

Charlotte Brontë
The object of this book, which is addressed to all cultured men and women, is to set forth the primitive manifestations of love and to throw light on those strange emotional climaxes which I have called "Metaphysical Eroticism." I have taken no account of historical detail, except where it served the purpose of proving, explaining and illustrating my subject. Nor have I hesitated to intermingle psychological motives and motives arising from the growth and spread of civilisation. The inevitable result of a one-sided glimpse at historical facts would have been a history of love, an undertaking for which I lack both ability and inclination. On the other hand, had I written a merely psychological treatise, disregarding the succession of periods, I should have laid myself open to the just reproach of giving rein to my imagination instead of dealing with reality. I have availed myself of historical facts to demonstrate that what psychology has shown to be the necessary phases of the evolution of love, have actually existed in historical time and characterised a whole period of civilisation. The history of civilisation is an end in itself only in the chapter entitled "The Birth of Europe." My work is intended to be first and foremost a monograph on the emotional life of the human race. I am prepared to meet rather with rejection than with approval. Neither the historian nor the psychologist will be pleased. Moreover, I am well aware that my standpoint is hopelessly "old-fashioned." To-day nearly all the world is content to look upon the sexual impulse as the source of all erotic emotion and to regard love as nothing more nor less than its most exquisite radiation. My book, on the contrary, endeavours to establish its complete independence of sexuality.My contention that so powerful an emotion as love should have come into existence in historical, not very remote times, will seem very strange; for, all outward profession of faith in evolution notwithstanding, men are still inclined to take the unchangeableness of human nature for granted. The facts on which I have based my arguments are well known, but my deductions are new; it is not for me to decide whether they are right or wrong. In the first (introductory) part I have made use of works already in existence, in addition to Plato and the poets, but the second and third parts are founded almost entirely on original research. ?E. L.
Pas cu pas
Pas cu pas
Iohannis Klaus
Marian Godin? merge la Poli?ie aproape ?n fiecare zi. Nu pentru c? s-ar afla sub control judiciar, ci fiindc? este poli?ist, ?ncep?nd cu luna decembrie a anului 2006, dup? ce a absolvit ?coala de Agen?i de Poli?ie ?Vasile Lasc?r“ din C?mpina. Pe l?ng? amenzi rutiere, Marian scrie ?i texte care abund? de umor ?i care reu?esc de fiecare dat? s? schimbe ?n bine dispozi?ia cititorului, duc?ndu-l p?n? ?ntr-acolo ?nc?t ?tergerea lacrimilor din ochi devine obligatorie pentru continuarea lecturii. Drept dovad? stau cei peste 140 000 de oameni care au ajuns s?-i urm?reasc? post?rile pe Facebook ?n mai pu?in de jum?tate de an de la apari?ia primului text, precum ?i miile de comentarii ?i de acces?ri. Flash-uri din sens opus reprezint? volumul s?u de debut.
La formarea ideilor
La formarea ideilor
Coșovei Traian T.
Femeia este o fiin uman care plvrgete, se mbrac i se dezbrac.“ – VoltairePractici eficiente de pick-up. nceptor Fii pe faz! Urmeaz cursul de iniiere n ale pick-up-ului.Primo. Cine eti i doreti ceva i chiar obii sau doar visezi i colectezi frustrriSecundo. Ce tii s faci Procedee, tehnici i metode... Te tenteaz Citete.Tero. Rezultatul ine minte, rezultatul nu poate fi dect unul de succes.Pick-up – un model de comportament al omului de succes, dar i o abordare bine gndit a comunicrii cu persoanele de sex opus i seducerea lor. Pentru aceasta ai nevoie de un maxim de informaie util i dexteritate.Deoarece brbaii erau cei care se pricepeau s scrie mai bine, femeile au fost acelea crora li s-au atribuit toate nenorocirile din lume.“ – Samuel JohnsonFemeile... sunt diferite. Sunt printre noi, ne vorbesc, i doresc ceva, cer ceva, ofer ceva, ne ceart pentru osetele aruncate peste tot i ne calc cmile, vorbesc ncontinuu i ne invadeaz bile cu sute de sticlue viu colorate. Au ptruns adnc n viaa noastr i chiar dac ne pare c ne-am obinuit cu ele, ntotdeauna reuesc s ne surprind. n fiece zi i la orice or.Chiar i cea pe care o tii de o via i i cunoti toate obiceiurile e capabil de unele chestii care te las masc. i nu o face intenionat, ci doar ca s-i trezeasc interesul, pentru c face parte din firea ei. Probabil, aceast capacitate de a se comporta ciudat n cele mai simple situaii le este ntiprit n codul ADN.i am gsit c mai amar dect moartea este femeia a crei inim este o curs i ale crei mini sunt nite lanuri; cel plcut lui Dumnezeu scap de ea, dar cel pctos este prins de ea.“ (Eclesiastul 7:26)
Andrzej Sapkowski
In giving to the world the record of what, looked at as an adventure only, is I suppose one of the most wonderful and mysterious experiences ever undergone by mortal men, I feel it incumbent on me to explain what my exact connection with it is. And so I may as well say at once that I am not the narrator but only the editor of this extraordinary history, and then go on to tell how it found its way into my hands. Some years ago I, the editor, was stopping with a friend, "vir doctissimus et amicus neus," at a certain University, which for the purposes of this history we will call Cambridge, and was one day much struck with the appearance of two persons whom I saw going arm-in-arm down the street. One of these gentlemen was I think, without exception, the handsomest young fellow I have ever seen. He was very tall, very broad, and had a look of power and a grace of bearing that seemed as native to him as it is to a wild stag. In addition his face was almost without flaw—a good face as well as a beautiful one, and when he lifted his hat, which he did just then to a passing lady, I saw that his head was covered with little golden curls growing close to the scalp. "Good gracious!" I said to my friend, with whom I was walking, "why, that fellow looks like a statue of Apollo come to life. What a splendid man he is!" "Yes," he answered, "he is the handsomest man in the University, and one of the nicest too. They call him 'the Greek god'; but look at the other one, he's Vincey's (that's the god's name) guardian, and supposed to be full of every kind of information. They call him 'Charon.'" I looked, and found the older man quite as interesting in his way as the glorified specimen of humanity at his side. He appeared to be about forty years of age, and was I think as ugly as his companion was handsome. To begin with, he was shortish, rather bow-legged, very deep chested, and with unusually long arms. He had dark hair and small eyes, and the hair grew right down on his forehead, and his whiskers grew right up to his hair, so that there was uncommonly little of his countenance to be seen. Altogether he reminded me forcibly of a gorilla, and yet there was something very pleasing and genial about the man's eye. I remember saying that I should like to know him.
How to Attract Men
How to Attract Men
Jean-Marie Faye
How to Attract Men
Smell the Blue Sky: Young, pregnant, and widowed
Smell the Blue Sky: Young, pregnant, and widowed
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Smell the Blue Sky: Young, pregnant, and widowed
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Anselmo Leão
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Seduction Force Multiplier 2: Power of Routines - Over 700 Scripts, Lines and Ro
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Jack N. Raven
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Acting and Comedy Techniques for Seducers and PUAs :Professionalize Your Perform
Acting and Comedy Techniques for Seducers and PUAs :Professionalize Your Perform
Jack N. Raven
Acting and Comedy Techniques for Seducers and PUAs :Professionalize Your Performance On Sets!
Rough Diamond: Turning Disruption Into Advantage in Business and Life
Rough Diamond: Turning Disruption Into Advantage in Business and Life
Nicole Yershon
In life you are most likely to regret that you didn’t do more of what you love...You will likely feel as though you spent your professional life getting up, going to the office and living the same day over and over, week after week, year after year, decade after decade. Ironically, it’s the same people who wind up regretting not doing more who spend their careers resisting change and shutting down creative ideas. I know, because I spent nearly two decades as a change agent in a large advertising agency.If you found your way to this book, chances are it’s because you have a fire in your belly, a hunger for change, and a belief in the transformative power of disruption. If you found this book, it’s probably because you know it’s time to shake things up but you’re not quite sure how.This book puts you on notice. You have it within your power to do more and be more, and I’m going to give you the tools to start. This is your opportunity to change your destiny, so you are the statistical anomaly - the Rough Diamond - who shines bright, even if unpolished, and savors each day for the opportunity it presents to innovate, connect and disrupt the status quo. "Ultimately, this book is about how to live a truthful life without regrets. It's about how to turn the inevitable disruptions into advantages - and in doing so - polish your own diamond."?(Nicole Yershon) Readers' reviews "A great insight into how to make things happen, nurture people in the workplace, and believe in yourself. Truly inspiring!" -?5 stars "This is not your typical business book and that's what makes it perfect" -?5 stars "Wonderfully inspiring!" -?5 stars About the AuthorNicole Yershon is a maverick, inspiration and the original rough diamond. She is, at once a consultant, speaker, judge, mentor and connector. She works on the front line of innovation - bringing organisations kicking and screaming into the 21st century. In that sense she properly defines disruption.Nicole is the founder of Lab For Hire? and before that the Ogilvy Labs – a dedicated Innovation unit of Ogilvy & Mather Group. Part of WPP Group plc.Just a few of the clients she has worked with over recent years. Amex, IBM, BP, Crimestoppers, Selfridges, Unilever, BA and Wetherspoons.
The Ultimate Cold Reading Manual
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Raising Girls
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Friends into Lovers: Escape and Never be Trapped In The Friendzone Ever Again!
Friends into Lovers: Escape and Never be Trapped In The Friendzone Ever Again!
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Life Without Bullying:A Practical Guide
Life Without Bullying:A Practical Guide
Lynda Bevan
Life doesn't have to be like this! · Are you getting pushed around? · Do you feel you need to do everything asked of you by your partner or anyone else? · Do you feel you have to fulfill all your partner's needs no matter what? · Are you frightened of being unable to survive without your partner? · Are you picked on and undermined if you question your partner on any issue? · Is your self-esteem low? · Have you lost your confidence? · Do you remember a time when you could think for yourself and deal with most of the things that life throws at you? · Do you ask yourself, "where have I gone wrong and how can I put it right?" · Do you ask yourself, "where is the person who could deal with the daily problems of relationships and life, gone, or indeed have I not yet learned to think and act for myself?" If you answered YES to any of these questions, then this book is for you. Life Without Bullying: A Practical Guide is an essential tool in assisting you to change your position from being emotionally dependent on your partner to becoming emotionally independent. It will assist you in changing from being emotionally inadequate to becoming emotionally adequate. This book will enable you to become the person you once were or it can change you to becoming the person you have always wanted to be. "It is hard to believe how much useful information the author has packed into this slender tome." --Sam Vaknin, PhD, author of Malignant Self Love: Narcissim Revisited For more information visit www.LyndaBevan.com Book #3 in the 10-Step Empowerment Series From Loving Healing Press (www.LovingHealing.com)
Newborn Baby Checklist
Newborn Baby Checklist
Cythia Lyne
If you ever think you’re already prepared for the coming of your baby, think again. This book will prepare your home AND your life for your first 3 months with your new angel. From: - finding the best birth location. to choosing of baby equipment. and even the mother’s breastfeeding positions. you can find what you need to know right here! Have you been having sleepless nights? Find the solution here! The good news is this book is not only for mommies, but for daddies as well!
Dating Advice For Women
Dating Advice For Women
Jason Gale
The Ultimate Blueprint To Dating & Understanding Men Is Finally Here!Learn All You Need To Know From One Of The BEST communication/social skill experts, conversationalists and dating gurus Jason Gale.You will gain insights to dating secretes, expert tips and much, much more!What You'll Learn..What men really want?What men look forHow to find the perfect match?Unique approach and strategiesPsychology of men?Relationship dynamics?And much, much more!?What Sets This Book Apart From The Rest? This book is a step by step guide that leads you through the ever changing world of dating?? ?Learn how to find the perfect match and keep him, without manipulation! This book was crafted and designed for women looking for potential LONG term relationships, NO gimmicks. ?Endorses feminism by putting women in control and empowering them with the right frame of mind, knowledge and tools to utilize when dating. ??Tips, strategies and advise for single mothers included too! ?These are proven, tested and ethical strategies that work! ?By the end of this book you will have built confidence, self-esteem and courage to dive into the fascinating world of dating and engage men effectively.?What are you waiting for? Don't miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity to learn the secrets to dating men!This book is your blueprint to success!? Change your life forever and grab your copy now!
Love And Friendship: A Collection of Juvenile Writings
Love And Friendship: A Collection of Juvenile Writings
Jane Austen
"DECEIVED in FRIENDSHIP and BETRAYED in LOVE."??Jane Austen (16 December 1775 – 18 July 1817) was an English novelist whose works of romantic fiction, set among the landed gentry, earned her a place as one of the most widely read writers in English literature. Her realism, biting irony and social commentary have gained her historical importance among scholars and critics.??How often, in answer to my repeated intreaties that you would give my Daughter a regular detail of the Misfortunes and Adventures of your Life, have you said "No, my freind never will I comply with your request till I may be no longer in Danger of again experiencing such dreadful ones."??Surely that time is now at hand. You are this day 55. If a woman may ever be said to be in safety from the determined Perseverance of disagreeable Lovers and the cruel Persecutions of obstinate Fathers, surely it must be at such a time of Life: ??ISABEL
South Sea Tales
South Sea Tales
Jack London
I met him first in a hurricane; and though we had gone through the hurricane on the same schooner, it was not until the schooner had gone to pieces under us that I first laid eyes on him. Without doubt I had seen him with the rest of the kanaka crew on board, but I had not consciously been aware of his existence, for the Petite Jeanne was rather overcrowded. ??In addition to her eight or ten kanaka seamen, her white captain, mate, and supercargo, and her six cabin passengers, she sailed from Rangiroa with something like eighty-five deck passengers—Paumotans and Tahitians, men, women, and children each with a trade box, to say nothing of sleeping mats, blankets, and clothes bundles.??The pearling season in the Paumotus was over, and all hands were returning to Tahiti. The six of us cabin passengers were pearl buyers. Two were Americans, one was Ah Choon (the whitest Chinese I have ever known), one was a German, one was a Polish Jew, and I completed the half dozen. ?
Míg a halál el nem választ
Míg a halál el nem választ
Mary Higgins Clark
Néha falra másznál a gyerekeidt?l? El?fordul, hogy szinte az ?rületbe kergetnek, és a legszívesebben egy lakatlan szigetre k?lt?znél? K?zben lelkiismeret-furdalás gy?t?r, nehogy a rossz d?ntéseiddel érzelmi nyomorékká tedd ?ket? Akkor ez a te k?nyved! Szül?k százezrei esküsznek szerte a világban Nigel Latta gyermek- és családpszichológus egyszer?, ?szinte és garantáltan sikeres tanácsaira. ?lszenteskedés és szépelgés helyett lényegre t?r?en, tudóskodás nélkül megmutatja, miként lehet túlélni az els? tíz év alapproblémáit: ??n gyerekeket javítok, ez a munkám. ?s ha egy kissrác pofára tud ejteni egy rakat szakért?t a nevelési tanácsadóban, akkor engem ez a gyerek nagyon érdekel.” A szobatisztaságtól a megfejthetetlennek t?n? dührohamokig; a helytelen alvási szokásoktól a válogatós étkezésig; az iskolai nehézségekt?l a prekamaszok testképzavaráig; a félelmekt?l a komoly szorongásokig, a szerz? minden egyes élethelyzetben konkrét eligazítást ad a családi mindennapok kínos útveszt?ihez: ?A gyereknevelés olyan, mint a legizgalmasabb tévés valóságshow, csak ennek mi vagyunk a szerepl?i. A tévém?sorhoz képest persze hátrány, hogy itt nem lehet kiszavazni senkit. ?s sajnos a végén nem kapunk milliós nyereményt sem. De ha csak félig tisztességesen játsszunk, nagyon szép élményekben lesz részünk.” Ha az a cél, hogy megértsd, mit akar a gyereked, mit nem akar, és valójában mire van szüksége, k?zben pedig ne tépjétek rongyosra egymás idegeit, már a születésekor olvasd el ezt a k?nyvet. De legkés?bb, miel?tt kirepül otthonról.
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