

Bargaining for Brooklyn
Bargaining for Brooklyn
Marwell, Nicole P.
When middle-class residents fled American cities in the 1960s and 1970s, government services and investment capital left too. Countless urban neighborhoods thus entered phases of precipitous decline, prompting the creation of community-based organizations that sought to bring direly needed resources back to the inner city. Today there are tens of thousands of these CBOs-private nonprofit groups that work diligently within tight budgets to give assistance and opportunity to our most vulnerable citizens by providing services such as housing, child care, and legal aid.Through ethnographic fieldwork at eight CBOs in the Brooklyn neighborhoods of Williamsburg and Bushwick, Nicole P. Marwell discovered that the complex and contentious relationships these groups form with larger economic and political institutions outside the neighborhood have a huge and unexamined impact on the lives of the poor. Most studies of urban poverty focus on individuals or families, but Bargaining for Brooklyn widens the lens, examining the organizations whose actions and decisions collectively drive urban life.
Light Club
Light Club
McElheny, Josiah
Paul Scheerbart (1863-1915) was a visionary German novelist, theorist, poet, and artist who made a lasting impression on such icons of modernism as Walter Benjamin, Bruno Taut, and Walter Gropius. Fascinated with the potential of glass architecture, Scheerbart's satirical fantasies envisioned an electrified future, a world composed entirely of crystalline, colored glass.In 1912, Scheerbart published The Light Club of Batavia, a Novelle about the formation of a club dedicated to building a spa for bathing-not in water, but in light-at the bottom of an abandoned mineshaft. Translated here into English for the first time, this rare story serves as a point of departure for Josiah McElheny, who, with an esteemed group of collaborators, offers a fascinating array of responses to this enigmatic work.The Light Club makes clear that the themes of utopian hope, desire, and madness in Scheerbart's tale represent a part of modernism's lost project: a world based on political and spiritual ideals rather than efficiency and logic. In his compelling introduction, McElheny describes Scheerbart's life as well as his own enchantment with the writer, and he explains the ways in which The Light Club of Batavia inspired him to produce art of uncommon breadth. The Light Club also features inspired writings from Gregg Bordowitz and Ulrike Mller, Andrea Geyer, and Branden W. Joseph, as well as translations of original texts by and about Scheerbart. A unique response by one visionary artist to another, The Light Club is an unforgettable examination of what it might mean to see radical potential in absolute illumination.
Reforming Philosophy
Reforming Philosophy
Snyder, Laura J.
The Victorian period in Britain was an "age of reform." It is therefore not surprising that two of the era's most eminent intellects described themselves as reformers. Both William Whewell and John Stuart Mill believed that by reforming philosophy-including the philosophy of science-they could effect social and political change. But their divergent visions of this societal transformation led to a sustained and spirited controversy that covered morality, politics, science, and economics. Situating their debate within the larger context of Victorian society and its concerns, Reforming Philosophy shows how two very different men captured the intellectual spirit of the day and engaged the attention of other scientists and philosophers, including the young Charles Darwin. Mill-philosopher, political economist, and Parliamentarian-remains a canonical author of Anglo-American philosophy, while Whewell-Anglican cleric, scientist, and educator-is now often overlooked, though in his day he was renowned as an authority on science. Placing their teachings in their proper intellectual, cultural, and argumentative spheres, Laura Snyder revises the standard views of these two important Victorian figures, showing that both men's concerns remain relevant today. A philosophically and historically sensitive account of the engagement of the major protagonists of Victorian British philosophy, Reforming Philosophy is the first book-length examination of the dispute between Mill and Whewell in its entirety. A rich and nuanced understanding of the intellectual spirit of Victorian Britain, it will be welcomed by philosophers and historians of science, scholars of Victorian studies, and students of the history of philosophy and political economy.
Petru cel Mare. Via?a ?i lumea lui
Petru cel Mare. Via?a ?i lumea lui
Robert K. Massie
Cum s? ??i ?mbun?t??e?ti g?ndirea ?i via?a Terapia Cognitiv Comportamental? (TCC) ??i ofer? cele mai eficiente instrumente pentru a ?n?elege mecanismele g?ndirii ?i pentru a ?nv??a cum s? le controlezi. Tr?ie?ti cu convingerea c? via?a ta depinde de ceea ce ?i s-a ?nt?mplat ?n copil?rie sau de hot?r?rile pe care le-au luat al?ii ?n numele t?u? E?ti sigur c? nu po?i s? scapi de temeri, de frustr?ri, de fobii, de impulsivitate? Ascult? vocea ra?iunii tale, aceea care te ajut? s? despar?i g?ndurile de sentimente. ?ncearc? s? ?n?elegi emo?iile care te for?eaz? s? ac?ionezi ?ntr-o anumit? direc?ie. Schimb?-?i comportamentul prin terapie ?i ??i vei ?mbun?t??i ?ntreaga via??! P?n? acum c??iva ani, terapia era asociat? de obicei cu canapele ?i lacrimi, cu t?ceri meditative, cu dezgroparea dureroas? a amintirilor din copil?rie ?i a fanteziilor ascunse. Aceste prejudec??i au ajuns ?ns? la un sf?r?it odat? cu apari?ia terapiei cognitiv-comportamentale, noua tehnic? terapeutic? prin conversa?ie c?reia psihoterapeutul Stephen Briers ?i dedic? cartea de fa??. Cu ajutorul acestui instrument pre?ios, ??i vei con?tientiza problemele ?i vei reu?i, pas cu pas, s? le elimini din via?a ta. Cartea cuprinde: - 11 capitole care te introduc at?t ?n teoria, c?t ?i ?n practica TCC - Liste de referin?e, lecturi ?i site-uri pentru aprofundarea cunoa?terii - 4 anexe utile pentru aplicarea informa?iilor din carte ?n cadrul fiec?rui capitol sunt incluse casetele ?Brilliant“ cu exemple, observa?ii, sfaturi.
The Impeccable Host
The Impeccable Host
Mark Perl
The Impeccable Host is the world's first, definitive, training resource on how to Host corporate events of all types and sizes, more profitably than you ever have before. With well in excess of ?1.3 billion being spent on corporate hospitality during the year of the Olympics in the UK, a significant amount of that will be spent by businesses using the opportunity to extend corporate hospitality to their clients. However, studies have shown that most companies have no idea how to measure the effectiveness of that spend, or more importantly, how to influence it. This book guides you through tactical, interpersonal processes which any savvy Executive can manage, to improve yield from events in three key areas: 1. Customer acquisition ?2. Revenue generation ?3. Customer retention ?Throughout an extensive career as an operational manager in hotels, corporate hospitality, conferencing and events, Mark Perl has developed a deep understanding of the value of 'connection' and the tactical skills of 'networking'. In today's highly competitive marketplace, acquiring superior relationship development skills differentiates the extraordinary business professional from the ordinary. Mark demystifies the tactical processes involved in become a confident and effective relationship builder and business developer. He helps professionals to explode their self-confidence, develop profitable relationships with ease, and to win new business in a way that brings in more money, consistently, with less personal stress.
Hawaiian Rebirth: Questions, Stories, and Strategies to Guide You to Your Life’s
Hawaiian Rebirth: Questions, Stories, and Strategies to Guide You to Your Life’s
Yves Nager
Have you ever asked yourself, "Is this all there is to life?"?What if you could breakthrough what's stopping you from living your dreams and uncover what you were truly meant to do?Hawaiian Rebirth?is a complete road map that guides you to discovering your gifts, finding your life's purpose and fulfilling your destiny.Reading?Hawaiian Rebirth?will help you to: Deepen your understanding of?why you were born? Unfold into your true self and?fulfill your destiny Clarify your?passions?and find your?life's purpose Commit to moving in the?direction of your desires Realize any goal?you dream of achieving Interwoven within fascinating stories from the author's worldwide adventures,?Hawaiian Rebirth?leads you on a marvelous journey of spiritual and professional self-discovery. The book begins with Yves' miraculous story of healing and rebirth in Hawaii at the beginning of his own journey of transformation.While we all share the goal of finding our life's purpose and ultimately fulfilling our destiny, we're all headed to different places.?Hawaiian Rebirth?helps you commit to moving in the direction of your desires, despite challenges and obstacles.?
Paradigma puterii ?n secolul al XIX-lea
Paradigma puterii ?n secolul al XIX-lea
Buleu Constantina Raveca
Educa?ia poate fi relaxant? ?i distractiv? at?t pentru copil c?t ?i pentru p?rinte, odat? ce de?inem bagajul minim necesar de cuno?tin?e despre etapele dezvolt?rii copilului ?i un set de metode simple ?i eficiente pentru a ie?i din ?ncurc?turi precum crizele de furie ?ntr-un magazin aglomerat sau manifest?rile de gelozie ?ntre fra?i.Interactiv?, clar? ?i instructiv?, aceast? carte ne arat? cum putem stimula imagina?ia, creativitatea, vorbirea sau abilit??ile practice ale copiilor ?ntr-un mod juc?u?, cum ?i de ce s? select?m din noianul de juc?rii de pe pia?? ?i, pe scurt, la ce s? ne a?tept?m ?i cum s? interac?ion?m cu copilul ?n func?ie de v?rsta ?i de pragul s?u de dezvoltare.
Coasta lui Apollo. Jurnal de scriitor
Coasta lui Apollo. Jurnal de scriitor
Christi Aura
Frica de boal? este resim?it? acut de 15% dintre rom?ni ?i doar teama de ?omaj o dep??e?te ?ntrun top autohton al ?ngrijor?rilor, arat? o anchet? sociologic? din 2014. O dovad? ?n plus a relevan?ei grijii pentru s?n?tate o constituie preocuparea actual? pentru alimenta?ia ?eco" ?i diete, dar ?i cultul corpului s?n?tos ?i zvelt. Totu?i, c?nd grija fireasc? pentru s?n?tate ajunge s? ne domine g?ndurile, tulbur?ndune cursul normal al vie?ii, e semn c? am putea suferi de o ?tulburare hipocondriac?". Mersul frecvent de la un doctor la altul (dublat de ne?ncrederea fa?? de diagnosticul primit), izolarea social?, interpretarea gre?it? semnelor corpului, igiena compulsiv? ?i suspiciunea fa?? de toxicitatea alimentelor afecteaz? considerabil via?a ipohondrului, dar ?i a rudelor sale. Cartea de fa?? arat? cum ia na?tere frica patologic? de boal?, ce consecin?e are ?i cum poate fi dep??it? prin autoanaliz?, sugestii pozitive, tehnici de relaxare, vizualizare ?i gestionare a stresului, ?i, mai ales, prin restructurarea g?ndirii ira?ionale ?i ?magice".
Lawrence ?n Arabia. R?zboi, mistificare, nes?buin?? imperial? ?i crearea Orientu
Lawrence ?n Arabia. R?zboi, mistificare, nes?buin?? imperial? ?i crearea Orientu
Scott Anderson
Alina se afl? ?n al treilea an al terapiei personale. Ea ??i autoexamineaz? istoria rela?iilor de iubire: iubirile ei de copil, de adolescent?, iubirile de t?n?r? adult?. Este o istorie pe care o are ?nscris? ?n psihic ?i ?n corp. Analizanda se uit? la aceast? istorie ?i ?ncearc? s? o accepte a?a cum este ea; ?i, pentru c? se dovede?te greu de acceptat, de ?ndurat cu traumele ?i ne?mplinirile ei, aceast? istorie se cere rescris?. Din subiectul pasiv al propriilor scenarii de via??, al influen?elor puternice venite dinspre proprii p?rin?i, ea ?ncearc? ?i reu?e?te, ?n mare m?sur?, s? ??i rescrie istoria emo?ional?, s? ?i caute ?i s? ?i g?seasc? un sens personal, autentic. Din obiect al propriului trecut ?i al priva?iunilor impuse de el, Alina devine, ?ncet-?ncet, subiectul acestora.Procesul terapeutic prin care trece Alina, protagonista c?r?ii, ?n ?nt?lnirea cu psihoterapeutul — Pavel — este un proces fictiv, ?ns? povestea lui nu este mai pu?in realist?. A?a cum, ?n teatru, via?a este prezentat? p?n? la cap?t, ?i aici, dar ?ntr-o form? concentrat?, este prezentat? via?a unei rela?ii terapeutice de lung? durat? cu atmosfera, ritmul, nuan?ele ?i tensiunile ei.?
Psihoneuroimunologie uman?
Psihoneuroimunologie uman?
Kavita Vedhara, Michael R. Irwin
Te-ai g?ndit vreodat? c? ?i-ai putea reprograma creierul astfel ?nc?t s? devii un lider mai eficient? ?i aceasta, f?r? s?-?i ?ncarci programul ?i a?a aglomerat. Doar o mic? schimbare ?n stilul t?u de via??, ?n activit??ile pe care le faci oricum zilnic, poate aduce o transformare de propor?ii ?n via?a ta profesional? ?i personal?. Iar aceast? schimbare se nume?te mindfulness, con?tientizarea momentului prezent, aten?ia concentrat? clip? de clip? pe aici ?i acum. Matt teney ?i tim gard ??i vor ar?ta c? po?i, practic?nd mindfulness, s? devii mai inovativ, s? atragi ?i s? men?ii ?n echipa ta colegi dedica?i, s?-?i dezvol?i inteligen?a emo?ional? necesar? pentru a crea o cultur? a ?nving?torului, s? fii un lider care-i inspir? pe ceilal?i. Este o carte din care vei ?nv??a c? te po?i schimba remodel?ndu-?i creierul, f?c?nd acelea?i lucruri ca ?i p?n? acum, ?ns? ?ntr-un mod diferit, ce-?i va deschide noi perspective asupra vie?ii. Matt Tenney este antreprenor, autor, speaker ?i consultant ?n mediul de afaceri. Tim Gard, doctor ?n neuro?tiin?e, speaker ?i instructor de mindfulness.
A Working Mother’s GPS: A Guide to Parenting Success for the Modern Working Mom
A Working Mother’s GPS: A Guide to Parenting Success for the Modern Working Mom
Atara Malach
If you’ve ever felt road-weary from trying to navigate new and difficult stages of parenting while also steering your career in the right direction, you know the stresses of the modern working mother. Atara Malach’s latest book is the roadmap you’ve been looking for to guide you on your parenting journey. Atara’s time-tested program for regaining control of your home and career are based on the logical approach of leading with authority, trust, and love. Using language you’re already familiar with, Atara’s methods are clearly stated, simple to implement and grounded in practicality and flexibility. The techniques are adaptable for your family’s unique needs and easily transferable to your workplace. In this book, you’ll learn how to: Set your boundaries in an unequivocal way that earns buy-in from your family and your colleagues. Practice and implement techniques for gaining cooperation from your partner, your kids, and your co-workers. Define your success in your own terms, by minimizing frustration, guilt, and resentment. Achieve the work/life balance you’ve been striving for since you first became a working mother.
Let Go: Conquer Your Fear Without Quitting
Let Go: Conquer Your Fear Without Quitting
Torben Rif
Do you feel caught in a negative, looping behavior pattern? Do you ever wonder why the same situation seems to play out in your life with a revolving cast of characters? If you have become a “people pleaser” or fancy yourself a self-styled rebel, perhaps these are the surface level manifestations of something stirring deep within you—a need to let go. Other symptoms of holding on to the past are a constant need for acknowledgment or a fear of showing vulnerability. The common thread that runs through these behaviors and patterns is that the symptoms likely arise from a specific negative experience, which has never been fully processed. Never been let go. You have allowed this experience to take control of your destiny, and it is keeping you from living free and being who you really are. THE TIME HAS COME TO LET GO!
Vindecarea prin pove?ti. Culegerea de cazuri destinat? folosirii metaforelor ter
Vindecarea prin pove?ti. Culegerea de cazuri destinat? folosirii metaforelor ter
George W. Burns
Psihologia Sinelui, ?ntemeiat? de Heinz Kohut, este una dintre cele mai importante orient?ri din psihologia, psihoterapia ?i psihanaliza contemporan?. Pornind de la tulbur?rile narcisice de personalitate, frecvente ?n clinica sa din America anilor ‘50, Kohut se distan?eaz? de teoria pulsiunilor elaborat? de Freud pe baza trat?rii nevrozelor, foarte r?sp?ndite ?n Europa ?nceputului de secol. ?n centrul psihologiei sinelui se va afla linia narcisic? a dezvolt?rii psihice, pe care Kohut o consider? prioritar?. Sinele, obiectele sinelui, oglindirea, transferul narcisic iau locul principalelor concepte freudiene. Importantele modific?ri teoretice se concretizeaz? ?n ?nnoiri ale tehnicii, ?ntre care privilegierea empatiei ?n raport cu interpretarea se situeaz? pe primul plan.Sintetiz?nd ?ntreaga concep?ie a lui Kohut, prelegerile interactive sus?inute de el la Chicago la mijlocul anilor ‘70 se adreseaz? psihoterapeu?ilor, psihiatrilor, psihologilor, precum ?i tuturor celor interesa?i de cunoa?terea de profunzime a omului.
Simon Sebag Montefiore
John Holt - Promotorul educa?iei la domiciliu - homeschooling ?Tot ce spun eu ?n cartea acesta poate afi rezumat ?n patru cuvinte: Ave?i ?ncredere ?n copii!“ – John Holt Copiii ?nva?? cel mai bine ?nainte de a merge la ?coal?, c?nd ??nv??atul este precum respiratul“, atrage aten?ia celebrul reformator educa?ional John Holt. Odat? intra?i ?n sistemul clasic de ?nv???m?nt, micii ?colari ajung repede s? fie umili?i, speria?i ?i descuraja?i. V?duvi?i de dorin?a fireasc? de a explora, ei se vor sim?i cople?i?i de cerin?e f?r? noim? ?i de test?ri care ignor? punctele lor forte. Vor c?uta strategii de a p?c?li profesorii sau se vor limita la a ?nv??a strict ?pentru examene“. Plec?nd de la observarea procesului natural ?i fascinant ?n care copiii mici ?nva?? pe cont propriu s? mearg?, s? vorbeasc? sau s? rezolve jocuri complicate, autorul ?ndeamn? p?rin?ii ?i educatorii s? creeze un mediu de ?nv??are bazat pe ?ncredere ?i deschidere, care s? ?ncurajeze nu doar achizi?ia unor fragmente din diverse teorii, dar ?i dezvoltarea ?ncrederii, r?bd?rii ?i autonomiei elevilor afla?i la v?rste fragede. Miza c?r?ii const? ?n transformarea ?colii (dar ?i a c?minului familial) ?ntr-un loc unde copiii s?-?i poat? ?mbun?t??i stilul natural de g?ndire ?i ?nv??are.
Noaptea str?inului
Noaptea str?inului
Aura Christi
n practica psihoterapeutic actual metafora joac un rol important, avnd rolul de a scurtcircuita“ resorturile psihice care-l menin pe client captiv n problema sa. Fie c este vorba de depresie, de anxietate, de atacuri de panic, de doliu, de reducerea durerii fizice sau de mpcarea cu o maladie irecuperabil, pentru aduli i pentru copii, metafora este un vehicul al schimbrii. n cartea sa, Burns reunete cazuri povestite de unii dintre cei mai buni psihoterapeui contemporani din diverse orientri, cazuri n care metafora a reprezentat ingredientul ce a fcut diferena ntre vindecare i adncirea n simptom. Valoroas att prin diversitatea situaiilor prezentate ct i prin stilul su comprehensibil, aproape didactic, lucrarea de fa este un instrument util n practica oricrui psihoterapeut.
Practical Mobile Forensics
Practical Mobile Forensics
Satish Bommisetty
The book is an easy-to-follow guide with clear instructions on various mobile forensic techniques. The chapters and the topics within are structured for a smooth learning curve, which will swiftly empower you to master mobile forensics. If you are a budding forensic analyst, consultant, engineer, or a forensic professional wanting to expand your skillset, this is the book for you. The book will also be beneficial to those with an interest in mobile forensics or wanting to find data lost on mobile devices. It will be helpful to be familiar with forensics in general but no prior experience is required to follow this book.
Haskell Design Patterns
Haskell Design Patterns
Ryan Lemmer
Take your Haskell and functional programming skills to the next level by exploring new idioms and design patternsAbout This BookExplore Haskell on a higher level through idioms and patternsGet an in-depth look into the three strongholds of Haskell: higher-order functions, the Type system, and Lazy evaluationExpand your understanding of Haskell and functional programming, one line of executable code at a timeWho This Book Is ForIf you’re a Haskell programmer with a firm grasp of the basics and ready to move more deeply into modern idiomatic Haskell programming, then this book is for you.What You Will LearnUnderstand the relationship between the “Gang of Four” OOP Design Patterns and HaskellTry out three ways of Streaming I/O: imperative, Lazy, and Iteratee basedExplore the pervasive pattern of Composition: from function composition through to high-level composition with LensesSynthesize Functor, Applicative, Arrow and Monad in a single conceptual frameworkFollow the grand arc of Fold and Map on lists all the way to their culmination in Lenses and Generic ProgrammingGet a taste of Type-level programming in Haskell and how this relates to dependently-typed programmingRetrace the evolution, one key language extension at a time, of the Haskell Type and Kind systemsPlace the elements of modern Haskell in a historical frameworkIn DetailDesign patterns and idioms can widen our perspective by showing us where to look, what to look at, and ultimately how to see what we are looking at. At their best, patterns are a shorthand method of communicating better ways to code (writing less, more maintainable, and more efficient code).This book starts with Haskell 98 and through the lens of patterns and idioms investigates the key advances and programming styles that together make "modern Haskell". Your journey begins with the three pillars of Haskell. Then you'll experience the problem with Lazy I/O, together with a solution. You'll also trace the hierarchy formed by Functor, Applicative, Arrow, and Monad. Next you'll explore how Fold and Map are generalized by Foldable and Traversable, which in turn is unified in a broader context by functional Lenses. You'll delve more deeply into the Type system, which will prepare you for an overview of Generic programming. In conclusion you go to the edge of Haskell by investigating the Kind system and how this relates to Dependently-typed programming.Style and approachUsing short pieces of executable code, this guide gradually explores the broad pattern landscape of modern Haskell. Ideas are presented in their historical context and arrived at through intuitive derivations, always with a focus on the problems they solve.
?i tu po?i fi Supernanny 1. Cum s?-?i cre?ti bine copilul
?i tu po?i fi Supernanny 1. Cum s?-?i cre?ti bine copilul
Petrea Irina
Modul de via?? ne influen?eaz? performan?ele creierului? Zeci de studii de specialitate citate ?n aceast? carte o demonstreaz?: ?mpletirea activit??ilor intelectuale, fizice ?i sociale este cea mai bun? arm? ?mpotriva uzurii cerebrale normale. Nu suntem lipsi?i de resurse ?n fa?a ?naint?rii ?n v?rst? ?i a bolilor. Da: memoria, aten?ia, func?iile executive, emo?iile, performan?ele cognitive pot fi ?mbun?t??ite prin alimenta?ie, sport, muzic? ?i cultivarea rela?iilor sociale. Muzica amelioreaz? judecata, ne face mai altrui?ti ?i diminueaz? durerea. Unele activit??i individuale, precum lectura sau c?utarea activ? de informa?ii pe internet pot fi foarte stimulante. Iar o alimenta?ie echilibrat?, bogat? ?n vitamina E, care are o important? ac?iune antioxidant?, este indispensabil?. Nu uita?i: ?i creierul are nevoie s? fie antrenat!
Experien?a psihanalizei. Panorama psihanalizei contemporane
Experien?a psihanalizei. Panorama psihanalizei contemporane
Stephen A. Mitchell, Margaret J. Black
Cum func?ioneaz? mintea noastr?? De ce facem unele alegeri ?i nu altele? Ce rol are plictiseala? Este moralitatea ?nn?scut?, sau este nevoie s? o ?nv???m? C?t de mult corupe puterea? C??tigul la loterie aduce fericirea? Dar z?mbetul? Sunt ?ntreb?ri pe care fiecare dintre noi ?i le-a pus la un moment dat, dar c?rora psihologii le-au dat un r?spuns fundamentat ?tiin?ific. ?n 15 minute psiholog este o lectur? u?oar? ?i pl?cut?, care te introduce ?n lumea fascinant? a psihicului uman, a?a cum este ea v?zut? ?i descifrat? de speciali?ti. Prin aceast? carte, autoarea realizeaz? un parcurs captivant, reu?ind s? prezinte studii ?i teorii ?tiin?ifice ?ntr-o manier? antrenant? ?i marcat? de umor. Bogatul s?u con?inut informa?ional este atent structurat ?i ?nso?it de numeroase imagini atractive, care au darul de a te ajuta s?-l re?ii mai u?or. C?nd Albert Einstein a murit, ?n 1955, creierul lui a fost scos, examinat, fotografiat ?i conservat, disp?r?nd timp de dou?zeci de ani, p?n? ?n 1978, c?nd a fost redescoperit. A fost t?iat ?n 240 de buc??i pentru examinare microscopic?, ceea ce a ?nsemnat o pacoste pentru cercet?rile ulterioare. Nu exist? nicio deosebire de m?rime ?ntre creierul lui Einstein ?i un creier ?normal". Sunt ?ns? deosebiri structurale. Lobul parietal inferior al creierului lui Einstein era cu 15% mai bine dezvoltat dec?t la al?ii [...] existau, de asemenea, mai multe conexiuni ?ntre p?r?ile creierului s?u dec?t sunt ?n mod obi?nuit.Anne Rooney I-ai administra ?ocuri electrice altei persoane, care nu e vinovat? de nicio crim?, doar pentru c? a?a ??i spune cineva s? faci? Nu? E?ti sigur? Suntem cu mult mai slabi ?n fa?a autorit??ii dec?t ne-ar pl?cea s? credem. Stanley Milgram, un psiholog de la Universitatea Yale, a fost interesat de disculparea invocat? de mul?i fo?ti nazi?ti, care au sus?inut c? ei doar s-au supus ordinelor. Psihologul a fost curios s? vad? p?n? unde ar merge oamenii supun?ndu-se ordinelor. A?adar, s-a decis s? afle.
Casa din ?ntuneric
Casa din ?ntuneric
Christi Aura
Imediat ce ai anunat c eti nsrcinat, rudele, prietenii, cunoscuii, chiar i persoanele strine se grbesc s-i dea sfaturi. Pe internet gseti tot felul de informaii despre natere i creterea copiilor, unele verificate, altele mai puin, dar care adesea se bat cap n cap. Cum s-o scoi la capt n tot acest hi informaional Mari mituri despre dezvoltarea copiilor este o carte ce-i propune s demoleze ideile preconcepute, bazndu-se pe rezultatele cercetrilor tiinifice, pe dovezi, pe date statistice. Cartea dezbate fr menajamente 50 de mituri, rspunznd la ntrebri precum: Se poate prezice sexul bebeluului uitndu-te la forma corpului matern Genereaz anestezia epidural complicaii la natere S lai copilul s plng sau s-l iei n brae la cel mai mic semn de suferin S l aezi n premergtor ori s-l lai s se ridice singur n poziie biped Poate vaccinarea s induc autismul Dar consumul de zahr mi va agita copilul Pn la ce vrst este indicat alptarea mi traumatizez copilul pe via dac-i dau o palm Divorul prinilor poate distruge viaa copiilor Cu exemple din filme i seriale cunoscute, cu trimiteri la referine bibliografice de ncredere, cartea de fa reprezint un mic ghid pentru prini, extrem de util n numeroasele momente de cumpn cu care se confrunt pe parcursul creterii unui copil. Totodat, ea poate fi i un excelent suport de curs pentru cei ce se pregtesc n psihologia copilului. Ideea c un copil singur la prini este rsfat dateaz de peste un secol… cercetrile sugereaz c aceasta nu este n realitate dect un mit… Copiii singuri la prini […] au o motivaie de realizare nalt, un nivel mai ridicat al stimei de sine i relaii mai pozitive cu prinii […] i sunt similari tuturor celorlalte grupuri familiale n ceea ce privete maturitatea, spiritul de cooperare, autocontrolul, stabilitatea emoional, participarea social, extraversia i popularitatea n grupul lor de vrst.“ – Stephen Hupp i Jeremy Jewell Gemenii identici nu sunt identici din punct de vedere genetic O femeie poate rmne nsrcinat n timpul sarcinii Nu toate fetele au cromozomi sexuali XX i nu toi bieii au cromozomi XY Taii nu folosesc pedeapsa corporal mai des dect mamele Acestea i multe alte mituri sunt discutate prin prisma cercetrilor tiinifice de cea mai nalt calitate, i nu aa cum obinuim s facem noi, majoritatea prinilor, atunci cnd recurgem la intuiii, zvonuri i preri transmise din gur-n gur. Aceast carte ar trebui s se afle pe noptiera oricrui printe i consultat ori de cte ori ai dubii c faci ceea ce trebuie.“ – Michael Shermer, redactor al revistei Skeptic, editorialist la Scientific American, autor al crilor: Why People Believe Weird Things, The Believing Brain i The Moral Arc.
A history of romanian oil vol. I
A history of romanian oil vol. I
Gh. Buzatu
Autorul reconsider contribuia lui Velikovsky la ideile noastre despre sistemul solar i scoate n eviden care dintre prediciile acestuia ar mai putea fi confirmate n viitor.“ – Nexus Magazine, iunie 2012. De ce Lumi n coliziune scris de Immanuel Velikovsky era singura carte deschis pe masa de lucru a lui Albert Einstein, n momentul morii acestuia n anii ‘50, Immanuel Velikovsky, scriitor i psihiatru rus, provoca un adevrat scandal n mediul tiinific prin crile sale. Susinea o teorie a dezastrelor conform creia ciocnirea planetei Venus cu Marte ar fi provocat rcirea brusc a Pmntului n doar cteva clipe, modificnd radical destinul planetei noastre. Cartea de fa propune o reexaminare a controversatelor ipoteze avansate de Velikovsky referitoare la planeta Venus, n lumina noilor descoperiri astronomice i arheologice. Se pare c att recentele misiuni ale sondelor spaiale, ct i traducerile unor vechi documente din China, Coreea i Japonia despre planeta Venus confirm retroactiv viziunile celui care a fost considerat cndva un eretic al tiinei.
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