

Natchez Burning
Natchez Burning
Iles, Greg
Natchez Burning by Greg Iles has de*ive copy which is not yet available from the Publisher.
The Kind Worth Killing
The Kind Worth Killing
Swanson, Peter
“Shares a lot of Gone Girl’s hallmarks but cranks up the volume . . . ”—Entertainment WeeklyOn a flight from London to Boston, Ted Severson meets the stunning Lily Kintner. Over martinis, the strangers play a game in which they reveal intimate details about themselves. But what begins as playful banter between Ted and Lily takes a turn when Ted claims, half-seriously, that he would like to kill his wife. Then Lily surprises him by saying that she’d like to help.Back in Boston, Ted and Lily forge an unusual bond and talk about the ways Ted can get out of his marriage. But Lily has her own dark history she’s not sharing with Ted. As Ted begins to fall in love with Lily, he grows anxious about any holes in their scheme that could give them away. And suddenly the two are pulled into a very lethal game of cat and mouse, one in which both are not likely to survive when all is said and done.“[It] would have made a great Hitchcock movie.”—Fort Worth Star-Telegram“Extraordinarily well-written.”—Nelson DeMille
Cane and Abe
Cane and Abe
Grippando, James
In this spellbinding new novel of suspense from New York Times bestselling author James Grippando, Miami's top prosecutor becomes a prime suspect in his wife's disappearance, which may have a chilling connection to the woman he can't forget.Unbelievable was the word for her. Samantha Vine was unbelievably beautiful. It was unbelievable that she'd married me. Even more unbelievable that she was gone. . . .Samantha died too soon. Abe Beckham's new wife has helped him through the loss, but some say it was a step back for Abe to marry Angelina, a love from his past. Abe doesn't want to hear it, and he's even managed to remain a star prosecutor at the Miami State Attorney's Office through his ups and downs.Then everything goes wrong. A woman's body is discovered dumped in the Everglades, and Abe is called upon to monitor the investigation. The FBI is tracking a killer in South Florida they call "Cutter" because his brutal methods hark back to Florida's dark past, when machete-wielding men cut sugarcane by hand in the blazing sun.When Angelina goes missing, the respected attorney finds himself under fire. Suspicion surrounds him. His closest friends, family, professional colleagues, and the media no longer trust his motives. Was Angelina rightWas their marriage not what they'd hoped for because he loved Samantha too muchOr was there another woman . . . and a husband with a dark side who simply wanted his new wife gone?
Egyikünk hazudik
Egyikünk hazudik
Sharon Bolton
Rudi mind?ssze 18 éves volt, amikor dolgozni kezdett a f?városi éjszakában. Egy men? belvárosi diszkó pohárszed?jeként alig tízezer forint volt a fizetése. Az évek során azonban egyre feljebb került a ranglétrán, s mire észbe kapott, a budapesti alvilág egyik kulcsfigurájának, az éjszaka császárának is nevezett Tolnai Tamás legbels?bb k?rében találta magát. A politikusokat és rend?r?ket a kezében tartó, üzleti riválisait brutális módszerekkel megsemmisít? f?n?kre apaként nézett fel, mellette érett férfivá. Neki k?sz?nhette az ekkor már másfélmilliós havi bérét, a 80 százalékos tisztaságú kokaint, a glammodelleknek álcázott prostituáltak és gengszterek társaságát, meg egy 38-as kaliber? Smith & Wessont. Rudi vakon k?vette f?n?két a t?rvénytelenség útján. Bár id?vel sejtette, a vesztébe rohan, csak akkor mert szembeszállni vele, amikor kis híján halálra késelték. De ekkor már ahhoz is volt elég bátorsága, hogy saját szabadságáért cserébe elárulja valamikor eszményképét, az éjszaka császárát. Igaz t?rténet alapján.
Glorii ?i p?cate Bucure?tene
Glorii ?i p?cate Bucure?tene
Șenchea Corneliu
Al treilea roman din seria Hacker. Povestea lui Blake si a Ericai continua: seductie, gelozie si tradare… ? Blake Landon, un magnat al domeniului software, si-a gasit perechea in persoana incapatanatei Erica Hathaway. Desi firea lui autoritara se lupta fara incetare cu spiritul ei independent, Blake nici nu se gandeste s-o mai lase vreodata sa plece din viata lui.? Erica i-a daruit lui Blake toata increderea si dragostea ei, hotarand sa depaseasca impreuna orice obstacol. Dar cand el ii cere mai mult si-i pune la incercare limitele devotamentului, ea se vede silita sa-i infrunte dorintele intunecate.? In timp ce legatura dintre cei doi devine tot mai stransa, dusmanii le dau tarcoale.? Va supravietui relatia lor odata ce inamicii lui Blake intrec masura si nu le mai ameninta doar afacerile? ? ?Meredith Wild are talentul extraordinar de a descrie acele momente din viata si din relatiile de iubire care adesea raman nespuse. Scoate la iveala detalii cu o semnificatie profunda.“ - Heroes and Heartbreakers? ? ?Meredith Wild este o magiciana a cuvintelor. Tesatura scrisului ei este uimitoare, delicata, provocatoare si seducatoare. Personajele ei sunt complexe. Cand sufera, si tu suferi. Cand iubesc, si tu iubesti.“ - Goodreads ? Meredith Wild este o autoare de bestselleruri romance New York Times si USA Today. Alaturi de celebra serie Hacker, a scris seriile de mare succes Bridge si Misadventures.? Locuieste pe coasta Floridei, impreuna cu sotul si cei trei copii. Spune despre sine ca este dependenta de tehnologie, ca-i place whisky-ul si e o romantica incurabila.? Cand nu traieste in lumea imaginara a personajelor sale, poate fi gasita pe www.meredithwild.com.? ? De aceeasi autoare, la Editura Trei au aparut primele doua romane din seria Hacker: Atractie fatala si Intalnire periculoasa. ? ?Felul in care scrie Meredith Wild te vrajeste, pur si simplu.“ - Never Ending Book Basket
Copil la ru?i
Copil la ru?i
Butnaru Leo
De sorginte autobiografic?, acest roman ?ocant constituie un document al vie?ii ?n Vestul Imperiului Sovietic. Scris ?ntr-un stil extrem de viu, articula?ia frazei fiind de o simplitate tu?ant?, Leo Butnaru, unul dintre cei mai importan?i scriitori rom?ni din Basarabia, ne ofer? o oper? literar? de prim raft.
Dezastrul de la Cernob?l. M?rturii ale supravie?uitorilor
Dezastrul de la Cernob?l. M?rturii ale supravie?uitorilor
Svetlana Aleksievici
Autoare laureat? a Premiului Costa pentru roman de debutCartea lui Christie Watson vorbe?te despre iubirea matern? ?n cele mai felurite reprezent?ri ale sale, dar prezint? ?i lumea exotic? a Nigeriei, cu senza?iile, culorile ?i mirosurile care o definesc.?Elijah, un b?ie?el nigerian de ?apte ani, n?scut ?n Anglia, se lupt? cu propriul comportament deviant, pe care ?l consider? provocat de un vr?jitor din?untrul s?u.?Aflat ?n plin proces de adop?ie, Elijah este ?mp?r?it ?ntre iubirea pentru mama biologic?, Deborah, ?i cea adoptiv?, Nikki. La un moment dat, asisten?ii sociali descoper? c? Elijah a fost abuzat ?i traumatizat fizic ?i psihic.??n lupta lui de a se accepta ?i de a-?i g?si lini?tea al?turi de noua sa familie, Elijah vrea s? se conving?, totu?i, de dragostea lui Deborah, iar pre?ul pe care ?l pl?te?te este devastator."Watson?zugr?ve?te portretul unei lumi sf??iate de conflicte legate de credin??, ras? sau apartenen?a la o categorie social?. Cartea devine tot mai conving?toare ?i adesea, ?n mod nea?teptat, cap?t? accente comice pe m?sur? ce personajele pline de via?? insufl? umor ?i autenticitate unei pove?ti pe alocuri teribil de dureroase." – New York Times Book Review"Watson?creeaz? o suit? de personaje extraordinare ?i construie?te o poveste remarcabil? despre dragostea familial? pe fundalul tensiunilor sociale." – Booklist"O carte sofisticat?, scris? pe mai multe planuri, care vorbe?te despre ce ?nseamn? cu adev?rat o familie ?i despre ceea ce trebuie s? facem pentru cei pe care ?i iubim." - Kirkus Reviews "Christie Watson?dovede?te o profund? ?n?elegere a experien?elor prin care poate trece un copil ca Elijah ?i ??i trateaz? personajele cu mult? empatie. Indiscutabil, Acolo unde femeile sunt regi are o for?? uria??." - Publishers Weekly?
Echo Of Danger
Echo Of Danger
Marta Perry
In peaceful Pennsylvania Dutch country, a young mother discovers a shocking danger—and an unexpected ally A whisper of a threat looms over widow Deidre Morris. She and her young son have unwittingly become prisoners of her intimidating father-in-law’s power. One wrong step could find her son torn from her and in the hands of the influential judge. But when Deidre collides with an intriguing stranger, the prospect of a new friendship gives her renewed hope…until a devastating murder rocks the quiet community of Echo Falls and Deidre learns first impressions can’t be trusted. Attorney Jase Glassman’s assignment is straightforward: befriend Deidre, gather incriminating evidence…and allow her dogged father-in-law to take custody of her child. Anything else, including losing himself in her honest charm, will compromise the job he was hired to do. Yet when a murderer ushers danger into the town, Jase’s only instinct is to protect Deidre and her son—no matter the sacrifice.
The Summer That Made Us
The Summer That Made Us
Robyn Carr
A perfect family masks the darkest of secrets in this emotional, compelling novel about lies, loyalty - and how the past can hold us captive. That was then… For the Hempsteads, two sisters who married two brothers and had three daughters each, summers were idyllic. Escaping the city the moment the school holidays started, the two families would gather at their holiday home on Lake Waseka: a magical haven, where everyday problems drifted away in sun-dappled contentment. Until the summer that changed everything. This is now… After a drowning turned the lake house into a site of tragedy and grief, it was closed up for good. Torn apart, none of the Hempsteads speak of what happened that summer. Just one woman is determined to draw her family together again. But she knows that the only way that can happen is to face the truth. And to do that, they must return to the lake house.
Life Of Lies
Life Of Lies
Sharon Sala
Fame, fortune…and a fatal obsession Sahara Travis is used to being worshipped by adoring fans, but now someone is fixated on her in a dangerous way. After multiple attempts on her life, she reluctantly agrees to hire a security specialist for her protection, though the last thing she wants is some burly bodyguard invading her personal space. Former army ranger Brendan McQueen's job is to keep the starlet safe and track down her would-be assassin. But when Sahara receives news that her estranged mother has been murdered and her father, the top suspect, is missing, Brendan quickly realizes this is a much more serious case than your average celebrity stalker. With Brendan and her devoted assistant, Lucy, in tow, Sahara returns to her family estate in New Orleans to uncover the identity of her attempted killer before he can close in on his final target.
Cowboy Blues (A Wrangler’s Creek Novel, Book 12)
Cowboy Blues (A Wrangler’s Creek Novel, Book 12)
Delores Fossen
He promised he’d stay away…but he can’t resist keeping her close Setting rules and following them to the letter is part of cowboy Nick Haskins’s code. It keeps life uncomplicated, and his heart intact. The love he had for his high school sweetheart is ashes in the wind, but he’s not counting on her twin, Lindsay Gavin, to show up on his ranch—or in his dreams. Lindsay’s got a code of her own: hands off her sister’s guy. But now that Nick is free to share his bunkhouse and his bed, she can’t help but take what he’s offering. There’s no harm in satisfying years worth of curiosity. There’s no shame in indulging in the sexiest fun of her life. Only, when Nick and Lindsay let desire set fire to the rules, will they both end up getting burned?
Cowboy's Legacy (The Montana Cahills, Book 3)
Cowboy's Legacy (The Montana Cahills, Book 3)
B.J. Daniels
Nothing will stop a Cahill cowboy from protecting what's his After a rocky marriage and even rockier divorce, Sheriff Flint Cahill finally has something good in his life again. Maggie Thompson's down-to-earth charm and beautiful smile hooked him from the start. When she disappears on the day they plan to start their lives together, all signs point to abduction—and his ex-wife. Functioning on adrenaline and instinct, Flint must call on his every resource to bring Maggie home before it's too late. His past and future are blurred. Maggie's only chance at surviving her abductor and a raging winter storm depends on an old vendetta that could destroy it all. But the Cahills don't give up easily, and Flint's love will have to be strong enough to conquer anything, including the unimaginable.
Cowboy Heartbreaker (A Wrangler’s Creek Novel, Book 11)
Cowboy Heartbreaker (A Wrangler’s Creek Novel, Book 11)
Delores Fossen
This bad-boy cowboy doesn’t know what to do with a good girl—but after one night together, he sure isn’t ready to let go… Commiserating over a mutual friend leaving town, best pals since childhood Ryder Crowley and Allie Devlin wind up drowning their sorrows in booze—and each other. For Allie, Wrangler’s Creek’s resident good girl, it’s a secret fantasy come true. She’s been aiming to finally change her straitlaced reputation and knows a night with Ryder will do the trick. She just didn't count on wanting so much more… Bad-boy ranch hand Ryder is no stranger to one-night stands, but this is different. This is Allie. She’s not the kind of girl you love and leave, and that’s all he knows. But when Allie tempts him with a naughty, no-strings-attached weekend, Ryder can’t resist, soon realizing Allie might have his heart more tied up than he ever thought possible.
Tangled Destinies
Tangled Destinies
Diana Palmer
Passion and danger collide in a breathless story from New York Times bestselling author Diana Palmer. Saved from an abduction and unthinkable harm, Gabrielle Bennett owed her life to her rescuer. Marc Stephano, a stranger from the sketchy shadows of town, could’ve asked for money. Instead he introduced her to desire and claimed her completely—then he broke her heart. Older, wiser, and now a top New York model, Gabrielle is prepared for anything—except Marc’s reemergence into her life. It’s a merciless trick of fate. A successful, self-made millionaire, he’s as powerful as ever, but can Gabrielle forgive and forget – in the name of love?
Until You Loved Me (Silver Springs, Book 3)
Until You Loved Me (Silver Springs, Book 3)
Brenda Novak
Sometimes starting over means finding everything you've been missing… After catching her fiance cheating – with another man – straight-laced, workaholic Ellie Fisher liberates her wild side just long enough to indulge in a passionate one-night stand with a tall, dark stranger she never quite catches the name of. Embarrassed by her recklessness, she hopes never to see him again…until a pregnancy test turns positive. Professional football player, Hudson King has always been cautious around women. But this one seemed different – so disinterested in his celebrity and genuinely interested in him. But when Ellie tracks him down, claiming she's carrying his baby, he's stunned. But after growing up as an orphan, he'll do anything to stay involved in his child's life, so he urges Ellie to move to Silver Springs, where they can co-parent. Hudson has a lot of love to give, certainly enough for his child, and when their initial spark reignites, perhaps for Ellie, too…
Lie To Me: a gripping thriller with a shocking twist!
Lie To Me: a gripping thriller with a shocking twist!
J.T. Ellison
Domestic noir at its best. Readers will devour this stunningpage-turner about the disintegration of a marriage as grief, jealousy,betrayal and murder destroy the facade of the perfect literary couple. New York Times bestselling author J.T. Ellison takes her exceptional writing to a new level with this breakout novel. They built a life on lies Sutton and Ethan Montclair's idyllic life is not as it appears. They seem made for each other, but the truth is ugly. Consumed by professional andpersonal betrayals and financial woes, the two both love and hate eachother. As tensions mount, Sutton disappears, leaving behind a notesaying not to look for her. Ethan finds himself the target ofvicious gossip as friends, family and the media speculate on what really happened to Sutton Montclair. As the police investigate, the lies thecouple have been spinning for years quickly unravel. Is Ethan a killer?Is he being set up? Did Sutton hate him enough to kill the child shenever wanted and then herself? The path to the answers is full of twists that will leave the reader breathless.
Red Clover Inn (Swift River Valley, Book 7)
Red Clover Inn (Swift River Valley, Book 7)
Carla Neggers
New York Times bestselling author Carla Neggers delivers an irresistible story about love, family and finding a place to call home.. Marine archaeologist Charlotte Bennett is no stranger to risk, but her dives into sunken wreckage are always meticulously planned. However, being the maid of honor in her cousin Samantha's English wedding gives her a new perspective on her life as a nomad who's given up on romance altogether. Though an encounter with roguish wedding guest Greg Rawlings leaves her unsettled, the other people she meets make a trip to the tranquil town of Knights Bridge, Massachusetts, enticing. Acting on impulse, Charlotte offers to house-sit at Red Clover Inn while Sam and Justin Sloan are away on their honeymoon. The quaint inn isn't open to the public yet and Charlotte will have quiet time to plan her next project. It might also give her a chance to see how her cousin found love and a sense of family. But the peace is immediately disrupted when Greg shows up at the inn. The Diplomatic Security Service agent lives a dangerous life, and he, too, wants to clear his head before his next assignment. Juggling work, raising his two teenage children and nursing a wounded heart has left him jaded, and the last thing he expects is to find himself falling for the willful Charlotte. As the attraction between them flares, Charlotte realizes she might be in too deep. And each of them must decide if they can put love first before it's too late.
Race Against Time
Race Against Time
Sharon Sala
Sometimes fate brings you together…only to tear you apart Growing up in the foster system, Quinn O'Meara made a point of never getting involved. But when she discovers a crying baby amid a fiery crime scene, she knows she has no choice. Suddenly in way over her head, Quinn turns to the police, unintentionally positioning herself in the crosshairs of a deadly human-trafficking ring. The last time homicide detective Nick Saldano saw Quinn, she was still the young girl he'd shared a foster home with. The girl who'd loved and cared for him when no one else had. Now here she was, gorgeously all grown-up—and in terrible danger. Unwilling to lose her again, Nick insists on keeping Quinn close, especially when the bond they once shared heatedly slides into desire. Quinn finally has someone worth holding on to, but what kind of future can they have when she might not live to see tomorrow?
Indigo Lake (Ransom Canyon, Book 6)
Indigo Lake (Ransom Canyon, Book 6)
Jodi Thomas
Two families long divided by an ancient feud. Can a powerful love finally unite them? Blade Hamilton is the last of his line. He's never even heard of Crossroads, Texas, until he inherits land there. Riding in on his vintage Harley-Davidson, Blade finds a weathered ranch house, an empty prairie and a dark river that cuts a decisive path between the Hamiltons' land and that of their estranged neighbours. When Dakota helps a stranger on the roadside, she isn't prepared for the charisma of the man on the motorbike—or for the last name he bears: Hamilton—her family's sworn enemies, representing all she's been raised to loathe. The problem is, it looks like Blade is in town to stay, and there's something about his wolf-grey eyes she just can't ignore. Lauren Brigman feels adrift. Unhappy in work and unlucky in love, she knows she ought to be striving for more, but she's never truly at peace unless she's at home in Crossroads. If the wider world can't satisfy her, is home truly where her heart is?
Lilac Lane (A Chesapeake Shores Novel, Book 14)
Lilac Lane (A Chesapeake Shores Novel, Book 14)
Sherryl Woods
With her roots firmly planted in the South, Sherryl Woods has written many of her more than 100 books in that distinctive setting, whether in her home state of Virginia, her adopted state, Florida, or her much-adored South Carolina. Sherryl is best known for her ability to creating endearing small town communities and families. She is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over 75 romances for Silhouette Desire and Special Edition.
Cast In Deception
Cast In Deception
Michelle Sagara
Michelle Sagara writes as Michelle Sagara, Michelle West, and has been published as Michelle Sagara West. She lives in Toronto with her family and Way Too Many Books. She does read ebooks, but started reading when ebooks didn’t exist, and can’t quite bear to part with the physical books, which she has been known to weep over, throw, or clutch tightly like a gleeful, maniacal fiend. When she was six, she believed that every book in existence was written and drawn by hand, and she was very, very frustrated that her attempts to write a book never looked as perfect as the books she loved, no matter how much she practiced writing the letters. Oddly enough, as a writer she has learned that it is impossible to write the perfect book, but she keeps trying.