

Business Value in an Ocean of Data: Data Mining from a User Perspective
Business Value in an Ocean of Data: Data Mining from a User Perspective
Bulcsú Fajszi, László Cser, Tamás Fehér
Business Value in an Ocean of Data: Data Mining from a User Perspective
Domain 360: The Fundamentals of Buying & Selling Domain Names
Domain 360: The Fundamentals of Buying & Selling Domain Names
Peter Prestipino
Domain 360: The Fundamentals of Buying & Selling Domain Names
O inim? de Broscu??. Volumul 7. Intersectarea destinelor abandonate
O inim? de Broscu??. Volumul 7. Intersectarea destinelor abandonate
Vîrtosu Gheorghe
Volumul reune?te c?teva studii ?i eseuri care interogheaz? rela?ia controversat? ?n ?tiin?a actual? dintre comparatism ?i germanistic?, respectiv noua paradigm? cu preten?ii salvatoare, ?germanistica intercultural?“, aduc?nd ?n scen? c?teva analize consacrate scriitorilor germani mai vechi ?i mai noi sau unor probleme de estetic? a crea?iei. Incitante sunt perspectivele deschise de investigarea fenomenologiei faustice ?n hermeneutica lui Ernst Bloch ?i Constantin Noica ?i nu mai pu?in interesante sunt spa?iile de cercetare asupra operei lui Lucian Blaga ?n context german ?i cele dedicate lui Heidegger ?i implica?iei sale politice.Reflex al dublei direc?ii pe care o reprezint? de fapt toate volumele lui Vasile Voia, cartea de fa?? este expresia unei dimensiuni de profunzime ?i, desigur, am putea spune, a unicit??ii ei ?n cultura noastr? actual?. Ea ?mbin? inspirat un comparatism al ideilor cu estetic? ?i filosofia, realiz?nd interferen?a ?i unitatea la nivelul superior al discursului critic.
Supergenele. Desc?tu?eaz? puterea uluitoare a ADN-ului pentru o s?n?tate
Supergenele. Desc?tu?eaz? puterea uluitoare a ADN-ului pentru o s?n?tate
Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Rudolph E. Tanzi
Cartea este rezultatul unor studii aprofundate intreprinse de autoare ?n domeniul stilurilor de via?? contemporane, rom?ne?ti dar ?i din alte p?r?i ale lumii. Cercetarea acestora a fost f?cut? intensiv mai ales ?n ultimii zece ani. La baza acestor texte stau, ?n primul r?nd, interven?iile hebdomadare ale autoarei la emisiunea Tenta?ii culturale de la Radio Rom?nia Cultural. Evident, ?n transformarea unor ?pastile“ radiofonice ?ntr-un volum de eseuri ?nchegate, structurate tematic ?i revizuite stilistic a fost parcurs? o cale lung?. Din bogata tematic? a lucr?rii, men?ion?m: ?ocurile cotidianului; pierderile pe care le implica adaptarea; cum au schimbat telefoanele mobile fa?a lumii; civiliza?ia str?zii (ieri ?i azi); cultura ?n autobuz; la bibliotec?, prin biblioteci; ?n pia??, la coada, la doctor; ?n c?l?torie, din c?l?torii; prin ora?e mari ?i mici; despre comis-voiajori, despre bac?i?; nun?i, botezuri, funeralii... Cartea este scrisa ?ntr-un stil simplu, accesibil ?i ludic. Se adreseaz? speciali?tilor ?n istorie social?, antropologie, psihologie de mas?, reform? social?, dar ?i publicului cultivat, ?n general.
Miasma. Tratat de rezisten?a materialelor
Miasma. Tratat de rezisten?a materialelor
Flavius Ardelean
P?n? la biografia scris? de ?pek ?al??lar ?i v?ndut? ?n Turcia ?n peste o jum?tate de milion de exemplare, s-au ?tiut destul de pu?ine lucruri despre Latife Han?m, singura so?ie a generalul Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, ?ntemeietorul Republicii Turce care a r?mas ?n istorie ca unul dintre cei mai charismatici lideri politici din primele decenii ale secolului al XX-lea. ?ntr-o epoc? ?n care educarea femeilor era considerat? inutil? ?i chiar primejdioas?, Latife era o t?n?r? intelectual? care studiase dreptul la Sorbona, vorbea fluent opt limbi str?ine ?i era extrem de ?nzestrat? pentru arte, literatur? ?i muzic?. ?nc? dinainte de a se c?s?tori, a fost o militant? pasionat? pentru drepturile femeilor turce ?i visa ridicarea acestora la acela?i nivel de progres social ?i cultural ca al surorilor lor europene. Hot?r?t? s? pun? cap?t tradi?iilor care ?nrobiser? femeile timp de secole, doamna Atatürk a devenit simbolul noilor femei turce ?n eliberarea de restric?iile musulmane ale haremului ?i v?lului. ?O carte bogat?, surprinz?toare ?i profund?.“ Orhan Pamuk
Dragoste n-are plural
Dragoste n-are plural
Drăghia Vladimir
Primul meu interviu cu Florian Lungu s-a consumat la sf?r?itul anului 1994, ?n c?m?ru?a sa de la cap?tul etajului IV din Radio, acolo unde cutiile cu benzile de magnetofon st?teau mai s? cad? peste el, printre ness-uri ?i ?ig?ri. Ideea era s? apar? ?n revista ?Panoramic Radio-TV” ?n jur de 5 ianuarie, c?nd e n?scut. ?i aceast? carte trebuia s? apar? pe 5 ianuarie 2016, dar n-a fost s? fie; ?ns? mai bine mai t?rziu… ?n fine, au trecut peste 20 de ani, eu am avut privilegiul – ca redactor TVR – s?-l intervievez ?nc? de multe ori, s? realizez chiar o emisiune la TVR Cultural, vreo doi ani, numit? ?Jazz Restitutio”, ?ntr-un studiou improvizat la Mo?u acas? – el antama invitatul, ?l aducea acolo, noi filmam dialogul dintre cei doi ?i ad?ugam imaginile de ilustra?ie, deopotriv? arhiv? ?i evenimente recente. Am tr?it momente inedite al?turi de candidul ?i glume?ul jazzman ?i jazzolog (de?i de c?nd se ?tie a luat aceast? muzic? ?n serios c?t i-a stat lui ?n putin??, ba ?i ?n exces, ceea ce i-a afectat s?n?tatea grav ?n mai multe r?nduri). Nu se pot uita bancurile lui Mo?u de la G?r?na, spuse pe marea scen?, ca ?i modul ?n care prezint? el sponsorii festivalului, martori sunt spectatorii (cu zecile de mii) de la fiecare edi?ie. ?n particular, eu p?strez mai multe amintiri: o tab?r? de jazz de la Jup?ne?ti, primul interviu filmat ?n care mi-a vorbit de Richard Oschanitzky, prima lui ?nt?lnire cu Alexander B?l?nescu (aranjat? de noi la un hotel, atunci c?nd muzicianul a lansat ?n concert discul ?Maria T”), dialogul s?u cu Johnny R?ducanu filmat ?n Club A pentru emisiunea ?Remix”, ori acela cu marele pianist Jancy Korossy, acas? la Mo?u, pentru ?Jazz Restitutio”… (Doru Ionescu)
Secretele celor mai s?n?to?i copii din lume.
Secretele celor mai s?n?to?i copii din lume.
Naomi Moriyama, William Doyle
Din ?nsemn?rile de scriitor al autorului (Vreme ?nchis?), realizate cu consecven?? ?ncep?nd cu anul 1979 (?i adus p?n? ?n actualitate ?i reprezent?nd ?n primul r?nd cronica unor campanii de geolog prospector care ?i-a desf??urat activitatea ?n cele mai diferite col?uri ale ??rii), nu puteau s? lipseasc? nota?iile privind aspecte din via?? literar? ca atare; ?n selec?ia Scene din via?a literar? sunt deci consemnate scene, portrete, dialoguri, ?nt?lniri cu scriitori, arti?ti plastici, actori, muzicieni, al?i oameni de cultur?. C?teva fragmente edificatoare privind aceast? tem? au ap?rut deja ?n revistele Arge? ?i Oglinda literar? (chiar sub titlul Scene din via?a literar?), dar ?i sub alte titluri: ?n Via?a Rom?neasc? (Medalion Mircea Ciobanu), ?n Luceaf?rul (Via?a cu num?rul 13), ?n Ziua literar? (Am fost ?mpin?i la margine...). Sunt de re?inut relat?rile cu privire la constr?ngerile impuse de cenzura necru??toare ?i la numeroasele stratageme prin care scriitorii c?utau s? ob?in? ?bunul de tipar“ ?i ?bunul de difuzare“, ?n condi?iile de nesiguran?? ?n care se desf??ura activitatea creatorilor de arta ?n comunism, dar ?i atelierul de crea?ie propriu-zis al autorului, care ?n perioada respectiv? lucra la romanele R?m??agul, Curtea Interioar?, Capcana de piatr?, ap?rute ?n acei ani, dar ?i texte de sertar; ?n jurnalul de scriitor vom ?nt?lni, cum ?i era de a?teptat, numeroase referiri la opera proprie, edit? sau inedit? ?n acel moment, dar ?i la operele colegilor de genera?ie sau ale clasicilor.
Behind the Smile: Exceptional Poetic Renderings
Behind the Smile: Exceptional Poetic Renderings
Richard W. Jenkins
Come, take a peek Behind the Smile; a world you’ve never known before awaits your pleasures for a while … there’s wonderment for you in store. ? From Free Verse poetry to Sonnets, Ballads, and many more poetic forms and styles, this incomparably amazing collection of 145 selected poems by master poet Richard W. Jenkins is not your everyday smattering of poetic jargon. They will captivate and embrace your senses, taking you on a metaphorical journey of inner exploration and sheer enthrallment that will entice you irresistibly back into their pages—time and again. Aficionados will appreciate the author’s breakdowns of the poems’ 52 forms, including some of his widely used originals. This treasure belongs within easy reach of every poetry lover. ? Whom could who feels what all we do not yearn a deeper bite, when each delicious taste we take flavors our world just right?
Cary Grant: A Class Apart (Text Only)
Cary Grant: A Class Apart (Text Only)
Graham McCann
The ultimate biography of this ever-popular star and icon, from a young Cambridge don who has already made his name with a much praised biography of Marilyn Monroe. Cary Grant made men seem like a good idea. Tall, dark and handsome with a rare gift for light comedy, he played a leading man who liked to be led, a man of the world who was a man of the people. Cary Grant was Hollywood’s quintessential democratic gentleman. Born in England as Archie Leach, made famous in America as Cary Grant, he was a star for more than 30 years, in more than 70 movies, his popularity still intact when he brought his career to a close. He was never replaced: nobody else talked like that, looked like that, behaved like that. He was a class apart. Cary Grant never explained how he came to play ‘Cary Grant’ so well. ‘Nobody is every truthful about his own life,’ he said. ‘There are always ambiguities.’ This book explores the ambiguities in the life and work of Cary Grant: a working class Englishman who portrayed a well-bred American; the playful entertainer who became a powerful businessman; the intimate stranger who was often the seduced male. Thorough and meticulously researched, this book is a dazzling and entertaining account of Cary Grant’s broad and enduring appeal.
Livingstone’s Tribe: A Journey From Zanzibar to the Cape
Livingstone’s Tribe: A Journey From Zanzibar to the Cape
Stephen Taylor
An extraordinary, passionate and personal journey into Africa’s past. ‘The most enthralling account out of Africa for years.’ Daily Mail. ‘“Livingstone’s Tribe” is excellent…Taylor is an intelligent and stimulating companion.’ Financial Times ‘At the book’s heart is a riveting examination of Livingstone’s tribe…the whites of post-independence Africa.’ Independent on Sunday ‘Taylor’s expedition into the interior of the continent’s colonial past has got everything that such a book should have.’ Guardian ‘Stephen Taylor, a third-generation émigré of British descent, finds a melancholy collection of white misfits and failures…as well as a heroic, dwindling clutch of missionaries still holding the line. The catalogue of theft, corruption, murder and superstition that Taylor chronicles makes appalling, fascinating reading. Yet Taylor is no Colonel Blimp, rather an anti-apartheid liberal who fled the old South Africa and welcomed independence for Mugabe’s Zimbabwe.’ Daily Mail ‘Sights and travel experiences are vividly described and people both from Livingstone’s and from the other tribes are handled particularly well.’ Sunday Times
Hozzátok el nekem Ivy Pocket fejét!
Hozzátok el nekem Ivy Pocket fejét!
Caleb Krisp
Hozzátok el nekem Ivy Pocket fejét!
Surprised by Joy
Surprised by Joy
C. S. Lewis
This autobiography of C.S.Lewis’s early life, focusing on the spiritual crisis which was to determine the shape of his entire life, now repackaged and rebranded as a key title in the C.S. Lewis Signature Classics range. “In the Trinity Term of 1929 I gave in, and admitted that God was God…perhaps the most dejeced and reluctant convert in all England.” Thus C.S. Lewis describes memorably the crisis of his conversion in his famous autobiography. Lewis was for many years an atheist, and in Surprised by Joy he vividly describes the spiritual quest which eventually convinced him of the truth and reality of the Christian faith.
Remembering Whitney:A Mother’s Story of Love, Loss and the Night the Music Died
Remembering Whitney:A Mother’s Story of Love, Loss and the Night the Music Died
Cissy Houston
The definitive account of Whitney Houston's astonishing life, ground-breaking career, and tragic death -- complete with never-before-seen photographs -- from the only one who truly knows the story behind the headlines: her mother, Cissy Houston. Cissy has said little publicly about Whitney's heart-breaking death. Now, for the first time, she opens up and shares the unbelievable story of her daughter's life, as well as her own, and addresses Whitney's brightest and darkest moments. A legendary Grammy Award-winning gospel singer in her own right, Cissy Houston shows how the lessons from her own musical journey helped to shape Whitney's career -- from teaching Whitney to use her voice, to keeping her level-headed throughout her meteoric rise to fame. With candor and respect, she sets the record straight about Whitney, exploring both her turbulent marriage and her misunderstood struggles with drug abuse. Cissy goes behind the tabloid headlines to show fans around the world the true, human side of a strong, successful -- yet flawed -- musical icon who died much too young.
We Bought a Zoo
We Bought a Zoo
Benjamin Mee
A film tie-in edition to 20th Century Fox’s film adaptation of the heart-warming international bestseller starring Scarlett Johansson and Matt Damon and directed by Oscar-winning director Cameron Crowe. An amazing true story that has inspired the major Hollywood motion picture this Christmas, to be repackaged for release alongside the film. We Bought a Zoo is about one young family, a broken down zoo, and the wild animals that changed their lives forever. When Ben [played by Damon] and his wife Katherine [played by Johansson] sold their small flat in Primrose Hill, upped sticks with their children and invested their savings into a dilapidated zoo on the edge of Dartmoor, they were prepared for a challenge and a momentous change in all their lives. With over 200 exotic animals to care for – including an African lion, a wolf pack, a Brazilian tapir and a jaguar – Ben’s hands, and those of his wife, children and tiny team of keepers, were full. What they weren’t prepared for was Katherine’s devastating second brain cancer diagnosis. Ben found himself juggling the daunting responsibilities of managing the park’s staff and finances, while holding the bailiffs at bay and caring for his wife. A moving and entertaining story of courage and a family’s attempts to rebuild a zoo, and carry on after Katherine’s tragic death.
Egy szót se szólj!
Egy szót se szólj!
Rena Olsen
A címül használt okirat évtizedekig titkosnak min?sült, olyan fontos államtitkokat tartalmazott, mint a személy neve, születési dátuma és a seregben izzadságszagúan elért magas rendfokozat. Ma már lehet, hogy meg sem találnám egy-két félórás keresés után sem. Az utolsó komoly lehet?ség ez az id?pont arra, hogy hajdani keserves, a Magyar Néphadsereg katonájaként 1957 és 1959 k?z?tt szerzett élményeimet felelevenítsem, k?zkinccsé tegyem.Keserves volt, de mégis. A férfivé válás, k?z?sségi magatartás, némely esetben a higiéniai szabályok elsajátítása volt az ellentétel. Fiatalok voltunk, emlékeinket magunkba zártuk, most azonban kikívánkoznak.
Brooklyni balgaságok
Brooklyni balgaságok
Paul Auster
Ez volt ám az ember, ha kellett, a gáton, Nem terem ma párja hetedhét országon; Ha most feltámadna s elj?ne k?zétek, Minden dolgát szemfényvesztésnek hinnétek. Hárman sem birnátok súlyos buzogányát, Parittyak?veit, ?klel? kopjáját; Elhülnétek, látva rettenetes pajzsát, ‘?s, kit a csizmáján viselt, sarkantyúját.’ […] He was brave and fearless, always ready for fight, There’s nobody like him here and there and world-wide; If he would rise from dead and would come to your ranks, You’d believe all his things to be fancies and cranks. Neither three of yours could raise his ponderous mace And his sling-stones and pike and his iron sword-lace; You’d be well dumbfounded looking at his grand shield, ‘And at spurs he had on his boots in battle-field.’ ?
New York trilógia
New York trilógia
Paul Auster
Tudomásom szerint csak a ?A walesi bárdok” angol fordítása létezik, ezt t?bben is lefordították. Célom a fordításokkal az, hogy az angol nyelvterületen él?k is élvezhessék Arany verseit és remélem a fordítások megfelelnek ennek az igénynek. A Zichy-rajzok hozzájárulhatnak a k?tetben megjelen? versek ?fogyaszthatóságához”. – Tomschey Ottó As far as I know only the translation of ?The Welsh bards” exists, this was made by several translators. My aim with these translation was to make ?consumable” the ballads of Arany for people living in the English-speaking world and I do hope that my work will meets therequirements. The Zichy-drawings may contribute to the ?consumability” of the poems of this volume. – Otto Tomschey
Ametysta 7 wymiar tom 1
Ametysta 7 wymiar tom 1
Viktoria Armstrong
Ametysta 7 wymiar tom 1
Az eln?kasszony: A bundás választás
Az eln?kasszony: A bundás választás
Homonnay Gergely
Az eln?kasszony: A bundás választás
Bárcsak ismernélek!
Bárcsak ismernélek!
Cate Woods
Ez Jay Dobyns története, azé a szövetségi ügynöké, aki els?ként férk?zött be a törvényen kívüli Hells Angels Motorcycle Club legbels?bb köreibe. A 21 hónapon át tartó akció kis híján az életébe került, és majdnem ráment a családja és az ép esze is. Kezd? ügynökként mellbe l?tték, úgy vásárolta a gépfegyvereket, mint más a tejet, 160 km/órás sebességgel száguldozott az autópályán, illetve részt vett a Hells Angels és halálos ellensége, a Mongols klub között kitört háborúban. Ez csak pár olyan esemény, amit Dobyns felidéz ebben a lélegzetelállító, els? olvasatra hihetetlennek t?n?, de az els?t?l az utolsó szóig igaz történetben. Dobyns nem titkolja el szívszorító kalandjának egyetlen részletét sem. A motorostalálkozókon és a klubházakban rendezett bulikon, a közös motorozások és verekedések alatt összebarátkozik k?kemény motorosokkal, a metamfetamintól hajtott n?ikkel, fegyvermániásokkal, pszichopata sittesekkel, és még a Mocskos Pár nev? elitklub tagjaival is, akik a Hells Angels nevében különösen kegyetlen, er?szakos b?ncselekményeket követtek el. Az er?sen ?rzött bulikon olyan legendás Hells Angels-tagokkal találkozik, mint Chuck Zito, Johnny Angel vagy a motorosklubok keresztapája, Ralph „Sonny" Barger. A beilleszkedéshez mindkét karját teletetováltatja, hogy a tiszteletüket kivívja, megfogadja, hogy bebizonyítja: k?kemény gyilkos. A legnehezebb azonban a rákényszerített kett?s élet: h?séges felesége és szeret? gyermekei, valamint a motoros lét között ?rl?dik. Megfogadja, hogy ? lesz az els? olyan szövetségi ügynök, akit a Hells Angels teljes jogú tagjának választanak, és beférk?zik a klub áthatolhatatlannak hitt legbels?bb köreibe. Ezért nagy árat kénytelen fizetni: a cél érdekében olyan mélyre alámerül ebbe a veszélyes világba, hogy kis híján elveszti önmagát, de kénytelen rádöbbenni, hogy miközben ? beépült a klubba, az is beépült az ? életébe, és amennyire a Hells Angels tagjai sem csak kifejezetten rosszak, ? sem csak jó. A Donnie Brasco maffiába való beépülésére emlékeztet? története mindenki szemét felnyitja a motorosbandák zárt, titokzatos világára. Ilyen messzire Hunter S. Thompson korszakalkotó munkája óta nem jutott senki a Hells Angelsszel. A könyvb?l mindent megtudunk arról a leny?göz?en veszélyes, de egyben vonzó bajtársiasságról, a nihilizmusról, a gy?löletr?l és megfélemlítésr?l, valamint a tagok között valóban létez? testvéri szeretetr?l, ami az egyetlen, t?sgyökeres amerikai b?nszövetkezetet jelképezi.
Halló, itt a Mennyország!
Halló, itt a Mennyország!
Galgóczi Dóra
Halló, itt a Mennyország!