Outlaw School
Nominated for the 2000 James Tiptree Jr. Memorial AwardIn as gray, industro-technical future of protective shackles and slowed ideas, Jayne wants to be respectable and conform.But conformity means accepting a limited destiny and the hollow entertainments that are brutally enforced as "news".And to be respectable, she must gain back her virginity and give up an eye.Jayne's life is out of control-her reality has teeth and educational drugs and binding tools- and the only cures for her growing dissatisfactionwith a bleak, repressive status quo seem to be madness or legal suicide. Or rebellion.Jayne cannot, will not, be rehabilitated. So instead, she will live her life between lines, illegally encouraging the otherness of the lowly, the renegades, the crazies, the virtual whores, as she dedicates herself to the dangerous cause of outlaw education. There are many pitfalls built into the road Jayne has chosen to walk: failure, betrayal, terror, arrest, cyberia. But her courage and determination could be the catalyst for a new future.

You Said What?
A fascinating, fun, and fact-filled compendium of the greatest lies, deceptions, propaganda, and frauds ever perpetrated Throughout history from the dawn of man to the War on Terror governments, corporations, historians, and high-level braggarts of every stripe have freely engaged in the time-honored pastime of lying for fun and profit. You Said Whatis an endlessly entertaining and outrageously edifying look at some of the biggest whoppers of all time, chock-full of deceptions, trickery, and incredible untruths both infamous and obscure. The press conspiracies that protected FDR's legs, as well as JFK's sex addiction and failing health Lies that caused the Knights Templar fall, the Salem witch trials, and the Black Death Big lies that changed history: Vietnam's Gulf of Tonkin, the Cuban missile crisis, the Polish raid that kicked off WWII . . . and remember the MaineThe self-made, self-serving myths we still believe today of Davy Crockett, Lawrence of Arabia, and Napoleon Plus our own personal pick for History's #1 Biggest Liar . . . and much more! The lies will out! You Said Whatis an indispensable treasure trove of true falsehoods, and an irreverent introduction to the world's greatest lies and the liars who told them.

Curtis - Csibészbiblia
David Walliams eredeti, csavaros és szívhez szóló regénye egy tizenkét éves kislány, Kloé és a padon él? hajléktalan barátságának k?nny- és orrfacsaró t?rténete. Walliams az angol gyerekirodalom legújabb sikerszerz?je - vagy ahogy legt?bbsz?r emlegetik: a 21. század Roald Dahlja, így talán nem meglep?, ha k?nyvét Roald Dahl világhír? illusztrátora, Sir Quentin Blake álmodta képekbe. ?Büd?ss úr büd?s volt. Jobban mondva b?zl?tt. S?t, ha létezne ilyen szó, akkor azt mondhatnánk: b?zd?gl?tt. Nála büd?sebb b?z?s b?zd?gl? nem volt a világon. Igen, amint a nevéb?l is gondolhatjuk, Büd?ss úr meglehet?sen büd?s - de mégis ? az egyetlen ember, aki jó fej Kloéval. ?gy aztán, amikor úgy t?nik, hogy Büd?ss urat elkergethetik a városból, Kloé gondolkodás nélkül elbujtatja ?t a kert végi sufniban. A lány aztán a saját b?rén tapasztalja, hogy bizonyos titkoknak katasztrofális k?vetkezményei lehetnek. ?s ha már a titkoknál tartunk: ha a szimatunk nem csal, Büd?ss úr múltjában is er?sen b?zlik valami...

Sloane Sisters
Style. Sabotage. Sisterhood.When Cate and Andie Sloane's Upper East Side dad met Stella and Lola Childs's British-model mom, nobody thought a transatlantic relationship would last. But then their parents drop the M-bomb—marriage—and it looks like Cate, Andie, Stella, and Lola are going to be one big happy family. Well, big anyway. Meet:Cate Sloane: She dominates the ninth grade at exclusive Ashton Prep. Tantrum-prone and competitive, Cate would rather wear Laura Ashley every day than be second best at anything. Luckily there's not a rival in sight. Yet.Andie Sloane: Twelve-year-old Andie desperately wants to walk the runway. Her face is flawless, and boys flock to her like love-struck sheep. There's just one leetle problem: She's only 4' 11". But with a new supermodel stepmom, she'll be voguing in no time. Right?Stella Childs: With her take-charge attitude and a closet full of supermodel swag, Stella was the It Girl at her London middle school. She's determined to rule Ashton Prep—even if that means dethroning the current queen bee. Can you say British Invasion?Lola Childs: London boys called gawky Lola "Sticks," but she's got a new mission in Manhattan: boyfriend or bust! With the help of her boy-magnet stepsister, Lola sets her sights on supercute Kyle Lewis. Too bad Kyle's only got eyes for . . . Andie.

Witch Week
There are good witches and bad witches, but the law says that all witches must be burned at the stake. So when an anonymous note warns, "Someone in this class is a witch," the students in 6B are nervous—especially the boy who's just discovered that he can cast spells and the girl who was named after the most famous witch of all. Witch Week features the debonair enchanter Chrestomanci, who also appears in Charmed Life, The Magicians of Caprona, and The Lives of Christopber Chant. Someone in the class is a witch. At least so the anonymous note says. Everyone is only too eager to prove it is someone else—because in this society, witches are burned at the stake.

Deadly Games Thrillers
Get all three romantic suspense novels in Lena Diaz's Deadly Games Thrillers series in one e-book, including: He Kills Me, He Kills Me Not, Simon Says Die, and Ashes, Ashes, They All Fall Dead.He Kills Me, He Kills Me Not Four years ago, Amanda Stockton was forced to play a serial killer's twisted game of chance. Since then, she has retreated from the world, bearing the scar from her ordeal and the burden of a terrible secret. But when another woman is found dead, clutching a long-stemmed red rose, Amanda knows she can hide no longer. Simon Says Die Madison McKinley knows someone is stalking her. The police tell her she's imagining things, and they're too busy trying to find the "Simon Says" killer to investigate. But day by day, hour by hour, Madison's terror grows stronger, and not even the return of FBI Special Agent Pierce Buchanan into her life can calm her fears. Besides, how can she ask Pierce for his help after the way she ended things between them?Ashes, Ashes, They All Fall Dead One by one the letters arrive at the FBI office in Savannah, Georgia. Inside, each bears a name a victim of a twisted crime and the singsong phrase Ashes, ashes, they all fall dead. Special Agent Tessa James becomes obsessed with finding the killer whose victims are crying out to her for justice.

Romancing Mister Bridgerton With 2nd Epilogue
Romancing Mister Bridgerton With 2nd Epilogue by Julia Quinn has de*ive copy which is not yet available from the Publisher.

Mozart utolsó áriája
Bár témája miatt a Charles Dickens regényét feldolgozó filmes adaptációkat általában karácsony táján szokták játszani, mi azt ajánljuk, hogy bármikor vegyék kézbe ezt a t?rténetet. Mi Mikes Lajos klasszikus fordításában adjuk k?zre.

?ngerul p?zitor
Actorii, c?nd o sear? le e de tot nefast?,Au obicei s? spuie c? piesa este proast?Al.O. (P?storel) Teodoreanu (1894-1964) Pe patul s?u de moarte, ?ntr-un elegant spital din America, un om ??i retr?ie?te via?a, ?mpreun? cu ?ngerul lui p?zitor. Copil?ria ?i-a petrecut-o ?n Rom?nia, din care a fugit atunci c?nd s-a ivit ocazia. ?n occident, aventurile lui se ?in lan?, cu reu?it? excep?ional?. Asta, ?ns?, pe drumurile murdare, pe care ?i le-a ales. 60 de ani de la terminarea liceului este ocazia unei ?nt?lniri, ?n sala ultimei clase a celor care au supravie?uit. Din 44 de absolven?i, doar 11 au putut fi identifica?i, ?ns? numai 7 au fost prezen?i la jubileul lor. Cu ce se puteau ?ntre?ine, dac? nu cu r?spunsul la ?ntrebarea ?Ce ai f?cut din via?a ta?“B?tr?ne?ea, cu alaiul s?u de suferin?e, nu poate dezr?d?cina cea mai frumoas? floare a omului: prietenia. La anii mul?i aduna?i, ea nu mai poate avea viitor, ci numai trecut. Numai Alec dore?te s? prelungeasc? trecutul, r?pind o parte din viitor.

In the Rogue Blood
The offspring of a whore mother and a homicidal father, Edward and John Little are driven from their home in the Florida swamplands by a sching parent's treacheries, and by a shameful, horrific act that will haunt their dreams for the rest of their days. Joining the swelling ranks of the rootless—wandering across an almost surreal bloodland populated by the sorrowfully lost and defiantly damned—two brothers are separated by death and circumstance in the lawless "Dixie City" of New Orelans, and dispatched by destiny to opposing sides in a fierce and desperate territorial struggled between Mexico and the United States. And a family bond tempered in hot blood is tested in the cruel, all-consuming fires of war and conscience.With soaring and masterful prose, James Carlos Blake brings to life an enthralling historical time and place—and a cast of memorable characters—in a stunning tale of dark instinct, blood reckoning, and fates forged in the zeal of America's "Manifest Destiny."

Growing Up Black
A classic work on the African-American experience is revised for the nineties with essays reflecting the concerns of black children from the last three decades and commentary from today's sports stars, politicians, and inner-city gang members.

Divinity Road
Divinity Road

Brief an den Vater
Brief an den Vater

Csodák logikája
Szoboszlay Tamás százados a nyilas hatalomátvétel napján érkezik haza szül?városába, Budapestre, egy osztrák katonai kórházból. R?vid id?n belül egyértelm?vé válik, hogy számára már nem csak az oroszok ellen folyik a háború, hanem a hazáját megszálló sz?vetséges német hadsereggel szemben is. Az események sodrásában találkozik gyerekkori barátjával, akinek segít elbújtatni zsidó származású mennyasszonyát. Majd régi szerelmével is ?sszehozza a sors, akivel még nem zárta le a múltat. Pár héttel kés?bb már nem csak szerelméért, hanem az életben maradásért is küzdenie kell, az oroszok által ostromlott magyar f?városban.

Rejtekhely Párizsban
Miután Magyarország vesztesként került ki a II. világháborúból, szovjet megszállás alá került. Az ország egy részét elcsatolták, a háborút k?vet? z?rzavaros évek a kilátástalanságba taszították az embereket. A sztálini diktatóra folyamatos er?s?dése és kiteljesedése k?zepette a magyar nép nem vesztette el büszkeségét. T?rték sorsukat, rettegtek és reménykedtek egy szebb életért. Az ?VH kegyetlen pribékjeinek álandó fenyeget? árnyékából az egyetemisták és a munkások végül megelégelték sorsukat. A békés tüntetésb?l véres forradalom bontakozott ki. A város fellázadt a diktatóra ellen, és ismét harcoktól visszhangoztak az utcák.

Fire and Ice
New York Times bestselling author J.A. Jance brings her two best-loved series characters together as Beaumont and Brady investigate a pair of cases that cross state lines Seattle investigator J.P. Beaumont is working a series of murders in which six young women have been wrapped in tarps, doused with gasoline and set on fire. Their charred remains have been scattered around various dump sites, creating a grisly pattern of death across western Washington. At the same time, thousands of miles away in the Arizona desert, Cochise County sheriff Joanna Brady is looking into a homicide in which the elderly caretaker of an ATV park was run over and left to die. All the man has left behind is his dog, who is the improbable witness to some kind of turf warfare – or something more sinister. But, here, as the threads of their two seemingly seperate cases wind together, Beaumont and Brady must put aside echoes of their shared past as they are once again drawn into an orbit of deception. Except this time it’s not just their own lives that are in danger but those of the people closest to them as well.

365 de zile care au marcat istoria omenirii
Cum se percepe o femeie pe sine ?ns??i sau cum – prin ce lentile distorsionante, cu ce preconcep?ii induse de o educa?ie cvasipatriarhal? – ?i vede ea pe ceilal?i? Care sunt grani?ele libert??ii ei de op?iune ?i ce obstacole ?nt?lne?te voin?a ei de a juca alte roluri dec?t acelea ce i sunt tradi?ional atribuite? Poate o femeie – mai bine zis, i se ?ng?duie – s? aspire a fi ?i altceva dec?t mam?, sor?, fiic?, so?ie etc. – atribute care o descriu doar din perspectiva rela?iilor ei cu al?ii, nu prin ceea ce este ea ?ns??i?! Sunt ?ntreb?ri identificabile ?n ?es?tura narativ? a c?r?ilor Cellei Serghi. Eroinele acestei autoare se revolt? ?mpotriva unei ordini sociale rigide, vor s? ?i afirme identitatea – feminin? ?i nu doar –, impulsionate nu at?t de mult invocata fantasm? a ?c?ut?rii fericirii“ (tem? asociat? de critic?, ?n virtutea unei iner?ii de judecat?, a?a numitei ?literaturi feminine“), c?t de o fireasc?, omeneasc? nevoie de integrare ?i de recunoa?tere.

The Independence of Miss Mary Bennet
By the author of the hugely successful ‘The Thorn Birds’ It is a truth universally acknowledged that anyone who loved PRIDE AND PREJUDICE will want to know what happened to the Bennet sisters… Twenty years on, Jane has a happy marriage and large family; Lizzy and Mr Darcy now have a formidable social reputation; Lydia has a reputation of quite another kind; Kitty is much in demand in London’s parlours and ballrooms; but what of Mary? Mary is quietly celebrating her independence, having nursed her ailing mother for many years. She decides to write a book to bring the plight of the poor to everyone’s attention. But with more resolve than experience, as she sets out to travel around the country, it’s not only her family who are concerned about her. Marriage may be far from her mind, but what if she were to meet the one man whose own fiery articles infuriate the politicians and industrialists? And what if when she starts to ask similar questions, she unwittingly places herself in great danger?

Don't Be Scared
ris Birze is an unusual guy. Two years ago he began a journey towards financial independence following principles he found in various self-development books. All he had to do was to enliven those principles, it seemed, and success would inevitably come. So ris read, listened and tried almost everything that others shared with him - in the end only to find an entirely different kind of fortune. A rich life, lead by truly meaningful goals, with people whom he loves nearby. With the ability to freely sayYesandNowithout the sense of guilt or regret. And without fear.Don't Be Scaredcontains ris's notes written during a ten-day stay at an ashram in Rishikesh, India, which speak of solitude and battling out one's inner conflicts."These ten days changed the way I see life, because I made a choice which determined how I will proceed further. Making a decision is one way to take 100% responsibility for your life, and this is my wish to you:Always find the strength in yourself to make decisions with awareness, and never say that you don't care. If you live, you are of value to the world, create something beautiful, powerful, useful, and tell me about it, because, even if no one else will, I WILL pat you on your shoulder and say:AWESOME, keep it going."The notes really are raw. Later editing has been kept to a minimum as no one thought it a good idea to try to make a neat picture out of a messy reality. Because questioning oneself is not a neat process, as those of us who have ever done it would undoubtedly confirm.

Discovering the Body
Discovering the Body is a gripping novel filled with psychological suspense, sensitivity, and emotional complexity. With this stunning debut, Mary Howard has crafted an electrifying and hauntingly evocative novel of truth and perception, of the ties we tell others-and the lies we tell ourselves.Two years ago Linda Garbo left her graphic design job in Minneapolis to open a printmaking studio in a small town in Iowa with the encouragement of Luci Cole, a weaver and an old friend from art school. Arriving in Linden Grove for good, Linda agrees to stay with Luci and her boyfriend, Charlie, in their old farmhouse outside of town until the renovations to her new studio space are completed. But the following afternoon as she is driving down the long winding road toward Luci's house, Linda sees Luci's neighbor, Peter Garvey, walking out the front door-and when Linda enters the house a few minutes later, she discovers her friend's lifeless body on the kitchen floor.Now, two years later, Peter Garvey has been convicted of Luci's murder. Linda is married to Charlie and living in the very house where Luci died. And she is convinced someone is following her. As she begins to confront her fears-approaching the man she believes is spying on her, visiting Peter Garvey in prison-she finally faces the cause for her frequent panic attacks: she was too traumatized by her discovery of Luci's body to be a reliable witness. And if she's identified the wrong man, the killer may still be close by, ready to react if she admits she might have made a mistake. Compelled to unravel the mystery surrounding Luci's final days, Linda finds that Luci was a master at weaving her true colors into a complex tapestry, preferring involvements that required secrecy.A beautifully crafted tour de force of significant depth, passion, and power, Discovering the Body is a completely beguiling meditation on perception, loss, memory, and redemption whose conclusion proves to be as significantly haunting as it is satisfying.

Zymurgy: Best Articles
Since 1978, Zymurgy magazine, official journal of the American Homebrewers Association, has served homebrewers with recipes, practical tips, debates, lore and entertainment. Now Charlie Papazian, founder of the magazine and first name in homebrewing, has combed through classic issues of Zymurgy for this unprecedented collection, packed with popular, timeless homebrewing wisdom for beginners and advanced homebrewers alike--Award-winning homebrew recipes, and recipes that use your brew as a cook ingredientWhats in your water--and why finding out can make all the difference to your beerHow to make exotic brews like stone beer, Swedish gotlandscrika or Dusseldorf AltbierSwitching to gain brewing--all you need to know about malts and malt extractHow to make authentic English bitters and serve it properly at homeHow to construct a homemade bottle fillerExperimenting wit herbs, spices and different strains of yeast for new tastes in your home brewAnd, much, much more!