

De la joc la ?nv??are. Cum folosim jocul didactic ?n educa?ia timpurie
De la joc la ?nv??are. Cum folosim jocul didactic ?n educa?ia timpurie
Marcia L. Nell, Walter F. Drew, Deborah E. Bush
Om politic liberal mai pu?in cunoscut, Gheorghe D. Pallade a l?sat un jurnal care, de?i cuprinde o perioad? destul de scurt? ?n timp, 1 martie 1897 - 8 ianuarie 1898, ne va introduce ?n atmosfera extrem de fr?m?ntat? din interiorul Partidului Na?ional Liberal.S-a n?scut ?n anul 1858 la B?rlad, dintr-o familie ?nst?rit?. ?i-a f?cut studiile secundare ?i universitare ?n ?ar?, lu?ndu-?i licen?a ?n drept la Facultatea de drept a Universit??ii din Bucure?ti ?n anul 1880. Intr? ?n magistratur? p?n? ?n 1884 c?nd, particip?nd la alegeri este ales deputat pe listele Partidului Na?ional Liberal. Din acest moment via?a lui devine public? ?i intr? ?n v?ltoarea luptelor politice. ?n acela?i an, al?turi de C.A. Rosetti a sus?inut colegiul unic ?i libertatea absolut? a presei. De fapt a ?i fost colaborator al ziarului Rom?nul.Paginile de jurnal, de?i nu acoper? nici un an de zile, prezint? una din cele mai zbuciumate perioade al Partidului Na?ional Liberal. Subiective sau nu, paginile r?mase de la Gh.D. Pallade vin s? completeze istoria politic? a Rom?niei de la sf?r?itul secolului al XIX-lea.L?s?m pe seama cititorului s? analizeze jurnalul lui Gh.D. Pallade. Nou? nu ne r?m?ne dec?t s? ar?t?m c? am considerat ca notele s? fie c?t se poate de complete, persoanele ?i locurile fiind foarte numeroase, f?r? de care, chiar un cititor avizat nu s-ar descurca. Iat? de ce am recurs la solu?ia de a desp?r?i notele de indicele de nume. Trebuie, de asemenea, s? atragem aten?ia c? notele sunt a?ezate alfabetic, deoarece tot volumul ar fi fost prea ?nc?rcat de numere ?i cifre. Sper?m c? modesta noastr? contribu?ie prin editarea acestui jurnal s? ?mplineasc? un scurt moment din fr?m?ntata noastr? istorie politic? a Rom?niei de la sf?r?itul secolului al XIX-lea.
Arta supravie?uirii
Arta supravie?uirii
Constantin Tătaru
Cartea de Poezii a poetei confirm? un stil, o atitudine estetic? ?i o capacitate de a dep??i ?ngr?dirile presupuse de reactualizare a vechilor formule poetice. Claudia Voiculescu ??i asum? riscul de a p?rea demodat?, abord?nd ceea ce majoritatea poe?ilor din diverse genera?ii ori promo?ii, a respins, cel mai adesea din neputin??.Cred c? poezia Claudiei Voiculescu merit? aten?ia criticii ?i o mediatizare corespunz?toare. (Liviu Gr?soiu)Claudia Voiculescu ridic? forma fix? a rondelului la ?n?l?imi demne de orice competi?ie.... Este o poet? ?n al c?rei talent cred. (C.D. Zeletin)Poet? de ?nalt? for?? r?scolitoare, talent viguros cu cizel?ri de art? adev?rat? ?n ad?ncul substrat al cuv?ntului, vers pasional ?i cotropitor... (Pan. M. Vizirescu)Claudia Ilie, preoteas? ?ntru poezie... (Tudor George)Delicata poet? Claudia Ilie Voiculescu este o voce liric? de mare sensibilitate... (Dumitru Radu Popa)
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Share! Cum am ?nv??at din social media s?-i iubesc din nou pe rom?ni
Mîndruță Lucian
O radiografie hermeneutic? a unor c?r?i-eveniment ce au v?zut lumina tiparului ?n perioada postdecembrist?, accentul fiind pus pe autorii interzi?i sub dictatur?, precum ?i pe c?r?ile poe?ilor ce devin, f?r? voia lor, o rara avis ?n societatea de tranzi?ie. Cartea se adreseaz? elevilor, studen?ilor, precum ?i publicului larg de cititori.
Huntingtower by John Buchan - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
Huntingtower by John Buchan - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
John Buchan
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘Huntingtower by John Buchan - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of John Buchan’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Buchan includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘Huntingtower by John Buchan - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Buchan’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
Daniel Boone: The Pioneer of Kentucky (Illustrated)
Daniel Boone: The Pioneer of Kentucky (Illustrated)
John S. C. Abbott
This is a detailed biography of the life and adventures of Daniel Boone. His accomplishments are brushed over in history classes these days and not given the recognition they deserve. This biography clearly paints a picture of the benevolent person of Daniel Boone as well as the achievements he made in furthering European settlement in America.
The Courts of the Morning by John Buchan - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
The Courts of the Morning by John Buchan - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)
John Buchan
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘The Courts of the Morning by John Buchan - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of John Buchan’. Having established their name as the leading publisher of classic literature and art, Delphi Classics produce publications that are individually crafted with superior formatting, while introducing many rare texts for the first time in digital print. The Delphi Classics edition of Buchan includes original annotations and illustrations relating to the life and works of the author, as well as individual tables of contents, allowing you to navigate eBooks quickly and easily. eBook features: * The complete unabridged text of ‘The Courts of the Morning by John Buchan - Delphi Classics (Illustrated)’ * Beautifully illustrated with images related to Buchan’s works * Individual contents table, allowing easy navigation around the eBook * Excellent formatting of the text Please visit www.delphiclassics.com to learn more about our wide range of titles
The Art Of War
The Art Of War
Sun Tzu
The Art of War is written by Sun Tzu, a high-ranking military general, strategist and tactician. The text is composed of 13 chapters, each of which is devoted to one aspect of warfare. It is the definitive work on classic military strategy and tactics. The book influenced Eastern and Western military thinking, business tactics, legal strategy and beyond.
The Raja Yoga: A Series of Lessons
The Raja Yoga: A Series of Lessons
Yogi Ramacharaka
An introduction and a form of initiation into the science of Raja Yoga. The series of lessons designed to enlighten regarding the nature of the real self, and to instruct in the secret knowledge the consciousness and realization of the real self.
Robert Louis Stevenson
A sequel to Stevenson's previous novel Kidnapped. This time the central character is kidnapped again and confined on the Bass Rock, an island. David also meets and falls in love with Catriona MacGregor Drummond, the daughter of James MacGregor Drummond, known as James More, also held in prison, whose escape she engineers.
In the South Seas
In the South Seas
Robert Louis Stevenson
For nearly ten years my health had been declining; and for some while before I set forth upon my voyage, I believed I was come to the afterpiece of life, and had only the nurse and undertaker to expect. It was suggested that I should try the South Seas; and I was not unwilling to visit like a ghost, and be carried like a bale, among scenes that had attracted me in youth and health. I chartered accordingly Dr. Merrit’s schooner yacht, the Casco, seventy-four tons register; sailed from San Francisco towards the end of June 1888, visited the eastern islands, and was left early the next year at Honolulu.
Just So Stories
Just So Stories
Rudyard Kipling
This unique edition of Just So Stories from Dead Dodo Vintage includes the full original text as well as exclusive features not available in other editions.
Japanese Folktales The Great Festival of The New Year
Japanese Folktales The Great Festival of The New Year
Xenosabrina Sakura
Little Good Boy had just finished eating the last of five rice cakes called "dango," that had been strung on a skewer of bamboo and dipped in soy sauce, when he said to his little sister, called Chrysanthemum: "O-Kiku, it is soon the great festival of the New Year." "What shall we do then?" asked little O-Kiku, not clearly remembering the festival of the previous year. Thus questioned, Yoshi-san had his desired opening to hold forth on the coming delights, and he replied: "Men will come the evening before the great feast-day and help Plum-blossom, our maid, to clean all the house with brush and broom. Others will set up the decoration in front of our honored gateway. They will dig two small holes and plant a gnarled, black-barked father-pine branch on the left, and the slighter reddish mother-pine branch on the right. They will then put with these the tall knotted stem of a bamboo, with its smooth, hard green leaves that chatter when the wind blows. Next they will take a grass rope, about as long as a tall man, fringed with grass, and decorated with zigzag strips of white paper.
Princess Rosette and Other Fairy Tales
Princess Rosette and Other Fairy Tales
Andrew Lang
Once upon a time there lived a King and Queen who had two beautiful sons and one little daughter, who was so pretty that no one who saw her could help loving her. When it was time for the christening of the Princess, the Queen—as she always did—sent for all the fairies to be present at the ceremony, and afterwards invited them to a splendid banquet...
Captains Courageous
Captains Courageous
Rudyard Kipling
Harvey Cheyne washed overboard from a transatlantic steamship and rescued by fishermen off the Grand Banks of Newfoundland, the young Harvey Cheyne can neither persuade them to take him quickly to port, nor convince them that his is the son of a wealthy railroad magnate. Disko Troop, captain of the We're Here, offers him a job as part of the crew until they return to port. With no other choice, Harvey accepts.
Billy Wants It All: Value of Money
Billy Wants It All: Value of Money
James Minter
For 7 to 9-year-old boys and girls. Children, usually driven by peer-pressure, want the latest toys, electronics and clothes, but have little understanding of the value of money or where it comes from. This is essential knowledge for later years. Billy wants a new skateboard and games controller, but doesn’t understand why he can’t have them bought for him. He doesn’t pay anything towards other household costs, so why does he have to contribute to a toy? His mum and dad are presented with some large and unexpected household bills, but once Billy understands the challenges his parent’s face, it makes him respect them more, and understand how much they work to invest in their family. Does Billy get a new skateboard? Who pays for it? Can the family afford to keep their pet dog? Billy Wants It All is the seventh title in the Billy Growing Up series. Each book addresses a unique topic—bullying, arrogant pride, jealousy, lying, stealing, lack of self-belief, understanding money, and secrets. Written to help parents, guardians and teachers deal with the issues that challenge pre-teen children; each topic is presented in a gentle way through storytelling. Setting the issues in a meaningful context helps children to understand the challenges, and to see things from a different perspective. The books act as icebreakers allowing for discussions of difficult subjects. Additionally, each title is supported by a free activity book to reinforce the learning, while having fun. Buying this book today will help your child learn about the value of money and where it comes from.
Words of a Journey:My Thoughts on Life and Living
Words of a Journey:My Thoughts on Life and Living
Kaitlyn Kashman
A book by a teenager for teenagers! Words of a Journey is a book for anyone who wants to take a closer look at life's meaning and their experiences. Seventeen-year old Kaitlyn Kashman has designed this book to provide thought-stimulation on various issues and feelings that young adults explore. The book is a potpourri of poetry, with introspective, inspirational questions and observations to stimulate thought in readers so they can come to a clearer understanding of their own feelings and desires. Topics for deeper introspection run the vast range of emotions and situations young adults experience to help readers analyze and clarify their own relationships: ·Understanding unrequited love leads to analysis between what is a want vs. a need. ·The difficulties of first love, learning about oneself, seeking the thrill of love, and knowing when it is best to end. ·Discovering that one cannot change for another person. ·Learning that sometimes we love our own fictional version of a person. ·Nourishing a budding sense of new identity. ·Finding the boundaries between two people, accepting and embracing ourselves. An important book for any teenager or young adult, Words of a Journey will take readers down a path that will lead them back home to find a better version of themselves. Critics Praise for Words of A Journey "In Words of a Journey Kaitlyn gives teenagers permission to think for themselves and a place to express themselves on the pages of the book. A simple thought gives way to self-expression and the opportunity for clarity. Words of a Journey: My Thoughts on Life and Living, serves as a journal that can be used every day. Often, we simply need to see our thoughts in print to make sense out of our struggle and to fully appreciate our joy!" --Judee Ausnow, author of Drama is Optional: A Guide for Teens Learn more at www.KaitlynKashman.com From the World Voices Series at Modern History Press www.ModernHistoryPress.com Look for paperback and eBook editions too! POE011000 POETRY / Canadian
Love's Labour's Lost
Love's Labour's Lost
William Shakespeare
The play follows the King of Navarre and his three companions as they attempt to forswear the company of women for three years of study and fasting, and their subsequent infatuation with the Princess of Aquitaine and her ladies. In an untraditional ending for a comedy, the play closes with the death of the Princess's father, and all weddings are delayed for a year. The play draws on themes of masculine love and desire, reckoning and rationalization, and reality versus fantasy.
The Way of the World: A Comedy
The Way of the World: A Comedy
William Congreve
Mirabell and Fainall have just finished playing cards. A footman comes and tells Mirabell that Waitwell and Foible were married that morning. Mirabell tells Fainall about his love of Millamant and is encouraged to marry her. Witwoud and Petulant appear and Mirabell is informed that should Lady Wishfort marry, he will lose ?6000 of Millamant's inheritance. He will only get this money if he can make Lady Wishfort consent to his and Millamant's marriage.
Simon Ships Out:How one brave, stray cat became a worldwide hero
Simon Ships Out:How one brave, stray cat became a worldwide hero
Jacky Donovan
When Simon, a mischievous young cat, is smuggled on board HMS Amethyst, his simple life amidst?the streets of Hong Kong is transformed into an adventure fit for heroes. ??Bringing joy and compassion to those on board, Simon is the only cat to have been awarded the PDSA Dickin Medal, the highest honour for animal gallantry in wartime. ?Based on the true events of Amethyst’s ‘Yangtze Incident’, Simon's quirky yet emotional cat’s eye narrative is sure to move and entertain all who read it.
Little Women
Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
Little Women follows the lives of the four March sisters, from oldest to youngest: Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy. A romance, a quest, a family drama that validates virtue over wealth. The start of the story is set at Christmastime, where Jo, the second eldest of the March sisters, grumbles that Christmas won't be Christmas without any presents. The four girls discuss the upcoming holiday and sigh as they long for pretty things that they can't have because of money constraints
Leaves In The Wind
Leaves In The Wind
A. G. Gardiner
From 1915 Gardiner contributed to The Star under the pseudonym Alpha of the Plough. At the time The Star had several anonymous essayists whose pseudonyms were the names of stars. Invited to choose the name of a star as a pseudonym he chose the name of the brightest (alpha) star in the constellation "the Plough." His essays are uniformly elegant, graceful and humorous. His uniqueness lay in his ability to teach the basic truths of life in an easy and amusing manner. Leaves in the Wind is amongst his best known writings.