King Alfred's Viking
A fantastic historical novel about the first English fleet, written at the end of the 19th century by Reverend Charles Watts Whistler.

Eleanor Porter's classic well-loved children's tale Pollyanna has been enjoyed by readers of all ages around the world for almost a century. It tales of a young orphan girl with a wonderfully optimistic attitude to life.

Rob Roy
This historical novel by Sir Walter Scott has been enjoyed by readers around the world for over 190 years. A literary classic from the renowned Scottish author.

Social Life at Rome in the Age of Cicero
A fascinating look at all aspects of life in Ancient Rome in the 1st Century BC, from the geography of Rome itself, to the government and the role of religion in the city, to the class system, to holidays and public amusements.

Short History of Scotland
A wonderful look at the long history of Scotland, written by Scottish anthropologist, literary critic, poet, novelist and historian Andrew Lang.

Exemplary Novels of Cervantes
In the wake of the first part of his famous story Don Quixote, Miguel de Cervantes published this series of short stories. Cervantes boasted that he was the first to write novels in the Spanish language. This is the English translated version.

Daffodil Mystery
A fantastic mystery novel from the prolific crime writer Edgar Wallace. Mr. Thornton Lyne, minor poet and head of Lyne's Stores, was found dead in Hyde Park, murdered undoutedly! The clues were numerous but contradictory. Wallace has the distinction of having more films adapted from his novels than any other author: over 160! He is best known as the co-creator of the classic King Kong.

Experiences of a Barrister and Confessions of an Attorney
A fascinating account of the personal experiences of various cases undertaken by 19th century English lawyer Samuel Warren.

Lucia in London
The third novel in E. F. Benson's classic 'Mapp and Lucia' comedy series following the lives of Emmeline "e;Lucia"e; Lucas and Elizabeth Mapp in the one-upmanship and snobbery of the 1920s/30s British social scene.

Tales of Adventure and Medical Life
Contains fifteen short stories (six adventure and nine medical) by eminent author and creator of the immortal Sherlock Holmes, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

Book of Were-Wolves
Legends of men that turn into feral animals during a full moon have persisted around the world for millennia. This is a collection of many stories from across the ages, along with an analysis and comparison of the legends and a look at some of the attempts to explain the phenomenon. Written by the famed folklorist the Reverend Sabine Baring-Gould, this is one of the ost frequently cited studies of lycanthropy.

Land We Live In
A fantastic look at the history of the United States by American author, editor, journalist, civil war veteran and politician Henry Mann.

Ghosts I Have Met
A fantastic collection of six spooky tales by American author, editor and satirist John Kendrick Bangs. Bangs was famous as the originator of so-called 'Bangsian fantasy', which follows famous historical figures' interactions in the afterlife.

Maid Marian
Thomas Love Peacock's fantastic classic novel about Robin Hood's love Maid Marian has been enjoyed around the world for over 180 years.

With Wolfe in Canada
This book tells the story of James Walsham, who left England as a young man in 1755 and finds himself in the French and Indian War.From the author:In the present volume I have endeavoured to give the details of the principal events in a struggle whose importance can hardly be overrated. At its commencement the English occupied a mere patch of land on the eastern seaboard of America, hemmed in on all sides by the French, who occupied not only Canada in the north and Louisiana in the south, but possessed a chain of posts connecting them, so cutting off the English from all access to the vast countries of the west. On the issues of that struggle depended not only the destiny of Canada, but of the whole of North America and, to a large extent, that of the two mother countries. When the contest began, the chances of France becoming the great colonizing empire of the world were as good as those of England. Not only did she hold far larger territories in America than did England, but she had rich colonies in the West Indies, where the flag of England was at that time hardly represented, and her prospects in India were better than our own. At that time, too, she disputed with us on equal terms the empire of the sea.The loss of her North American provinces turned the scale. With the monopoly of such a market, the commerce of England increased enormously, and with her commerce her wealth and power of extension, while the power of France was proportionately crippled. It is true that, in time, the North American colonies, with the exception of Canada, broke away from their connection with the old country; but they still remained English, still continued to be the best market for our goods and manufactures. Never was the short-sightedness of human beings shown more distinctly, than when France wasted her strength and treasure in a sterile contest on the continent of Europe, and permitted, with scarce an effort, her North American colonies to be torn from her. All the historical details of the war have been drawn from the excellent work entitled Montcalm and Wolfe, by Mr. Francis Parkman, and from the detailed history of the Louisbourg and Quebec expeditions, by Major Knox, who served under Generals Amherst and Wolfe.

From the Memoirs of a Minister of France
A fantastic collection of twelve short stories from English novelist Stanley J. Weyman, the 'Prince of Romance', starring King Henry IV of France's prime minister Maximilien de Bethune, duc de Sully.

Chemical History of a Candle
Michael Faraday, one of history's greatest physicists, explains to a young audience the science of candles in a series of fascinating lectures.

Green Flag
A fantastic collection of short stories by the creator of Sherlock Holmes, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, all revolving around tales of war and hunting.

Mansfield Park
Another classic from Jane Austen that was first published in 1814.The novel is about Fanny Price, a poor relation who goes to stay with her wealthy relatives at Mansfield Park.Gradually she starts to fall in love with her cousin Edmund but things start to change when the Crawford's move to the area and the going gets bumpy with the odd heaving bosom and fainting fit thrown in for good measure.As usual with Miss Austen this is a timeless classic.

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Vicente Blasco Ibanez's most famous novel, adapted several times for film, is set in Europe during World War I. A young South American artist moves to Paris when the War breaks out. Ibanez paints a wonderful picture of pre-war Germany and France during the war.

Pagan and Christian Creeds
A fascinating look at the history of Pagan and Christian faiths by prolific philosopher and writer Edward Carpenter.