

Jane Austen
A few years ago, while visiting or, rather, rummaging about Notre-Dame, the author of this book found, in an obscure nook of one of the towers, the following word, engraved by hand upon the wall:— ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ANArKH. These Greek capitals, black with age, and quite deeply graven in the stone, with I know not what signs peculiar to Gothic caligraphy imprinted upon their forms and upon their attitudes, as though with the purpose of revealing that it had been a hand of the Middle Ages which had inscribed them there, and especially the fatal and melancholy meaning contained in them, struck the author deeply. He questioned himself; he sought to divine who could have been that soul in torment which had not been willing to quit this world without leaving this stigma of crime or unhappiness upon the brow of the ancient church. Afterwards, the wall was whitewashed or scraped down, I know not which, and the inscription disappeared. For it is thus that people have been in the habit of proceeding with the marvellous churches of the Middle Ages for the last two hundred years. Mutilations come to them from every quarter, from within as well as from without. The priest whitewashes them, the archdeacon scrapes them down; then the populace arrives and demolishes them. Thus, with the exception of the fragile memory which the author of this book here consecrates to it, there remains to-day nothing whatever of the mysterious word engraved within the gloomy tower of Notre-Dame,—nothing of the destiny which it so sadly summed up. The man who wrote that word upon the wall disappeared from the midst of the generations of man many centuries ago; the word, in its turn, has been effaced from the wall of the church; the church will, perhaps, itself soon disappear from the face of the earth. It is upon this word that this book is founded.
Little Women
Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
In offering this study to a public accustomed only to the unquestioning acceptance of the home as something perfect, holy, quite above discussion, a word of explanation is needed. First, let it be clearly and definitely stated, the purpose of this book is to maintain and improve the home. Criticism there is, deep and thorough; but not with the intention of robbing us of one essential element of home life—rather of saving us from conditions not only unessential, but gravely detrimental to home life. Every human being should have a home; the single person his or her home; and the family their home. The home should offer to the individual rest, peace, quiet, comfort, health, and that degree of personal expression requisite; and these conditions should be maintained by the best methods of the time. The home should be to the child a place of happiness and true development; to the adult a place of happiness and that beautiful reinforcement of the spirit needed by the world's workers. We are here to perform our best service to society, and to find our best individual growth and expression; a right home is essential to both these uses. The place of childhood's glowing memories, of youth's ideals, of the calm satisfaction of mature life, of peaceful shelter for the aged; this is not attacked, this we shall not lose, but gain more universally. What is here asserted is that our real home life is clogged and injured by a number of conditions which are not necessary, which are directly inimical to the home; and that we shall do well to lay these aside. As to the element of sanctity—that which is really sacred can bear examination, no darkened room is needed for real miracles; mystery and shadow belong to jugglers, not to the truth. The home is a human institution. All human institutions are open to improvement. This specially dear and ancient one, however, we have successfully kept shut, and so it has not improved as have some others.
Planet of Dreams
Planet of Dreams
James Mckimmey
Strumming a harp while floating on a white cloud might be Paradise for some people, but it would bore others stiff. Given an unlimited chance to choose your ideal world, what would you specify—palaces or log cabins? I'll take beer, son, and thanks again for the offer. As you can see, I'm kinda down on my luck. I know what you're thinking, but I'm not really on the bum. I usually make out all right—nothing fancy, mind you, but it's a living. Odd jobs in the winter and spring, follow the harvests in the summer and fall. Things are slack right now.You? Electronics, huh? Used to know a fellow in electronics.... His name was Joe Shannon, used to work for Stellar Electric up in Fremont. Young fellow, not more'n twenty-five or so. Rail thin, wispy hair, serious look—you know, the one suit, absent-minded type. Joe was a brain. A triple-A, gold-plated, genuine genius. Had a wife named Marge. Not beautiful but pretty and a nice figure and a cook you never saw the likes of. Like I say, she was married to Joe but Joe was married to his work and after you'd been around a while, you could tell there was friction. But that ain't the beginning.
Az ?rd?ng?s?k
Az ?rd?ng?s?k
Fjodor Mihajlovics Dosztojevszkij
A ?libertas optima rerum” jelentése: ?szabadság mindenek felett”. A k?tet els? részében megismert f?h?s – e jelmondat jegyében – nem is adja fel: kitartóan keresi tovább az egyén, az alkotó, a haza, az emberiség szabadsága felé vezet? utat. Azonban szabad-e egy szétszórt, megbízhatatlan fiúnak maga m?g?tt hagynia mindent, és szerencsét próbálnia egy ismeretlen nagyvárosban? Szabad-e egy vészterhes korszakban harsányan bírálni az elnyomást és a fennálló rendszer igazságtalanságát? Szabad-e egy szárnypróbálgató írónak a saját feje után mennie, és azt írnia, amit ? akar, úgy, ahogyan ? akarja? A szabadság drága kincs. De vajon mennyire az? Mekkora árat kell fizetni érte?
Evolu?ia unei revolu?ii. Bazele psihoterapiei ra?ional-emotive
Evolu?ia unei revolu?ii. Bazele psihoterapiei ra?ional-emotive
Albert Ellis McMahon, James Vernon
Lauren Hope a fiatal, gyönyör?, és céltudatos n? minden kétséget kizáróan hisz benne. Két nagy álma van: sikeres író szeretne lenni, és meg akarja ismerni az igaz szerelmet, melyr?l a nagy könyvekben írnak. Egy nap messzire utazik abban a reményben, hogy fájdalmait maga mögött hagyhatja. Akkor még nem is sejti, hogy ez az utazás alapjaiban változtatja meg az életét. Távol otthonától a véletlennek köszönhet?en megismerkedik egy titokzatos, jókép? zenésszel. Dylan Duprés, a biztonságot sugárzó férfi, Lauren álmainak lehetséges megvalósítója, egyben minden probléma forrása. Vajon milyen hatással lesz Lauren életére ennek a rejtélyes férfinek a felbukkanása? Elképzelhet?, hogy mindkét álma valóra válik? És ha választania kell? Zsarnai Beáta - a N?k Lapjához tartozó Cafeblog kiemelt bloggerének - els? regénye a sors hatalmáról.
Old Greek Stories
Old Greek Stories
Baldwin, James
A fantastic collection of 15 ancient Greek myths compiled by American editor and author James Baldwin.
History of the French Revolution
History of the French Revolution
Mignet, Francois
Francois Mignet's 'Histoire de la revolution francaise' is a study of the events that caused a huge shift of power in France around the turn of the 19th Century.This was primarily a study of the theories and ideologies behind the events, rather than a factual record.
Homer and His Age
Homer and His Age
Lang, Andrew
A fantastic look at the life and times of the ancient Greek epic poet Homer by famed anthropologist Andrew Lang.
Secret of El Dorado City
Secret of El Dorado City
Atallah, Maria Teresa
Maia lives in the tropical country of Guyana, South America. Her adventures begin when she is left a treasure box by her beloved Granny Harriet. Within the box is a map of the ancient lost city of El Dorado, the City of Gold. At the centre of the city is a magnificent golden-barked oak tree called The Tree of El. Maia is following in the footsteps of a long line of explorers who have faced danger and hardship in their search for the fabulous treasure. Journey with her as she discovers The Secret of El Dorado City: The Tree of El.
Fergusson, Anna
Tomorrow it will be Ben's mum's birthday, and Ben has an idea. He whispers the idea to his dad, and he agrees to help. While Mum is safely out of the house, they slip into the kitchen, put on their aprons and set to work. It is important that she doesn't guess what they are up to, but the next morning she is in for a big surprise. This illustrated book has five different stories about five year old Ben and the adventures he has with his family and at school. Also included are the recipes that have been used in the book.
Legends of Babylon and Egypt
Legends of Babylon and Egypt
King, Leonard W.
A fascinating look at the ancient Babylonian and Egyptian mythologies, and how they relate to the Hebraic religions.
Book One of Five
Book One of Five
Hughes, David
David Hughes presents five intriguing short stories in which scheming and plotting are uniting themes. In 'Dragon Lady' a young boy is unwittingly used as a drugs mule by his manipulative grandmother; 'Jail Break' tells how a group of convicts were able to wrong-foot the British security services and carry out a ferocious terrorist attack in the heart of London; and in 'Miss Susan & Sian' a teenage girl turns person smuggler when she transports a Chinese boy back to England from Hong Kong. Coach travel may never have the same attraction after reading 'Murder on the 501 Coach'; and the final story, 'Cromwell the Return', explores how a modern-day military takeover might be what Britain needs before the corruption can be stopped and common sense once again prevails.
Legends that Every Child Should Know
Legends that Every Child Should Know
Mabie, Hamilton Wright
A fantastic collection of 19 essential mythological tales for children, from Beowulf, to the death of King Arthur, to the Legend of Sleepy Hollow.
Book Two of Five
Book Two of Five
Hughes, David
David Hughes presents a further five intriguing short stories in which scheming and plotting are uniting themes. 'Osama bin Laden's Children' tells how the male offspring of the head of the Islamist militant group al-Qaeda may have been hidden away and groomed by the elders to work undercover in enemy countries; 'Black Rain' shows how two opposing gangs could be used to unwittingly provide cover for other, more sinister organisations in the heart of London; and in 'Coma' a happily married woman experiences a terrible riding accident which leaves her in a coma, and on regaining consciousness, life is never the same again. 'Missing Glue' is the intriguing title for a story which illustrates how technology can work against a country when misused, especially when relying on the ability of others; and the final story, 'Nice Man He Lied', reveals how easy it is for trusting people to be manipulated by corrupt individuals for their own insidious designs!
Widow and The Vicar
Widow and The Vicar
Kingsley, Muriel
Like a flash of lightning, the vicar appeared in the pulpit and immediately their eyes met. Elizabeth's heart skipped a beat; her body went weak. She gulped suddenly and nearly choked. A warm stream of fire raced through her body - something she had never felt before in all her life. She was love-struck. "e;Oh my gosh!"e; she mumbled. She had been praying secretly for a long time, asking God to send her a nice man to fill the gap in her life, but she never expected to fall in love with anyone.
Pickwick Papers
Pickwick Papers
Dickens, Charles
Charles Dickens' first published novel, The Pickwick Papers, has delighted readers for over 170 years. Follow the colourful characters that make up the Pickwick Club as they travel the country finding quaint and curious phenomena of life to report them to the Club.
Adventures of Pinocchio
Adventures of Pinocchio
Collodi, Carlo
Carlo Collodi's wonderful tale of the little wooden boy Pinocchio has delighted readers young and old across the world for over 120 years. A classic children's fairytale with a timeless moral message.
Jeffrey's Longer Shorts
Jeffrey's Longer Shorts
Crees, Geoffrey
In each of these ten longer short stories Geoffrey Crees imparts a Christian message with warmth and whimsical humour. An escape from prison, a lost sock, a hopeless drama group, a stranded cruise ship, to name a few of the stories, provide entertaining situations in which characters are challenged in some way by people of resolute Christian faith. The characters are fictitious, but for the quirky and curious situations in which they find themselves the author has drawn on his experiences over many years as an Anglican vicar. Now retired, Geoffrey lives with his wife in the Forest of Dean in Gloucestershire.
Queen Sheba's Ring
Queen Sheba's Ring
Haggard, H. Rider
A ring from antiquity or an elaborate hoax? One of the lost adventure novels of H. Rider Haggard, "e;Queen Sheba's Ring"e; features Middle-Eastern mysticism and a secret society descended form ancient abyssinians. In deepest uncharted regions of Africa a Jewish community struggles to defend itself from barbaric tribes.
Raffles the Gentleman Thief - Trilogy
Raffles the Gentleman Thief - Trilogy
Hornung, E. W.
Raffles, the gentleman thief, was created by E. W. Hornung, who was brother-in-law to the creator of Sherlock Holmes, Arthur Conan Doyle. In many ways, Raffles is an inversion of Holmes, he has his own Watson in the form of Harry "e;Bunny"e; Manders, and he is a master of disguise.This compilation contains three Raffles stories: The Amateur Cracksman Further Adventures of the Amateur Cracksman A Thief in the Night
Return of Sherlock Holmes
Return of Sherlock Holmes
Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur
This book contains 13 adventures of the world's greatest detective, chronicling his return to the world of crime-solving after his apparent death at the Reichenbach Falls.Conan Doyle first published his fictional character of Holmes in 1887 followed by a series of short stories in the Strand Magazine in 1891. The public could not get enough of Holmes and his popularity still continues.