

INSPIRED: 7 Wisdoms of a Soul Inspired Life
INSPIRED: 7 Wisdoms of a Soul Inspired Life
Joy Taylor
Are you inspired to do something brave, bold, and brilliant? Have you ever dared to share and put yourself out there? If you don't show up, don't risk, and don't overcome your fears or inner obstacles, the world loses - and so do you. Through vulnerable and honest story-telling Joy Taylor reveals her personal trials and triumphs. She opens readers to the possibility of living ‘in spirit’ in today’s distracted, demanding, and upside down world. Follow this journey of awakening as Joy creatively unpacks 7 Wisdoms to live a soul inspired life. Discover that life happens?for you, not?"to you", and that you truly deserve all the good that is coming your way. Guided by insight and propelled by genuine courage, you can choose to grow into your highest potential. Through the profound guidance shared in this book, you’ll learn to cultivate courage, access intuition, and creatively express your genius. Inspired?introduces game-changing ideas on how to align your personality with your soul, break cycles of fear, and be more happy more often. This is not a book of untested theories, rather it is real-world and relatable, packed with tips, tools, and tactics for experiencing love, nurturing self-compassion, and catalyzing your purpose. You will be guided to ask empowering questions, tap into your inner knowing, and actualize your authentic self in everything you do. With any deep and lasting transformation, you may feel challenged. You may experience a few personal ‘zingers’ as you are confronted with your shadow - the hidden parts that rule you if left unchecked . However, when you engage with this book honestly, and with an open heart, it will gently invite you to trust love and change. As insight reveals itself through each of the 7 Wisdoms, you’ll gain clarity and build confidence. You will engage with others in more conscious and connected ways. You’ll make profound shifts in the way you understand and interpret your world―and the way you live in it. (Yahoo!) Are you ready to discover your most inspired self??Inspired: 7 Wisdoms of a Soul Inspired Life?is about celebrating you! It’s about becoming the best you can be, finding your purpose, and being the person you came here to be―brave, bold, and brilliant!
How I Overcame Social Anxiety (And How You Can Too!)
How I Overcame Social Anxiety (And How You Can Too!)
Tobias Atkins
"If you've ever suffered from anxiety problems, you will find the answers in this excellent book." - 5-star review DO YOU FEEL NERVOUS AROUND PEOPLE & DON’T KNOW WHY?Are you tired of worrying what others are thinking of you all the time?Do you feel uncomfortable in public and can’t ever seem to relax around people?Are you tired of that critical voice inside your head that’s always putting you down?Have you tried to overcome your social anxiety & shyness before and nothing worked?Do you believe you’re ‘beyond help’ or ‘born this way’ and things will never change?I suffered from professionally diagnosed social anxiety disorder and generalized anxiety disorder for over a decade. The majority of my 20’s I was on strong antidepressant medication. Instead of being the best, those were the most unhappy years of my life. I know how it feels to live with social anxiety 24/7, 365 days a year. The suffering, the shame, the lack of understanding from family and friends. The feeling that no-one really understands what you’re going through. I understand.?This is why I can help.?This book documents my entire journey through social anxiety; the factors that caused it and the exact steps I took to find my healing and regain control of my life. In this book, you’ll learn:The real causes behind your social anxiety & shyness (it’s not what you think) My step-by-step guide for overcoming social anxiety & shyness (follow what I did)How I learned to stop fearing the opinions and judgments of othersHow to let go of perfectionism and always putting yourself downWhat I learned from spending over $35,000 on alternative therapiesHow to finally start liking and accepting yourselfHow to lower anxiety and self-consciousness in minutes, not yearsThis book provides you with a proven roadmap to overcome social anxiety, explained by someone who has actually gone through the process and found a way out of it.? Readers' reviews: "Top-notch, sincere, and well-written. (...) This book has been incredibly helpful and consistently insightful." "If you've ever suffered from anxiety problems, you will find the answers in this excellent book." "This book is so much better [than others about social anxiety] because of the author's very personal battle with it. It feels like I'm getting advice from a really close friend who knows exactly what I'm going through." From the Author? Hi I'm Tobias.My life has been full of ups and downs. I am a living proof that you can overcome your biggest fears and achieve anything you want in life as long as you just have the courage to take the first step and not give up. I spent most of my teens and twenties depressed, lonely and on strong antidepressants. By age 27, I had given up on ever overcoming my social anxiety & shyness.?Even worse than that, I had given up on myself. I was my own worst enemy, always calling myself harsh names like ‘loser’ and ‘ugly.’ I hated myself and didn’t believe I was worth very much. I thought I was ‘weak’ and ‘broken’ for having social anxiety and felt inferior to just about everyone in the world.?Like most people, I grew up believing the narrative we are sold by society. You were born confident or you weren’t. You were good with people or you weren’t. You either have it or you don’t, and I certainly didn’t, better luck next lifetime. I am here to shatter that myth for you. To show you that you can overcome social anxiety and be anyone you want to be.?My self-improvement articles have been featured on blogs such as Lifehack and Pick The Brain. My passion in life helping others realize their own greatness and live a life of freedom and passion. ?
MindLift: Mental Fitness for the Modern Mind
MindLift: Mental Fitness for the Modern Mind
Kasper van der Meulen
MindLift is your no-nonsense guide?to?increased focused awareness, enhanced mental fitness and limitless personal freedom. Written and laid out in a way that supports your natural ability to focus.The Modern MindWe live in a wonderful era of abundance, high-speed information and hyper-connection, but it also faces us with the challenges of mass-distraction, negative stress and analysis paralysis. In this book you will learn how to leverage the opportunities of the modern world into a lifestyle of laser focus, masterful mindfulness and personal freedom.?Mental FitnessThe mind is a tool that can be developed through training, just like any muscle in the body. This book provides a skill-based approach to personal development and habit creation, by means of dedicated practice in the areas of attention management, rapid learning ability, meditation & mindfulness, mastering stress physiology, re-wilding your life, physical movement and nutritional autonomy.?All this packed into fifty easy-to-use tips, tricks and hacks?and ten simple mindset-shifts!
The Offline Dating Method: How to Attract a Great Guy in the Real World
The Offline Dating Method: How to Attract a Great Guy in the Real World
Camille Virginia
With the modern dating process overrun (yet under-served) by online dating and apps, the woman who connects in the real world gets the man.? In this book, author Camille Virginia draws upon her transformation from a shy girl with social anxiety into a socially confident woman. Without ever going online or using an app, hundreds of men, in everyday places, have asked Camille to go out with them. Through coaching and workshops, she's helped women in over 100 countries learn how to attract their “better half” and become happier? In The Offline Dating Method, Camille shares her step-by-step secrets to success, giving every reader the power to attract great men in the real world and live a more fulfilling life. In this book you will:? Find hundreds of specific and actionable tips (there’s no vague "just be yourself" advice) Follow a proven step-by-step system (there’s no guesswork about what to do next) Create meaningful connections with everyone (men, friends, family, and more).
The Whole Method: Leaders: Quiet the Noise, Blaze Your Own Trail and Unleash You
The Whole Method: Leaders: Quiet the Noise, Blaze Your Own Trail and Unleash You
Rhonda Smith
Quiet the Noise, Blaze Your Own Trail, and Expand Into Your True Potential What you are seeking has been waiting patiently for you to find it. Satisfaction and fulfillment are not destinations on a map, they can only be found by going within. The Whole Method guides you back into the deepest recesses of your self, lighting the way to remembering who you really are and unlocking your infinite potential. Becoming whole means diverging from the pathways others have tread before you, reconnecting with your internal compass, and blazing your own uniquely magnificent trail. Gorging yourself on information and filling your mind with the recommendations of others does not actually give you new insights or answers. Instead, quiet the external noise and listen to the wisdom of your soul. Softly speaking words of truth into your life, the wisdom of your soul will guide you home. The Whole Method shows you, the leader, how to tap the bottomless well of your inner wisdom and unleash a torrent of inspiration, so that you can ripple your mission throughout the world. As the floodgates open and your spirit comes alive, marvel in the magic of realizing your full potential and supporting others in realizing theirs.
San Pedro Huachuma: Opening the Pathways of the Heart
San Pedro Huachuma: Opening the Pathways of the Heart
Javier Regueiro
San Pedro / Huachuma: Opening The Pathways Of The Heart is an invitation to explore and reconnect with our inner landscapes with the help of San Pedro, also known in South America as Huachuma. San Pedro (Echinopsis pachanoi) is a psychoactive cactus native of the Andes, but more importantly it’s an ancestral medicine that has been used for millennia for healing and ceremonial purposes. Our Western psychic and psychological make-up differs radically from that of Andean people, and our needs as modern people differ just as much from the needs of the ancestors and inhabitants of this land. This book intends to bridge such cultural gap in ways that honor the wealth of wisdom gathered through centuries of native studies and experimentation, and at the same time address our present day state of emotional disconnection and spiritual confusion, which are at the root of most physical, emotional, and mental diseases. Javier Regueiro draws a comprehensive and practical map for exploring consciousness using this ancestral medicine by sharing from his extensive knowledge as a plant medicine person, his personal experiences, and those of the many people he has guided over the years using this medicine.
Healing With Love: The Art and Science of Healing Yourself and Others Through Lo
Healing With Love: The Art and Science of Healing Yourself and Others Through Lo
Leonard Laskow
Healing with Love?presents a highly regarded physician’s practical, step-by-step program that shows how to turn on the power of our whole beings — hands, heart, and higher consciousness — to heal ourselves and others. Here are the extraordinary and learnable techniques that have transformed lives around the world. “Love is truth and beyond sentiment. It is the ultimate healer. Healing with Love offers practical insight into the mechanics of restoration of wholeness. I highly recommended it.” Deepak Chopra, M.D. author of Unconditional Love, Quantum Healing, and Perfect Health. “A new medicine is in the making, a form of healing that emphasizes the power of human consciousness. Because legitimate science stands behind this development, it will not go away but demands our full attention. Dr. Laskow last is a ‘real doctor’ who is one of the architects of this mind-based medicine. In this?book?he describes the healing power of love, unity, and wholeness. An important contribution!" - Larry Dossey, M.D., author of Meaning and Medicine.
Acas? - ?n exil
Acas? - ?n exil
Aura Christi
16 somit??i din ?tiin?ele educa?iei î?i prezint? cele mai inovatoare cadre teoretice ?i cele mai influente contribu?ii din domenii precum achizi?ia con?inuturilor, dezvoltarea uman? sau studiul cultural ?i social al procesului înv???rii. Cu un accent aparte pus pe instruirea continu?, dar ?i pe natura experien?ial? ?i transformativ? a înv???rii, textele din acest volum familiarizeaz? profesorii ?i cercet?torii cu cele mai proaspete idei ?i curente din teoriile educa?iei. Dintre autorii de referin?? prezen?i în aceast? antologie nu lipsesc Howard Gardner, Jerome Bruner, Peter Jarvis, Etienne Wenger, Jack Mezirow ?.a. Înv??area e „treaba" tuturor: profesori ?i elevi din sistemul de educa?ie, adul?i angaja?i în procese de formare profesional?, manageri con?tien?i de avantajul comparativ dat de excelen?a ?i creativitatea angaja?ilor, consultan?i în procese de înv??are (traineri, mentori, consilieri). Knud Illeris ne pune la dispozi?ie o selec?ie excep?ional? de autori de mare prestigiu ?i texte fundamentale care au marcat în?elegerea pe care o avem azi cu privire la procesele de înv??are. Un motiv în plus s? „lu?m de bun?" aceast? carte este c? ilustreaz? perspectiva unui autor scandinav, iar sistemele de educa?ie ?i formare de acolo reu?esc s? îmbine cel mai bine performan?a în înv??are cu fericirea ?i starea de bine.- Prof. univ. dr. Lucian Ciolan, coordonatorul colec?iei „Educa?ie ?i formare", decanul Facult??ii de Psihologie ?i ?tiin?ele Educa?iei, Universitatea din Bucure?ti
Complete Horoscope 2020: Monthly Astrological Forecasts for Every Zodiac Sign fo
Complete Horoscope 2020: Monthly Astrological Forecasts for Every Zodiac Sign fo
Tatiana Borsch
In the second English edition of her popular annual horoscope series, leading Russian astrologer Tatiana Borsch shares with you her forecasts on major everyday issues; career and business, finances, family and romantic relationships and health. In her look ahead to 2020, Borsch includes a general forecast for each sign of the Zodiac and a detailed monthly forecast that helps you to recognize auspicious occasions, to seize good luck, to avoid trouble and resolve conflicts, to organize personal affairs and to achieve professional success. Also included is a Zodiac compatibility guide to help you with relationships that are happy and not so happy. This complete 2020 Horoscope features guidance from the astrologer and gives you an insight into what lies in store for you in the turbulent year of the metal rat. ABOUT THE AUTHORTatiana Borsch is a well-known Russian astrologer and the author of twenty-eight astrological almanacs and horoscopes. She has prepared a general forecast for each sign of the Zodiac every year since1992. She currently lives and works in Moscow where she writes astrological columns for popular Russian publications and is the founder and director of the AstraArt television company.
OpenCV 3 Blueprints
OpenCV 3 Blueprints
Joseph Howse
Expand your knowledge of computer vision by building amazing projects with OpenCV 3About This BookBuild computer vision projects to capture high-quality image data, detect and track objects, process the actions of humans or animals, and much moreDiscover practical and interesting innovations in computer vision while building atop a mature open-source library, OpenCV 3Familiarize yourself with multiple approaches and theories wherever critical decisions need to be madeWho This Book Is ForThis book is ideal for you if you aspire to build computer vision systems that are smarter, faster, more complex, and more practical than the competition. This is an advanced book intended for those who already have some experience in setting up an OpenCV development environment and building applications with OpenCV. You should be comfortable with computer vision concepts, object-oriented programming, graphics programming, IDEs, and the command line.What You Will LearnSelect and configure camera systems to see invisible light, fast motion, and distant objectsBuild a “camera trap”, as used by nature photographers, and process photos to create beautiful effectsDevelop a facial expression recognition system with various feature extraction techniques and machine learning methodsBuild a panorama Android application using the OpenCV stitching module in C++ with NDK supportOptimize your object detection model, make it rotation invariant, and apply scene-specific constraints to make it faster and more robustCreate a person identification and registration system based on biometric properties of that person, such as their fingerprint, iris, and faceFuse data from videos and gyroscopes to stabilize videos shot from your mobile phone and create hyperlapse style videosIn DetailComputer vision is becoming accessible to a large audience of software developers who can leverage mature libraries such as OpenCV. However, as they move beyond their first experiments in computer vision, developers may struggle to ensure that their solutions are sufficiently well optimized, well trained, robust, and adaptive in real-world conditions. With sufficient knowledge of OpenCV, these developers will have enough confidence to go about creating projects in the field of computer vision.This book will help you tackle increasingly challenging computer vision problems that you may face in your careers. It makes use of OpenCV 3 to work around some interesting projects. Inside these pages, you will find practical and innovative approaches that are battle-tested in the authors’ industry experience and research. Each chapter covers the theory and practice of multiple complementary approaches so that you will be able to choose wisely in your future projects. You will also gain insights into the architecture and algorithms that underpin OpenCV’s functionality.We begin by taking a critical look at inputs in order to decide which kinds of light, cameras, lenses, and image formats are best suited to a given purpose. We proceed to consider the finer aspects of computational photography as we build an automated camera to assist nature photographers. You will gain a deep understanding of some of the most widely applicable and reliable techniques in object detection, feature selection, tracking, and even biometric recognition. We will also build Android projects in which we explore the complexities of camera motion: first in panoramic image stitching and then in video stabilization.By the end of the book, you will have a much richer understanding of imaging, motion, machine learning, and the architecture of computer vision libraries and applications!Style and approachThis book covers a combination of theory and practice. We examine blueprints for specific projects and discuss the principles behind these blueprints, in detail.
Mastering SciPy
Mastering SciPy
Francisco J. Blanco-Silva
Implement state-of-the-art techniques to visualize solutions to challenging problems in scientific computing, with the use of the SciPy stackAbout This BookMaster the theory and algorithms behind numerical recipes and how they can be applied to real-world problemsLearn to combine the most appropriate built-in functions from the SciPy stack by understanding the connection between the sources of your problem, volume of data, or computer architectureA comprehensive coverage of all the mathematical techniques needed to solve the presented topics, with a discussion of the relevant algorithms built in the SciPy stackWho This Book Is ForIf you are a mathematician, engineer, or computer scientist with a proficiency in Python and familiarity with IPython, this is the book for you. Some basic knowledge of numerical methods in scientific computing would be helpful.What You Will LearnMaster relevant algorithms used in symbolic or numerical mathematics to address approximation, interpolation, differentiation, integration, root-finding, and optimization of scalar or multi-variate functionsDevelop different algorithms and strategies to efficiently store and manipulate large matrices of data, in particular to solve systems of linear equations, or compute their eigenvalues/eigenvectorsUnderstand how to model physical problems with systems of differential equations and distinguish the factors that dictate the strategies to solve themPerform statistical analysis, hypothesis test design and resolution, or data mining at a higher level, and apply them to real-life problems in the field of data analysisGain insights on the power of distances, Delaunay triangulations and Voronoi diagrams for Computational Geometry, and apply them to various engineering problemsFamiliarize yourself with different techniques in signal/image processing, including filtering audio, images, or video to extract information, features, or remove componentsIn DetailThe SciPy stack is a collection of open source libraries of the powerful *ing language Python, together with its interactive shells. This environment offers a cutting-edge platform for numerical computation, programming, visualization and publishing, and is used by some of the world’s leading mathematicians, scientists, and engineers. It works on any operating system that supports Python and is very easy to install, and completely free of charge! It can effectively transform into a data-processing and system-prototyping environment, directly rivalling MATLAB and Octave.This book goes beyond a mere de*ion of the different built-in functions coded in the libraries from the SciPy stack. It presents you with a solid mathematical and computational background to help you identify the right tools for each problem in scientific computing and visualization. You will gain an insight into the best practices with numerical methods depending on the amount or type of data, properties of the mathematical tools employed, or computer architecture, among other factors.The book kicks off with a concise exploration of the basics of numerical linear algebra and graph theory for the treatment of problems that handle large data sets or matrices. In the subsequent chapters, you will delve into the depths of algorithms in symbolic algebra and numerical analysis to address modeling/simulation of various real-world problems with functions (through interpolation, approximation, or creation of systems of differential equations), and extract their representing features (zeros, extrema, integration or differentiation).Lastly, you will move on to advanced concepts of data analysis, image/signal processing, and computational geometry.Style and approachPacked with real-world examples, this book explores the mathematical techniques needed to solve the presented topics, and focuses on the algorithms built in the SciPy stack.
Unity 5 Game Optimization
Unity 5 Game Optimization
Chris Dickinson
Master performance optimization for Unity3D applications with tips and techniques that cover every aspect of the Unity3D EngineAbout This BookOptimize CPU cycles, memory usage, and GPU throughput for any Unity3D applicationMaster optimization techniques across all Unity Engine features including Scripting, Asset Management, Physics, Graphics Features, and ShadersA practical guide to exploring Unity Engine's many performance-enhancing methodsWho This Book Is ForThis book is intended for intermediate and advanced Unity developers who have experience with most of Unity’s feature-set, and who want to maximize the performance of their game. Familiarity with the C# language will be needed.What You Will LearnUse the Unity Profiler to find bottlenecks anywhere in our application, and discover how to resolve themImplement best-practices for C# *ing to avoid common pitfallsDevelop a solid understanding of the rendering pipeline, and maximize its performance through reducing draw calls and avoiding fill rate bottlenecksEnhance shaders in a way that is accessible to most developers, optimizing them through subtle yet effective performance tweaksKeep our scenes as dynamic as possible by making the most of the Physics engineOrganize, filter, and compress our art assets to maximize performance while maintaining high qualityPull back the veil on the Mono Framework and the C# Language to implement low-level enhancements that maximize memory usage and avoid garbage collectionGet to know the best practices for project organization to save time through an improved workflowIn DetailCompetition within the gaming industry has become significantly fiercer in recent years with the adoption of game development frameworks such as Unity3D. Through its massive feature-set and ease-of-use, Unity helps put some of the best processing and rendering technology in the hands of hobbyists and professionals alike. This has led to an enormous explosion of talent, which has made it critical to ensure our games stand out from the crowd through a high level of quality. A good user experience is essential to create a solid product that our users will enjoy for many years to come.Nothing turns gamers away from a game faster than a poor user-experience. Input latency, slow rendering, broken physics, stutters, freezes, and crashes are among a gamer’s worst nightmares and it’s up to us as game developers to ensure this never happens. High performance does not need to be limited to games with the biggest teams and budgets.Initially, you will explore the major features of the Unity3D Engine from top to bottom, investigating a multitude of ways we can improve application performance starting with the detection and analysis of bottlenecks. You’ll then gain an understanding of possible solutions and how to implement them. You will then learn everything you need to know about where performance bottlenecks can be found, why they happen, and how to work around them.This book gathers a massive wealth of knowledge together in one place, saving many hours of research and can be used as a quick reference to solve specific issues that arise during product development.Style and approachThis book is organized based on the major features of Unity engine and should be treated as a reference guide. It is written as a series of investigations into both common and unusual performance pitfalls, each including a study on why the bottleneck is causing us problems, and a list of enhancements or features that can be used to work around them. Differences in effectiveness, behaviors, or feature-sets between Unity 4.x and Unity 5.x will be highlighted.
Jackie Collins
A horoszkóp, az univerzum k?re, életünk kerete adott. Születésünk pillanatában megérkezünk a magunk választotta pontjára, valamilyen céllal, megoldandó feladattal. Ez a sorsunk, a karmánk, ezt kell megcselekednünk. A j?v?nk kulcsa, a megoldás abban rejlik, hogy felismerjük-e a karmánk szabta feladatot, és hogy azt hogyan teljesítjük.Az asztrológia nem jóslás, hanem a sorsfeladatunk tudatosításáról és elfogadásáról szól.Ez az asztrológiai kézik?nyv a lehet? legegyszer?bb alapokon nyugszik: elegend? ismerni a Szaturnusz, a Jupiter, valamint a Nap jegy és az uralkodó bolygójának elhelyezkedését a horoszkópban jegyek és házak szerint.A k?nyv els?sorban azoknak szól, akik alapvet? asztrológiai ismeretekkel rendelkeznek, és szeretnének k?nnyen eligazodni, esetleg másoknak is tanácsot adni, hogy miként ismerhetik fel a nekik rendelt utat.
A férfi - Srácoknak
A férfi - Srácoknak
Dr. Csernus Imre
A huszadik század alapvet?en megváltoztatta a nemek kapcsolatát, a család szerepét és a n? helyét a világban. A maga korában minden újabb lépés természetes volt: az emberek jogot formáltak a szerelem szabad élvezetére, megtanultuk, hogyan tervezzünk tudatosan családot, a n?k munkába álltak, és küzdeni kezdtek a szabadságukért. ?s mindek?zben a nemek viszonya el?re nem látott módon változott meg. Megváltozott a férfi és a n? szerepe és biológiája, háttérbe szorult a család, és sokan már a gyerekekr?l is tudatosan mondanak le. Korántsem biztos azonban, hogy ebben az új világban tényleg boldogabbak és szabadabbak vagyunk… Vajon mi lehet az evolúciós háttere a tudatos gyermektelenségnek vagy a szingli életformának? Mit?l változott meg a szépségideál az elmúlt száz esztend?ben? Nem egyszer?en a viszonyok rendez?dtek át: a két nem biológiai értelemben is változik. Változik a n? teste, változik egész lénye. SZENDI G?BOR A n? felemelkedése és tünd?klése cím? nagysiker? k?nyvében még arról írt, mi rejlik a génekben, milyen programok dolgoznak a n?ben és a férfiben. Legújabb k?tetében már azt elemzi, milyen er?k és fordulatok ?sszhatására született meg az ?új n?”, és milyen nehézségekkel kell megküzdenie a jelenben és a j?v?be.
An Irish Fiction Omnibus
An Irish Fiction Omnibus
Orna Ross
An Irish Fiction Omnibus is a collection of three bestselling novels from Orna Ross, perfect for fans of The Irish Heart series by Juliet Gauvin and An Irish Family Saga series by Jean Reinhardt. After the Rising, book one in The Irish Trilogy is a historical murder mystery of love, revenge and redemption. Twenty years ago, Jo Devereux fled Mucknamore, the small Irish village where she grew up, driven away by buried secrets and hatreds, swearing never to return Now she is back and wants to uncover the truth… What really happened between her family and their friends, the O’Donovans, during the Ireland’s bitter Civil War? The consequences of that bitter division in the 1920s carried down into Jo’s own life, shattering her relationship with Rory O’Donovan, the only man she ever loved, and driving her to leave Ireland. Now, Jo’s estranged mother has died, leaving her a suitcase full of letters and diaries that seem answer some questions about the past. Over the course of a long hot summer, Jo is astonished to read about her grandmother and great-aunt, their part in Ireland’s fight for freedom and the repercussions that echoed throughout their lives. She has learned how the passion of rebellion sweeps people up but what happens after the rising? Her Secret Rose is the first book in The Yeats-Gonne Trilogy, chronicling the passionate relationship between W.B. Yeats and Maud Gonne.? Willie Yeats was 23 years old in 1889, when Maud Gonne, six feet tall, elegantly beautiful and passionately political, came calling to his house and “the troubling of his life” began.? He spread his dreams under her feet, as they set about creating a new Ireland, through his poetry and her politics, and their shared interest in the occult. Packed with emotional twists and surprises, Her Secret Rose is a novel of secrets and intrigue, passion and politics, mystery and magic, that brings to life 1890s Dublin, London and Paris, two fascinating characters — and a charismatic love affair that altered the course of history for two nations. Blue Mercy is a literary family drama, with a murder at its heart, full of emotional twists and surprises. When Mercy Mulcahy was 40 years old, she was accused of killing her elderly and tyrannical father. Now, at the end of her life, she has written a book about what really happened on that fateful night of Christmas Eve, 1989. The tragic and beautiful Mercy has devoted her life to protecting Star, especially from the father whose behavior so blighted her own life. Yet Star vehemently resists reading her manuscript. Why? What is Mercy hiding? Was her father's death an assisted suicide? Or something more sinister? In this book, nothing is what it seems on the surface and everywhere there are emotional twists and surprises. Will you side with mother or daughter?
Science et spiritualité, l'alliance nécessaire!: de A à Z
Science et spiritualité, l'alliance nécessaire!: de A à Z
Christian Cambois, Christian Cambois Bonnemaison
L'auteur, conférencier, étudie depuis quarante ans, les phénomènes inexpliqués. Il s'est initié seul, intuitivement, au magnétisme puis à la communication avec l'au-delà, depuis le printemps 1993. "Ma quête spirituelle m'a ouvert tant de portes nouvelles que j'ai choisi le format d'un abécédaire pour présenter ses multiples facettes. Je vis et je pratique une spiritualité naturelle offerte à tous ceux qui acceptent de s'interroger, de remettre en question leurs vieilles certitudes en les confrontant au filtre de l'intuition. J'ai usé et j'use toujours de ma médiumnité comme d'un outil privilégié de recherches. L'aventure intérieure m'a peu à peu mené vers les mathématiques puis la physique alors que ma formation ne m'y préparait pas. Ma spiritualité n'a pas seulement changé mes perceptions ; elle a bousculé mes certitudes fondées, le plus souvent, sur l'opinion d'un autre. Par elle et avec elle, ma relation aux autres a changé. Le travail sur soi, plus que le don, m'a peu à peu conduit, au fil des ans, à juguler et atténuer de plus en plus ces excès de l'ego que nous connaissons tous. Chaque lecteur pourra parcourir ce livre en suivant ses propres centres d'intérêt. S'il le souhaite, il pourra peut-être découvrir, au fil des mots choisis, un autre chemin offrant un regard neuf sur ce monde si mystérieux qui nous contient et nous entoure."
Leiner Laura
Segítség a h?tleneknek, segítség a szeret?knek és segítség a megcsaltaknak. A k?tet szerz?je, Gelsei Bernadett szeret?ként maga is volt ilyen helyzetben, és pszichológusként is rendszeresen ad tanácsot azoknak, akik szerelmi háromsz?gbe kerültek. A k?nyvb?l jobban megérheted a társas hármas más résztvev?inek néz?pontját, és kitalálhatod, mit tegyél, ha valahogy szerelmi háromsz?gbe jutottál.
Ποι?ν Αγαπ?? για Π?ντα Αυτ? τη Φορ?;
Ποι?ν Αγαπ?? για Π?ντα Αυτ? τη Φορ?;
π. Παύλος Γρηγορίου
Κατ’αρχ?ν θα πρ?πει να διευκριν?σουμε πω? ο ?ρωτα? δεν ε?ναι αμαρτ?α. Αντιθ?τω? μ?λιστα! Ο ?ρωτα? ευλογε?ται απ? το Θε?, ?ταν ε?ναι αληθιν??. ?ταν βασ?ζεται στην αγ?πη. ?ταν συνοδε?εται και συνοδε?ει την αγ?πη. Αυτ?? ο ?ρωτα? δε χ?νεται και δε σβ?νει ποτ?. Γιατ? ακ?μη κι ?ταν ?λθει η στιγμ? που καταλαγι?ζει το π?θο?, η αγ?πη βγα?νει στην επιφ?νεια, και ε?ναι αυτ? που κρατ? του? ερωτευμ?νου? μαζ? για π?ντα, και του? κρατ? για π?ντα ερωτευμ?νου?! ?ταν ?μω? δεν υπ?ρχει η αγ?πη, ο ?ρωτα? δεν ευλογε?ται. Μ?λλον, δε μπορε? να υπ?ρξει πραγματικ?? ?ρωτα? χωρ?? την αγ?πη. Και ε?ναι εκε?νε? οι στιγμ?? που μ?λι? αρχ?σει το π?θο? να σβ?νει, ανακαλ?πτει? πω? δεν ?χει με?νει τ?ποτα, παρ? ?να απ?ραντο κεν?. ?να κεν?, που δεν πληρ?νεται ο?τε με ψε?τικε? υποσχ?σει?, ο?τε με ψε?τικα ?σ’αγαπ??, ο?τε με ουτοπικ? ?για π?ντα?, ο?τε με την ιδιοτ?λεια! Γι αυτ? αναρρωτι?ται κανε??, βλ?ποντα? ?ναν ?νθρωπο που ερωτε?εται και αγαπ? τ?σο ε?κολα κ?θε φορ? ?να διαφορετικ? ?νθρωπο: ?Ποι?ν αγαπ?? για π?ντα αυτ? τη φορ?;?
Pleasure: An Almanac for the Heart (Text Only)
Pleasure: An Almanac for the Heart (Text Only)
Nikki Gemmell
(This edition does not include illustrations.) An intimate celebration of women and friendship from international bestselling author Nikki Gemmell. ‘The Bride Stripped Bare’ exposed female desire as no other book had; raw, intoxicating and breathtakingly libidinous. ‘Pleasure’ looks set to do the same with more secret women's business – dealing candidly with everything from Brazilian waxes to 'secret' underwear, from coping with broken hearts to what makes a perfect partner (a checklist to cut out and keep), from advice on the friends who flatten you (frenemies) to the importance of empathy. Both bold and intimate, ‘Pleasure’ is a book Nikki Gemmell says she looked for as a gift for a cherished friend – and never found. So she decided to write it herself. Encased in a stunning design package with beautiful feminine illustrations, this is a book every woman will want to share with her best friend, aunt, sister or fairy godmother.
Mr Good Enough: The case for choosing a Real Man over holding out for Mr Perfect
Mr Good Enough: The case for choosing a Real Man over holding out for Mr Perfect
Lori Gottlieb
Lori Gottlieb suggests the unthinkable: what if she, and single women everywhere, need to stop chasing the elusive Mr Perfect and instead opt for Mr Good Enough? Embarking on her own journey to find the ideal partner, Lori explores a prevalent issue facing women today - how do you reconcile a strong desire for a husband and family without wanting to settle for anything less than the perfect package…? After interviewing a range of people from behavioural therapists to marriage counsellors, neuropsychologists to divorce lawyers, as well as single and married men and women from their twenties right up to their sixties, Lori is well placed to offer an answer Mr Good Enough is this year's intelligent, eye-opening insight into modern relationships - a fast, funny read which 'might just be a formula for marital bliss' The Times
Szabó Magda
n Enciclopedia transformrii“ Vladimir Lermontov i-a propus s ne nvee s lucrm cu imaginile. Descoperim astfel c noi suntem creatorii att ai realitii n care trim, ct i ai viitorului nostru. Autorul a pus laolalt cele mai importante momente ale metodologiei sale cu scopul de a prezenta cititorului un tablou complet. Ne ascultm sufletul sau ne lsm dominai de raiune Ce sunt imaginile i cum lucrm cu ele Unde trebuie s cutm fericirea, sntatea, bogia i iubirea De unde vine boala i cum s ne vindecm Cum ne putem crea realitatea n care ne dorim s trim Aici vei gsi rspuns la toate aceste ntrebri. Vei nva s aplicai aceste cunotine n viaa de zi cu zi. Vei afla c magia nu este dect o calitate a sufletului nostru, c avem puteri nelimitate, trebuie doar s credem n noi, n sufletul nostru i s ne crem o lume nou n care ne dorim s trim.
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