

The Wagnerian Romances
The Wagnerian Romances
Gertrude Hall
Chapters cover: PARSIFAL, THE RHINE-GOLD, THE VALKYRIE (DIE WALK?RE), SIEGFRIED, THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS (DIE G?TTERD?MMERUNG), THE MASTER-SINGERS OF NUREMBERG, TRISTAN AND ISOLDE, LOHENGRIN, TANNH?USER, and THE FLYING DUTCHMAN. According to Wikipedia: "Wilhelm Richard Wagner (22 May 1813, Leipzig, Germany – 13 February 1883, Venice, Italy) was a German composer, conductor, theatre director and essayist, primarily known for his operas (or "music dramas", as they were later called). Unlike most other great opera composers, Wagner wrote both the scenario and libretto for his works."
Le Jour des Rois (Twelfth Night in French)
Le Jour des Rois (Twelfth Night in French)
William Shakespeare
Comédie de Shakespeare traduite en fran?ais par Fran?ois Pierre Guillaume Guizot (1787 - 1874), historien fran?ais et homme d'?tat. Publié en 1862. Selon Wikipedia: "Twelfth Night, ou, What You Will est une comédie de William Shakespeare, qui aurait été écrite autour de 1601-02 comme divertissement de la Douzième Nuit pour la fin de la saison de No?l. les intermèdes musicaux et le désordre émotif attendu de l'occasion, avec des éléments de l'intrigue tirée de la nouvelle "D'Apollonius et Silla" de Barnabe Rich, basée sur une histoire de Matteo Bandello, dont le premier enregistrement date du 2 février 1602, à Candlemas, la fin formelle de Christmastide dans le calendrier de l'année.La pièce n'a pas été publiée jusqu'à son inclusion dans le First Folio 1623. "
Jules Cesar, Julius Caesar in French
Jules Cesar, Julius Caesar in French
William Shakespeare
La tragédie de Shakespeare. Selon Wikipedia: "Le fant?me de César raille Brutus au sujet de sa défaite imminente. (Copperplate gravure par Edward Scriven d'un tableau de Richard Westall: Londres, 1802.) La tragédie de Jules César, aussi connu simplement comme Jules César, est une tragédie par William Shakespeare, qui aurait été écrit en 1599. Il décrit la conspiration de 44 avant J.-C. contre le dictateur romain Jules César, son assassinat et la défaite des conspirateurs à la bataille de Philippes, une des nombreuses pièces romaines écrites par Shakespeare, basé sur de vrais événements de l'histoire romaine, qui comprennent également Coriolanus et Antony et Cléop?tre. "
Romeo and Juliet, with line numbers
Romeo and Juliet, with line numbers
William Shakespeare
The classic tragedy. According to Wikipedia: "Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy written early in the career of William Shakespeare about two teenage "star-cross'd lovers" whose untimely deaths ultimately unite their feuding families. It was among Shakespeare's most popular plays during his lifetime and, along with Hamlet, is one of his most frequently performed plays. Today, the title characters are regarded as archetypal young lovers."
Tales from Shakespeare
Tales from Shakespeare
Charles Lamb
The plots of Shakespeare's plays, told as stories for children.
Epicoene, Or the Silent Woman
Epicoene, Or the Silent Woman
Ben Jonson
Classic Elizabethan play. According to Prof. Felix Schelling in his introduction to the Complete Plays of Ben Jonson: "THE greatest of English dramatists except Shakespeare, the first literary dictator and poet-laureate, a writer of verse, prose, satire, and criticism who most potently of all the men of his time affected the subsequent course of English letters: such was Ben Jonson, and as such his strong personality assumes an interest to us almost unparalleled, at least in his age." According to Wikipedia: "Benjamin Jonson (c. 11 June 1572 – 6 August 1637) was an English Renaissance dramatist, poet and actor. A contemporary of William Shakespeare, he is best known for his satirical plays, particularly Volpone, The Alchemist, and Bartholomew Fair, which are considered his best, and his lyric poems. A man of vast reading and a seemingly insatiable appetite for controversy, Jonson had an unparalleled breadth of influence on Jacobean and Caroline playwrights and poets"
As You Like It/ Wie Es Euch Gefallt: Bilingual edition
As You Like It/ Wie Es Euch Gefallt: Bilingual edition
William Shakespeare
Bilingual, English and German. Shakespeare comedy in English with line numbers and translated to German. According to Wikipedia: "As You Like It is a pastoral comedy by William Shakespeare believed to have been written in 1599 or early 1600 and first published in the First Folio, 1623. The play's first performance is uncertain, though a performance at Wilton House in 1603 has been suggested as a possibility. As You Like It follows its heroine Rosalind as she flees persecution in her uncle's court, accompanied by her cousin Celia and Touchstone the court jester, to find safety and eventually love in the Forest of Arden. " Zweisprachig, Englisch und Deutsch. Shakespeare-Kom?die in Englisch mit Zeilennummern und ins Deutsche übersetzt. Laut Wikipedia: "As You Like It" handelt es sich um eine Pastoralkom?die von William Shakespeare, die vermutlich im Jahr 1599 oder Anfang 1600 geschrieben und erstmals im First Folio 1623 ver?ffentlicht wurde. Die erste Aufführung des Stücks ist ungewiss, obwohl eine Aufführung im Wilton House in 1603 wurde als eine M?glichkeit vorgeschlagen, wie Sie es m?gen, folgt seine Heldin Rosalind, wie sie Verfolgung in Hof ihres Onkels flieht, begleitet von ihrer Cousine Celia und Touchstone der Hofnarr, um Sicherheit und schlie?lich Liebe im Wald von Arden zu finden.
Pericles, Prince of Tyre, with line numbers
Pericles, Prince of Tyre, with line numbers
William Shakespeare
The classic Shakespeare play, with line numbers. According to Wikipedia: "Pericles, Prince of Tyre is a Jacobean play written at least in part by William Shakespeare and included in modern editions of his collected works despite questions over its authorship, as it was not included in the First Folio. Modern editors generally agree that Shakespeare is responsible for almost exactly half the play—827 lines—the main portion after scene 9 that follows the story of Pericles and Marina.[1][2][3][4] Modern textual studies indicate that the first two acts of 835 lines detailing the many voyages of Pericles were written by a mediocre collaborator, which strong evidence suggests to have been the victualler, pander, dramatist and pamphleteer George Wilkins.
Homer's Odyssey
Homer's Odyssey
Prose translation. According to Wikipedia: "Homer is a legendary ancient Greek epic poet, traditionally said to be the author of the epic poems the Iliad and the Odyssey. The ancient Greeks generally believed that Homer was a historical individual, but modern scholars are skeptical: no reliable biographical information has been handed down from classical antiquity, and the poems themselves manifestly represent the culmination of many centuries of oral story-telling and a well-developed "formulaic" system of poetic composition."
Browning's Shorter Poems
Browning's Shorter Poems
Robert Browning
Selected and edited by Franklin Baker. According to Wikipedia: "Robert Browning (1812 – 1889) was an English poet and playwright whose mastery of dramatic verse, especially dramatic monologues, made him one of the foremost Victorian poets."
Battle-Pieces and Aspects of the War
Battle-Pieces and Aspects of the War
Herman Melville
Poems by the author of Moby Dick. He explains, "With few exceptions, the Pieces in this volume originated in an impulse imparted by the fall of Richmond. They were composed without reference to collective arrangement, but being brought together in review, naturally fall into the order assumed. The events and incidents of the conflict--making up a whole, in varied amplitude, corresponding with the geographical area covered by the war--from these but a few themes have been taken, such as for any cause chanced to imprint themselves upon the mind. The aspects which the strife as a memory assumes are as manifold as are the moods of involuntary meditation--moods variable, and at times widely at variance. Yielding instinctively, one after another, to feelings not inspired from any one source exclusively, and unmindful, without purposing to be, of consistency..."
Robert Louis Stevenson
Poetry. According to Wikipedia: "Robert Louis (Balfour) Stevenson ( 1850 - 1894), was a Scottish novelist, poet, and travel writer, and a leading representative of Neo-romanticism in English literature. He was the man who "seemed to pick the right word up on the point of his pen, like a man playing spillikins", as G. K. Chesterton put it. He was also greatly admired by many authors, including Jorge Luis Borges, Ernest Hemingway, Rudyard Kipling, Vladimir Nabokov, and J. M. Barrie. Most modernist writers dismissed him, however, because he was popular and did not write within their definition of modernism. It is only recently that critics have begun to look beyond Stevenson's popularity and allow him a place in the canon."
The Comedy of Errors/ Die Irrungen: Bilingual edition
The Comedy of Errors/ Die Irrungen: Bilingual edition
William Shakespeare
Bilingual, English and German. Shakespeare comedy in English with line numbers and translated to German. According to Wikipedia: "The Comedy of Errors is one of William Shakespeare's earliest plays. It is his shortest and one of his most farcical comedies, with a major part of the humour coming from slapstick and mistaken identity, in addition to puns and word play." Zweisprachig, Englisch und Deutsch. Shakespeare-Kom?die in Englisch mit Zeilennummern und ins Deutsche übersetzt. Laut Wikipedia: "The Comedy of Errors ist eines der frühesten Stücke William Shakespeares. Es ist seine kürzeste und eine seiner absurdesten Kom?dien, wobei ein Gro?teil des Humors aus Slapstick und falscher Identit?t stammt, zus?tzlich zu Wortspielen und Wortspielen
Shakespeare's Winter's Tale in French
Shakespeare's Winter's Tale in French
William Shakespeare
Le conte d'hiver de Shakespeare en traduction fran?aise. "Selon Wikipedia:" The Winter's Tale est une pièce de William Shakespeare, initialement publié dans le premier folio de 1623. Bien qu'il ait été regroupé parmi les comédies, certains éditeurs modernes ont ré-étiqueté la pièce comme une des dernières romances de Shakespeare. Certains critiques, parmi lesquels W. W. Lawrence, considèrent que c'est un des ?problèmes de jeu? de Shakespeare, parce que les trois premiers actes sont remplis de drame psychologique intense, tandis que les deux derniers actes sont comiques et fournissent une fin heureuse.
Vera: The Nihilists, a Drama in a Prologue and Four Acts
Vera: The Nihilists, a Drama in a Prologue and Four Acts
Oscar Wilde
Four-act play, written in 1881. According to Wikipedia: "Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde (16 October 1854 – 30 November 1900) was an Irish writer and poet. After writing in different forms throughout the 1880s, he became one of London's most popular playwrights in the early 1890s. Today he is remembered for his epigrams, plays and the circumstances of his imprisonment, followed by his early death."
Henri VI, Troisieme Partie (Henry VI Part III in French)
Henri VI, Troisieme Partie (Henry VI Part III in French)
William Shakespeare
Pièce d'histoire de Shakespeare, Henry VI, troisième partie, en traduction fran?aise. Selon Wikipédia: "Henry VI, Part 3 ou La Troisième Partie de Henry le Sixt (souvent écrit comme 3 Henry VI) est une pièce d'histoire de William Shakespeare qui aurait été écrite en 1591, et placée pendant la vie du Roi Henri VI Alors que Henry VI traite de la perte des territoires fran?ais de l'Angleterre et des machinations politiques menant aux guerres des deux Roses, Henry VI met l'accent sur l'incapacité du roi à réprimer les querelles de ses nobles et l'inévitabilité des conflits armés. 3 Henri VI aborde principalement les horreurs de ce conflit, avec la nation autrefois ordonnée jeté dans le chaos et la barbarie alors que les familles s'effondrent et que les codes moraux sont subvertis dans la poursuite de la vengeance et du pouvoir.
Salome: a short biblical play, in the original French
Salome: a short biblical play, in the original French
Oscar Wilde
Court jeu biblique. Selon Wikipedia: "Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde (1854 - 1900) était un dramaturge irlandais, romancier, poète et auteur de nouvelles, connu pour son esprit barbelé, il fut l'un des dramaturges les plus réussis de Londres victorienne tardive. ? la suite d'un célèbre procès, il a subi une chute dramatique et a été emprisonné pour deux ans de travaux forcés après avoir été reconnu coupable de ?grossière indécence?.
My Life
My Life
Richard Wagner
This translation first published in 1911. According to Wikipedia: "Wilhelm Richard Wagner (22 May 1813, Leipzig, Germany – 13 February 1883, Venice, Italy) was a German composer, conductor, theatre director and essayist, primarily known for his operas (or "music dramas", as they were later called). Unlike most other great opera composers, Wagner wrote both the scenario and libretto for his works." "Franz Liszt (October 22, 1811 – July 31, 1886) was a Hungarian composer, virtuoso pianist and teacher."
William Shakespeare
Deutsche ?bersetzung der Shakespeare-Trag?die. Laut Wikipedia: "Coriolanus ist eine Trag?die von William Shakespeare, die vermutlich zwischen 1605 und 1608 geschrieben wurde. Das Stück basiert auf dem Leben des legend?ren r?mischen Anführers Caius Marcius Coriolanus."
Leben und Tod des Koenigs Johann
Leben und Tod des Koenigs Johann
William Shakespeare
Die Shakespeare-Geschichte spielt K?nig John, in deutscher ?bersetzung. Laut Wikipedia: "Das Leben und der Tod von K?nig John, ein Geschichtsstück von William Shakespeare, dramatisiert die Herrschaft von John, K?nig von England (regierte 1199-1216), Sohn von Heinrich II. Von England und Eleonore von Aquitanien und Vater von Henry Es wird angenommen, dass es in der Mitte der 1590er Jahre geschrieben wurde, aber nicht ver?ffentlicht wurde, bis es im Ersten Folio 1623 erschien.
Macbeth, with line numbers
Macbeth, with line numbers
William Shakespeare
The classic tragedy. According to Wikipedia: "Macbeth is a tragedy by William Shakespeare about a regicide and its aftermath. It is Shakespeare's shortest tragedy, and is believed to have been written some time between 1603 and 1606 with 1607 being the very latest possible date. The earliest account of a performance of what was likely Shakespeare's play is April 1611, when Simon Forman recorded seeing such a play at the Globe Theatre. It was first published in the Folio of 1623, possibly from a prompt book for a specific performance. Shakespeare's principal sources for the tragedy are the accounts of Kings Duff and Duncan in Holinshed's Chronicles (1587), a history of England, Scotland and Ireland familiar to Shakespeare and his contemporaries."