

The Sitting Swing:Finding the Wisdom to Know the Difference
The Sitting Swing:Finding the Wisdom to Know the Difference
Irene Watson
Irene Watson's pretentious life could go no further until she faced her past. Her moving and inspiring memoir begins at the end, in a recovery center, where she has gone to understand a childhood fraught with abuse, guilt, and uncertainty.Two distinct parts of the book look at abusive child rearing and the process of recovery years later. This story shows change, growth, and forgiveness are possible. It gives hope and freedom to those accepting the past and re-writing life scripts that have been passed down for generations. It's never too late to change your life, never too late to heal.Praise for The Sitting Swing"Watson's memoir recounts her fearful, highly sheltered years as she uncovers the childhood wounds leading to her personality crisis. This is an earnest memoir, well structured." --PUBLISHERS WEEKLY"The Sitting Swing is the poignant story of the author's successful journey to transcend the patterns sculpted by her parents and childhood experiences. I loved it!" --NANCY OELKLAUS, PHD, LIFE COACH AND AUTHOR OF JOURNEY FROM HEAD TO HEART: LIVING AND WORKING AUTHENTICALLY"As a teacher of transformational principles for self-discovery and the treatment of addictions, reading The Sitting Swing inspired me to a richer new voice, infusing my lectures with a deeper level of meaning. Irene's personal story of transformation will add to the experience, strength, and hope we share with our clients and to anyone who is on a path of personal transformation. " --MARY LYNN SZYMANDERA, LCAS, CEFIP, OUTPATIENT MANAGER, PAVILLON INTERNATIONAL, AND EQUINE PROGRAM DIRECTOR, SAWHORSE HILLAuthor info at www.irenewatson.comBook #6 in the Spiritual Dimensions Series from Loving Healing Press www.LovingHealing.com
Confessions of a Trauma Junkie:My Life as a Nurse Paramedic
Confessions of a Trauma Junkie:My Life as a Nurse Paramedic
Sherry Jones Mayo
Ride in the back of the ambulance with Sherry Jones Mayo Share the innermost feelings of emergency services workers as they encounter trauma, tragedy, redemption, and even a little humor. Sherry Jones Mayo has been an Emergency Medical Technician, Emergerncy Room Nurse, and an on-scene critical incident debriefer for Hurricane Katrina. Most people who have observed or experienced physical, mental or emotional crisis have single perspectives. This book allows readers to stand on both sides of the gurney; it details a progression from innocence to enlightened caregiver to burnout, glimpsing into each stage personally and professionally.Emergency Service Professionals Praise Confessions of a Trauma Junkie "A must read for those who choose to subject themselves to life at its best and at its worst. Sherry offers insight in the Emergency Response business that most people cannot imagine." --Maj Gen Richard L. Bowling, former Commanding General, USAF Auxiliary (CAP) "Sherry Mayo shares experiences and unique personal insights of first responders. Told with poetry, sensitivity and a touch of humor at times, all are real, providing views into realities EMTs, Nurses, and other first responders encounter. Recommended reading for anyone working with trauma, crises, critical incidents in any profession." -- George W. Doherty, MS, LPC, President Rocky Mountain Region Disaster Mental Health Institute "Sherry has captured the essence of working with people who have witnessed trauma. It made me cry, it made me laugh, it helped me to understand differently the work of our Emergency Services Personnel. I consider this a 'MUST READ' for all of us who wish to be helpful to those who work in these professions." --Dennis Potter, LMSW, CAAC, FAAETS, ICISF Instructor "Confessions of a Trauma Junkie is an honest, powerful, and moving account of the emotional realities of helping others! Sherry Mayo gives us a privileged look into the healing professions she knows firsthand. The importance of peer support is beautifully illustrated. This book will deepen the readers respect for those who serve." --Victor Welzant, PsyD, Director of Education and Training The International Critical Incident Stress Foundation, Inc Learn more at www.SherryJonesMayo.com From the Reflections of America Series Modern History Press www.ModernHistoryPress.com
The Windsor Beauties:Ladies of the Court of Charles II
The Windsor Beauties:Ladies of the Court of Charles II
Lewis Melville
"The Duchess of York wished to have the portraits of the most beautiful women at Court," Anthony Hamilton wrote in the Memoirs of Count Grammont. "Lely painted them, and employed all his art in the execution. He could not have had more alluring sitters. Every portrait is a masterpiece." The original set of "Beauties" painted by Lely were, as we find from James II's catalogue, eleven in number, their names being Barbara, Duchess of Cleveland (ne'e Villiers); Frances, Duchess of Richmond and Lennox (ne'e Stuart); Mrs. Jane Myddleton (ne'e Needham); Elizabeth, Countess of Northumberland (ne'e Wriothesley); Elizabeth, Countess of Falmouth (ne'e Bagot); Elizabeth, Lady Denham (ne'e Brooke); Frances, Lady Whitmore (ne'e Brooke); Henrietta, Countess of Rochester (ne'e Boyle); Elizabeth, Countess de Grammont (ne'e Hamilton); and Madame d'Orleans. It will be seen that in this list of "Beauties" Anne Hyde, Duchess of York, does not figure; but since she was responsible for the collection, it would be peculiarly ungracious to omit her from a volume that treats of it. Also, she deserves inclusion for her supreme courage in selecting the sitters--for what must the ladies who were not chosen have said and thought of her? Nor in the series are Nell Gwyn, Louise de Ke'roualle, and the Duchess Mazarin; but no account of the social life of the Court of Charles II can possibly omit mention of them, and therefore something has been said about each of these ladies. The new Revised Edition restores Melville's masterpiece of the intricate relationships and day-by-day account of court life in the reign of Charles II of England. This edition also adds a new glossary, bibliography, and extended footnotes for the lay history reader. Also included are first-ever translations of French language poems, letters, and epitaphs completed by Coby Fletcher. More information at www.VictorianHeritage.com
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Túladagolt boldogság: A pozitív gondolkodás mellékhatásai
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