?mbl?nzirea scorpiei / Taming of the Shrew (Edi?ie bilingv?)
An amazing book, written by the Reverend E.J. Hardy.?Oscar Wilde praised it extravagantly: "It is a complete handbook to an earthly Paradise, and its author may be regarded as the Murray of matrimony and the Baedeker of bliss."This book provides something really useful and thought-provoking, as well as entertaining, for anyone contemplating or living in the state of matrimony.?"We strongly recommend this book as one of the best of wedding presents. It is a complete handbook to an earthly Paradise, and its author may be regarded as the Murray of Matrimony and the Baedeker of Bliss." – Pall Mall Gazette."The author has successfully accomplished a difficult task in writing a clever and practical book on the important subject of matrimony.... This book, which is at once entertaining and full of wise precepts, deserves to be widely read." – Morning Post."An entertaining volume.... The new guide to matrimonial felicity." – Standard, Leader."A clever, readable, and entertaining book.... This delicious book." – Literary Churchman."This most elucidatory treatise.... As a 'companion to the honeymoon,' this orange blossom, true-love-knot ornamented volume should no doubt be highly esteemed." – Whitehall Review."The book is tastefully got up, and its contents adapt it very well for a present to a young bride." – Queen."One of the cleverest, best written books on the subject we have read at any time. To girls contemplating marriage, the volume should be presented as a wedding gift.... Grave and gay, but never for a moment dull or tiresome. Each page sparkles with anecdote or suggestive illustration." – Ladies' Treasury."A highly ornamental yet handy, well printed, and admirably written volume." – The Lady."A rich store of entertaining anecdote, and full of thoughts beautiful, pious, and wise. Has a tasteful binding." – Bookseller.

Cry Silent Tears
Joe knew his mother was cruel and violent, but he trusted his beloved father to protect him from her. When a freak accident saw his father burn to death in front of him, Joe was left at the mercy of his mother. Without the love of his friend and brother, he wouldn't have survived. With them, he went on to spend his life fighting child abuse. Joe was just five years old and the horrific scene literally struck him dumb. He didn't speak for four and a half years, which meant he was unable to ask anyone for help as his life turned into a living hell. His schizophrenic mother and two of his older brothers spent the following years beating him, raping him and locking him in the cellar at the family home. Fed on scraps that he was forced to lick from the floor, he was sometimes left naked in the dark for three days without human contact. Unable to read or write, all Joe could do to communicate his suffering was draw pictures. The violence and sexual abuse grew in severity as more people, including his stepfather, were invited to use him in any way they chose. The only thing that saved Joe was the kindness of his elder brother and his only school friend, both of whom showed him that love was possible even in the darkest of situations. At fourteen he finally found the courage to run away, hiding in a hut by a railway line, fed on scraps by some local children who found him. Joe's is the ultimate insider's story, casting light into the darkest of hidden worlds, and a truly inspirational account of how one small boy found the strength to overcome almost impossible odds and become a remarkable man. Now that he has found his voice again, Joe speaks out against child abuse and helps support and protect other children whose lives have been blighted by it.

Why Mars and Venus Collide
From John Gray, author of the phenomenal multi-million copy bestseller Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, comes the definitive book for men and women seeking lasting love in the face of modern pressures. Why Mars and Venus Collide is the most important relationships manual since Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus redefined the boundaries of male and female relationships. Men and women are different – we all know that. But if our genes have stood still then social changes have not. Overworked, stressed-out and time-poor, we can barely keep up with the frenzied pace of our lives – and our relationships are breaking down as a result. In Why Mars and Venus Collide, John Gray, the best-selling relationships author of all time, shows how everyone can strengthen their relationships and make them last. He explains: ? Why couples fight – the physiological reasons why females and males behave differently under stress, ? How to stop fighting, ? How to seek support – and find it, ? How to lower your stress levels in everyday life, ? How to communicate equably and amicably, even when you’re raging inside. Now repackaged to relate to a new generation of readers, Why Mars And Venus Collide proves why John Gray is known as the greatest living authority on how men and women relate.

Forever Baby: Jenny’s Story - A Mother’s Diary
“I have a darling baby. A patient placid baby who nuzzles warmly into her sheepskin and gives me a sleepy smile when I come in. She sits up, bounces happily and reaches out for a cuddle …” “I’ve had my darling baby for nearly twenty years now and unless something happens, I guess I’ll have her for another twenty years.” Praise for Forever Baby – “Mary’s writing has the quality of being both a participant and an observer. As a participant in a life and death voyage, she writes with emotional force. As an observer, there are some great passages of acute observation and stark – sometimes black – humour. “But the dominant emotion is love: love given by Mary and the Burbidge Family to their daughter Jenny; love given by Jenny to Mary and family. A special love for a special child, which we are privileged, through this book, to share.” The Hon. Joan Kirner, former Premier of Victoria “Some people just burn with a brighter flame, and Mary Burbidge, doctor, mother and fierce diarist, is one of them. When Mary gave birth over twenty years ago to a disabled baby girl, she began writing from the heart to make sense and meaning of her life. “I have quoted Mary’s experience in one of my own books, but I could never have suspected the dramatic turn of events that would conclude this story. The gritty, heart-bursting world of parenting is captured in a way that I have rarely met elsewhere, but the drama, transcendence and tragedy of raising a child with a disability takes this to a deeper plane still. “Jenny’s story and Mary’s telling of it, will grip the reader and change how they see the world around them for a very long time.” Steve Biddulph, psychologist and author

Your Daughter
The ultimate guide to raising girls. Have you ever wondered why… ? It's the end of the world if her best friend won't play with her? ? She moans about wearing school uniform, then goes out dressed exactly the same as all the other girls? ? She spends all day with her friends but still needs to talk to them all evening? Written by head teachers and staff from some of the finest girls' schools in the country, Your Daughter is full of practical advice to help you negotiate the challenges of raising a daughter in the twenty-first century: ? why girls are different ? the importance of her friends ? family relationships ? self esteem ? eating disorders ? girls' bullying ? social networking and the internet ? influence of the media ? helping her succeed at school You may be bringing up one, two or even three daughters, but the authors of this book have hundreds of thousands of girls passing through their care each year. Your Daughter helps you to understand what makes her tick, from her first day at school until she flies the nest.

Odd is on Our Side (Odd Thomas graphic novel)
The second graphic novel adventure featuring Dean Koontz’s hugely popular character Odd Thomas. It’s almost Halloween in Pico Mundo, and that means time for the annual Safe Halloween Party, hosted by Police Chief Porter. All seems perfectly normal – until Odd catches sight of the ghost of a young girl who seems to be trying to join in the festivities. Odd’s next clue that something threatens his peaceful town is the appearance of a swarm of bodachs – supernatural beings who herald some deadly event. With the help of his girlfriend, Stormy, and some vital information from the ghost of Elvis Presley, will Odd be able to forestall disaster?

R?zboiul nu are chip de femeie
Cum s? dezvolt?m poten?ialul real al copiilor no?tri ?Strategii pentru a ne ajuta copiii s? interac?ioneze cu succes cu al?i copii, cu profesorii ?i cu membrii familiei.“ – Kirkus Reviews Dezvoltarea motiva?iei Construirea rela?iilor Gestionarea sensibilit??ii Gestionarea cooper?rii ?i a competi?iei Atitudinea fa?? de autoritate Copiii no?tri, de?i inteligen?i, pot avea dificult??i la ?coal? ?i ?n via?? din diverse motive: fie sunt perfec?ioni?ti, fie se tem de efort, fiind obi?nui?i cu succesele imediate, fie au dificult??i ?n a se ?n?elege cu cei de v?rsta lor. Cartea de fa?? reprezint? o solu?ie concis? ?i plin? de idei practice, pe care le putem folosi pe m?sur? ce copiii cresc ?i se dezvolt?. Strategiile descrise de autori, psihologi cu experien??, pot fi puse ?n aplicare ?n via?a de zi cu zi, ajut?ndu-i pe copii s? ??i gestioneze sentimentele, s? le plac? ?nv???tura ?i s? ??i construiasc? rela?ii armonioase, pentru o via?? ?mplinit?.

The Tide Knot (The Ingo Chronicles, Book 2)
Helen Dunmore was an award-winning novelist, poet and children's writer, who will be remembered for the wisdom, lyricism, compassion and immersive beauty of her writing. In her lifetime, she published eight collections of poetry, many novels for both adults and children, and two collections of short stories. She won the Orange Prize for Fiction with her novel A Spell of Winter, her novel The Siege was shortlisted for the Orange Prize and the Whitbread Prize for Fiction, and her final poetry collection Inside the Wave won the 2017 Costa Book of the Year.

Hero Rising (Darkmouth, Book 4)
Shane Hegarty was the Arts Editor of the Irish Times, but left to be a full time writer after DARKMOUTH sold in a frenzied auction at Bologna Book Fair in 2013. He lives with his family near Dublin.

The Deep (The Ingo Chronicles, Book 3)
Helen Dunmore was an award-winning novelist, poet and children's writer, who will be remembered for the wisdom, lyricism, compassion and immersive beauty of her writing. In her lifetime, she published eight collections of poetry, many novels for both adults and children, and two collections of short stories. She won the Orange Prize for Fiction with her novel A Spell of Winter, her novel The Siege was shortlisted for the Orange Prize and the Whitbread Prize for Fiction, and her final poetry collection Inside the Wave won the 2017 Costa Book of the Year.

M?n?c?, poste?te, sl?be?te.
V-a?i s?turat de numeroasele vizite la medic cu copilul ?i s? ?i da?i medicamente cu pumnul? Micu?ul dumneavoastr? are o alergie sau astm ?i vre?i s? v? asigura?i c? e ferit de factorii declan?atori, fie c? se afl? acas?, la ?coal? sau ?ntr-o c?l?torie? Pornind de la experien?a proprie, autoarea v? arat? cum s? v? hr?ni?i ?i ?ngriji?i copiii cu alergii sau astm, de la schimbarea dietei la ?detoxifierea“ casei, ce m?suri preventive pute?i lua la ?coal? ?i ?n c?l?torii, dar ?i cum. Cartea include sfaturi de la exper?i de top – medici ?i speciali?ti ?n diverse domenii –, oferind o abordare integrativ? ?n ce prive?te cre?terea unui copil s?n?tos at?t la minte, c?t ?i la trup.

To Date a Man, You Must Understand a Man: The Keys to Catch a Great Guy
To Date a Man, You Must Understand a Man: The Keys to Catch a Great Guy

La formarea ideilor
Femeia este o fiin uman care plvrgete, se mbrac i se dezbrac.“ – VoltairePractici eficiente de pick-up. nceptor Fii pe faz! Urmeaz cursul de iniiere n ale pick-up-ului.Primo. Cine eti i doreti ceva i chiar obii sau doar visezi i colectezi frustrriSecundo. Ce tii s faci Procedee, tehnici i metode... Te tenteaz Citete.Tero. Rezultatul ine minte, rezultatul nu poate fi dect unul de succes.Pick-up – un model de comportament al omului de succes, dar i o abordare bine gndit a comunicrii cu persoanele de sex opus i seducerea lor. Pentru aceasta ai nevoie de un maxim de informaie util i dexteritate.Deoarece brbaii erau cei care se pricepeau s scrie mai bine, femeile au fost acelea crora li s-au atribuit toate nenorocirile din lume.“ – Samuel JohnsonFemeile... sunt diferite. Sunt printre noi, ne vorbesc, i doresc ceva, cer ceva, ofer ceva, ne ceart pentru osetele aruncate peste tot i ne calc cmile, vorbesc ncontinuu i ne invadeaz bile cu sute de sticlue viu colorate. Au ptruns adnc n viaa noastr i chiar dac ne pare c ne-am obinuit cu ele, ntotdeauna reuesc s ne surprind. n fiece zi i la orice or.Chiar i cea pe care o tii de o via i i cunoti toate obiceiurile e capabil de unele chestii care te las masc. i nu o face intenionat, ci doar ca s-i trezeasc interesul, pentru c face parte din firea ei. Probabil, aceast capacitate de a se comporta ciudat n cele mai simple situaii le este ntiprit n codul ADN.i am gsit c mai amar dect moartea este femeia a crei inim este o curs i ale crei mini sunt nite lanuri; cel plcut lui Dumnezeu scap de ea, dar cel pctos este prins de ea.“ (Eclesiastul 7:26)

A crete copii este un lucru riscant, cci reuita depinde de mult trud i grij, iar nereuita ntrece orice alt durere, spunea Democrit. E trist i frustrant s-i vezi copilul nepstor sau, mai ru, dispreuitor fa de coal i nvtur, dar, orict ar prea de incredibil, nu e vina lui. Succesul su la coal i dragostea de carte depind n cea mai mare msur de educaia pe care noi, ca prini, i-o dm n primii apte ani de via, de mediul familial pe care i-l oferim i de valoarea pe care noi nine o acordm cunoaterii. Averile se cldesc i se pierd, ne nal i ne coboar, ne fac puternici i ne nimicesc. Singur, comoara minii sporete, nu e niciodat n pericol s se piard i poate fi druit zilnic, fr grija c se mpuineaz.“ – Irina Petreai tu poi fi Supernanny. Cu copilul la coal este cel de-al doilea volum al seriei inaugurate de Irina Petrea, din care face parte i cartea i tu poi fi Supernanny. Cum s-i creti bine copilul i i propune s ia n discuie principalele probleme ale copilului la coal. De asemenea, ofer sugestii utile pentru prini i pentru cei care se ocup de creterea copilului-colar.Performanele copilului n coal sunt o prioritate pentru prinii contiincioi, iar problemele legate de studiu i disciplina nu sunt nici puine, nici uoare i, mai ales, nu au ntotdeauna cauze evidente. Chiulul, temele, notele, examenele i violen n coal sunt subiectele cel mai des aduse n discuie la edinele cu prinii i la cabinetele de consiliere. Prinii ateapt soluii-miracol la problemele lor cnd, de fapt, acestea sunt problemele copiilor lor. Prinii obinuiesc s se ntrebe de ce, oare, mi face copilul meu probleme n loc s se ntrebe de ce are copilul meu problemeCopilul nu e un roboel pe care l repari dac se stric, nici o fiin ce trebuie dresat i adus la obedien total. E o persoan aflat n cretere, ce are nevoie de afeciune, ocrotire i, da, instruire pentru a se putea dezvolta normal, pentru a putea s-i valorifice ct mai bine potenialul de care dispune. Performanele sale colare nu depind numai de inteligena lui, ci i de mediul familial n care crete, precum i de coal pe care o frecventeaz, prin urmare, are nevoie ca familia i coala s coopereze i s coopereze strns.Din pcate, la noi, se ntmpl adesea exact pe dos i elevul devine o minge de fotbal n meciul dintre prini i cadre didactice. Cnd miza este dezvoltarea copilului i devenirea lui, orgoliile nu-i au rostul. Pn la urm, orice copil este investiia cea mai important a oricrei societi i cu toii avem nevoie s-l privim ca pe o responsabilitate colectiv.

Verva Thaliei
Un loc important n miniatura vocal instrumental rahmaninovian l ocup romanele ce abordeaz tema dragostei. Ele prezint universul tririlor emoionale ale ndrgostitului, fac o subtil analiz psihologic a acestuia i exprim sentimente i triri profunde, ptimae, de la mrturisiri, la decepii i momente sentimentale generate de pierderea fiinei dragi. Strile sufleteti sunt asociate cu imagini din natur: primvara – bucuria, noaptea – dezndejdea, starea de ateptare chinuitoare, suferina, singurtatea, amurgul – stingerea speranei. Aceste romane pot fi mprite n dou categorii: cele care exprim fericirea i mplinirea prin iubire i cele care exprim suferina n dragoste din vina fiinei iubite. Lucrrile din prima categorie prezint sentimente luminoase, optimiste, nltoare, iar romanele care abordeaz tema dragostei nemprtite, a iubirii trdate sau a suferinei din dragoste au ca tem pierderea speranei, sentimente triste, dramatice, decepia, disperarea sau resemnarea. Intensitatea sentimentelor este sugerat prin sonoritile intense, sau dimpotriv, stinse, care trdeaz o puternic suferin interioar neexteriorizat, prin motive suspine, prin creterile i descreterile dinamice ce sugereaz acumularea tensiunii interioare.“ – Raluca Cimpoi-Iordachi

Newborn Baby Checklist
If you ever think you’re already prepared for the coming of your baby, think again. This book will prepare your home AND your life for your first 3 months with your new angel. From: - finding the best birth location. to choosing of baby equipment. and even the mother’s breastfeeding positions. you can find what you need to know right here! Have you been having sleepless nights? Find the solution here! The good news is this book is not only for mommies, but for daddies as well!

Framing a Family:Building a Foundation to Raise Confident Children
Framing A Family will guide you to giving your children a childhood they do not need to recover from! This book will strengthen your family, inspiring you to build your home with encouragement, empowerment, forgiveness, and most important love. You will: ·Gain proven tips and tools to empower, encourage, and strengthen your family ·Let go of your expectations and embrace the hard times and the good times with an open mind ·Build your confidence as you raise the self esteem of each family member creating an unshakable unit ·Forgive, heal and move forward in the present moment with action steps that build family ·Learn tried and true methods to build a foundation, raising confident children "Robin's wonderful stories illustrate her challenges and how she has been able to turn these challenges into personal victories and inspirational nuggets of hope for other people. I am happy to recommend this book to anyone who needs encouragement, hope, and direction to take their lives to the next level, to live life to the fullest with love, empowerment, and integrity." --Stacey Toupin, Life and Career Coach "Framing a Family teaches parents around the world the value of family, union, and unity. She both guides us and gives us tools and skills. The way she raises her children is a inspiration and we can all learn valuable lessons from her experiences. Robin is a hardworking, fun-loving, wise mother. I have found all of Robin's books and talks to be empowering and uplifting." --Mia Bredenkamp, Bultfontein, FS, South Africa Robin Marvel is a multi-published author and speaker in the field of self-development. Despite a childhood filled with abuse, homelessness, and teen pregnancy, Robin has overcome many challenges to make her life one of purpose. Today she has devoted her life to show others how to do the same. Using her story, books, and workshops as tools, she is inspiring others to break cycles and choose to live the life they desire. Learn more at www.RobinMarvel.com Another empowering book from Marvelous Spirit Press

Growing Couple Intimacy:Improving Love, Sex, and Relationships
Is the intimacy in your relationship as rich as it could be? ·Expand your understanding of the power of intimacy in couples. ·Learn new and stimulating ways to interact with your partner to enhance bonding. ·Explore the possibilities of pushing the limits of six kinds of intimacy. ·Advance your relationship with exercises you can do together or solo. ·Relate at a deeper level than you may have thought possible. ·Recharge passion for your relationship and partner. "This workbook encourages us to take a step back and rethink our intentions and help us remember why we love our partners and continue to strengthen our relational bonds." -- Sarah Davinsizer, B.A. "Growing Couple Intimacy is well done, filled with concrete ways for couples to explore and grow individually and in their intimacy with one another." -- Pastor Mary J. Hendricks "A wonderful, practical guide to further develop intimacy, including helpful activities that are both individual and couple focused." -- Melody Ray "Growing Couple Intimacy sums up many poignant topics most humans could use some help with and presents suggestions in very workable and understandable ways. I will be using this workbook in my own marriage. I also believe this will give me another useful tool in my clinical practice." -- Michael Stubler, MA, CRC, LPC "Very insightful and engaging! The exercises help to break down walls and explore intimacy in ways you might not have known existed." -- Chris Schneider, Worship Leader, Manchester, CT "Growing Couple Intimacy is a useful tool that I can apply to individuals as well as couples. I found the practical applications outlined a helpful step towards intimacy growth." -- Nicole Behe, wife and mother Learn more at www.LHPress.com

Life Without Bullying:A Practical Guide
Life doesn't have to be like this! · Are you getting pushed around? · Do you feel you need to do everything asked of you by your partner or anyone else? · Do you feel you have to fulfill all your partner's needs no matter what? · Are you frightened of being unable to survive without your partner? · Are you picked on and undermined if you question your partner on any issue? · Is your self-esteem low? · Have you lost your confidence? · Do you remember a time when you could think for yourself and deal with most of the things that life throws at you? · Do you ask yourself, "where have I gone wrong and how can I put it right?" · Do you ask yourself, "where is the person who could deal with the daily problems of relationships and life, gone, or indeed have I not yet learned to think and act for myself?" If you answered YES to any of these questions, then this book is for you. Life Without Bullying: A Practical Guide is an essential tool in assisting you to change your position from being emotionally dependent on your partner to becoming emotionally independent. It will assist you in changing from being emotionally inadequate to becoming emotionally adequate. This book will enable you to become the person you once were or it can change you to becoming the person you have always wanted to be. "It is hard to believe how much useful information the author has packed into this slender tome." --Sam Vaknin, PhD, author of Malignant Self Love: Narcissim Revisited For more information visit www.LyndaBevan.com Book #3 in the 10-Step Empowerment Series From Loving Healing Press (www.LovingHealing.com)

Life Without Jealousy:A Practical Guide
"Regardless of which side of jealousy you find yourself on, help is available in this book. Highly recommended!" - 5-star Goodreads review Ask yourself... ·Do you feel the need to be frequently checking up on your partner? ·Are you suspicious when you meet new people? ·Do you often question your partner about where they are going and who they are seeing? ·Do you withdraw from your partner without giving an explanation as to why you are doing this? ·Do you make all of the social arrangements for your partner's life? ·Have you ever feigned illness to keep your partner at home? ·Are you frightened of being unable to survive without your partner? ·Do you examine on your partner's phone records, emails, or text messages "just in case"? ·Do you put your partner down over small details or infractions of agreements?If you answered YES to more than one of these questions, then this book is for you.This is the book to help you overcome this unwanted emotion. You will embark on a journey to discover the many types of jealousy. You can use this book as a manual to overcome emotional insecurity issues and to give you a clearer perspective on the emotion of jealousy. By engaging with the exercises with this book, you'll be able to see yourself as you really are and further exercises will assist you in eliminating your jealous thoughts and behavior."I truly feel that every individual who is dealing with issues of some form of jealousy will greatly benefit from reading Life Without Jealousy by Lynda Bevan. This includes people who are not jealous themselves but are being affected by others who are. Learning to understand it, overcome it, and gain effective new ways to communicate will greatly improve the quality of our lives."--Paige Lovitt, Reader Views"It is hard to believe how much useful information the author has packed into this slender tome."--Sam Vaknin, author of Malignant Self Love: Narcissism Revisited Learn more at www.LyndaBevan.comThis book is part of an excellent ongoing series from Loving Healing Press; the 10 Step Empowerment Series, practical guides written by experienced therapists for solving life's problems.

Life After Your Lover Walks Out:A Practical Guide
Your long-time partner has just walked out on you forever: ·Do you feel paralyzed or afraid to move on? ·Does the thought or sight of your old partner with someone else fill you with rage? ·Are you worried or anxious about how to get by financially on your own? ·Are you afraid to start another relationship with a new partner? ·Do you lack energy and motivation to do anything at all since the break-up? ·Do you spend a lot of time thinking how it might have been different?If you answered YES to any of these questions then this book is for you! Life After Your Lover Walks Out: A Practical Guide, is an honest, straightforward book that helps the reader through each step on the road to recovery. The book identifies the feelings that emerge during this emotional upheaval and offers a reservoir of alternative solutions on how to deal with these emotions. The journey of self-discovery is handled sensitively, and is an essential passage in moving on from an unhealthy relationship to a healthy emotional future."This is a well thought out, useful litle book that is an excellent guide for those recovering form a broken, long-term relationship."--Robert Rich, PhD, M.A.P.S., author of Cancer: A Personal ChallengeBook #1 in the 10-Step Empowerment SeriesLearn more at www.LyndaBevan.com