
Stolen Voices
He beat them, he abused them, and he tortured them. He broke their dreams. But they came back stronger. ‘Terrie and Paul are two of the bravest people I have ever met. I have only shared the briefest glimpse into the true horrors this brother and sister have endured, but I rarely come across cases this bad. After the unspeakable abuse and shocking betrayals, two incredible human beings came through – to inspire us all.’ Sara Payne OBE, co-founder of Phoenix Survivors Terrie and Paul’s step-father had been living with them for six months when the abuse and grooming began. What started as innocent conversations and goodnight kisses quickly developed into something far darker and depraved. Everyday Terrie was assaulted and abused; her rapes were photographed, filmed and shared. Paul was regularly taunted and mercilessly beaten. But despite the bruises and the scars, and the desperate pleas for help, no one saw their pain. But through it all they stuck together, battling for their childhoods for over a decade and masterminding creative ways to outwit their stepfather and buy themselves fleeting moments of joy. In March 2013, thirty years on, Terrie and Paul made the brave decision to give up their right to anonymity to tell of the years of abuse they endured at the hands of their recently convicted step-father and raise awareness for the ongoing battle for justice for victims of child abuse. A powerful testament of what can be achieved through courage and love, this is their inspiring story.

Armed Combat: Defending yourself against hand-held weapons
Overhead block, upward stab, step-through lunge, bayonet slash; knife fighting, handgun shooting, sword play. If your enemy is armed, you need to know how to deal with him. SAS and Elite Forces Guide Armed Combat teaches a huge range of armed close combat techniques, including tips on fighting stances and postures, movement and evasions, quick draws, parries, fend-offs, blocks, cuts, thrusts, strikes, and stabs. Our expert author will teach you how to tackle single opponents and groups using blunt weapons, blades, firearms, and improvised weapons. Presented in an easy to follow format, SAS and Elite Forces Guide Armed Combat is divided into separate chapters covering fighting skills mindset, what to attack and where to defend, blunt weapons, sharp and pointed weapons, firearms, unarmed techniques, training drills, and improvised techniques. The author also offers plenty of short, handy tips on key topics such as bayonet training, quick draw techniques, copying with injury and dirty tricks. Written in easy-to-understand steps and accompanied with more than 150 black-and-white illustrations, SAS and Elite Forces Guide Armed Combat guides the reader through everything they need to know to overcome an armed aggressor in any hand-to-hand combat situation.

Banchetul de litere
Romanul e captivant, bine scris, n ciuda unor efuziuni retorice prea lungi pe alocuri, care puteau fi scurtate. Un text elaborat de ctre un crturar, cu lecturi din Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Jung sau Dostoievski fcute n profunzime, temeinic. n consecin, e un roman n care simbolurile apar la tot pasul, incifrate n text, n tehnica unui modernism hermeneutic care nu poate fi scos din ecuaie (…). Strict tehnic, ne aflm n faa unui Bildungsroman construit pe un scenariu clasic, de iniiere: tnrul Matei (toate numele sunt luate din Biblie…) interiorizeaz sfietor, dramatic moartea prematur a tatlui su, David, pierdut ntr-un accident de main pe Valea Oltului, se afl n conflict deschis cu mama sa, Riri, femeie pragmatic, dar intrat n faza unui deficit de cldura uman, mascat prin nervozitate, i i fixeaz ntreaga afeciune pe fiina compensativ a bunicului, Grig, mort i el spre sfritul romanului, i pe aceea a profesorului universitar Semion Ruda, stilat, elevat, aristorcatic, un concitadin de ocazie i tat-surogat, cruia, n cele din urm, protagonistul romanului i datoreaz relansarea intelectuala – viitor student n filosofie – i formarea literar, ca romancier, talentul compensativ al scrisului descoperindu-i-l oarecum fr premeditare sau ndemnuri din afar, ca pe o efervescen intern a propriei sale fiine. (tefan Borbély)Viaa cotidian este transferat n interioritate, iar tensiunile generatoare de suspans sunt direcionate ctre aceeai nevoie urgent de a deveni. Eroii Aurei Christi sunt fpturi aflate ntre lumi, ntre vrste, ntre maluri. (Irina Ciobotaru)Intenia vdit a autoarei este aceea de a explora personajele pn n adncul firii lor, astfel nct nu aciunea s stea n prim-plan, ci caracterele. (Bogdan Mihai Dasclu)

Dic?ionar de literatur? rom?n?
Editorul, criticul ?i istoricul literar clujean Irina Petra? propune lectorilor un studiu despre locurile favorite din literatura rom?n? ?i cea universal?, paginile de teorie literar? oferind nu pu?ine repere asupra predilec?iilor clasicilor autohtoni de la Eminescu ?i Creang? p?n? la Norman Manea ?i Marta Petreu. Cartea se adreseaz? elevilor, studen?ilor, precum ?i publicului larg de cititori.

Mental Endurance: How to develop mental toughness from the world's elite forces
You can train all you like, but when it comes to the crunch, do you have the mental endurance to see yourself through combat situations, being held hostage or finding yourself at the mercy of the elements? SAS and Elite Forces Handbook: Mental Endurance examines what it takes to be as mentally fit as a special forces soldier. It is equally important to focus on diet, rest patterns and mental discipline as it is to concentrate on push-ups, sit-ups and other physical exercises. Using simple steps, the book shows the reader how they can build up their endurance over a matter of weeks and months, and how their quality of life will benefit. SAS and Elite Forces Handbook: Mental Endurance demonstrates how you can gain the psychological edge over your opponent. Whether you are competing in unarmed combat sports, running a marathon or just looking to get ahead, the book will have helpful and practical advice for you. Exercises such as positive thinking and visualisations and memory games are explored as ways of dealing with solitude, depression, anger management and torture when in crisis situations. Using 300 instructive artworks, SAS and Elite Forces Handbook: Mental Endurance shows you how special forces units such as the SAS and Delta Force stretch themselves mentally.

Rapsodie ?n alb-negru cu Leonard Berstein
Pata-Tata. ?ah nu este o carte de critic? literar?, nu este un experiment critific?ional hibrid, nu este nici o fic?iune pur?, ci este, ?n cel mai autentic sens pe care ?l permite literatura ast?zi, confesiunea unei sensibilit??i ?b?ntuite“. Despre paginile care ??i ?ntind umbrele prelungi asupra propriei vie?i ?i despre absen?ele care se strecoar? imperceptibil din autobiografic ?n c?r?ile pe care le cite?te, Diana Adamek scrie ?ntr-o tonalitate silen?ioas?, hipnotic?, cu talentul incontestabil al unui romancier. Evit?nd conven?iile obosite ale textualismului, sau problematiz?rile conceptuale ale teoriei literare, Pata-Tata. ?ah este romanul unei credin?e poetice care configureaz? deopotriv? spa?iul clipei vii ?i cel al memoriei livre?ti ?n liniile de for?? ale unei vibra?ii pasionale. ?ntre c?r?ile rom?ne?ti ale primului deceniu, acest eseu confesiv al Dianei Adamek r?m?ne cea mai patima?? ?i mai provocatoare m?rturie de credin?? a unui cititor avizat, ?i, dup? cum avea s? se dovedeasc? c??iva ani mai t?rziu, a unui excep?ional prozator.Ovidiu Mircean

Emigra?ia belarus?, caucazian?, rus? ?i ucrainean? ?n timpul celui de al Doilea
Povestea scriitoarei britanice care ?i-a g?sit fericirea ?n inima Transilvaniei Arabella McIntyre-Brown a ?nceput s? scrie o carte sincer? ?i antrenant?, plin? de umor, despre aventura mut?rii dintr-un mare ora? britanic ?ntr-un sat din Carpa?i, ?i a sf?r?it prin a compune o veritabil? scrisoare de dragoste pentru Rom?nia. A?a cum magia Transilvaniei rurale a fermecat-o profund pe autoare, volumul ?Din Liverpool ?n Carpa?i” va cuceri, f?r? ?ndoial?, inimile tuturor cititorilor rom?ni. ?n ultimii ani, mai mult de 200.000 de rom?ni au plecat s? locuiasc? ?n Marea Britanie, iar din Anglia au venit ?n Rom?nia doar c?teva mii de britanici doritori s? se stabileasc? aici. Cei mai mul?i au ales Bucure?tiul sau alte ora?e mari; numai c??iva au descoperit atmosfera deosebit? a mediului rural. Scriitoarea ?i jurnalista Arabella McIntyre-Brown este una dintre ei. A luat aceast? hot?r?re ?n urma unor decese ?n familie, dar adev?rul din spatele plec?rii din Anglia ??i are r?d?cinile ?ntr-o copil?rie dificil?. La v?rsta de 50 de ani, tocmai c?nd ?ncepuse s? se bucure de un oarecare succes ca editor de carte ?i autor, ?i-a v?ndut casa din Liverpool, abandon?ndu-?i via?a citadin?, de om ocupat, ?i s-a aruncat ?n acest labirint care este Europa de Est. A p?r?sit tot ce-i era familiar ?i s-a mutat ?n Rom?nia, pentru a-?i tr?i via?a ?n solitudine. Astfel, din 2010, Arabella McIntyre-Brown nume?te ?acas?” aceast? parte a lumii m?rginit? la sud de Mun?ii Carpa?i, pe care prietenii r?ma?i ?n Anglia o puteau vedea pe Google Maps doar ca pe o p?tur? verde, difuz?. Decizia de se muta dintr-un ora? britanic animat ?ntr-o caban? construit? doar pe jum?tate, aflat? pe un pov?rni? al mun?ilor, ar fi putut fi un dezastru. Autoarea are peste 50 de ani, nu are un venit stabil, nici pensie sau un plan de rezerv?. ?n ciuda fapului c? toate indiciile sugerau c? avea s? e?ueze lamentabil, ast?zi poate afirma f?r? rezerve c? a descoperit secretul fericirii. Pentru ea, paradisul este satul transilv?nean M?gura, aflat cam la altitudinea la care se afl? cele mai ?nalte piscuri muntoase din Marea Britanie. ?... un fel de ghid pentru propriile c?l?torii c?tre sine – dac? ve?i avea curajul s? v? aventura?i pe un astfel de drum.” – Sir Ranulph Fiennes

Despre feminitate, moarte ?i alte eternit??i
Aceast crticic nu reprezint pariul unor mari ambiii auctoriale, nu urmrete s revoluioneze “filosofia iubirii“, nici s deschid vreun drum nou. Nu este nici un manual, un “ghid“ al relaiei de cuplu, cum au nceput sa apar attea, ca i cum ai putea da sfaturi n ceea ce privete iubirea! Scopul su este infinit mai modest – i anume de a depune mrturie despre un fenomen esenial cum este dragostea, n funcie de experiena proprie, de lecturile ce fac i ele parte din aceasta experien i de meditaia, cat s-a putut de onest, n jurul propriilor mele triri. Dac o singura pereche va nelege ce miracol i se ntmpl, dac un singur solitar ce sufer din dragoste va depi criza, dac un mare dezamgit va cpta puterea i curajul de a mai ncerca o dat, voi crede c n-am scris-o aiurea, c n-am nfruntat n zdar temperaturile unei veri incendiare. Pe deasupra, am crezut, cred i voi crede, pn la extincie, c se mai poate nc scrie despre dragoste i altfel dect n romanele “roz“, n filmele de serie X ori n celebrele telenovele. Dragostea este mult prea importanta pentru a fi abandonata complet i definitiv melodramei, vulgaritii, prostului gust. Un subiect vechi de cnd lumea, frecventat de pene ilustre, compromis de scribi mediocri, te poate solicita s-i ncerci puterile nelegerii, precum i pe cele expresive. M ntreb ct de sincer am reuit s fiu. Dar nu mai este, de-acum, problema mea, ci a eventualilor cititori. Ca niciodat, probabil, oricum nu n aceste proporii, m ncearc emoia. n cele din urm, nu te poi prezenta oricum fa n fa cu dragostea.“ (Liviu Antonesei)

Maria Dahvana Headley's soaring YA debut is a fiercely intelligent, multilayered fantasy where Neil Gaiman's Stardust meets John Green's The Fault in Our Stars in a story about a girl caught between two worlds . . . two races . . . and two destinies. Aza Ray Boyle is drowning in thin air. Since she was a baby, Aza has suffered from a mysterious lung disease that makes it ever harder for her to breathe, to speak—to live. So when Aza catches a glimpse of a ship in the sky, her family chalks it up to a cruel side effect of her medication. But Aza doesn't think this is a hallucination. She can hear someone on the ship calling her name.Only her best friend, Jason, listens. Jason, who's always been there. Jason, for whom she might have more-than-friendly feelings. But before Aza can consider that thrilling idea, something goes terribly wrong. Aza is lost to our world—and found, by another. Magonia. Above the clouds, in a land of trading ships, Aza is not the weak and dying thing she was. In Magonia, she can breathe for the first time. Better, she has immense power—but as she navigates her new life, she discovers that war between Magonia and Earth is coming. In Aza's hands lies fate of the whole of humanity—including the boy who loves her. Where do her loyalties lie?

5 Seconds of Summer Book of Stuff
To the very raucous 5SOSfam—wanna find out what the band's been up to over the last yearJam-packed with their own photos, anecdotes of life on and off the road, and much more, the only official 5 Seconds of Summer book out this year means now you can . . .Luke, Michael, Calum, and Ash are having a mad year: a world tour, writing their new album, signing up their first band on their own record label, breaking the internet—it's been eventful to say the least. The good news is they want to share it all with you!This book is a special thanks for (officially) being the best fan army around!

One Direction: Meet One Direction
The only 100% fully official annual—written in collaboration with One Direction. This is the annual for all 1D fans! Find out straight from Harry, Liam, Louis, Niall, and Zayn what they think about success, their musical influences, the making of their movie, their style, their amazing fans, and much more! With exclusive interviews, up-to-the-minute news, and fantastic never-before-seen photos, this is a must-have for all One Direction fans and a fantastic gift for any occasion!

The Siren
From Kiera Cass, #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Selection series, comes a captivating stand-alone fantasy romance.Kahlen is a Siren, bound to serve the Ocean by luring humans to watery graves with her voice, which is deadly to any human who hears it. Akinli is human—a kind, handsome boy who's everything Kahlen ever dreamed of. Falling in love puts them both in danger . . . but Kahlen can't bear to stay away. Will she risk everything to follow her heart?The Siren was previously self-published; this brand-new edition has been completely rewritten and redesigned.

Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda
A National Book Award Longlist TitleEverybody is talking about Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda!"A remarkable gift of a novel."—Andrew Smith, author of Grasshopper Jungle"I am so in love with this book."—Nina LaCour, author of Hold Still"Feels timelessly, effortlessly now."—Tim Federle, author of Better Nate Than Ever"The best kind of love story."—Alex Sanchez, Lambda Award-winning author of Rainbow Boys and Boyfriends with GirlfriendsSixteen-year-old and not-so-openly gay Simon Spier prefers to save his drama for the school musical. But when an email falls into the wrong hands, his secret is at risk of being thrust into the spotlight. Now change-averse Simon has to find a way to step out of his comfort zone before he's pushed out—without alienating his friends, compromising himself, or fumbling a shot at happiness with the most confusing, adorable guy he's never met.Incredibly funny and poignant, this twenty-first-century coming-of-age, coming out story—wrapped in a geek romance—is a knockout of a debut novel by Becky Albertalli.

The heart-stopping third book in the New York Times bestselling Asylum series follows three teens as they take a senior year road trip to one of America's most haunted cities, uncovering dangerous secrets from their past along the way. With all the thrills, chills, and eerie found photographs that led Publishers Weekly to call Asylum "a strong YA debut," Catacomb is perfect for fans for Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children.Sometimes the past is better off buried.Senior year is finally over. After all they've been through, Dan, Abby, and Jordan are excited to take one last road trip together, and they're just not going to think about what will happen when the summer ends. But on their way to visit Jordan's uncle in New Orleans, the three friends notice that they're being followed . . . and photographed. Then Dan starts receiving messages from someone he didn't expect to hear from again—someone who died last Halloween.When the trio arrives in New Orleans and the strange occurrences only escalate, Dan is forced to accept that everything that has happened to him in the past year may not be a coincidence, but fate—a fate that ties Dan to a group called the Bone Artists, who have a sinister fascination with notorious killers of the past.Now Dan's only hope is that he will make it out of his senior trip alive.

The Islands of Chaldea
A stand-alone novel of magic and adventure by the renowned fantasy author Diana Wynne Jones, who also wrote Howl's Moving Castle and the Chrestomanci books. Almost finished upon her death in 2011, the manu* was completed by Diana's sister Ursula Jones, an acclaimed novelist and actress. Publishers Weekly called The Islands of Chaldea "a story to cherish" in their starred review.Aileen comes from a long line of magic makers, and her aunt Beck is the most powerful magician on Skarr. But Aileen's magic has yet to reveal itself, even though she is old enough and it should have by now. When Aileen is sent over the sea on a mission for the King, she worries that she'll be useless and in the way. A powerful talking cat changes all of that—and with every obstacle Aileen faces, she becomes stronger and more confident, until her magic blooms. This stand-alone novel, by the beloved and acclaimed author of such classic fantasy novels as Howl's Moving Castle and the Chrestomanci books, will be welcomed by fans old and new. "Jones's imaginative vigor is unabated in this last, picaresque novel; her deft, fluid style and penchant for precise, characterful de*ion are amply present," proclaimed The Horn Book.

Pretty Little Liars #16: Vicious
Vicious is the explosive conclusion to Sara Shepard's #1 New York Times bestselling Pretty Little Liars series, perfect for fans of the hit ABC Family original TV show based on the series.High school seniors Aria, Emily, Hanna, and Spencer have been through a lot since their best friend, Alison DiLaurentis, disappeared five summers ago. A stalker named "A" has harassed them for their past mistakes and revealed their darkest secrets to the world. They've been on TV, hounded by the press, kicked out of school, arrested, and even put in jail. With time running out, and their lives on the line, one of the Liars does something so terrifying and shocking, fans will be left breathless.Sara Shepard's fan base continues to grow as ABC Family's hit Pretty Little Liars TV show draws in new readers to the #1 New York Times bestselling series. Full of unexpected twists and shocking revelations, this long-awaited finale to this much-loved series will not disappoint.

Endgame: Sky Key
The sequel to the New York Times bestseller and international multimedia phenomenon, Endgame: The Calling.Endgame is here. Earth Key has been found. Two keys—and nine Players—remain. The keys must be found, and only one Player can win.Queens, New York. Aisling Kopp believes the unthinkable: that Endgame can be stopped. But before she can get home to regroup, she is approached by the CIA. They know about Endgame. And they have their own ideas about how it should be Played. Ideas that could change everything.Kingdom of Aksum, Ethiopia. Hilal ibn Isa al-Salt narrowly survived an attack that leaves him horribly disfigured. He now knows something the other Players do not. But the Aksumites have a secret that is unique to their line. A secret that can help redeem humanity—and maybe even be used to help defeat the beings behind Endgame.London, England. Sarah Alopay has found the first key. She is with Jago—and they are winning.But getting Earth Key has come at a great cost to Sarah. The only thing that keeps the demons at bay is Playing. Playing to win.Sky Key—wherever it is, whatever it is—is next. And the nine remaining Players will stop at nothing to get it.

Tiny Pretty Things
Black Swan meets Pretty Little Liars in this soapy, drama-packed novel featuring diverse characters who will do anything to be the prima at their elite ballet school.Gigi, Bette, and June, three top students at an exclusive Manhattan ballet school, have seen their fair share of drama. Free-spirited new girl Gigi just wants to dance—but the very act might kill her. Privileged New Yorker Bette's desire to escape the shadow of her ballet star sister brings out a dangerous edge in her. And perfectionist June needs to land a lead role this year or her controlling mother will put an end to her dancing dreams forever. When every dancer is both friend and foe, the girls will sacrifice, manipulate, and backstab to be the best of the best.

From New York Times bestselling author Lauren Oliver comes an extraordinary novel of fear, friendship, courage, and hope that Kirkus Reviews says "will have readers up until the wee hours," School Library Journal raves is "fast-paced and captivating," and E. Lockhart, author of We Were Liars, calls "a thrill a minute."Panic began as so many things do in Carp, a poor town of twelve thousand people in the middle of nowhere: because it was summer, and there was nothing else to do. Heather never thought she would compete in panic, a legendary game played by graduating seniors. She'd never thought of herself as fearless, the kind of person who would fight to stand out. But when she finds something, and someone, to fight for, she will discover that she is braver than she ever thought. Dodge has never been afraid of panic. His secret will fuel him, and get him all the way through the game; he's sure of it. But what he doesn't know is that he's not the only one with a secret. Everyone has something to play for. For Heather and Dodge, the game will bring new alliances, unexpected revelations, and the possibility of first love for each of them—and the knowledge that sometimes the very things we fear are those we need the most.

Pretty Little Liars #15: Toxic
Toxic is the fifteenth—and second-to-last—volume in Sara Shepard's #1 New York Times bestselling Pretty Little Liars series, also a hit ABC Family original TV show.High school seniors Aria, Emily, Spencer, and Hanna barely survived their most recent encounter with A. And it's not over yet . . . The police don't believe that the real A is still out there, but the girls know what—and who—they saw. If they don't track down this final tormentor soon, A will silence them forever.This penultimate installment of the beloved series is full of juicy scandals, dark secrets, and shocking plot twists that will prepare readers for the jaw-dropping series conclusion in Pretty Little Liars #16.

Dorothy Must Die
The New York Times bestselling first book in a dark new series that reimagines the Oz saga, from debut author Danielle Paige.I didn't ask for any of this. I didn't ask to be some kind of hero. But when your whole life gets swept up by a tornado—taking you with it—you have no choice but to go along, you know?Sure, I've read the books. I've seen the movies. I know the song about the rainbow and the happy little blue birds. But I never expected Oz to look like this. To be a place where Good Witches can't be trusted, Wicked Witches may just be the good guys, and winged monkeys can be executed for acts of rebellion. There's still a road of yellow brick—but even that's crumbling.What happenedDorothy. They say she found a way to come back to Oz. They say she seized power and the power went to her head. And now no one is safe.My name is Amy Gumm—and I'm the other girl from Kansas. I've been recruited by the Revolutionary Order of the Wicked. I've been trained to fight. And I have a mission: Remove the Tin Woodman's heart. Steal the Scarecrow's brain. Take the Lion's courage. And—Dorothy must die.