

Pointless Conversations
Pointless Conversations
Tierney, Scott
Pointless conversations: a selection of daft, ridiculous and utterly pointless meanderings from the mind of Scott Tierney. If you've ever wanted to know the answers to why Superman is a coward; why Spiderman should technically be deformed; and if Superdog caused the death of Krypton, then these bite-sized comics will reveal all. The discussions may be insane, and most of what is said is rambling, but despite this, you may find yourself agreeing with most of what is said. It's a fair point: where does Spiderman store all that web?
Pointless Conversations
Pointless Conversations
Tierney, Scott
Pointless conversations: a selection of daft, ridiculous and utterly pointless meanderings from the mind of Scott Tierney. If you've ever wanted to know the answers to why Superman is a coward, why Spiderman should technically be deformed, and if Superdog caused the death of Krypton, then these bite-sized comics will reveal all. The discussions may be insane, and most of what is said is rambling, but despite this, you may find yourself agreeing with most of what is said. It's a fair point: where does Spiderman store all that web?
Pointless Conversations
Pointless Conversations
Tierney, Scott
Pointless conversations: a selection of daft, ridiculous and utterly pointless meanderings from the mind of Scott Tierney. If you've ever wanted to know the answers to why Superman is a coward, why Spiderman should technically be deformed, and if Superdog caused the death of Krypton, then these bite-sized comics will reveal all. The discussions may be insane, and most of what is said is rambling, but despite this, you may find yourself agreeing with most of what is said. It's a fair point: where does Spiderman store all that web?
101 Amazing Taylor Swift Facts
101 Amazing Taylor Swift Facts
Taylor, Frankie
Are you a fan of talented singer and gossip-column favorite Taylor Swift? Do you want to know 101 amazing facts about her that you might not have been aware of until now? If so, then this easy-to-digest eBook is perfect for you. Contained within are 101 facts about the much-loved country singer. Test yourself and your friends' knowledge with these handily-packaged facts easily organised into categories for maximum enjoyment. Subjects include Taylor's music, upbringing and of course her long string of failed relationships including Harry Styles. Show everyone that you are the world expert on Taylor Swift!
Firefly Quiz Book
Firefly Quiz Book
Wheelwright, Wayne
Firefly is the brainchild of the hugely talented Joss Whedon. A space western drama that lasted on 14 episodes but in that time gathered a hardcore and vociferous following that like to call themselves Browncoats. This quiz book contains well over 100 questions from subjects like the original crew of the Firefly-class ship Serenity, the interpersonal relationships of the crew members, the deadly Reavers, the antics of the hero they call Jayne and many more. Prepare to test your knowledge on this short lived but much loved series.You can't stop the signal.
101 Amazing Facts about Cheryl Cole
101 Amazing Facts about Cheryl Cole
Goldstein, Jack
Are you the world's biggest Cheryl Cole fan? Or do you want to know everything there is to know about the singer, X Factor judge and former member of Girls Aloud? If so, then this is the book for you! Contained within are 101 amazing facts about everything, from her upbringing to her huge success both in a girl band and as a solo artist plus much more. The book is easily organised into sections so you can find the information you want fast and is perfect for all ages!
101 Amazing Facts about Arctic Monkeys
101 Amazing Facts about Arctic Monkeys
Goldstein, Jack
Are you the world's biggest Arctic Monkeys fan? Or do you want to know everything there is to know about one of the biggest bands of the era?If so, then this is the book for you! Contained within are more than one hundred amazing facts about everything, from how the band got started in the music industry to their success in multiple awards ceremonies and much more. The book is easily organised into sections so you can find the information you want fast and is perfect for all ages!
101 Amazing Facts about One Direction
101 Amazing Facts about One Direction
Taylor, Frankie
Are you the world's biggest One Direction fan? Do you know more than any other Directioner out there? Or do you want to learn some fantastic new facts about the biggest and most successful boy band of all time?If so, then this is the book for you! Contained within are more than one hundred amazing facts about everything, from how the boys got started in the music industry to their relationships, closely-kept secrets, media controversies and much more. The book is easily organised into sections so you can find the information you want fast and is perfect for all ages!
101 Amazing Leonardo DiCaprio Facts
101 Amazing Leonardo DiCaprio Facts
Goldstein, Jack
Are you the world's biggest Leonardo DiCaprio fan? Do you know everything there is to know about the actor of a generation? Then this is the book for you! In this easy-to-digest eBook are 101 facts about your favourite movie star - do you know all of them?Test yourself and your friends with these handily-packaged facts easily organised into categories for maximum enjoyment. Sections include Leo's films, his family and friends and some crazy facts about his life!Whether your favourite film is Titanic, Inception or The Great Gatsby, this fantastic eBook is full of great fun facts for you.
A-Z of Atari 2600 Games
A-Z of Atari 2600 Games
Hawken, Kieren
The A-Z of Atari 2600 Games: Volume 1 features reviews of three different games for each letter of the alphabet. The games range from the very earliest releases in the 70s to the modern homebrew games of today. This book shows you just how diverse the library of titles is for the Atari 2600 and how it became one of the best-selling consoles of all time.
101 Amazing Red Hot Chili Peppers Facts
101 Amazing Red Hot Chili Peppers Facts
Goldstein, Jack
Are you the world's biggest Red Hot Chili Peppers Fan? Do you know everything there is to know about Anthony, Flea and the rest of the boys? Then this is the book for you! In this easy-to-digest eBook are 101 facts about your favourite band - do you know all of them?Test yourself and your friends with these handily-packaged facts easily organised into categories for maximum enjoyment. Sections include the members of the band, how they formed, awards they have won and some crazy facts about their antics over the years. Show everyone that you are the master of RHCP knowledge!
Show Must Go On
Show Must Go On
Ross, Bernard
"e;running away from home"e; aged 15 Bernard Ross joined a travelling funfair, this book follows his adventures as one of the last live funfair wrestlers in the UK
Hadden, J. Cuthbert
A comprehensive guide to one of the greatest composers in history, Franz Joseph Haydn. This book covers the whole of Haydn's life and works.
101 Amazing Facts About The Wanted
101 Amazing Facts About The Wanted
Goldstein, Jack
Are you the world's biggest fan of The Wanted? Or do you want to find out everything there is to know about the world's greatest boy-band?If so, then this is the book for you! Contained within are 101 amazing facts about how they boys got started in the music industry, the women they have dated, incredible things about their personal lives plus many more. The book is easily organised into sections so you can find the information you want fast!
A-Z of Atari ST Games
A-Z of Atari ST Games
Hawken, Kieren
The A-Z of Atari ST Games: Volume 1 features reviews of three different games for each letter of the alphabet. The games range from the very earliest releases in the mid 80s to the modern homebrew games of today. This book shows you just how diverse the library of titles is for the Atari ST range and how it became one of the popular home computers of all time.
50 Quick USA State Facts
50 Quick USA State Facts
Andrews, Paul
Do you know what all 50 states in the USA are? Do you know facts such as the capital of each state? Do you know the state flower or bird? All this and many more facts are inside this interesting quick fact book of 300 interesting USA State facts.
2000s Pop Music Quiz
2000s Pop Music Quiz
Andrews, Paul
How well do you know your 2000's Pop Music? This Quiz book will test even the most avid fan, with questions that span the 2000's bands and songs! Test yourself and your friends with this 2000's Pop Music Quiz Book.
Nutuk: “Resimli ve A??klamal? Tam Metin, Osmanl?ca’dan Tam ?eviri”
Nutuk: “Resimli ve A??klamal? Tam Metin, Osmanl?ca’dan Tam ?eviri”
M. K. Atatürk
Nutuk Kitab? Hakk?nda: Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nin kurucusu Ulu ?nder?Mustafa Kemal Atatürk'ün?Nutuk?isimli kitab? yakla??k 1.000 sayfadan olu?uyor ve yay?nevimiz arac?l???yla?kitab?n TAMAMI size üst düzeyde kalitede TEK bir e-kitap?olarak,?“EPUB”?format?nda sizlere sunuluyor. Atam?z?n “Nutuk” isimli kitab?n? siz de?erli okurlar?m?zla payla?madan olmazd?. M. Kemal Atatürk'ün kendisine ait ve kendisinin yazm?? oldu?u bu kal?n kitap ile ne kadar kuvvetli ve hitabeti sa?lam bir ?ncü oldu?unu bir kere daha anlayacaks?n?z. ??erisinde Atatürk'e ait olan onlarca ders niteli?inde yaz?lm?? hat?ralar, tavsiyeler ve tesirli s?zler i?eren her Türk yurtta??n?n okumas? ?art olan ?ok ?zel bir kitapt?r Nutuk. Nutuk, tüm bunlar?n yan?nda, yeni Türkiye devletinin yaz?lan ilk tarihidir de asl?nda ve yazar? da Mustafa Kemal Atatürk'tür. Yapt??? tarihi gelecekteki Türk insan?na tan?tabilmek emeliyle bu kitab? kaleme alm??t?r. Nutuk, ilk kez Atatürk taraf?ndan kurulan Cumhuriyet Halk Partisinin 15-20 Ekim 1927 tarihleri aras?nda Ankara da toplanan ?kinci Kurultay?nda okunmu?tur. Konu?man?n tamam? otuz alt? bu?uk saat sürmü?tür. Nutuk, 1919'dan ba?layarak 1927’ye kadar olan tarih dilimini incelemektedir. Bu d?nem kitapta ü? b?lümde ele al?nm??t?r: 1) Kuva-i Milliye (Ulusal gü?ler) D?nemi Nutukta yeni Türkiye Devletinin kurulu?u anlat?lmaktad?r. Yeni Türk devletinin kurulmas?ndaki maksat da ?u ?ekilde a??klanm??t?r: Türk ulusunun onurlu ve ?erefli bir ulus olarak ya?amas?d?r. Bu da tam ba??ms?z olmakla sa?lanabilir. “Ne kadar zengin olursa olsun, ba??ms?zl?ktan yoksun bir ulus uygar insanl?k kar??s?nda u?ak durumunda kalmaktan ileriye gidemez.” demi?tir ve Mustafa Kemal Atatürk ?u s?zleri s?ylemi?tir “Türkün onuru, kendine güveni ve yetenekleri ?ok yüksektir. B?yle bir ulus tutsak ya?amaktansa yok olsun daha iyidir.” Diyerek kurtulu? isteyenlerin parolas?n?n “Ya ba??ms?zl?k ya ?lüm!” oldu?unu s?ylemi?tir. Burada devlet kurman?n zorluklar? g?rülmektedir. Atatürk Samsun’a ??kt??? anda ülkenin genel durumu; Osmanl? Devletinin i?inde bulundu?u topluluk sava?ta yenilmi? Osmanl? Ordusu zedelenmi?, ko?ullar? a??r bir ate?kes imzalanm??, ulus yorgun ve bitkin bir durumda, ulusu ve ülkeyi sava?a sürükleyenler yurttan ka?m??, padi?ah ve halife soysuzla?m??, kendini ve taht?n? koruyacak al?ak?a ?nlemler ara?t?rmakta, hükümet yüzsüz, onursuz, korkak, ordunun elinden silahlar? ve cephanesi al?nm?? ve al?nmakta, yurdun d?rt bir yan?ndaki topluluklar devletin bir an ?nce ??kmesine ?aba harc?yorlard?. Bu ?ekilde a??klad?ktan sonra ulus egemenli?ine dayanan kay?ts?z ?arts?z yeni bir devleti kurmak i?in izledi?i politikay?, kar??la?t??? gü?lükleri bunal?mlar? ve ?at??malar? anlatmaktad?r. Bu haliyle Nutuk, s?mürgeci devletlerin alt?nda ya?ayan uluslara kurtulu? yolunu g?steren bir yap?t ?zelli?i ta??maktad?r. 2) Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi D?nemi Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi 23 Nisan 1920’de a??lm?? ve o günden sonra tüm askeri ve sivil makamlar?n ulusun ba?vuraca?? en yüce kat?n Meclis olaca??n? halk?na bildirmi? ve Meclis, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’ün a??k ve gizli oturumlardaki bir iki gün süren a??klamalar? ve konu?malar?ndan sonra Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi Ba?kan? se?mi?tir. 3) Cumhuriyet D?nemi: Atatürk ?smet Pa?a ile birlikte bir yasa tasar?s? haz?rlad?. Bu tasar?daki 20 Ocak 1921 tarihli anayasan?n devlet bi?imini saptar maddelerini de?i?tirerek birinci maddenin sonuna “Türkiye Devletinin Hükümet bi?imi Cumhuriyettir” cümlesini ekleyerek maddeyi de?i?tirmi?tir ve yap?lan Meclis toplant?s?nda Anayasan?n De?i?tirilmesi ile ilgili maddenin g?rü?ülmesi kabul edildi. Toplant? sonunda yasa bir?ok milletvekilinin “Ya?as?n Cumhuriyet!” s?ylemleri ile kabul edildi ve b?ylece 29 Ekim 1923’te Cumhuriyet ilan edilmi? oldu. Daha sonra Cumhurba?kanl??? se?imine ge?ildi. Oylamada Mustafa Kemal Atatürk toplant?ya kat?lan yüz elli sekiz ki?inin tümünün oylar?n? alarak Cumhurba?kan? se?ildi. Nutuk s?mürge uluslar?n ba??ms?zl?klar?n? kazanmaya yard?mc? olacak bir program niteli?indedir. Bu eser okundu?unda Türk kurtulu? sava??n?n bir askeri sava? oldu?u kadar bir dü?ünce sava?? da oldu?u g?rülmektedir. Nutuk, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’ün halk?na verdi?i bir hesap pusulas?d?r. ?ünkü ulusal kurtulu? sava?? boyunca o halk?yla birlikte olmu?tu ve halk?na “Hayat demek sava? ve ?arp??ma demektir. Hayatta ba?ar? yüzde yüz sava?ta, ba?ar? kazanmakla elde edilebilir. Bu da manevi ve maddi güce dayan?r. ?nsanlar?n u?ra?t??? tüm sorunlar, kar??la?t??? tüm tehlikeler, elde etti?i ba?ar?lar toplumca yap?lan genel sava??n dalgalar? i?inde do?ar.” S?zlerini s?ylemi? ve halk?ndan can istemi?, halk seve seve vermi?, mal istemi?, halk seve seve vermi?tir. Bunlar nerede, nas?l, ni?in, harcanm??? Nutuk halk?n kafas?ndaki bu sorulara da a??kl?k getirmi?tir. Türk halk?ndan al?nan can?n ve mal?n ülkenin i?galinden, ulusun k?lelikten kurtularak onurlu, ba??ms?z, ?a?da? bir devlet ve toplum olarak ya?amas? i?in harcand???n? belgeleriyle a??klamaktad?r. Atatürk bu eserinde, ulusal varl??? son
Jacob Abbott
IN ancient times, when the city of Rome was at the height of its power and splendor, it was the custom, as it is in fact now with the inhabitants of wealthy capitals, for the principal families to possess, in addition to their city residences, rural villas for summer retreats, which they built in picturesque situations, at a little distance from the city, sometimes in the interior of the country, and sometimes upon the seashore. There were many attractive places of resort of this nature in the neighborhood of Rome. Among them was Antium.??The beauty and the salubrity of Antium made it a very attractive place of summer resort for the people of Rome; and in process of time, when the city attained to an advanced stage of opulence and luxury, the Roman noblemen built villas there, choosing situations, in some instances, upon the natural terraces and esplanades of the promontory, which looked off over the sea, and in others cool and secluded retreats in the valleys, on the land. It was in one of these villas that NERO was born.??NERO's father belonged to a family which had enjoyed for several generations a considerable degree of distinction among the Roman nobility, though known by a somewhat whimsical name. The family name was Brazenbeard, or, to speak more exactly, it was Aheno-barbus, which is the Latin equivalent for that word. ?
America First: —100 Stories from Our History—
America First: —100 Stories from Our History—
Lawton B. Evans
WHEN children advance beyond the nursery age, no story is so wonderful as a true story. Fiction to them is never as appealing as fact. I have often been faced with the inquiry: whether or not a story is a true one. The look of gratification, when told that "it actually happened," was most satisfying to me as a story-teller.??The nearer a story is to the life and traditions of the child, the more eagerly it is attended. True stories about our own people, about our neighbors and friends, and about our own country at large, are more interesting than true stories of remote places and people. We naturally are interested in our own affairs, and the nearer they are to us the greater the interest we feel.??That history is just a long, thrilling story of the trials and triumphs of pioneers and patriots is well known to those who have had to do with the teaching of history to youthful minds. That the dry recital of political and governmental history does not interest children is also well known. History should be made vital, vibrant, and personal if we expect children to be stirred by its study.?To gratify the love of children for the dramatic and picturesque, to satisfy them with stories that are true, and to make them familiar with the great characters in the history of their own country, is the purpose of this volume.??It is hoped that through appeal to youthful love of adventure, this collection of stories, covering the entire range of American history, will stimulate the ambition and strengthen the patriotism of those young citizens whose education has been the constant concern of the author for many years.
A Story of the Golden Age of Greek Heroes: Pictured & Illustrated
A Story of the Golden Age of Greek Heroes: Pictured & Illustrated
James Baldwin
YOU have heard of Homer, and of the two wonderful poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey, which bear his name. No one knows whether these poems were composed by Homer, or whether they are the work of many different poets. And, in fact, it matters very little about their authorship. Everybody agrees that they are the grandest poems ever sung or written or read in this world; and yet, how few persons, comparatively, have read them, or know any thing about them except at second-hand! ? Homer commences his story, not at the beginning, but "in the midst of things;" hence, when one starts out to read the Iliad without having made some special preparation beforehand, he finds it hard to understand, and is tempted, in despair, to stop at the end of the first book. Many people are, therefore, content to admire the great masterpiece of poetry and story-telling simply because others admire it, and not because they have any personal acquaintance with it.? Now, it is not my purpose to give you a "simplified version" of the Iliad or the Odyssey. There are already many such versions; but the best way for you, or any one else, to read Homer, is to read Homer. If you do not understand Greek, you can read him in one of the many English translations. You will find much of the spirit of the original in the translations by Bryant, by Lord Derby, and by old George Chapman, as well as in the admirable prose rendering by Butcher and Lang; but you can get none of it in any so-called simplified version.??My object in writing this "Story of the Golden Age" has been to pave the way, if I dare say it, to an enjoyable reading of Homer, either in translations or in the original. I have ta-ken the various legends relating to the causes of the Trojan war, and, by assuming certain privileges never yet denied to story-tellers, have woven all into one continuous narrative, ending where Homer's story begins. The hero of the Odyssey—a character not always to be admired or commended—is my hero. And, in telling the story of his boyhood and youth, I have taken the opportunity to repeat, for your enjoyment, some of the most beautiful of the old Greek myths. If I have, now and then, given them a coloring slightly different from the original, you will remember that such is the right of the story-teller, the poet, and the artist. The essential features of the stories remain unchanged. I have, all along, drawn freely from the old tragedians, and now and then from Homer himself; nor have I thought it necessary in every instance to mention authorities, or to apologize for an occasional close imitation of some of the best translations. The pictures of old Greek life have, in the main, been derived from the Iliad and the Odyssey, and will, I hope, help you to a better understanding of those poems when you come to make acquaintance directly with them.??Should you become interested in the "Story of the Golden Age," as it is here related, do not be disappointed by its somewhat abrupt ending; for you will find it continued by the master-poet of all ages, in a manner both inimitable and unapproachable. If you are pleased with the discourse of the porter at the gate, how much greater shall be your delight when you stand in the palace of the king, and hearken to the song of the royal minstrel! ?