The Playful Parent
The Playful Parent offers a new solution for parents and carers looking for a calmer, happier and smarter way to parent the under-fives. This activity-led parenting guide shows how to get young children involved and learning, thinking and growing, helping and cooperating without any need for ‘the naughty step’ or punishment at all, but by making play the beating heart of family life. Julia Deering offers support and advice to busy parents, combining down-to-earth practicality with hundreds of simple activities, tips, tricks and fixes, guidance, prompts and brilliant ideas that show parents how to tap into their child's playful instincts. You can use The Playful Parent to: ? Make your little one’s good behaviour become their normal behaviour ? Remove those parent/child battle-of-will situations ? Help steer clear of the flashpoint furies and melt-down moments of the ‘terrible twos’ ? Run fuss-free errands with your toddlers in tow ? Tackle tricky transitions such as bedtimes and car journeys with ease ? Develop your child's independence and unleash their natural creativity ? Bond with a child in the first language they know: play Whether you've forgotten how to play or you're still a child at heart, The Playful Parent equips you with all the know-how you need to make play work for you and your family; transforming parenting during the early years into a more enjoyable, rewarding and memorable experience. Includes: ? A guide to the principles of play and how to use the 7 Ways to Play concept ? Advice on how to organise your home – and your life – for maximum play with minimum stress ? Over a hundred uncomplicated and irresistible activities for your 18 month – 5 year olds ? A Family Favourites chart so you can record favourite activities and start building daily and weekly planners

Double Trouble: Twins and How to Survive Them (Text Only)
This indispensable guide to multiple pregnancy, birth and beyond, comes from an expert on the subject – Emma Mahony is a twin herself as well as being the mother of twins. Humorous cartoons from the Times’ front-page cartoonist make this a lighthearted, informative guide to everything expectant mothers of twins need to know. Twins are amazing – but multiple pregnancy and birth, not to mention coping with twins once they are born, carries a set of special fears, risks and issues. Many parents-to-be find themselves overwhelmed. This guide is informative yet informal – in a similar vein to ‘Best Friends Guide To Pregnancy’. The author is uniquely experienced in this subject, being a twin and also a mother of baby twins. Contains advice from pregnancy and childcare experts as well as case studies. Illustrated inside with humorous cartoons from Jonathan Pugh, father of two and front-page cartoonist at The Times. An exploration of practical issues such as eating for three, managing breastfeeding, and the trend towards Caesareans for NHS twin births. ? Any special concerns? The unnecessary label of ‘high risk’ in pregnancy. ? Testimonies from mums who have tried different approaches. ? Interviews with medical and midwife experts. ? A step-by-step guide to the different stages of pregnancy and birth, including how to involve the father and explain twins to other siblings. ? Tips on managing once the twins have arrived.

The Baby Sleep Book
Drawing on considerable experience as both parents and professionals in the paediatric profession, the best-selling parenting experts Dr. William and Martha Sears have produced the definitive guide to the frequently fraught and troublesome topic of sleep. The Sleep Book is designed as a practical and contemporary guide to parenting, ensuring you can get your child to sleep and making sure night time isn’t dreaded. Containing the latest medical research, and providing informed and considered advice on all the issues, this book offers guidance and support to keep you and your child rested and refreshed. Includes advice on all aspects of sleep such as: ? 8 infant sleep facts every parent should know ? 31 ways to get your baby to sleep and stay asleep ? Bedwetting ? Hidden medical causes of night waking ? Sleep trainers ? Night weaning – 12 alternatives for the all-night nurser ? Night terrors ? 5 reasons why high need infants sleep differently ? Sleep safety ? SIDS: the latest research on how sleeping with your baby is safe ? Co-sleeping: Yes, No, Sometimes An invaluable resource for parents of young children, The Baby Sleep Book provides guidance on how to get your baby to sleep, what to do if he wakes up to often, what to do if he sleeps to much. It also helps with moving the place of sleep, sleepwear, managing the sleep time of more than one child, and night time feeding.

First-Time Parent: The honest guide to coping brilliantly and staying sane in yo
Forget unrealistic childcare manuals – this is the book you really need to help you cope brilliantly with those first chaotic days and months ahead. As a health journalist and mother-of-three, Lucy Atkins is familiar with both the medical aspects of childbirth and baby development, and the reality of day-to-day life as an exhausted first-time mum or dad. In her feisty, humorous style, she begins with that first mind-blowing day and addresses the issues unique to the first-time parent who stares at their newborn and thinks “Where are the instructions?” Anticipating the questions and concerns of all new mothers–Why does my baby cry so much? Will I ever lose all this weight? Am I a bad parent because…?–the book provides practical advice and level-headed reassurance. It addresses the needs of the baby and, very importantly, those of the parent during the first year of their baby’s life. Contents include: ? Starter’s orders – the equipment and kit you really need, as opposed to what the department store tells you ? Hello – how to cope with the first few hours ? Start – coming home, bonding, how to survive the first few days ? Sleep – for everyone! ? Cry – why your baby cries, what to do, why you'll want to cry, too ? Eat –breastfeeding, supplemental feeding, moving to solids, nutrition ? Grow – baby's physical and mental development ? Play – yes, you two actually can have fun ? Thrive – health considerations for baby and parent ? Live – adapting to your new life, the changing mother-father relationship ? Work – coping with being at home and with going back to work ? Also includes information on single parenting, and on adopted, multiple and special needs babies. The First-Time Parent is on your side, and reassures that you can cope brilliantly with your new baby and your new life.

The Fussy Baby Book: Parenting your high-need child from birth to five
The best-selling authors of The Baby Book (Dr William and Martha Sears) have created a supportive and practical guide to coping with difficult and fussy children. The book contains proven methods for dealing with a multitude of difficulties you may encounter. Parents of fussy or difficult children, take heart, best-selling childcare experts William and Martha Sears have written a book just for you. Drawing on more than twenty years of paediatric practice and their experiences with their own high-need children, they provide: - Creative ways to soothe a fussy baby - Information on medical causes of infant fussiness – from infections to food sensitivities - Effective ways of coping with common high-need personality traits and behaviour - Proven strategies for discipline – getting connected to your child early, providing structure, setting limits, knowing when to say yes and when to say no - Tips on learning how to talk and listen - Real-life stories and advice from parents of high-need children In The Fussy Baby Book Dr. William and Martha Sears acknowledge the difficulties you face but show you how responsive parenting can turn these challenges into advantages for both you and your child. The Searses prove that difficult children can provide the most rewarding parenting experiences of all.

A gyilkos lányai
Nina Elliot sosem gondolta volna, hogy ennyire bátor lesz. Elhagyja a férfit, aki nem érdemelte meg a szerelmét, és beolvas a f?nökének, majd hangosan becsapja maga mögött az ajtót, és kilép a bizonytalanságba. Maga sem sejti, hogy erre a régóta halogatott döntésre van szüksége ahhoz, hogy egyszer csak szembejöjjön vele a nagy lehet?ség. Egy váratlan találkozásnak köszönhet?en visszatérhet korábbi munkahelyére, a fest?i Milton-birtokra, ahol az író családf?nek segíthet könyve el?készületi munkálataiban. Egy nyárra szól a megállapodás, addig lakik újra a családdal az egykori bébiszitter, és így a lány id?t nyerhet, amíg kitalálja, hogyan tovább. Dehogy számít rá, hogy a Milton fiúk, akik id?közben feln?ttek, csapni kezdik neki a szelet… Ráadásul közvetlenül egy nagy csalódás után nem is szeretne új kapcsolatba kezdeni. Csakhogy a forró nyár a romantika id?szaka is, a lány pedig egyre jobban belejön a döntéshozatalba… Victoria Connelly harmadik magyar nyelv? regénye is egy meseszer? világba kalauzolja az olvasót. A Bárcsak itt lennél és a Szökevény színészn? szerz?je ezúttal is tökéletes nyári történetet kínál, a görög vakáció és a skót táj után pedig szül?hazájába viszi el olvasóit, a t?le megszokott romantikus történetvezetéssel. Fej?s Éva A szerz? további m?vei: Bárcsak itt lennél Szökevény színészn?

Cool Irish Names for Babies
A must-have guide for parents-to-be everywhere. Whether you’re Irish, of Irish heritage or you simply love Celtic-inspired names, this book is packed full of the most popular, unusual and creative names around. By the best-selling authors of Cool Names for Babies and Brilliant Book of Baby Names, this collection takes you beyond the straightforward listings of other books and gives opinion on what’s hot and what’s not in the world of Irish baby names. The information given really helps parents to make the right choices and includes loads of original features – pronunciation guides; which names are going up and which down in popularity; which are unisex, which are good as middle but not first names; and which should really be avoided at all costs. Packed full of creative lists such as Names that are Classic But Not Boring, Place Names, Names from Literature, Spiritual Names and Names of Irish Heroes and Heroines this is every new parent’s one-stop guide to selecting the coolest Irish name for their baby.

101 dialoguri ?n libertate (vol. 1)
Ce fel de educa?ie poate ajuta copiii de azi pentru a reu?i ?n era informa?iei ?i a inov?rii? Cum poate fi ?ncurajat? creativitatea tinerilor angaja?i? ?n ce mod p?rin?ii pot cultiva curiozitatea ?i inventivitatea celor mici? Plec?nd de la triunghiul joc-pasiune-determinare, Tony Wagner reface traseul formativ al c?torva dintre cei mai str?luci?i inovatori ai zilelor noastre, de la inginerul care a contribuit decisiv la crearea primului iPhone, la activi?ti sociali care n?scocesc, ?n Africa, ?biciclete“ ieftine pentru dep?nu?at. Pe l?ng? interviurile cu aceste min?i pline de creativitate, Wagner discut? ?i cu profesorii ?i p?rin?ii acestor inovatori. Scopul s?u este s? arate c?t de important? este o copil?rie ?n care sunt ?ncurajate pasiunile celor mici ?i c?t de mult conteaz? modelul personal al dasc?lilor dedica?i. De asemenea, sunt descrise c?teva dintre liceele ?i facult??ile americane cele mai vizionare ca program? ?i ca abordare interdisciplinar?.?Cum putem da fiec?rui copil sau t?n?r ?ansa de a fi creativ ?i de a fi educat pentru inova?ie? Cum ne asigur?m c? viitorii ?transformatori? ai lumii sunt preg?ti?i s? r?spund? provoc?rilor? Profesorul de pedagogie Tony Wagner d? r?spunsuri ?i solu?ii surprinz?toare ?n aceast? carte, pe care o recomand ?n primul r?nd celor care au fost ?mpiedica?i cel pu?in o dat? s? fie inovatori...“ - Prof. univ. dr. Lucian Ciolan,coordonatorul colec?iei ?Educa?ie ?i formare“, decanul Facult??ii de Psihologie ?i ?tiin?ele Educa?iei, Universitatea din Bucure?ti

Critica ra?iunii pure
Irina Petrea a scris o carte pentru to?i cei care doresc s? ?n?eleag? mai bine rela?iile dintre p?rin?i ?i copii. Fie c? vrei s? ??i ?n?elegi mai bine propria copil?rie, fie c? te preg?te?ti s? ai un copil, fie c? e?ti deja p?rinte aceast? carte ??i ofer? strategii simple pentru probleme ce-?i par dificile. Plin de sfaturi, solu?ii ?i exemple, acest volum este rezultatul unei bogate experien?e de lucru cu copiii ?i p?rin?ii ?i a fost scris din dorin?a de a aduce mai mult? armonie ?n via?a tuturor.?Nu e o carte pentru minte, ci una pentru suflet. Cred cu toat? convingerea c? fiecare dintre noi este rezultatul propriei copil?rii...“ – Irina PetreaC?nd a acceptat s? devin? Supernanny ?– guvernanta ideal?, ?n reality show-ul omonim difuzat de Prima TV, pentru Irina Petrea cel mai mult a c?nt?rit dorin?a de a veni ?n sprijinul copiilor ?i al p?rin?ilor. Cu to?ii ?tim c? o rela?ie defectuoas? ?ntre p?rinte ?i copil, le am?r??te ?i, de multe ori, chiar otr?ve?te via?a, pe moment, dar ?i pe termen lung, ?n loc s? aduc?, de ambele p?r?i, bucurie, dragoste, ?mplinire ?i mul?umire, a?a cum ar trebui. De aceea, aceast? carte nu trebuie s? lipseasc? din casa nim?nui care crede c? educa?ia se face din inim?.

What Women Want Men To Know
What makes women tick? And how can women and men use this knowledge to make a great relationship? Top relationships expert tells you how ‘What Women Want Men To Know’ is a book for men and women alike. Barbara De Angelis reveals what makes women tick, just why it is they do what they do – in relationships, in bed, and in day to day communication. And what they want from their men. Essential reading for the man who wants to understand his partner better, it is also a must for the woman who wants to understand her own relationship and needs: “first and foremost this book is for you as a woman to read. It wasn’t written just to help men understand you – it is an invitation for you to know and understand yourself more than you ever have before… ” The book includes the top 10 turn offs for women in bed and the top 10 turn ons. At a time when our stressed-out lifestyles are making healthy, fulfilled relationships increasingly elusive, the foremost female writer in this genre has provided, yet again, a route to a greater understanding of the one you love. This is vintage De Angelis.

Yes, Please. Whatever!: How to get the best out of your teenagers
Following the success of her first book, Yes, Please. Thanks! mum and author Penny Palmano, This Morning’s Mrs. Manners, is back with this comprehensive guide to raising teenagers. After her fair share of parenting, Penny Palmano decided to tackle what she saw as an epidemic of bad manners, and wrote a guidebook on teaching good manners to children. The book, Yes, Please. Thanks!, touched a nerve and has become a bestselling sensation. Yes, Please. Whatever! takes you, the parents, to the next stage and teaches you how to avoid the pitfalls of teenagers and all the problems specific to that age group from hormonal fluctuations and untidiness to dating. Penny shows you how to build mutual respect with your teenagers, the foundation stone for good behaviour and a good relationship. The book also includes first hand advice on teaching your teenager how to deal with siblings, relationships, exams, stress, food, money, part-time jobs, drinking, paying compliments, how to behave in public and with friends and even advice on how to teach them to pour wine. The result is that your teenager will be totally prepared in all life and social skills when they finally leave home.

The Yummy Mummy’s Survival Guide
Becoming a mother is as challenging as ever. Help is at hand, with this indispensable guide to surviving the biggest transition of your life. Liz Fraser is a (mostly) stylish mother of three young children, and offers a much-needed, fresh look at what happens to us, our relationships and our wardrobes when we take the plunge and fill our tidy homes with Lego. Hilarious, honest and poignant, Liz uses her experiences of motherhood to help you through pregnancy and the first year with your baby, making the whole event seem manageable – even desirable. This indispensable guide is the stylist, personal trainer, box of anti-depressants, bar of chocolate and best friend which every woman can carry around in her handbag. Because becoming a mother doesn't mean you stop wanting to look and feel fabulous – it just becomes a little trickier!

The Complete Book of Rules: Time tested secrets for capturing the heart of Mr. R
Everything you need to know to capture Prince Charming’s heart. The very best advice from The Rules and The Rules 2 is brought together to provide the ultimate guide to successful dating. The notorious dating handbook which, comprises many tips such as ‘Never call a man first’ etc (designied to make Mr Right hungry for more) whcih although old-fashioned have been found effective by millions of women worldwide. Other essential advice offered: ? Always end the first date – it will leave him desperate for more ? Don’t call him – it will make him desire you more ? Never accept a Saturday night date after Wednesday – it will encourage him to phone sooner ? Always end the telephone conversation first -it will leave him wanting more ? Don’t rush into sex – let his passion build ? On the first date, don’t stare romantically into his eyes – he’ll know you are planning the honeymoon

Nagyszül?k és unokák
Egy k?nyv, ami életet ment...Egy sziget, ahol boldogságra lelsz...Egy utazás, ami ?r?kre megváltoztat... A Pearl of the Caribbean igazán kül?nleges hajó. Egy ?si legenda újjászületésér?l, a rejtélyes boldogságszigetr?l és a karibi ?emlékgyógyító”, Carol Santos újbóli felbukkanásáról suttog a hajó személyzete és a kiválasztottak, k?ztük egy magyar nászutas pár is. Ladányi Niki újságíró (aki ebben a regényben ?született”, és kés?bb a Nápolyi vakáció f?h?se, majd a November lánya mellékszerepl?je is lett) azonban nem a boldogságszigetet keresi; egy fájdalmas emlék, egy sorsfordító titok és egy halálosan veszélyes ellenség el?l menekül. Egy másik fiatal n?, Leonora pedig San Juanban életre szóló küldetést teljesít. Vajon képes-e egyszer az életben a szívére hallgatni, és olyasvalakivel megosztani a súlyos feladatot, aki segít?je, lelki társa és akár szerelme is lehetne az úton – vagy ez a d?ntés végzetes k?vetkezményekkel jár? Fej?s ?va korábbi sikerk?nyve új kiadásban is kalandot, szórakozást kínál, és a boldogságsziget felé kalauzolja olvasóit.

Míg a halál el nem választ
Néha falra másznál a gyerekeidt?l? El?fordul, hogy szinte az ?rületbe kergetnek, és a legszívesebben egy lakatlan szigetre k?lt?znél? K?zben lelkiismeret-furdalás gy?t?r, nehogy a rossz d?ntéseiddel érzelmi nyomorékká tedd ?ket? Akkor ez a te k?nyved! Szül?k százezrei esküsznek szerte a világban Nigel Latta gyermek- és családpszichológus egyszer?, ?szinte és garantáltan sikeres tanácsaira. ?lszenteskedés és szépelgés helyett lényegre t?r?en, tudóskodás nélkül megmutatja, miként lehet túlélni az els? tíz év alapproblémáit: ??n gyerekeket javítok, ez a munkám. ?s ha egy kissrác pofára tud ejteni egy rakat szakért?t a nevelési tanácsadóban, akkor engem ez a gyerek nagyon érdekel.” A szobatisztaságtól a megfejthetetlennek t?n? dührohamokig; a helytelen alvási szokásoktól a válogatós étkezésig; az iskolai nehézségekt?l a prekamaszok testképzavaráig; a félelmekt?l a komoly szorongásokig, a szerz? minden egyes élethelyzetben konkrét eligazítást ad a családi mindennapok kínos útveszt?ihez: ?A gyereknevelés olyan, mint a legizgalmasabb tévés valóságshow, csak ennek mi vagyunk a szerepl?i. A tévém?sorhoz képest persze hátrány, hogy itt nem lehet kiszavazni senkit. ?s sajnos a végén nem kapunk milliós nyereményt sem. De ha csak félig tisztességesen játsszunk, nagyon szép élményekben lesz részünk.” Ha az a cél, hogy megértsd, mit akar a gyereked, mit nem akar, és valójában mire van szüksége, k?zben pedig ne tépjétek rongyosra egymás idegeit, már a születésekor olvasd el ezt a k?nyvet. De legkés?bb, miel?tt kirepül otthonról.

A Csipkerózsika-gyilkosság
Mrázik Julianna a Pécsi Tudományegyetem Neveléstudományi Intézete Nevelés és Oktatáselméleti Tanszékének vezet?je. Közel száz tudományos megjelenéssel rendelkezik, közöttük angol és német nyelv? publikációkkal. Magyar és nemzetközi konferenciák gyakori résztvev?je, szakért?i tevékenységet folytat, számos kutatásban vett részt, folyóirat-szerkeszt?bizottsági tag és tananyagfejleszt?, pedagógus-továbbképzési szak indítója és programgazdája. Opponensi, témavezet?i, Országos Tudományos Diákköri konzulensi tevékenységet folytat és külföldi hallgatóknak kínál konzultációt. Oktatott tantárgyai a pedagógiai kreatológia, a tankönyvelemzés, a bevezetés a pedagógiába, tanítás tanulása, a neveléselmélet és pedagógiai antropológia, a nevelés és iskola.A monográfia célja, hogy tanárképzésben és a tanártovábbképzésben résztvev?k megismerkedjenek az intézményes és nem-intézményes nevelés aktuális és megoldandó feladataival, valamint a hazai és nemzetközi törekvésekkel ezen feladatok megoldására. A nemzetközi és összehasonlító megközelítés? kötet számos témája közé tartozik a nevelés (pedagógiai) antropológiai megközelítése, történeti-filozófiai el?zményei, kapcsolódásai más tudományterületekkel, a nevelés stílusai, valamint a nevel?- és a tanulószerep.

Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus
The legendary relationships guide that mothers recommend to their daughters, friends give as gifts and brothers steal from their sisters, MEN ARE FROM MARS AND WOMEN ARE FROM VENUS is inarguably the definitive book on having a happy relationship. ‘A treasure’, ‘a bible’ and ‘an heirloom’ are some of the words used to describe the book that has saved countless relationships and improved innumerable others. Now repackaged to relate to a new generation of readers, this phenomenal book continues to carry its legacy of understanding and trust into the world. Since its first publication, over a staggering 15 million copies of MEN ARE FROM MARS, WOMEN ARE FROM VENUS have sold globally to single men and women looking for guidance on how to find the perfect partner, married couples seeking to strengthen their bond, and divorcees hoping to fathom where it all went wrong. Gray’s insights into how to allow your other half to “pull away” like an elastic band, prevent your emotional baggage from polluting your current relationship, and translate the phrases of the opposite sex are as relevant now as when they were first published. With straightforward, honest writing from that precious male perspective, Gray unlocks the secrets hidden in your partner’s words and actions to enable you both to reach true mutual understanding and a lifetime of love. Discover for yourself why thousands believe that MEN ARE FROM MARS, WOMEN ARE FROM VENUS should be mandatory reading for everyone.

It’s Just a Date: A Guide to a Sane Dating Life
A fabulous new guide to dating co-authored by Greg Behrendt, former writer on Sex and the City, who won women's hearts with his three million copy bestseller He's Just Not That Into You. What ever happened to dating? Used to be that a guy would ask a girl out. He'd pick her up at her house and take her out for dinner, a movie, or a cup of coffee and some conversation. Then both parties would decide if they wanted to do it again next week. There was protocol. A standard set of guidelines to follow for this age-old ritual. These days who even knows what dating is? It's Just a Date gives you tools, not rules that you can use, while also opening you up to new ideas about how to date and who might be right for you. The book shows us how things have changed on the dating scene and what we need to do to adapt, including – ? How the digital age has changed dating, from texting (the new not calling) to online dating. ? The compromise: hooking up, booty calls and quasi dates – was it or wasn't it a date? ? Exit strategies – how to pull the plug when the dating isn't working out. Dating doesn't have to be hard – in fact, if not taken so seriously, it can be seriously fun.

Raising Babies: Should under 3s go to nursery?
Steve Biddulph, the favourite number one name in parenting psychology - and bestselling author of Raising Boys - examines how different childcare options are likely to affect you and your child in this rivetting and highly topical book This topical book tackles a key issue all new parents face. Steve Biddulph looks at childcare choices and the dilemmas that so often arise: - 'I want to stay at home with my child but don't know how I can' - 'I don't know what is better: nursery, creche or childminder' - 'if other people look after my child will it affect its development and happiness?' It examines the two-income 'slaves to work' culture in the Uk and how in the past ten years, the number of babies and toddlers under three who are spending all day (8am to 6pm) in nurseries has quadrupled. Biddulph urges caution and warns that the hurried and disconnected way that families now live their lives could be damaging to a whole new generation's mental stability and development. The book is an eye-opener in terms of child development and provides useful case studies from parents who are stay-at-home and those using all-day or part-time childcare - groups sociologists have named 'slammers' and 'sliders' respectively.

Are You the One for Me?
From Barbara De Angelis, author of 14 bestselling relationships titles and internationally-recognised relationship psychologist, comes the definitive book on compatibility. Are You The One For Me? is an engaging and lucid guide to creating – and sustaining – the fulfilling relationships you deserve. Are You The One For Me? is an engaging and lucid guide to creating – and sustaining – the fulfilling relationship you deserve. World-renowned relationship counsellor Barbara De Angelis reveals everything you need to know about compatibility. You’ll learn: ? Why you’ve chosen the partners you have – and how to make better choices, ? How much sexual chemistry you and your partner really have, ? The ten types of relationships that won’t work, ? How your childhood memories may be affecting your love life, ? The six essential qualities to look for in a mate, ? How to spot fatal flaws in a partner, ? Why you may be falling in love for the wrong reason. If you’re single or divorced: read this book to understand why your past choices weren’t right for you and how to get it right this time. If you’re in love: learn how to be 100% certain that this relationship is the one for you. If you’re married: discover how to understand and balance your differences so that you can live happily together every day. Repackaged and redesigned for the modern reader with an iconic new cover, Are You The One For Me? is the last word in finding the right type of companionship for you.

The ZimZum of Love: A New Way of Understanding Marriage
Sunday Times bestselling author Rob Bell is joined in this book by his wife of twenty years, Kristen, to present a new way to make marriage work. Marriage is complex because people are complicated. You think you’re one. But then there are moments when it’s shockingly obvious that you’re two, with two opinions – whether over politics, childrearing or what you’re going to watch on TV. So how do you stop yourself flaring up when you hit one of these relationship flashpoints and start seeing marriage as a chance for you to learn more about the person you want to know best of all? Early on in their marriage Rob and Kristen experienced the struggles and fights that come to all couples. They still do. But they quickly learned that a great marriage needs to be focused and nurtured – and that fights should be as productive as possible! In this inspiring and humorous insight into marriage, the popular husband and wife team explore communication, dealing with relatives, money, sex, petty fights, work and boundaries, as well as love, forgiveness, fidelity, faith and hope – because something special can happen when two people give themselves fully to each other. With extensive discussion points in the endnotes, this easy-to-read book is invaluable for anyone searching for a happy, fulfilling relationship.