
A Man of his Time
A wonderful historical novel from one of our best loved and most prolific writers As a young man Ernest Burton was a bold and reckless journeyman blacksmith, seducing all young girls he comes across. We watch him grow to become a master Blacksmith, and a tyrannical father of eight who refuses even to try to remain faithful to the woman he married and who reigns over his young family with an iron fist, instilling in his sons and daughters a mixture of fear and hatred of him. Burton is an extraordinary fictional creation – a bully who shows no mercy in his relentless terrorism of his sons, he can also be effortlessly charming, with a magnetic attraction that effects all he meets. Written in the sparse, plain language that Sillitoe has made his own, A Man of His Time is a mesmerising portrait of an extraordinary individual, aware that he is, in many ways, the last of a dying breed. It's a rich, absorbing, wonderfully readable novel that covers decades and crosses generations, depicting with singular brilliance an England poised on the brink of change.

That Hideous Strength
The third novel in the science-fiction trilogy by C.S. Lewis. This final story is set on Earth, and tells of a terrifying conspiracy against humanity. The story surrounds Mark and Jane Studdock, a newly married couple. Mark is a Sociologist who is enticed to join an organisation called N.I.C.E. which aims to control all human life. His wife, meanwhile, has bizarre prophetic dreams about a decapitated scientist, Alcasan. As Mark is drawn inextricably into the sinister organisation, he discovers the truth of his wife’s dreams when he meets the literal head of Alcasan which is being kept alive by infusions of blood. Jane seeks help concerning her dreams at a community called St Anne’s, where she meets their leader – Dr Ransom (the main character of the previous two titles in the trilogy). The story ends in a final spectacular scene at the N.I.C.E. headquarters where Merlin appears to confront the powers of Hell.

‘The characters are funny, endearing and completely original. Laura has a wonderfully wild and exciting imagination…she defies boundaries.’ Kate Nash Laura retells popular fairytales in her unique voice. The perfect gift for Christmas.

A királyn? esküje
A hetvenes évek elején, Buenos Aires tartomány egyik kisvárosában meg?lték Tony Duránt. Tony, a sármos, rejtélyes idegen egy New Jerseyben nevelkedett Puerto Ricó-i szerencsevadász. Míg élt, az érdekl?dés k?zéppontjában állt, volt, aki csodálta, más figyelte minden lépését. ? volt a gy?ny?r? és kül?nleges Belladona ikerlányok szeret?je, az ?reg Belladonának, a vidék egyik leggazdagabb urának a bizalmasa. A b?ntényt k?vet?en a maga módján mindenki a tettes után nyomoz, ugyanakkor az esettel kapcsolatba hozott figurákon keresztül az olvasó el?tt feltárul a korabeli argentin társadalom minden ellentmondásossága, s kiderül, hogy a társadalmi-politikai visszásságok - korrupció, f?ldspekuláció, feketegazdaság - ágyaztak meg a gyilkosságnak. ?s hogy mi az igazság? Erre a kérdésre - a korrupt államügyészen kívül - Croce rend?rf?n?k és Luca Belladona t?nkrement gyártulajdonos, valamint a f?városi tudósító, Emilio Renzi keresi a választ. Az igazság azonban sokarcú, mély filozófiai fogalom. Piglia regénye árulásokról és piszkos üzletekr?l, egy ártatlan és egy igazi b?n?sr?l, szenvedélyekr?l és csapdákról szól. De leginkább az igazság viszonylagosságáról. Ricardo Piglia a kortárs argentin prózairodalom legkimagaslóbb írója, aki a regényeiben felvázolt eszmékkel, lebilincsel? ábrázolásmódjával, karakterteremt? m?vészetével kiérdemelte, hogy a kritika Borges méltó utódának tartsa.

A fény?zés napjai
A The New York Times No.1 bestsellerében egy manhattani baleseti sebészt a kisfia szeme láttára ?lnek meg egy játszótéren. ?t év elteltével a gyilkos még mindig szabadlábon van… Amikor Laurie Moran férjét brutálisan meggyilkolták, csak a hároméves Timmy látta az édesapja gyilkosának arcát. Az átható kék szempár még ?t évvel kés?bb is kísérti álmában Timmyt. Laurie-t még nagyobb félelem nyomasztja – a gyilkos fenyegetése, amelyet odakiáltott a fiának, mik?zben elmenekült a helyszínr?l: ?Mondd meg anyádnak, ? lesz a k?vetkez?, utána pedig te j?ssz…” ?s az asszonynak most ismét gyilkossággal van dolga, ezúttal egy megt?rtént, de megoldatlan b?nügyekkel foglalkozó tévésorozat producereként. A sorozat els? részében egy n? húsz évvel korábbi, felderítetlenül maradt meggyilkolása a téma. Az élénk társasági életet él? asszonyt a friss diplomás lánya tiszteletére rendezett gála után megfojtva találták az ágyában. A nagy port kavaró gyilkosság országszerte szerepelt a hírekben, így Laurie biztos benne, hogy az ügy – a maga pazar k?rnyezetében és az akkori éjszaka vendégeinek k?zrem?k?désével – sikerre viszi majd a m?sort. ?m amikor megkezdik a forgatást Betsy azóta elhidegült barátaival, világossá válik, hogy valamennyiüknek titkai vannak – kinek kisebbek, kinek nagyobbak. ?s k?zben ráj?vünk, hogy az átható kék szempár még mindig figyel… ?Bízzunk Mary Higgins Clarkban: tudja, hogyan kell halálra rémiszteni bennünket.” -?THE NEW YORK TIMES A gyanú árnyékában sorozat k?vetekez? része A Hamupip?ke-gyilkosság címmel fog megjelenni.

A sors k?nyve
Virág harminc elmúlt, de sem az álommeló, sem az álomotthon, sem az álompasi nem akar valósággá válni. ?nbizalma, optimizmusa mégis t?retlen. Pedig van kivel ?sszemérnie magát. Alig pár évvel id?sebb n?vére, Judit már régen révbe ért. Jókép? férj, három gyerek, anyagi gondokról nem is hallott, de még rettenetes f?n?k sem igyekszik pokollá tenni az életét. Aztán váratlanul Juditot elhagyja a férje egy fiatalabb n? miatt... Hogyan tud újra magára találni a n?vér? ?s hogyan tud ebben segítségére lenni a kelekótya húg? Talán els? lépésként azzal, hogy pici albérletébe k?lt?zteti n?vérét a z?r?s kamaszlánnyal, az iskolát kezd? k?zéps?vel, és az épp járni tanuló egy éves unoka?ccsel. ?s míg a két testvér azon van, hogy Judit szívét ?sszeragasszák, Virág élete is a feje tetejére áll.

Egy meszely az fél icce
Katherine Shaw egész életét a balettnek szentelte. Mindig is arról álmodott, hogy hivatásos balerina lesz, ám tizenkilenc évesen úgy d?nt, hogy még szüksége van pár évre, miel?tt meg tudna birkózni egy társulattal. ?gy legjobb barátjával, Alexanderrel együtt egyetemre megy. Persze az új élet, távol a szül?kt?l nem k?nny?. Kat kétségbeesetten vágyik arra, hogy végre lány barátja is legyen. Belinda, a szobatársn?je ezt kihasználva, el?sz?r a legjobb barátn?je, majd a legnagyobb riválisa lesz. Katherine-nek azonban nemcsak Belindával kell megküzdenie, hanem arról is d?ntenie kell, hogy végre megvalósítja nagy álmát, és a Királyi Balettben táncol, vagy átadja magát a szerelemnek.

The Circle of Friends Series
Get inspired to achieve your dreams! ? Book I...Lori - Driven by Olympic dreams, the swimmer appears destined for success. But something is holding her back. Can the star quarterback help Lori break free and achieve her dreams? ? Book II...Sarah - There are no rewards for second best. Estranged from her father, envious of her best friend’s perfect life, Sarah’s unable to measure up to expectations. Can a future NFL receiver with baggage of his own make a difference? ? Book III...James - Haunted by a troubled past, he’s determined to break free of the abuse and start a life with Maria. When a life-changing crisis erupts, James nears the breaking point. Can he find peace before the mistakes of his father destroy him? ? Book IV...Mike - A prisoner of guilt for so long, he’s consumed with condemnation and unable to forgive himself. When Danielle enters his life, he can no longer hide the past. Will she be able to reach him or is Mike past the point of redemption? ? Book V...Heather - When confidence turns to frustration, she finds her dream of coaching basketball tarnished. Heather struggles with a dying father, a troublesome sister, and a cocky player. Can Mark help the feisty woman survive?

?coala de noapte
Un thriller psihologic ambi?ios ?i plin de adrenalin?, ?n care nimic nu este ceea ce pare.Ted McKay are tot ce ??i dore?te: o so?ie frumoas?, dou? fete minunate ?i o slujb? foarte bine pl?tit?. C?nd este diagnosticat cu tumoare cerebral? ?n faz? terminal?, hot?r??te s?-?i trag? un glon? ?n cap. Dar e ?ntrerupt de soneria de la intrare.Justin Lynch ??i face apari?ia la u?a lui, cu o propunere ciudat?. S? ucid? dou? persoane: un criminal ?i un om bolnav de cancer ?n faz? terminal?, care, asemenea lui Ted, vrea s? moar?. ?n schimb, cineva ?l va omor? pe Ted. Familia lui va fi astfel cru?at? de consecin?ele psihologice devastatoare provocate de sinuciderea sa.??n timp ce Ted comite crimele, unele situa?ii i se par stranii. Victimele ?i ?tiu numele ?i evoc? secven?e ce-i sunt familiare. ?i mai ciudat, Ted recunoa?te locuri ?i oameni de care n-ar trebui s? aib? habar. Pe m?sur? ce o ia razna, ?i revin ?n minte secrete ?ntunecate din trecut."Viziuni de co?mar, r?sturn?ri de situa?ie halucinante ?i un stil narativ caleidoscopic fac din povestea lui Axat una trepidant?, dar la baza acestei aventuri literare pe alocuri ?nfrico??toare se afl? un roman poli?ist ingenios construit, care uime?te, tulbur? ?i ?nc?nt? ?n egal? m?sur?." - Publishers Weekly"Adev?rul ?i iluzia se ?mpletesc ?ntr-o ?es?tur? invizibil? ?n aceast? poveste uluitoare. Federico Axat este genul de scriitor hipnotic pe care adori s?-l cite?ti, dar pe care nu-l po?i crede ?n totalitate." - The New York Times"?n romanul lui Federico Axat se ?nt?lnesc elemente din Hitchock, P. D. James sau Ruth Rendell, dar el duce suspansul mult mai departe." - New York Journal of Books"Un thriller psihologic ?n care totul e ?n?el?tor, inclusiv ?n mintea protagonistului, iar piesele se mi?c? exact ca ?ntr-o partid? de ?ah." - El Mundo?

O sut? de zile de fericire
Capitala a c?zut. ?ntunecatul conduce Ravka din tronul s?u de umbre. Acum, soarta ??rii depinde de fragila Invocatoare a Soarelui, de o iscoad? c?zut? ?n dizgra?ie ?i de r?m??i?ele unei armate magice, c?ndva m?rea??. Pornit? ?n c?utarea ultimului amplificator al lui Morozova, Alina ?ncheie noi alian?e ?i las? deoparte vechile rivalit??i. Pe m?sur? ce afl? secretele ?ntunecatului, descoper? un trecut ce va schimba pentru totdeauna felul ?n care vede leg?tura lor, precum ?i puterea cu care e ?nzestrat?. Numai pas?rea de foc mai poate ?mpiedica distrugerea Ravk?i, ?ns? prinderea ei ar putea s? o coste pe Alina viitorul pentru care lupt?. Alina este o marginal? ?i a?a m? sim?eam ?i eu c?nd eram mic?. ??i dore?te foarte mult s? apar?in? unui loc din lumea asta ?i din aceast? cauz? face ni?te alegeri gre?ite. Am fost crescut? de bunicii mei ?ntr-un loc straniu, unde nu prea ?nt?lneai copii. Casa lor se afla pe un deal ?i mai tot timpul eram l?sat? de capul meu. Cred c? ceva din senza?ia aceea de izolare s-a strecurat ?i ?n descrierea Keramzinului (orfelinatul ?n care cresc Alina ?i Mal). – Leigh Bardugo, pentru Entertainment Weekly Elegan?a ?i fluiditatea stilului, ?mpreun? cu acea lume imaginar? des?v?r?it? fac din Trilogia Grisha o pies? de rezisten?? a genului fantasy. – RT Book Reviews Am reu?it s? m? ridic ?n picioare. Capul mi se ?nv?rtea. Mi-am str?ns bra?ul r?nit cu m?na teaf?r? ?i am pornit cl?tin?ndu-m? prin ?ntuneric. Nu vedeam nimic, eram complet dezorientat?. Dar am continuat s? merg prin bezn?, ?ncerc?nd s?-mi deblochez mintea, s? ?ncropesc un plan. ?tiam c? volcrele m? puteau ataca ?n orice clip?, dar era prea riscant s? folosesc lumina. G?nde?te!, m? mustram ?n sinea mea. Nu mai aveam nicio idee. R?m?sesem f?r? explozibili ?i nu puteam folosi T?ietura. M?neca ?mi era plin? de s?nge ?i pa?ii ?mi ?ncetineau. Trebuia s? g?sesc pe cineva s?-mi vindece bra?ul. Trebuia s? m? refac ?i s? atac din nou. Nu puteam fugi iar??i de ?ntunecatul, la fel ca prima oar? c?nd luptaser?m ?n Falie. De atunci, fugisem ?ntruna.

Crea?ie ?i putere
Biblioteca pentru toi copiii“ cuprinde cele mai preuite opere ale scriitorilor clasici ai literaturii romne i universale. Crile de neuitat ale copilriei sunt disponibile astzi si in format e-book.Cu sufletul lui plin de contraste, mincinos, crud i poltron, naiv, rafinat i mojic totodat, resemnat i rebel, i totui plin de fermectoare elanuri de sinceritate, de tandree i de altruism, omuleul acesta nghesuie n inima lui pirpirie o ntreag umanitate [...] Romanul lui Jules Renard nchide ntr-o suit de ntmplri, ingenios construite i pline de naturalee, una dintre cele mai sfietoare drame omeneti: drama copilriei nefericite.“ – Modest Morariu

Frumuse?e prin detoxifiere
Alexandra, o adolescent? rebel?, este trimis? de p?rin?i s? ??i petreac? vacan?a de var? ?ntr-un sat din Transilvania, pentru a fi ?ndep?rtat? de o iubire considerat? imoral?. Odat? ajuns? ?n V., ea este atras? de pove?tile localnicilor legate de o crim? s?v?r?it? ?n urm? cu mai mult de un veac: contesa Aneke fusese acuzat? de incest ?i vr?jitorie ?i ucis? ?n p?dure. Alexandra porne?te pe urmele contesei, hot?r?t? s? afle ce s-a ?nt?mplat cu adev?rat. Castelul ascunde mistere la fiecare col?… Pe m?sur? ce fapte ?i personaje stranii ies la iveal?, Alexandra ??i d? seama c? are ?n comun cu frumoasa vr?jitoare mai mult dec?t ?i-ar fi imaginat, inclusiv iubirea ei secret? ?i interzis?. Va reu?i Alexandra s? salveze aceast? iubire ?i ?n final propria via??, sau va avea soarta tragic? a Anekei?Dou? lumi distincte se ?ntrep?trund: lumea adolescen?ilor de azi, cu Facebook, concerte rock, tatuaje ?i pierce-uri, ?i lumea contesei disp?rute, cu intrigi de curte ?i pove?ti uitate.Un mistery romance ?n tonuri ?ntunecate despre incest, supersti?ii, tr?d?ri, secrete, legende transmise peste veacuri.

Basica Lumii si a ne'Lumii
Aventura lui Arn Magnusson continu?. Al doilea volum al Trilogiei Cruciadelor este o combina?ie incitant? ?ntre adev?r istoric ?i fic?iune, ?ntre riscurile misiunii unui b?rbat ?i peniten?a unei femei, r?scump?r?nd am?ndoi acela?i p?cat. Un amestec de ur? politic? ?i religioas?, pe de o parte, ?i prietenie n?scut? din recuno?tin??, pe de alt? parte.

Az angyal napja
Londonban él egy lány (Anna), és Budapesten egy fiú (Olivér). Mindenben kül?nb?znek, mint t?z és víz, mégis egymásba szeretnek. Helyzetüket távolságon és ellentéteken túl ügybuzgó barátok és segít?kész rokonok sora nehezíti. De hogy még ez se legyen elég, t?rténetüket egy férfi-n? szerz?páros írja meg, Olivér és Anna szemsz?géb?l. Másképp nem lehetne visszaadni ellentmondásos kapcsolatuk alakulását, és ett?l lesz az egész csiklandósan szórakoztató, romantikus és eredeti hangvétel?. No meg izgalmas, hiszen az utolsó oldalon is nyitva marad: vajon Anna vagy Olivér sztorija igaz?

DJing for Beginners
Have you pictured yourself spinning the decks and mixing records? Do you want to create new sounds but are unsure where to start? From hip-hop to trance, DJing for Beginners tells you everything you need to know about the equipment and the techniques behind mixing records and sounds in rap, dance, reggae and other styles. If you’re undecided whether you want to work with vinyl or be a digital DJ, the book shows you the advantages and disadvantages of each. In addition, becoming a DJ involves a great deal of equipment and can be costly, but the book advises on where savings can be made, such as which pieces are best bought second hand and which pieces you won’t need until you’re a lot more advanced. From matching the tempo and keys of songs to scratching, blending intros and outros, drags and looping, the book guides you through the essential steps to becoming a DJ. Each chapter also includes a special feature about a major DJ, from Grandmaster Flash in the 1980s to Paul Oakenfield in the 1990s to deadmau5 and Nina Kraviz today. With clear diagrams, photographs and instructions, DJing for Beginners is the ideal book for the first-time DJ.

King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table
Here lies entombed the renowned King Arthur in the island of Avalon. – Inscription found at Glastonbury in the late 12th century King Arthur most probably never existed and if he did we know precious little about him, and yet he is one of the most famous Britons, while Excalibur and Camelot are perhaps the world’s best known sword and castle, and Hollywood doesn’t tire of returning to the world of Arthurian romance – another major movie is to be released in 2016. So, what’s the truth behind King Arthur? How did the legends take hold? And why have they endured for so long? Long before the Marvel Universe there was the universe of Arthurian romance and King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table examines the fact and the fiction behind Arthur, Lancelot, Merlin, Guinevere, Galahad, among others, as well as the quest for the Holy Grail. Beginning in the 12th century, the book explores what factual basis there is for the tales and how the characters, stories and motifs developed through histories, epic poems and prose tellings. The book also charts the revived interest in Arthurian romance in the 19th century and considers how the tales still hold the popular imagination today. Illustrated with more than 180 colour and black-and-white artworks and photographs and maps, King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table is an expertly written account of where literature, mythology and history meet.

Four Unpublished Novels: High-Opp, Angel’s Fall, A Game of Authors, A Thorn in t
Frank Herbert will forever be known as the “author of Dune,” the science fiction masterpiece that made his career and made his name. But he was an exceptionally diverse author who wrote in numerous genres. Even at the beginning of his writing career, Frank Herbert wrote whatever inspired him, irrespective of genre, market, or audience tastes. After the success of his first novel The Dragon in the Sea (1955), Herbert wrote numerous novels and short stories that failed to find a market. He persevered until finally, seven years later, he wrote the most unpublishable novel of all, Dune—which, once it finally found a home with an obscure publisher, finally made Frank Herbert a household name synonymous with science fiction. This volume collects four of those complete, never-before-published novels written before Dune: High-Opp, a dystopian science fiction novel; Angels’ Fall, a jungle survival adventure; A Game of Authors, a Cold War thriller; and A Thorn in the Bush, a mainstream novel based on some of Herbert’s experiences in Mexico.

Kevin J. Anderson’s Selected Stories Boxed Set
Award-winning, #1 international bestselling author Kevin J. Anderson has published over 160 books, which have appeared in 30 languages worldwide, in genres ranging from science fiction, epic fantasy, humorous horror, gritty suspense, steampunk, and mystery. He has published over half a million words of short fiction, the best of which are gathered in this boxed set. This volume features Anderson's wide-ranging imagination in the genres of fantasy, dark fantasy, horror, and science fiction. These diverse stories range from flash fiction to novella length, written solo or with collaborators. Step inside these pages to greet stories of clones and combat cyborgs, enchanted loincloths, a nightmarish Wisconsin small town, nanotechnology experiments, bumbling knights in shining armor, rock stars raised from the dead, super-sentient lab rats, and vampires, werewolves, zombies . . . and the heroes who battle them. These tales showcase the breadth of Anderson’s talent and demonstrate why he has tens of millions of readers worldwide and has won or been nominated for numerous awards. This boxed set includes 90 stellar short stories in four volumes: Selected Stories: Science Fiction , volumes 1 and 2; Selected Stories: Fantasy ; and Selected Stories: Horror and Dark Fantasy .

The Mike Resnick Boxed Set
Mike Resnick is, according to Locus , the all-time leading award winner for short fiction, having won 5 Hugos, a Nebula, and other major awards from around the world. This boxed set includes four novels and 41 of his best science fiction short stories Race through pages filled with the Dark Lady, the Moby Dick of space, robot basketball, tall tales, and galaxy-hopping assassins for the ride of your life. This boxed set includes six volumes— First Person Peculiar, Away Games, The Dark Lady, The Soul Eater, The Outpost, and Walpurgis III.

Dan Shamble, Zombie P.I. Boxed Set Volume 1
Ever since the Big Uneasy, Dan Chambeaux worked as a human private investigator in the Unnatural Quarter. Even being murdered doesn't keep a good detective down, and zombie Dan "Shamble" is back from the dead and back on the case! And what strange cases they are. Shamble is faced with mummies suing their museums, living-undead political tensions, defending a mixed race couple (he's a vampire, she's a werewolf) from housing discrimination, a serial scalper targeting werwolves, and a standard lost dog case with a hellhound. And above all, he's got to figure out a very personal question: who killed him? Shamble must team up with his ghost girlfriend Sheyenne, a bleeding-heart human lawyer named Robin Deyer, and his BHF (Best Human Friend) Officer Toby McGoohan to seek justice for the denizens of the Unnatural Quarter. In these four volumes— Death Warmed Over, Unnatural Acts, Working Stiff, and Hair Raising —Dan Shamble puts the P.I. back into R.I.P.

Slavery and Beyond: The Complete Series Collection
Robert Allen’s eye-opening Slavery and Beyond Series---Passionate heroes, no-holds-barred historical fiction, and high-stakes emotional tension. 400+ reviews, on Goodreads with an average rating of 4.4. Failed Moments, Volume #1 Patrick Walsh relives his Failed Moments in two past lives in order to salvage his modern day existence.?? He travels back to the French Caribbean in 1790 (before the slave revolution that created Haiti) and NYC in 1863 during the Draft Riots. Will he succeed the second time around? A Wave From Mama, Volume #2 1863 Weeksville, Brooklyn: A former slave gets his dream job working on the Bridge project, but becomes a pawn in a battle involving the gangs of Irishtown and the corrupt Metropolitan Police. Will his special physical abilities help him survive or will his awkward social deficits prove to be too much to overcome? Minetta Lane, Volume #3 New York City, 1904- Bodee Rivers, who has always run from major challenges, moves to crime ridden MINETTA LANE, which is governed by an unusual race-based code. ?When confronted with an unimaginable challenge, he isn’t sure he’s up to the task. Stand and fight or cut and run? Living in the Middle, Volume #4 New York/Tulsa Early 1900s: Wealthy, White, and privileged Jimmy Montgomery discovers he’s been living a lie and travels to Tulsa to uncover his roots. When trouble pits Whites against the Black community of Greenwood, Jimmy realizes he can no longer Live in the Middle.