
The Moth
Probably you have heard of Hapley—not W. T. Hapley, the son, but the celebrated Hapley, the Hapley of Periplaneta Hapliia, Hapley the entomologist. If so you know at least of the great feud between Hapley and Professor Pawkins, though certain of its consequences may be new to you. For those who have not, a word or two of explanation is necessary, which the idle reader may go over with a glancing eye, if his indolence so incline him.

Aici nu e loc pentru ?ngeri c?zu?i (Edi?ia rom?n?): Volumul II al Epopeei Sabia
n zorii timpurilor, doi adversari antici se luptau pentru controlul Pmntului. Un singur brbat s-a nlat, pe atunci, de-a dreapta oamenilor. Un soldat al crui nume ni-l amintim nc i astzi... . Dobort pe Pmnt fr a avea vreo amintire din trecut, Colonelul Forelor Speciale Angelice, Mikhail Mannuki’ili, nu are alt alegere dect s se integreze n satul Ninsiannei. Dar fiul Cpeteniei, Jamin, este hotrt s l alunge. Atunci cnd cunotinele sale legate de tehnologie se dovedesc a fi inutile ntr-o cultur din Epoca de piatr, Mikhail este confruntat cu o alegere dificil: s i ncheie misiunea Sau s rmn n Assur, cu Ninsianna . Ct despre Ninsianna, ultimul lucru pe care i-l dorete este s se ntoarc n Assur. Atunci cnd nceteaz s mai primeasc viziuni, ns, tatl ei insist c el ar fi Alesul- pn la urm, ea este doar o femeie! Cea-Care-Este i-a promis o frm din Rai. Dac Mikhail nu i poate aminti cum s ajung acolo, atunci ine de ea s descopere semnificaia profeiei. . ntre timp, n ceruri, Lucifer face o nelegere cu Shay’tan. Aceast nelegere va sfri prin a provoca un rzboi galactic, purtat chiar pn la porile Assurului. . Epopeea Sabia Zeilor” continu n volumul al II-lea: Aici nu e loc pentru ngeri czui. . Aceast carte NU este o creaie cu caracter religios! . Volumul II al Epopeei Sabia Zeilor . Ordinea de citire a "Sabia zeilor":—Eroi de Demult: Episodio 1x01 (o nuvel)—Sabia Zeilor—Aici nu e loc pentru ngeri czui—Fructul interzis(n curnd) . Limba romn, cri romneti - Romanian language, Romanian edition

Gotiskais Ziemassvētku e??elis (Izdevums latvie?u valodā): Latvian Edition
eFestival '’Pasaules labākās neatkarīgās e-grāmatas balvas'’ uzvarētāja - 2014. Gada labākā novele. . Spoki no vecām atmiām nekad nav tālu prom... . Kesiju Baruu Ziemassvētku vakarā pameta puisis, via cerēja, ka vias sāpes beigsies, kad via triecās ar savu maīnu senajā diskābara kokā. Bet, kad vias priekā parādījās skaists eelis ar melniem spārniem un teica: '’ī tev nav smirdīga paranormāla romance, bērns,'’ via saprata, ka nāve nav atrisinājusi visas vias problēmas. Vai Deremiels varēs viai palīdzēt atbrīvoties no pagātnes spokiem un rast mieru . is modernais, paranormālais stāsts par sargeeu mītiem apvieno "Ziemassvētku dziesma" (A Christmas Carol) ar "Tā ir brīniīga dzīve" (It's a Wonderful Life) un "Trīspadsmit iemesli, kāpēc" (Thirteen Reasons Why) lai dotu cilvēkiem cerību, ka vii var satvert pagātni savās rokās un pārvarēt to. . Latvieu valoda, latvieu grāmatas - Latvian language * '’oti maz grāmatu spēj mani novest līdz asarām, bet ī to panāca, turklāt viskrāākajā veidā. eit ir vēstījums, stāstīts ar humora devu un eleganci. Brīniīgi!'’ —Lasītāja atsauksme . '’Via lika man just līdzi. Un via lika man raudāt. Un es esmu oti pateicīga par beigām.'’—Lasītāja atsauksme . '’Grāmata, kas lika man justies tā, kā neviena cita grāmata!'’—Lasītāja atsauksme . '’Jau atkal Anna pārveido vārdus tīrā zeltā. īs mūsdienu Ziemassvētku dziesmas gotiskās pieskaas iekauana ir pārsteidzoa...'’ —Lasītāja atsauksme . '’Ja es varētu, es dotu im stāstam bezgalīgi daudz zvaigu! ī grāmata/stāsts lika man just skudrias skrienam pār muguru.'’ —Lasītāja atsauksme

Часовщик: Новелла (Русское издание)
--Спроси как можно выиграть час времени— Помимо часов, вставших в 15.57, у Марай О'Коннер есть гораздо более глобальные проблемы. Однако, когда она приходит к часовщику, то понимает, что выиграла особый приз: шанс снова прожить один час из ее жизни. Но у Судьбы есть свои жесткие правила касательно людей, сующих нос в свое прошлое, и, в частности, тот факт, что они не в силах совершать там поступки, которые могут привести к временному парадоксу. Сможет ли Марае исправить ошибку, о которой она жалеет больше всего на свете? --Ask how you can win an hour in time— Marae O’Conaire has much bigger problems than the fact her watch stopped at 3:57 p.m. When she brings her watch to a kindly repairman, she learns she has won a peculiar prize, a chance to re-live a single hour of her life. But Fate has strict rules about how one can go poking in the past, including the warning that she can’t do anything that would create a time-paradox. Can Marae make peace with the mistake she regrets most in this world? . Russian language

The Count of Monte Cristo
On the day of his wedding to Mercedes, Edmond Dantes, first mate of the Pharaon, is accused of treason, arrested, and imprisoned without trial in the Chateau d'If, a grim island fortress off Marseille. A fellow prisoner, Abbe Faria, correctly deduces that his jealous rival Fernand Mondego, envious crewmate Danglars, and double-dealing Magistrate De Villefort, betrayed him. Faria inspires his escape and guides him to a fortune in treasure. As the powerful and mysterious Count of Monte Cristo, he arrives from the Orient to enter the fashionable Parisian world of the 1830s and avenge himself on the men who conspired to destroy him.


The Puppet Crown
The Puppet Crown

The Gentleman from Indiana
There is a fertile stretch of flat lands in Indiana where unagrarian Eastern travellers, glancing from car-windows, shudder and return their eyes to interior upholstery, preferring even the swaying caparisons of a Pullman to the monotony without. The landscape lies interminably level: bleak in winter, a desolate plain of mud and snow; hot and dusty in summer, in its flat lonesomeness, miles on miles with not one cool hill slope away from the sun.

The Conquest of Canaan
Newton Booth Tarkington (July 29, 1869 – May 19, 1946) was an American novelist and dramatist best known for his novels The Magnificent Ambersons and Alice Adams. He is one of only three novelists to win the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction more than once, along with William Faulkner and John Updike.

Beasley's Christmas Party
A young newspaperman who has just moved to a new town overhears the wealthy politician in the house next door talking aloud to nonexistent figures. Has David Beasley gone mad, or is his imagination simply greater than his friends and ex-fiancée believe?

The Festival
"The Festival" is a short story by H. P. Lovecraft written in October 1923 and published in the January 1925 issue of Weird Tales. The story is set at Christmas time: "It was the Yuletide, that men call Christmas though they know in their hearts it is older than Bethlehem and Babylon, older than Memphis and mankind." An unnamed narrator is making his first visit to Kingsport, Massachusetts, an "ancient sea town where my people had dwelt and kept festival in the elder time when festival was forbidden; where also they had commanded their sons to keep festival once every century, that the memory of primal secrets might not be forgotten."

Στα β?θη τη? τ?φρου
Η ζω? απ? την πρ?τη μ?ρα που γεννηθ?καμε, ε?ναι μια αν?βαση στο βουν? που ποτ? δεν σταματ? να μα? εκπλ?σσει. ?λοι μα? μπορο?με μια μ?ρα να γ?νουμε πρωταγωνιστ?? μ?σα απ? κ?ποια αληθιν? ιστορ?α, ακ?μη και π?σω απ? ?να παρ?ξενο παραμ?θι. Καθ?? ?μω? απογαλακτιζ?μαστε με π?θο? για να τη ζ?σουμε ?ντονα, τα λ?θη ?ρχονται να ακολουθ?σουν δ?πλα μα?, με τη μν?μη πολλ?? φορ?? να γ?νεται φ?λη των τ?ψε?ν μα?. Η ζω? ε?ναι ?να μεγ?λο βιβλ?ο που γρ?φεται με χρ?ματα, ?να ταξ?δι με παρελθ?ν, παρ?ν και μ?λλον, και εκε? μ?σα θα υπ?ρξουν πολλ? ακ?μη ν?α κεφ?λαια. Το καλ?τερο ?μω? κεφ?λαιο μπορε? να γραφτε? ανο?γοντα? τι? σκουριασμ?νε? π?λε? του μυαλο? μα?, ?χοντα? αποκτ?σει τι? αν?λογε? εμπειρ?ε? με τα αυτι? μα? και τα μ?τια μα? ανοιχτ?. Σ’ αυτ? το βιβλ?ο θα γνωρ?σουμε την Ανν?τα Αρμ?νη, ?να νεαρ? κορ?τσι που τρ?βηξε την προσοχ? μα?, καθ?? περπατο?σε στον δ?σβατο δρ?μο τη?. Θα βι?σουμε ?να μελαν? χρ?μα στο ταξ?δι τη?, κοντ? στα πρ?τα κεφ?λαια τη? ζω?? τη?, με πολλ? μυστικ? που θα μα? αγγ?ξουν παθιασμ?να. Μαζ? τη? θα ανακαλ?ψουμε μερικ? σπουδα?α πρ?γματα μ?σα σε μερικ?? και μ?νο λ?ξει?: εμπιστοσ?νη, ελευθερ?α, ελπ?δα, αγ?πη, ζω? και π?νω απ? ?λα δικαιοσ?νη. Λ?ξει? που θα τι? κρατ?σουμε στην ψυχ? μα? προστατευμ?νε? για π?ντα, καθ?? ανο?ξαμε την καρδι? τη? και συναντ?σαμε σκι?? του μυαλο? τη? να μ?χονται με τη φωτι?. Τ?τε που ?λοι μαζ? ανακαλ?ψαμε π?σω απ? ?να πληγωμ?νο ?σ’ αγαπ?? τι ?ταν τελικ? αυτ? που ?ψαχνε απελπισμ?να να ζ?σει αυτ? η γυνα?κα, π?τε στο φω? του ?λιου και π?τε στο σκοτ?δι τη? τ?φρου.

The Disinterment
Fist published in 1935, "The Disinterment" is a short horror story by H.P. Lovecraft.

Beyond the Wall of Sleep
"Beyond the Wall of Sleep" is a science fiction short story by American writer H. P. Lovecraft, written in 1919 and first published in the amateur publication Pine Cones in October 1919. An intern in a mental hospital relates his experience with Joe Slater, an inmate who died at the facility a few weeks after being confined as a criminally insane murderer. He describes Slater as a "typical denizen of the Catskill Mountain region, who corresponds exactly with the 'white trash' of the South", for whom "laws and morals are nonexistent" and whose "general mental status is probably below that of any other native American people".

The Beautiful Lady
"The Beautiful Lady", is another of the short novels from Booth Tarkington's early career. It was originally published in two parts, December of 1904 and January of 1905, in "Harper's Magazine", and then as Tarkington's fifth book in May of 1905. As with many of Tarkington's other works, it is a bit too predictable, though in this case that doesn't detract too much from the story. The story appears to sets up a love triangle (or in this case it may be a love square), but it does deviate from that a bit. The story is told from the point of the Italian, Ansolini from Naples, living in Paris who due to being down on his luck is forced into a most embarrassing position of acting as a billboard by shaving his head and having an advertisement for a show placed on the back of his bald head. It is while performing this job, that he nearly meets the "beautiful lady", though he keeps his head down and sees only her feet and the hem of her skirt and hears her lovely voice as it has sympathy for his plight. In fact, Ansolini's feelings are appreciative of her beautiful soul, and not that of romance.

Youth and the Bright Medusa
Youth and the Bright Medusa is a collection of short stories by Willa Cather, published in 1920. Several were published in an earlier collection, The Troll Garden. This collection contains the following stories: "Coming, Aphrodite!" a.k.a. "Coming, Eden Bower!" "The Diamond Mine" "A Gold Slipper" "Scandal" "Paul's Case" "A Wagner Matinee" "The Sculptor's Funeral" "A Death in the Desert"

O Pioneers!
The first of her renowned prairie novels--a story that expresses Cather's conviction that "the history of every country begins in the heart of a man or a woman." When Alexandra Bergson takes over the family farm after her father's death, she falls under the spell of the rich, forbidding Nebraska prairie.

The White Ship
"The White Ship" is a short story written by H.P. Lovecraft. It was first published in The United Amateur (Volume 19) #2, November 1919. A lighthouse keeper named Basil Elton engages upon a peculiar fantasy in which a bearded man piloting a mystical white ship is found sailing upon a bridge of moonlight. Elton joins the bearded man on this ship, and together they explore a mystical chain of islands unlike anything that can be found on Earth.

Les Aventures prodigieuses de Tartarin de Tarascon
Les Aventures prodigieuses de Tartarin de Tarascon

Moll Flanders
Moll Flanders

The Shadow Over Innsmouth
The story describes of a strange hybrid race, half-human and half an unknown creature that resembles a cross between a fish and frog, that dwells in the seaside village of Innsmouth (formerly a large town, but lately fallen into disrepair). The townspeople worship Cthulhu and Dagon, a Philistine deity incorporated into the Cthulhu Mythos.