

Odd is on Our Side (Odd Thomas graphic novel)
Odd is on Our Side (Odd Thomas graphic novel)
Dean Koontz,Fred Van Lente
The second graphic novel adventure featuring Dean Koontz’s hugely popular character Odd Thomas. It’s almost Halloween in Pico Mundo, and that means time for the annual Safe Halloween Party, hosted by Police Chief Porter. All seems perfectly normal – until Odd catches sight of the ghost of a young girl who seems to be trying to join in the festivities. Odd’s next clue that something threatens his peaceful town is the appearance of a swarm of bodachs – supernatural beings who herald some deadly event. With the help of his girlfriend, Stormy, and some vital information from the ghost of Elvis Presley, will Odd be able to forestall disaster?
Raising Babies: Should under 3s go to nursery?
Raising Babies: Should under 3s go to nursery?
Steve Biddulph
Steve Biddulph, the favourite number one name in parenting psychology - and bestselling author of Raising Boys - examines how different childcare options are likely to affect you and your child in this rivetting and highly topical book This topical book tackles a key issue all new parents face. Steve Biddulph looks at childcare choices and the dilemmas that so often arise: - 'I want to stay at home with my child but don't know how I can' - 'I don't know what is better: nursery, creche or childminder' - 'if other people look after my child will it affect its development and happiness?' It examines the two-income 'slaves to work' culture in the Uk and how in the past ten years, the number of babies and toddlers under three who are spending all day (8am to 6pm) in nurseries has quadrupled. Biddulph urges caution and warns that the hurried and disconnected way that families now live their lives could be damaging to a whole new generation's mental stability and development. The book is an eye-opener in terms of child development and provides useful case studies from parents who are stay-at-home and those using all-day or part-time childcare - groups sociologists have named 'slammers' and 'sliders' respectively.
Double Trouble: Twins and How to Survive Them (Text Only)
Double Trouble: Twins and How to Survive Them (Text Only)
Emma Mahony
This indispensable guide to multiple pregnancy, birth and beyond, comes from an expert on the subject – Emma Mahony is a twin herself as well as being the mother of twins. Humorous cartoons from the Times’ front-page cartoonist make this a lighthearted, informative guide to everything expectant mothers of twins need to know. Twins are amazing – but multiple pregnancy and birth, not to mention coping with twins once they are born, carries a set of special fears, risks and issues. Many parents-to-be find themselves overwhelmed. This guide is informative yet informal – in a similar vein to ‘Best Friends Guide To Pregnancy’. The author is uniquely experienced in this subject, being a twin and also a mother of baby twins. Contains advice from pregnancy and childcare experts as well as case studies. Illustrated inside with humorous cartoons from Jonathan Pugh, father of two and front-page cartoonist at The Times. An exploration of practical issues such as eating for three, managing breastfeeding, and the trend towards Caesareans for NHS twin births. ? Any special concerns? The unnecessary label of ‘high risk’ in pregnancy. ? Testimonies from mums who have tried different approaches. ? Interviews with medical and midwife experts. ? A step-by-step guide to the different stages of pregnancy and birth, including how to involve the father and explain twins to other siblings. ? Tips on managing once the twins have arrived.
Are You the One for Me?
Are You the One for Me?
Barbara De Angelis
From Barbara De Angelis, author of 14 bestselling relationships titles and internationally-recognised relationship psychologist, comes the definitive book on compatibility. Are You The One For Me? is an engaging and lucid guide to creating – and sustaining – the fulfilling relationships you deserve. Are You The One For Me? is an engaging and lucid guide to creating – and sustaining – the fulfilling relationship you deserve. World-renowned relationship counsellor Barbara De Angelis reveals everything you need to know about compatibility. You’ll learn: ? Why you’ve chosen the partners you have – and how to make better choices, ? How much sexual chemistry you and your partner really have, ? The ten types of relationships that won’t work, ? How your childhood memories may be affecting your love life, ? The six essential qualities to look for in a mate, ? How to spot fatal flaws in a partner, ? Why you may be falling in love for the wrong reason. If you’re single or divorced: read this book to understand why your past choices weren’t right for you and how to get it right this time. If you’re in love: learn how to be 100% certain that this relationship is the one for you. If you’re married: discover how to understand and balance your differences so that you can live happily together every day. Repackaged and redesigned for the modern reader with an iconic new cover, Are You The One For Me? is the last word in finding the right type of companionship for you.
They Are What You Feed Them: How Food Can Improve Your Child’s Behaviour, Mood a
They Are What You Feed Them: How Food Can Improve Your Child’s Behaviour, Mood a
Dr Alex Richardson
Dr Alex Richardson, the UK's leading authority on how nutrition affects behaviour and learning, exposes the truth behind the foods we are feeding our children and offers simple, practical solutions all parents can use. An empowering, cutting-edge book that will transform the lives of children and help them reach their full potential. Senior Research Fellow at Oxford University and former school teacher, Dr Alex Richardson is the UK's leading expert on how what we do and do not feed our children impacts their learning, concentration, co-ordination and behaviour. Empowering and extremely practical, this book sorts out food fact from food myth and shows parents how to bring the best choices into their children's everyday diets. Includes simple meal plans and recipes as well as practical guidance on other lifestyle factors, such as time spent in front of TV and computer screens. A highly influential book that offers concerned parents concrete information and real solutions.
The Tide Knot (The Ingo Chronicles, Book 2)
The Tide Knot (The Ingo Chronicles, Book 2)
Helen Dunmore
Helen Dunmore was an award-winning novelist, poet and children's writer, who will be remembered for the wisdom, lyricism, compassion and immersive beauty of her writing. In her lifetime, she published eight collections of poetry, many novels for both adults and children, and two collections of short stories. She won the Orange Prize for Fiction with her novel A Spell of Winter, her novel The Siege was shortlisted for the Orange Prize and the Whitbread Prize for Fiction, and her final poetry collection Inside the Wave won the 2017 Costa Book of the Year.
Smell the Blue Sky: Young, pregnant, and widowed
Smell the Blue Sky: Young, pregnant, and widowed
Valerie Ihsan
Smell the Blue Sky: Young, pregnant, and widowed
M?n?c?, poste?te, sl?be?te.
M?n?c?, poste?te, sl?be?te.
Amanda Hamilton
V-a?i s?turat de numeroasele vizite la medic cu copilul ?i s? ?i da?i medicamente cu pumnul? Micu?ul dumneavoastr? are o alergie sau astm ?i vre?i s? v? asigura?i c? e ferit de factorii declan?atori, fie c? se afl? acas?, la ?coal? sau ?ntr-o c?l?torie? Pornind de la experien?a proprie, autoarea v? arat? cum s? v? hr?ni?i ?i ?ngriji?i copiii cu alergii sau astm, de la schimbarea dietei la ?detoxifierea“ casei, ce m?suri preventive pute?i lua la ?coal? ?i ?n c?l?torii, dar ?i cum. Cartea include sfaturi de la exper?i de top – medici ?i speciali?ti ?n diverse domenii –, oferind o abordare integrativ? ?n ce prive?te cre?terea unui copil s?n?tos at?t la minte, c?t ?i la trup.
Sen Benimsin: "2015'te ge?en bir a?k hikayesi"
Sen Benimsin: "2015'te ge?en bir a?k hikayesi"
Yeşim Büyükadıgüzel
Los Angeles, New York ve ?stanbul'da ge?en bir a?k hikayesi..
La formarea ideilor
La formarea ideilor
Coșovei Traian T.
Femeia este o fiin uman care plvrgete, se mbrac i se dezbrac.“ – VoltairePractici eficiente de pick-up. nceptor Fii pe faz! Urmeaz cursul de iniiere n ale pick-up-ului.Primo. Cine eti i doreti ceva i chiar obii sau doar visezi i colectezi frustrriSecundo. Ce tii s faci Procedee, tehnici i metode... Te tenteaz Citete.Tero. Rezultatul ine minte, rezultatul nu poate fi dect unul de succes.Pick-up – un model de comportament al omului de succes, dar i o abordare bine gndit a comunicrii cu persoanele de sex opus i seducerea lor. Pentru aceasta ai nevoie de un maxim de informaie util i dexteritate.Deoarece brbaii erau cei care se pricepeau s scrie mai bine, femeile au fost acelea crora li s-au atribuit toate nenorocirile din lume.“ – Samuel JohnsonFemeile... sunt diferite. Sunt printre noi, ne vorbesc, i doresc ceva, cer ceva, ofer ceva, ne ceart pentru osetele aruncate peste tot i ne calc cmile, vorbesc ncontinuu i ne invadeaz bile cu sute de sticlue viu colorate. Au ptruns adnc n viaa noastr i chiar dac ne pare c ne-am obinuit cu ele, ntotdeauna reuesc s ne surprind. n fiece zi i la orice or.Chiar i cea pe care o tii de o via i i cunoti toate obiceiurile e capabil de unele chestii care te las masc. i nu o face intenionat, ci doar ca s-i trezeasc interesul, pentru c face parte din firea ei. Probabil, aceast capacitate de a se comporta ciudat n cele mai simple situaii le este ntiprit n codul ADN.i am gsit c mai amar dect moartea este femeia a crei inim este o curs i ale crei mini sunt nite lanuri; cel plcut lui Dumnezeu scap de ea, dar cel pctos este prins de ea.“ (Eclesiastul 7:26)
Tales of Two People
Tales of Two People
Anthony Hope
COMMON opinion said that Lord Lynborough ought never to have had a peerage and forty thousand a year; he ought to have had a pound a week and a back bedroom in Bloomsbury. Then he would have become an eminent man; as it was, he turned out only a singularly erratic individual. So much for common opinion. Let no more be heard of its dull utilitarian judgments! There are plenty of eminent men—at the mo-ment, it is believed, no less than seventy Cabinet and ex-Cabinet Ministers (or thereabouts)—to say nothing of Bishops, Judges, and the British Academy—and all this in a nook of the world! (And the world too is a point!) Lynborough was something much more un-common; it is not, however, quite easy to say what. Let the question be postponed; perhaps the story itself will answer it. He started life—or was started in it—in a series of surroundings of unimpeachable orthodoxy—Eton, Christ Church, the Grenadier Guards. He left each of these schools of mental culture and bodily discipline, not under a cloud—that metaphor would be ludicrously inept—but in an explosion. That, having been thus shot out of the first, he managed to enter the second—that, having been shot out of the second, he walked placidly into the third—that, having been shot out of the third, he suffered no apparent damage from his repeated propulsions—these are matters explicable only by a secret knowledge of British institutions. His father was strong, his mother came of stock even stronger; he himself—Ambrose Caverly as he then was—was very popular, and extraordinarily handsome in his unusual outlandish style. His father being still alive—and, though devoted to him, by now apprehensive of his doings—his means were for the next few years limited. Yet he contrived to employ himself. He took a soup-kitchen and ran it; he took a yacht and sank it; he took a public-house, ruined it, and got himself severely fined for watering the beer in the Temperance interest. This injustice rankled in him deeply, and seems to have permanently influenced his development. For a time he forsook the world and joined a sect of persons who called themselves “Theophilanthropists”—and surely no man could call himself much more than that? Returning to mundane affairs, he refused to pay his rates, stood for Parliament in the Socialist interest, and, being defeated, declared himself a practical follower of Count Tolstoy. His father advising a short holiday, he went off and narrowly escaped being shot somewhere in the Balkans, owing to his having taken too keen an interest in local politics. (He ought to have been shot; he was clear—and even vehement—on that point in a letter which he wrote to The Times.) Then he sent for Leonard Stabb, disappeared in company with that gentleman, and was no more seen for some years.
Sălcudeanu Nicoleta
A crete copii este un lucru riscant, cci reuita depinde de mult trud i grij, iar nereuita ntrece orice alt durere, spunea Democrit. E trist i frustrant s-i vezi copilul nepstor sau, mai ru, dispreuitor fa de coal i nvtur, dar, orict ar prea de incredibil, nu e vina lui. Succesul su la coal i dragostea de carte depind n cea mai mare msur de educaia pe care noi, ca prini, i-o dm n primii apte ani de via, de mediul familial pe care i-l oferim i de valoarea pe care noi nine o acordm cunoaterii. Averile se cldesc i se pierd, ne nal i ne coboar, ne fac puternici i ne nimicesc. Singur, comoara minii sporete, nu e niciodat n pericol s se piard i poate fi druit zilnic, fr grija c se mpuineaz.“ – Irina Petreai tu poi fi Supernanny. Cu copilul la coal este cel de-al doilea volum al seriei inaugurate de Irina Petrea, din care face parte i cartea i tu poi fi Supernanny. Cum s-i creti bine copilul i i propune s ia n discuie principalele probleme ale copilului la coal. De asemenea, ofer sugestii utile pentru prini i pentru cei care se ocup de creterea copilului-colar.Performanele copilului n coal sunt o prioritate pentru prinii contiincioi, iar problemele legate de studiu i disciplina nu sunt nici puine, nici uoare i, mai ales, nu au ntotdeauna cauze evidente. Chiulul, temele, notele, examenele i violen n coal sunt subiectele cel mai des aduse n discuie la edinele cu prinii i la cabinetele de consiliere. Prinii ateapt soluii-miracol la problemele lor cnd, de fapt, acestea sunt problemele copiilor lor. Prinii obinuiesc s se ntrebe de ce, oare, mi face copilul meu probleme n loc s se ntrebe de ce are copilul meu problemeCopilul nu e un roboel pe care l repari dac se stric, nici o fiin ce trebuie dresat i adus la obedien total. E o persoan aflat n cretere, ce are nevoie de afeciune, ocrotire i, da, instruire pentru a se putea dezvolta normal, pentru a putea s-i valorifice ct mai bine potenialul de care dispune. Performanele sale colare nu depind numai de inteligena lui, ci i de mediul familial n care crete, precum i de coal pe care o frecventeaz, prin urmare, are nevoie ca familia i coala s coopereze i s coopereze strns.Din pcate, la noi, se ntmpl adesea exact pe dos i elevul devine o minge de fotbal n meciul dintre prini i cadre didactice. Cnd miza este dezvoltarea copilului i devenirea lui, orgoliile nu-i au rostul. Pn la urm, orice copil este investiia cea mai important a oricrei societi i cu toii avem nevoie s-l privim ca pe o responsabilitate colectiv.
Antologia Nebula 2013
Antologia Nebula 2013
Asaro Catherine,
Care este tipul t?u? E?ti Activ, Colaborator, Conduc?tor sau Explorator? Analist, Asimilator, Intensificator sau Vizionar? E?ti Extravertit sau Introvertit? G?se?te-?i cariera perfect? pentru tipul t?u de personalitate ?i ob?ine succesul!Pentru a fi fericit ?i a avea succes ?n via?a profesional?, trebuie s? g?se?ti o carier? care se potrive?te nu numai cu interesele tale, ci ?i cu tipul t?u de personalitate. ?n aceast? carte, autoarea folose?te Indicatorul de Tipuri Myers-Briggs (MBTI) pentru a prezenta opt modalit??i distincte de a lucra ?i te ?ncurajeaz? s? reflectezi asupra preferin?elor tale naturale – propun?ndu-?i pentru aceasta liste de verificare, exerci?ii, strategii ?i sfaturi – ?i ??i ofer? toate instrumentele necesare pentru a-?i descoperi propriile preferin?e naturale ?i a ?i g?si cariera ideal?. Acest ghid pentru g?sirea unei cariere potrivite include detalii despre dezvoltarea diferen?elor dintre tipuri pe parcursul vie?ii, sfaturi pentru echilibrarea vie?ii personale cu via?a profesional? ?i foarte multe sugestii de posibile cariere, bazate pe preferin?ele personale. Autoarea face o analiz? minu?ioas? a fiec?rui tip, oferind sfaturi practice pentru cre?terea ?i dezvoltarea profesional?, precum ?i form?rile ?i profesiile potrivite fiec?ruia.
?n gr?dina de la moar?
?n gr?dina de la moar?
Madalina Rotaru
Mi a kül?nbség a szabad játék és a játékosítás k?z?tt? Hogyan függ ?ssze a szabad játék, a szabad tanulás és a hivatásban való létezés, a szabad, alkotó munkavégzés? Milyen min?ségek jellemzik az életünket, amennyiben teret engedünk ezeknek? Miért nem érdemes játékosítani még akkor sem, ha ez r?videbb távon vonzó megoldásnak t?nik?
Great Expectations
Great Expectations
Charles Dickens
IT was Christmas Eve. I remember it just as if it was yesterday. The Colonel had been pretending not to notice it, but when Drinkwater Torm knocked over both the great candlesticks, and in his attempt to pick them up lurched over himself and fell sprawling on the floor, he yelled at him. Torm pulled himself together, and began an explanation, in which the point was that he had not "teched a drap in Gord knows how long," but the Colonel cut him short."Get out of the room, you drunken vagabond!" he roared. Torm was deeply offended. He made a low, grand bow, and with as much dignity as his unsteady condition would admit, marched very statelily from the room, and passing out through the dining-room, where he stopped to abstract only one more drink from the long, heavy, cut-glass decanter on the sideboard, meandered to his house in the back-yard, where he proceeded to talk religion to Charity, his wife, as he always did when he was particularly drunk. He was expounding the vision of the golden candlestick, and the bowl and seven lamps and two olive-trees, when he fell asleep. The roarer, as has been said, was the Colonel; the meanderer was Drinkwater Torm. The Colonel gave him the name, "because," he said, "if he were to drink water once he would die."As Drinkwater closed the door, the Colonel continued, fiercely:"Damme, Polly, I will! I'll sell him to-morrow morning; and if I can't sell him I'll give him away."Polly, with troubled great dark eyes, was wheedling him vigorously. "No; I tell you, I'll sell him.—'Misery in his back!' the mischief! he's a drunken, trifling, good-for-nothing nigger! and I have sworn to sell him a thousand—yes, ten thousand times; and now I'll have to do it to keep my word."
Critica ra?iunii pure
Critica ra?iunii pure
Kant Immanuel
Irina Petrea a scris o carte pentru to?i cei care doresc s? ?n?eleag? mai bine rela?iile dintre p?rin?i ?i copii. Fie c? vrei s? ??i ?n?elegi mai bine propria copil?rie, fie c? te preg?te?ti s? ai un copil, fie c? e?ti deja p?rinte aceast? carte ??i ofer? strategii simple pentru probleme ce-?i par dificile. Plin de sfaturi, solu?ii ?i exemple, acest volum este rezultatul unei bogate experien?e de lucru cu copiii ?i p?rin?ii ?i a fost scris din dorin?a de a aduce mai mult? armonie ?n via?a tuturor.?Nu e o carte pentru minte, ci una pentru suflet. Cred cu toat? convingerea c? fiecare dintre noi este rezultatul propriei copil?rii...“ – Irina PetreaC?nd a acceptat s? devin? Supernanny ?– guvernanta ideal?, ?n reality show-ul omonim difuzat de Prima TV, pentru Irina Petrea cel mai mult a c?nt?rit dorin?a de a veni ?n sprijinul copiilor ?i al p?rin?ilor. Cu to?ii ?tim c? o rela?ie defectuoas? ?ntre p?rinte ?i copil, le am?r??te ?i, de multe ori, chiar otr?ve?te via?a, pe moment, dar ?i pe termen lung, ?n loc s? aduc?, de ambele p?r?i, bucurie, dragoste, ?mplinire ?i mul?umire, a?a cum ar trebui. De aceea, aceast? carte nu trebuie s? lipseasc? din casa nim?nui care crede c? educa?ia se face din inim?.
Epopeea dragostei
Epopeea dragostei
Michel Zevaco
Volumul este c??tig?torul Concursului de Debut ?Adenium START“, sec?iunea Eseu, organizat de Editura Adenium ?n anul 2014 ?i con?ine eseuri despre art? ?i literatur? ce constituie un periplu literar ?i vizual ghidat de o evolu?ie tematic? realizat? pe antiteze: fl?c?rile spiritualizate ale lui El Greco ?i cele negre, demonice ale lui Goya sau eliberarea sugerat? de Rodin prin ner?bdarea formelor create ?i deplina lor rev?rsare ?n extaz senzual la Gauguin. Eseurile presupun atenta observare a unei perechi pictor (sculptor) – scriitor (poet), motiv pentru care fiecare dintre formele de exprimare vizual? este pus? ?n coresponden?? cu cel pu?in un text literar care o reflect?.
Verva Thaliei
Verva Thaliei
Mihalache Adrian
Un loc important n miniatura vocal instrumental rahmaninovian l ocup romanele ce abordeaz tema dragostei. Ele prezint universul tririlor emoionale ale ndrgostitului, fac o subtil analiz psihologic a acestuia i exprim sentimente i triri profunde, ptimae, de la mrturisiri, la decepii i momente sentimentale generate de pierderea fiinei dragi. Strile sufleteti sunt asociate cu imagini din natur: primvara – bucuria, noaptea – dezndejdea, starea de ateptare chinuitoare, suferina, singurtatea, amurgul – stingerea speranei. Aceste romane pot fi mprite n dou categorii: cele care exprim fericirea i mplinirea prin iubire i cele care exprim suferina n dragoste din vina fiinei iubite. Lucrrile din prima categorie prezint sentimente luminoase, optimiste, nltoare, iar romanele care abordeaz tema dragostei nemprtite, a iubirii trdate sau a suferinei din dragoste au ca tem pierderea speranei, sentimente triste, dramatice, decepia, disperarea sau resemnarea. Intensitatea sentimentelor este sugerat prin sonoritile intense, sau dimpotriv, stinse, care trdeaz o puternic suferin interioar neexteriorizat, prin motive suspine, prin creterile i descreterile dinamice ce sugereaz acumularea tensiunii interioare.“ – Raluca Cimpoi-Iordachi
Contele de Monte-Cristo. Vol. II
Contele de Monte-Cristo. Vol. II
Alexandre Dumas
Aceasta este o carte despre p?rin?ii care sunt exagerat de implica?i ?n via?a copiilor lor. Vorbe?te despre dragostea ?i teama din spatele implic?rii prea mari. Vorbe?te despre r?ul pe care ?l facem atunci c?nd facem prea mult. ?i vorbe?te despre cum am putea realiza obiective pe termen lung mai bune – ?i despre cum i-am putea ajuta pe copiii no?tri s? ob?in? succese ?i mai mari, cresc?ndu-i altfel. ?mi iubesc copiii la fel de aprig ca orice alt p?rinte ?i ?tiu c? dragostea este temelia a tot ceea ce facem ca p?rin?i. Dar, ?n cursul anilor ?n care am f?cut cercet?ri pentru aceast? carte, am constatat c? multe dintre comportamentele noastre izvor?sc ?i din temeri; poate cea mai important? dintre acestea este teama c? ei ar putea s? nu aib? succes ?n lumea real?. Bine?n?eles, e firesc s? dorim s? reu?easc?, dar, pe baza cercet?rilor, a interviurilor cu peste o sut? de oameni ?i a experien?elor personale, am ajuns la concluzia c? d?m o defini?ie prea ?ngust? succesului. ?i, ceea ce este ?i mai grav, aceast? defini?ie ?ngust?, superficial? ne-a adus ?n situa?ia de a face r?u unei genera?ii de tineri adul?i – copiii no?tri.
Pedagogii alternative
Pedagogii alternative
Albulescu Ion
O carte despre dezvoltarea copilului de la na?tere p?n? la adolescen??Genera?ii de p?rin?i au avut ?ncredere ?n cea mai v?ndut? carte a dr. Spock, care r?m?ne ?i ast?zi ghidul esen?ial pentru p?rin?i. Ca urmare a colabor?rii cu dr. Robert Needlman, cartea a fost ?mbun?t??it?, iar tematica abordat? a fost extins? pentru a ?nt?mpina modific?rile ?i provoc?rile lansate de noul secol. Toate sfaturile valoaroase testate ?n timp ale dr. Spock sunt prezentate ?n aceast? carte. Lor li se adaug? cele mai noi cuno?tin?e ?i practici medicale legate de ?ngrijirea copilului, al?turi de un glosar cu totul nou de termeni medicali. Foarte bine structurat, volumul permite o consultare rapid? ?i are sec?iuni noi care acoper? perioada adolescen?ei.Cartea ofer? ultimele nout??i referitoare la:- alimenta?ia la s?n: cele mai noi abord?ri ?i tehnici utile mamelor care al?pteaz?;- programe de vaccinare, recomand?ri cu privire la regimurile alimentare ?i administrare de vitamine;- probleme medicale curente ale copilului;- discu?ii cu copilul despre sex, contracep?ie, homosexualitate, fumat, alcool, droguri, SIDA;- ?coala ?i dificult??ile ?nv??atului;- p?rin?i homosexuali sau lesbiene;- adop?ia interna?ional?;- adaptarea la terorism ?i dezastre;- planificarea educa?iei (colegiu, facultate etc.);- autism etc.
Pas cu pas
Pas cu pas
Iohannis Klaus
Marian Godin? merge la Poli?ie aproape ?n fiecare zi. Nu pentru c? s-ar afla sub control judiciar, ci fiindc? este poli?ist, ?ncep?nd cu luna decembrie a anului 2006, dup? ce a absolvit ?coala de Agen?i de Poli?ie ?Vasile Lasc?r“ din C?mpina. Pe l?ng? amenzi rutiere, Marian scrie ?i texte care abund? de umor ?i care reu?esc de fiecare dat? s? schimbe ?n bine dispozi?ia cititorului, duc?ndu-l p?n? ?ntr-acolo ?nc?t ?tergerea lacrimilor din ochi devine obligatorie pentru continuarea lecturii. Drept dovad? stau cei peste 140 000 de oameni care au ajuns s?-i urm?reasc? post?rile pe Facebook ?n mai pu?in de jum?tate de an de la apari?ia primului text, precum ?i miile de comentarii ?i de acces?ri. Flash-uri din sens opus reprezint? volumul s?u de debut.
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