt? de la tat?l modern s? poat? face orice – s? poarte ?ntotdeauna de grij? familiei, s?-i motiveze pe copii, s? fie un bun ?ndrum?tor, consilier, educator, gestionar, asistent medical, nutri?ionist, ofi?er de securitate... iar lista r?m?ne deschis?.Autorul le d? o speran?? tuturor ta?ilor care, p?n? acum, s-au descurcat ?i ei cum au putut, oferindu-le un ghid complet pentru a se implica direct ?n via?a copiilor lor, din momentul concep?iei ?i p?n? c?nd ace?tia ajung la v?rsta adult?. O lucrare necesar? at?t proaspe?ilor t?tici ?i celor cu state vechi, c?t ?i oric?rui b?rbat care sper? s? devin? ?ntr o bun? zi tat?.
The End Of The World: "A Love Story"
"I don't believe that you'd care a cent if she did marry a Dutchman! She might as well as to marry some white folks I know."Samuel Anderson made no reply. It would be of no use to reply. Shrews are tamed only by silence. Anderson had long since learned that the little shred of influence which remained to him in his own house would disappear whenever his teeth were no longer able to shut his tongue securely in. So now, when his wife poured out this hot lava of argumentum ad hominem, he closed the teeth down in a dead-lock way over the tongue, and compressed the lips tightly over the teeth, and shut his fingernails into his work-hardened palms. And then, distrusting all these precautions, fearing lest he should be unable to hold on to his temper even with this grip, the little man strode out of the house with his wife's shrill voice in his ears.Mrs. Anderson had good reason to fear that her daughter was in love with a "Dutchman," as she phrased it in her contempt. The few Germans who had penetrated to the West at that time were looked upon with hardly more favor than the Californians feel for the almond-eyed Chinaman. They were foreigners, who would talk gibberish instead of the plain English which everybody could understand, and they were not yet civilized enough to like the yellow saleratus-biscuit and the "salt-rising" bread of which their neighbors were so fond. Reason enough to hate them!Only half an hour before this outburst of Mrs. Anderson's, she had set a trap for her daughter Julia, and had fairly caught her."Jule! Jule! O Jul-y-e-ee!" she had called.And Julia, who was down in the garden hoeing a bed in which she meant to plant some "Johnny-Jumpups," came quickly toward the house, though she know it would be of no use to come quickly. Let her come quickly, or let her come slowly, the rebuke was sure to greet her all the name."Why don't you come when you're called, I'd like to know! You're never in reach when you're wanted, and you're good for nothing when you are here!"