

A Csipkerózsika-gyilkosság
A Csipkerózsika-gyilkosság
Mary Higgins Clark, Alafair Burke
Mrázik Julianna a Pécsi Tudományegyetem Neveléstudományi Intézete Nevelés és Oktatáselméleti Tanszékének vezet?je. Közel száz tudományos megjelenéssel rendelkezik, közöttük angol és német nyelv? publikációkkal. Magyar és nemzetközi konferenciák gyakori résztvev?je, szakért?i tevékenységet folytat, számos kutatásban vett részt, folyóirat-szerkeszt?bizottsági tag és tananyagfejleszt?, pedagógus-továbbképzési szak indítója és programgazdája. Opponensi, témavezet?i, Országos Tudományos Diákköri konzulensi tevékenységet folytat és külföldi hallgatóknak kínál konzultációt. Oktatott tantárgyai a pedagógiai kreatológia, a tankönyvelemzés, a bevezetés a pedagógiába, tanítás tanulása, a neveléselmélet és pedagógiai antropológia, a nevelés és iskola.A monográfia célja, hogy  tanárképzésben és a tanártovábbképzésben résztvev?k megismerkedjenek az intézményes és nem-intézményes nevelés aktuális és megoldandó feladataival, valamint a hazai és nemzetközi törekvésekkel ezen feladatok megoldására. A nemzetközi és összehasonlító megközelítés? kötet számos témája közé tartozik a nevelés (pedagógiai) antropológiai megközelítése, történeti-filozófiai el?zményei, kapcsolódásai más tudományterületekkel, a nevelés stílusai, valamint a nevel?- és a tanulószerep.
A gyilkos lányai
A gyilkos lányai
Randy Susan Meyers
Nina Elliot sosem gondolta volna, hogy ennyire bátor lesz. Elhagyja a férfit, aki nem érdemelte meg a szerelmét, és beolvas a f?nökének, majd hangosan becsapja maga mögött az ajtót, és kilép a bizonytalanságba. Maga sem sejti, hogy erre a régóta halogatott döntésre van szüksége ahhoz, hogy egyszer csak szembejöjjön vele a nagy lehet?ség. Egy váratlan találkozásnak köszönhet?en visszatérhet korábbi munkahelyére, a fest?i Milton-birtokra, ahol az író családf?nek segíthet könyve el?készületi munkálataiban. Egy nyárra szól a megállapodás, addig lakik újra a családdal az egykori bébiszitter, és így a lány id?t nyerhet, amíg kitalálja, hogyan tovább. Dehogy számít rá, hogy a Milton fiúk, akik id?közben feln?ttek, csapni kezdik neki a szelet… Ráadásul közvetlenül egy nagy csalódás után nem is szeretne új kapcsolatba kezdeni. Csakhogy a forró nyár a romantika id?szaka is, a lány pedig egyre jobban belejön a döntéshozatalba…     Victoria Connelly harmadik magyar nyelv? regénye is egy meseszer? világba kalauzolja az olvasót. A Bárcsak itt lennél és a Szökevény színészn? szerz?je ezúttal is tökéletes nyári történetet kínál, a görög vakáció és a skót táj után pedig szül?hazájába viszi el olvasóit, a t?le megszokott romantikus történetvezetéssel. Fej?s Éva     A szerz? további m?vei: Bárcsak itt lennél Szökevény színészn?
Power Down & Parent Up!
Power Down & Parent Up!
Holli Kenley
Electronic Media Can Endanger As Well As Empower Your Kids In this decade, our digital world has grown exponentially as has the degree of time both adults and children are spending on their screens. Not surprisingly, researchers are discovering a myriad of unhealthy behaviors associated with excessive screen time. ?In “Power Down & Parent Up”, Kenley expands on her groundbreaking book Cyber Bullying No More, giving parents/guardians effective strategies to integrate into their lives and their children’s. ?How can we navigate a tech-driven world and raise tech-healthy children? ·Tackle cyber bullying head-on by implementing a concise “Parent Up” approach with proven strategies for Protection, Intervention, and Prevention. ·"Power Down" on screen dependence and become fully informed about its growing health concerns and consequences. ·Learn Seven Proactive Practices such as goal setting and creating a family plan to reduce screen time. ·Discover Four Healthy Guidelines to add to our parenting toolboxsuch as learning how to communicate about the false nature of cyber worth and cultivate our children’s real worth. "Rather imply that families can return to some idealistic less complicated time without Facebook, sexting, social networks, and Twitter, and whatever else comes along, Kenley's booklet will help parents mitigate possible harm to their children as they integrate this technology hopefully into healthy lives and relationships." --Ronald Mah, M.A. LMFT, author of Difficult Behavior in Early Childhood and The One Minute Temper Tantrum Solution "Holli addresses children's readiness for technology as well as rules, contracts and education for parents to consider for their children as they introduce or allow entry of new technology into their lives. Cyber bullying and victimization are concerns addressed as well as internet resources for parents, with tools for protection, interventions and prevention--a must for parents in our technological world." --Lani Stoner, Marriage and Family Therapist Learn more at?www.HolliKenley.com ?
Growing Couple Intimacy:Improving Love, Sex, and Relationships
Growing Couple Intimacy:Improving Love, Sex, and Relationships
William E. Krill
Is the intimacy in your relationship as rich as it could be? ·Expand your understanding of the power of intimacy in couples. ·Learn new and stimulating ways to interact with your partner to enhance bonding. ·Explore the possibilities of pushing the limits of six kinds of intimacy. ·Advance your relationship with exercises you can do together or solo. ·Relate at a deeper level than you may have thought possible. ·Recharge passion for your relationship and partner. "This workbook encourages us to take a step back and rethink our intentions and help us remember why we love our partners and continue to strengthen our relational bonds." -- Sarah Davinsizer, B.A. "Growing Couple Intimacy is well done, filled with concrete ways for couples to explore and grow individually and in their intimacy with one another." -- Pastor Mary J. Hendricks "A wonderful, practical guide to further develop intimacy, including helpful activities that are both individual and couple focused." -- Melody Ray "Growing Couple Intimacy sums up many poignant topics most humans could use some help with and presents suggestions in very workable and understandable ways. I will be using this workbook in my own marriage. I also believe this will give me another useful tool in my clinical practice." -- Michael Stubler, MA, CRC, LPC "Very insightful and engaging! The exercises help to break down walls and explore intimacy in ways you might not have known existed." -- Chris Schneider, Worship Leader, Manchester, CT "Growing Couple Intimacy is a useful tool that I can apply to individuals as well as couples. I found the practical applications outlined a helpful step towards intimacy growth." -- Nicole Behe, wife and mother Learn more at www.LHPress.com
Dating Advice For Women
Dating Advice For Women
Jason Gale
The Ultimate Blueprint To Dating & Understanding Men Is Finally Here!Learn All You Need To Know From One Of The BEST communication/social skill experts, conversationalists and dating gurus Jason Gale.You will gain insights to dating secretes, expert tips and much, much more!What You'll Learn..What men really want?What men look forHow to find the perfect match?Unique approach and strategiesPsychology of men?Relationship dynamics?And much, much more!?What Sets This Book Apart From The Rest? This book is a step by step guide that leads you through the ever changing world of dating?? ?Learn how to find the perfect match and keep him, without manipulation! This book was crafted and designed for women looking for potential LONG term relationships, NO gimmicks. ?Endorses feminism by putting women in control and empowering them with the right frame of mind, knowledge and tools to utilize when dating. ??Tips, strategies and advise for single mothers included too! ?These are proven, tested and ethical strategies that work! ?By the end of this book you will have built confidence, self-esteem and courage to dive into the fascinating world of dating and engage men effectively.?What are you waiting for? Don't miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity to learn the secrets to dating men!This book is your blueprint to success!? Change your life forever and grab your copy now!
Newborn Baby Checklist
Newborn Baby Checklist
Cythia Lyne
If you ever think you’re already prepared for the coming of your baby, think again. This book will prepare your home AND your life for your first 3 months with your new angel. From: - finding the best birth location. to choosing of baby equipment. and even the mother’s breastfeeding positions. you can find what you need to know right here! Have you been having sleepless nights? Find the solution here! The good news is this book is not only for mommies, but for daddies as well!
Life Without Bullying:A Practical Guide
Life Without Bullying:A Practical Guide
Lynda Bevan
Life doesn't have to be like this! · Are you getting pushed around? · Do you feel you need to do everything asked of you by your partner or anyone else? · Do you feel you have to fulfill all your partner's needs no matter what? · Are you frightened of being unable to survive without your partner? · Are you picked on and undermined if you question your partner on any issue? · Is your self-esteem low? · Have you lost your confidence? · Do you remember a time when you could think for yourself and deal with most of the things that life throws at you? · Do you ask yourself, "where have I gone wrong and how can I put it right?" · Do you ask yourself, "where is the person who could deal with the daily problems of relationships and life, gone, or indeed have I not yet learned to think and act for myself?" If you answered YES to any of these questions, then this book is for you. Life Without Bullying: A Practical Guide is an essential tool in assisting you to change your position from being emotionally dependent on your partner to becoming emotionally independent. It will assist you in changing from being emotionally inadequate to becoming emotionally adequate. This book will enable you to become the person you once were or it can change you to becoming the person you have always wanted to be. "It is hard to believe how much useful information the author has packed into this slender tome." --Sam Vaknin, PhD, author of Malignant Self Love: Narcissim Revisited For more information visit www.LyndaBevan.com Book #3 in the 10-Step Empowerment Series From Loving Healing Press (www.LovingHealing.com)
Understanding Autistic Behaviors: Improving Health, Independence, and Well-Being
Understanding Autistic Behaviors: Improving Health, Independence, and Well-Being
Theresa Regan
Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder usually receive a diagnosis when certain behaviors negatively impact their health, independence, and quality of life. These behaviors are evident across the lifespan: a two-year-old melts down if his red cars are mixed in with his orange cars; a middle-aged woman exhibits staring spells when faced with relationship conflict; an aging gentleman hoards clocks and papers but does not eat nutritious foods or take showers. A correct diagnosis of ASD is an essential first step in navigating this journey, but the next question is “What now?” To provide much-needed answers, Dr. Theresa Regan, author of Understanding Autism in Adults and Aging Adults, suggests general techniques to improve functioning in the areas of emotional regulation, communication, and independent behaviors. In Understanding Autistic Behaviors: Improving Health, Independence, and Well-Being, she offers practical exercises to help caregivers and family members implement effective strategies that are specific to the ASD individual in their lives to achieve successful outcomes for everyone.?
Pedagogii alternative
Pedagogii alternative
Albulescu Ion
O carte despre dezvoltarea copilului de la na?tere p?n? la adolescen??Genera?ii de p?rin?i au avut ?ncredere ?n cea mai v?ndut? carte a dr. Spock, care r?m?ne ?i ast?zi ghidul esen?ial pentru p?rin?i. Ca urmare a colabor?rii cu dr. Robert Needlman, cartea a fost ?mbun?t??it?, iar tematica abordat? a fost extins? pentru a ?nt?mpina modific?rile ?i provoc?rile lansate de noul secol. Toate sfaturile valoaroase testate ?n timp ale dr. Spock sunt prezentate ?n aceast? carte. Lor li se adaug? cele mai noi cuno?tin?e ?i practici medicale legate de ?ngrijirea copilului, al?turi de un glosar cu totul nou de termeni medicali. Foarte bine structurat, volumul permite o consultare rapid? ?i are sec?iuni noi care acoper? perioada adolescen?ei.Cartea ofer? ultimele nout??i referitoare la:- alimenta?ia la s?n: cele mai noi abord?ri ?i tehnici utile mamelor care al?pteaz?;- programe de vaccinare, recomand?ri cu privire la regimurile alimentare ?i administrare de vitamine;- probleme medicale curente ale copilului;- discu?ii cu copilul despre sex, contracep?ie, homosexualitate, fumat, alcool, droguri, SIDA;- ?coala ?i dificult??ile ?nv??atului;- p?rin?i homosexuali sau lesbiene;- adop?ia interna?ional?;- adaptarea la terorism ?i dezastre;- planificarea educa?iei (colegiu, facultate etc.);- autism etc.
Tales of Two People
Tales of Two People
Anthony Hope
COMMON opinion said that Lord Lynborough ought never to have had a peerage and forty thousand a year; he ought to have had a pound a week and a back bedroom in Bloomsbury. Then he would have become an eminent man; as it was, he turned out only a singularly erratic individual. So much for common opinion. Let no more be heard of its dull utilitarian judgments! There are plenty of eminent men—at the mo-ment, it is believed, no less than seventy Cabinet and ex-Cabinet Ministers (or thereabouts)—to say nothing of Bishops, Judges, and the British Academy—and all this in a nook of the world! (And the world too is a point!) Lynborough was something much more un-common; it is not, however, quite easy to say what. Let the question be postponed; perhaps the story itself will answer it. He started life—or was started in it—in a series of surroundings of unimpeachable orthodoxy—Eton, Christ Church, the Grenadier Guards. He left each of these schools of mental culture and bodily discipline, not under a cloud—that metaphor would be ludicrously inept—but in an explosion. That, having been thus shot out of the first, he managed to enter the second—that, having been shot out of the second, he walked placidly into the third—that, having been shot out of the third, he suffered no apparent damage from his repeated propulsions—these are matters explicable only by a secret knowledge of British institutions. His father was strong, his mother came of stock even stronger; he himself—Ambrose Caverly as he then was—was very popular, and extraordinarily handsome in his unusual outlandish style. His father being still alive—and, though devoted to him, by now apprehensive of his doings—his means were for the next few years limited. Yet he contrived to employ himself. He took a soup-kitchen and ran it; he took a yacht and sank it; he took a public-house, ruined it, and got himself severely fined for watering the beer in the Temperance interest. This injustice rankled in him deeply, and seems to have permanently influenced his development. For a time he forsook the world and joined a sect of persons who called themselves “Theophilanthropists”—and surely no man could call himself much more than that? Returning to mundane affairs, he refused to pay his rates, stood for Parliament in the Socialist interest, and, being defeated, declared himself a practical follower of Count Tolstoy. His father advising a short holiday, he went off and narrowly escaped being shot somewhere in the Balkans, owing to his having taken too keen an interest in local politics. (He ought to have been shot; he was clear—and even vehement—on that point in a letter which he wrote to The Times.) Then he sent for Leonard Stabb, disappeared in company with that gentleman, and was no more seen for some years.
Pas cu pas
Pas cu pas
Iohannis Klaus
Marian Godin? merge la Poli?ie aproape ?n fiecare zi. Nu pentru c? s-ar afla sub control judiciar, ci fiindc? este poli?ist, ?ncep?nd cu luna decembrie a anului 2006, dup? ce a absolvit ?coala de Agen?i de Poli?ie ?Vasile Lasc?r“ din C?mpina. Pe l?ng? amenzi rutiere, Marian scrie ?i texte care abund? de umor ?i care reu?esc de fiecare dat? s? schimbe ?n bine dispozi?ia cititorului, duc?ndu-l p?n? ?ntr-acolo ?nc?t ?tergerea lacrimilor din ochi devine obligatorie pentru continuarea lecturii. Drept dovad? stau cei peste 140 000 de oameni care au ajuns s?-i urm?reasc? post?rile pe Facebook ?n mai pu?in de jum?tate de an de la apari?ia primului text, precum ?i miile de comentarii ?i de acces?ri. Flash-uri din sens opus reprezint? volumul s?u de debut.
Rough Diamond: Turning Disruption Into Advantage in Business and Life
Rough Diamond: Turning Disruption Into Advantage in Business and Life
Nicole Yershon
In life you are most likely to regret that you didn’t do more of what you love...You will likely feel as though you spent your professional life getting up, going to the office and living the same day over and over, week after week, year after year, decade after decade. Ironically, it’s the same people who wind up regretting not doing more who spend their careers resisting change and shutting down creative ideas. I know, because I spent nearly two decades as a change agent in a large advertising agency.If you found your way to this book, chances are it’s because you have a fire in your belly, a hunger for change, and a belief in the transformative power of disruption. If you found this book, it’s probably because you know it’s time to shake things up but you’re not quite sure how.This book puts you on notice. You have it within your power to do more and be more, and I’m going to give you the tools to start. This is your opportunity to change your destiny, so you are the statistical anomaly - the Rough Diamond - who shines bright, even if unpolished, and savors each day for the opportunity it presents to innovate, connect and disrupt the status quo. "Ultimately, this book is about how to live a truthful life without regrets. It's about how to turn the inevitable disruptions into advantages - and in doing so - polish your own diamond."?(Nicole Yershon) Readers' reviews "A great insight into how to make things happen, nurture people in the workplace, and believe in yourself. Truly inspiring!" -?5 stars "This is not your typical business book and that's what makes it perfect" -?5 stars "Wonderfully inspiring!" -?5 stars About the AuthorNicole Yershon is a maverick, inspiration and the original rough diamond. She is, at once a consultant, speaker, judge, mentor and connector. She works on the front line of innovation - bringing organisations kicking and screaming into the 21st century. In that sense she properly defines disruption.Nicole is the founder of Lab For Hire? and before that the Ogilvy Labs – a dedicated Innovation unit of Ogilvy & Mather Group. Part of WPP Group plc.Just a few of the clients she has worked with over recent years. Amex, IBM, BP, Crimestoppers, Selfridges, Unilever, BA and Wetherspoons.
Analfa visszatér
Analfa visszatér
Bosnyák Viktória
Dicionarul Luceafrului eminescian este prima lucrare de lexicografie consacrat unei singure opere poetice romneti, i anume unui “arhi-text“ (text poetic integral, concept i realizare n premier absolut), constituit din forma definitiv, versiuni i variante. Dicionarul ncearc prezentarea creaiei poetice din perspectiva lexicului, opiunile individualitii creatoare fa de mijloacele oferite de limb; totodat, cu limitele inerente, este o tentativ de incursiune ntr-un anume univers imaginar, construit prin limbajul poetic. Tulburtoarea problem a Luceafrului eminescian cuprinde i emoia descoperirii, n receptare, a genezei sale. Din punctul de vedere al cunoaterii etapelor creaiei, Luceafrul a avut un destin la fel de deosebit ca i evoluia frmntat a exegezei sale, care de 120 de ani asalteaz, din diverse perspective, taina acestui seductor poem. Cunoaterea i recuperarea n circuitul valoric a variantelor manuscrise ale poemului are, de asemenea, o istorie ce mbie nc.Adevratul laborator al lucrului asupra expresiei l vom putea urmri n avatarurile variantelor din cadrul unei versiuni, asa cum ediia noastr le prezint, pe coloane paralele. n aceast faz a lucrului, pentru fiecare versiune n parte, Eminescu nu a meditat neaprat asupra perfeciunii versului, ci s-a concentrat asupra ideii poetice“, care este sufletul“, cum zice poetul. Revenirile ulterioare, de la o versiune la alta, atest, pe lng continuitatea creaiei, cu meandrele, cu inovaiile unor idei poetice insolite, i un altfel de proces, cel al rafinrii stilistice. Intenia ediiei noastre este reflectarea travaliului eminescian la o versiune, nlesnind urmrirea variantelor cu transformrile, prefacerile spontane i revenirile lor la forme anterioare.“ (Rodica Marian)
Sălcudeanu Nicoleta
A crete copii este un lucru riscant, cci reuita depinde de mult trud i grij, iar nereuita ntrece orice alt durere, spunea Democrit. E trist i frustrant s-i vezi copilul nepstor sau, mai ru, dispreuitor fa de coal i nvtur, dar, orict ar prea de incredibil, nu e vina lui. Succesul su la coal i dragostea de carte depind n cea mai mare msur de educaia pe care noi, ca prini, i-o dm n primii apte ani de via, de mediul familial pe care i-l oferim i de valoarea pe care noi nine o acordm cunoaterii. Averile se cldesc i se pierd, ne nal i ne coboar, ne fac puternici i ne nimicesc. Singur, comoara minii sporete, nu e niciodat n pericol s se piard i poate fi druit zilnic, fr grija c se mpuineaz.“ – Irina Petreai tu poi fi Supernanny. Cu copilul la coal este cel de-al doilea volum al seriei inaugurate de Irina Petrea, din care face parte i cartea i tu poi fi Supernanny. Cum s-i creti bine copilul i i propune s ia n discuie principalele probleme ale copilului la coal. De asemenea, ofer sugestii utile pentru prini i pentru cei care se ocup de creterea copilului-colar.Performanele copilului n coal sunt o prioritate pentru prinii contiincioi, iar problemele legate de studiu i disciplina nu sunt nici puine, nici uoare i, mai ales, nu au ntotdeauna cauze evidente. Chiulul, temele, notele, examenele i violen n coal sunt subiectele cel mai des aduse n discuie la edinele cu prinii i la cabinetele de consiliere. Prinii ateapt soluii-miracol la problemele lor cnd, de fapt, acestea sunt problemele copiilor lor. Prinii obinuiesc s se ntrebe de ce, oare, mi face copilul meu probleme n loc s se ntrebe de ce are copilul meu problemeCopilul nu e un roboel pe care l repari dac se stric, nici o fiin ce trebuie dresat i adus la obedien total. E o persoan aflat n cretere, ce are nevoie de afeciune, ocrotire i, da, instruire pentru a se putea dezvolta normal, pentru a putea s-i valorifice ct mai bine potenialul de care dispune. Performanele sale colare nu depind numai de inteligena lui, ci i de mediul familial n care crete, precum i de coal pe care o frecventeaz, prin urmare, are nevoie ca familia i coala s coopereze i s coopereze strns.Din pcate, la noi, se ntmpl adesea exact pe dos i elevul devine o minge de fotbal n meciul dintre prini i cadre didactice. Cnd miza este dezvoltarea copilului i devenirea lui, orgoliile nu-i au rostul. Pn la urm, orice copil este investiia cea mai important a oricrei societi i cu toii avem nevoie s-l privim ca pe o responsabilitate colectiv.
Epopeea dragostei
Epopeea dragostei
Michel Zevaco
Volumul este c??tig?torul Concursului de Debut ?Adenium START“, sec?iunea Eseu, organizat de Editura Adenium ?n anul 2014 ?i con?ine eseuri despre art? ?i literatur? ce constituie un periplu literar ?i vizual ghidat de o evolu?ie tematic? realizat? pe antiteze: fl?c?rile spiritualizate ale lui El Greco ?i cele negre, demonice ale lui Goya sau eliberarea sugerat? de Rodin prin ner?bdarea formelor create ?i deplina lor rev?rsare ?n extaz senzual la Gauguin. Eseurile presupun atenta observare a unei perechi pictor (sculptor) – scriitor (poet), motiv pentru care fiecare dintre formele de exprimare vizual? este pus? ?n coresponden?? cu cel pu?in un text literar care o reflect?.
V?na?ii. Cartea a doua din seria Spirite-Animale
V?na?ii. Cartea a doua din seria Spirite-Animale
Maggie Stiefvater
André Stern annak az új létezési formának az el?futára, amelyben újra kell értelmeznünk a gyermekekhez való hozzáállásunkat, elképzeléseinket a nevelésr?l, a tanulásról, az egymással való viselkedési formákról.
?n gr?dina de la moar?
?n gr?dina de la moar?
Madalina Rotaru
Mi a kül?nbség a szabad játék és a játékosítás k?z?tt? Hogyan függ ?ssze a szabad játék, a szabad tanulás és a hivatásban való létezés, a szabad, alkotó munkavégzés? Milyen min?ségek jellemzik az életünket, amennyiben teret engedünk ezeknek? Miért nem érdemes játékosítani még akkor sem, ha ez r?videbb távon vonzó megoldásnak t?nik?
M?n?c?, poste?te, sl?be?te.
M?n?c?, poste?te, sl?be?te.
Amanda Hamilton
V-a?i s?turat de numeroasele vizite la medic cu copilul ?i s? ?i da?i medicamente cu pumnul? Micu?ul dumneavoastr? are o alergie sau astm ?i vre?i s? v? asigura?i c? e ferit de factorii declan?atori, fie c? se afl? acas?, la ?coal? sau ?ntr-o c?l?torie? Pornind de la experien?a proprie, autoarea v? arat? cum s? v? hr?ni?i ?i ?ngriji?i copiii cu alergii sau astm, de la schimbarea dietei la ?detoxifierea“ casei, ce m?suri preventive pute?i lua la ?coal? ?i ?n c?l?torii, dar ?i cum. Cartea include sfaturi de la exper?i de top – medici ?i speciali?ti ?n diverse domenii –, oferind o abordare integrativ? ?n ce prive?te cre?terea unui copil s?n?tos at?t la minte, c?t ?i la trup.
Contele de Monte-Cristo. Vol. II
Contele de Monte-Cristo. Vol. II
Alexandre Dumas
Aceasta este o carte despre p?rin?ii care sunt exagerat de implica?i ?n via?a copiilor lor. Vorbe?te despre dragostea ?i teama din spatele implic?rii prea mari. Vorbe?te despre r?ul pe care ?l facem atunci c?nd facem prea mult. ?i vorbe?te despre cum am putea realiza obiective pe termen lung mai bune – ?i despre cum i-am putea ajuta pe copiii no?tri s? ob?in? succese ?i mai mari, cresc?ndu-i altfel. ?mi iubesc copiii la fel de aprig ca orice alt p?rinte ?i ?tiu c? dragostea este temelia a tot ceea ce facem ca p?rin?i. Dar, ?n cursul anilor ?n care am f?cut cercet?ri pentru aceast? carte, am constatat c? multe dintre comportamentele noastre izvor?sc ?i din temeri; poate cea mai important? dintre acestea este teama c? ei ar putea s? nu aib? succes ?n lumea real?. Bine?n?eles, e firesc s? dorim s? reu?easc?, dar, pe baza cercet?rilor, a interviurilor cu peste o sut? de oameni ?i a experien?elor personale, am ajuns la concluzia c? d?m o defini?ie prea ?ngust? succesului. ?i, ceea ce este ?i mai grav, aceast? defini?ie ?ngust?, superficial? ne-a adus ?n situa?ia de a face r?u unei genera?ii de tineri adul?i – copiii no?tri.
Great Expectations
Great Expectations
Charles Dickens
IT was Christmas Eve. I remember it just as if it was yesterday. The Colonel had been pretending not to notice it, but when Drinkwater Torm knocked over both the great candlesticks, and in his attempt to pick them up lurched over himself and fell sprawling on the floor, he yelled at him. Torm pulled himself together, and began an explanation, in which the point was that he had not "teched a drap in Gord knows how long," but the Colonel cut him short."Get out of the room, you drunken vagabond!" he roared. Torm was deeply offended. He made a low, grand bow, and with as much dignity as his unsteady condition would admit, marched very statelily from the room, and passing out through the dining-room, where he stopped to abstract only one more drink from the long, heavy, cut-glass decanter on the sideboard, meandered to his house in the back-yard, where he proceeded to talk religion to Charity, his wife, as he always did when he was particularly drunk. He was expounding the vision of the golden candlestick, and the bowl and seven lamps and two olive-trees, when he fell asleep. The roarer, as has been said, was the Colonel; the meanderer was Drinkwater Torm. The Colonel gave him the name, "because," he said, "if he were to drink water once he would die."As Drinkwater closed the door, the Colonel continued, fiercely:"Damme, Polly, I will! I'll sell him to-morrow morning; and if I can't sell him I'll give him away."Polly, with troubled great dark eyes, was wheedling him vigorously. "No; I tell you, I'll sell him.—'Misery in his back!' the mischief! he's a drunken, trifling, good-for-nothing nigger! and I have sworn to sell him a thousand—yes, ten thousand times; and now I'll have to do it to keep my word."
It's In The Stars: I had a feeling we both knew
It's In The Stars: I had a feeling we both knew
Liz Levoy
It's In The Stars: I had a feeling we both knew
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